Chronicle & sentinel. (Augusta, Ga.) 1864-1866, October 26, 1864, Image 2

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„\ M J-t ' ’ ■ *tv * t .il- • tfllr % i' l Uun V.' V # L-. -1. ' • •*»* <U*c * *Mrr*>«t u»» Kturi <•- ..... . , , u . i jn-o•rut r.imlitmil ot Ue « «>n»iU :1 1..i am* all- | in ilia). g.-nttonimi in mpiid «•» •* P'd'-TL !i heVi&tiglit would In in:; lhi» Ijloo- ly >•• W 1o h Wc- published (he document ill nurVjluirit:!. It appeals '«>.*t the lu t dollar ui..l lurft ditch. men in hi-. dir,Diet who have, (»ii(!ii r anJ managed to out ..f Ilie amty, do not like the tone ..f Ibf letter, 'llrey want the rva: loconlinut Hint j ••verjboJy Vla.i to light, while they May at i liomeaud occupy bomb proof ‘-honorable of- Neither do the heartier. rapacioiuspi-e --ulatora in Mr. BoyeeV district appear to litre hie letter; that rlastol the community do not ,if..iie to have the War stopped: they have ju*te huge fortunes, and are now making al most daily immense sums of Confederate pro luireß to pay. <if course they do not want the ivar to stop —not they. Their occupation would be gone, and they would at once have t) lei patent with less profits-and harder VOik. 'Ve do not wish to be understood as defending Mr. Boyce’a position. Our readers vill sue from the speech* below that he is ü jlautly ablest defend hiuiself. We are Only showing irp the two classes which exist in A very community, who have i»o dc.-are to bring this war to an honorable settlement, without <he loss of -more precious blood, the squander ing of more treasure, and the laying waste and devastatiug.of more happy firesides. - Hut wc have already said more on this mat -ter than we intended. Wo simply meant to introduce with a few prefatory remarks the (doings .of 'he mot-ting which was called to condemn his course. Here is a full account of the condemning resolutions and. Mr. Boyce's »'peech, taken from the columns of theColuni 14a South'Caroliuiau : ‘ In pursuance with a previous notice, a meet 3hk of tho citizens of ltieblafid District con - -•veilod, on Monday night, in the City Jlall, to. take action on the letter addressed by .linn 3V. W, Boyce, M. to iris Bxcellcucy the Trisddent. The assemblage wua probably one <,f the largest ever gathered togelioa tor a similar purpotsd in Golnmbia. and embiaCcd jiiuny of its prominent and iidiiiuntidl cili/.rns. Shoitly alter V o'clock,.Mi? meeting was call ».,d to order and organized by rim appointment ~f Hon. I). W. Bay as chairman and a t-Wvl.i 'Ym motion of Hon, J. U. Trade well, a com mittee of tiltcell was appointed by (lie CUtdi'. jo rejtort a proper pieumbL- and resolutions in dicative of the sense of the meeting. the coin milter- consisted ot the following gentle man: Hon. J. I>. Tradeweli, Hon. K. ,t. Ar thur, Hon. .T. J Gooilwyn, J. English, - Dr. J, ft. Boatwright, H. W. Addins, Rutou. M.' Johnson, Dr. Win. Reynolds, Col A At. Hunt Eli Killian, D. I>. l euly. Alex. Taytol'.'Ciipt. James U. Adarufi, John Dent., dense (i. L tikes, dames. U. Gibbs. ' The Committee having retired to discharge -the business unsigned to them# the interval which elapsed was occupied in leading the let- Jer of lion. W. VV. Boyce. The tollowing preamble amt resolutions were the* reported and read to the meeting, amid lie,juent demonstrations of approval and up; *, When the election of Mr. Lincoln as I‘mii <lent of tho United riUton, by a purely section .sit party, made it manifest; that the consummation so long apprelmndedglmd be- n m. compllshed, that the Booth no longer eon tiolied her destinies, but /.as heucelorth to be governed bv another iisople, alien in seirUment viml in inteiesf. (South Carolina tilt-solved her connection with tho existing Government •The net was delibetaii*. preceded by years of dieemsion on (tie ijucstioHit involved, and in accordant o wiib the Iccofih'l pledges nl her constituted millionths. ,'Tchad jennicd the tost, and she feai nl nothing t o urn. h ft.-: tho degrading vassalage which awaited her. was tolh.wi and hy other Southern tdates Anew Coillederuey was formed and Sioulh Carolina a, zmm-.i new jeditkal reiiilioiH. Tim old Confederacy denying- «.:> the new the right id self ijoVeruiiienP, hitherto esteemed -the corner storm ol Anre.iienn InidiLiiioita, made w.-.r, utul for twin' ywus a ritlhlniit, e;tv itge, inlmuinla in alroeily, h.ur been waged upon us. ,'v>utlr (?arolina, who led the vail, hacsidleivd only in eoimmm with her sister a. ,'J'ho Blaleo‘which eiuno to her support, like h'oiitli Carolin't. Jiavo freely sent lU< lr soda to the hold, and despite the terrible slaughter which ine. c'nflied; tdllh opprise to anir oppidsoi.i an umbudnishe.l arury, witii an nnvafcquleWd (jpirit. i t cannot ho that .South Carolina will be the hut. to quail Indore the Joe, whom the was the bret to defy, rind that she will teach h':<3otl3 Os cllbiul jon to tip we who, hut for lrcr. perhaf);; nevei would h ive liean in arms, thrr r l yemie: are no less hate* dui und ali'odtuis ikau in (lie beginning,, and our frieuda urft aa true and faitblnl a t ever It wu u I I he rank cowardice to ,-suCeiinih to I Ini. fu st, and infamy to fail in'our support of the latter. , These retteetioui are t uggmiUd l>y the ii't-eiit » xtraoidinary letter of jinn. W. rV. Boyce to President Davis. Mr. Boyce is-, the repm-senta •tlvo of tho central rlL.tiu t of South t’.irolina. Vt’e, of the'eapikd of tin State, are hie imme diate constituents. Wo ,cannot pci mil spell a letter to pass uurehuked. With Mr. Boyce’s motives and iutcutiniii v.c have no com - ru. >'l ire tendency of tho hHler instil loelings of riiibmisslon, and sugiAst llm wish lor iccou ntruction. ltir logic is mme directly opposed to secvsiiion an-1 a tuq-arme Gqufederm y, than iu favor of the uieasnre. us a r< rnedy proposed iu our exlieoie distre*-- l\ ii iullot gloomy flrepondeucy, surd is cnkuluiej to create »li. uilislaction with our (kverinnent and io -reconcile mi to that of the t-mnuy, and lo ciis vrprlt our anuy in the iiehl. 'J his Cciumittee, •with these views, reuriumend \(m adoption of jhe lollowing resolntious l. Resolved, That the opinion ail-1 sonti merits of the Hon. William W. Boyce, in his -published letter to the President of the (A,life derate States, are regarded as the suggestioiis «,f a timorous despair, which, if heeded, can that lead to dishonor and ruin. 'Jt. Resolved. That if it he true that the Northern .Slates must of necessity - not only make their institutions but oiiin ' also, and that even the achievement of our imlcjieti deuce will be but the in&uguiuliou of a mili tary despotism, and the overthrow of our liU>r ties, then the teachings ot our illustrious states men for more than thirty years have been s j delusion and snare -then the withdrawal ot this State from the political union wiilr the Unites of the North was a high and tearful Ciiuie, and all who, by their r ormsols in past times, have contributed to its accompli; umcnf,” trot excepting Mr. Boyce Irimfelf, are pan a kers ol its guilt then alt the evilly -an iiMe ol 111** and properly attending it Ijaa i>i.u Worse than .uui but one refuge for us is possible to hasto atpon the wings of tie Molding, to a re-nuion with ft people, whose bauds age red with the Mood of our kindred; whose Mtedess grows and multiplies at. the coutist piOCfecO..'