Chronicle & sentinel. (Augusta, Ga.) 1864-1866, September 21, 1864, Image 1

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r TT$£ ■ jA . i u j i' 11 wwnn 0 • ■ ,-r^ WW'wAy^J^'. ■* vV f : -Z; -v- -... >. S. MOKSK & s O. (Shmicli i(- 'TK K» MS. thk VVKRKLY ( HHO.VK 1.1 Ar fCHUi'HEIt ive« V. SUNE-RAI THMKF Vf<»\THts HI tm «Mi vi((\iii- e'sOt) ALwa i;. IS AHVASCE WRERLY IDVCBTIMAU HATE 1 -. lißirur iDTintmvis ,e ton the cek.>v • .r*e t*<!r.'.y-Sv<- ptl’.-i' . t‘lob te»o*AL .‘rviowwlilb* barge- to “to ' f n lon. I lac'in **. f>f.rlf. ate Fu f!5 *ri' ’ r' r ‘ )iifV4iiT i tritfii fhrtj iHHrr l>*tljrr*T Weekly. Wl,er( O'llvr.rj ■ .. «"'* <r ’ - ■ 4 UM OLM> mm i Hr.Dll’ i). Lincoln tow reduced Iris <]< tri..r.<i to h'-H •* ! million to hundred b-,i>and m*-n Om object be haw ia new, 'entitles*: k to v-iin,i his strentrtb at n moment v.- e;i the Ninth*-" mind in somewhat e at'4 by the enp'.ute «•* Atlanta, by pretending >btl tw ■ hundred th< Rand let** men will b** mcried"to cru*b th- Iviuth H : a policy at this time, ia to d-lude his infatuated eople into the belief that tie NUtj Miration oi the Souih, on which be fca l wanted lour billions of dollar-?, an t ‘wo and a half million* ot men, is about ace- mplishrd, in order to p rr ,ade them to re-elect him in Ne ve liber. But be baa w* otti u beicrt; tried thm decep’io , that i.e will bard!;; RCftin be able t> impose it, upon a people who have found them nelve* *o fr» qu nily doci i.’cd. Atedbur rnoen which has prompted Lincoln to tn-dte t> i* show of modulation, 13 ihe in *o_h-- iig *ffi ultj o< enforcing the draft lb ! Know- full well t it he Cult Id not Jjlfet the httl ! motion, nor . v-n bait number, lie thicks j therefore, 4o palliate the dia l and render it less obnoxi. u.. to Ids subject* by i- g V' demand But ti.e expedient v.i.l i- t Non.', ha* in, erio iah t.ieu to submit patietiily to blurt er,draft, of three hundred thousand for the slaugt. „».v ot Southern t- tto'ueld*. v Lincoln’s lutr *p<.< and alluring t»pie6t-n nation* wdi fa,l to reconcile lb m to the pain ful duty of exposing themselves to Boutintu bullet.. The veracious Stanton tells the Northern people that one 1 undred thousand nc.v troop*, promptly forwarded', is all Grant ask* for tb capluri <>t Kiel, nioid. and to give the finb-hir.i: blow to the o,,nti derate n-ies yet in the field ' The cool ißipndence ot tire Yankee Secretory is Tt-fiefliiiHe must cali-ulate largely or. tin ere übty ,»f Ids victim* when hi vtntuies to ♦ell them that one fund ml thoiii-un i *aw troops, tubing the place of t c one l undm’ and fifty tin tn-tuid veterans already sacilf .-d by Grant' iu the vain attempt to take Itch snotid can achieve whit th *e veterans t,.i• • • to act cm pi i*ti It, ha*uttei.d too many ju ouch false and tipmbaetic usiertf n;- 1 efore. to succeed in this last experiment on NuUUcm credulity. Sta ton, a'po, ondcnvois to ciea'c the iie pnssion that the r-.maiuing two butalied sand tm-.n w'dl only be employed in ruch iigf duty as garrisoning foils and cities, and g:i*r-i ing fiel 1 Hue communications and suppli.■* Tlie eighty thousand bundled duystmn w> 1 told the same tale But no sooner wen* ill. i gulled into tbe m rv'to by »his* cunningly <le r sed lanle, than «hey were lmri’ed forwaid n the front to till ti.e decimat.d nu ks <>f (. .1. and Sherman. Thom-aods of ihem aie now* re posing beneath the si il of V.rgmia and Geer gift, ftr.d tbousnnds more are awaiting the i-xpi ration of their i.undied day*' teim in Sonih*in prisons, without the alighteHt presp, ct of ie turning to their homes at the time promised With such an example of petfidy before them, the men ot the North will not likely bt* du oeived l.y tbi* dec. itful promise—will hastily j again he caught by such a trap. Tlie’e is a deop and wide spread spirit *)? re 1 sistsnee to Lincoln’s draft throughout the North. ; It has, too. assumed the form of organized paitizan eppesitiou*. Hie i’eat of au excited political efturpsign will only render it the more formidable and difficult to overcome. It will be a topic of discussion on evety Rtuinp in (he Presidential campaign, now in progress. Bo that it will be impossible for Lincoln to pre vent ti,e orators of the McClellan party from influencing the people to resist the draft The opposition as heretofore is not fugitive and limi ted, but organized and general npported by the power and influence of a great party, con testing with Lincoln the succession to the Presidential chair The importance of this hostility to *he draft i become* evident, when we remember that the term of servlca of a iarne portion of tho pres ent Federal armies will soon expire,. Their places must be filled by new troops, or the armies intended for our subjugation will melt j away. Lincoln must enforce his draft or be j defeated. Aud yet there is less likelihood of his success than ever before It is plain, too, that reluctant troops forced into the service ngidnst their lonvicti'.ns and their will can uot be as effective as those veteran voluuieeis, whose place* they are dratted to fill. The South has more men In tl,e field now than she ever had before. Lincoln will noon have less It will be impossible for him to raise ti c Him'.-s, with the North divided, who r e bait uer.t-r' > its hostile to th*. prosecution of the war, which he did when she wss united Besides, the fo!* ; gu supply ot recruits tans, d'min'sh hereafter, as the Catholic hter.-vicnv of Ireland have set ihe ; r ag.tint! the en list-*eut of tathyie Irishmen ia the I’edcr 1 armies, thereby cutting off the reinforcement* which Ireland ha*, heretofore, so liberally fornUbid It is sp--ar,at, thereto:'! ~thnt whi ttle terms ot enlistment of the pres-nt Fede ral troops rapidly expiring, Lincoln’s arroit* must continue to waste away Indeed, hi only hope of subjiu-ati gus is to accomplish it within the shoit remaining of thi present year’s camputgn Failing nth s be vast scheme ot subjugation must colhip*e. Now, if we have been able, to wilh-and ti t thock of a united Norib wo i!i*ed not lei- ti Coin* with hei when divided If so bare he*- able to bear th-- brunt of her united streeptb we need not star to encounter it when di* tracted and weakened, it is evident that w have only to ho'd out a little longer to br ; iu about an honorable settlement. It the Nor - .: has to ra-se fresn, armies and und.rtake unotl . campaign, she will be compelled to dcs-st i: sheer exhaustion, and the reluctance -f !■<■* citiseus to sacrifice themselres in *neh a c'-:.- test ' A Nrw Bci.K— rain guard- are row in atructed to < xamine fnrlou. hs and ex mptl-u ■ paper* instead "of p*set>o! ts l-sued by l-.ov- - U >r*hals This new rule went in*o iff-.-ct oi Friday. and »!! parties trav.