Chronicle & sentinel. (Augusta, Ga.) 1864-1866, August 10, 1864, Image 4

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gljnnuck tfSttimttl. Q - ' - ■■ s—r-r-rr—z SPEECH OF HON LO.VG OF We copy from the Cincinnati Enquirer of the Oth of July, the speech of Sir. Long at the reception accorded to him by the people of the Second Congressional district of . Ohio.— The meeting was held eight miles from the city of Cincinnati, and was cowpoßed of large number!) of farmers as well as residents of the dfty- Hon. Wm. Corry delivered the reception speech, from which wC make the followiag ex tracts, and regret that we have not space for the whole of his remarks ■ Freemen and fair iKxajhtersOKU): . It was eminently fit to invoke the blessing of God on this scene. It is seldom there is such a union of heavenly and earthly b.essmgs —a faultless day, and such an organized as sembly. We are assembled to do honor to oar worthy representative by a public recep tion; and I am the organ of the constituency who'are, bent earnestly on this duty, and who ordered me to speak, surrounded with these emblems. Here are the stars and stripes— thirteen—and thirteen as they went through the revolution. But here floats an inscription over rr.y heed which is the key note of this grand occasion, “Peace, sod for State Bights:" The last ter. syllables explain alike the victorv and the institutions of our fathers. S'ates’ Bights is the vital spark of the Federal sys tem ; to extinguish which is to destroy it. It is the the ancestral creed. “Peace'' in the de vice of heaven itself, and if the white winged and dove-eyed angels preside oversuch scenes, they wan'd feel tla‘ they might slumber among their fellows as mortals leep when the days is done. But to the occasion itself. Fellow Citizens: We come to do ourselves honor in honoring Alexander Long. Congress man of the second district of the sovereign State of Ohio. He was not only our proxy, but our true representative in all he so boldly spoke for peace in preference to the extermin ation of the Southern people, and for the im mediate termination of the war He has been censured for (his discharge of duty. We are here to share the censures with him, by sol-' emtily assuming the very same responsibility. u o ft 0 0 . o <> Sir : You have done more than simply dis charge your duty. That would have been enough, but by good-fortune you have gone much lurther.' Tho thickening elements to op position of Lincoln and despotism were power less and feeble, until your peace speech m Congress, like a great lamp in darkness, show ed our feet the way of escape irora the cave oi Polyphemus ; and you are the glorious pioneer, who, by a stroke ot geniui, has saved hi: coun try. What was considered hopeless, has be come feasible ; t.nd what you first announced three mouths ago, is now popular ; u is what half the people believe, if they dared to say it; and what all will ultimately perceive to be their greatest good, and their highest difry ; the only solution jf torrible crisis in human affairs is your own discovery- And for this wo honor Alexander Long. With your position of public and recognized benefactor, surrounded with a large aad'in cressing body of friends ; the founder of anew and noble policy, which lias already legions of Christian professors is our own Democracy, and in the cations of civilized Europe, we should first of ail congratulate you that the re ward of integrity .has trodden on the very heels of the heroic dead which proved it. Nothing could crown the most protracted career with a higher trophy than you had wou at the outset. Let it but. be the glorious first step in a public life, which we ardently hope may be long, happy and illustrious. Fellow-citizens, we may well also congrat ulate ourselves that our implicit trust in our member’s virtue and intelligence should have been so-entirely vindicated. We took up a young advocate from the walks of his profes sion, who had made his way entirely through obscurity, proverty and self-denial, from the plough, the village school, first as pupil then as teacher, but who belonged first and last to the ranks of the people ; and. we give him out - con sent to represent this large and important dis trict in the Federal council at a time when ve terans (periled, au(l i statesmen only saw the Tight to pursue the wrong. 0 * ' 0 MR. liONG’6 SPEECH. When this dist iii gnkboil champion of Free dom and leading advocate of peace presented himself on tho platform, the vociferous applause which greeted him excelled any thing of the kind ever witnessed. After the cheer upon cheer had subsided, Mr. Long commenced as follows : Mr. Chairman and Follow Citizens—lt is not in tho power of language tor mo to express the deep sense of gratitude I feel in listening to the eloquent terms in which* you, sir, (turn ing to Mr. Corry,) have referred to myself, and at beholding this demonstration n’{ popular opinion; and, sir, although you have endea vored by the power and iorce of the English language, of which you are so perfect a mas ter, to attribute it to myself personally, lam not vain enough for one moment to believe it is so intended. It is the true expression of popular sentiment in favor of a principle, which, by your suffrage, and your kind par tiality, ray fellow-citizens, I have been ena bled to give in the councils of the nation. It means Peace ; peaceupon Ihr terms it can l>e obtained, that would be satisfactory to honorable men, but in any event peace, even if it costs the recognition of the separate and sovereign independence of the Confede rate States. I am deeply grateful for this manifestation of approval of my course upon tho all excit ing question of the day—a question that sinks in insignificance all iho events of our past history. I see before me the representative men of a large portion of my constituency—men whose esteem I highly prize, and for whose political judgment I have always had tho 'greatest re spect and regard. In pronouncing for peace, which is a pain ful but stern necessity, upon the basis of rec ognition of tbe Plates composing the Southern Confederacy, although 1 would make any per sonal sacrifice to induce them to return, if such a thing were possible, to the principles of 1776, expressed in tho Declaration of Independ ence, that all just governments derive their power from the consent of the governed, I was fully aware that I took upon myself great per sonal risk and hazard. 1 knew that lor the last three years freedom of speech and the press had been , to a great extent, suppressed, and that most of the con stitutional safeguards which formerly surround ed, the people and the rencsentatives in Con gress had been broken down I knew that in declaring against luither prosecution of this infamous war I should subject myaelf to tbe frowns of arbitrary power- -a power far great er than ever raised its head before upon this continent —a power, relentless, inexorable, and unscrupulous—having a million of bayo at its back and disbursing billions of what passes for money per annum—a power support ed by an influential public press.and by a most mighty and potent organization among the people. The prison.* and dungeons of the country*, from the Atlantic to the IV.