Chronicle & sentinel. (Augusta, Ga.) 1864-1866, August 10, 1864, Image 1

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BY N. S. MORSE & CO. Chronicle & Sentinel. terms! “ T'jr. WEEKLY CHKOMCLE & SF.XTIHEL 1 PUBLISHED EVJSHV T 113.33 MO.VTKg OO mx -uosths :;:::::::^oo always IN ADVANCE. WEEKLY ADYKRTIHIYG RATES. Oawfm AuvEßTissifETcTß in the Weeklywe hwg«t»?tjt/-av<-»*nU'vi!iieeachini!ertlon. SrioiAL V'morswillbecliargciitlilrtyce&'i »lme foresch nmrtlon. MA«aii(j**,Di*Tn«r>r:4 Fnnu Worfcxscnedefiarcac Ooiruißr iioxri’Xß to. ly c:.* ;. ..r.r- for one InAcrUon •llher DeL/or Weekly. W ere < i.ltuary Notice: »io pub letr-fl In Ijal yan'* We-k /— 1 *l, ne- ‘perTne. 'i HE I'EALa HMHiSdIES It is somewhat remarkubh; tbit about tbo same time. two volunteer peace embassies should have been undertaken—one from the North, an i the other fr rn the South ; one to Washington and the other t# Richmond. Was it ono of thoso striking coincidences in human affairs, which sometimes occur, and which seein to bo contrived by L’rovidence for the accom plishment of important ends? or was it the result of previous arrangement and mutual agreement ? Messrs. Holcomb, Clay and Sanders, the tw» first member? o'' the Confederate Congress, and the latte"- a diplomatist at large, hailing from Dixie, li -11 a mysterious conference with Itov. l>r. U. J. Breckinridge and Horaca Greeley at Niagara h alls, the result of which was that Greeley obtained safe conduct l/orn Lincoln for the Confederates to visit Washington, in the capacity of embassadors to negotiate a peace, lint the Confederate gentlemen disclaiming that character, and only intimating that it' might bo given to tlioin, in a certain contin gency ; Lincoln I hen addressed a diplomatic note " to whom it may concern,” sotting forth that he would receiveombaesaders to negotiate a peace, on the t: mis of unconditional snbmls eion to liia rule, tbo restoration of the Union, and the abandonment of slavery. Messrs. Hol comb and Clay very properly rejected this pro positi m, an insulting aud inadmissible, declin ing even to submit it to tho President of the Confederacy ; kind thus ended this oxtiaordi nary nml abortive attempt to open negotia tions for a pace. Simultaneously with this movomont, Col. Jacques of Illinois, an officer in the Federal army, and Edward Kirk, author of an aboli tion book, started for tho Confederate Capital, armed with a passport from Lincoln ; but, so far as appears, without either leave or license from President Davis. Passing the Federal lines, they proceeded lioldly and without in terruption to Richmond, where they wero Sumptuously entertained at its best hotel, It is said, at tbo expense of our Government. They had several long interviews with the President, and, when taking leave, they inform us that lie took Col. Jacques hand in both -of his, and with much apparent cordiality and satisfaction at the result of their visit, bid them farewell. Their arrival at Washington and these facts wero soon atlor announced. What points were discussed, or what conclusions arrived at, In these mysterious Interviews have not trans pired, but we are premised a full disclosure of the important secrets at an early day. Theso simultaneous movements towards peace, are significant. Such overtures are encouraging. They indicate at least, a grow ing desire for peace at the North, nnd tho possibility of its accomplishment soon. Tho action of Greeley, who seems to havo been extremely zealous in making the pre liminary arrangements, shows that lie and his party, (be Frcmontors, aie strongly disposed to peace, and the part taken by Breckinridge, now an active inonyter of the Lincoln party, Indicates, that at least a portion of that party are not avopse to a consummation so devoutly to be wished for. As political signs of the times, these facts munifert n decided revolution in Northern feeling—a growing disposition to end the war. Tins Lincoln acted most rudely and ungra ciously in tho affair. With the vulgar arro gance characteristic of him ho closed the door to negotiation by insolently attempting to dic tate terms of pence, it. insulting as they are absurd and Impracticable. Yet his readiness in the first instance to receive peace embassadors and his approval of the mission of Jacqu'R and Kirk, betray a secet «w>- to bring the war to a close. He keeps up »u ~ir of fluster and bravado, hoping to accompli-h something by It— perhaps to scare the South into submission— but cannot conceal his anxiety to extricate him self and party from the terrible dilemma in which this iniquitous war has involved them. He is trouble 1 with visions of defeat and dis aster, with distil i! forebodings of the failure cl his present campaign, and his entire scheme of subjugation, with tho consequent reaction at the North, and his own overwhelming defeat next November. lie dare not recede from the haughty position he has assumed towards the South, for fear both of his own party and his political adversaries, and yet would like in some way to escape from it. It is not unlikely, that tho movement on our part was only intended to bring Lincoln out on the peace question, and possibly to furnish cap ital to the Peace party for the coming cam paign. It has served these purposes admira bly, having elicited from tho tyrant au expoai. tion of his views and purposes, which must convince all moderate and conservative men at the North, that there is no hope for peace under the rule of such an obstinate and fanati oal man. It is made apparent that the war is only prosecuted for the mud and unconstitu tional ends of tho abolitionists— to crush out the sovereignty of the States, and turn four millions of slaves loose upon tho country, re gardless of the destructive results to its inter ests and safety. This insolent and absurd pro clamation, to ail whom it may concern, will be a mighty instrument iu the hands of the peace Democrats in their approaching war upon. Lincoln. Lincoln's object, in sending his emissaries to Richmond, was, doubtless, similar to ours— to sound President Davis as to the terms of peace the South might agree to. He learned, however, that the full recognition of our inde pendence is tho only condition to which we will ever assent, and much good may the in formation do him. It may, possibly, in con nection with the defeat of