-ibiir ou the r A j road* hare to have straight document- in r der to pa*B through la tht* tree Am rican eoantry of our* strange casiwiu* a.o now p«- ctMtrj is prdor K> »a.t Ua,ve, \(T*’UJSTA, !i\ W KDXKSI) A V >loßNl>t i*KUMI’t »« _* ,-;-*-•* !i« wh’eb dem id* * 1, V :. nst* Ihe ottnOS' * n-*jry and •• iS ■■■ ti.-n Whatever can v -e d.-n< »- -i 1.-:.- guickiy l 1 will be a fatal . . ,• f 1 .i-'vi sop-nely ai -j le**tr.e «nen-y irei.-'u r; L i-ri-.-l," at Atlan’a wi'he-ut op per iiion While we are i.ile we may depend , .>n it 1 - will be active—accumulating gup p!i«*s at J vaibeHng reiuiarcements. We.cart ..I • .ct ui:.t Linccit* will hosun to strength .-n >l.< J, .r. h-tl.e utn-oat extent cf bis pe ls'..: ;.nd i*wcr. so a* to enable him to ; th--* fall campaign with still greater ■ A v-.j .1 success. We may lie.ritate ! he.. i.-'tt he will press his preparations •it " : ' r-g tvdustry V’ tduta liitte more Napoleonic dafdi ' v v if ri cur •• iiitary authoeir -* ~ v 5 ijtat&itn&k, r- and impetuous action. To »*.•• rnoic tha*i any (hit.g c*iso he owed his - v lie did not await the movements of * 1 ... -ay, but aniiciiated theta by the li ht *.b 9 : pidi'y of his own. U'i: o.e,it,-,,a hour’s delay all the forces that • he rpKied or raised throughout the Con ‘- a- ricy should ba concentrated for the re overy of Atlanta Even at the risk of weak . ning other points of lees, this *nou.d he done Ati army ot foity or fifty : housntid men should at oiioe be scat to Sher ,nan’s rear, and cut off bis reinlorcements and i -applies. 1 , h-b muy have to be done finally ; and why 1 not no#? Why not each State call into re qmgiticn, at once, its whole strength to crush *>i* hh- rman. This would end ihe war. The b-scat of Sbennan’s army following the ex it fir ion over his recent uivmph, would put; i*i eve. - her on the spit it at the North, 1; ct Me* ieliun, and give us peace. The pee- j u s we b- lisvo are ready to engage heartily - in ! this er.te: pii.-e. It is only necessary for tho i ■ I v-rru-is ot the viyiov.'? States to follow the j . ample *ct them by Governor Brown. The North ia now mustering her forces for ; bust s'ruggie. The draft is progressing. I -it'd uo»i. r it.e . cncc of (be momentary eu- j i.uni.trin occasioned by (be capture of Atlanta, 1 we !- ar may succeed. Shall the South be i-Jlo ! n ti-S cris'.M ot per late? Shall not correa- ; ondirtg . ffortc he promptly made to meet and : bull buck the fresh hot deg of invaders with 1 which w. are threatened? Will net th» *d- ! minifitraliori end the Governors o? the various S’ ter n it em :* ivc; to the oi the ,»r«*at dut y before them ? I'lie purely defensive policy will no longer re-wet in this depuitment If continued it vii) result in our auny's b- ir.g flanked out of fiecoucUy. A bold aggressive policy is call- • -1 sheiman mnst no longer have it all cis wu way. Tlh fl inking opeiation must be ‘•tied 11 poo him. He must be put upon the etet-sh e. ;.ud made to rtaiiae the difficulties ■ if bis pi/Bi ion -.Ware aware that for this more men are cedo*!. The p -Hunt army o' Georgia lias done all (hat valor and endurance could achieve It ! ;s --I- it cl to th* eternul honor and gratitude i ■■l the South And -diali not th»«t* brsvc »nd *e f- sKOiilicing men. who have so long'borne -he brunt of the hivt'io, the burthen and heat if the day, of reinio-ced by eve j man that I.e G -vtinmeni and Mates can supply ? hall * t-i. I* 1 and besitf.tiirig policy deny them ll*o 1 -.i-i of tie i< b Lii.-.v citiz u in rep.Tiit g too fit- | iuv now tbr.-Htf rung to overwhelm ’tciu with j isj,- 1 ioi numbers ? A g ive and weighty responsibility rests I pon Jh.siih . t L)*vis at this m- inerit. lit* has | -1 ii:ue t<i I. r-o He is called upon by <he [ .*ru v.ace ot duly to employ ai! the mowm *.»*.<! forte* which he-tan command ;or th**relief | •I Georgia, and he salvation of the CoDftd j •*.acy Lveiythiug now depends on thepr.-mpt- j nos- of his decision, and toe celerity of his | lauv.-tn- ii!s We h t- to ere on tit's great occasion a dis- i play of energy and enterprise commensurate ' with its impoitance Never was there a grand- j er opportunity for the manifestation of the j highest military genius, and that mastery of j • vents, which maik the grext commander and ■ ihe groat luier. Bold enterprise, ferli'ity of i resources, rapidity of action, and inflexible de- j ormination may now achieve a triumph more | glorious than any ever commemorated by poet j or historian. B it wo unhesitatingly say that the dilatory and ineffective policy which has heretofore j au ked tie management of military affairs in j this department must Ire abandoned, if we are i to succeed We must have more of the on- j • igy ami enterprise which havo ever charac- j • r«t"! the conduct of the war ia Virginia, if *e are uot to bo overrun 1 HK aK WIbTICK. A biief armiaiicH has been proposed by G9n. Sherman and accepted by Gen. Hood. Doubt ess to both armies, the temporary cessation cf hostilities i* a relief. Speculations as to the 1 meaning of the proposal on the part of Gen. i Sherman are largely indulged in. To us it ap- - pears quite clear that he desired time to re or gnaize his army, and survey the situation. lie is not at this time prt pared to advance. The me oi service of a large number cf iris men is -bout to expire—has Already expired. Ten lays will enable him to comprehend the condi 'ton of iris army, and to see his way to tho-sue •* ssire step* of the campaign which are yet to I*l rakon. There is some confusion in his rear. It i* quit** possible that he‘has in view some cii rn 're'imudve and imp *rtant movements .qpicj require r!me aud consultation to ensure !,*. ir acconipiishmeut. T 'h;i very remarkable feature of tho affair is, hat Gen. Sherman distinctly states his pur pose to remove the resident population of At ■ iita. Tins does net surprise 11s. It is not In accordance with civilization II resembles the pokey of the Euro('*ean Powers le.i*t ltsponhl bie »« the law of public opinion. It would scent to be better suited to the people* ia the neigh boihood of the Danube or the Black Sea. than to the citizens cf Georgia. Here it has been understood th .t private property is to be re peetcii, even in war. That- a family residence -a home, t hat non-combatants are entitled .■ the privilege of oecitj vit'g their own prop “rty. aud of conducting their own pursuits Vu-i a wa* undertaken and carried on for tbs re.torat'oi) of the Union, should surely respect he right* ud the seniimeuis of those who sub mit to the authority oi the beneficent Govem • ueut which geeks to expend its sway by moral ussion a- well eg br arms (ren Mierman’s e. tston is equally batd on the tfiends and the enemies of the United States The loyal por tion of t e population go North ; those whose : . ts are with the Confederates, come South. I Hi* o‘) *ct i« clearly to se bis sup- j plies, iu put out-ide of hia line* ail cousum ■rs of toed who do n.rt belong to his arm . It )- a bold, m-sierlT measure, vlew.d mere v a . tnilliaiy uieasme. A resident population mu-t iv »i; ( pi e.i wltj, tood They consume an enormous am unt. Wi bin the tm aof , i.r etty th-*■ p .