-rific, her - jsoF.u choly evidence ot the penalty tiffs despotism had visited upon thc-v brave and courage-.'us men who before had dared to condemn its poli cy acd publicly express a disagreement of opinion with it Had I consulted my personal and sense of security, to say nothing of my personal inter est, I should have remained silent, and not given expression foray sincere and conscien tious convict or.?. In this war, from Tits begin ning, the frieuds of peace have been threatened with severe punishment, by mobs, or by the Government, if they continued faithful to their conscience—and they have been rewarded with money, with office, with contracts and patron age. if they would apostatize and become the Mowers of the war trumpet, and he ‘.he minions ot power. The weak, the corrupt and the vascillating ■went over to the ranks of the Administration. It is the good fortune of these who, upon those terms and at these risks, pronounce for peace, that they have no hypocrites among them, and that no better evidence of hones;y and sincerity can be afforded than to o, pose this contract-giving and thieving corrupt dv naoty. I remembered that I was the representative of a brave and patiiotic constituency, and that it was my duty to pronounce in t'ieii behalf, what I believed to be true, upon the floor of Congress. So great has been the excess of power hv this Administration, so bold and audacious its violation of everything connected with purs tri al liberty, that I presume you were net sur prised when, for thus delivering my views and yours. I was threatened with the "pciuishment of expulsion from my seat in the House Indeed, the time lias long since passed when anybody should be astonished at any outrage this Administration cox mi is upon public lib erty and personal rights.. That the Honorable Speaker of the House pliould bo tie mover of tile disgraceful, unjust and anti-constitutional resolution of expulsion will forever remain upon the pages of our con -fi'utional hiatorv as another remarkable evi dence cA the blindness of party rage and the terrib'e vindictiveness of political passion. It will not be expected that I shall now refei in detail doctrines I have advocated as your repreaßatteeupon the floor of Congress, during the eventful session that has just closed. * You are familiar with my position, and I am rejoiced to know, as I have been informed by the eloquent gentleman who has just spoken in your behalf, that it meets with an approval at your hands, and finds responsive hearts in the bosoms of the intelligent and patriotic constituency which I have been so highly hon ored as to represent. Three montirs have passed on yesterday, since, as your representative, I assumed the responsibility of declaring the deliberate con victions of my judgment, in support of the principles and doctrines I then asserted, in op position to the further prosecution of the war lor the coercion of sovereign States, by the use of such arguments as God had enabled me to employ, and J stand before you to day to say that (hey are true ; true and unchangeable as the hills are everlasting. Tbe lapse of time, subsequent events and much additional reflection, have only Bt-rved to convince me of the justice of the views I then expressed. That there is no ether alternative in this war (ban subjugation and extermination of the Southern people on the one band, or the re cognition of their Confederacy on the other, is beyond question; and how can any sensible, humane and liberty loving man hesitate in preferring the latter ? Every day’s bloody ex perience and slaughter only serve to show that there can be no other termination of the con test. The terrible evils to ua as well as to them, of subjugation and the unparalleled cruelty of extermination, are so well known and apprecia ted, that it is hardly necessary to allude to them to this audience. I would fain believe that those who cry out for the extermination of’tight millions of Christian men, women and children, the descendants of those who fought with us in the war in Independence, are either insane, or in the boat of passion give vent to a feeling that they would be the last to carry into effect. If they are sincere and sano, they are monsters who would be too highly honored by terming them fiends, their idea is as impos sible as it is wicked and devilish. Two friendly republics have a common ances try, common glories and recollections, lying side by side —having-a laudable emulation in running the race of national freedom, prosperi ty and greatness are infinitely preferable to one; proud and splendid but gloomy despotism resting like a dark shadow upon the future of the Am: rican continent. When Mr. Lincoln called upon the non-sece ding Stales to furnish him seventy-five thou sand men, to he used against tho States which had receded, ho announced, in effect, his in tention to destroy tho old Government; and when certain of the States acceded to his de mand, they declared also that they were will ing that it shout;! be destroyed. None of tlie conditions requisite to make a revolution In the Government complete were wanting The officers ol State, whose sworn duty it was to protect and dehmd the old Government, for sook it, and abandoned it. From that moment i t ceased toexist, and we have been living lor more than three years under a now gov-rnment, one necessarily despotic, because, the Constitution beiSg set aside, the man who iuloß over us is absolutely without restraint of any kind, except that, imppsod by his own will. We iiave not even the benefits of those .restric tions upon power, which in other absolute gov ernments have been imposed by ancient and long established usage. Our lives, liberty and property are wholly at the mercy ol Abraham Lincoln. The thirteen colonies, while depend ent upon Great Britain, were wholly independ ent ot each other, existing under separate char tors, or royal grants, and having each Us own Governor, Legislative Assembly and Courts of Justice. When these colonies declared themselves in dependent of the Mother Country, 'they each became a separate and independent State or Nation, and were subsequently recognized by name as such in 1783, by the only government, interested in the denial. The articles of con federaiioii which were entered into by the State governments during tho revolutionary war ot 1777, remained in force until the adop tion of tho Federal constitution, which went in to operation in 1786. 11 did not impair the sov ereignty of any one of these States or nations, any mo:e than did tbe offensive and defensive treaty of France and England, in tho war with Russia, diminish the sovereignty of either of those nations. The Federal Constitution, as framed by.tho Convention, which met in Phila delphia, on the.2GCh of May, 1787, did not, nor have any of the amendments subsequently mado thereto, impaired or taken away, sover eignty from any State by which it was adopted. The people of each State retained their sepa rate existence and nationality, as completely after they had severally adopted the Federal Constitution as before. There was in the Con vention—as appears by the Madison uppers, and we are informed by Luther Martin in Ids address before the Maryland Legislature a semi-monarchical or consolidated party, and this parly was of course in favor of centraliza tion, but when it found, as it soon did, that the remi-monarchical idea was wholly im practicable in the then, state of feeling, both, in ami out of the Convention, it abandoned along with it the idea of consolidating a terri tory so vast, with so great a variety of soil, climate, production and material interests, and in which the habits and character of the people in the different localities must differ so widely under one Republic, as an absurdity too great to be contemplated for an instant. Two separate attempts were made in the Convention to consolidate. The first, by Ed mund Randolph, of Virginia, who proposed in his sixth resolution to confer upon the Govern ment of the United States the poewr to coerce a disobedient or refractory State. The second, by Patterson, of Pennsylvania, who submitted a similar rcsoulution, though couched in dif ferent language. Ihe folly and dangers of these resolutions havingjbecn fully exposed in the Convention by Madison, Hamilton, Mason and Martin, they weto voted down unanimously, each State casting one vote. These Were the only attempts which were made in the Convention to consol idate the people and to transfer their sovereign anew nation, proposed to be created by the Convention. Their failure was most signal and complete. Tbe Philadelphia Convention was a body of delegates from each State, only authorized to dm it a/Constitution and not empowered to give it tbe least validity. The draft of the Federal Constitution was re ported by Washington to the Confederate Con <n\ ;. and by its order submitted for adoption to the people of the -separate States, as a separate community or nation, and, of course, derived its powers, within a State, from the consent of the people thereof, to whom it occupies tbe same relation us that held by their separate State Governments. i ; !r-:inn Io -rhioK I sn-luo is, that the people of,each State constitute substantially a ■ s viW-ign nation, that each one, by the adop tion of the Federal Constitution, created for itself two distincUGovemmenis of agents, upon each of which iz conferred certain specified powers, an-1 that tiio powers of one or both of the a agents may be revoked by the peeple of any Str e themselves whenever, in their sover gn will, each revocation aav become desira ble. Having, as I think, shown that each State is ready Sovereign, and this is the main principle, the very corner stone of our system of