his armies, convince him of the hopelessness of his efforts to subju gate the Sou'h, and the utter vanity of all at tempts to reconstruct a Union forever dis solved. We notice much senseless twaddle in some of the Government organs, about these em bassies, debouncing them as degrading to us. This is sheer fanaticism. The war to the knife policy is well enough so far as it goes ; but. as the solution of the contest can only be found at last through the medium of negotiation, it is well to encourage every attempt at iu inau guration. ra. v ' j THE MILITIA. There is no -more sublime spectacle than a people in arm? for the defence of their liber ties and homes. Thftt spectacle is bow witness ed in tha State of Georgia. Nobly hare the militia responded to the call of their Governor From every county, from every valley and hillside, from every city, town and village, from the farm, the workshop and tho office, the men of Georgia have rushed by thousands to the defence of their Statu. Tbs beardless youth and the grey haired sire have exchanged the endearments of home for tho tented field, for the privations of the camp, the fatigues of the march, and the dangera of the battle Held.— Georgia, in this uprising of ber sons, present* j a noble example to her sister States, which j should stimulate them to emulation. | We have had, already, full demonstrations of the value and efficiency of the State militia. Its officers, who have been in the field as pri vate.*, under the first call of tho Governor, have cov Ihuinselves with glory. By com mon consent, they havo fought like veterans. Their conduct in battle La* elicited the warm est approbation of tho commanding General. And even the battle-scarred soldiers, the he roes of o hundred fights, have been stiuck with admiration by their cool, uaflinching valor. r lhe “ Miiluh” has ceased to be a term of ridicule or reproach in the army. Onr gallant militia officers have fairly woa their spurs. Their excellent conduct in the rauks, has shown them entitled to com mand. They have received an unusual and unexpected, but most useful training for the discharge of their duties as officers. They will rise frpm the ranks, after the true republican fashion, prepared to lead where they have fol lowed. We congratulate the militia upon their "being commanded by officers, who have been under fire, whoa* courage has been tried in some of the severest engagements of the war. They have been styled “Gov. Brown’s pets,” but aro now, also, the pets of the army aul the people. They have done infinite credit to their patron ; and neither he nor they will ever be ashamed of the soubriquet. He has given them a rough liaudiiug, for pets, but it lias been all the moro glorious and advantageous for them. He has bc«n unusually careful of their military educating and they have not failed to profit by the# learning fn the school to which he sent tlußg* But wo must not fail to award to their able and gallant commander, Gen. Oustavus W. Smith, his fall share of the Credit aad glory of their success. Ono of tho best, th# bravest and most scientific officers in the army, he had been overslaughed by tho Confederate authorities, and retired to private life ; but, through tho sagacity of onr Governor; ho has been restored to the service, and placed in a position, where ho can display his eminent abilities, and wreath his brow with fresh laurels. The militia, now being called out, Is com posed of our most substantial citizens, men of character, intelligence aud property, having a large stake in the ießue of the contest. Tho efficiency of such troops cannot lie doubled.— Raw though they ha, they possess those moral qualities, which, to a groat degree, supply the lack of experience and discipline, aud mako good soldiers fit once. on their own so il, in defence of their homes and families, can be relied on, Reinforced’ by fif teen or twenty thousand such recruits, the command of Gen. Smith will prove an invalua ble auxiliary to Gen. Hood’s army, We can uot too much applaud the wisdom and esergy of Gov. Brown, in calling out this important force at this juncture, and his deter mination not to be thwarted in the effort by the opposition of individuals or the jealousy and technical quibbliug of other authorities. With the law on his side, as expounded by one of tho judges of onr supreme judiciary, every patriot will bid him God-speed, in his patriotic efforts to save his State from devastation nnd ruin, and when the passions of the hour shall have subsided, he will receive the thanks of his fel low citizens, without a dissenting voice. TDK WAR SPIRIT I\ CALIFORNIA. A lettor from San Francisco, published in tho New York Freeman's Journal, says that it is {useless for Lincoln to call on California for men to prosecute the war. She never has furn ished moro than 1,000. and they were recruited in the Atlantic States and credited to her quota She is now getting tired of giving money—the Californians pay in gold, not greenbacks—and is getting restive generally. The correspon dent says: As farther evidence of the waning war spirit among us. end revolutionary or “disloyal’’ ten dency of the people, who, As badly as m«ny such may hate tho Southerners, are not going to ruin themselves in order to have them killed off, I will cite the Administration failures and rebuffs in these parts. First came an order to seize the New Alma don mine by a military force, emanating from that precious Secretary of War, Mr. Stanton, who was one of the adverse claimants thu* sought to be indirectly put iu possession; but the residents in that section commenced arm ing themselves to aid the occupantsdn oppos ing force to force, and the great mining in - terests of the State, as well as people general ly, being found to sympathize with them, Mr. President Lincoln was advised to telegraph im mediately, countermanding tho order, which he did in a lying dispatch, disclaiming any knowledge of the transmission of the lirst one. Next orders came from Washington to vote for the State constitution, which certain office seeking vagabonds and ultra loyalists had managed to get up a convention to frame, in the territory of Nevada: but the inhabitants voted it down by an overwhelming majority. Next, the five Judges of our Supreme Court de cided uuanimously against tne soldiers voting. Then