* "ho, with the intelligente ot Ike civilized mat; have all the v i.-es ot thejhar lonian, and httvo b.-u le.J* elevated by the en- Uybliug influence* ot {ThiLtiai.. i, V than any ot She nations Os the < .nth; r. fate to id. 1 1 of hoi tror that, lather than yield to* it. we pfl'ter to ok. opt evt u the dark detain \ whh h STo. : Jloyce predicts, au unmitigated military despo- 1 iicrn created by ourselves, for •‘our maatera j ■jbiu would still at least ho our countrymen. -3 .. Resolved. That if i« !>.- true, as it is ne cessarily implied in tho argument of Mr. Royee, that wo have become involved in a senseless tttfei hopeless contest. from which, though vie tors W e only r,>i ‘P t ‘ ,,! destruction ol our liberties , hell in ornUUug at an earlier date to Inform us of inestimable blessings of our . Wo disaster and ruin 6olutiou, be has been ' 0 u< ' " ' ' duty to his country. . 4. Resolved, That as South CarolTlti. I '' ' Crst-to engage iu the coutest, in which we L' Involved, we fervently trust and believe she j will be the last to waver or falter in the aloii £iua struggle. 5, Resolved, That; as a portiou •«' the cou- | stile w-M'ltelw V.v W.ltoi e. w..*i,U«>r ( i, - • ito‘e un-tr. Mcmr. :>,.'P ,-he m.-.D i-i urj.;-' to the f're-.t* -.c<. tint hit* epinioV j .. .• eubth *lnl v ttfc-’ drioflerc, i .*,..1 widh x-v -- c. ! .h«r; » to-y Hr j-Jit- t-1; r r t *„ fV • ■ i iri i rupon Mi.-r- very tt-'i.omrl the ..old to yepre.->nt r:s m lire councils of the Confed-Mie-y. , i. Resolved, Therefore, *a; (lie deliberate i-idgim-nt c-1 this meeting, that the Hen. Win \V. Boyce, owes it (o his constituency, as we!! :to himself, In resign at ooeo bis seat- in the 1 ’ems* re*s of tin* t’oufederate States; and that a ; r-ony of these rqsolutipnn bo transmitted t.i him hv the ehairinati ot this meeting. 'J i c Crowd oulij'.ile had hv this time become so boisterous, that the m- cling wru adjourned to.< omt House square. It being known that the Hon. V.. W . Boyce ,v . in the - -ly. some dLscussion ensued ns to tie; propriety of inviting him to be presentaud, if h- saw id, address the meeting. Opposition to thi.. suggestion wan made, on tho ground that .Mr. Boyce bad already declared his poli cy ami that any attempt by lew to explain or defend bis position, would only open new issues nwfdeprive the people of an opportu nity of being beard .on the present occasion in replv. Having chosen the press as the med ium by which he had oomuiunic ite.l his views to the public, aud that medium, being still open to him, it was contended that it would he an act of indelicacy on. his part, to occupy the time of the present meet ing .in further explanations. The question, however, being put to a vote, curiosity pre vailed. and the motion of the lion. J. D. Pope, thatji committee of live should be appointed to wait upon and invite Mr. Boyce to be pres- ent . was agreed to. The committee consisted of the following gentlemen: Hon. J D. Pope, W. B. Johnston, Dr. 11. W. Gibbes, Dr. Wallace, and Col. ilai rig, Mr Boyce soon after arrived, when the preamable and resolutions were re-read again. That gentiemau then addressed the - audience as follows : teSM.’H OF 110'.. VV. VV. IiOVCK. • i thank you for ailording me the privilege of defending myself or* tliia occas'on. That per mission has not taken me by surprise, for I knew that them dwelt in the hearts of .South ( irnliuians magiminiuiity iiiuT generous emo tions, and that it would be impossible within the limits of this State to assembler so large an audience and then refuse to a man, who was put mi triql lor his political life, an opportunity of speaking in his own behalf. U is i!o[»rii* tKuble, my fcllow-eitir.ens, to discuss a que. tion so grave its this, and involv ing, a,; it lines, ho ninny and complicated rela tions, iroqta the present circumsbmees. I shall, lheioforc,’ J tuke f or>:;iiiij)n hereafter, in some more convenient inode, to jnlly set (pfth my ideas on the.iiuliject. What i shall say to you now will be but a Tiiief vindication of my position, for r rctogni.e Die right of my constituents to express tin-ir‘itgriotiS Jjj 4 my course. Jam ■'opr tiuiilii ;d servant, you me fpe Jioyi-ielgus. 1 wniiid “Jd; idso, that I have no dTrunt tjiat those hy whom f!i»s movement was commenc • ii, are actuated by a senna of public duty in tlm course they have t-tkea.but, in my judg i„.‘ut, they have too was!ftp Lurried-to their c.onolunion 5. i not Lbinu th»?y jva-n iny letter wi!ti i rii’ts., before this great contest com rueiiccd, I. as your representaiire surveyed llie scene, and eodeavoru I then t-> determine what policy was proper in view ol the gretit revolution evidently approaching. I was greatly impressed with the idea that it was our interest to divide the North - that, being a weaker power, it was ttrndencp on our pal 11|) direct o»tr public course, ,js f,o induce disseutions aud divisons iu tho North Wild creito a party therd which would sympa tirlio with ns. f«uioi-p secession took place, tlrere lorn I adoi’L-d a policy wjit- h sgiprised many. 1 observed that the ground on which tun Kfipttb lican party v/as advancing, referred wliblly to the exlcn.iioii of slavery to the territories, and believing that to be a barren issue, I so declared my oeiitjuients. I stated that nature herself, with her vast niounhdns afirl broad plains, in- terposiMl an rtoshi-.-re to Ihf? c«t;*!--’i-el ol slavery in Ihe North west, and lints the quefitbm vgs one about whh b >yi*, priu-ticaily, need have given. t-llli-civcrt no emu ill. 'Vkile I was con demned lor Ibis View, you did not a pub li,- niectiiig ft-r Die j-iirpo.ic, hut in one <J' Die papfrs of Columbia a dtllereJif policy was ua nostnt-d a (id six Itigbly respectoVlo gentle uign were »MM;ib?a/r4 as reprcrentalivtAj from my district. J r.ibi tjial piir -policy al. that timev.'.u nioJor.-ition; bill one _oi the gcntlcnicli present wrote in his jourm-l ,-t buh'.of'oiig tr.ti <;!»*, in which Be declared that our-policy was, actiui), (letioti, aetioo. t looked atieau, and spas not -to fulWof .the illii-ions of a sanguine ieuqeH-aiiieqt us.sotne men in the South. I appreciated (he poiver of the Nortit, and I did not wish to force you into ttwcbhtest with too great odds against you f vvaiittai so take ail the chances. I will not now define wlat waa/hat policy of moderation; lmt the idea involved was to give to tho North west pew atrenifth, so that, should w«w take ■plari-, wo ejjonfil have a party in that section whose inleresi it. !yonld lie to cry out for petit ti. Well,follow citiseiiS, t, h ,9 eoiu ineii. i■!. That policy which I aiivised was not, iu my fipiiiion, canio.l out, ‘i’lio party with wjiii li we hnvo had most ioti ni.-.t,- niaiioiip, and w’nieh wait especially ..'troii.e, in Itm' Ninth; v.-as hroivcn lip hy tho i 'harlesti'ii Convention. Ltbougfct it wrong; i belieied that the questionTif slavery in the tynihinea war, a- I lmve said before, lut a haJ i .