government, it necessarily follows that the call of dir. Lincoln for scventy-ftve thousand men, and the acquiescence of certain States in that call, the men to l>» used in a war against States which had asserted their sovereignty, and solely because they had asserted it, was not merely an infraction of the Constitution, but a total nullification of such instrument—it was a stab at the heart of our political system, and created an overshadowing centralized pow er. My fellow citizens, beware of centralized power. It was the great source of anxiety to our revolutionary fathers when they created our Federal system. There was nothing which they so much dreaded, and against which they put so many safeguards in the Constitution. Centralization of power does Jot iead to des potism. but is despotism itself. The Federal Government is the agent of the States. It was created by the States, with a few well defined, delegated and limited powers, and was forbid den by the States to exercise any authority not expressly conferred by them. The great muss of power was left to the States, who are the principals to the Constitutional compact. It is the great effort of this Administration, and it will be the result of this war if it is not speedily stopped, to reverse all this, to destroy permanently, all State sovereignty and local juris! item, and make the Federal Government as omnipotent and supreme as that of Austria or Ru-*>i •, which even now are its only patterns. It mav be a splendid and powerful despotism, but splendor acd powbr for the few are hut a poor consolation tor the impoverishment- and degradation of the many, and for the loss of all their liberties, ali that ennobles life and dignifies manhood. The States when they created the Federal ysiem, as I have already shown, expressly re fused to confer upon it the power to coerce a sovereign State, or party to the compact. one then dreamed or supposed that after this explicit refusal to place this power in the hands of the Federal agent, that the latter would ever have the temertiy and audacity to seek to exercise It without such a delegation of authority. If it had beeh so believed not one single State would have ratified the Constitution and joined the Union. This no one will deny who is conversant with the debates in the Federal and State con ventions that ratified the Constitution. Force and coercion of a State were out of place and inappropriate in the form of govern ment they designed—a form resting entirely upon tho mutual consent of each and all the parties to the compact No Union bat a voluntary one could be republican, and they would have no other. North Carolina and Eh ode Island refused to come into the Union, (find were treated by it as separate and indepen dent nations. If George Washington had been Abraham* Lincoln, (and I cught to ask pardon for thus coupling their names together.) he would have collected an army and invaded those States, who, parties to toe Union under the articles of Confederation, refused to be members of it under the Constitution that colleagues had formed: and he would have sought by force and civil war, to have made a hated and detested Union—a union only in name, but not in fact; General Washington was a statesman as well as a patriot, and the men of his day would have almost unanimously spumed any attempt to bring into the Confederacy an unwilling or conquered State. The new lights of Abra ham Lincoln had never busvt upoa their vision. Fellow cilizens, of all the wild vagaries that ever afflicted a reasonable and intelligent man, the idea that this voluntary Union of equal and Sovereign States, which had been sunder ed by alienation of feeling between them, could be restored by the power of the sword and the bayonet, and by a gigantic civil war, is the grealest. Posterity will wonder that a madness so ex travagant and palpable could crer have seized hold of an intoilligentjand civilized people. The madness combined -with the fanatical and unnatural idea of placing tho negro upon the level with the white has deluged this land in blood, has impoverished u 9 with debt and taxation: and destroyed the constitutional li berty bequeathed to us by our ancestors. Calamities of which we previously had no conception have been visited upon these un happy States which have already expiated in sorrow and misery the consequences of the mad and fanatical policy of their unfortunate and in sane rulers. The question for us new. my follow-citizens, to consul r, is : whether wo are willing that this sbrte of things shall continue, wether this new Government set up by Mr. Lincoln in place of the old, free Government shall remain, or whe ther we can overthrow it in its turn at the election, and re-establish in tbe remaining States in its place the Government of our fa thers. I confess to you that (his, to my mind; is a question of great doubt yet I believe, that If the proper effort is now made, and if the gi eat conservative element which exists among the mas e3 of the people, and is on the increase daily, is now given an opportunity to unite up on a clear, positive and unmistakable platform for peace immediate peace upon the best and most honorable terms it can bn obtained, but peace, the man who now rules by the power of his own will, and the multiplied thousands who swarm around him, in and cut of office, and who have grown rich upon the spoils, as the heart’s blood of their countrymen has been and still is being poured out like water, can be hurled from power jn the legally constituted mode, through the ballot box. I believe the people, the great mass of the people, who neither hold office or are in any way benefited by government contracts, or government patronage, are for peace; they have waited patiently for the end of this bloody contest, they have confided in the promises so frequently mada, that the end of the war was near, they have seen their sons, their brothers, their friends, their neighbors, and their countrymen go forth, either voluntarily or in voluntarily, as each call has been made for more troops, and driven like bullocks to the pen to be slaughtered. They have borne up under the pressure of taxation and were willing to m ike one more effort, at the opening of the campaign of the fourth year of the war, assured, as they were at the commencement of. each previous campaign, that it only required one more effort to put down the ‘'rebellion,” end the war, and restore the Union. But. alas ! they have again been doomed t'o'dis appointment: they were soon advised of disaster to Banks and Steele in the Souih v/. st. In stead of Sherman marching straight into At lanta in the South, there is a protracted strug gle, obstinate resistance, great loss, and doubt ful results. Ricbmqpd is yet in the possession of the Confederates, aitoi' two months desperate fightings, masterly flank movements, and tbo loss of over an hundred thousand men, and while we are assembled here to-day,Washington is again in-danger, and tbe President calling upon New York and Pennsylvania for the mi litia of those States to save the Capital All this the people have been doomed to witness less than three months, and before tho campaign is scarcely half over. Not only this, but tiie peo ple now wait in hourly expectation to v hear of anew call for three hundred thousand more men to be drafted, and from which there is no escape by the payment of a commutation. The question now presents itself squarely to the people : Will you allow yourselves to be all butchered, and the entire nation to-become a common wreck, to perpetuate the power and grari!y the insane and futile attempt oi the man who now occupies the. place once filled by Washington, to subjugate eight million of peo ple, whoso offence, whatever- it may have been, was simply putting into practical operation the doctrine advocated and taught them by Mr Lincoln himself, upon the floor cf Congress, in a speech which he delivered on the 12th ot Jan uary, 1848 !