Chronicle & sentinel. (Augusta, Ga.) 1864-1866, October 26, 1864, Image 4

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<s{>KiMcle £ jacntiud. | Ha . Tuum'if lItAKyf'AKTKf.-:.—'Taylor ; removed his headquarters fr*- bn jileridian. w Mbdicai, L'cazoroß’s OrPtCB,-—The o!li :s of i Medical Director of Hospitals for Dos Army of i OVoiK-eeee is now located in Columbus. ■ . The "Mississippi Depot’’ and the < »of j Agency for the Relief of Mississippi Hoi-'.i f.- i ia the Army of Tennessee, ha.-, bf-en r- moved f io Columbus. Go. Mbktwo Os Conorbm.—The next or Second Session of the Congress of the Confederal; states will commence in Richmond, th" ith < : November—three weeks from Monday. Woc.vdbd Omctßs at Fort J)bi \w.\bk.— Ainon" the wounded Confederate office; * sit Fort Delaware, are Capt. T \V. Kent of forty eighth Georgia regiment, Lieut. T. !•' forty-eighth Georgia regiment : and I.ti ••• -'. V-'. 25 ranch, eleventh Geotgia rc-gimout. MuanEt:.—We learn that Mr. Oiter Street, aged sixty years, residing lour wiles, front F'earlng, iff Columbia county, was ta!:• n a hail mile from hi* house on Friday ni-ht iu.-t, fcruUilly murdered by setae perron or j.err.M: unknown. Stats and National Imm:<, Hon stir • —-The next annual meeting of the State KU rational Association of North Carolina, will held in Charlotte, on Tuesday. November ; :h. *i he Educatiounl Annotation of lire t ons-d-i *tte States will meet in the same place on \'o ■yeniber Dili Cnixni.M..—The Columbus Fun states, upon the authority of officers connected with Ihc uruiy, that as we progrear, northward our nuut bers increase. When the army 101 l back to Atlanta numbers of men who lived in'the northern portions of the State went back to their homes. They returnic Io their Colors. It is stated, upon the fame antliority, that ov» 1 one hundred deserters have returned to their commands from the neighborhood of Lick Skillet a title village in Northern (,\or- Hardee’s corps alone has boon recruited nearly three thousand. UratSTANCE to Lincoln's Dbaid'.—At a recent Democratic convention in (.'a?* comity,'Jllinoi?, the following resolutions were adopted: “Resolved, that wo, the Democracy e.f Ca-o county, will resist the draft at all hazards. “Resolved, That a committee bo appointed to’Visit the other counties in the State, learn the organized Htremrth, and report to the Springfield m ectiog and there appoint dele gates to visit the fndhiunpoli.s and Columbus (<thio) meetings. Ono of the speakers declared everything in readlnenfl in Illinois; cud wlitm the time came, the great movement would ho the (Jhpture o! Springfield, seizure of State oliieci , mid re legation et tlio Slate government into the hands of the revolutionists. Si-Rcut, Kxoiiaxoim.—There is no jusUfi- Cition e.vehnnges. They are un just In every way, arid highly oii'.-naivo to the array. We have before expre sed our vl-.v on the subject. The t liarUston Meieury v.:y properly remarks as follows upon it: “While we rejoice at tho release of anv of our ofli;«re from ‘durance vile,' woiantse nd mire and approve tho policy ol rpeciil changes, and cf diw'iimim.tion teprir.Ht our brave soldjers, who are sometimes made Ma riners through the Full «.r iKgligcneo of old Cevs. .Iltstiro soli-rc. !xi j. ;in«i i t|u'nlity. yr.|:tii'.-. ! we think, that wo fliouM (i<':i)au<l, ..-t i> .-1, charges of olltcera for olil-.-rs, r.<.oviiln-a; to tho date of mptuio.aiul tii; ,i:i;.;!i j coital influence, which liui)- be uipeii in i-jv.-ia! tpasey. It is not fair io lioltl out to - officers induce ments rani encouragements for readily tiitmn.l --<-ring unless we claim 0,11.11 privileges ot ex- ' tthango lor our soldiers. OBX. Beeckixridcs Tit:: llt:<j 01 ni:: Sai.t; 11, * >: Vicronv.—The following miuuranintons lot;-.-r from Gen. Echols to the etlifov; of the J.-. nch }mrg Republican, explains to the public tits fact that M*jor Gc-a. Recliinritlg:; sot. Filed to the honor of bavin" so badly whippeJ the tcneiuy under Burljiicue, -it \ ir-rini.t, t* fijw days since: AnniODON’, October it, ImD. -Gent- In your paper of the sth Dm, you speak ... the lute fight at Saltrdle r.s if "it bm! biy-n < on liucteil by me. it is proper that. ! -hoiil.t nute tlmt in this you at j niistak. ii, and lliat il had before that’pc rio<i liven reli.-vfd m tin command of this dep-irtment, to Hut distinguished officer, Gen. I'-rcehinridei-, v...