The Weekly republican & discipline. (Atlanta, Ga.) 18??-18??, June 13, 1856, Image 1

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)LUME. VI. imiMl glipili, PUBLISHED EVERY FRIDAY, BY A. M, EDDLKMAN & CO. VVbbkly Uf.ITUM- .•,n & DISCIPLINE |jjt2 00 Special contracts will be made for yearly a<l v ertiseineats occupying a quarter, half or whole column. Business or Professional Cards will be in serted under the head of 4i Business Directory, }} at $5 per annum when confined to a more an uouncement, and not included in the space occu pied by yearly advertisers. Advertisements conspicuously inserted at $1 per square for the first insertion, and 50 cents per square for each subsequent insertion. Those sent without a specification of the number of in sertions, will be published until ordered out, and charged accordingly. . Sal Lands and Negroes, by Administrators. ISxeci or Guardians, are required by law to beheld on the first Tuesday in the month, be tween the hours of ten in the forenoon and three in the afternoon, at the Court-house in the coun ty in which the property is situate. Notices of these sales must lie given in a public Gazette 'Forty days previous to the day sale. Notices for the sale of Personal Property must be given at least ten days previous to the pav Os sale. Notice to Debtors and Creditors of an Estate must be published forty days. Notice that application will he made to the Court of Ordinary for leave to sell Land or Ne groes, must be published weekly for two months. Citations for Letters of Administration must be published, thirty days —for Dismission from Administration, month)y six months— for Dis mission from Guardianship, forty days. Pules for Foreclosure of Mortgage must be published onthly for four months —for estab *ish: 'g L* Pap 'is, for the full space of three, months —compelling titles from Administrators or Executors, whtre a bond has been given by the deceased, the full space of three months.. Publications wi.* always be continued accord ing to,these, the legal requirements, unless oth erwise ordered. business Pirn tone Howes, Tiy att’&T eo. ; Wholesale Dealers in Boots, Shoes, and Leather, 55 - Warren and o'i Murray Streets, New York. Orders resjjeetfully solicited and promptly filled. March 28, 1856-ly. WILSON & OLIVER,—’Phy ’ » —ln >.Hj. Ricoh} NewWi<*k*B*i!M!lig. se load story—on Loyd Street. March 28, ISoO.-ly. ITUIE JOHNSON HOUSER— I Whitehall-Street', Atlanta, Georgia. Board per day -JL Dec. 21—tf.‘ .L 11. Boswoiini. ‘ TON HOuWe~—A\ |1 Street; Atlanta. Georgia,Lv S-- :s—<«*. r.K. I). TANARUS„ GORDON. r LiiNOIH .Ulorney at TANARUS; V,‘ TON HALL,'—Hi; KitjLXTHiVdv!' Aw > nL tL ' ? . 0 .-,. Macon. Georgia'S A I loirs r. .. .; v U » run and pnpalar ostabii.-Timgai ■ ; !v Wic Civ lint I. al the cirmr oi ■ 1 Ducatur streets, is now open I'or the iol visitors. A. lonyswp irivuco in tito V: uud Tegm'd flatters hirilzeU, will si i lo oai.f si,t'V'lally to the wants of n i:i Vv sti vrilii'.t a call. !• ■'» t.f JOUN F. ARNOLD II iiihattiui Hotel, i> ■ , .1, 1 ;> Sfrcct, SNCOND 1)001'. FROM • ••//" Hie Par!; YE IE YORK. -U.RUN'S & FLING, Proprietors. V. Huggins. late of Pearl street House. Bos > : it. 0. Fi.ixu. late of Lovejoy's Hotel. New t >rk. ly March S M KID 'll A NTS’ HOTEL. Vurtll Pill ill Su-Hl, l-filladelpflin. v, KUSBIN & SON, PROPRIETORS oct27 '-V) iltwly. MeKlew & Bradford, «• UCNERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS. f No. 48 Garomlclot .Sir,- I, New Orleans. — f- :r business is kept up through the entire year, a 1 all on!ts ad tressed to us v •ceive prompt a ■ 1 careful attention. June 21 55 ts (iarticll & (ilriin, 4 TTORXEYK AT LAW. Atlanta, Georgia, yy will attend the Courts in the Counties of I r ton, ReKalb, Fayette, Campbell, Meriwether, rr. S ita, Carroll, Henry, Troupe, Heard, Cobh a i, Riling. r ft .03 J. GARTREIX, LUTHER .1. GLENN F j;-.ncrly of Washing-) j Formoly of Mc ton, Ga. j" | Donotigli, Ga. ( fliee.—Fronting the Rail Road, on White- Id a’ iStreet. December 21 6 12 I2mo Micitael J. Ivy, 4 CTORNEY AT LAW, Atlanta, Georgia.— A February 22, 1855. ly Kzzard & Collier, i r'TORNEYS AT LAW, Atlanta, Georgia, i V having united themselvesin the practice, will a' to and to business intrusted to their care in the t( Hi wing counties, viz: Fulton, DelCalb, New 4, a, .lenrv, Fayette, Coweta, Campbell, Carroll, I lit ling. Cass and Cobb. n >y will also practice in the District Court of t sf nited States at Marietta and the Supreme ( om . of Georgia. Oil ce the Atlanta Bank Building, 2d floor. It ITi IK '.ZAIiD. JOHN COLLIER. Jail 18 _» V. C. llotvell, 4 T I'ORNEY AT LAW. Atlanta, Georgia, will Y I ractice in the Superior Courts of Fulton n .id a jacen: counties. Also, iu thp Supreme t ourl at Atlanta and Macon. dec 27 55 wly T. n. RIPJLEY, Dealer in china crockery and GLASS WARE, Atlanta, Georgia, has just l ,’ceiv. and a few barrels of Winter Sperm Whale, and Lard Oil. For sale low. Terms cash. dcc7 5 JO ts Overby & lUecklev, * TTORNEY AT LAW, Atlanta,Georgia.— A O lice on Marietta street' [-J—lstf. Harris & Wilson, A TTORNKY’S AT LAW, Atlanta Georg’s - A O - ce under Intelligencer Printing Office. nGvl 5 6 ts 11 . A. CR IXU. 1.. W. WELLS. 111011 '.UD CURD CRANE, WELLS & CO., 10TT0N AND PRODUCE FACTORS, FOR- I ./ WARDING and commission mer t. HANTS, N0.82 Bay street, Savannah, Georgia. li c v .15 5 _ »,R'VVS i7aVv a HE, ••'1 “is. WhitedlaU Street. At iffuta.