-luce nothing. The »u,p *3 |oi wta oktttßao, if not sot oi, a*j be jeAn* i-d Hi* iotenriou i* to hos !at AtU* ta i! c-f’iot h* ri.iv.-n from it by b-rce He 4*• -u i*. et-d to be starved out if h** can avoid a 'amine Theref«*re. all non-combatanta mu.-' go outsaie of the line*. Tais is '-he,solution o it< extraordinary sebeine to be etifo* ;< Jby G«a. Slier man. lie will Convert At lanta into a stronghold which will defy ass»i:i: It may be held by a mote gairison when h-- hat completed hia works. The double ad van tage will be pained of having a small number 1 of tnen to feed ; of releasing a considerable body of troops tiist mav be employed ia the | field. Gen Sherman ha* displayed marked ability in conducting his campaign. To leave hia communications undisturbed was to allow him to Accomplish all that he projected Gen Joboston’a -lan *i:v;- j*. tj one. ’i he cc-fhmunicatlons of Gen. Sherman should have teen destroyed before he crossed the Chattahoochee. That was the piaa of the able end experienced leader of our army Those who in Richmond control military move ments. will be able, it is hoped, to repair the disaster which they did not prevent. Aji Mr Ritchie was accustom—! to *ay, Nous vtrrotui. COL, JORMSUIV* PROCLAMATION Our readers must all have noticed the order of Col. Johnson, issued from hi* headquarters in Kentucky, summoning all the citizens resid itig within particular boundaries to report at their respective county towns for duty in the j Confederate service. A glance at the map will : show that fully one third of tho State is com- | prised within the limits specin-d in the order, j which we have aireadv published. The call in j question is not a mere idle vaporing of an iin- : potent voice—» brutum fuliptn which a parly ! issuing has no expectation of seeing emorce.i; j it is a bena fide order, proceeding from author- i ity competent to the enforcement of its com- j n*ands. We make this statement, not because i we believe that our Government has at ita dts- i posal a force which may bs sent into Kentucky i strong enough to sustain the order which Col i Johnson has given, but because of the thor- I ouch revolution in popular feeling which has taken place in the State. From the best in formation which we can gather from Kenturfi ;ana whose opportunities for knowing public opinion in ih-*ir State at tho present time are most * tisfactory, we believe that if the true sentiment of the people there were .now ex pressed, seven eighths of the population w< aid be in favor of uniting their destinies with those of the Southern Confederacy. Ketttu ky has been brought to fhiz. through a very bitter experience. In the be ginning of the war Lincoln bamcoosiled her with the idea that “no hostile foot should tread her soil." Under the pretext of main taining an 'farmed neutrality,” heme guards were organtetet ia many kealities. These were soon HS»-mbied in campa and many <.f ti ear seduced into the Federal service The men who had given tone to pubiio sentiment were —with a tew illustrious exception* zoi-.n bribed into toe support of the Abolition dy nasty. or awed into silence by the terrors of the bar-'i’e. When the chsina were fully riv eted upon the people, the mask wa* thrown off. anil those who flittered themselves that th v would at b-a*t be excused from being participants iu a tvar against their Southern tiK-tiiren, were cooky informed that there would be no neutrality ; 'hat (hey weie citi zens of the United Stan s anil must fight against her enemies! Romocstvauc* whs vai .. Miebt mad -right Hundreds o pei*oue, .like Gov More head, who were not prepared to bov? before the rod of their oppressor, were slmt up in prisons or baflsbed f r «m the Stc-te— many of them rrtnaioing in exile to this day. Tho ivr tit’s h*el once upon the 'State, ho has" continued bis oppressors without com punction. A convention of the people esse .»- bled to devise some measures of deliverance from their troubles is promptly dispersed by Federal bayonets—every, delegate threatened with summary vengeance if he did not retire. The order for the conscription of blsvcs is issued, and Governor Bramlctle makes some slight show of resistance. But a trip to Wash ington in which a bag of gold or a birth in Fort Lafayette—probably the former—is sha ken at him, and the redoubtable Governor returns home and becomes profoundly quiet The slaves arc conscripted and sent off to fight against our artflies. Then comes the order for the removal to Central America of thousands of helpless women and children who though they cannot fight with sword and gun have U9cd their tongues so effectively as to strike terror to the heart of the tyrant. But Kentucky at last is aroused. Her peo ple, brave and confiding in the aggregate, have had their eyes open to discover the cheat which has been practiced upon them by the unprinci pled party hacks whom they have heretofore been too ready to trnst. They know now how much faith Is to bo placed in the promises of Abolition rulers, and how much liberty they * may promise themselves under their sway. As the serpent which is trodden in the dust will .sting from its very instinct the foot which crushes it, the people of—Kent icky are at length compelled to rise against their oppres sor. Col. Johnson’s order wiil be respected. tVa look fc-r such a rising of the people in K ntucky at no distant day *s wiil convince tho Abolitionists that the fire of retell ion instead ol being exoaguished is bursting out in anew place. Thoueh cut off for the time from communication with our friends there, wo hope roon to see Tennessee and Kentucky ma king a department whose history shall rival tha* which baa bees written for the Trans -1 Mississippi. United States Postage.—Parties ia the norm try and in some of the cit ies of the South, whore correspondence require* the use oi United States postage, are imposed upon by mistaking tha e.ld cancelled stamps for the new stamp which supc ceded it more than a year ago.