• ordered and of which ho taken tho < om. tmand, greatly 4» my ■•;ratiti. for I know that in his hands tho gnat interest* th--. I'onfederacy will bo entirely -m'o. While 1 thank you for the kiu.l terms in which you have spoken of me, yet 1 beg you will m\ke the proper correction in this matter, ih no act ui justice botlitotion. Breckinridge and mv He-if. Your mistake no doubt wtv- < e .1 t ihe publication of 11 dispatch to Ut-n. Kemper viiicli was not intended for the pubii.. 1 ia.vo n great horror of appearing iu tho p.-pers in lay own name, and I will thank you i\ u-ake ihe correction in such manner as shall ap;-. ar juoct prop.-r to you. I am very truly, etc , w .1 onv Ki 1101 s, Brigadier (o ner.-.1. OnitKß lIKUTISO TO I’khxUN'iCXT ]h.;.\r: fit. —.Adjutant Genet ulC'oojtor lias i.>n. .1 thr Uttuexed cider In regard lo jn’iinanv-nl «li?a jb'.ed men: General* commanding Reserves in (he several states will, without delay, select and send oßi . t en, one to each Congressional District, out jiowered tc summon, and after Inspection, ten - ■wind to the camps of Instruction, all person' holding certificates ot permanent disability, and ouch persons assigned to light duty, a., in hi judgment appear likely to he adjudged yttali lied tor active service.' All such as iirty.'npi.n examination, he pronouuced by select Modi, ri lloards so .|ualitied. will 1m aligned R, duii in the field. The inspectors of conscription ntn h>, - T<l with this additional duty in the 'ah erne fUlier suitable otlicers. The details of such men, called i.ut !•■. Ocn j»l Prder No. 77, icurrent series) at- ! Ry the proper Medical Hoards to be unlit . , tield sery.Ve, maybe revived, and simitar detail may be grattved to light duty men not here,, lore detailed, a, ta;‘ discretion of Getter ds ii Kesevvos. Ip ms Road.—We lecru that a lore ;it);. nif ty of two brigades of Yankee troops, are ii Kenryrounty, andnre in posses : on of Tit: thoal Mills, on South river, rumdoo t l -. t.. their utmost capacity, it is said the- have* » train of three hand red wagons. That is a favorable indication that their e-.u plies lathe (.rate city ate getting short and 'it also teaches Wg the folly of the idea of «; v v r a ,. them to the evacuation of that place whit,, the he«rt or the State is loft free t * their i\. r groins. ... 0 (5 ll h< evidently the laterest as well as the 1- ty oh the ••Powers that be," to send a Htfih ie-Vt M%T*lry tore* to harass and c*;»ture w «W, teams, Ic., that their supplies in the —" Ikiay he as scanty fro:* this section. promise to be from the Western State: wt-h • this is done, and not until then. »,> nn.v- tV ! about starving the Federal forces out of a. i Jjmta—• OicMt/tm dis i- wi: e. Bigler of California, made no tldraoe lost week in New York in which he ♦rarely as pressed his disipproltotiotl of the ■ pc*!ey of the administration, am! mged the on oKleoetal McClellan. ‘ J j \3RI HFItN.’VStV^- i in- : do mt ay a Word of liicir le v v If—-* ut i etersborg , .. it -» i ui ~-il io considered favora \j i vi i . Illinois. The Germans ( ,-onoi smllox Lincoln. theyel • , ver ro ; alarming extent among , shipp.. t.i . nara t-.vt?rtil ej 1 country | hr tmoii'.i.r have lost nearly the whole j ' * r crews, .'ms ot them entirely s>. -rurf : * rrr.blo d’-nieulty was experienced ip set- j em, r, %. ■■ I ring pria i ;y employed ss sailors. II • N» •> V.iih Herald pitches into ti e WotUI. | !..■ ; “lae.-.n. ~freaking and utterly disgrace- ; ~1 rhm.'ss and insinuations against tho pres i , t j, 05 •.npirey' and (-ateemed lady of the White 1 louse.’’ T,draft has been resisted in Pennsylvania, j.a 1 i jood ha:, been shed. Mrs. Lincoln is about to put a representative recruit into the array. Tlic dr.d t hr.:- been in pror,re.-r in Delaware ibis week. A greet MeCiellan meeting has boon held, at Itr !.* New Ycik. Speeches were made by ’. Hunt, Francis Kernau and others. . l!t;n is .veil known as an old line Whig, iii Him 1 , charges that Lincoln had violated 1 ; ova pledges, in promising not to interfere v.ith tfis right* of the States, his Emnnoipa t id clhinatioa having taken away from them th.; most precious of their soveieiguty-the right t .icriUo; tin if own concerns. Mr Hunt closed Ids rj.e. eh by declaring that the tyranny of Aus tria u not v, ntsrt than that which has been ex <i. , cu by Lincoln, and that vve can only be saved by regaining what wo have so nearly Don. :• brs written n let!; r to Cameron, bdi ding iii-u to his Democratic friends. Tie says . y ;■!