-.Gooi-gia, fe ready (and latest and best style, and to Piivsli all the necessary •* fixins” jh\\ I show off the outer man to the if) / | ■ •si advantage. Also Masonic til II tegalia and Tailors’ prerccmi sites for sale on reasonable terras. June 2, 5 4»o8 tt 1 W. KIXC, Sit. M'LEOD KING. W. KING. JB W XING & SOUS, TRACTORS & COMMISSION MERCHANTS. 1 and FORWARDING AGENTS, Savannah, Georgia. References: —J. Norcross, Atlanta; .K. E. Pinchan, Marietta ; \V. W. Clayton, Kingston; N. J. Bayard and It. T. AfcCuy, Rome nov 3 55 wly J. C. ItUPERT. | M. S. CASSDTY. | J. T* IIABDIE. JOHN TANARUS, HA.RDIE & CO., COM MISSION MERCHANTS, Nhuilk i- 85 GraTler Street, NEW ORLEANS LOUISIANA. Refer to Tv. T. Jones, Albany, Gn.; James A. Nisbit, Macon, Ga.; Judge J. 11. Lumpkin, Ath ens, Ga.; Cos!. John Banks, Columbus, Ga.; J. J. Detiprce, Lexington, Ga.; Jas. & John Mann, Madison, Ga. times. Sept. 27, 1855. T. STEXIIOUSE. j. M. AI.I.KX. X. AVERII.T, ST EX HOUSE, ALLEN & CO., FORWAHIMVO Hi COHJIISSKIv M E II C II A N T r , No. 7llayneSt Chaulbstox, S. C. Particular attention given to the sale of CORN, FLO UP. and COUNTRY RPODUCE generally. Aug. IC, 1855—1 y. J E. WILLIAMS. RHEA, Q. W.M. M. WILLIAMS J. E. Williams K Cos. (Successors to J. E. Williams) General commission merchants, and particularly for the sale of Bacon. Lard Grain, Ac. &c. Atlionaium building, Decatur street, near the Trout House, .Atlanta, Ga. lam truly thankful for the very liLoral patronage I havereceived fer the past throe years, and re spectfully solicit a continuance oi' the the new firm. J. E. WILLI.7MS. March 8 55 ts DANIEL ITAXD. D. 11. WILCOX HAND, WILCOX & CO., WHOLE SA L E O 110 CEII S , Angustn, Georgia. QUGAR. COFFEE, MOLASSES, BAGGING, O ROPE, NAILS, and every article kept in the business, except Liquors. GEO. W. WILLIAMS. A. QKAVKS. Sept. 27, 1855. 6mos. J. F. WOtmiil RY, Atlanta, Georgia, /GENERAL DEALER in DRUGS and MEDI VJ CINES, CHEMICALS, PAINTS, OILS. DYE-STUFFS, VARNISHES and BRUSHES, GLASS, PERFUMEY, FANCY ARTICLES, Ac. Goods selected with cure and warranted as represented. nov 9 dswly I J. RICHARDS & C0.,~-ICeep a wholesale J. and Retail Cheap Cash, Book. Music and Fancy Store, on White-Hall Street, Atlanta. Ga. Orders per Mail promptly attended to. Estab lished November Ist 1855 Wit. MLWOKTH. SAM. DKAXSOX uiLWoanr, kkamson & co., 73 MARKET STREET, PHILADELPHIA. HENRY P. LAMMS, JAMILS M. VANCE. oct27, : 55 rli-wly. CoSuitilMis llhk ios, \ RCniT-EHT AND BUILDER. While-Hull lA St’’e r. Atlanta. Georgia. . Oct. 21, 1855. dav. -ts. WnteUiw .fcwitn, ( V"' TilE LATEST V / S T 1’ r, E S. and rUu.5 Very SU-.t Q SI si - _ • y. ala ays on hull i a .1 | for sale by J If < i»t\\VSi!i: k l.iiOTiil'l!. fgfV. .. ! Who arc always proper- ' j <‘d to have Watch Kcpairi'ig done up ! : IV- . | stylo and warranted. I ± 60 MRS. E. Q. COLL IS I UJV» DEALER In Fashion -Me R . ■;is. / 'Jy DRESS CAPS. FLOWERS ; ; . . j EMBROIDERIES Ac.. „.U Hr-ml * street, opposite United St il.-s Hot •]. a.._; Ga. ordeis tilled with dispatch, nov 3 55 daw ly Joseph H hiideitj Dealer in taints. oils and glass, No. 11 Hayne-Street. Charleston,3. C. keeps constantly Cor sale, a general assortment of Taints, and Oils of all kinds, Varnishes, Win dow Glass and Sashes, Spirits Turpentine. Spirit Gas, Cotton Foot-Gin Fixtures, Glue and Brash es of various kinds oct2 5 1 ts Atlanta Machine Works. 4 r l’ this Establishment may be found the most _£jl extensive, and varied assortment of PAT TERNS for Merchant and Custom Mills in the State, embracing the latest improvements for Mill Gearing found anywhere. The experience of the Superintendent (J. L. Dunning) has been equal to any one of his age in Miil Building, and from this fact can advise those who want advice. To Lumbermen I would say if you want a Saw Mill at all. get a Circular Mill. There is no mis take about their advantage—notany. We make them on short notice, and so do others : but we mean to have : -se of our build good enough, it not the best y. made. Terms cash; or, in other words, pay and be paid. JAS. L. DUNNING, Superintendent Atlanta Machine Cos. June 21 55 ts o 7 fTbauthT PIANO FORTE RETATRER AND TUNER, will attend to any calls in his lino of busi ness, such as regulating of action, covering of hammers, (felted or buffed,) laying of new Strings by the Octave, whole, or single. Tuning by the year done at reduced prices. Orders any where from the country addressed to C. F. BARTII, Atlanta, Georgia, will meet with prompt attention nov.2 ts. ATTORNiIV AT LAW, after fifteen years’ practice, lias permanently located in Augusta, Ga; will attend to all business en trusted him in the counties of Richmond, War ren, Columbia, Burke, Jefferson and Lincoln. Office on the corner of Washington and Ellis Streets. Feb. 8, 1850. Gm W. KELTNER, WOUlvli respectfully inform the citizens ; of Atlanta and vicinity, that he has open ed a shop on Whitehall street, next door to L. Lawshe’s Tailoring establishment, where he may always be found ready to make to order BOOTS AND SHOES, Os the best Stock nnrl Workmanship. All work warranted. Patronage solicited. Terms cash, and prices reasonable. Feb. 8, 1856, f. and. Tiinunx, if. n., 11. and. s. SURGEON E N TIS T ANARUS, lias located in Atlanta, Geo. Office No. 3S, White Hall Street. jan 19-ly Ali C. Simpson, TTORNEY AT LAW, Atlanta, Georgia.