— The former is worth less for the transportation cf postal matter, and the new stamp is alone recogn : *“d. Hundreds of letters pass thtough the thg bureau with the worthless stamp upon them, and of course thev are "dead letters 7 ’ upon reaching Richmond. Certain parties are trafficking in the cancelled stamp, rre understand, and this paragraph is intended bo put the public on its guard aswinst the de ception. It is bad enough to have to pay a Confederate dollar for a three cent United State* postage stamp, without get’ing a bad one in the bargain The genuine United Stat"* stamp is a'most square in shape, with the bust of Washington ia the’ceatre, “U 8 postage” at the top, ‘•Th'-re cents” at the bottom, the tLure "3” on be two upp >r, and the letters • U. » v eu the two lower owners Lkk and Cauocn Cor- tC. cr.r* —We lear* tha* Judge C.a-- sa* c-dercd the ad) urnment of Lee and Caihou" Gcurig , until the ••Courts ; n cou-se ’’ -oe ww—- | the Emperor of A’b.Vcginia fcul hi* j hand to Qacaa Victoria, te- - " -li nlAii vi 5! . •' H* -. *v-.v ■ 1 O Mn : t ! . te-vhK.v : . ■ha! wear: .--t f ;rt r ter first , f Hood, thdflpjg s- failure >'■ • . • - •Tun 'te>ro -*'i In ;- up -so cu - ~ : my from th« l : ae of :.i . ; v-<., ,-into ah ui icq A’l-i i . • . , u withdraw >X:i!i' 1 f. .*.- the city atipr ’u.«rit that .. . |.\ ii . V■: V. serve urtil.' *r- of the us..-. >: r . „• same roa-i, onder . pro eciion * qaeol •skirmisher w« with-. - -*•«*-.-, : m ?.v • h‘ II P. M. cv«: ihrout-fi -‘* el y •-.:** j-.'.sscd out by the.Dtrroac. ... o’ •!<> i:.. A . on the 2d ornring th. rear s-- »r J On ‘fc.sAt'h. we reach*- G-ii/tin with oil th<- :t* tiller. tear, four j- f tin- Si-n of. i;-.. comuwad left Tfio f*- - ..''* ■ > who taurci*.’. - inti *£..», <*-»&.' 1. b.:i. #rf either sick, tired o" stragglers. Some few sad been permitted to visit their (Tom. S aR w- pass ed near them, and some perhaps find gone home without permission The withdrawal of the army virtually ended the campaign against Atlanta, and in one sense mav be con sidered a limit to the call under which the men of this command are now serving. Before concluding this letter, I will avail myself of the opportunity to say a few wcids in regai and to the services and conduct of ‘he Militia of Georgia engaged in the Confeder ate States Army during the time I have b.*d tha boaot to command them. Without time for drill and instruction —■ with very fbcotoplcte and imperfect organization— inadequately s.; p- ; plied with transportation, equipments aud all I that pertains to the “materiel” of an army, j I th*se men were first distributed upon the ; I - Chattahoochee to guard the passages of the j ! river from above Roswell to West Point.— ! i When G*-n. Johnston held lv>nnasaw Mottu- ! | tain with the right of hia army, we by his or- j der, concentrated.and crossed tho river, Ink 1 ing position on his left, supporting the cavS! ! ry upon that wipg in the vicinity of MinicUa. ; j We fell back with the army to the Chi.* ; ; hooebee and then across that river, from wiv< b j time until now we have formed a component \ ! part of the army, and have boruu onrfnil pro- | i portionate rbareof ail tn .dangers, bai-dships ! i and labors; and I have every re ason to believe . i that, upon the battle field, on line of march i ; in laboring upon fortifications and defence o! I | intrnnehmen s, the militia-of G orgla. in the | ; past hundred days of active service (n*«*t of | the time in the immediate presence of the one- I my and under fire,} have won the respect and ' esteem of tfce gallant officer? and men c.rapes ' i»*g the regular army under Genera! Hood You ate well aware ol the i arising from conflict in lecisl.ftion r;«oa the i pait o! Cotjitresßand the Georgia l.egiKi.iiur;. j and'can appreciate the spirit of cone, stem and • forgetfulness o? eel!, by which nil K*em to ! have been actuated, and which have resulted j in procuring ha;mony and concert ot action | when there was such o.iportunity ami! for well founded coo 'plaint and rial difficult ? ! Tho recent march was severe upon men who I had no experience in drill, and wen* not. inu cd j to fatigue. This was pnriiculaHy the c»tr,e, with the old men. Tin e«ram.U;(f, however, - , came into camp in good condition, borne were ; weary and foot-s- re, but ad n fine spirits The ! number of tffective men, with mbiskets. pies j ent tor doty, is notch - gr. •*. thin I bv! ey -1 tec ted. ’Hie railitia in this army have done! good service, and ere eoHtle.f to tic thunks of j tho fitapt ot Gu>tgu+ and oi th. GonieJei.-ite 1 States. in closing I beg to ci'cye-t tied *1: -Id tn«n >f: ol, r*tte;*-- poyrU- M.v 1 fit ted for an acti e cn and rapid moveincuts, l.t,* T:-ii.-> and fi<*m i«u!i«r ’ nervine with the nrmj a> pre-e-, .u.-l pi .c..( upon home U-.ty in ti>ei> •ud re -list tic;* I under your. ow;. v. ■ I occasion t., report to y o t i . «te»-u! t!-o : full operations and sc; v-c... of n*. m ind ! I remain very, r,-.sp.-niuby. y ,->• ob. dieut. servant, G. W Sant M-i-Getw-Hl i To His ExceUei'.p. J .-ep« '.-.wu. Govern I or of the Mate of ’.it T-X'-ri i tv. ’.-PA'-Tic-VT, [ ’•'1:11-1 ci'V.i: 1 . !-• . i- , ( j Gen. J. G //*... , < . : . . n w see. Gknebai. : A-the mlliliu i>( Ht •'.•.Jo w«Ye j called.out for tnedei- uce 1 Atl .*:’ . -iu tr; th*' campaign igaiest it whi'h !; ■’ te-m - * • •'• -t b*.v ! (he iail of the city Inte 'h-b t<4- o e.-. tnv. | •u-d n* many ot them left ihe.'* horn--* v.i-’;-,*i*t ; prep-itnrion e>:peeling to bo g*- -.t* t*trt it ‘o-.v : v' Ovks who hive remained in service «vc>* ♦! -a month- (most, of the time in the t> *tt<?!,* s ) i . - , requires that th ybo pm mil ted whlia tic j enemy are preparing for the winter campaign ' to return to their homes tad look, for a time, j after important interests tv and prepare them-! selves for such service us m*.y b.* required j when another campaign commences sgainst j other important points in the State. I there-j fore hereby withdraw said organization from, your command, in the hope that I sh .11 be able ! to return it with greater numbers and equal efficiency, when the interest of the pnb'ic surv 1 ice requires it. In this connect’on I beg leave , to tender to yob. General, my sincere thanks , for your impartiality and justice to the State Troops and for your uniform courtesy and kindness to me individually. VVith assurances of my high consideration and esteem, I am very respectfully, your obedient servant Joskfii E. Brown. Executive DurrETstcvr.} Milledgeviile, Sept. 10 1864. f 2o the Mlitia composing the First Dmaicn\: i have this day withdrawn you from the com mand of Gen J. B. Hood Ymx ea'ered the service for 'he defense of Atlanta. That criy has tor the time fallen into the hands of the or, j emy. The campaign against it is now at an i end. Most of you entered the ser vice with but j little preparation, leaving' important inter sb i to suffer, expecting to return home in a tew weeks Yon have borne the fatigues and dan gers of the campaign with manly firnm**.