■ Ill: • ' leiian the fouutry will be sur rciideretl to \ aUandigfiam, Wood. Seymour & (an, who, if they ever carry on tin; war, will disband two hundred thousand colored men on duly a soldiers. lie ridicules the Idea of eman cipation, that being aijiietstion which the annle;- settle as they R ,i ; a tico. Slavery, he savs, ter minates whe. I Tver they appear. Ho says he is for •’war" until the authority of the Union is acltmr.y'.e.hv'd and its htws obeyed upon every foot .of soil ever within the boundary of tho 1 ruteij.SKiUs. A Washington dispatch says is is understood ; hat an,;::::- nenls are contemplated f«»r the pur chase of i he cotton of the insurrectionary States on Government account, and agents will soon i >• appoint",i ~t New Orleans, Memphis nod oilier poll..: ; lor that purpose, under the act pasted July last. Dunn, the Federal Commander at Vicksburg, !;;■ 1 published li'its .stringent orders, 'i liey i el anvlhmg heioro issued over tho people oftlmt city. According to Iheso orders all cvidcoci >f exemption from militia duty here toforo given are revoked, and will be void af ter th- Udh of October, and ail persons be tween the ages ol eighteen and forty-five >• :■ claiming exemption for any cause, must make the proper juoot ami procure certifr-atcs b.'iorothv dais'. Kxsrahiicg boards will bo tip; inled. ; ;:.i no person dtselintged unless he i. end will he during six moatlis unahle to dri:i and »wra the oidinitry militia duty of i'. 'cliy. Forsotm wbbittg to be extuninedby the Hoard will urst report to tho I’rovoftt .il o-iial; pay the sum ol two -dollars to lhe credit of.tlie militia nud municipal bind tak- ing an - ; tin ike same, sn i (he Hoard will nol's' ir. ;.e any poison except tipon the pi :• -n i.f such receipt. All aliens and re’c.el O-'vi Her, tire permitUid lo join the foicc if D > Jvuvlir'.l iliiiiia if they desire it. All p ons of this class who pn fer not to join will • the I‘i-Iriel, by the l.'dli of October.— < hi joining they will take the ‘•oath for aliens" .. I lit) ea so may he, Alt; r tho loth oil persons not provided with u rue.;, r . ..'Vi ,/ie lie of nnyobevship or exemption wili ai.-'ivu by tiny eoregs-tent authority, io. ! will be lined from Fill b, S'lliU, according t.i ike naluro cf liio,. by the )'revest Mmvhel. for il;o lieneitt of the nsFitia ntul ►•innieiee.l fund. 'The mtrao uolers arc to bo bnwedifii ly juiiiimd at. Natcl’.es. r s l.e N.*,.- Vorl: papers eny tiicvy is ISO,OOO bales oi n:k' ■; hi Montgomery, Ala. Tk > \c . York World ehavg;Mr. Lincoln w'bhdvv.'i:. ; out of the' Tr?.isnry under the t,,'.'.l ol "nec-ssaaie.; for the Fresident’s I ~; v. which was spent for articles of his in ni. Also, that tho cut lery bo;K,iF I: his mansion has been sold or gtyen,away. 'ih- ,) Hu-.- coliißins of advertisements in tn - Ne-'.v Yoik Bcrald from bounty and sitb alitute av.enls. f»t;eb a strain to get recruits the world never saw. A merino beck was nob! at the Vermont State t'rki' i rccniiv for three tbouaahd dollars Much rb.Unrarr is icported among tho cne ,i: y ::t Ni".v Drier,ns nnu at baton Rouge. F, flu'." • Powell, if Iver,lucky, in anaounc i:: r is odbeeici to* Md leJlan, said: Asa ) m,p ■ «lu> 1!■ opp'veif this war from the t . : . r.e; cr jiav k"g voted a man ora dot •u* t. eat r;, Ron. I never will cccnpy aposi tt->r - apriorinc of the war or »>f the nn . n . miu I v/lihii but, t believe that ~ ’ clue a a the imminee of this Con vetitio:i, . i. aid reCvU e my support, and ho h.i\ ■ -my wnito, hearty, zealous sup port. A ntb lu r of Northern papers, hitherto in Urn inter :of Aitraham Liueo'u, have hauled • i-'.vrn t'. -ii cohu's nr.d hoisted the names of a. U!< : ci and I'endi ion. Among -them are e,’ ! ’ in New ( astle, i'enii ► yivanh; : the “fijiim Star,’’ of Ontario eonn- ; civ Yo mil the R< lil ind N. \ . “ ilee eeiK:The Illinois “Anzeiger,” a German 1 pi hed at Bprlnglleid, hitherto for ■ ■ for McClellnn. L e t. w if.itM-t.-il Monadncck has returned to r>om..-tt fro:,:n very mieoessfnl trial trip, her Ldevod ... ttisfactory in < very part:-, alar. She-was propelled at the Mie c, o n hum:, p.a hour with ail her .stoics oil beard. At the Rqnihlii :*,ii mass meoUnghold in Wost cluster ;t s*w d.iy.i since. Hon. John Hickman v,a; 7 .1 io sjteak, but declined to psitiri ]*.»!'* in 1.1 ■ meeting, and sent a letter giving i t Id reason that in so doing ho feared lie would cahlribitle towards the reflection of Mr, linccilti. 