-n Usuo. I stand 1.0 night with, perhaps, but lew sympathisers arouna me, hut J appeal from Die. verdict of Ihe present to that ot the' great futuio. ’,yljieb has in its womb that which is known only to 'God. One, two, or three yen nt hence, tool; back io the prcijenl hour, and as j- whether 1 have given had advice in tlie letter which has been condemned. Alter the war broke nil!, 1 still surveyed the -ei-ne. H yet appeni-ed that we must iook to a division ol tin- Norik- 1 saw a great liltolon iu tho North tvi t. settled pilutopslly by .South ern Uii-n ; with a great river running through its territory, trad forming aa it were a bond of common interest between that section aud urn South. 1 was further awai ts that the party which acted with ns had its chief seat of power in the North-west. I looked about, therefore, for a mode to accomplish tho great, end in view. The first opportunity I saw was attrj- tbo first buttle of Manassas, when, confer ring with the President of the Confederate .Slates, 1 proposed to him a policy which look ed to that end. In oilier words, 1 suggested (hat he should propose a treaty of peace to Mr. Lincoln, the conditions of whieli should be a re. iproeal live tnch- with the North-west, and a live navigation of (lie Mississippi river secur ed by treaty eooipVl LSy idea was that wo shoiii.l Miggestlo the North-west in the most imposing Ibriu such terms as would reconcile the protection ot their most material interest with a dissolution of the Union That idea was uot adopted. After the defeat of Gen. McClellan in front of Ri.iiuiu.iul, I wrote to Mr. Benjamin, tho Svi rvtjiy of State, again urging the same policy, hut still it was not adopted. I thought, such to he our true policy, because it was re quiring our mill hers in Die field to t arry an tin* necessary buiden. when a projK-r performance of duty hy the Government would have di minished Up; enemies with wlium they had to contend. Moon ufteiwards (his great peace party of the Northwest showed ev id. nctrs *»t‘its itumeuso power. 1 hoped then, that some response ! would be mode to that party, but, fellow- citi ! s, what was the result ? Nothing The ; Richmond pres, in a large degree, and cepe - j chilly an mean which had the reputation of being an eld. ml organ, denounced that peace j.aiiy. Referring to its leaders, Yallandighain and ojars, it said, “ U'e reejiei t those Aboli tionists who pro led away by their fanaticism ; for install, c, mu'h men as Wendell Phillips, Lincoln, and others ; but we have contempt j and fieprn for you who pretend to represent the I peace men pf the North, ion may crawl upon j your belli.-, bin j<o will .-pit upon you Why ilnii repel t liras w ho uresoeknig peacO ? As an evidence o( that policy °f the Rich moi.d press and other Hew.papeia in the South, Hon .Mr. Soule, «.f Louisiana, told me that be was in the city el New- Y .;W when an election took place, and that placarded npou the poli lical banners and in other places were <Ue la- | maths ot the Richmond press, coacurniug tin-so I pt.'*® i •.‘;noc:atf> ol the North, accompanied „itb ‘‘see what Vour South ern I; g0,.1s sav o." '‘•u »'r- Soule assured mo [hat tliOs-- at tides from I Lv m0.,.1.1 Fnqni • let, which in- then Hro-.-.u as the official or . * ise»v - * - . ■*, I , : , ;., , ~ • ~ . w , . veet. and tin* the- Utf-.; >;.itf in't-i.e ts .. ti-hi tirvst couh'l have-umieria-uai too uoo-| ..siign Bgahiet A iebsh-irg-. -\ on oio-s has c y.;n the death of many of-you, Uqhh si m.-n.V t protested again I tint* pultcy. a-i-I e'-k.- l, in ttod's name, why is lie. .hi:.'- Ha* • We no pity for our co'-h- rC'Mic,>. vvbo dy ir,/ daily * cliall vtry to i-. 0-. ■ iidate U•• North against «*f Wi.r'tl v. - I . ik down Die peace party, ac-i hurl scorn an i ii:--:,!t. Iu the faefs of those-who are our friends 7 V.Vii,, time toiltvl-on. and at the last session of Congress, sovrnu! Semvtcrj and members thought ive ought t • try tin- u. c of diplomacy and. to some uxh-nt. do we could to riii ide the North and to weskeu (he power of Mr. Lincoln. Wo met h igeD ci,Ton- j sitl. rod the question and agreed upon this pro gramme, viz : Unit we would introduco rcsoiu tions into Uougress. that in the evt-tit vv'o could a- fcat the enemy ut the two points where lie hid concentrate 1, the I’resident sho.ild t>.- re quested lo tender to Mr. Lincoln propositions for the meetings of commissioners to negotiate upon the subject of peace. We did not expect licit Mr Lincoln would, agree to this proposi-. tion, because vve know ho is pledged never to cease war whileQe can-raise a man or aiioSUr; bat wo warded lo build up a party behind him. l-’.vcti those resolutions, modernte as they were, tailed to meet tire approval of these in power. The session ended, I came home, r'he f.ubj.-ct still occupied my thoughts, ami when 1 though!,, of soldiers daily exposed anil daily dyifsg : when l thought of a Government that did not exercise a policy best 'calculated to defeat (ho North* by building up a peace party iu that section; 1 was at ii loss what'to do. In the midst ot these reflections there suddenly ap peared the Chicago platform. It was in oppo sition to the principles of Mr. L-uc.-lu. My heart beat with renewed anxiety. Again and again, I revolved the subject iu my mind, un til the conviction irresistibly forced itself upon ine that it was my duly to address a letter to the President of tjto Coufcderato Btde I lelt that no matter what the o resequences might be—heap me with infamy, spurn me, peiish my i.reruoiy —perish my name, 1 must endeavor to lender this.spivlee li, iitv countiy. I was will itig to encounter risk pi lde, and 1 am told there is a m ill in thi* ctq-.vd who km said he would kill me lo night; that shot Vtmkucr, and will oirdot tv man wlflffs no better Liwn a Vaukre. ‘ * I thunk lire gorrti-men who originated this meeting lor one thing that has • been stud in tlii-ir resolutions namely, that thev do not driibt iiiy sincerity. I Icet grateful. Take (’nun me every tiling—hike from me the cilice 1 have *;<• long held—but do jnstico to my inn'ivc -, and do justiee to the honest purpose with wbn-h I ant - ft' nerve you. It I v/ere merely desh-ousof protvioiing am’nitiora! 11 1-la of my own. or jirompted i.y aselli-h interest, i Hhoulil have floated with the cumurt— 1 hen Id not have supported a policy so lik; ly lo meet with pqutempi and opposition ps that which Inis been ndvocauei ;p the h-tlev und; r coin-id eiation. It was under !ini intineiice oi - tiifrc feelings that I penned my letter if* the l ! n ?;i --dent. 1 intended, he.-idcs, to tipjieal to public opitd-in, aihlsec if 1 could not move the .mind ot Vue t-OqlJ} m) this great subject. 1 felt that the.great pat* to safety -H-. i-s was to divide the North. 1 Thought that vy-asour true policy, and therefore, ! pus lortli Certain view-', ealott hijgd e.s I I oped to enlist public opinion in its behalf. Now, fellow oilmans, I as!. V.v,. (o exumbv' that letter. In writing it 1 had lo do what i first, to addresi-. the IMedd.-iit resp-.mfully, bn-' c utse every emoli-m of'my heart prompts me to do that. Wbeu I cmnidcr that no'.de maq struggling under adversity and Handing «'> in the heat of (his contest, with so much irobilLy am} Imtitjldc oT sot;!, 1 led irn sist l>ly drawn tovDn'irs (di,i, amj woghi not._cvi.opt as st mat ter of duty, do anything to -jistiiii] nimily. Ail honor, then, to him; nlthoiiL'h I cojprot concede that he has been sulHeiootiv nitvo to the importance of strengthening our friends at the No. 111. Os heroic nature, t com petent to die hi l!;e hint ditch, utid to cover yoitr fiisfiuy vyitir hoi:<>r, It sooc-.s to ito ne has full looked over Stic wide held of defy and .