—See Congressional Globe and Ap pendix of that session, page 94, where he is re* ported as follows : “Any people, anywhere, being inclined and having the power, have a right to rise up and shake off the existing Government, and form a new one that suits t.iera better.” ° ° “Nor is this right confined to cases in which the peo ple of any existing Government may choose to exercise it. Any portion of such people that can may revolutionize, and may moke their own so much of the territory as they inhabit. More than this, a majority ol any portion of such people may revolutionize, putting down a minority intermingled witli or near about them who may opposo their movements.” Now, my fellow-citizens, I repeat, shall the work of human slaughter and devastation go on until that ucmiLof fanatical foily and in sane cruelty shall bo reached—until the last dollar and the last man lias been taken. I cannot beligve, in this enlightened Chris tian nge of tli3 world, it will he permitt ed. I am against it—l intend with God’s help to in terpose my feeble efforts legitimately and con stitutionally as becomes a good citizen in the way of its further progress. The fierce hounds of fanaticism, urged on by fawning sycophants, who count their gain by millions, as the war progresses, may bark at ray heels, and the cow ardly minlOUß ot power -who P ar open iliscna sion, shut themselves up in loyal leagues and plot treason at midnight, may aim at my throat, but I despise them all. I would rather die a freeman than live a slave. But, gentlemen, let rae not be misunder stood. I counsel no violence, I advise no re sistance to law or legally constituted authority but obedience and submission thereto. There is yet- a mode left us, whereby, a« peaceable, law-abiding citizens, we may redress ihe many ' wrongs and outrages perpetrated by those in power, stop the wholesale slaughter and butchery now going on before “the last man' - ’ and “the last dollar’' is reached, and reclaim and re-establish a portion at least of the liberty bequeathed us by our fathers and our grand fathers. The first step to be taken is to declare for peace. Let it be bcld, manly, dignified, but emphatic; so clear and comprehensive that the commonest intellect cannot be mistaken. Let it be a declaration as positive as the Declara tion of Independence, and let it, be signed and adhered to with as firm a determination as ac tuated the signers of that instrument and the work is half done. Go to the people in this election upon the issue, war on peace; give them a free ballot, (and that they will determ ine to have if you will give them the issue of war or peace,) and I have no fear for the re sult. They are not willing to yield up their liberty and become slaves; they are not willing to sec hundreds upon hundreds of thousands of their fellow-men slaughtered, merely to gratify the desire, or perpetuate the power of any one man. This is the issue I desire to see. In the name of ail that is sacred is it not high time that thit sanguinary and cruel folly should be ar arrested 1 Has reason entirely fled to bruiish beasts ; and have the American people lost that sagacity and that intelligence for which they were onas distinguished among the nations ?—'' Can it he possible that any considerable good can result from the prosecution of this war, and from father immolation before the bloody altar of juggernaut ? Do thev not discover that in the vertex of ruin which the war has created, the material prosperity and wealth is sinking along with the proud American free dom which was once our boastaud our pride ? From the administration ot Mr. Lincoln no wisdom or common sense can be expected. It will continue to tread in the downward career of folly and crime in the hope that upon the bloody car of revolution which is crushing- the masses to death, its chiefs can ride to pc mna of imperial splendor and individual y •; In the dark \isia of the future ft".;. : - oae single ray of hope if the hie; o f peace does not so n ascend the nr..ion u zoniandshed its effulgent rays i- , ..... Do not, my foilow-er izens, t- fr>Bpf . worse than will of the wisp ” I quest and subjugation, which ... . 4- country deeper and deeper into the -,d mire of national degradation and im. t us be just and generous. Let us stand . the Democratic principle, that al! just Govern ments derive their powers from the consent of the governed. Though every thing else lulls, let us have no other Union than that based upon the consent of each and every State com prising it, and let us spurn with infinite disgust and abhorrence the idea of a Confederacy “pinned together by bayonets” and only sus tained and upheld by arbitrary coercion and despotic powers. HABEAS courts I V UTLS3S CHM V AT CHAMBERS, 28TH JULY, ISS!. John V,’. Cleveland [ Brien Maguire, Appl’t vs. ) Capt. &c. Resp't. This case comes before me for decision on the following statement of facts, prepared and assented to by the applicant -and respon dent JohaW. Cleveland. Applicant was arrest ed on the 17th day of October. 1863. being at that time the duly appointed Tax assessor for Wilkes county, (District No S3) by Wm. J Callaway, sub-euroiliugofficer for Wilkes coun ty and on the 2-‘ i day of October, 1803. pro cured from Judge Thomas a Writ of Habeas Corpus returnable Nov. 10th, ISG3, atEiberton. This writ was claimed on two grounds set forth in bis petition, one that ho was the Confederate Tax Assessor for Wilkes county, appointed by E. G. Cabiaess, Chief' Tax Collector, 24th June, 1863 ; the other that he was not liable to enrollment, having been duly enrolled and dis charged at the Camp of Instruction 24th June, 1802. Ou account of the long illness of Judge Thomas said writ was never disposed of by him, r.nd is a matter still pending for deci sion by me, and only delayed in its determina tion from inability on my part and that of the sub -enrolling officer to procure the papers, (the petition, exhibits, writ, &c) While his ca.e was thus suspended Capt. B. Maguire, an offi cer duly appelated by Governor Brown to en force ids proclamation in Wilkes county, on the 25 th July, 18134, in said county, arrested said Cleveland for tho purpose of sqpding him under guard to Macon, Georgia, to serve with tiio State Militia during the present emergency. Upon being so arrested Cleveland filed a peti tion in proper form claiming the benefit of the writ of Habeas Corpus on several points; one that he is .still under the- arrest of the sub cnrolliug officer for Wilkes county claiming him for military service in the Confederate array; one that he was and is still the tho Confedeftte Tax assessor for Wjlkes county; one that said writ is illegal because the requirements of 24 th section of the Militia Law passed 14th December, 1863, liavo not been complied with, ho Cleveland being at the time of his arrest only 23 years of age; one be cause he could only be arrested upon a warrant founded upon oath or affirmation; and one be cause he was examined, and discharged 4th March, 1862, from militia service, by a medical board appointed by the Colonel of the militia to examine men preparatory to the draft To this petition aa answer was filed by Maguire, admitting the arrest of said Cleveland, and its continuance by the sub-enrolling officer of. Wilkes county-as set forth iu his petition to Judge Thomas, and ip. the subsequent petition to me; also, t-.rf said Cleveland w-i . as alleg ed in h'l3 different petitions, and still is Confed erate. Tax Assessor for Wilkes county; also, that said Cleveland was examined and discharged as stated bviliim, 41ii March, 1862; also, that said Cleveland was c.ily 23 years of age at- tijp time of his arrest. Whether the 24th section of the militia law applied to the case of tiie ap plicant, ;md whether applicant coaid not be argested without warrant founded upon oath or affirmation, said Maguire submitted i:i iris ans wer to the Judge holding tho .