'J in: tii . lYnuiril of Wa diington, 1). ( have appropriated fitly thousand dollars to relieve itscitdo-ns front the draft. ’1 ho Irish Region, which wits raised for (lor OOTiiu, and succeeded the Irish Rtigade com manded by Member, now swuceiy nmnbe.ts one thiol of a lull regiment. Tito st Jomph Mo. Herald complains of the outlawry of the soldiers in that city. Peace able t.-Uir.«ns are insulted and beaten every night, while going to their homes, and giving no oil. n. e. There is a provost guard appoint ed at rest soldiers oa the street at night, and pic tv' mder. imt this guard, the llorald says, .-pe-ndc i.o.e in ’ a. v ity house eavuivals, and in treat :>•.;: ihctstst-lves fiy force in beer-! house* ami drinking t-vtoons. Aed-ptUili to the New ) ~tk Tribune, from i .ici* vide, os that f. > ir-ri of thirty-five guer i ll's had e.pttited two upward bound freight train * oa ihc .vt-diviHo rab.'aad la'tween flich lai'-'i Station and and . cuts- actuß '] hey burned idiaT en cars, but they contain*d no stores. Ricntoii.tntdJer-. ml Si-ott ha-> returned to X v York ue.ra West Point, in feeble health. The v• see.:ica S 1 ir vsys it heats that no I ■‘ J ’to V .t the* Ift *llt will be issued to cishuns at present. • ideduedex ■ .. - v ... v it..: tl.r-y v..-o well treat • '.. .:.i\ ■in Now Orleans af ter i - their efi apo from confinement. The Louisville Journal says Tincoln lets te- Vvk and the ov.lcr it sued sometime since that tbr. .i-.-nrd to produ-'o a collision In tween the military and r tvll authorities in Kentucky Tire enemy at Xewhetn has refused permi*- mo tor l)r. 0.. A White to pass through the lines in older to give his medical services to t: C.vnfMf-,- ,te eutitat rs i>v yellow fever at that point nffle-,; doemnen- Cram tha Wo, Office*! •* -' o ■ a ,i> tis.-.t tho Yankee Government b , a ® c-d-yd into tho D:-,j from lies; to last, over t-ovc millions of men. Thev hove, l*c-siJej, so.’no six hamlrvi vesjels of wur. !iyh* i-xposiUott raa-i-v i»y tfae Ooard of Sa of a ttppesrs that cut of >* ;J. moa tevied upon the county of New SSCS.*”".- •** 755 ta " ii»itHti-% ni’.Ms. • Heal depreatuou. the ecn-f,p:ctßv the heavy lessos caused by tie vmicus fall in cot ton, on*inucd to manifest itself infinaricinl cir cles The commander of the Allied troops in Jut land ha ! tamed a proclamation, warning the Inhabit'in .rgaiu.-t acting >n controrenticn of the orders ot the military government of the province. According to some leports. the i-ili'-y of Austria, in Die Danish ipiestiou, is more and move diverging from that of Prussia, and a; i.10: t approaching an understanding with the Coutts-of St. I't-ter- burg and St. and, through them, with Denmark. The name re- Tvr's vapre.a ut the Prussian minister. Von l'.iv t.Mi u, as no less excited than perplexed. The internal situation of Prussia, ton, is ‘again becoming r{{subject of highly animated ditfcuadou. It is asserted the Government of Baden will propose at the Federal Diet, that a definite term he fixed for the grand Duke of ifldenbnrg to rend in a mein dial establishing his heredi tary claims to ,Schleswig Ho'steiu. Apparently viv*H founded reports indicate, that atlempts’ure being made to bring aliout a reconciliation between the Government and the moderate wings of the UonstitnUcfial ]xir ty in Hungary. The Sioeco.v Gazette puhl shes a list ot ikes, which since April last, have taken place in different parts ol Russia; and it adds, that the amount of the principal disasters is not complete. The work of ineodiai ies com ne need at the end of April, in the Govern men f of Jvilonea, by the destruction of lifty-tour houses: next at Okbausk, two hundred' and four honoes were burnt; at tk-rdobok, four. ill'll is of the town were destroyed;, at Slfzir, ono-half of the bouses; at Mologa, more Mian two hundred; and at the fair of Ni jai Xovgo rol, fif'tei n hundred booths aiid o-je hundree. and • foity-eiglit houses; at i’atroi.