-scAeise,; that policy and diplomacy Ijest r-aleii laieil'to jbe ptijTdtc in view. J had ato (o ipJ4fi63 myscii ifr j’btj, aed to im press upon vonr nt'mis tbfl necessity of ties policy of diplomacy; tho n«c°asify of t-ning willing to meet the people of tiis North' in int gqlialfon, with an anxious desire for peace, and ready j.q c-.ncc-ie imich—not your iudo ; pendcitee; 1 irjt, ifoi- insituiee, tijo ol d.‘:“ AUtswifippi; rceipt o -il free trade- ajci mat tors of that kiml. Iu order lo y*v»f minds thus, I hud to “Bay to-yon that, if n.u be indejinitoly continued, tin- iacvftabh* ten deniy of things is to iasuu t nriiilurp despot lam on the .country, and 'derirr.y c-«r ireaqlifi.l organization of States. I had to toil you, because I was forced to appeal to the ’ tr.mgest motives in y-out minds. I had aho to ad lrcss Ihe people* of the North. My policy v.a-i t strike Lincoln, aud to represent that if lie w-ckd removed blood would coaso to flow; I also sought to Cnl'oreC upon tho peace parly Dm fact that if l)iey could carry the eleetVin, they would’take a gleat step towui-js I’m terinhia tlon of hoslili’tjes. Therefore, i said nothing about sepat ate independence and nuliotmli.iv, as X luight have done. Writing for a r poor lie ohjef'toi had to sylilji as a diplotnatisf, and Dm letter’ itself was diplomatic. I I now, fellow cit izens, there are many, very many, persons who contend--und I believe the gentleman who acts :ps the Secretary ot this meeting, the editor of the Oaroiiiiiaii, la iyingng them— Hist it is our policy to have Lincoln re-elected. My God, fellow-citizens, what can prompt u man to do* Site that?' \.i there a man in the United States who inure li,i!v i'cpre'crds the f.rmttici-sm and war fury of the - Is Micro a man whom we can fear more,tor from whom we can hope lees ? Why gentlemen desire that tfril man continue In' power, t-t parsing strange so me. 1 have raid it sPonr ruti'a- rit io i:ave Me CielljU elected. Weii suppose Lincoln lie iie!*-at.. ed, what then? Why. then you have a condem nation ot the war policy which Lincoln ivpre siiils--a condemnation of that fanaticism which has carried on the'war on so gigantic scale, and so nearly plunged tho country iota ruin. Lincoln represenls eorllletof iiL-as. *1! i represents all tire anti shivery feeling. H.-li represent all !ljiat is gross and vi e in the No*them political character. He icpv rents the energy and the fierceness with which Use struggle him been conducted; and 51-11 have, therefore, no reason to bdlicve that the defeat of Lincoln will not nrove equally a defeat of the war policy 1 hat has been carried out un der Iris admiub-lnitiou. A A word now with referenoe to tlm Uiiiago platform, by w hich the succe.-sor of Mr. Llti c-'ln, it* elected, will he guided when in power. What ilotvs that platform say ? It says “m-c 1- tiate,’ “negotiate and though it does n it give up tile Union, you cannot exeect it, to do more. That platform been carc-iutly pm pared, and the sentiments of the men who sup port it are known to us. It is true, that Mi CU-lian lias indicated that he cannot consent to peace unle. s breed upon tho idea of leeon.-ti e tion; but doubtless McClellan was playing to r votes. When the election bas taken place and his success bas been achieved, the peace party will then dictate his policy. He himself de clares that he will exhaust all Ibe expedients of diplomacy, before he resorts to* war. D, therefore, that party succeeds lo power, we may expect an armistice and temporary peace. They will come to you mid say, we propose a cessation of hostilities; that the sword shall he sheathed. An armistice proposed ft them, to ns, is an acknowledgment that tho war is a failure ; that they have tried it fer four years, j speut four thousaiid niiilioi.s of dollars, and loot immense numbers of lives, and at Test they have come to tiiat which th.-y at first re ! fused to entertain, - peace and a bilk. ’1 ho ! moral triumph of that proposition will be great i e r than a victory, trained by our army, and purchased by our blood. They have said, we i’ w jji meet you in convocation of the States : l I do not run-in a convention of States, under the* I L'onat'DUiou of the L'nitod States, but a con | venUon ot States as independent sovereigns. : each one to go there and see if they can iu*s ; -K.-acu. Why fellow citizens, what more could | v on ask t J Arc yo£ =0 infatuated with the ' horrors of war pad death, th&i yt*i wo«l*l re pulse a proposition of Ibis' L ,u d ’ . D 1 in tiiat convocation of Hie -.“ ,v - a - : altiougb the majority do nut conttol, each State being free, inV opi.don is that ibey will j report back to ibe States as a whole, and that . - ' - 1 . - ! Jim • 1 . 1. • ■ 1 - ti and.. ■ , -■ .; -r yof »!ie L-irf-s i.-, ackr-o’,, 1 e-ig--it. 1-- jji'iieipie i,ir which vre have ha’, p ii,. ip*.- without which -ry (~ He war l\.c tiii? r» ■ • ■ -r._- cu.,.; . _i. v .a Dm proj-oMti.-n. We nuglit to be wilinej to e l-r an it! .i- 'tive. l**ok at this armsstiee. P< b.“ Ut! 1. p ace |,y wg.-r, and the block - ’••• op-.ri ■ %ho cm c.-iiniate the-advanlupa rm-m-g I lie^Jd,Li te J . Why, r'entienieii, Ux-«lci-v= - - .lies, then, is the toad -.i and ’( ..ut of nty f-ti*ndinfj, ai,d you ure caned up. uliq r ojolcinu me for it. ’ i livVmeVy more, bat at this ’ate hour. •t- s.yurhi b - btit, -j.nssiqg upon vour time. 1 thank you, therefore, Mildly, for the attention you have paid to tflo remarks 1 have made I t auk you for jin- courresy extended on this occasion. And whether biy- counsels or those of others be Die,best. 1 hope the best counsels may, !>e adopted; and that we may live to sco at no <•;. tqat day the end of the war, aud our country peaceful, prosperous tfnd iudepenih-nt. Then,"vvhou we lords to the scenes through 'which we ha passed, we may concede to each kis shaie in tint groat work we have accomplish ed. . ■ < ; ol. Ctianinghanir I w ish to ask the gentle man a question, if wo go into -a convocation ot sovereign Mates, a majority is with tho North, what then would bp our fate? Mr. Boyce. —la going into this convention or convocation' ut sovereign States, this is one great advantage that wdl result. As wc might expect iluMtou.tli won!:', he a unit, because it we enabled to,endure war without di. turbi- g our integrity as a nation, it must he . upprsed that 'we would stand equally firm in I'-cac---. It is tiih North that will be divided Abolition New Itoglirnd would then confront llie ,<-i .-J':.; Noith . ’ f, aud the princi ples e ! -.(!■• ivfc s;- -then ho brought inloMLr . l M.e ;--:i-:;i won'-’ -n be in ap. :-it t-.i say i th .f 1 • s these lieit-hr ;vi aking us iceh ' . incji tray tii Mi lage n vst tilt'-rVt -v 0 Die oct -i 6>--Hipap - .us 1 coni I '■ . it.-- t to- 1 wi-Ty , Ml, I .v 'I“Sg, not lilt v re , 5. t!i y-e-,D, - UltU* 1 s•*; 1 .. tics an jy .g>j . failed, < -ayrt'A -w >l.; the coi ■ ■ •.» & >. inommi; Ooi. Dujtßtf -Hf ern Bta . ; gnaratr e .