— ov. U f 7 t' SL.OAN & OATH AN, DEALERS In Italian, Egyptian and American STATUARY and East Tennessee MAR BLE, MONUMENTS. TOMBS. URNS and VAS- ; E3, MARBLE MANTELS- and FURNISHING MARBLE. All orders promptly filled. *3" Ware rooms opposite Georgia Rail Road Depot. Atlanta, Georgia. oct 25-dvwt*. ATLANTA, GEORGIA, FRIDAY MORNING, JUNE 13, 1856. Atlan'a II Morin Conrrn'ion. We find the following article respecting the j Heform Medical Convention, which met in this city on the 14th ult„ in the June No. of the I Southern .Medical Reformer & Review. It is to lie regretted that so respectable a body of gentle lien, ns well as the audience, should have been insulted by the conduct of some unknown individuals who had less brains than manners— perhaps very little of either : This body assembled according to appoint ment, anil organized by calling Prof. L. Bank ston, ot Georgia, to the Chair and appointing Prof. I. N. Loomis, of Georgia, and Dr. L. 1). Shelton, of Kentucky, to act us Secretaries. It assembled in the Athemcuin, a largo and commodious I lull, though the City Hall had been cheerfully granted to us for that purpose, by the Mayor of the city. In deference how ever to the Atlanta Medical College, which de livered its lectures in that building, it was thought best to rent a room, and subsequent events proved the wisdom of our course. This was the largest and most respectable body of Reformers that has ever assembled in the United States for the last ten years. Sev en Southern States were represented, viz: South Carolina. Georgia, Alabama, Florida, Maryland, Tennessee and Kentucky; and the number of the profession present was between fifty and sixty. the amount of talent and experience pres ent was also greater than at any similar body which we have ever attended. After some preliminary motions and discus sions, the body proceeded, through a Commit tee, to repori a Constitution more thoroughly organizing it into the Southern Reform Medi cal Association, and alter slight amendments the Constitution as reported was unanimously adopted ; and also the Baltimore platform of principles, leaving off the preamble. We have never seen more harmony prevail in any body, of the same numbers. Where ev ery one could not think precisely alike, there was a courteous disposition to acquiesce in whatever policy a majority thought best calcu lated to promote the interest ot the profession. 'Tiiis was indeed, praiseworthy and no doubt challenged the admiration of every one pres ent, i lie association urged upon ou*’ profession South the importance of organization in every State. And this is a point which cannot be urged too Strongly, lor it is only through of ganization that our collective strength and in fluence can be impressed upon the country.— We do hope our profession will see aiid feel its importance, and at once set about this great object. How cheering it would be to meet delegates, appointed by State associations, front every State in the South, at our next annual meeting. We know of no event that would mere clearly indicate the early success of our cause, and the downfall of the errors of Allo pathy Resolutions were passed' expressive of their high satisfaction at the condition of the Reform M. dical College, and also of the Journal, The animal address was delivered by Prof. L. Bankston, oil Wednesday evening at 8 o’- clock, and followed by an able speech from I'rol. L \. Loomis. L was di 'enuinid that the future meetings ■I i ia- assoeiutioii should be held niternauily at M lop'iia T im., and Macon, Ga.. an 1 .■ •o' rtg is to l«* held at Memphis.. ■ ■ , - ■i I day of March, sous to b- pro- C O'. • ex* i cisi-s of 11,.- Menu,:, '.i'-- l (let-rein - ' , ■ . Af , vc e re J . tw. nil ,• .. . ~eu nil ll *U ■ . . uiidther the 'a , . ..... nob v and genet'oiis y tender and were returned. ! "and a ivsohliioll Stlbsequ ' t v adopted. I' -quest jin.- Di - edito.s and the Southern M dicul Ro i rin-u' and Review to issue a Prospectus for this purpose. The only matter for regret, which occurred during the session of the Convention; and which marred for a moment the*pleasant proceedings, was a low bred vulgar puerile attempt of some oi the Students at the Atlanta College. We say some young gentlemen of that, school spurn ed the proceedings and sought seats among gentlemen elsewhere, to interrupt the speakers by themselves, and by affording mi example of their own filthy folly endeavor to annoy the audience. Boor silly creatures, you may learn the art of Paracelsus to make by the agency ol Chemistry. Zibeta Oceidentalis. No doubt from the exhibition made and the indications given, the occupation would suit you. We on ly hope when you grow older and acquire this art, you will have sense (enough manners we do not hope for) to keep your preparations, where a kindred sympathy will render them ap preciated—and if such tilings delight you, go at once to the Mountains of Helicon, •• etiiim in magnis Iloliconis montibus arbus Floris odoro hominem retro consueta neeare,” and doubtless your appetites will be fully sat ed. In days of old, as Ilerodutus tells us, an ar my of Scythians run when they heard ail ass bray. Animals of that kind have become go plenty, of late, that they create much less un easiness than in the days of Herodotus. This fact we state for the benefit of learned Histo rians, who may hereafter contrast the present age with the past. 