-habeas corpus court, as also the sufficiency in law of the other grounds to exempt • lb-m military duty in the State service. Those grounds of the ap plicant will be reviewed and disposed 6! in an order different from that set forth in the peti tion. The discharge as it is termed of tbe sur geons appointed by the'Colonel of the militia in March 1862, is totally worthless. This dis charge was then granted by a body of men unknown to tho militia law, and only granted to exempt from the draft of that year; and whatever discharges may have been granted by the Surgeons ol the Regiment in 1862, equ uot uow boused to protect any porno;! from military duty, as the recent act of 1863 pro vides lor anew board of examinin g physicians and recognizes this ce: tifleato only as a ground of exemption. The grounds assumed by the applicant that he can only be arrested by a warrant founded on oath or affirmation" is also untenable. The provisions of the Constitution in relation to warrants, and which the appli cant seeks to devise support* from, has no re ference to arrests by a superior officer of a person failing to perform military duty. It refers to arrests for alleged crimes. Such has been tho uniform construction of this provision in England and America, and such it must bo in the very nature of the case. Nor did the Legislature at its late session object to arrests by military officers without warrant!, &.C., under the Conscript law on the ground of a failure to perform military service, but to the effort to suppress any inquiry in behalf of the person seized by the civil Courts as to the (liability to military duty. It is true the Legislature protested against the seizure of the people tor alleged crimes and by mili tary officers on orders issued from the’ Presi dent and Secretary of War, and this protest in behalf of liberty and law saved us as I believe from collision and conflict, ruinous to the noble cause in which weave engaged. As to , tije ground of applicant that being within the Conscript age, he must be discharged under 24th Section of act of 1863, I think in his particular ease this ground is valid. This sec tion clearly intended to give the Confederate .Government preference over persons liable to conscription and to restrain Stake officers from any interference with such prisons until cer ■ tain acts had been performed by the State officer to ascertain whether the Confederate officers claimed the person. While Ido not ■believe that the Slate officers in - collecting men for State service in the Militia, are bound to follow the words of this section when the Confederate officers have renounced their pref erence and have declared in the most deliberate . manner that they do not desire certain per sons in the miiitaiy sendee by giviog exemp tions and details uud furloughs pending ap plication for detail and other projection, I must hold in the present case that the State officers cannot arrest and place in the militia, a person clearly liable to conscription in rela tion to whom the Confederate officers have done nothing io signify any waive of claim for miiitaiy service. Ido not understand the Governor in his proclamation to mean that his officers shall interfere at all with the Confede rate officers iu their efforts to place in military t: A - complaint of the Confederate Gov ernment is that* without securing We n rj sense; ot large classes of persons in the Slate, it has attempted by the new system of details, ’exemptions; furloughs, &e., to impair the-power of the State to protect herself from invasion. In the case before me the Confederate offi cers have not waived in any degree, even the .-slightest, their preference secured by the Con script law and the Act of 14th December, 1803, bn, have faithfully endeavored and are still endeavoring to place the applicant iu military service. It appears from the state ment of facts that Cleveland was discharged from military service in June, 1862, end ap pointed Tax Asee-sor in June, 1863, under the Assessment. Act of May, 1863, allowing the chief Tax Collector to appoint persons who had been examined and discharged properly to the office «rs Assessor. Notwithstanding tins slate of facts the' Enrolling officer arrested him and ordered him to the camp ction in October. 1843, and have ptrsuca him unremittingly from ts-at time until the present time to place him in the “bullet department. This case is then one where the Confederate authorities are to be allowed preference and protected in their efforts. As toon as this ef fort .-.hail be relaxed or given up the State offi cers can interfere. 1. therefore, do order said Brien .mignire to discharge John TV. Cleveland, the applicant fidm custody, and that each party shall pay one-half of the costs, and that this opinion bo entered oa the minutes of the Superior Court by the Clerk of said Court. ’This 28th July, 1864. William M. Reese, J. S. C. N. C. A true copy from the minutes Superior Court Wilkes County. „ . G. G. Noemax, Clerk. — Tee Railroad Gap ix Alabama.— we are pleased to learn that arrangements have been made to bridge the gap between Cfiehaw and i Onelika. and that wo shall soonAe piacenin daily communication with theWVest. Tea. enterprising institution, the Southern Express Company, is removing its wagons ano teams, lately "on duty” at Atlanta, to Opelnta, and, in a day or two, will be prepared to put things through in regular Express style, Coi'.'.mous Enquirer. NORTHERN XKWS. Confe; 1 crate raiders have made their appear ance within eleven miles of Nashville. The New Orleans Picayune, which has been upended for spine time, has resumed publi * An. Its publishers announce their intention priori tho government of the United States, •Vvi to steadily advocate all measures for tho o-establishment of its authority in all parts of the country. A despatch from Portland slates that a steam er Merced for six guns, has just sailed from St. Johns. It is thought she is intended for a Con federate cruiser. Northern nepers say the Confederates drove five thousand c '.rile and one thousand horses from Maryland. A train with eight hundred and fifty Confed erate prisoners on board celliued near Sbohola, Pin. with another train, July 15. It i#d one hunch odprisoners were either killed or wound ed. Confederate guerillas arc busy iu Missouri and are being Slice;. slul in their movements. Genera! McCook, General Payne and Gener al Donblecby have been relieved from duty in tho Department of Washington. Gen. McCook will report to the Adjutant General for instruc tions, and Generals Doubleday and Payne will resume their posit ions on. general courts mar tial. General Hodden has been ordered to re sume the command of ills division, garrisoning the defences of Washington north of the Poto • mac. The New York Herald is sorely troubled be cause George N. Sanders has arrived at the Clifton House, Canada, off Niigara fails. The Herald grows very severe over this little event, and charges that Sanders, “with some twenty or thirty rebel politicians and officers, is plotting and scheming in behalf of Jeff Da vis uml hi* villainous cause. It makes a great tirade against the peace party, an i -charges that ai: -p conspiracy is on foot looking to tbe meeting of the Chicago convention. Several typos connected with tho St Louis Democrat, have been Arrested, charged with disloyalty, shouting for Jeff. Davis and curs ing all the Yankees. It is expected that the Peruvians will soon have 100,000 men in tiie field io repel Spanish aggression. The Spanish Admiral offers to give up Iha islands and all reprisals when Pern pays what she owes Spain. Pern offers to pay when Spain gives up all reprisals. Rev. W. McNuit, formerly pastor of the Baptist Church at Cleveland, Tenn. lines been arrested by ’ he military authorities on account of Confederate preelivites. Capt. Cal. Morgan and Maj. Caenoworth, who went with flag of truce from Oyuthiana in charge of G-en. Hobson and the prisoners cap tured by'Motp'.n at Cynthiana, liavo been de tained aa prUoudrs of war, and are now impri soned in Indiana. This is a breach, of faith that no nation, Varbarous or civilized, has ever been guilty of, uxcspt tho Yankee nation. The New‘Fork Herald speaks thus of affairs west cf tho Mississippi: Our private ndvices from tiio Lower Mississippi represent affairs, there to be in a most ‘ unsatisfactory state.— TV 3 may consider Iho whole Western bank of the river ass one lapsed into Confederate hands once more —lost to us by the inconceiva •blo mismanagement of tho administration.