-!:, tin-re were six tires in June,.and entire <j> *a i | t-rs of the town wc*e consumed, 'lie powder j inng Q z’iie, of Nazan untl that of Ukhta, near IVtcniliurg, were blown up. At R’ga, t\vc j Jiri-J occurred; the same at Tunlen, where tne ; finest ipartem of tbo town were cousu'me-l At Orenburg, six hundred houses were burnt, and F.aki is only ale ap of ruins. Four con flagrations took place at Si. I’etersLurg; six at ■Simbrisk. a town which, as well us Yoiosbwi. are now la ruins. I'revions to April, two im peruil cannon foundries were destroyed. The troops in the British army now number 1 15, 2-Id rain. • The continual discussion of the prospects of peace, by the London Times, is said to be hav ing a depressing etiect on the cotton market in* Liverpool. Jt is stated in London that au active trade with America, in salted provisions, is" expec ted lor some months, owing to the high price,s of meat and dairy produce, which are evptel-d to prevail until next Spring, in consequence of rite late severe drought. Tbo statement Unit Captain Semin w, of the late steamer Alabama, had taken command of anew Confederate cruiser, huiit at iWdenux, is entirely discredited at Paris. The f.iiiiiro has been announced of Mr (J I>(s *, a huge cotton speculator at Havre. The i.abilities are stated at XKKJ.imO. and ill-: asset? are thought to bcVuQsidor&ldc. .Several lmnsc? in iinglartil are suite: ers. The military committee tins l-.p-ti led lo Na poleon the advisabiiity ofadopyrtg tlie Pru.i iian litle for itio French ariny. jWm l’ierre Soule, it is stefc-d, will settle, in Fiance or Germ my. Walter Bayagp Landor died at Florence on tie* 17th of September. On the London Slock Exchange the opening price At (iouoois. for mon'ey, was S7'{ a s7 Several loiters received in Far:.-, stile that the Fnipeior oi Russia will pass the winter iu j Nic; Sir it. Bulwer has arrived in i’.-.tis. and Queen f'hii.-tiat'.i lins si t out for Spain. l'l.e prince and Princi-ss t.i Wales left Copen hagen on lS;e iMth of ceptombor fur Steckhobn an.l wen* to K turn iu eight da^s Fix Uipusatul peaeaiits have lardy arrived at Roiigiiowa, au estate of lYineu Foi’zi’s toe» - ‘prc; s.llieir gratiiudo f,u' tho iheree f.iaiting them landed proptietora. Turir* contimns traiujnil The remonstran ces of (In* municipality of furiu, addrcs'-rJ t-> the Government, fk-e'. iies that me trancler of the . e.iiitul lo Fhuenco signifies ihe lecun cVioi* “f Reaic, ami piolesia againet em h a conclusion. Tho financial crisis wm* still severely fedt in England, 'lime brokeis eu the S*<Kk Fa chango suspended at the lbiltiightly scttlo tnent. Severd new failuies, amounting to uhov.ttwo millions i.ieriicg, are reported Employment was getting scarce in tho manu facturing districts, and considerable depression existed in Manchester. The London Rost says that the American Democrats conh] not have nominated an esne cial peace candidate for the I’rectdency, as me Northern people would not yet ‘ ! uut>mU to the ncccisity ot putting an end to the war.’’ 'J he (jpsfcdorate cotton loan tallied from 7»7 to HI. Consols dosed in-London on ihe Ist of October at Ss I S to hfi 1 - I for money. l-Nifciyn ( ai.minri’ii.l iiui.-ltijui-.o:!. U>MH>X MOXKV MABKKT, »Bl*C T.i. Tin- stock tnaiket continued to bo influenced by tin* teiding of distrust which prevailed in couimereial circles. Consols were week and drooping —closing oil tbo Add at bStF'-j for money. The demand for discount was still modera’p, although there was lailier .nore ac tivity on tho AVI. The weekly bank, returns were favorable, phoning tin increase in the bullion of .v„V..- v Goid continued to he taljcu to the bank Baring Bros N C<\ cpiote. bar silver at 5a 1g; dollars . r i?J; oagies 7d*2; : . Messrs. Baring Bros. A Cos. say : In US stocks Uto only dealings have been in 5-io bonds, and these .have been this week to a Jess extent than previously These have reached -Fi, but are now quoted -tSjjaf tj. A email bn sinVM has been done in Erie shares, wiiieti are now at Ida i t. and in Illinoi* Centra! at bJa'di dUeount. Atlantic & G \V iionds, New York section, 7LI; ditto pa. section, 7.1. Ollier *iuo tatlons nominal, i.tvtißfooL cutton d.ikkilT. sr.rx. ‘j:S. The Broker's Circular ears : Cotton contin ues unfnvoiub'y inlhtcnccd by tho position of the money market, tun I though in the early part of the week Iberu wits more disposition to buy, and prices ia some instances rallied trout tlc.ovtrente decline of last. week. The. market closed with groat heaviness and irregularity, and generally at a considerable further decline in quotations. American has been in fair de mand, particularly far export, but closed M a Id below last week Set Island has fallen about Id a ill during the past fortnight 1 .gyp ti-rn has been much pressed for sale and shows a decline for the week of RIJ a 8.1 per lb, and even more m* tin. lower gra‘dca. hntyrna shows an avetage fill of J.R ami lJra/Jl is freely otfer ed at I' a Aid decline. East Indian improved c illy iu the week, but finally closed fit about Id below last week's figures. Sal sos the week, 87,020 bales, including del 10 to epccu- j latora, and 1.d.