comes the most important of all: a flat refusal of the Legislature, supported by almost the entire population tarn cal the nullification law of the last session against the greenback currency. And, finally, Judge Hoffman, of the U. S. District Court, decided to liberate, under the Amnesty Act, Ridgely Greathouse, chief of the “Chapman pirates,” condemned last fail to ten years imprisonment, and a fine of ten thou sand dollars. It was understood, and asserted in Court, that President Lincoln was opposed to any such construction of his proclaia ation.but Judge Hoffman stated it was his province to decide upon the wording of the document. — The infamous pandering press of the State are howtiag at the Judges because they have, in these decisions, proved “loyal” to the consti tion and the laws, rather than to tho capriciou will of their master. Now, when it is remem bered that all these jndges are Republicans, and the legislature nearly unanimously so, this late awakening to a sense of duty and deter mination to . oppose the false and aibitary edicts, commands,and secretly intimated wishes of the constitution breaking and law-ignoring authorities at Washington, gives evidence that our officials in California begin to feel and hear tho upheaving? of that smotherered volcano beueath them, which soon must burst forth in all its fury, and engulphin fiery wrath the real traitors of the Government. This sinful revel is nearly ended. Already the handwriting ap pears upon the wail. The number of Polish Priests who have been driven away, transported, imprisoned, and sad to relate, hung or shot, may be fairly stated at some hundreds. The Guienne announces the death at Bor deaux of General Gomez, who defended in arms the rights of Charles V., to the throne of Spain. AUGUSTA, GA., WEDNESDAY MORNING, AUGUST 10, 1864. ACOBBESrOXOMCE A BOLT TAXES, OcLwraoirm Ibsukance Go., ) Savannah, Ga., June, 20 1864 J Judge John TT. li. Undercood Commissioner of Dels Sra—By recommendation of Julian Hartridge. Esq., Representative to Congress from this District, and Thompson Allan, Esq , who I met here thi* morning, I wrote to you fer official information on the below stated, viz : This Company, then only a few days in ope ration, held on the 17th day of Feb., 1 Si>4 Ist. A Note of hand promised to be paid on its face in Confederate (non-interest bearing) Treasury note? on the 21st and 24th March, 1864, for one hundred thousand dollars, and it was paid in that medium at maturity. 2d. A Call Certificate of the Confederate States, issued 13th February, 1804. for forty thousand dollars. The “Act to Fund, Tax and Limit tho Currency,’' approved 17th Feb ruary, 1864, section l i, enacts that “All Call Certificates shall be fundable, and shall be tax ed in all resjiecU as is provided for the Trea sury Notes into which they are convertible,” which in this case were non-interest bearing. 3d. A Bcposit tn Bank of'about fifty-thou sand dollars of non-interest bearing Confeder ate Treasury Notes, repayable in the same on demand. All of the foregoing described assets, from inherent properties in their own nature, re sflved themselves, o* or before Ist April, 1864. into non-iuterest bearing Confederate Treasury Note* or were after that day subject to a tax of 33$ par cent, unless funded in four per cents., which are and were at a commensurate disoount in the market. The question now re spectfully submitted, is whether either or all of the above stated assets, are now subject to a tax of 5 per cent., as solvent credits under 2d paragraph, 3d section of the Tax Act, approv ed 17th February, 1864, which exempts non interest bearing Confederate Treasury Notes from taxation, and if so, whether it is to bo rated on the face of said assets, or at t,wo-third.s thereof, being the value to which they were re duced by the law-making power. Your early reply will greatly oblige, as the Company is ready and willing to pay its f ix to the Government, so soon as the amount there of Is correctly asce:tflised. Very respectfully yours, James McHenry, President. Omca Commissioner or Taxes, [ Richmond, July 21, 1864. j’- Jrnnea AlcJfemry, Esq., President Oglethorpe Insurance Cos , Savannah, Ga.: Sir :—Your letter to Acting Commissioner Underwood was not received until within a few day* past, owing to derangement of the mails, caused by raids of the enemy. • Having returned to Richmond since I saw yom in Savannah, and resumed the functions of my office, I will now reply to your questions in tho order in which they are submitted. By section 21, Amendatory Act, herewith, the property and assets of corporations shall bs assessed !\pd taxed in,the same manner and to the same extent as tile property and assets of individuals. v By Paragraph 11, Section 3, Act 17t,b Febru ary, 1864, a tax of 5 per cent, is levied ;>s the amount of all solvent credits, bank bills and all other papers issued as currency, exclusive of non-interest bearing Confederate Treasury notes, &r. Til* questions that arise then, are Ist. As to whether a note of hand, promised to be paid on its face in Confederate Treasury notes on 21st aud 24th March, 1864, for SIOO -and held by your Company on. tho 17 th Febuary, 1864, was a solvent credit within the meaning of the law? I answer that it was and the-Company is liable for the tax thereon. 2. Tho call certificatesjbeing placed upon the same footing and subjected to the .same tax as Confederate Treasury notes, by the provisions of Section 9of the Currency Acts, they were not solvent credits within the meaning of the Act, and are therefore not taxable as such. 3. The deposits in bank belonging to your Company of $50,000 of non interest bearing Confederate Treasury notes, having been sub jected to the reduction or tax of 334 per cent, if not funded in accordance with the require menU of tho Currency Act, is not subject to t*>e 5 per cent, tax, because whether on hand or on deposit, such notes are exempted from the tax by the express term of Paragraph 11, Section 3, of the Act of 17th February, 1864, — The foregoing views are approved by tho Secre tary of the Treasury. Very respectfully, Thompson Allan, Commissioner. GLCANIAUB FROM THE LOUISVILLE JOURNAL. Afriond has loaned us a copy of the Louisville Journal, of July 22d, from which we gather some items that may boos interest: In aneditoral upon