— Now Orleansls all that is left to'and the i cason is apparent enough. Wc have lost all : that’country just as an army is cut to pieces, when, having won a battle, it loses all or ganization. and gives '(self up to a wild liot of plunder, white its enemy .rallies and returns to tbe fight, ivo sooner was Inis Mississippi country in possession than it'was fairly deluged wlih plundered nutkr the designation of treasury agents, ua.y agent;-., army, agents, nud all other orts't f agents. Hordes of these men were everywhere, and they had no thought but to make money. Bribery was as common I as the air, and a universal demos qlizition iul* |od and mined ,us- Great disasters will yet : come to ns from this very quarter, if the PreSi j dent does not change bis policy in relation to ; ii,. But to change ids policy he must change Ibis Cabinet. I The Cincinnati Enquirer in speaking of ITun f ters ret». at r al the suffering of the Yan- I kec soldiers Was terrible. Tim Enquirer says: I a half a dozen of soidiers'dio J per hour during ; tho last two days from starvation, fatigue and I exposure. The retreat was long, horrible and | disastrous in the extreme. i The New York papers are complaining of ! the,high and rates of living iu that j city. * ! Some of the Republican press want Lincoln i to go to war with tiagland, unless that-nation ; ; will deliver up. Capt. bemmes. \ Avcriil reports Hiat he encountered part of i the Confederate forces -under Early at Win chester, Va., billing end wounding shmc four hundred of then), and capturing four pieces j of artilelry and about two hundred prisoners, j Mosby’s guerillas have made their appear ! ahee within six miles ci Alexandria j The result of tlia municipal election in Mem- I phis shows that Gen. Washbu'me b»s little in ■ lluenc*. lie publicly announced that Parle , should not, if elected, take his seat as Mayor ' again, arid forced tiio voters to take the mea.u --i est of all o.dhs—Andy Johnston’s. Park was ! re-elected by over 400 votes'over Wasbburne’s | candidate. -A majority of the aldermen be j longed to the Democratic ticket headed iy j John Bullock. | Only about forty men of (he eighth Missouri • Regiment have re-cniisted, j Tin Yankee papers state that a body of ; Southern sympathisers have assembled on the j Eastern border of Maine to do deeds of violence j and plunder in that section of that State, j The latest advices from Missouri are exeit ! ing. The guerrillas are increasing in that State. !to an unprecedented extent, and it is now confidently asserted that fifty thousand men j under General Price,, have also entered the ] State. | It is calculated by competent authority that i tluj. United States has one square mile'of coal ! ficid to every 15 square miles throughout her , vast territory of 5,000,000 square miles. Great j Britain has one to every 50 miles of surface, i Belgium has one io every 22,} of surface, and j France lias one to every 200 miles of surface. ! Major Gen. A. J. Smith has sent a dispatch [to Gen Washburn, iu command at Memphis, | stating that he encountered ilia c mbined for } ces of S. i). Lao, Forrest nd Walker, at Tu- I pei.o, end having whipped th'-m badly in three ! several engagements, was ihsu on his return j to Momphic bringing back everything in good ; order. - it was previously reported th it Smith’s . I force was sent from Memphis to co-operate | with Sherman. | G«n Hunter Jus asked to-bo relieved from his command of the Department of Western j Virginia, in ccnscquence of his troops having j been transferred to the command of Gca j Yvright. j One cf the moat piecing indications in Yan : kee journal • is glV> Seeling of insecurity ccc.a --• sioaiji by the bold return cf VaHandigham 1 and ms defiant attitude. The party which he represents must indeed be strong in mind and matter, v/yen i. .. irr- a position. Lincoln appears to bave a great deal of dif ficulty in getting State militia to rush the res i cue.” An effort -.asm-ton: to semLon to Wash j ington tiro -Fifty F-Ixih regiment New York j State MSRia without The. regiment j belongs to Brooklyn, YVhen drawn up in line | last evening, at Fort Green, -41 any of them I declared that they would not leave the State, j When they reached the arsenal some broke • ranks and ran down Poo tiand avenue, hooting I and yelling; otii: r-; who i. vl been driven into j the building at the point of the bayonet jump j ed out oi toe windows and made good their ! escape. Several lights took, place between I tho officers and me 1. ' In boring for water at Peoria, Illinois, j some interesting observations were made. The i drill had reached the deprii of 776 feet. At j 120 feet a five foot ream ot coal was found; at ; 207, salt wafer: it 255. a-vflher stratum of c and j three feet in. thickness; af 3!7, more salt waV ter, of about the a cuatii of ocean water; at J 34, q large steam of water impregnated with sulphur. This - ter flot-.s upwards with such force as to lift the heavyweights attached to the drill and discharge 75,000 gallons every twen ty-fouo hours.' it her, been carried in pipes sixty-five feet above the surf-ice, and it is thought on be applit-l to mechanical purposes. General Bin-bridge h i.: sued an order ot re taliation upon the guerriias for the cruelties perpetrated by them upon the citizens of Ken tucky. For every Union man murdered by them, he orders toe instant execution, as near the scene of outrage as possible, of four gue rillas, to bo selected from prisoners in the hands cf the military authorities. Tiie New York Tribune says the telegraphic stories about peace conference at Niagara Fails have a slender foundation. Tbe Baltimore American calls on Lincoln to fight the balance of the war with negro troops. Great excitement has been caused in Ports mouth. X. H , by the appearance of the yel low fever. It was tain n there by the DeSoto, and thirteen fp.tal case- have occurred. Fifteen carloads or Mormons passed through Rochet: r recently enroute f*r the Saints’ j Rest at Salt Lake, City. They were a savory lot of individuals, as persona of this unique persuasion usually arc. Brig. Gen. Dan McCook has died from wounds received at Kennesaw Mountain, NORTHER* NEWS. Two years ago last January the New York Tribune said that if the rebellion was not sup pressed by the ensuing May, it could not be subdued by the force of arms. A New York weekly paper remarks : For a gentleman to speculate in Wall street, at pres ent, te j,i S t s foolish as to play euchre against three Western blacklegs, with a Confederate standing behind your chair and telegraphing What you have in your hand. “Do you under stand that ? ” - An actor named Hamilton has been convict ed at St. Louis of persistent avowals of rebel sympathy, and sent to Alton to remain five years, one year of which he is to wear a chain and ball. The court sentenced him to wear a chain and ball for live years, but Gen. Rose cans remitted that part of the sentence lor four years. ■ Dr. Bellows delivered the Fourth of July oration at San Francisco. lie denounced the establishment of thrones on the Western Con tinent. Confederate raiders are creating quite aa ex citement in Western Kentucky. The Federal forces at Hopkinsville are reported whipped. Four hundred factory girls, working in the cotton factory'at Roswell, Gi., were arrested by order of Sherman, the unfeeling boast, and sent north of tiie Ohio river, penniless and friendless, to seek a livelihood among a strange and hostile people. Senator Halo, of Now Hampshire, says that the stealings under tho Lincoln administration are more than the entire legitimate expenses of the government. Yankee Postmaster General Blair became quite infuriated at ihe destruction of his house by the Confederates, and accused Gen. HaJleck of incompeteney for allowing tho raiders to do as they pleased. A quarrel between the two is the consequence. Washington' correspond ents say one of them have to resign. Lincoln states that he thinks his caH for live hundred thousand more troops will cause dis satisfaction—but lie says lie must have more men some how. The emigration across the plains was never so large as it is tills season. The St. Louis pa pers state that accounts from all tho territories agree in speaking of the emigration as being beyond all previous report or calculation. At one time the during the month of May upwards of one hundred thousand people were journey ing westward, in all sorts of conveyances, between Dover City, Julesburg, and the Mis souri frontier. The steamers between New York and San Francisco never did so large a busi ness. New Orleans correspondents state that fifteen thousand, men will soon leave that city. The letter writers say the troops are to take fifteen days’ rations, and an ammunition ship accom panies the expedition. There are nosv a large number of additional gunboats iqjt-akc Poucli atrain, and morn vessels have been added to tlui fleet off Mobile. Some think this expedi tion is intended for the captme of Mobile, ro as to possess the Alabama river and establish a base of supplies for Sherman at Selma, while other;; believe tho troops are destined for For tress Monrco. Thisfo:co maybe designed to co-operate vfitk Gen. Slscpm’s expedition from Vicksburg, which has been reinforced, and is* again marching to the interior of Mississippi. The weather -last week was the hottest ex perienced in the city of New York for the past ten years. Four days tho thermometer stood 03'deg. to 95 deg in the shade. Trains have agaip commenced running on the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad. A