-- end heroic valor and have won far the ‘'Geo. ; - : •Militia,' - a proud name in history The fail o r Atlanta leaves the -tale exposed to furthu in vasion. The enemy will fortiiiy that place— accumulate supplies and ptepare fora win tor campaign itgainst Ma»on and other interim noiiitb. which, if token, will ieave many of your homes ar. 3 loved ones within his lines, and ex pose the homes of others to the ravages of iris raids. To prevent this it may soon again be neceessary for you to lift your strong arma to repet his advance. In the meantime, it is dn** to you that an opportunity be given you to put your houses in order and provide as best yon C*.n for the future wants 01 those dep-ndeut no on you. Ono of the important crops of the State now needs attention, or a large quant'! v of syrup will be lost which is of great value It is also due you that yon have an onpoi titni'y to return home and bring to the front with you, any and all who is .subject and have avo'd ed or refused to take their ju-t part in the dan gers and hardships which you h o’e endured I therefore hereby onto and direct that each and every officer and soldier in tbe division have a furlough of thirty days I further order that all persons over the age of fifty years be detailed until further orders, to pet-fcm neces sary patrol duty at home, and to arrest and send forward, when the division returns to the field, all who aresubjvct who 00 not report AU details of persons ur.dt-r fifty years <J »ge for patrr.l service at h* me. are hereby r-voked. j and the men ovet fifty years are directed to j t take their places, and will remain at homo as ! i long as they 'athfully discharge tie duties above mentioned If they neglect f,h- tn th. y will be ordered back to thy fje’.l All dr-t if * or furloughs to remain * * honor gruirt-d by 1 any Aid de Camp or < direr pxcent fr. m the , | Headquarter* are here 1 .,. declared void—And i those who bold tij'tn an* lot- t; r* quiinl k> re ! port with tht: i>i vision ut thr o and ot ! ; :ir*v and tr* All furlough trrsut’d at theft He t fq:> ~;eS to persons in Confederate employ con .he eertifleateof‘he bea J ot aiiy ■ ... *.( the <*, federate D**p-r- :n d*-* it. G . * rt'itiaio in force until ' ■ tall* of physicist's and mo e: > mi 'e upon the HMg,c'eii:or! o: tb" J . t 'b u I, ; - , f c t lor Concern b- r re*pe< t c ▲a furloughs could dV’h mu: h less n tfl tilt, if gee . ,-vm .f<J t _*rn at the time designated .r 1 «, it : V , port »nt uat the D'vi-’on •- n , in i>sf,id Strength at t v e thee appointed. it i- not ex pec ed that any will's «hr>-i*t tod tall. AU wfce nr® iua* At®**; wjU be ccayt&tesj L. XX VliN* 1. 38. , - £,. •. c- ' i,- cx;KCt-:d (0 Ir,. .g a ■ ■ •. \ . ; *.-i It is . *jnce tho 11 e ;,i . r • .oi :ac '•!; j .... ‘ . •' a ' •" • ivo ft-r- : : tO til ■ 1 (it tin " j campaign (ta-.r tbcfe a; -n . ti. . • j avoir! :• .v■ .* tb- p - - -. * . list I'JtH ■ l to have i fir. ri-... ii •. - - . o: e .! c: : - .to muTtorrfi rvnrx;-,, .u ... - | vice, which decision seem* u> be •• *,a! in | Jaw and common ?er.:c, I farther, that j the rrriiiiki who are now at tb;- front, term I theas counties, or. f’.idii re: urn at the. expire - . | tio:> of ti-t-iv furloughs, bring wi>h them ti - drr at rest, if teccssaiy, all pcrsxas subject wfiowetenot Etenri'-Ts of mid OompauUs oo tha Sib July, together with all p.-;-0; 3 who re nsaia at home rtendi g t-> th -ir e.iiu iy i;.- siasss under C-nf*:derate exemption? or tie taiis who have not ex.-nipt tens a*, above men tioned. Tr-.e otdt-.j so far as they ret ate to the uiidtie n6w iu ::-*v c-, wvil tie < x cob: i by Maj. Gen. G. who will give all r.e-j cesriitry to carry tbepi into p;aerie ii citect. 1 1 At th« end thirty duvu the divieion wiil j ! re assemble t;t Macon. Joscrti. E Bitov,'*. 'Miqgj -«t —— C’l’Ouea a\d hi** j It is not with ai.y olj.-c.t to pitjudico tbe j I people ag-4 * our Guvnicr, .fit, or - it: a sac 1 lion.' and contentious spirb ■ . mere opp ~J- ! . I j iht; represr-ot.fiiva voi-. a* of rii people of G.-or- | | feia'ai. honn* a.".d in:: *." : iiterw.ia the field, that j ; i’rasideot Ltov;,'. ! n his ;i.:i*-!go>iii»lic o|.|!ositi"n to tin* vital iiiß i.- ■•- of ti:,.- Mat,■ of Georgia VYo have 1,0! -timed on* po . » 1 his action., met- ly to gratify toe spirit ol fault i fl'idlllg winch ia rampant ::-;aiii-.t hitii, Jto* do ! wo cVil.t-ise. hr- couno wish u vi.-w oi c-e-tfir.g: j oLv.cntent or !*.- pander ton publicdiepocition to’grttidy ■ p.ipulur*eiamor t-bat.seeks to fas ten on sane vict’ui'iS it— ad. the failures of out t ar.oy in the IV. and. Rue we se-,k a nobler end i>.liter aim. bolding in constMit virvy, only the a ,it iff r<** , < radical change in the up pc;.- 'a ■■ • «*r ihe utmv. We 00 ij!':,’ h'-!\ 1.:. i. s. bu' w,* demand o.riy those i’n;: idt-nt Davis has it. in his power to c ten re We air :go h'oi'. a pubi’c functionary be fore It- *s J;u:: il of opioioi!, in tb-.-tteuie and voice o • .r. .I; *; *y. for the expres re.,*! of 0 :• ...' .- ... ;' -.-sigh it 1•• d.r pre— sent ctdv ... tire safety «.*l intei to-h «ft: ' • «•(.* f '■ ■:■■■ t rough it 'be • osuit i- J• to a l .! - Sifttesof tho Cons *4- eifti-y, bt-cua.'c in it !-ve a proiai*e of ,nuy be ,i* co:ir-e tc atd each one that hoc >mes simated as this SttUe has 1 .- t a'.-!ul sh.uiov oi i* c i;.:’"<r!Co hnnsrs ! over the ! inti, a < t ri shad »w, whose black ! vrirg* spread from the Pot* to 'Vo* Uto ! Go;',do Iu ih* -hour of ilc-Himt - : in (\-n 0! j c-' .cy « s'r«,‘.*- : , art, end in th** motnont when j G <ogift is [•!*-,( *,l in its t,;• a übje'-t «n*t dis i c(.t«h-:-i .. t - >,« President |iifi!fc*s!y s:,j3 | to its sutU’-ii ■>. and cltihiom. G<nrgin 1 i ■'V ICfilic: f lit* ild'liWS,' tor I the men of foe Shite of < ivo: gift ere in tji’e field i Over the bioud t ifioetJ th<* sorrowing land j ll"*y r.fe soldivta, c.; 1 notliii'K but the disHbled, i tby obi !*,nd e ,f-.**li!v4 women end übildsco i*;-,: j left wit ail ■ . t i bound’tri.s >0 raeuuj. dead ud sonow <,v(*i i’ «enk tie: ; revfi.t* them f«».i lifting a hand to j pi ul .-ct liiomselvcs ftguiuiu, die n-*:> in j, -Ulte Os ft lUth.ns ft'ui V--ugcf'il so» j !ho youth atid ut-anhoesl pnd pom,r and ! -tret g'it ot Gcc.*t'hi f.pnit-g to pitas otThc first jCi .it,,n Oiril ti-.a- I aimed the i-ud. fix.*-: .f- ; , O f> (l C.t* '. (-',!• t-' •' •: Ul i.'odtca! lib;- ions to tia* ; go*l o; war, on evoty b o tk-tiold that has maio j o.aii.-o ! 1 tb,- sraq, lice wi:c.H we 'Have paid to ! Liberty Prom the !'■>' • -ac to 'be 8.-cifi**, and' fro t Gulf’of j holes lip* io tegi*v liero they tori battling :• 't: i t i.'ht-: *.l;c Lndt;;.. i.rii nee of the Gun fule aq - n>ud une ol Goor ia 'i b; mote.ePt tin i" rack* lick the chain that ; makes ti.e cordon oi safe y on our bolder i from one end of the couminent to th«* other. — ; rkey *r« butt!h*g tuill, and with as" invincible and as 1 II i r I .