the recent peace nego tiations at Niagaia Falls, Prentice says : “If it turns out to be oorrect that Mr. Lin coln has sent commissioners to Niagara for the sake of conferring with commissioners from Jeff Davis and has exchanged propositions of peace with the rebel commissioners, we believe that the people will not lot him off with the pro positions he is reported to have offered, which is nothing less than the abolition of slavery by the Southern States. In the event supposed, Mr. Lincoln must do better than this, or ho will be overpowered by the public opinion of tho country. The people wlil not consent to prosecute this war for tho mere abolition of slavery ; on the contrary, when they are once assured that they can have peace ou the basis of tlie constitution as it Is, they will demand peace on this basis, and they will cause the demand to be respected. Mr. Lincoln must offer nothing short of this, if he would not bo blasted by the popular wrath. * • * Should Mr. Lincoln bo fanatical and mad enough to reject peace on any other basis than the one proposed, there can remain no doubt in any quarter that his political doom is sealed, and that it will be executed with terrible effect in November.” Under the head of “the growing evil—treas on in the streets,” the Journal complains of people getting drunk and becoming “intensely disloyal.’’ The day previous a resident of Louis ville babbled hi* treason on the street, at 1 it is stated the offence iR repeated daily. I hey eurse the Union and Union soldiers, and hur rah -lustily for Jeff Davis and the Southern Con federacy, Verily, Louisville is in a bad way. On July 18th, the steamer St. Louis was burned on the Cumberland. Guerilka prowl along the banks, and fire upon passing steam ers, and the navigation of that stream seems quite as perilous as that of the Mississippi. A barge loaded with coffee was also burned, with nearly all its cargo. 'Ten “rebel deserters from Johnston’s army and three disloyal citizens from Georgia” airived in Louisville on the 2lot. The dese.r ters were to be permitted to take the oath of amnesty and go north of the river—the citi zens were to be transferred to the Indiana side of the Ohio, there to remain during the war. A report prevailed in the city that a quanti ty of hay barges had been captured by guerillas at the mouth of Salt River. In fact, guerillas seemed to be swarming throughout the State, committing all sorts of depredations on “loy al” people. The news from Sherman’s army states that Decatur was occupied by the Federate, and their “positions immediately fortified.” Tho Journal regarded the situation as more and more favorable, and expected soon to hear of the capture of Atlanta with a great number of rebel prisoners. Deserters and stragglers had been coming into the Yankee lines in great numbers since they crossed the Chattahoochee. Gen. Oglesby, the abolition candidate for Governor of Illinois, recently made a speech, a portion of which the Journal quotes. It is of the lowest blackguaid and ’billingsgate order—interlarded with oaths and the most disgusting braggadocia. After giving a “speci men brick,” Prentice asks : “Where is Jim Lane ? His admirers should loudly call upon him to look to his laurels.— A few more speeches from Maj. Gen. Oglesby, and the name of Jim Lane may pass into total and everlasting eclipse, if something is not done. Let the great Jayhawker whet his bill and plume his feathers. Let him prepare to soar higher and swoop faster than ever. Shall it be said that Oglesby out-Jim Lined Jim Lane? Perish the thought! If Jim Lane is to be surpassed, let him surpass himself. Eve ry genuine abolitionist ought- to cherish his unique fame as a sacred thing.” Th* State Militia.- We are proud to learn that Georgians are nobly responding to the call of Gov. Brown and are rallying by thousands to the front.— Sumter /iepubliccmr, | The Battle <... Kernstowx, Va.—ThejLynch -1 burg PwepnhiiCiU! contains the following forth- J er particulars c - tiffs glorious Confederate tri umph : A soldier,: • .i-ded la the pursuit of the ene my beyond W : -barter on Saturday last, ar | rived here is- 1 »• _!;t, and says the fight eom | ruenced at Kor: •.earn about nine o’clock in the morning, an . e utinued until two, when the enemy cornu need falling back before a furious charge of our entire line. They retreat ed about hail a rude in tolerable order, aud at tempted to ic ke a stand, but were again charged, and *1 > time they broke and ran like sheep, no effort 3 of their officers sufficing to stay the stamped.; of the frightened Ymikees, and everything that could impede their flight being thrown away. The road and fields were literally strewed with abandoned guns, arti cles of clothing, cartridge boxes. &c., &c. Our informant says that the lowest estimate of the enemy's less in killed and wounded on the battle field was 2590, aud in prisoners, ex clusive of the, wounded, 2,000. During the pursuit by live iut’antey, which continued to the neighborhood of Jordan’s White Sulphur Springs, fivp mites b'. ad Winchester, large numbers wore shot down and many captured. At this point the infantry being completely broken down by long marching and hard light ing. ceased from the pursuit, which was con tinued by the cavalry far in to the night, and with erctn-msly disastrous results to the ene my, who were scattered through tho country in the hope of saving themselves from being killed cr caponed. Our informant tells ns that steer the fe end retreat of tho enemy, all organization was h-f, and their army became a scattered m •!>, .-quads of ten and twenty, and evotitfiiiiy sem-ndering to a single cavalry man. . In the battle five pieces of artillery were captured, a. 'l during the pursuit thirteen mere are reported to havo been abandoned and to have fallen it to ear hands, it is also reported that Kitkp.a'V'ck’s b .itery of four guns, taken in the fight - fay, was recaptured. 'Our entire ioss. in tho battle is put at 100, while on.' inf .-ruant states that the enemy’s loss in the fige-t at id pursuit was 5000. Our inform v: could give us no details of the Casual tic !y accurate to justify men tion, though • : •:» fc fie hoard of no offi cer of now be" . i or wounded, though some may havo been injured of whom he did not hear. The affair was a ric.-t brilliant ono, and but lbr the fulign-.