-*f hi; Uitit ■! W in 1;,.*-- (lefir-ky.v est. li Nv, • . ,; ; A rce-vcdg-.tftdicei wtiles D \i: -'-•#1- AVj ttessee m V. 'i'l.o 1 * r; tired • 1 rsti. of Iyi:ov>a, Some ti.. - day -'L' v. . a, aid nov ’ mat Veil t i,*ty miles 0n,.. 'k « Uniqo ! 4"'“ «i -1 i.y ; H .- again t-mi •< * L’otewlu... JJaoy 'ti-.. card ps tv *V . v > its Die n ■ . a* ai'-i of thole tVfeuds i- a-u.v 1 -• •ticii W!» 0. at •»". 4 heir mu ii ■ Sit: vt.iian ’ Tim Union .'men ol Do ' ('oinSry are gloomy tn... dc;q-;):ido):l ltndor this moyeraent of tyoops in (icc.-gia, 1 v Tim meotiiig ot tho Conuttissionora. for tl-.o ;l States, and authori ties in tins Department for tIS exchange of in.ll e'-mkiitahKi, and, if jio siblc, to .mitigate tite si-if irintji# DujUJmrt U> tjn» toiitan (oruiorly pc • . .1: inward . sitolr characters,'hint Vesftlled in I;,V uis;]ci:-dl:\iidi!ii: 'is to lire course to ja- pur h-ioiJ. The’ Uni led States' ObratTuwdoneis re fij-a.t in io any i*g(ei inyut Whatever, Unis leaving-1 In* way op«n for wjiqlesalo ur ,vri '.! k'.:. i>.rjt leitotir friends to suitor. This' iVepari.uK-rif, mhrttctng tho"country, from Chattanooga to Dalton, thence up the .Nmtb Carolina line to Morgantown, north to Taylor-villo imd Jniu-sville,- Va , and Iho Cinu ticil r u,■. i- hot r -dai-jDiter nett for. the minder of inuuojitlt an-|, inoltonsitc dti.-.*'ffcs. Modb.-O lit-vef pi evented it *.lail«( Qf felofttKor 11 ■ •:! I'C ‘H-- 5... - >l-.-ri owiiiov. i.eejrs up 11;.' fl ovte and .qdrit oi blood and rapine. Bher • dofand tic-ts is oyer. The ears resumed timi: lisijal trips to this pfip •: today. The damage done the 7,.dikofier i)*-id:, did not amount to much. The enemy were too bully"scared to burn it down rJiie bi i.ti.r at (’ni K-is' is nearly entirely ifi'-tilroj ed. an.l it will require some time to re pair it. Tho alignment < f Maj -t General Breckin li.iae, lo tho command ol tip! Department of DoiiDiwetoe.-u Virginia and' l.’ist Tefiiiessoe is t: mrco of no small gratification to tiro people a; wi ll as llie ai my. ( lo tier a l . Kili-fis leaves Ill's Department with Up:’iijest scqfiments of. good feeling ol'its ■" ; i -and tiobdcis. Ito.h.vs endeavored to do his dot}, Mul-so fur has given universal natis i'.p-|ion. * Win'll lie assumed command of this flop udiip'iit it was but, a half armed mob, but in a tow days he lediiyed it to discipline and r-.-tii.oied doniiilcuco hetw;ucu the people and Die Govenimyiil, In an e:ti;ggv:mint with tlm Yankee cavalry, at ji-egtit.-o-ilie, 'i'enn , on the 8:h instant, we ttijtoirel io i wan is of forty prison*as,’ besides kinii. am! wounding between fifty and Sixty, 'i Iu; in pi \< at lent accounts, were at Bull’s Gap, aial our forces were advancing. VV.o learn, frO’n Dio Register, that Judge I’.'.rfi'U iiu-1 Goloticl iii’iulford, commissioners rent Jiy imr Government to tbo Yankee authori ties. io iS-1 Teinio: vc, to negotiate for the ex tilf.iuge oi civil pi isOneis, have vetunied' from a ii 11i11nr.oibn Th.o Federal comniisslon ■ i:.-i\iti,;ti lji,a they have no au'lhority to ex top'.n;;;o nriaonois indicted tor treason, they ba in;: to tin*-bauds of the civil authorities. '* i; -‘ H-rei. t-.-r. of tlie I’lih, nays that Major G *G iDy, with 1 • i.-> iidbilHon. on Sun.lay night 1.-i'l. im.ycto down on Die Kingsport roitd, at- I Dm 15th lVnnsylvania rtgiinenl, drove tivm lo km gup-: ut,- crossed the river at mid pigb*. nrcl- potimed Ihciu to the river at i. ; ’i-rev'iHc. » , i'!i*:)';( Ip* attacked (lieir rear *>h)to cr-w-anc. hilled two, oud Wounded (hree four. (Jar ii . - Dace' There are no Van ki-c-ion (ho N,u .:, ,-;de oi tiio Holslou, belwoen Dri lal and Bean’s Stain n. I'lto.n Mtssoim., , T!i!> p: 01. ci-Uiiy Is that Geqfcial Prfca has, ere. iip-.y Ld.en. po:;. c.-..iipn di Jefteraoa • (Utv, ! ,-pt<.c his Seile. in hi.-, movement for cf.AiiSioari-, Cfi-neral Price first u.Ki ud. aia course towards St. Louis. After n._; m t.i<! enemy, and breaking up the t.iaonam teat quarter,he fell upon the Pacific c. attto&o, Wincu connects. St. Louis -with Jel s'r .I ‘ >'r' y " 4 5 .% ,-! roa ‘> atlhcros to the bank , 0 1 pi re. er, if has to bridge its way '.-‘‘'ons U| butanes which w'-ome into “ " ' j- -! ' the South This renders it , to <!araa ?« from military l -,‘ ' r, '-' ,l '- , -.ce -vt-cot tangly, as .wo are told bv *}■ «w>«al Price’s I,;!;,;.' f ! ,'i t ‘“’ i bridges-over the <sas ‘ J ‘ 1 ' N’ l 1 tvers and over Pule Creek. " " ' 1 - ’ iv.; and t i ; ca,.. at one point, and we m-iag some captured v'c' ie r -bridge, which was de .s.rc .e,. on tneu.h is the largest one on the rail... and only eigm miles ti,is side ofJef- I.TMM ~i • '>u th<-. th, our forces showed tueuise , ,.;si., ‘rmii.of J.fferson City, ami it ■; that Rosecrans has any force •noio lo it]jsu>.n*l Ihera. MltAlCilAULfiSm Oa Tuesday ©v.-.uing the store north of Hay n=; street, nacntly occupied by Messrs. Mohe & t. 0., neat«rf 'bvris. 1> F Fleming & Cos., w.a- u .-Cover, dto be oil lue. An atarui was P r 'opvy sounded, and ilia Fire Deparfment j in foite wa.. s»on at the. sceite of actiom and' C'vdyut'.i U-'? 11-itMs t" the buildings they origin- ! nud in. v. j w.o perfectly gmteii from liayno | + itto 1 in-k.;t y areet. The fire was evi euti. *u :: iof incendiarism. • ■ ii , .1 - ■ ..-■■■ ' '.-..led : * • ovv ; >•’ - dov she ' - :Wv - . ■l+ulr. tan |er they m .and... a -hi.,., ; r ,t ;l! ,, ;; v »- , [ them on , j j On Frid iv there wi- a -tn.-tH li;,hi at, New ' Market, in wliicvh a 'Oi.-d nim . j were cevera!-small i-.d.: -ti . 'to ( w inch ! iwe <bo\ o the cm my ; L i to. iV ii;;’:. on the 1 j Bark load. -' * y : are th-ee almost lmt-dtol ;-n:\-D. the Bs k and tliff Mid- ‘ die roads and fee '. to!!;-v < •.•r.ail.-a ’the pike i passing Fisher’s H.'d, vttita tm-miglrStroßhurg; Dm Middle road is r- id' tl. > p'U->, aiul the Lack road wust'of Middle '.os I. The’ enemy’s infaatfy column vvciretreating hv the turn pike. Tiled- head had re-rchr-d St-ssimrg, whence thej- stretcher! back towards Kiahci’s ii!!!. four m'les Sonih. their rear being oppo site, tiic latter place. The ere my's < lvitivv were l-eliv.-fting by the 1 l>a«k and Middle roads, and we, pressing in pursuit, on tintn.-day evening lial mlvafiQed a inilo or more beyc-ml the rear ot the enemy’s infantry coKmrp,.who'wcro then on our right rear, and. owing to the oatu"; of the conntiy, in full view <-)’ our cav-fry. Our infantry wore at New n r aik«t, some fifteen milts in jour rear. About seven o’clock Mend iv toornirjr the Fourth Virginia i avalry on piekei on the Back ’ mad were attacked by .1 iit-'ga-i,; of the enemy, whom they Vrnhl nt !■;-■- until our nduforoo ments we*'e brontrlit ui-. Skirmishing and s’so (-. hootiiur then ensued for atvbour. when ii • cmneup with Ids entire force, nnvki-.g tiirmUancfitis attacks on Rosser on the Buck road, sad McCauidand on the Middle road. A heavy cannonade took place and fl >rao 'veiy severe fighting, during which we cuLup-tim enemy b-ul'y, an-1 there is no doubt but that cm- troops could h ive bouton the enemy's ea\ -dry as easily as on tho preceding days, but for the* fact, that, tin; heavy masses x>y ho enemy’s infantry being so near at. hatid and so cdeurlv in vicutitoid tho etli-ct ol xnnewhat ilemor and .icg ourwrops. \iie report s'oon st'reu-1 that the Vankoo in ’ly were flunking us, and our men immedi r gave way and u v> ry coatnderable stam e-1- tied, which, so-u time, partook very indeed of the nature of a rout. 0 Yankees pitched after us and for half an Hu-re was a beeullfnl exhibition of tho « and met tie of hor.