*t'way ti-st, felt file despora'o strokes of the 1 Eighth It-.-g R'.eiit in t':o Ont Manassas. | in Vi-gini;:, they defeud Mr. Davis agaicet ! the venaeance of the rc-m'irselcss Northmen j aud tbe bloody ukase that lilucoin tiso execu | tiouiT has prououi'cfcd. In Georgia they stand 1 defiant and desperate, with drawn swords and • fiisEtihg eyes watching th ■ foe, carer to lain | upon him Hows for tho liberation of the South. | Yc; it is to ihe families and ti c unresisting ! and io Ho women and children of these men, i that Mr. Davis ha:> said, “You runs! defend the . Slate } oorsHvea. ' • Giro buck Iter hosts of brsvc soldiers who have bt.en stricken to death c.ll the thonsand battle-fields of the vtpublic Give l».ck thousand* in tho field at tiu* hour, and G.-br g*a will d-f»rt:i hut. o I’D Nearly a hundred tnousand of its sons have lent the (strength of 'heir good right arms to bow out the indepen dence if the ;> ufb, t?nd the half have fallen victims to the insatiate ambition of wa< and Avar mtsUoi*. Were they now »i; Gin ike limits of tho St etc, their bayouov, git-;icriug io dread ful array on the border, who would dare taunt theta with tbe sneering command to protect t* emsclvi * ? What *.. cii!d t-e the rcs'uit did Mr.* in suit ti e tv - - on: of the Old D w Mi such a pe’tiiatti; and gralnitocs ordc> ? Vvtiat weld iiavejji en the ;<*.;tU had tbe President wficl to Terra, -cee, iu 13'it, “Detcn i jonroeltT .ViS-a ■ fur : -; hr.iVti and in - lb! • ~ pic would i; vo fu-rntd a line cts the border, v.-i.O: c imiK'itetiahle walls would have k( pi tho enemy at bay. an i more a'loccMtfur.y than the in-' ■>. 1 : t ■ "• , V the AuminUtr te.ui' have ev r been able >0 do since ? <ter>r; k. - * crip of biitor:,w., r.ct lull, bet . f the COl | federate »:t;’.e* ei Atneriri rcinti; gly ' / *!.i lo r ! peopl’e t.: defend a, Mv.-s Gco'gii la* been m-t-ie ste fiei;' 00 which half fl-d.-n-d g ti j erals t*.r*rt arubi'.iou* oiiicers have staked tbe j fate of th-.- on to; cast of.i die and Geor i n • has - ted the nrin and I'caoiftrion con ! si'p ot oil t IkTiures of those rock less men . w m soldte ly c pu .itics were not «.q<ial to j the-i valor - or commensurate with their ambi- I ticus dreams. But. forget'ing all her Farrows and -nffyiinss. i j the great ■ :*t suppor s the Confedera y cheer- : ; tufly a,,4 with a profusion of liberality tha* s [ aives - wiil shin gloriotn-ly in -- j s. Notv ; i« lav ri to tb*- li.-t---riacsit to fr.p| or? a'fßost cn | ttrdy ti, , at n • * of Tennessee and Virginia, 1 ••in4 bestd-s bft* within it* borders the refugee a td eu.p us pop'd itiou of all the other Stans of the S-.nth. and ha* given Ler every man tbe Goof, dn) e and nrilitia defence of the G It fed racy, not atone to Ike State, she Still fiijd: mate'! 4 in her u'vn.’ gr, aa'v for ail the l>t’ipo esc! s'-’i-i-i, me tc, t-c R-. publier and yiewr-with more m»t v,-*h «n anger, the tnotk intrtt'-d cou'einp uons thvust that the Pre-ice f j has made at her generosity and nobilty of ! h-art Ih l Geo-ai t fail ot this moment of the coun try’s need, the Presith tit who Cast thi* can tamely up n her, wot:id sit* pmn veal- throne, and io-ier ftom it eventual y. with li tie hon or Gcorgii, this li;-iv, in ail th mu'erial and » - (ederacy. Herb.ter-stsarnl the inter, -t of the acy, f’letn-.'.os tbet the Preside,/. shaP put .node hi* pnjudtcc- and save th- .'-outhive t from the terrors lliat a*tei,d '*h.e prsaenc-.- an*i occupation of the enemy.— Macon LMliaeintr. At ange. Oa . u ft w day* since a gentle man named Bo iuelti, -eveoiy or e ; gn y yeascid *>.- driving .* »cr* s • a v -i id.-> ouer the lttilro ,(i.track, in tha* city, wm-n hi* hor t f C 'liim- uo-d b> eking, e.nd ptecip rt te,l tbelmgey wi h Mr B. tn it. which and ew the horse after tht m into the ra lroud ti»ck b-low, a dtsiaoce somewhere between twenty five ad fifty feet, without iojorv Cither to iho bid ffifehi the bom Oi the bu^gy. ; i ■ : A • ; eqioai. : t ; <:• tr-e i- >:?-i I. (VirgT. c p. a’, in a *;-• igio ■ " • ", « •• •;-. . -*• • •• "-* and( ■ ■ m M. 1 ' :X and (' ■ p:. .• t '-."’-■e ‘ back, sod if j V <’;d ' >.; c .*:, ; • . ,i. Fora week | ' - r - ' , . -. i *.c in i ,t. ■ ; ~ ; their signal.3 '.gin, ' while ou r * v..."ltd ■ "4 in. Theco-ise - - vr; ■ n t - sriri.o tb*. - stream >.f d-'serte.'s c* • -a tr. f}-.-«v, and we ckongitt "«r ---’ifsridcf f.uck t.o jm.t customers for | We bold h Ha-, in c" provkni’v to the cue ! . il:** i -fl'' j4rc f : . !t v .* : e i as 1■: : I••. -V P ' -a.*.',:;, . ' ,•>•-,> ti ; '.fit a atitiog. mtnt t j.isted p: firing t-, I patty upon the other. Dt:r mr «*;'« ‘arm ritice/* frequent attempts were m de by tre : *tiks to-exchaQffc punrrs and swap c-'-AW*,f*r t> jSCco ; hut orders were s'r - -. . n*l -sh t-rp alert, so that no opportunity wh a'iowed Pad theinclinaficn prev-tifed, to trade with 'he * n emy Among ihe tricks resorted to ,bv ih* 1 peirty to hold coramunichthm was ,hi. : The. would write anyth nu the* desiie i t-. ~ .. u nicate upon a -mall piec-.f pa|.er n* ,| .0 ts -.rout'd a Minie or <*. grape *h«i end t- r< w it. across the li e. Ot- of the* . m'*si!es brought over tbe so! lowing : ‘•.liinny. Wi i you (nine p ittcrs with it* ’' We have nil a!*oiit tbsc plort* ■>< t.l-e A 1 - t-.n-.H, 1 up -ti liarper’s F. ;y 1- .:, < rrf h*ll way; you need not he «*i>aid «.t o si>., t .-. :; . rut. We can have a fit. r<Ry' ot <-nc : and wind up with v.Uk'-i-v - >* “Johnny Beb.—i* too’ ffftvktiritd Vbgirri. still <>" this line > 1 have twt .« n.ii-te f regiment- got ncqu 4 .v'ith theja *-**!(„ chiingitltr,-;-. . . b'-'./e, from tt|tpe rar- , ; . - t-y uv* as I tie ‘hi-; ’ "I No tiorice wiP paid . - . , . , and after tbe deseiti - . _ - tin;,', our general bte.-t"' <i:-;‘it»n-* * mething of tbe eto-itiy’* nitni. , *>, .:-.'* an order offering a fit <»P *c W ... 1!) ;• ;• - . :v >,led tits b. .Slid ,• .. . , k* were nracticed to “ ,'t-iq -. Yankee. Our (toys commenced s', akitqi o-tp.-va sold Itecknning, lint blue “smelt .t mtee” tR s-a much tendneits expo-, teTtitu moment, and filled to c< me out of !,;> t Some good stories a*« told upon For,."; of the boys, two of 'Vqc ~ £ rette :-.bef jh-»o. A confederate;,Helv'd ot;' with a paver, and ' p . piste) concealed, to meet Y&ttker ho showed iionsc-.f in the wood:, fifty yai;l* irotrt *T'.r ports, Guttlnsr within five ateng of Yank, he presents his pistol and cries out, •‘Smren-. der :” but just then anuther Yank, close at hanrt, pokes ii <s gnn areund a tree and said, with an oath “Swap papers. Cnufmto.tle, and get you gone ” Which reh d;d in fa«t 'into A good or.o is told on two vonti" officers w!>o wanted a furlough One went out uu H'-rned wiih a paper, nd waived it for sortie time to entice tho to come over, v;:rile •!