-lst) for export. Yesterday (l-'ri- j day) the market was more steady at a dee due. j with sales of about d.OOO Oaks. The official <)u<da;tong are : Fair Orleans, '-’Old ; Middling. -7'd-l ; Fait Mobile, 2‘Jd ; Middling, Fair Rptands, 2-s.ld : Middling, 27d : stock oa hand, 881 ,lsO bales, including 12,880 American. Trade at Manchester continues very depress ed. Little or nothing was dune in clot* yes terday, and tlfl! transactions in yarn were quite limited at low and irregular rates, on condition only of prompt delivery. f.IVEHrooi. COTTON ilir:&Pi . SUP.-. 2 R Colton dull and prices weak: sa'es to-day., J.ii'iO bales, including 2, .'00 to speculators and exporters. BreadsiulTs flat: provisions quiet and steady: j produce dull and unchanged. LONDON MONEY MABKET, SF.I'T. 24. Consols for money, SSaSSj : Erie shares, 42a 48 : Illinois Central shares, oil J2.V discount. HAVBK COTTON JI.UtXKT, SECT. 23. Sales of the week, 9,000 biles ; market very dull and nominal: New Or lain: tres ordinaire, j 342 fr : do. has, 888 fr ; stock in port, at; 000 j laics. _ i uliuiibui, Ga.. Market. The following is the retail prices at Colum bus, Ga: Flour $1 per lb; meal St? per bushel; let cor: sijp«r lb; syrup $lO to 12 per gallon; beef $!,- 50 to 2,00; salt 80c; lard £3,50 to 4,00; tallow $3,50 to 4,00 tobacco 51.30 to 10.00; woolen .faun* sl2 to 15,00; sheeting $3,50 to 4,00 cal ico $lO to 16,00; pork $1,60 to 2.0 U; and oth- j ev things in the rsune ratio, m:\vs Hi*m I'tir. i Army Arpus ami Crisis ray* the defences ; .V are a* perfect and strong a? tho iu«t - de engineers .and abundance of labor- i vrs could constTuet. \Ye can now bid defiance ' to the cm :-.y either byjand or water. The !' • ’.l-b ins c.tngbt a Tartar tn the fif t- :t :i i-. ‘ i atria (iistrict They norainat- ; id L> , h i> Ny forfkmgrcs*. tuyi he wrote n miter -■ .'j tifig, but d.'ctarUig he Humid vote ; for Me'Ji •ihw. ft ss it' in the Cbmch Iclcliigeßcer tint a reauber c: laymen of the rtioceae of F’outii Uasoiiaa have recently presented Bishop Davis with a purse of ten thousand dollars, to pro vide the better tor his comfort iu those times of cheap money and dear living. A Rfi omond correspondent says there is a | great demand.for small farms in the vicinity of the city, some of w h'th rent as high as $8 iRM per annum. No wonder, when n bushel of sweet potatoes sells for sb<), and other things in proportion. * Attorney General Wheaton, of Mississippi has explicitly denied that foreign subject, resol ing in Mississippi are liable to militia duty even though they may have taken an oath ot neu trality imposed on them by Federal authority siTP&ay, * Sv;gt..r. w II.LI AM UHItNI.Y. Compr-ny E. Cubb'j l.j. cion, -n - Sli.JXn W. u j Mr*. Jlmy ]■:. Khcuev. il-fd a: lii* rC’i'ici•;■* in c;-«i*Vy, C*a., An*. aMJ.I*. 15til, in lire iwtrnty thJ’d'ycar <*i') ir= ngc. Ab- Atj. lit • H'uuy vic.ii/j ■ cn 11*;* a’.ta’’ of J e’.r cwntrv, rffrhiij’B ikm-do was a tufr patrol. He voluaiceri.d -rilv in, iilo IV Ijvanil bl.arhfAt wjm Us the <i-ti:t<ers utul j.gdo: -of 1 e tCi’-’ci tLrou/i. th.-v i.e at l tom f-vpi juu', wa« c«n j*«--:>-a to get m H k ini - lousrii come ):* n.c Uir.v tos inor tou- long months theto - turi*B oV aiiGWi '.ui'i' wtariol r.afu*« ouolbe r nr. more, and li I ft the church iniliuut for ilto church triumpliA* L. 11?.* r.atufuily go and constitution avab li* ..viiy taxed H. til? r-nd • ini .te of i a» '1 vriuestjev and Virult.vt, anil the vkusthudFo of vimp lur, ’lmi tiiC di" wLioii in u 'e 1 f.isrys.em ♦ooi-ibuuh violent ;.nd d-ei> lu id as io bid *'.* ti mce to mud cai ikiil. He piofs-.- cd le’.lHoii nntl i inert the • nurcii before lie !Uf bosie, :ti.J hi hoiiili exp oo! *o ihe ?* nipt -«i )i.s li cident I*. O'JL'j lit* l , i- : . f k.r :*t lih hfi-BHiu’ io tin- ('ATlain of Ilia Palvii’i.T, but ..d i- it.y ts nif *• r. lij/’en wlJio in nnipthait lie had .lK Hv . /'lkciijn vv.lilov t arid ton ♦in plate ihe . • . i t n fr.u.i i :d the vh: -of WUi!-* \n he*uta an lorUTclli t nef.l b. •* ev n-rro\> not aatiuve without hope; lint to k for | v/„r,i v;-;: •!f-M.Kno:*cljcii nto a i. ». ..v n-unl n•• lu ! ev;• ti lii'l • i iLdeii, when* the ire? u bioomaig.” 0. H.B. K'.' M rear rred.-rids, Md , ,J«ly.y 4. M. MEGAHEK, a r,ie;..’>-T oi'Ote. Midvlae Aril lory, from Augusta, and tin* onlv s <■; of Goiuntiiij county, T.’io tul-ject or ikij t.rt «:• <jf lho li.stto re*po> dto J.:-; (■ ,m iry’t- trail, w ich lie did mi the '2nth of Apitl, 10G.i.