'There are many more his torical reminiscences which wc will take occa sion to dot down for this purpose, hereafter. Wild Cotton of Nicaragua. —The New Orleans Delta of the 30th ult.. states: We were shown a spccimcnof cotton yesterday, by Mr. Dunwell, who is just from Nicaragua, which lie found in the finest, while hunting on the banks of the San Juan river, in Nicaragua. The stalk on which it grew was about six feet high, growing straight, and branching but little, The staple is long and fine, and the seed have the peculiarity of being quite naked, or yield ing the down from them without retaining tile white fibrous coating which is seen on the seed j of the ordinary cotton cultivated in the South- 1 era States. This would seem to give it an ad-' vantage over other cotton in ginning, and to! save much cotton which is now lost by adher ing to the seed.- “Did you know,” said a cunning Yankee to a Jew, “that they hang Jews and jacknsses to uether in Portland?'’ “Indeed! then it is well that you and I are not there,” returned the J ew. SoSfitTiitxs New. —It is proposed to light the streets in a village not a thousand miles from Syracuse, with red-headed girls! If we lived there we'd play tipsy every night, and i hug the lamp post, i ” Bright.—A young man who thinks ail dem ocrats arc “ furriners,” said, “ I was born in Ameriky, but I am afurrtner in principle!" I For the Rof.ubttcAP & Discipline. The Value of Cooks. 1 do not mean for you my friendly I'cuilr to suppose, from the caption of this article that. 1 assume tile capability of estimating the value of books, in either silver, gold, or precious stones. Neither can it be done. When I say the value of books, 1 wish to impress your mind with the idea of their superlatively great value. They are not to be compared with silver and gold, or any corrosive wealth. Who is is, that lias any education and knowledge of hooks, that will not testify to the above fact? Book's are the great source, and foundation of Knowledge. The man who is entirely desti tute of education, and an inquiring mind, looks upon books with interest and regard ; but, with a careless indifference, That man is not conscious of their value; and lie lOuks upon them as though they were so many shapely blocks of stones, and as being almos’ worthless. If he can be induced to open their iids, and turn their pages it is only to search out and adm rc (as auy child would do,) those embel lished plates, and highly colored pi tmvs, which speak to his understanding, in theuamisinkable language of nature. While those great ideas, connected with them in print, and even their names entirely escape his ken. After this cur sory perusal of their superficial contents, they cease to entertain him any longer, appearing to become a burden to bis fingers ; and he casts them aside as unwelcome guests, and, as til ing unworthy of his further notice; to occupy their dusty places, either on the stand or in the library. Such a man as this is to tie pitied, under ail considerations. He 13 deprived of much innocent pleasure and enjoyment, to be obtained by reading ; from tld want of a prop per knowledge of letters. Nat only this, but he is also living and acting tlje part of an ig noramus in this enlightened , age ; while sur rounded by all the hoarded knowledge of past centuries. A man of this cast is incapable and unquali fied to entertain his frieuds, either by interest ing conversation, of by reading to them from books. He is a stranger to refinement; and and, it he is a man of fortune and leisure ; he is found, not unfrequently. lounging about, spending his time and money in pursuit of mo mentary and fleeting pleasures. And often, at night-fall, instead of occupying his seat in the quiet family circle around the lovely fireside, and reading from the pages of some historical or poetical book, thereby entertaining himself land those around him intellectually, he is to be found, away from home, at some precinct of vice, there engaged iu disgraceful orgies in the. courts of Bacchus. Although i have wander ed STinewliat front my subject. 1 have done so i l order to show I,n« TEea ana appreciates ■looks, who is ignorant < their coni, i.ts. •>' ■ ' I. riao.J. 1 la'-i. cat-.-linan is almost a tiding i Is wtHi wheat lw .Mights ».» have | mis ■ I'-’y •v. r v.-io.tmo in his li j ' - in- and with the toils ■ ■ • p-raisyst lust .mis - ' ■ ito delights to ! I ? ai s: .. ~ . , ~ re,**..-, and there I "'ito nooks, lie lium hoiiis them up before his view and opens their lids, and admires at first, (as does the ui’leUitvd man) those bountiful j plates and embellishments, which seem to over hang. ns a curtain, those great ideas within.— But not content with this, he is curious to kliow what is within the vail So he gently j raises the curtain, as it were, and enters the literary theatre, as a spectator, ill search <f something novel aiid iiiteiesiifig. He is there saluted nod entertained, as if face to face, by these great authors, who have been conspicuous actors iu the grand drama of time ; but some of which have, long since, vanished from tiie stage of action. The educated man makes books his companions, guides, and instructors. If he is perplexed with the cares and troubles of the world, or forsaken by friends; rather than seek the inebriating howl to dispell his gloomy feelings ; be can retire from those scenes to some place of quietude, and there, with book in hand, hold sweet coloquy with some pleasant author, intellectual entertainments disengage liis mind from the cares of life. A man, that will do this, is seldomly seen spending his leisure hours m irksome idleness. When the day clo ; ses, and lie retires from the business of life, to his stately mansion, or humble cottage, as the case may be, instead of spending his evening hours in dosing stupidity, or drunken revelry, he spends them with books, in pleasant