■.* other stood ready io rush to hT aa sLstapce Affot a while a burly irishman came up, | »md the captain at oaea'grawfied him and eu I < to lead him in. Bit lii-hmui was [ too stout ; m-i sifouWet-'njj .:-;r sonohv little I c:,i'triti. wqs will'.invr wi'h itn, when up ; v:tl .be b- ' i . wirii-J ' t.-tH 14-:,;,-) •*' ; Aii'eif i-to-n- r ; | Imi' freneral Pickett K.wd htjfcouldn't given ! furlough upon c.rijjt i;u-.!i c,.-;;t*i*e ns tjtat, arid j sent tb.t [rishtaante.«« he wasn’t taken j with arms in h : s h;M « Toe Yatike<a toiled offor.e of npr rue n, r,i:4 ; B/sUer s-,u him back by il-.q of tree.; ; t.«t tbe outlaw w is not recogrris *d. !,;* carried the man back Ib '.v v riv, he 's tur ned the man loose hu<T he catae walklug in with p%t> ra. -'.vieo hot. he had been “golt bh ?! u*.> ’ iin-1 *)iat3h(-.t Tt.on came G-'-i,:tu! Ord. i- No i"5. and w> jto ef'd them over the Hoc.- .*1 a da, or two ; the ordi r worked ch . to. a- . -. ( -itne j rolling in by the rt sen. ' b.'-metb»>*s get j ; - ‘tetii deserters in ca,e niebl. vlai,nil'g . r-t-etjan nnri'er Gem ral O-d-. Mo. 65 V\’« made a raid on their .isl- pits la'Piy and •C. pf sired sixty prisoners Among Is -;« was j •'■*> old Dutchtnnn, t bo sho- k ;4 if- G-'tier.-d I O der No 05, and tried hard to tell how he j ol.*i,:in.l “protection under dish nt itctdi-.m,". j but we couldn’t und.i-riotid bis fon.i; ; lingo. ' and he bad to bonk with the other p-i*on.*ts. ton the evening oTtbe 24-h >t we* report'd j to Geneiftl Thomsn that negroes wete pitice-l |ln the iffe pits in bis front, and he at once j ordered his pickets to fire m>on theta - This produced a stamp'-de among colored hrttSron and much confusion in tho camp of the - ;;' white associates. Reinforcements were brought up by the Yankees, and then by General Thomas : but before hostilities Roc an sh earnest a (lag cii'ne over, asking the re-ton of our firing contrary to the arrangement tint had existed far tight weeks. Genorai Thonen replied that. “we ! did not reooenize negroes a* Fohl'ev?. and i should fire upon Ur m whenever and wherc- I aver they appeared in arms.” The Yankees then sent, out white men to the pits and a!i became again, quiet ton the eventng'of the 21th, ft was '-'aported tn General Tho was that negroes were placed ! in the rifle phts in his front, and be at <i\ -r ordered bis jhke fs to fire upon them .TH® produced a stampede among the co-ore.! Ir rtb ren and mttch confiHion in the camp of’ Ihete . whde associates. Eelnfot cements were brought np by the Yan kte-8 and Uieii Ity General Thomas: to-, hefiir hostiilt'es began in eartiest afl ,h— e ®.- atvk’r?. the reason ofonr fi log. contrar- to th- ' arrangemeiita that h«d * x'sied f*r<ig -t week i General luomas replied that “we del'not cc ogn : Z 9 negroes IIS scridiers. nv and r'r !'d fi,(. on them vJiep.ever they app.a -4 a, arms ” i'h<* Yatil.'cv t hen rent out white* m.*a to th pit;; ;>t.d all became again quiet Haupef/s FirniT KCAB JoNesßoe.o.- P i vancih News is permitted to t. ,kc the frib w ; ing xtifrt from the prf r.te l<-.U«r of *«i <ffl;er ■ in HaMoo’s cor?'; . * j for iqvte ; Gen, Hood (livided v ' ..-ar jly half in Atlanta, and (rites < n*.<!.- j Gen. Hardee w<s ordered t*. fi. -ri t. : tjr* | Jonesboro Gen Hito‘-*'i‘. I; V— on * • ! -ts FO n n as he trot.ln po'rti'on. Tl*> ••* 4- I tack on Wed ne ay. the. 3 "< ' *tm nfteric -ri. w*c* i.e; -u. - !.I ■-to The - : tv k fail 1 I ’<> 'ou ry, ’ho ene-n: - rtosi • ion. a* he was f. >.•, 1 ./-ou ; orttrer.-:.<-d <•••. F inr river, and had four to- We aboo -1 50d killed ur.d wounded, but no j-n-oner* or Hrriile-y. We fell b ck to onr original po*i I non without moles’ohon. During the night : to order c me from Gen II »«! to « *• ' Lee’* corps l ack to Aflac a. As soon 'as the enemy j ; four 1 that In ' bad goa'*. they comme red to ! move on Hard-e’a corps nrd baCtr: been rein I forced by two more corps, they attacked our whole in r,t> place with less than tw*> of I beltle and in some p'aoss wit' rix or eight i at the same time, having a large force to turn I nur tight fl-nk. Hanbo's corps fighting p : x corps cf tb‘- en i emv, made me of the most glorious flgb** o* ; the war. and although meeting with a defeat or a small pi-rti n <*f th" line, vet covered itself wi*h glory. A portion of two brigades were driven from thsir btenslyvorks, 1 sing eight pieces of artillery end some five linn' , r«d p,is oners, but reformed’about OjD" btf’dred an-1 i tiftv yards back and the whb’e ground *r H„ ,! I, v r;,cr ~ until we retreated 'ate in tec night to this place, (Lover yV). The lighting was lerr'fu: f r ni<;re tho** two hours, ann t. ‘ Yankee 10-.r.s r-eriy .qual iptue number of i killed and wounded to the entire ctrengib o ! Hardee’s corps , 'li t-r- I* no instance in tM- war, or efisree.t 1 a parallel in history, to th * Y,* of an a.n»v li. flirting men erm-cy a U-IM •1f 'l • I , v/n streeg h Geo. fchf.m n eemra-nmo th" i yank-re force in K r -° n ’ J °y • no i doubt toeatiis up wit: ut ''[• :bb- And I w g will trad--a tew pieces of ftriiery on the ! same terms auy t:m" with th*- Yankees. ThP Postmastfr General has ' •' k -I down ! |b« | ... »n be tool T‘ M the V : I Ceatral hoH arvan^mpn'*" j with, the :oisfao y lot th* tra&«p*wta:it»a o', the * Kails, j Thk iEN Days TANARUS, cCK— The foil, wing is * uor\ ct thecorrssp' tdence betwu* n Gens Ho-xi ana »•.•«•=a iu regard tc the ten day* trnc» j matter : Ht -s < < -rA>'.rsßs Military Drsv of Miss, 1 |,, i-'i Ik. !<*. At.iftiitft Hept 7 I«i;q j loj 2; Mood, Con ederatn j 1 have deemed it the interezt of j “if Uui'vdStates tact tbe citizens now teridiitg in Ariantu should be removed Those who ;ut mr, to go-South, the rest North. For th<» 'Manor, [ can provide transput ttiun and cats to Rough and Readr, a'so wagons But that their,removal may be made with as Urtle Gis comfort ;:s possible, it will b** necessary tbn von assist families from Rough and Ready to the car* at Lovejoy. 1 you. on ent. i wib under‘ak<* the maoval of families iu Atiatila who prefer to go South, aster as Rou-ah and Ready, w'tb all movetthle cliociu, stif-L » a c-Ic.fcicg, trunks, mnesk's fl.'r.'iiire. b«ri<, eio, ,-.e,vci;'s. white hiac-fc, may also actotnpauv tb.c provid'*d ne force be used towards the bk« ks. :;e way or the ("her. if tiny wish t<> go t, their tjj uteri aid mistresses, they-c an do so, otherwise Hey wi 1 lie sent away ..r emploved by the qu-.ter mastets Atlanta is noplace tor t- a.-,.* or non c>>mbats<ntt. 1 bev** no d6* : ."' to s t*d p*r— pans Noith, if you arsi.-t in, C" v. >iog the® South 1 tiris proposition TBPefss you** views. I will on eut to a irnce in tbe • «*tg» b**rhoc<i r-f Rough and Ready, M.iti«t iiinu that a:i> wigcrie, k-*r (8. am Dials or peis ns, s**».t ,y«r ptt:p.