letter from Washington to tho Tribune, says the total number of patients in all the military hospitals throughout the country is about ninety thousand ; iu the camp hospitals fifty thousand—making a total of ouo hundred and forty thousand. NEWS SUMMARY. The New York Express, in speaking of, tho financial prospects of the North says: If three years of war lias..produced an p.dditonnl ex penditure greater than the entire cost of the Government, witli the Urge adiitions of terri tory added, since its first formation, three years more of war, with the price of everything ne cessary to carry it on doubled, trebled, quad rupled in price, by the depreciation? of the le gal tender currency, must involve a wreck of everything financial. There seems to bo but one single hope for-the country, aid that is in peace, and that hope must soon be realized if ; we would bave anything left us worth saving, j On Monday night, July 22 a robbery was j perpetrated at No. 2 Central Ita’li-oad, on the j premises of R. G. by three negroes be longing to the Cciitial Railroad company. They entered Mr. Wade’s house, from the front and rear, while tbe family wi re asleep, and stole jewelry, clothing and other property, to the value of some $15,000. They committ and other robberies in (lie same neigborhood. One of the party was caught in Savannah while en deavoring, through the agency of a free ne gro, to dispose of his plunder. His arrest iod to a discovery Os his accomplices, who have been arrested and are in custody. It becomes our people, especially in the country, in these loose times, to keep a sharp lookout for rob bers. A subscription to raise funds for the presen tation of a battery of light artillery to Gen. Forrest, has been started in Seima, Ala. A bridge and culvert between Tiail and Bald win, on tbe Florida Railroad, were burned on Monday night, July 22—supposed to be the act of-incepdiaries. Our peopie should be on tiie lookout for rogues along the lines of our railways, whenever there is anything exposed to invite the incendiary torch. Tho Marietta hospitals have been located at Forsyth, Ga. Under the late call of’Gov. Brown, Sumter county lias sent over three hundred men to the front. This is a noble response to the Gover nor’s prpclamatapn. The Montgomery Advertiser learns that planters in Pontotoc county, Miss., are cou trading to deliver their wheat at two dollars per bushel, such unusually heavy crops have been inode there. The drought continues throughout the North, and is becoming, according to a Philadelphia, paper, a serious question, “in view of tbe high prices demanded fr om the Government. ’ ’ Secretary Stanton is said to have remarked the other day, “Butler is admiaabio in hatch ing a rebel clergymen or intimidating a secesh scliool madam, but lie isn’t a great general ” The Indiana Banner relates ihe case the case of a mother in the neighborhood cf Terre Haute who, whilst her son was asleep'upon a sofa, put out his eyes with a burning coal, in order that he might l#: exempted from con scription. ' Sixteen deserters entered Troy Montgomery County, N. 0., a few days.since, and carried off a quantity of Government bacon, captured and carried oft the arms of the guard which were stowed away in the building which contained the bacon. They also committed other depre dations in the vicinity. FROM TRANfriMISSIIS3IPIM. Mr. V/m ren Adams who reached Richmond, July 20th from Houston, Texas, which place he left on tiie 4th of the present month, re ports all quiet in that quarter. He is under the impression that there is not now a Yankee iu tho State of Texas, if it be true, as was. re ported and believed, that they had evacuated Brownsville. There are no Yankees in Ar kansas. Banks’- forces have nearly all left New Orleans—it was supposed for Fortress Monroe. The crops—in Texas especially—-are magnifi cent, the oldest settlers not remembering a more prolific yield of '-verything. The people and the trans-Mississippi army are in the finest spirits. • lie also brings the gratifying news that, on. the 2d inst., a large steamer loaded with med icine and powder, reach 'd a Confederate port not of ten visited by block oder -. The blpdkade on the 2d consisted of ihe flag ship side-whele steamer, three-masted propel ler, live gun-boats, two supply vessels and p.rizi-Fchooner. Le speaks encouraging of our prospects in Arkansas and Missouri, ands tys officers in command are fully alive to the importance . of driving the enemy from Arkansas and carry ing the war into Missouri, where they arc as sured thousands eagerly await their coming. Orders have been issued, placing 001. Per sons’ regiment in the service of the conscript bureau, under Gen. Greo-r. All the reserve corps of the department will probably be placed io the same service. Gen. Greer is of opinion that, with the proper means at his command, be can increase the ef fective miiiiary force of tho array .by at least 10.000 men from Texas alone. In Galveston, Confe ’erate paper was com manding, on the 4th iff#t., 50 per cent, more in gold than it did on the first of Juno. Six per Cent. Boxes. —We are pleased to announce that the Secretary of tho Treasury has given orders that tiie coupons of tho non taxaide six per cent, bonds due January, 1865, should be received now in payment of public dues. By this step, which is, of_ course, a de claration that the Government is disposed to anticipate its indebtedness, the value oi thi se bonds must beat once greatly enhanced. Here be-rmneth the first chapter of that sound and upright policy which we may expect to eman ate from the large and honest brain of our present financial head.—(Witi»W« Carolinian. Fitnan-LORiDv. The Savannah News that n o •ii-red at Li.;n.!y Lmil. Florida. saiidavmorning ist i! oenemy o"or S,. Mary’s river, ;i Ali rlit t ok batted result is not known. On Florida cavalvy^^H Lte'd Col. Mc*\>rai.'k. i r,traced the Bi inly last aeoouuis was still progressing. Gen;'; fan m Anderson has in Florid.>. and An iv neral assure of the ii q s men; and !• arrived at he V'e learn that our SM'iicleat to repel 'any '•semi • Tho prose; t a!v.i:-e^B| mure >troy bridges and..-n perty. ibol “k • 'by (' 'te-uV in of TVednosda^H IF ' to.ring in relation to the raid: -- The irain.on .Monday led ior Baldwin usual hour, but 'returned very •n .lit back tr'ding nows that tko^H tie across the Si. Mary’s liter was on ■ it t o guard stationed there was missinj^H their camps bunted. The train again down ’i the afternoon with a detachmer^H roop.- and a more thorough examination had. ■ It was r.sccrtaincd that both erFF of H trestle were burned and the work of tion was completed with the axe. It is tS the work was done by a raiding party who from Middluhurg au l crossed th.e country! the St. Marys to the rear of Baldwin,’ wber! portion of cur forces wove stationed. We I derstand that Ove transports came up to k! dleburg and lauded a force, numbers unkuofl They separated into two parties. It is si a I one of these parties wits engaged by Major! TV. Fcott’and his command with good succifl the particulars we have not ascertained, ’ll general impression seems to be that thq. rul was cut to prevent our forces from overtakil and punishing them. I Tbe impression in military circles sccmsl prevail that we have force sufficient to re! them. ■ Sinqg the above was written the train ll again returned from below, and loam that tl trestle at St. Mary’s had been again set! lire. A prisoner who was captured states til the raiding forces consist of four regiment! negroes, five pieces of artillery, and about ll white troops. That their intention was not! cross the St. Mary’s river, but to cut the roal and that all the Yankee troops had left Jael soLville. Their evident intention is raiding! South Florida. 1 . .-* AatKF.fjarjsAyjOH HI . Cltol’.G! O: l-HOKPE Ct.U.NTY^H t ”A\ r- A. Ijltr: fkJ.p’iTOrii tO Il'G for "i »’•: * w'lt'.t’i’! !>;;vill r. ChrT<toi>hvr.^BE| OfcC.’Usk I •; - ■< •• Rte-i ;vi»nr.r :\A and » tV .v.i..!tv.i a; and vr* - *'d •l-;v,»;-fd, io Im.‘ and : i ] , |"’-ni^^M|fJ*s • v !•.'•», w show cniis^HH kti i in* nr.lli'n* L t". i p.rii.r i.iy li-.i-u uiil'iitl Flpfir.t in l this . ii and Jul ’, ,to i. O. &UA(jKELn>ri!\^^H _Ordir>ai^^| v;T/-7 . ov t isonm*-, * ounty. li IrilJ”. v - f..',’ •PtlvTS < | > ;*!!•• -t y • i ! oußi \ .. Uooiyla 4 , iii'ii*'»■ <•»' 'I tots Uamrit Y, •» h ill 1 ,:• cd ;■ f s* : d Minor**, to iind api»i*tir nt •»y .