-#s of the hostile cuv y. Wo then 0 iHcd up c.n.l clieaked the on -y and again vulrested '•'!,« enemy psessed 'll w« rc-.cbcd t 'idumhia Furnace, seven south Cl' l-'i-Jiel-’K Dili, when we rtiu-.U tl it ted I'fa.tid. t-.nd iimitiy repulced -1 caused (In m to !h'd hack. ;ttk res then ivtnrn I to their pest os Fi .liei”.- It'll, wit. ;:ce they hail '.the ntorroog. lids cbmit two hnndred men al-unij r:if.: -net:’, nv.-tly tho lat iejeed up while tin; i-cud-t were g tho eui’iy part of tins lotreat. Jiv*■ -" o cud vetroatcil -they 'l7-- *T - v fog. gin-.,, of Johns!,ti's >ti’; -I’liH- ry und coo gun Vve !;■-!, live urd.nanco |ii/ib;ilancea. \; i Z' 11a -.;.. itiil tho ph. tinir.’o, 111 his e.ll - sittce, to ruptureoal> bun mdn of the Ikii.h • jlfassa • \".y line if v.-h.-m Is an via 'll. ■'! try b■ vo rtol. been I -jf. li j;i I ji'-ik life sim- Mrg-ou;—. ".. . l-'fler w.-i-i capiured, say- J&t; yore v; ry tia iiblpponje Jo ;'Oii!!,vt*nd nhontToulch -..vug Giant tQ . t hi'tf toii'c'! 1 -! :qon .workV ’ \yi ityy ruoFiiinp- of ;-.i,!. Hi, .the negro pris oners ei.e.i,d at woik on tim foilili: ut ions around Danville, mnde <ta nit.» 1 upon tlie guard, and after a'di-sparahi .slinggin :i;c ■> and cd in overpeuv; ring tii,v fmail fee- t i»ir - ingpr is-’essiou - ' 1 11 hiuidi-m! mn-jkot'-.. line mimtred i.f tbo ceoiindi-eto tlicu made their <-scape, futiowtog ti.e Dun riv- r in an e.vstcriy cliructicn Din-tog the M itoi;! 0%, ,1 ine no'- won; J.jJ1,.,;. 'i iu-.-e >; • io prisoners, with their white, btetiiren, ;-i-i : c.-vriie.l over '(!;>! 'Dunvule road i-'iivityr tb-c last v/y-ck. or, their way, tut for want oi Beu'-porlation ween touipor.-i(iy detsieed i:i T).-.iiviih«. The Ly.nclibure; (tepitblican says that in N. Carolina an-1 Virginia theie lire six let her etgh-’ teen thous .md cxeintdc, iv:-.i,do i .-zv. ocas ly tho whole of whom i.-; hi 1,.. j.. -.r,,,/. and Jheiv ph-sres filled 1• > tu.-a cxi’fnpi, (>y ago or iidiimiivy fruro mbiluiy duty_. Biumers a>- uli * n , ftl ” 1 **;;! ii-r-n add !-o.g are f.-t-.ei;. while able bnillcd you,'.? men pr'..- i-rtooctfid conscriptiejv by L.-kti: : n.-tiy fltah- osihes, which cun ho belter idled by old mod an 1 in valids A oortsiderablo Yankee f- rce, Tnoslly cav alry. is coller-t’ieg- s.long tlm Oirsogc<>nd Alex andria read, between Alwaishia * ; .ml Manas sas'Jnuetioii. * There is a field about a-ntile below our de fences < n C’lih-f.'iti’s ItofiM, and iipt far from Fort Han i ’-’ti vrbioh is ecinoei'.l-ij by an iu tofT**uii.g hill sv.-:i a gr.nyjJi of woods Hcio- Die eh,hi) v lmv : been for toms time ti iotudv nt work, fl; lending their op, vdioi.r. -agaiari observi.tioa bv a line < f r-liaipsiiooters. idtivciiil ot our raoti, t-adet-.vtiring to ascertain wlird. was going on IKa ;“lc.i>;>, r-oijm stored vale,’’have fallen viclit-is to Bio liflu shots of tbo hidden 100. ODe id, however, have Veil more. foAunate, tind ifl;-coveivd that the ci.omy are ciup’oycd ii 1:1 utufiitg mortar balteries ami ctnr.oll for shciiiajj! The new worts are cvidcitly dcsigm-d to *,p-:r.;lo against our xlcfcnies at Gimjiiii's, ati'l 'fV-.,*a Ihc latent i.t diuatimM it vq-.s i-i'ppe-'-gl that they would soon {*o suilicicnliy c.mipT-k-i to'open their expcjiment a! fire. I<T»liter " c-.mih: f 1 b ■-’• 1.-.hl ~f TbnD.dey, I nil 5' cu -‘am w ■' ;- -oe? .*1 i*!-'u ot t.-iu complcle-.i; MS of 0--r -g. :- * y 0 . .: the enemy on that im mor.dw! ,my ilm icpulse tvn.i ns uonsntuto m: it was L-i::-. ti • uy, t.’-.d fiitai-'its, :-ootit for a lengthy p-tu.-.t etc l!u- nti -wpt to, ijank Gbatilii’s (hr.n -may be a!! -•upted again' Tho lir-spiiii's, wagon (r.tut.i amloibor places eennecieii wiili Dm ant- ! i-toiv.bui'g, are being rii-i<l ; V inspected, all »!-!--bodih-d Mori retjilire’d to r-.-pmt id front. Disabled I»en and uegrot wti; a -.'mg: th-ir p-aco-t. Sheiiditll ltj'ub 1 b> G:" ; n' that ::i moving down tlm V:"< y i<> V/oo i-'toeh. ro lee- bumed over two thiiiisiin- 1 !, a.ri Ailed witii wheat, hay und flu mb: / itintieim tits, i>ai! over n-vonly mills til]; H with flour mid wheel. Tbi, wag done by odor oi Grant, Itoua-jf, cmnmaEdcr of all IhoVank-. mmtir-. It ia hidy ike execu tion in cai t of Dm to ib’-d-roy every- Ibina- thing in ii:« Vatiey and: £ toll -I'-toin iflu. v/o an, iiflori; :d tins! a her <•!'Bansport-; witii troops have y-• - e ta-we. i s I'tomeae uvir to Grant. Mr. Wilcv VFflklu-*on, r "i ohl cn-.l respect ed citizen oi c'lt:-;e i CO>l:i!.v, V. - shot and kill o.-l hid ly a V;*•.]: ;* c ;a’ry al hi?? rrfihlcuctf, ijOiir I- ,r •"*-■,i !•) tho Pi'icca George line. He v-ns at the time en •g'.ee.l with a negro in booing down some "■iHim and desiring to. ibb-.n the lot before lie ceased work, had extended hi. labonrs until n.i h-r night tire Yankee cavalry c emu ; ;ad d.-uly to ilm .-aot: i:red .upon Mr. W likms'.n and his rtm-nt. m-tut.i!; killing the tor and wonndinr ' utter- Ailer__viewiog tho work they L* -lane, ihe •• Tn:n.T.t v ..rncrsz uid not even ■ ■ : 1 '• ■;■ “ r ' to tile dead r.n i won: route as it notne I''■ I In the vicinity of • appear to li« < .t' U'. Southward from Foil Tin;inactivey hf ( ■■ past Tew days oi lice N‘ v > s > : - iadicarton that if is in ■ • 1 * ;i . any seribus vtf./.ta ain-t i., • ••nee.- -y. er Richmond or i'vitivbii'g. • . lia*^ watting for < ,* fora long time, uu*l : " ! advances on bis right, foe* ■ iL ' " uig t ',_ to ej.toß.doa of his lie loss; he lugs done ve fhkr; ; *° VV "i 3 tho rpuesiiopahle std .anb '• in. hit-.; 0.. <i!T and, ton'd appealanevs, : »t n oemplct dead lock with Lee as wa. In tb i i)<onTre*lje may be pu-hed out or t • cues* but he will scarcely be .‘big V > iovoo hi W in, force being ids only lyiisuio-- ’j 3 t r . egy, Wicli as he ex'.htite,}, ins laiic-,1 him. W are Jet told the ntxt day or two will dc i ' ‘ Dm. the n. ». • ■ ..t,>;mii ti“. • - -trn !.- V t.-,‘ f ; , i- 'to . y, ,lv, ■ ' |.J V! _... of Pel r- bur;. fc-.v burr I'be em my’ is.: v-m-.- ; v. ' hnvo iu ei-.iti;-j v,-thin ti. Ti- ■ , oi proper,y. is veiy •■... g,:pto:'- b ar. Deserters < till c,-;i!b -i- 1, •: t 0,.. .. .. ;’ sometimes i‘. ; as and- .. lem*ui . n - thi; a- setb-;s fg v ?! inieut became so frequent it hafl to be rajnoved, and another lr m tbo sumo Mute iitov. and io * i.i .- , Lie the laj tv of many d\\ sand:,- ditinn of things Was observable in this new regiment, which was supplanted at once bj mr.i.d-hum i!i- Abolition ;. nil ot T- i s-.Jte. From tho last u-gi.-nent, the ;!-. -••<><).ss h-.exate mere frequent than before. Und m-.v wo ir it has been rr-iicved by a f< ui !h. Every burn and mill in the shi-tiioah valley, that the Yankees could, get at, has been burned. Acording to last nccounis from Southwes tern Virginia our- forces wore pursnrit.-g ihc routed Yankees. ‘ Latest accounts from the vtiloy lea/o Sheri dan beyond Woodstock, and- 1 a stv.d stiil Our cavalry hud betn drivit. ■ that oi ;tic me my for sew.a! days; bn? on Eisnd.