- ti/a long march, our troops would unde it more decisive. The ops engaged marched from sbtirg, a nils an a of nine miles, on the morning of the ■: and were consequent ly much wearied uu- before getting into action. — ■ A Formidable Cc,whiate leoh Clad Com plete.—Uy way ->; the North we obtain the an nexed account .of a formidable boa clad now laying at Columbus, Ga : For thq pa and. year iije agents of the Confed erate Navy Department have been busily at work at Columbus Georgia, .in the construc tion of. an iron cl; and vessel, which timy intend shall play an* iwi---i at part in clearing the Florida .waters of our fleet. This monster is now completed, and ready to engage in the work of destroy’:.".hi: tenters, or assisting in an ntteoSc upon mr mon tors, whenever Mr. Davis, or Mallory shall give the word. The name of the v. •• Ais the Muscogee. She is a light draft boat, notwithstanding the immense weight of her armor. H<*r dimensions are: Fifty-six fact bear ; forty-two feot floor, flat bottom. She bus a center-whe&of a diameter of twenty-four feet. Luce the Merximac, Ar kansas, Louisiana, and, in fact, all the rebel iron-dads nnd rams, i: .id portion of her above water is angular in simps—tho rebels having never deviated. Item the i u'm adopted -at the beginning es the war ia regard to the construc tion oi the exposed portions of-their offensive vessels. Like her predecessors, she ia clad with rail road iron ; but tho bars arc not attached, as were those upon the earlier efforts of the Con federates in this line. Formerly it was cus tomary to lay a roofing on their iron rlatls of common rails. Upon these another layer of inverted rails was placed, thus closing up the interstices. But it was found upon subjecting the vessels mailed in this manner to the ordeal cf a cannonade, that the shot in striking loos ened the upper layer, causing it to fly off.— Therefore a change in the manner of armoring their vessels became necessary, and the rails are now rolled out into bars twodnehes thick and four’inches in breadth. Two of these bars are welded together, forming an armor four inches in thickness, which is placed upon thoir vessels. The Muscogee, as well as other late productions of Confederate naval ingenuity, is mailed in this ma&ner. Bho is furnished with five cr six high pressure as tenders. These last are fortified with cotton bale.?. It is intended that this new iron monster shall come out of the Apilachieola rive'-, to join Bu chanan in a simuiianeous attack against Far ragut’s fleet, now off Mobile. How far this programme will bo changed, of course depends upon circumstances. China with the Yankees .—Late advices from China state that the “Celestial Empire” has taken sidss with the Yankees, against the Confederate States. Tho Alta Californian has received from a friend at Shanghai a copy of the correspondence between Mr. Burlingame, American Minister, and Prince Rang, Chief Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs. The latter says to Mr. Burlingame. “I had the honor to receive your excellency’s dispatch on the Bth o f March, in which you in form me that the Southern part of tho United States has risen 5b rebellion to the Government, and that a steamship called the Alabama is now cruising on the ocean-, barnigg and de stroying vessels nndpioperty of their citizens; ’ you therefore request that a proclamation be issued forbidding her to enter the porta of China, etc., etc. “It appears -from tins, that by the rebellion of thelJn*U-d s■■■--.svg.-.iost their government,your country h placed v -ry touch in the posi tion that China v; • seditious subjects are now in revolt ag-iim s her ; and as it is highly desirable to previ to. this rebel steamship from injuring c-r 'mole::ting American merchant •ships, I have notified the various Governor- Generals and Governors of tho maritime pro vinces, that if -to- ■■.eamehip Alabama, or any other stop inter .IT;" -'o injure American ship ping, come in their jurisdiction, they are on no account to perm’ vessels to come into any port. They ivouired to issue a proclama tion to this effect immediately, as a measure adopted to p: mr-’qU..- general welfare. “i have informed tin- M misters of Great Bri tain, Franco and of these proceedings, that they may noff tl- -:r Consuls, at the sev eral poits for tli. to in-tee. I also enclose a copy oi : • • - to thß various Gov ernors for your Ext : to-ley’s imormation.” Federal- Imports, xivK'is and Gold. —The New York Corn:Advertiser gives the annexed figures of tie imports and exports at New York, for forty-nine weeks of the fiscal year, which cads with this month, as compared with the two years before: In 18<i2, tho esparto more than paid for the imports; the prod-":.? sported amounting to $145,421,908, agate.-r- $ luff, 113,661 imported. Iu 1863. the bn .•-' >? w.v, stiff favorable, ex ports being $108,7“',582. and imports $172,- 745,063. Thu- year.the b-.fitwice against the North is iminens b< r ing to $155,- 078,890, and the imports s welling to $205,401,- 015! . A large amount cf-California gold has been shipped from the IsthoosuM to Europe this year, and United States bonds' have gone abroad, but this has not b - •-> p-evemed the expoyts of gpiecie from New York fire.a increasing. In 1802. the specie exported from that'eity was $22,736,175; in It ••• ; was $51,391,601 ; and this year it is $51,592,517. Meantime the re ceipto at New Yoi k ft om California, which in 1362—3 were in ton m.r.i'ts $18,540,718, have fallen to $8,832.7 33. showing the enormus drain stock o.- which is now go on, in addition the shipment of our regular gold pro duct. The celebrated paper manufactory of Schla geimitbl, at Vienna, has succeeded, after many attempts, in producing excellent paper from maize leaves.* Paper has often bqen made from this substance. VOL. LXXVUL—NEW SERIES VOI XXVIII. NO. 32. I Psaci Movements in Ohio—llon. Alexander ! Long Among his Constituent;.