-- , r.;iii the iiin, ofJ.iseulUstiu ut untl: 1.8 ctea'k. be nobly aud i.-.Ui 1'.;! ydaJiarrf and lis tint cs us a soldier, as was remarked hy •i! or Jus broili.-re fcoldie ?, who nvcl; knew li's woith. ’llto Mil!. ■'! ;e l aiti! h:ul u t more le.iab e so ilier thau He. He ' ”:i > • eve v aitfoia whijn !.is coinjuny was ensured uutil Hi - i'i.rt or Jo y, iSdh w;,i e rc-mtupi Xo. i, at tno piece to viil- *t lie h- and. and (llacjiLisdutic.s h ttsdd e r , was dio'.mvr i ret.- 'OR. Aid.. th.G h il enter Ins: the bud: of his headL’.d Jy'ed ia iis ey°, th-? wouuti. causal his death an.u’-oD-'d eti wiihout astrogiile or with the ti- slnlf fiF./ped in his Band. That nob e .ud maaiy fern ./dr ’. v/c ii -?«> et* -n 10.-?a to look upon, now rests ben nt-i the sni! of an en(*rnV\> comtry. “.it- KiV.js bU F' p, te iu-- fought his inH, but-tlc, No SMI..U can a.v -k him to tfioiy b . bjc» .M od ttW'y attlia <a iv >*reof twenly a-»i ten in- n b-c-. . 7-n jeHt.l *: so'd'i v, h dutiful e.n 1 ufleeb-m --: hritutr. -Add a frt-.nd \* keenly telui.y ; ) v/i. k v: r' «i. 11. t win'.* w«> 1 vYmpaihi7.o\ai hph • !-*. -vefl 1 w i> . y.o .-orrow m.*l v. ulioul hofo, lo: wu L«.; .va 1 OUC IC’iS V. it H :Viu, Al, «’ -r* .S. id- ’b '. rG.LFC.nv l 1 t A>Kansas K- glment, was : \i in the t.aitlc of Janes', oil* (Georgia) fcoptembtr lit.* Ist, ii. ; a. i run in Morgs-r c* uniy. rioruh, in the year ISO", I'-.i’ kiiti .'(-J t ) Ariu: Vj-d-t Arkur** s. In Ifcl . 'iVimtbe i : t) t f war » :i.j -( Uj.VU i.c pron.pUv reapji tied-to the call, .u ! o-i i ■ ‘ : da\ t .Vtii. l-M, « a'ctl ua afeoldier in ’i:c : lc*i A' !:*e t:it v Ftierate > ctt.CS. He w irf with ids vuyir.H nt it. ’ - ' i ■ :< sc-i Mmu. Muit*' , l Mnrf.v *.:>•>»* . . J.C .. .s -rpreaent'Dd *\ aiy tnflwno iUs dangers r-J lutjatv-s with lis commdes ..r, i*■ kb.u -nd oMiaJ’g to l' fallow ao-*l -.s >. •!- •: • . i.k’co. he w:ia nn-aiV** bua*vixi bv a’i win knew I *. I lit- oca th r.t tli,- i.ri. v•. m.Ky daici.diDi': o r - )f • < yt\.<y i.t.t Jii-. \i-.ri pic. j.tb rt iG.iin willi us, Ono 'ids i-c»r --,. t .1 I*. I*. h -1 :A *D' ) t. G-* <ei Mor.dav. tlirt Ist vlty m‘ Auaust, r-;j. one at .; HtNlb j-i tJ-.- ?lst y, .r i t 1 ntfo, Mrs 1* v,»..■» t. •• v wt f Tw>. E, burasitia, of • e whoieii iua duel iu ihe ve**r 1525, r.0 .r i-'wil M:tihu\ Ala, • IN raid. JAAIE.d . •'M'CHtS km, (o. *‘A," 12th C»?org:a K vhaba.a. was K’i’ed whiL* <%JUlid‘y losd Jd.s comuDliv In ii. h .rih* i'-* GUI. A r*J ’‘Jit s- Idle:, a ir-.u j»it.iot, a i i-.u 1-*. «■; • I ;■ •* ;j 1 ' w- t herl-ih Ms ui'nu t e : :.! > i it ; .:N wiiGh vt»jp J e to«in* Sri i L nd. ano write hb> i 1. i.r. *i i.bu )• m ri of Go -rL'R’.'s piiea.CA*nfl , upon the ! . :•. • l.ui ual . itti-.v cdi, the Him unnul.cs if | h.ioi.. < a;*t. i»dc-r- -ti, a .u: I/.eut- nai.tof th-s N'ew- I- !tan -Jv.-.'s, ( }*(•r-,,v s t*>iieoratu, am m-: c;ed i'/.ii'jiu-i t.e K (.'0 »rs«iu K c;rt, «'oi. Katr.f* ) rit’l ■ i 1 )'an9ai*oia. nr ani-M* ;= c mountaios <»f ; C.... - •• .*« \ : dt •t, #e t.. iiHiV.-d i a w.iii i- >u It I • :!• • I). -JiDt itikuiy :*■ to wi:i I' e ufr.y’loa -1 f.’l • J~ Hu;.* Ma.fif uj.fii rPe»edcoa:» n <■( I. Nl» ;»1 u-; •. r '•». * I Navi. •• Ui jin.. 'it I*. itift ills'r*rij nd, - ; . .! *.{• .•: ; l **'r U' nc-altd !» t'oni. Ihe Coin r>!," !f“ ti; ,-i i-s.-t »•- . mr/.s S* ivb :i LlfeU cUROI. ill biri o]d ■ civ- an. ’!. V; •. AOdr.rd o( HU in the l v li »: r ■ l-.ti*.-: . u> • tj :. .•!!a p-oii»0te«l t , H:c I'Kp t 1 icy ! A". ■■ Tift, t ; at' - : l-.vou*f fl F.-oii the v.e-try i iu.:'. w.Hi l.'.a --j' i :\Th S *il'h/ rin th«death ms loft: .4 . • i -'•“••'s ea i*ai;»:» ; n \ — uapr. Andersmi j -.- g< .a.\ j'.is i V <-i't; li-: fa Rt. f'Hjnn and t> e Tutu is .1- 1 • * u ’• ;*• :e ti'ity aad”a- ii asoldlci a jrmve in \ a.* ri- G<»J .ti.-i'i? i:at ui. ir ait Iw*o w ftedihu trlb Me may ina t hliH. at la* roil cjJI •*. the »' .!«' n«.*d, wliuii the • the :• UD-; i f:,rJi uin! ilicw.wsui -hv ir ur vred d-;:d • EU. Cm... ATRUU IE mhs. i». a. M.vnir;\v< « i : oi- roi., james and MATH.iA*S r.r LEVIN' JTON, GA. WKrduvcr may be our pntW-) noon cart h—wJiel her’ onealii the s'lii ip hi ••• pr rity. or lie chiUii’e c cuds of inisTorime —th* -:*d. the ju'r* i-*s cftheln ail ate iinvrtw'itin fee -cr Hie-. i.jpan ou of cur pi c.inpg.;. Oi late, he has thrown on vi."i as : now. iir.d ren o\ ;*d w m ur li U * one of its t-.itfj’tf '•*■ O’ mil.'