-'y ! -,-t v.c hml a lh-ht with -,'ncir ilismoc; ;. v-tir;.. w unknown to ns, support,-.ti by in fan A!' . a haul fight, in which wo iutti ted »-.-ve>x- lv;s on th'eeucmy, our force', vcitiulrexv ill g and der: lmt our artillery liois s. Iu ing m-ar;, :.i! killed, wo were com pells,l to Lav rev. and pieces iu the hands of the 'enemy, Our lo •: was, it appeals, vary slight. T here is a report of r-verses to cur cavalry in the Valley, rim parth-n is o. v, we have not hoard. Tin; idfiir is tiaid to hove occurred at Kdinbitrg, a pcint belwot'n K.-w Maiket and Woody!;*-’-., lifty eight miiea north of Staunton'and ecvetif-.-; it miie;; - uth i, ,tii• buyg. * Tiic Yankees arc as far (V<im the f-tiudb iide road as ev. rth -y were. li. i. cutici>. D: :t; they aic now exleudiug th- b- lines for a lo>.-.:d s tance souihwqtd puralhd irti.ii Dm Weldon road, instead of westward, toward.; the ti mill side road. It is im ;ertain \v e.tln r this b din with a view to get. around or.r flunk, •• r - ti■! 1 -ly fpr the purpose of causing Leu. to slrelc’.i hi.i confronting lyie as far i.s [.0.-.-i' ic from ln.« main tody. Prob; bly the last is flteir n> A sn. w three inches deep, foil at, Va , on tho night of Oct 8 The impression prevails at Richmond, the i. Sheridan, after leaving part, of lit:-, fen-ns at Strasbnry, will send i.he n tbider to reinforce Grant. Accordirg to the le.lo dveisien in il.ei itv if Richmond, in the t we of parlies on. trial for . dealing iu the cmrcncy of the cm nr-, it vyis claimed that tho hi.. 7 Cj,'nl<’:iip!:-.';-.s an ru.Tual sale, not i\n atti ni;*!. to soil itt-t-li ;v; the par ties were alleged to have b>vu cjti’.ly of. T'lhj Richmond F.xamt.:-- 1. ,if r’.g idly cub;]c and Uu; I itb order cf I’-<• ' ’j ! •■•v.d Inspector General iiv . kiae; tlm will; ut twenty thousand cfllo cut na nin the 'field from \ iigiiii i.tthn’e. Descrteis r.: and Vnukce I'lckct-.; say th-. 1, fel di.-r.s ill Grant’s iirmy v.-cra lifited o;:i-.h't>.- dml dollars and'a furlough <0 vote the 'He publican ticket at late e-ectiorai. The i’ci.o'.-sbuig Tlx. r;rs say#a superior or t ele of clothing and shoes is now heiog is-:- cod t.o (ho troup.dol L! -V army i.y i! . <fov, ~i-meut, meut, and the nfiproa ; cold wt-iUh x\ 111 find them well clad ui every :- ce. !., arul prepared to stand tho vicissitudes 0 I (he win. ter. Aulhenic information' ha > ,• '■ tho lato lights in !hp \ to:toy v. iim;-!r <•>: uggcratiti. zcu rflair in wM, h v H ipln;c<l. wyeiity-fivc jL'atik*-;-.- an ! kiiiaU and wound.d aa many more, has occurred. Tho garri oa of Fort D.-irfi/tm sbii bus ily _ engaged conslyuctla; ; h;.-ir,t> r .pyf.~>fs. Ail (hair mqvciquVa can b - otu-ily ui . .ti with Ufl; '**•'• k.-a eye-1 -.n a point ,>n our Jine db -.-ct ly in front of the lot,, theG ! ..;.vnf.• bo-* leg rcurcc-ly tlvo hlllidvod yards. V.'l if., iti'S way opeu reiknbt, ritnat; .! s. t --. toil *>,;.«;cg penlh-i'ti't and comm ' ;.:i. , > 1, rive valley. The Yqtikc liioir (ion, have pxmstnn-led awe. f toco ami i.. it Sll cucloced a-.-jk ed great sirctigth. In Uvi't of it. toward..: our Sties, tnr.y he seen .mo sub- Etuuihil hi'dti’c! of chrvaux tk.frlx. The rauks’ih General L-mV army arc r-iphßy filling up, mid the corps, division:;*, totim.-u and regiments, depletod !■/ u.a.iy. :,:o iu smnir.g tboir former proportions. Aft dro parade,_oh ftiuday last, a V iigluia T.-r-tiubat, bLi'.il baa ir,;-:;i-ilio(l -on its battle fir-g Urn namc-b of our etirlient battles, tinned out cl v im hiiDilrefl iniidtiti, and oi-e of our sm.-.licst divislone minr'oeix-d seven tlicui-’.md cdcctivc men. . PttOJI -TSStSfII'FL Tltc Jack son jMi.-:d.--.-ippian givci tho an;:-x --ed acemint of (ho recent doings of Yankees ill that Stale : Tho past week !i.-:t t.ccn rcplcti! with nunovs and fart; o: Yankee i aids —one jinld av.:ti ■<> Woodvi!ln, ai'.d destroy .-if Hie l a lire-: : h.-n of tin- place, inclndiHg 0.-m or t pi-ivuto r . ilenee..;, ami drove oft ail tho i-toi.!-. con Id be found Anotiicr visi; ed Port G'.l.-rcn; near tho V,r tiistiippi i iv- p, and ntc.r-' hed'ir-'-m tin re to etjo, in Jclici : '-i ci.'.mty, I’utn-z,- h “ir as w.- e»n learn, fin! ihtio d.-.ntf-trllu-r than > ;,- titling and carrying cfiVcm* of i!:r pr-':p.:;:,i :.t ciLixe os in and ai citod ’Die forflu-r* place-'-(ho Hon. It. T. I'illef.t,a:; I faintly .rail iv.tver.ii I ; ii being among Ft:- numb r, and c-irryin:; <•!:' ail tho stock lliey c uikl ftnd, «sspcci.tliy sf.-..-o;r, in the raid ca WoO !vi 1’ ■ Annthcr paid a veto; to'O '.y’ on D-i; N. 0 J, GG. N. Railroad, burnt on-.-. • .-■ Jif:: ■ ..tai a private lvsidem-a, awl.Xipt::m*tD 'i va: i other acts of v andaiisia —phuitler and tbo wau | too (hv.iruetion of proper t>- th-y <; .’ » not carry oti'or ip.-,., : ecruing to be thn;;- ohj Another raid el uded from. Vickr.l a days ago, wad- paid a vi. it iiio Deer Crec! Country, conducting thcnisohvs pretty much as in tbo above cases. Still anotlu r party composed of 0.-bom's ne gro re;.,anient of eavafry, ".nado a. laid < ut from riklpwtDi’s iaodit!g. in Louisiana, and sitce-.'-.d ed in captaiing a line lot of fippf eaUio c.'li-:cf e-1 in that vicinity lor our ftoVi titta-.-nl, u;;.i ward only ilcalroya i tbo funiiim-* of s v.-iai residences, and tho v. red to sol Dm !. t and- of the families ilo-., visii -d: ?, •; oi l ine ’■ ci-3 were made to biW the da»t by -i p Ay o: Uoniederalc scout-* In the jh ighborip :.l. We bava board, of no 1 atri.-. 1;;. iu/- fought j with any yi these <vnlL» ol th*ccre.-.d in tneltii'er insfcj-,- ■•. awl (liat lii'-re I' rl GihiKOn were met By n pajTidn of c.d who afit-r a gallant lit delight wore nearly aii I c iptured. I'-uom r«jATa and vitor.f. The.Golu.ihoio'/'tato Journal sc. "' 1 Fti lay on fro*** enemy s boats, at NevA/rn, cons'..ring of ah--at ujto men with tw/‘» rgi/S— one:"any mg a twuti.y four pound i/witogr and the ciher a iv-a-ivu pound -luti y.tUrciiC-d a '-A ti-.-a id ' -L Jo - - Cos. G, faixt/sevcnt’n Xli-yrtacnt, then i*a picket. ihti’moi/h of Swiss Creek, drivin - sin j;i back and D,e ytoikt-cs Huqr&’dfcd in" landing. Capt. doll,-- vho was wh-n.Dio h-danco of fciscortpa. re*.-some fc»viuikS <!»*■» went imr, dinlGy pi \U‘ h- ,’•» tit.* t-immy and -drove 9*** ktlbrg f.'.-.i-t. o-.-- maadir.g Do oxpe round . g two others -ir ii- :-. tho Raleigh Con ge crop or IVake ,yp-ir. ;•= lolL; bushels of jM oats, fc * tlbr. fi-TM-y the torjiedo In \ ,/lobiie bay, e n be , f iiotufa cf ’the bay. f to x-jiiiovo her ma- I she of the la to- | large numor of j ia. Rumor makes [ ifcu a !-:ng list of ne- Qoveirmerit in that ti? the owners *) pre ijtacut. I- V. . *•■«<»! yiir ruo.\T, • afIUH irampired the 4th, ' io: * ; -15 'd by fi«E«. 1 rri-i: fi The dl ”> ci ii a‘ctv... | ( ,rutii. i ib- mlt wing of and t acrxi fufim north iu . .m\ iio. >!(••')' the i»itru«d, was ordered ' ! 1 '■ ' ; ; '•• D.-c. c-ii !ea<l>'- al Aitoona ,-tii .; im.rtild - ■ 1 :<> I . .!■•■ ,1 i • *> i -a w to If. , - - ’ • l; • .i - *’ c- td 1 .* .-..i ii a. ftch .r- -> ; I 'm: afi.iV-- a halt mile beyond, ' s .-ti- >;>> was supposed to have i ■’ iae lusiurlt which follpw •; ' i -iV'ti v cie i.-mvcii-nueroustimn be .