— Mr. Long had a public reception on his return from Congress by his constituents of the Second District of Ohio, which, as described iff the Cincinnati Enquirer, was not only large but enthusiastic. He was welcomed by the Hon. Wm. M. Cory, ia a speech of some length, which was respon ded to by Mr. Long, giving an account of his stewardship. The representative and tim con stituents a'iike justified the bold stand taken by Mr. Long in Congress, for which he was i censured by all fanatic Abolitionists. To show the spirit of the people, we subjoin the resolu tions of the meeting, which were adopted by a unanimous vote : Re*el ved. That the Democracy of the Second District of Ohio, hail with delight the return of their Representative : anil we are proud of the record he has made for him?elf in the Con gress of the United States, as the advocate of our rights, our liberties and immediate peace. Resolved, That like our Representative, wo believe tiier# are qiow but t»vo alternatives either of the independent:: and sovereignty of the States composing tlis Southern Confederacy, or the complete subju gation and extermination of their people ; and of the alternative, like him, we prefer the for mer. Resolved, That we are in favor of immedi ate peace, and against the further prosecution of this war. Resolved, That tho Governmeut of the Unit ed -States has no right to coerce a sovereign State. Resolved, That we arc opposed to the present Adaiinistrntionrin all its principal measures.— It has suppressed free speech, imprisoned citi zens without cause ; impoverished, bankrupt J and depopulated the country, and attempted to destroy Republican Government ia tho Unifi ed States. Resolved. That (he Democracy of ihe '’-.oonc! District cf Ohio to-day unfurl their banner for the Presidental * campaign, feud fc ,-i'ig cr: ‘ abiding faith in-the honesty, ability, si: : -nm--. - ship, and firmness or thoir represented . r . II present him as their first choice for the i*r:- deucy of the United States. Resolved, Tha,t the Democracy of Ohio h: beheld -itii indignation tßc vile traiment n • 5 toward the illustrious ox-Seualor JiMc- ,v. Bayard, of Delaware .by tho Senate of tho Ui '- ted States, and belicv-teg that ho should iofu> - to preside over that nssembtege, in its <’ liberations upon tho liberties of the pc.-ipte, we send greeting to the noldo State of De.'w-.j ware, his name as our first choice for the Vico-1 Presidency of tho United States. Resolved, That the Secretary cf this meet- | ing furnish a copy of these resolutions to tho ; Cincinnati daily papers for publication. The President requested the - meeting to ; signify audibly their assent to the mesago of ihe resolutions .consistent with their hoflth. The response was a vociferous and unanimous yoa, ————— Tub Four per Cent.- Certu-tcates.— Tho Secretary of the Treasury has issued the an nexed regulations in reference to lour per cen!. certificates informally assigned, which havo been received in payment of taxes: It having been represented to the Depart ment that large numbers of four per cent certificates have been received by Tax Colk-t - tors in payment of taxes, the assignments of which are not in strict accordance with'the in structions issued by the Commissioner of Taxi , and approved by this Department," on. tlie kite a of April, 1864, and in conr,queue;; of mch in- ! formality, Depositaries have refaso;! to receive ! them from State Collectors— ard, Inasmuch ms ' tho promulgation of said j, : Uamii: >v' greatly retarded in consequence ol" military j operations around Richmond, and the eouss-’j qnont interruption of mail commur-’eanonr, ! and, as in the due peiformanco of their official i duties, they received in good faith, suck . .. cates bofore-they were informed c-f the r a, nr;- j ments embraced in said instructions, I have ■ thought proper to issue the following ir; me-i tions which will he observed and carried out by tho State Collectors, Treasurer, Assistant Treasurer, and Depositories of the Confederate States. In all cases where such informally assigned four per cent, certificates have been received in good faith by any district collector, in pay- • ment of taxes, befqjte tho regulations of 30th of April came to the bands or koowiedo of such collector, the State Collector, upon being furn ished with satisfactory evidence of th# facts, shall endorse his certificate upon the back cf such four per cent, certificate as upon some pa per attached thereto, certifying that ire believes the same is genuine, and was received in good faith from the rightful owner in payment of ' taxes. _ Tho Treasurer, Assistant ’masurer, and De positaries of the Confederate States, arc direc ted to receive from such State Collector such certificates so endorsed or certified in discharge of his obligations to the Government on ac count of taxes collected by him, and to issue the usual receipt or certificate of deposit there for. A Coxspiuacs in Missouri. —The annexed dispatch to a lato Nothern paper dated St. Louis, July 23, indicates that some new troubles are coming to light in the west : Much surprise was created here a short time since, by the arrest of several veiy prominent secessionists of this city, whose offence was un known. It lias-lately como to light, however, that they were connected with a conspiracy ex tending throughout the entire Mississippi Val ley, having for its object the erection of a North western Confederacy. Col. Sanderson* the Provost Marshal General of this Department, has been gathering evidence In the matter for several months, which is in possession of the Washington authorities. It implicates several public men, and shows the organization formed to have bean a dangerous one. One of the arrested parties here is said to have been so badly frightened tbas a bond of half a million of dollars cad been offered for his release. It is believed that the recent guerilla move ments in this State have some connection with this eeketne, particularly as Thu n on, in ins speech at Platte c-ity, said that the Knight.i of the Golden Circle were organized and ui in to rise throughout the Free States ; that Va - landigham was with them ; that he was Vai :.:i- : digham’a man ; that he had troops in every | county of the State, ahd men coming up from • the South ; and that fifteen hundred ta«n l : been raised in Illinois, who would join him, j destroying the Hannibal f.nd St. Joceph Rail road io. their march. During Colonel Sanderson’s investigation of • this conspiracy, he discovered the intend ci re-! newal of boat burning on tie Western river., and was able in several instances to avert seri ous consequences. The w hole matter will prob- j ably be investigated in a few days. Public Debt or the North.