nocturn al lucubrations. Books are the archives of knowledge. They are the great repository, where all the authors of past ages, have recorded whatever they knew concerning matters and things. What would be the condition, of the now enlightened portion of the inhabitants of the world, if they were entirely destitute of hooks or the knowl edge of them ? This question may be easily answered by you, if you will only take a clear view of the most savage nation now upon the globe, which is nothing more than a fair repre sentation of the condition of the enlightened nations, if they had never been blessed with the light and knowledge shed upon them by books. Like those savages, they would know nothing of their history, or of past events, ex cept ffirottgh the Very imperfect medium of le gendary tradition, and he living in heathenism and darkness. So far from this, we see the knowledge, greatness, and happiness, of the en lightened nations, and their great superiority over others ; all of which, we must acknowl edge, is derived from hooks. I make these reflections in order to show the inestimable value of books. Books and educations (for the; are insepar able,) are objects of great importance in this age, belli nationally and individually, among the more enlightened nations of the earth.— The time is at hand, in my opinion, when every person, both old and young, mole and female, wi'bin tbe bonds of Christendom, should en courage and advance the cause of education, I through the medium of good books. The young should search them dilligently, in the acquisition of knowledge—and the old, espe cially all the heads of families, should convert the parlors of their domicils (if not already) into, athenaeums for the benefit of their own offspring—and also the rising generation around them. I cannot speak thus highly of the value of books without expressing my own love and at tachment for them. They are my friends, with whom I hold daily intercourse—and the pleas ant companions of my solitary hours. And often in my meditation 1 feel that— If I were doomed to exile lire, On some lone island in the sea, It then would be my greatest strife, To have good books to take with me. ALUMNUS. Atlanta, Georgia, May, 1856. The citizens of Nashville Tenn., lately held a meeting to endorse the cause Gen. Walker 2nd Nicaragua. One of their resolutions de clare:- reared and educated in our midst he, (vvalker) has ever uni stained the diameter el an honest and honorable mail. A graduate ol she L Diversity of Nashville, and for several years a student at Paris, when lie devoted him self to the acquisition of knowledge, his intel lectual endowments, his literary attainments and varied knowledge, his nice sense of honor his distinguished gallantry and his republican principles eminently qualify him for the (ask of regenerating a people cursed with all the evils o! a bad government, and conferring upon them the blessings of freedom and security under the operations of wise and beneficent laws. He left his home and native land without a spot or blemish upon his character, and we. whd know him well, feci sure that whatever may be his future career, he will do nothing to tarnish ids bright fame.” Stuck up Folks; “ I don'tlike those people, they are so dread fully stuck up,” was tlie remark we heard the other day. What are “stuck up” people, thought we, and we have been looking about to see if we could find any. Do you see that young man over yonder, leaning against the post of that hotel piaza. twirling a shadow walking stick, now and then coaxing the hair on his lip and watching every lady that passes, not that he cares to see them, but is anxious to know whether they are ob serving him ; lie belongs to the‘‘Stuck" up folks.” What is the occasion? Well, he happens to havea rich father, and a foolish, vain mother, who has fought liitn that he isn’t “common folks,” and that poverty is almost the same as vulgarity ami meanness, and so he has become -stuck up,” he doesn’t take pains to learn any thing. for hedoes not feel the need of knowing any more; he does not work, for lie has never required it. and lie is so extensively “stuck up,” that lie hasn’t the least, idea lie will ever come dow n—hedoesen't know however. “There goes a young woman—lady she calls herself—with the most condescending air to nobody in particular, and an all pervading con j scnuisness that she has not earned the salt she I eats, knows a little, of a good many things. : and nothing thoroughly of anything; is most j j> izzlid lest she should be puzzled to make a selection out of some fifty young men, all of j w hom are dying for her. she supposes: she is one | of the "stuck up folks” and that is about all j h is. That old gentleman over the way bar ! Headed with half a yard of shirt collar, guur ! Jed by agi 11 headed cane, with pompous pat ronizing air—do yotl See him? Well he is one of the-stuck up” too. He has been so about ti n years, since he got off his leather apron, and began to speculate successfully in real es tate. There are other fools of this clitss, some ■•stuck up” by having at some time been con stable, justice of the peace, and alderman, and in various other ways they get “stuck up” no tions. They are not proud people, for they do not. rise to the dignity of pride ; they are not distinguished folks, fi r they have not the abili ty or character enough to make them so ; these are just what they seem to be, “struck up”— let them stick. A Cure for AboliiionFiu. Not many years