>!tovv cause, if ■ I'-v f Luitt ra :Ll<HiPi isut I.;* limited. ” ip! iini t-;’ 1 ’ U :’ at office in p’iiiu lid* 1 :'d;!i day of June, iiSCI. jn tiw2*; W. r,r . SHIELDS, Ordinan^^J qV.-.Ti: OV ' (} ■j.LK N* I2 UTY." I".'! . .‘i.iry Y,. :..i v- n ji.-lilions f'r a- . ’.hi- of :;-cv.u!’L Aua rsoii, into ol' county, dc; cosed. J: .*, to (',* ' :v*d ndm-'nisli all, and h • !ic. c s ; i.i .’p. »r«*d, to show c tu»e. uteyt'i i I •’ ipu bd granted, at ( 111 :; i. i c’r*iiiu ’• * li*. iti in kiid iur said county, ou first Monday in K l ton b r next. < ve:i under in’, a n.u, at cfd- c in » ! iv- iics?:oro\ July 1564. JbiUCrihiSiL'S li. KING, j y 19 4 wOrdinal (to, i ITiiXTu]'vxl'Y. When-?.*, V, ;• anjdi.”* ior let*cm of (tiianiia^^B i tr. ana i.i.a n.ri.'-iiy ol the minor:? of F M. 1 ull^H deceased, T.' • a;’.!, teiie.n.d H iriVU'aii all, and t: ( UunlikdaiMi fob -Jsof sab; Hi >rs t>» be amt appear ai nnl teidvf. a it..m i:• • ij.ii” j'.-fM-rihiid j.\ iaw, to shaw canac, it I. ••••*•, !•> mv'.j, tsliouid notne^»rtided. , fo.VGC .'.t ’ ”li ; iG, at Office 111 j:!i;vr, this JCiii GiH'orJu.y, JSfot. J '. r .yr. .‘ Jim,PS. Ordinary^M (iTA'I’K OF OKO!Ufo>, t'iLriVNlq COUNTY. \ViK*r.”*a, t.v c.dp.tG . li/ iii uii Or.i'it, a i color, !a-o.*f: ".’Udy, •!. is umvi'.rr»sf*nit*d : . •- nr- t.-v: rav, t - c;»v ;.'.d fd ao’iL-ii al: p«rtioi:« e; .t ■ s:.r •c - ; I why ttir. :nlmdust ration ot said e.«*a*»* sliuiliH do* 1.0 vc.-tr. ' is tiie Olevk of the buparior Oonxt, or in ether ti'- and proper vcr.’CD, t i.• Court, of Ordinary to in and idr .said c*.mdy on t lie tbr* Monday in hTyterriber text n Mi :e- my ha..d at old j. it Oreencstmio, June *2&% KUG l;:-. XU &L. KIN O, ■ .IrJYfiPv’- 3 Ordioary. foj TATrfoOi’ « EOIiGIA. KtCHMONJ) COUNTY. B \3 VV heroas, LU 'I ustio, Guardian of *4 ihiam ii. Shicck, n*»r, (now of aye) applies to mo f-*r Let!ers of Pisndtsion ■ Pheso tue. thsuctoro to cite and a.inionißh all and iiic ki'.d'ud a; J tilmU of .-aM mliiOT, to be and appear :t, loH 5.h ) 7 eau-io, if :.ny they have, tvliy said letters should not grrnted. (foivcu ud-vi my Inna and oHlcial-dgnature, at office in AuS gushi, tin.-’ Yih day ol July, I?*T. K! jv7 J)AVID U.ROATII. Ordinary. H NOTICE ■ " 1 TO OSO-TOStS AN® CREDITORS. ■ ■TtTOT.'JE TOOKiSDITIIKS A A D DECTOKS. ! Georg'-a, Oreen flounty.—Notice is hereby Riven to &>■ perr/ina t.dvinc <1 •maudsa* r Kiop, deceased rc-i.d .rin an account of the F iUie t * tiie undersigned, iucc }n;4 Vo i.iw, r.i.d a l persons indebted to said and. cua-.e i will n akfl im uediale payment. U. B. KING, Executor of Alexander King, decoesi and. H jy jri ■ ofuufcFx 'T> :TufoN^TNi7foitEl;.iroits. B Stale of Geo aa, Li r - o!n county—Notice is hereby® given t.o ail pair.ii n L.i'ton;-:demands against l'liillip Dill, latcH -of said county, decorsed, t.» pic r-ut them to me, pro]»erly madeH j out, within the time presaibed by law, so aa to hhow their■ i tha:r.e'.er m.d amoum.. And all persons indebted to said de-B ; cuased are ho a-by required to make in.mcdiaie payment to ■ I J. M. DILL, ■ • Adm’r. De bonis non with the will adnexeil ol Phillip l ib. ■ )y jo 6w29 ■ ivroriCE. I XI /• t>i'-llcation will be mndd to il enourt of Ordinary of I imieolnc 0- i tiio flint regul r term alter the ex- I l)!itoli«*u o f Tv/o Mon hr from this notice, for leav« to sell Ihe I Ln-i. n i n-isroe b to tbe M-it-it-. of Phillip Dill, late of 1 r*i-! c lfhtvde u-a-cd, ior the benefit of the heirs and creoltv is I of sjht decoito-xl. J. M. DILL, A dm*. de berns non with the will annexed of Phillip Dill. | julvlG BwSO TWO JIOJWTMB WOTIOEft (I EOHGIA, GREENE, (JUUNTY. X Two mput !h after date, V> wit: at the next October term ci ihe Courtr of Ordinary n : ,:d county, apphcat’cn wlh be i-iacG I ' .ri u <Jf;Urt, for leave to sell a lot of Und contain!ug four acre-:;, Tn. re or loc*, in the corporate limits of Greenes boro, belonging to ihe estate of John P. Scott, deceased, for the benefit of tue heirs md civdltora of paid decoesc l. ISAAC ii. itacL, Adm’r. of John P. ttcott; dee. ly U BwS» - f'\ EORGIA, (JREENr. COUNTY. \7T Two i’; » ul; after to wit: At the next August Term of toe < a-urt of Oidtum-y of raid county, application wilt 'be muae to r. id court for leave tp sell u tract of land in said corin'y, co>:i:- ; itiif.o rciris. inory .--r less, belorging to tiie ei tale-01 Sarah ttotitheriard, d-’ceased. GKGKO T J. SOUTHEBLAKD, junc 2 8w2.3 Adm’r of SariX Syutherland. deceased. (J IA ) • «: Komi . COLUMBIA COUNTY .—To th H Hcj n •, tic .'iipo'i' r Court f sold county: The pe ‘ . ■-' of Jo. ii Li. Vv .scn, Jo.dali Stovajl, Stephen brains m-.' mh .i;-. i k Wi?- ■ , !*-l r Jot:and William A < • off. : .a *;.i county, Henry Moore, German T bortic, /!u;TTn , i"', L'jfitif, Wn.i.m 1< Goodrich, J; mes brown, John boi W,. . IZ J.-j. n, Andr -•/ 'I Jackson, Hobart F i.'v •: , iai .i r •... - ; n1 1 -*ur W ilium cJc sup, Chat lea H M-.'T.y, j . j in il v. u . <; M ( buries A i owland, Porter i- . ! 'uci •>*ti r in'.;-, • ■ -m S Roberta. James«M j ; ■' .o /_■ M T..*:?/, i .» ilto’- 1J lit* hrlan, Thomas P Stovall, Adnan «/ i*n . J .ah Sibley, Robert A Ke»d and Jfvrru.-) M ye,, f*, < !'.•'<id <ity, Vince ll li Tornny. t, f Iwvr.Mi cm./i-v, ruM ,v ill am \V Kvc-rct, of Oglethorpe County, f-l.'* W“ (th, \ t, i.h M«:o':* t• !' •:./ c. i’ed a body p Itfc, with* r in*• o-r; j... . );•» ,;i , they have :• oebted them- # t /• .1 1 h*g*->!.ci i*»f * . purpCnyot n.unuht 'inn# • Jot Lon Garda, :.?• 1 fr-m :• rei-.n countrea :dl the materials, rr*a ciill ry and her ail'dr-snecL »ar,' for carrying on naid bush • • . and ail other buiineis sir in character or Incidental H ere o. Th-htsaid • U'! r .e.-r. is to he carried on in the county of 00-1 1 inxn, and State aiorc. aid, under the name and style of “The }J'’H(*bV’lle Ms;' 'Jompnnv,” and that the nihounLof f.ap’nal t.-> J.e employed is live Hundred thousand dollars, to be and.. d'd iotn rki.-'.s of one thousand dt.l'ars c*acb. of which capital there hr..; been-paid lathe sura of one hundred thou* sand dollars. . j... : ore your petitioners pray that to enable them to carry cm :• i r ! ..-.r.os as a.'oresald, an order may be passed at the )!«•:,t U* -n\ or raid C-oor', m pursoauce to'the atatute In such made ami provided, and. lari ;* your petition-: ip application , .. : ■ .and con .H.utinp them a. and their successors a body ; g tic and corpora*e for *be purpose aforesaid, u - d.?r the nar..e acd :l I* of 44 rhe bou63Vi:l(* ."Janufacturing.Company * tor the •' r.n o: t.j.dty yeussiroih the first day ol June, eighteen Lun died nnd ■ .Tiy-four, “ . *•' no 1; - il.- -n Ch-tries F McOay Jod'-h J ? tov 1 x } er.jimiu U Warrrn iit-.-p'DHi Dram: -* 1 < harlea A Itowjund .'vta'uc; \V t . i r y Porter FI mining ames R Wilson Iwdrocji* ( iraray « Wi. A ( ’ IT-jis Jamcri M Kobeitfl Ht*nry Moore George M Thew Gc.u'aln T Jiortic IlaxMio; H Hickman Edward Adrian <J Ivch WilUarn II Goodrich Jo.*: an Sibley Jumea brown Robert A Kcid 1 :. r.-jL c. 5 Jarnc - M bye v'v itnarn fc-Jackson Vincent It rornney Robert F lj oaba-t Wiiliam Vi Everett Thomas ;V Gfiichcster Jlarshad ii Welbom WilLf.m (j JcoSup Thomas P Stovall A dre w M JackL*.n # Os ATE OF OEOKGIA, COLUMIiIA COONT Y_Ferion- J 5 ally utnre-l, John K. i's-.n, who K-m* duly §wora, says that ,-t - the Vre-iilc-.*. of "Th- I bw ihe Alanufactur in;: Conai env,” located in t he county r.r- 1 State ai; eeaidand emjyi'iT in ’Hariulaciuring Cotton Cards and importing from foreign the nece.:-ary materiau, machinery and wiSarti-;.'" ‘ .fe V/t-oni of;- -.1 actual :y paid In and -n pi -cl by . • - Co>. ; ■■• Vat U . -.o la ope hundred G<jiiar- v.-Vrh if- !u vested in machinery, stock and real entJ•: v.’orth the sura ol one hundred anu twenty-five thWud jjto. E. WILSON. sworn toand ?. : before me June 28d, 18:4. V P c*' Af. P /: true c .tr-.rt from the record of Columbia Superior Court, *&***' GKO. \V. QUAY, r.'lerk. ABMIMeTBATOR'S SALE. f-jv’ virtu'* of *n ord *r fr m rt e Honorable (Jcurt of Ordina »y ; c-oiumb:-’. cvuiry, wiii b- cold on the first TCES i» iV in S ptri.j'j’: next, :• for the G urt H‘ us? and or at Apt lYtiuii in fa'.d c unty, ail tNeg-c s bel:*nping »othe estate of J.,* nH i ?;- , d-c i’ ti. Sobi f-r th benefit of the heirs and cr ditois if -aid deceased Terms on day of sale, jaiy’ 7 6w2'i RICHM(/Jt'b HARRIS, Admr. BLANKS. QU AI TER Mft S'rER’S PLAUKS of every description* neatly and promptly printed, on reasonable terms at office of the CHRONICLE & SENTINEL, ALL KINDI Oi t FKIHTING ÜbEDbylamirririce CoinphDle», anil groißp'Jy psV cuUd«tUi« of UK CHRONICLE * tENXX.f EL.