-rea stated shall in no tn to er. Re hlfto and or it:o yr-it in your tutu acre-ring „.,y wagons ciiiia:?**', persons or aninoiis shaii not tw* 'iite’-fei. and witn E-ch tn gfii h* 1 and ne-tard, say one iur dr and sn !n. invPts--- > *'*i' The ttnee tola* in.i ed to trli dufb. . v. uM-jt. in time appointed I authorise the Mayor to choose two ci.'ist -ns ' ■> ra, y it:; , letter and ?cth docuroents as the Mayor sa.»«- to ward in -xpl na'ion. Awaiti g s*^.' .enly. i have ’!*, h-.tini to b« YoUc ob’t *.*rv t, W T SiiKRMA*’, Maj Gen. H’» Qi'ng Armt of 'fEi'w > I ■, 1 • 18, 1864. f ’> ' -jj Gfrn. IT" T Sf-enmit, Cotnmandirg R i 6’ runes i-i ‘-Borgia: i- A r. . Yi.i<! n its»r of yesterday*. date 'e bv Jaraea M Hail anti James K Crew, cir z'ii.w fil'arifnita, it* received You say.therein and do- m it to the intercut of ‘be United Statutes thatch sens residing at Atlanta be enoved. etc. Ido not, cotitider that Ifc tve any ait. rnative in the matter t scept the proposition t»deola>e a ten days’ truc«, or Kue' t me as may be deemed nee-** sary to arcomp ; ah the ptnpoee mentioned, H'ai shall lei drr ill hensds'ance in my power to expedite the transportation of citizens in this direction. I suggest that staff otie-'-rs 1 e appointed K y yo” to superior nu the r remo al hem tuu oi ? to Eougb-and Ready. while Is) point a tike o2J cer to control their removal farther S mb ; that, a guard of one hundred men be sent by each party as you propose, to maintain order at that place, and 'hat the removal btgir. oa next And now, sir. peuuit me to sav that the UR’ | preceiented m.-asure Jon propose transcends i liie studied and ingenious cruelty of all acta | ever brought before the attention of mankind, | even jn tho darkest history of war. i In the name of the God of humanity I pro* j test against the expulsion from their homes : and firesides, of the wives and childien of our | brave people. 1 .m ScVlOi EO be, G< n., * Very rcspectlufiy, your obdt «>> vnnt, J B. Ho' and, Gen. More War Tax Decisions.—The following decisions in regard to the war Tax have re* ce'itly K-eu made bv Hon T Allan, com missioner, in reply to a letter from the State Collector of bo nth Carolina: - War Taz Office, t Columbia, September 5, 1864 f 'ihonwou Allan. 14q., i lommhaioner of Taken, Me: A letter fioiu your office, addressed to •• Beattie, fc&q , ba« been forwarded to thir. i.ffiee, relative 11 the irofits on .the sales «t bioeii idestock. By a former decision I had LT itposed that stock sip’scribedf. w previous to 18(>d and sold dur nc the year would be exempt from a tax on such piofit, but if I ua doi-tand you correctly, the Seere ary of tho ! reasury now hinds that no/iriginal subscriber, even it the whole transaction took place in 1863, is liable in the t;ix of ’en j, r cent, on the pro file of such transact’ n The words, “any mc-reband.ze. property or .effects of any kind.’* Rio very large and very extensive in their import, and in my judgment do include profits made by selling blockade stock, whether the party was an original subscriber or subsequent I purchaser. The stock so subscribed lor ia I propel ty, and can be assigned, aliened or oth erwise disposed ol as property, and therefore I considered it just as liable as the profits made, iiriurr the niie of any otter st 'ck or property. 1 1 lam mistaken in those views, please inform mb. Very respect lu 11 y. Jos. Daniel Pope. State Collector * Office of Commissioner op Taxes, i Richmond. Sep.emt.er7. 1864 J Jos D. Pope, Eiq., Stats Collector, Columni*, j So. Ca. • I tin : Yours oi 5 hinst., ask'ng an explanation i T the Secretary’s <i cision in rep y to a letter j from i! Beatty, Eq. of Greenvi led 0. has. 'ler-u -revived, tied [ have to r. piy t at the qu stion put by Mr lleu'ty w»a couch and in the mi owmg term*, to it: "Whet ,e- ap.rty who sttlscribed for stock in a joint st ck c- npauy, ■ml-old the saute du'itig the tvr M J I:I I ole to lb *-x up'-ti th* l pr tin. txi -d oy buying i Boiling under li iragr-ii h ilo' Sectvm i Act o Fcbcuo't i7, 1801?” Ibe cc>-t a-, y"s **- g ’•v r s, in deciding the* qu *h ion. sr- a- so low • I do not think an O’iguiai subsc i*-er io & jo'at t .ck comp ay i« wi <-i« th aw as or ou n dm ps-a.irph 11, see i-<ii 4 ot the l.x A-.,*, 'ete.ced tu. to tds cgt o& *-f i. iai. : -nioo. to ■•’it : p'ofio- n ■ bnji g rid •v ! ncd ibe chut Cut ot the -u jw, t «;U ii"-t- i, I(j > uui think this case s- judvHt 1 it iKiai-: ;u me th tho de* is ouis ; fu;! andexpl.c t. red em’urtC - the preci «ca-e i)i,'.. of ho.yii g the st ok in lfc63 and aellmg it; ' luring me saute year. VV, v resp c»• Hy, T Allah, (Joinmisdouta, 0. of Gommissionkb of Taxes ! '.iiusi /jnj. tv-pteiu’urr 7. 18tii j Toe D ? f-q., -ttttc C»<i«otut, Guiumii; , iu - : hast* u to reply to yours cf sth inst., ml t)*ir - to rt i e that y-mr construction of the Yoidtus' Tax Act, of 10 b June. ibt>4 i4 cot - ect. and that the tax applies to alt subject* of oxation of and for the year 1854 C ns qimnt its oi oration extends back to the Ist Jan trry, 1854, and applies to specific taxes and jt tn sab s prior to the passage oi the Act aa -ell as subseqarut It will not apply to tho lit quarter’s sales ot 1883 and the income tax n 1855. which then occurred bu- waa aot da® till 1854 Very respectfully, T Allan, C ,m.L)i»“ioner. DE-EBIEB3 IN CoFf*.B Cos., ala —We learo hat ou 1 burtiJay night 'ast, some dvseiiers bon) the lowei part of CoiTec county, fired the inidge across Pea river, at Elba, arid set fire to •he town ol Elbi in several places. The nex-t morning they were pursue 1 by citizen* who iver to,dt them some ten or fb teen miles below, ,i which point a fight occurred resulting in the instant killing of VV F Beard, C 8 Tux Asses sor, ft P ii ovks, Collector. R Carmichael, De puty aheriti'ai and Jailor. Dr T P Larkins wan hot through the body ; the wounded is cou :d<. -*1 mortal. Capt J Cantey llrnwr, also re vived a flesh wonrnl through the thigh. One deserter was killed and two badly wounded ~id captured; oq: was afterwards hung, and *se other shot while attempting to make hia escape One o' the deserters confessed that bw ournt the court bouse some time ago. U de*a -te* s me taken at once, sucb bands of ou'lawa will ravage the lower part of the State.—Atont jtfmery Advertiser, Sept. 1. Ibe Working Women's Protective Unl.tmof New York at e pr.-paTi g a m-moria! to tha -ecretar ot War, praying for s tah » raodifi-a. | ,ice of ibe tract system as will make >t ob i . gi tuy upon all contractors to p*y G'veri— , 'uvnt pi ice* At pretem they say, the s;atera ; and mo'.h >r= of men who have sacrifice 1 their ; lives for their country, (tt« actaally r^hjpw I ihirti at Eix c»hte