since, in one of the ‘Platte countries,'lived a wealthy and hospitable gen Reman. IDs house being on one of the public highways, he frequently had to entertain trav elers. One evening just as the sun was setting u young, well-dressed traveler, mounted on a fine horse, rode up, and ni a rather important maimer, informed “.he Major’ that he wanted to stay all night. He was courteously invited to alight, mid a negro man was called to attend to his horse. From the peculiar accent he gave the word ‘down,’ tvlien ordering the man to be, careful and have his horse well rubbed deoiiii. ihe Ma jor Knew lie was from the infected district. At supper, the disease began to develop itself, and the deomi east gent commenced a regular iec tnre upon the sin of slavery—that negroes were the equals of the white men, and he should in justice set his free and recognise them as equals. The Major humored the matter by discussing it with his deoun east guest till bed time, when, upon being desired to show him his bed, quiet ly called Jack, his negro man, and ordered him to take the gentleman to the kitchen and give him part of his bed. Perfectly thunderstruck, the abolition gent finally found breath to ask what the Major meant I mean,’said the Ma jor, raising his tall, portly form to its height, and looking sternly at the Yankee, 'to make yon reduce your theory to practice.' The aboli tionist implored, but the Major was inexorable, and off Jack took him to his own lied, know ing from his master’s eye that lie must be obey ed to the letter. After some two hours laps ed. the Major went out and ca led to his new crest fallen guest to get up. and he might sleep the rest of the night in the house.’ Early in the morning the Yankee called him up, and af ter apologizing for his rudeness in preaching his abolition doctrines the night before informed the Major that upon testing his principles, he (b ind they would not work satisf.ict nily. And that he was no longer an abolitionist.— Squat ter Sovereign. Gf.okgia Made Locomotives.—The Rome (Ga.) Southerner, in an article upon the rising fortunes of that place, says : At the shop of the enterprising Messrs. Noble, may be seen a 1 locomotive of their own construction, which will Soon be completed and placed upon the ! Rome Railroad. When it is considered that j in no other place South of the Potomac arc: locomotives manufactured. Rome may surely i claim at least one “speciality,” and boast that j while others are preaching, she is practising home industry to some purpose.” Good. —An Irishman in A , Ga,, sah 1 , ■■ be jabbers, if I bad wanted to be ruled. by a d——rl Irishman; I would have stayed in , ou'.d Ireland, sure.” Sensible man, he. j Turxitg kkom Errok to Troth. —The fol lowing interesting case of the conversion of a Roman Catholic Priest is reported in the north of England newspapers t The Rev. Tobias de Rome Bolton, a Romish Priest in Newcastle-upon-Tyne, waited upon the Rev. G. T. Fox, last Sunday evening, in order to renounce in his presence the errors of Popery. He produced his letters of Priest’s orders, and also a letter of good character up to the present time, signed by bis Bishop—so that whatever attempts may be made to black en his character, it is evident that he is of good Studding and unblemished deputation with his own denomination, up to the time of his re-nun ciation, He stated, likewise, that it was liis intention immediately to marry a lady who had been brought up in the Romish faith, but. like himself, had had her eyes open to see the er rors of the systsm. This event took place on Tuesday, when Mr. Bolton was married by the Vicar of Newcastle, to Miss Stokoe, niece of the Coroner for that town. Mr. Bolton stated that it was the immorality of the sys tem. especially as displayed in the disgusting details of the confessoiiial, which first opened his eyes to the unscriptural character cd the Church of Rome. Modern System of Naturalization. Just before the recent election in Philadel phia, where aliens were naturalized in the grandest sort of style, some queer scenes occur red in the Court of Common Pleas. The Philadelphia Times gives us some specimens of the manner of making citizens in that city. The class of men referred to are allowed to make laws, hold office, elect officers, while an American born citizen, twenty years, 11 tnonthS, and thirty days old. can do no such tiling. Many who are thus naturalized can neither write nor read, and know less of Gov ernment than children a dozen years old. But to the scene in the Philadelphia Courts. Here are three claimants to American citizenship, one of whom speaks of the Constitution of the Lhiited States as “a Baker!”—while tlie se cond calls it 1 a citizen.” and the third charac terizes it as a monarchy! “One of the vouchers, bit being r.skcd if the candidate for citizenship was “well affected to the Constitution of the United States,” replied “Yaw to be sure,” but on being questioned as to the meaning of that important phrase ad ded, with the utmost simplicity, “yes; I know, he is a baker! This of course was deemed con clusive, and the case was dismissed. Another voucher for a candidate from the "Emerald Isle,” in reply to the same question, answered so doubtfully in the affirmrtivc that Judge Allison felt constrained to ask him if he knew what the Constitution was. “Os course I do,” replied tiie voucher, “he’s a citi zen of the blesred United S.” The Judge en deavored to correct the impression of the wit ness, hut without effect, ar.d