•■it wo v, re (creed to retire. It whs now 01. ni-.Jit.’aud there being no reinforcements ■. baud tl.o iiucs were contracted to the left of (he corps. i-i YD rcconnoissanoe in force we lost only c.r.eJinndrod and forty.nine men. The gallan t /of th (roup* is Irmly commended py Gen, K od. The report of a second attack anil capture of the works by (he entire corps com tied i.*a lidstako of tho press agent at Now it.tii, wild relied upon uefouned aud exaggerated rumors. At Dari evsviile the enemy have erected su p-:i’’o forliticitioiis, rivaling, as Capt. Nutt of I'-./- -eo’its repoils. those around Atlanta. Tho enemy have massed large quantities of supplies ! itii point. G n..Bate ha:; returned and assumctl com void oi his division D u billow ou Saturday last had not pro farther northwanl than Elyton, where it ; was water bound. t’t'r cavalry has met a severe reverse near ti mu. It ia stated that we lost quite a nuiii of pris.-ners, Upon the arrival of the in fant-y :up port, the V.-uikcrs were driven back, lini; t - t in time to recapture our men. L -do advices from Atlanta state that the i :A- -s are sending out.foraging parties in all to . tic as. ihe wagon trains are well protect-* X. I. A privitic letter from Hood’s army states tha t tho pi i-illery amt transportation horses are in splendid condition. I'l.o extraordinary movement of Gen- Hood has up to this tque been successful. 1! took- ti n. Khannan six months of march ing -.lid itihliii ; to gain that which he has lost :-:i fourteen days ; for our army has marched nan lVunotto one lmudved and lifty mile* Tierth in that time. The hoys have moved di ve,tied of everything except a few days rations in liicir sacks, and their arms. Their p.-w*! has been quickened by merry hearts at ttio thought of a forward movement and ilia cemviousui-fri thst the campaign would end in ‘lie vedomption of all the territory they have i - f ti; two years’ hard fighting aud unheard of privations. Tl--.- m :■ moving towards the front are pur i’ectri witii with oniltnsiasm. On the march ir.-m I'.timeUo to Uedavtown many of them V ore out and threw away their shoes. They v : e Blue Mountain to get new ones, ! ; : i: : arriving there none had come up. 1 hey re!used to wait for them a few days, but i . r/’ forward barefooted, saying that Gen. Good might need them and tlu-y were deter into, and to see the campaign through. !ti ! •:- (, will join Hood’s main army in a lit- Ue while. A correspondent of -the Selma Rapovtor says. G en. If nods jflaceisa mystery tq kil as vet. Son* Dunk ho intends crossing the Tenuergeo river. Every thing appoavs to be going ou. well. A oovi’r -.pondcnt of tho Montgomery Adver ! : wiHvs thus from tho front: • Cai. Ho ad last Thursday and ec.mti.ivd. and its Rurrcndur. Bte Federal com mam’ov. a Coi. Johnson replied in person, ask ing if D>a garrison would l*o “treated as pii tioiiers .f war if surrendered,” or “paroled®’ Gen. li-.ctl jcpikd “No, sir; I will allow you five minute.-: to surrender, and if not complied witii, 1 will put the garison so the sword ’’ Tho Co’-.- ;-l oliacrvod that tire terms were hard but B-iiL tie* v.-i.uld surtetidcr, which was at once ti -ti;:. Tho prisoners captured wore at ■: J:-:*; “ ad.m ;noos in full uniform,two hes - -i-- ;-i. QDy white one battery ot ir/v jrtni:-, liv’d artillery, and eighty cavalry, i >: v;:tb several guns mounted iu tho i '-. ia. u large quantity oi stoics* ammunition, -.--id ill's and hianh'.ts. idi.ii wo cap!tired three hundred and-. Tv v...'i without lidng a gum At Dug Gap Ma jJr i d::o:o;r, Ai'juliii'it Gonoi'fti of the Army, ■ ui'i jor Cicre rode'cut for the purpose of .lifakitig n Ycoonnoiiisanea. They suddenly tan. j upon a body cf the enemy and a heavy-, ; volley •was fired at them. Maj. F. was shot, I ihrough the thigh and Clare’s tiorao killed-anr dor hi n. The Courier reports that Col- Reeky, nfiiie HIM Alabama-, was killed, but docs not, slat.i how or when. Alloc Dalton was captured ft portion of oitr army was H*ol to mako r. demonstration upon 'i’evvci. which Is strongly garrisoned, and the lowmuder soot towards Chattanooga, which is garrisoned by six thousand negroes and white fa.j.a, chiefly negroes. A ca--i respondent of the Macon Confederate writes thus :• (’eh. Dick Taylor takes command of Gen. Leo’s Corps, and Gen Lee goes to oommand tho IK ; arhaeut of Mississippi. A coii.d-.-r ivp-irfs the principal portion es tho. Yank, in and around Rome. i: rnmoivd t lat General Beauregard will", L>; r ./ihi, e, make headquarters with tho. airvy and personally direct its movements. A correspondent of the Seim* Keporter.- writes thus from Jacksonville; A courier arrived last night Bringing intel !if;-uce that our forces occupied, when be left,, ui; i"U!Us cm tho railroad from Retaca to Ring— At D.vltoa r-a white and koO black Yankees: wore without resistance. /.• ’iTiti.ii, JOG surrendered. \ Tihl cr any more were captuled at other I . ;<«;« l have not learned, o' a: >■ '.' invested, but found too strong to w- i v Ten without the loss of several thousand ecu, Ii ;n no attack was made. i ixe ; hri been no fighting since tho army left Altoona. ' *■ In n i',usance, Col. Baker'of Alabama, v us h il'ed, ayd Major Falconer, ol Gen. Hood’s e Ak, was wounded. I’: M ‘ O 1 if.G: . i's JiKN fltOM UIHABIUTV. — A jut-ut Gen. Cooper has issued the annexed nrti'-.- ia i-.-jacil to men who have heretofore !/ ■ a pr.-i-. ti .iiUy i x.-impt from disability : ■ . a'-- c i:'H anding Reserves in the gev ■ i i ;..;(.. :*, will, without delay, select and send or- a is. mu! to each Congrersioua 1 District, em !. .. i"! i-i i.nmiaoil? timl after inspection, for ;d to ihecvnpg of luitriictions, all persona ii < -; 11:i: of permanent disability, anil i tied) persons ar«i<Jt»cd to light duty, as Hi - appear likely to be adjudged: (• a.-tive 'l'-fvii-o. All such as uiti oion, h.; pronofi.iccil by select ?1 ' o qualiiitd, will be utioi»nccl to Ctidy ti.:; (feld. : * r - ot dinscripticn may be charg e-i XV; It 1., -a idititma'. duty in the absence of other tatDable ofiicers. !’ • -' fill 1, General Orders, No. 77, (enr i-:--.-. .-,) ia amended hy the insertion of “iii-tiic set vice of Die Government” between wor is “employed” and -‘as artisans,”- &c. Yi-ti details of such men, called out by Gen- Oni a- No. 77, (current series) as are found i-y ti-..: proper Medtoal Hoards to be unfit for hi :vice, may be'revived, an-1 similar de li' may be grunted to light duty men not Jt< )--:k>foi-e detailed, at tho discretion of the, Generals of R.-.-orves. ■ Mift.ruioDvp..- A correspondent of the Char- I • i.i :rii-r writes as follows: “A few da;.-' i V. ■: boiling ryiup, when I had one I pot i t l had water put in it, and sent to the ! , cii. a small simful of sorgho sugar seed ! j-iet iw it v;*.i cm oti; and put it ia the pot to i: • e wlkC.i-i ii would boil soft. To my great . -iirp: :> v, f -aw the water became very red 1 vh ■ the thought Struck me that it might bo iu: dyeing, and I put a little wool"iii it. ; in to-cut u-n ty.inutes t tot.ft It out, and found i. t,be ot a neautiiql brown color. Enclosed J wj ti .ampie' to let the public have the b.-i..riit of U, f hat oth“r dhccvei ies or ezpcri. fficbtS may be made.” v -rdmirai Porter has taken command of the North Atlantic squadron, as successor of Ad miral Lee. The was sit-iulhed at Fort re/io Muoioe by a s*luto,