—. The New York Herald, in a late financial article, maker, the i following comments on the public debt of the North : By the Treasury report of the 2 9th test, if; Appears that the Government disbursed, durteo- j the preceding week, $*6,237,000, the unpaid ; requisitions having been reduced by that amount, the figures standing on July 12 and 19, respectively, being'sßß,s67,ooo and $72,- 330.000- The total debt is stated at $1,796,- 203,306. $884,598,841 of which has its interest payable in coin; $402,181,649 with interest ; payable in currency, $370,170 on which inter est has ceased,*and v $509,053,305 which beam no interest. The total debt on the 12:k was sl.. 95,033,560. The increase duriner the week ending the 19th was, therefore, $1,169,797, an a not $569,792,060, as stated by a morning con temporary. A comparison of the interest and non interest bearing debt for the two weeks will show that the former has increased $22,- 340.061. which may be attributed to the new issues of six per cent bonds of 1881, and flu: circulation of compound interest notes, vdiito the latter has undergone a decrease of $21,- 170,263. owing chiefly to tho j eduction under the head of unpaid requisitions and the with drawal of United States notes. Mr. Fessenden’s advertisement calling for the new loan is anxious-v looked for, and me m while affairs in Wall street are unusually stag amt. The Baltimore and Ohio Railroad has been cut again. FOF. f.HJX ITEMS. J In the criminal prisons of England the in • mates got 350 ounces of food each per week, i while undergoing tile of he cl la . I r. If stinted in food they are attacked with ! diarrhcea ank dysentery. The Japanese Ambassadors we/o to leave s*is on the 21st of June, en route for Japan ilirect. They had signed a convention confirm ing fdrmer treaties, tendered apologies for the assassination of a French lieutenant in Japan, and guaranteed the payment of an indemnity. A Berlin professor finds that Europe contains 272,000,000 of inhabitants; Asia 720,000,000; Africa 59,000.000, America 2000,000 000; Felv nesia 2,000,000: total. 1.283,000,000. Os this little crowd, about 32,000,000 die each year, which is 87,761 a day, or 61 a minute. Another pro fessor calculates that 36,6“7.54:>.275.875,855- peoplv have lived on the earth since the crea tion. The London Spectator argues that sober nations are wickeder -afflnn drinking ones, us are the French in comparison with the English, the Italians with the Irish, and the Hindoos with everybody. ... "*■ < - 1j Queen Victoria - .1 her dSeqktet rqro.aWuU and open war of Je> lousy • ; Trite. mocPiaot Wales. Her beuuiy and popularity are gall aud wormwood to the melancholy old lady. Garibaldi has keen elected Graud Ma-t i- of the Freemasons ia Italy. The last trial of il.e celebrated. Yelverton lase has developed tho :ao t ataman may lawfully have a separate vote in or.on • the - I- ’ lai I. land —whom he -. ;; resp -r.’lve r repudiate, i>- each bf the otfi«rSf a legal'! in 1 u< country not ei: y L;.l :o to. t-i he House of Lords have the matter undo* con sideration. Th s late jJrO] ietoi Ie : I : e de : - for m >aey duq him for airing u » - • aof . : ’ ’ Government. trial will shortly come iff. i "1 e Govei nmc rape! ii Sav< ». i, a place of consltierable 1; .fori:- ' i • t ..-s'; fi. at destroyed by fire. .. .ll .n.- j .u if were saved. Noth!:; ■; h< ,r. ■ .-■ • , <),n . .. • • id PI’US *!i - /.on rluc-i oi’ l 'i * ren Is! 1, between Frbsf i cnboats 1 j ; reivi ■■ dto ’i■:. ,1 i • 1 - » .. c . a ) * ei (tar, Isay the 1 wi ir \ iu v damaged condition. the King lri.v .-or to cede territory net ■ dan .; sac- J;e the ind 'peiiu:.".:.e I’.c cy. Ti.? v.-'-fkly r.‘ .rr■:j ol die Brnk of F:-.»k ; J sh< wad "■ ; mh. The Moniteur .•■’ .-ico« tho f. -•ypd ;jus!incut of th'c-<. >. s ■ u 't-.mce* Morocco. 1 The At: Q’on • :u'. Fru'si e: Go; r: J:. ,vh i*--:i reiterated std n . . o cf. i : 5 o ike . ; . ■ I vteg - J fieivr-S OI'EOI'L- .. Vt'.k :: . Ml, . I excuses for d--->- •: . Dickons’ on . 5 . '"0 fori “OurMutuo.iV i," y-Vou ' ■ : .<■ j of tho first t", • ’«■ • v.' • the work is cre . ' . , -r :. - ; roncy, is about••'•l. 1 ' V There is consider . ■ ■ 22d o uae, i 1 v - arrived at. the latte.- y 'inot nol i ing c« in ;s k - in',on Conti lerate flag fljii it : 11. Setumey is too i ! d to tak< commam >• ' . Tho Niagara left Ai kw; r, - - ' 1 tff end in tho channel. ■ . j The etjeamer JJAppahauncck v . ” . ’.r:ct ; surveiUuuce at Calais, a dis not pe leave. A cargo of human br.u-s, f.hh.-pe:! from j Genoa, lias been seized at Hull. ’ U riah'! It, I is supposed ‘bat a large tvadoi: r - : i o;- j ’cretly in this kind of goods. T.-;, bones have i probably been used to make knife-hand As, tooth picks, and the like. The cost of the English embassies, missions, and political agencies in foreign countries in tho financial year ending May 21.-1., 1863. was £263,576. It includes a sum or £i '1,874 -r special missions, and about the same amount for rent, building, repairs and fitmiti ;:e. According to an official report publishcl at Rome, the Trappists in France and Algeria number about 2,000. Ia England there are 120 Trappists, in Ireland 35, and in Germany 134. In Belgium there are four institutions be longing to this body: and several in Ameri ■ ca. It is announced upon- good authority, accord ing to a Southampton despatch, that Capt. Semmes has obtained the steamer Rappahan nock, and will immediately put to sea with the purpose cf attacking the Kearsage. Several prominent persona have been ar rested at Venice on suspicion of beiug con nected with the Venitian Committee, The Spanish are thinking of cutting a mari time canal around the rock of Gibraltar, so aa to supersede the use of tho Straits, and the French are talking up the project. There are no great eupmeeric-g difficulties to be encoun tered, and the cost is estimated, at twenty rcil llonii of dollars Tho supply of meat in Er.gln.nd is subject to enormous wasio through tbo dheo ; . f the 0.0.- imals. The value < those to 1 1 » estimated, in the United Kingdom, at 116,120, 000 per annum. A Fruss-ar Confess, seventeen, y rrs oid,e’'ot fcovself at Baden r<’c<-..j«.1y, nd vvi; r o: rv ;t --ed to survive. <b.r -a le iev fom her be- 1 trothed, saying t ; :al ho coin! r. ■* . • ry-:c: it present, uad relmuring her ftv-r- h.v cogagn ment. New discoveries are re pa- ’ed 1,. ni Povcj < ii A house ha:: he-.