this case was also dismissed. But the most significant illus tration of the capacity of some of the “better citizens” to appreciate the character and value of cur ihstitutions, was exhibited in the answer o' a ttiir.l voucher beftr.'o the same Judge. The voucher promptly answered all tiie perlimina ry questions relatvie to tiie arrival ol tiie Caud idale for citizenship in this of liberty, arid duly certified to liis morality and good conduct, but when asked as to liis “affection for the Constitution,” he seemed a little puz zle,d and the Judge was tempted to ask him if he knew what the Constitution happened to be. Tbe voucher was at, a still greater loss for an answer. When the Judge, to make him self clearly understood, asked the voucher if he knew what the form ol g ivernn'e it here was— whether it was a republic or a monarchy.-- After along pause and some reflection, the voucher replied that he belived it was a mon archy.” Iniquities of the Pension Bureau.—A correspondent of tiie Richmond Whig says : “I am thoroughly convinced that the Pen sion Office is one of the most corrupt depart ments of the government; and it ought to form a conspicuous point in the coming canvass.— There are, at Washington city—and we chal lenge its denial—a number of agents, who liate relatives and warm friends in high posi tions in the Pension Office, who can get any claim passed they wish, meritorious or not, for Minot depends solely on his clerks. If an honest claimant fails to give one of these pecu liar agents a fee, his claim is rejected, liis hon or attempted to be blighted, and he mortified by vague surmises and base insinuations, and that under the authority of the government.— It is common at the office for some hireling clerk to take prejudice to a claimant because he can’t get a fee, and charge the claimant with fratnl.bunt him down, prosecute him. and then pay the cost. Perhaps at no period of our coun try’s history has such corruption and arch-ve nom, from the causes named, been practised at the Pension Office. It is emphatically the seat of corruption at Washington now. A Southern fclaiiri.ttnlesS bought through, stands no chance there; and if you challenge an in vestigation, it is done secretly. not honorably or openly, but, like the midnight assasin, it is performed in the dark, with u design to mur der.” Power of Mind over Body —The mysteri ous influence exercised by the mind over the body is well illustrated in the following case, contained in Dr. Warren’s treatise on the "Preservation cf Health:” “Some time since a female presented hcrsell to me. with a tumor or swelling of the submax illary gland of the tie't’k. It was about the size of an egg. had lasted two years, and was so very hard that I considered any rffurt to dissipate it by medicine to be vain, and advised it. removed by ail operation. To this the pa tient could not bring tier mind ; therefore, to satisly her wish, some applications ot consider able activity were directed to be made to the part, and these she pursued for a number of weeks without any change. After this she callel on me, and with, some hesitation bogged to know if an application recomm Hied to her would, in my opinion, be safe. This consisted in applying the hand of a dead man three times to the diseased part. One of her neighbors now lay dead, and she had an opportunity o' trying the experiment, if not thought danger ous. At first, I was disposed to divert her from it, hut recollecting the power of the imug-! inalion. gravely assured her that she might | make the trial, without apprehension of serious consequences. A while after she presented herself once more, and with a smiling counte nance, informed me she had used this remedy and no other, and on examining for the tumor, it had disappeared.” Manveacture of Straw Bonnets. —The manufacture of straw bonnets is carried on to a great extent in Massachusetts. The Messrs. Carpenter, of Foxboro,’ manufacture to the amount of $2,1)00,000 a year. Their main building covers several acres ; in it arc employ ed 500 persons, and in private houses in the adjoining towns some 3000 are employed. NUMBER 46; Ckktrai. Railroad &, Banking Con r any. —The Board of Directors, says the Savannah Republican, have declared a eetr.i-aonuul divi dend of $5 per share, being at the rate of ten per cent, per annum, payable on and after the 15th June, instant. The amount of Darnings of Road and Bank, paid into Bank from Ist Dee., 1855 to Ist June, 1856 is £815,263,75 Amount paid for interest, Banking and Road expenses 381,120.10 8134,141,7 9 Taid on account of RaiiroaJ (be yond current expenses) daring the 7 months 77.693,11 356,447.68. Dividend declared 3d June, 1856 193,864.60 Surplus carried to Reserve Fund §1 G2,573.CS Making the reserved protits at this day the sum of 8102,745.00 Internal improvements—Ceiaecratit fotsSs tenej, : There is a clause in the Democratic Nation j a| platform Os 1852. says the Lynchburg Vir ginian, which declares that Congress has no power to commence und Carry on a general sys tem of m crnul improvements. In strict con formity to this language. Congress may, at its pleasure, commence and carry on any number of separate and particular .improvements : It may commence and carry on !i system of im provements, only taking care to make the srs lem partial mui not geiieHih }t may eoili mcr,-i a general system, but cannot carry it. on; And it m y carry on a general system that has been aha tidy commenced I Sue.i language us that was rover used bv .ociii. ~t or mistake, it was cunningly devised for a purpose, and no doubt, it has cheated many a simple man out of his vote. .Such lan guage,in the mouths of men who are pretending to announce principles and doctrines, lor the edification nod comfort of the people, would be very ridiculous if it Were not vert criminal- Since the adoption of that gi biterish, as an ar ticle in tiie Democratic creed, we have before us practical proofs of its use by the Democnats now in power. Congress passed a bill, the main object of which was to improve the rnigh ly Mississippi and the great Lakes of the inte rior. President Fierce vetoed the bill, and his party sustained him. And yet, at the same session, Congress and the I'resident concurred in passing acts to improve the two little rivulets of Savannah and Cape Fear! The first was grand, expanded, national, and looked very like ‘ a general system,” and so it was rejectee. The others were local, sectional, partial, and quite small enough to be grasped by any pig my politician ; and so, the little things were patronized by the party, and nursed into com fortable existence. The Baltimore American, in an article oh “Constitutional Construction,”and the recent Vetoes, very oppositely refers to the fact that 1 in the same week in which the President turn eil Kis back on the Mississippi river, lie gave a gracious assent to a bill granting to the State of lowa alone over four million acres of land, to aid in the construction of four different rail roads, about forty miles apart, running from the Mississippi to the missouri river, thus cross ing the whole State four times from cast 1 1 west, and averaging nearly three hundred miles each in length;” and concludes, that although he may be able to reconcile it to Lis pirty principles, that it is constitutional to give lands ior railroad, but unconstitutional to grant mon ey for rivers and harbors, and that it is within the powers of the general government to im prove one State by ai ling to construct four railroads through its limits, but beyond those same powers to improve and reuder navigable an“ inland sea,” whose waters traverse nine States; and however consistent ho may make such principles with party orthodoxy, forbid ding the one because it is forbidden in bis sche dule of partisan doctrines, and permitting the other because it is not expressly denounced there, even though it be essentially a part of a scheme of internal improvements, yet be can not convince an intelligent, people that there i» either common sense or ordinary justice in making a distinction where no difli fence exists, and lavishing the landed property of the gov ernment upon every enterprise that asks it, whilst its money is hoarded and withheld with penurious hand from internal improvements pressing in their importance and national in their object.— Chronicle if Sentinel. llAii.r.OAn to tiie Pacific. —The New Or leans Picayune, condenses a late letter written by Mr. Coleman, agent of the Vicksburg. Shreveport and TcSas Railroads, addressed to two of the Mississippi members of Congress. Mr. Coleman thinks that if the bill of Senator Weller were passed with some amendments it would make a complete road across the conti nent in a very few years, connecting it with the Vicksburg and Shreveport Railroa L alrea dy in progress, and with the Western Jdailroad. chartered by Texas, and also under way. We quote front the Picayune as follows : The Vicksburg road is 160 miles in length commencing on the Mississippi river opposite to Vicksburg, running through North Lougi atta. and terminating on the Texas line, weft of Shreveport. The capital stock is $4,000, 000. of which there an- private subscriptions to the amount of $900,000, and tiie State of Lou isiana lias authorized a subscription to the amobnt of SBOO,OOO. The whole road is un der contract to an enterprising company, with .urge mt-atr.--. who receive pay lor.hall the work in stock ot the company. The road is sure t.S be completed. At the border of,Texas it unites with the Texas Western Railroad, which has a grant of sixteen sections of land for ev ery mile of road completed—a grant which id so large and valuable as to tie considered fuiT cirut. under good management, to build the road. Besides, there are -calculations upon tho improved value of the lands as the read advan ces, and on the aid of the Get aval Government in lands, and tiie direct aid of the State in tr.on c.y and lands, if more is needed. The means are thus said to be secure for the completion of a railr -ad for nine hundred and ninety milt's, along the lino, of 32 deg. of north latitude. If that route were adopted at once, and provision made for the continuance and cormdetion oftiie line to the Pacific, the means Tor the 990 miles would so rise in value and demand as to Ire abundant, if not r.dandant. From El Paso, the western terminus of the Texas road to the Colorado in California, across New Mexico, and the Gadsden purchase, is ac cording to the official reports, 505 miles, and thence across the State of California to San Diego, on the Pacific,not over,2o miles. Fort! this last s.'clion the S'.ate.of California is ex pected to provide, and is able and willing. The whole distance by this route is therefore about 1690 miles, of what the States and citi zens of Louisiana, Texas and California will have provided for 1495 miles, leaving only 505 miles, through the territories of the Uni ted States to he built entirely by tbe Govern ment of the United States.