-:; u cy»vcr.-u, v. > ’ w from tii ;c. . ■ v .to j'- and it. . . . perfect fuvuilure, mu :t L_’. a bfi- —d - • ! • . e ditiii paved with si:: 1 ’ •*y - ’. - b:e is covered witfi pc-tr ■- ir.auf sos o ! sh to:d around it wo fo>.u:: flu': <iivr : *w* !- b.. .’. f.l breuzp, vi-.-.'y u<: : ;•: 1 -.1 -t-'-r- :. Jj-icoi-us, in save.-, v.dvh c>n •• ej.-auiei, a c. - lar of jewels and precious an ilets. Faffs corr- • • ■.•••' of t ■ 'ou ' ■ says, a question of 1 saris cn be ■ • V' ■■■ ow sent < :ij ! , v-n • ■ nto-de ■ ■ •, fre in .moth o unai :e lies; to* l at •] > '• \I •: c!; i•-. th . in hit alveiK *.b 'y si’-.i: be -c . :/ is ; of v.":-.s to i: ri;o. ai-: r:v a-y', i motobxt - . ip-... ,-ner o v/u: s-;,} foot u>,n the ;odcf'i'.-. - it by ; " -PI b ].-.>v. ioso for'.-: •VCV,. .: .1 Oilh ■’> ! ■ Liira exem:.-f’oa 'oatv W-ither-tof Tut- !/;: -! !:• -• .. .- ••• - V. I ’■ of the V- •u-:d : “• •! •■: 1 rir - , i• T '> the pri-.fei:a::»;!t; oft: v:t -‘ ■’ bt 11m ,in its city ■ ■ •sbowliuf that Ireland ure mu ' tu } It does not Uvev! it-;*. ‘ r * amount toasmuc.i: in. ii “ • v - many. fi ; - l ' ' Gcru-u.s did not df sign ‘ The papers are. ; e: teg the vc: re ' ' joritv cf eighty B m lai antici pated, and tocluder! *•: -.- ■ :.e iCo „• - aiivee. E:.rl Derby has imp. ■• . . -..•il'i doubtless be eblo to rcrium . ~v. meat this session. Ft HKIGNi ITEMS. Five war \...eU will leave Spain’for the Pa j cific during July. A greet a: .• ion has b'-cn occasioned, by the mrwier ir. r. ti; . s -;-v- railway car, of Thomas Br .gr, chief clerk of the banking house of lioj . rfs, Curtis & Cos. I*e was upwards of sixty years of age. Tho murder was perpetra ted about drtrk. b and as he was returning home, by some unknown : sens occupying the same i compartments with him. His watch and eye glass wore missing, but his money was un touched. No clue to the murderers has been discovered. The London Star is informed, on reliable au thority, that Prince John, of Glucksburg, was to propose a direct compromise to Prussia, by suggesting that Prussia shall take Holstein and that, part of Sc-hi .'swig which lies south of tho Schlei, on condition that Denmark should be allowed to retain and absorb the northern part of Schleswig. Extraordinary as it may seom, we are assured that this has actually been made. In (be present state of affairs, Prussia could hardly accept it. The Edinbm .> of June 20th s.;ys; havo reason to uclieve that from Holland Jjfr.Obase basb r and a loan of 620,000,- 000, the Federal Gov .0.-tti to be pledged for tbo payment ot'lhe interest It we • rci’-rt“d as an insult.” Forty thousand cf tho Turkish militia are to be disbanded. Denmark a—v \ it H asserted, to a suspen sion oi 8. :- ii, ■ In : peace negotiations. The Now Da isU Cabinet arc represented as in of > •: ;co. i A pc or named Spence, in a letter to the j T t-n-Joii r ’; -s, re< • ajd n mediation I offer by.tL : ntw uo re, -., to America lor j the settlement of tho ; there. ; C-en. !)c- .i-,;>.:,ki ■. ’ • patriot leador—a ; soirii-r of 'h' -h ,ruder Napolebn . ■ maud er-in-Chief •'f ! . i ' •»' riry force—has just ben bi-r -e. : x F- was eighty years of The ’ eh’ o" a n!lau tin-one is likely • . y he 'F . t .Arch is Victor, f•’ th 'to,.. ; . ber three our • i; . ■< era ia Great 2i : ■ contribu . " way of duty is - -v Council • .-'ad;-pitch f ■' l ' rid, c ..... ' :h , t-e, b ' ■ . 1 therto ex ist: : ■ ■ : 1 1|. . ■ . ■ o >1 from J;:a o'gilt ty ; ' •: V nt ;at • ' • ■ u • ,-ni. ;,i. • - • , . u: .rod' to f , ' . ■ ’(_■■ ;. a , V. U- fiilie . • tea! • ctiqn oi> at.i • i ? • . • i re < -»d 1,1 -r -1,,. • * • ~, * n . ■ rh <i'. ty if : A filly . lie or Birdcatchit, • ; .itefv ' • ■ .' L'i’.'.coo out il '.-i.;; .t : ;;’Teat Caractacus, jo 7 1 . The vF'olo forty-thfeo pro*! tm-of 11,855 gu..-. a.;, or an avi. ;;o of about 276 guineas P 25 ’. .’.J WKXJCU. It i- C-cV- ml Uraga, with his whole my, h Ih on < o Maximillian, tin‘lit ■■ been followed by ’’Gencnfi Dul.tedo. Both statements, are feebly centoadbied. It is more than probable they are true. The guerrillas betwo-ru Toluca and Morelia are in ir.iflbivut fore:* to rob the mails and to drive the stages fr.yn the route. Ts e iipaiiLsh consul i ■ Oj -c-.i had been mur dered. A military commissi >n is appointed to ar range for the orgmiization of the new Imperial army. The Emperor has appointed Don Francisco Moran to announce iff i accession to the throne of Mexico at the courts of St. Petersburg, Stockholm and Copenhagen. A minister is also named to Turin. Several resignations had taken place in ono or two departments of the civil administration. A grand ball had been given in honor of the Emperor and Empress by General Bazaine. It is described as havteg been an affair of re fined taste and magnificence. Maximilian had invited President Juarez and other Liberal chiefs to come to the City of Mexi co, and to consult together on a plan for a res toration of peace and a firm establishment of the empire, guaranteeing them full protection and safety. It is said they all refused to hold communication, excepting by arms, with an agent of Napoleon.. The Emperor fcp.i taVea up his residence at Chepuitt.pec, five miles ft cm tho capital. No Minister has yet been appointed to tho U:' lei States. The gene ml opinion was that there was no m-»- - :.u he repo led adhesion of Gen. Uraga to five Empire. ♦ A l?-*ettc- ■ ■ c “Telegraph,” from Moptcr-vy, Ito i' g to the arrival of Maximilian, says : In tho r.v-sai 'nc it rr.j rot bo improuer to • ten yin vea'i- to b: Very moderate in t.b r oxi.-.-ci •: .us T •■ ■6 .1 from the new Emperor. oprcl cra.of ficus Napoleon in Mo-coir-:’ , .1, butte still .shroud-* c: i ■ - iu ' r -ear'-h of fho r -\: i* - . i ’ a’s position o - .b ■_ , ;-. ■ff ' .r-g. Queen or .billion, too .to regard him as h ; - mind, as the ~i „ "j i hwh ’ -or - ; : i-is to be done, it ror r. u b . . * y TV-'V !I;iolCS Will -* ’>. o; ;to ■. •• ■ ’ • cd, and 1-alLia ■, b •!. aban traitors ... , ■ M-cxi b - lion is | :;-.d, the U fi ' ” n/ '- Tbcl’ -■ ’ • ■ ,! in, oi was,'» 3 ■ sc l* A 3«. Lou ' to a j ■ i ' m in th 5 ■ ■■ bLo coir - of t pitalfel . -i• n. ---.-.-. ii :’v - "tfonu.r ". -;r s ti to: ■ i' - - party in • .n ■/■• t-n that . e ot-.-.G.i rcial-aad •. fcuntvei of bi vov..tiy.