.. jtV. The qtiict, v. btiu i-e IVhsnO—f be hiis* .b iLtS's ir-Dsure—;h". f tui mother, (bet coucs» ilor DUti gn'J l .lo the *• l-ctt r l ir.-i ’ ) >j“ hns l>cen calkd away i rout t!;u. painv. 1 e c ut- 5 , tiu; lum.nds cf earth, to sleep ;twii! o in 11.a ’,u,e.t t- mb. ’Hie j ;youd days osier turnporal course haw end- hut oar disihath v.w. :.:cd to her the un.j.cakablo • j u wi.Kh ihe Fcihjf JJtiHi p-cpa-Hl rot Hie pine in lieait. Her .ip*, t • pure f>rthe sordid;xvs of ititteiy, are forv/er *iier.a»d on earth. f'*.b ‘ So fadeAtfce fairoal il -we% 'i he. fatal Ho.-i- - mus cn, Thev bill upon Hie mother earth, , A nil* Hi •ts ihe scene ” H*r:f and fv eh'.rt-iivud man take a lo son which tnr.v tandi • ifielo lit 1 i.. liupe'— l»> rest his sou] jjt-i innocent yciu'i, b >, Kin!' bt tiiiirs u> rt nu-inber the Ore-tor ami * i ?r* ru bbvv’r. J.. ‘ Hi aliiicted by this Ik* reave m-nl ntbi t. that Iho helus-s < f Providence are imnmmLly -i .:i -ij.'S'.lh li«h «< tn(l rk ami mystcii nis. Sue whoa* a•• -• we -I- bo,i ore, rests in U:t? bosom of her Saviour. M..v ai! at J-i-L r-;.-i vuth liev. ll.irU ! thy pv,.is' s arc* sjundtogin n.y e -rs, r aDt'el frit ml, Ibe ir tbern pverv hour fruu tfmse who ). ev tacelFcl v * e know no why God took thee fom us. •» \.know** HedcefJi * l third's w- :1 ” V\ r e wisl sirive to cm , < -.i • cc* !Y.* l-.ved on« 1 he hand of friendship can do litiic •? ?. Hian wip ; tlte i.e >r of sorrow from thy imle Oer t ude, and p ! :t ilit* e; e of the sou! to Leaven, where thou art. r-.Nim? wiHithy I* cl. AJ'uiBND. •NOTICE '* • Ot;. ;;7" .3.-. II;« ' ~t.l io the Estate of llichard Rilcv, lute * i "/i com it r. i'i • tl, will nuKe MDmo‘>Ute p»>meiit * > ' * ur. •..* •» : • ii«S tho?o having caitna fizaip.-t k*.*l i:, l j - u.t u.tfui, duly aUc-ati, within the* Uiro ■ • •• 1 • . SAKAII KIM-.V, * v • •' # Adn,: Uimti x. Tv’ jVvi.i:-; to DKUTtiRs amm;kki>itoks7 . All r irtvii,;' don-aud.-* p.;air>t the 1 of r a th jviii** l> /re*, l V rI 111 h-'ton.l county, dec»a«il, will pr«*t4 i:t l • 'ii vv- 'h'u. tLO tiir.i*. pie-xriUVt Sv mw, : .i»a th !i.dtt»U*l V , til ii* I- -I ti.enf co OKAS. A. KOA LANL», .y. ;»i‘. Gw , • K\er.utor,* \ro'nT!KV “ ' ~ Tw’-i t. ':»♦>,a nf'cr «'fitenppllcitlotj v»‘H be made t/»t le H -MhitiiM ■• ti i-i Ortlmary of ill wu’on.J for i -ft • 'i %«:».*'*. n r'tvf h< 1 n&Ui& to the Ji*. ./.• of, < -Jtii:. 11. C I ad'/C, 1.-.-p • t <»h! c -.mitY, cftcisaf'N!. sIAMiLd 11. UoI.LINO '•(>!<!]!, c - • '■ 1 •' __ AdminidnUor. ’« i after dais ap].:i.TaUon vrill be made to the ilußßr i'.’o, ilnt c’onrt f f Ordinary of Hiehmond connly, for ; •;;•- ' A.loMih*, a to «lie Let ate of Ki. lnrd Ktl.-y, lute ol ioid oouulv. >1 cuaFed. _ MAKAH lIILEY, Adm*x. voTi' r;. i \ , -* i indebte-J lirt te of A. .Tones, of ty. i.i ' .;. 'UO t- ufitv. c*c«; i■»•'.!. w'.li niake payment to tin uni; r.%, r • *, ;.i i those cui.nis Mtul K tute til '-•u.;* . • ’-1 •T;, : ; yatt •K'<l,U’i:i.;n tl.Qtime nre -3 rit*d I*y ' w V A. VL -h V. .* ;•{•!•< •« ■*Vt'A_- £ Tfiui'rtfii y Aiiui’r. **K‘; -the * y.'cf Akx;itd»r Pope.tir,. <>• •• * ' <>.» ••- wi-iu*s coun v, w :.t orakaimnndNtMiaypicnt t ; • I ml ’• « - ’ uod a . v , jKuiundt '• ■’ •' • '' ; K 1 ’ *-t fLt k..rce. UM’y aM. i.-d withi.l the* to * jut -fib) iiv. r. W. pop®. / , | • • WM. A. 1 OPI-;,( to i>-jyroiw a\r» cKi;i>:'i;aH.s ■ r I to ll :>- Career E;i her took or de* ; •-’ 1 '!;*’-VVu 1 ' ’ v,l ‘ mai«ol)cimeiS»4te pupn/nr : '-' r 1 ci'viinct. ur.. thrF'2 l nv:ag claim* againsjt a<»fti •• :•-■*'-''*•*■ —■■'“* )’ attCSAtt, w.JsXi the lid c pr«e.. r *bM t.y iA ~ 'r u BOOKEii. ‘ Cu + Kxecnt y. , t 0 tl *« ofW. E. -V. f * f . ?pfISWl * w iU P'alre ImmcdLU*pay “/ K ' ' uioiohuv Jigiltiiuarclaaenfiii. ra; i w»,V; T , : .y ,^‘ u " J “““* <iul ratttot*-“t «t„. - >• B-T»KKERSI,Y. Artm ■vrajH-E i4. rT 4-. u .••■- i ; i i *V; ID ‘ ir, . ,4 -° l-3la *- e of Hampton .1 Ilnd^on. ■ 'Cc:Vi; ■. 8 . -* 7. : • ’-■* •* •>*.«»<• wmpresent ti-sin u '.' * v * i - ■‘■‘M tiiiio irepe.ii fU >▼ ] a w ROBERT ft. ULIETT, Ex’r. V OTTCE. ~ * \ 'y'r''?* 10 lLr ’ >"-iate of Thoma.* Snowil n, r 'A- /V -*'-' t V .'• I, ‘' ’ J make pav* I'-viV, Ty : «’>,»;.«•.*.• UM S as»a* E. JACKSON, „ o£toa:, t. jMJBTtc, Ejcevintor*. ADAiRMCTHAIOK’Ji S\I.E. Wv 1 ’■■',““• »ttt* Lower Market ]1 jure, :n U.o City of ; r,” . c ‘-v cnt.rrf the Court of Ordiaurv o' ; -H n t ’in:/, i u the fi/st Tuesday la N'cv/nn-tr rr-x*, : w *'**‘-3 • *-v ku a i-nurs •: n’.l that tract of land In RSeh i * c ' :h \ Lnodreil a»d slxty-fi/- acred— : : r' r sv 5 ~T* : J»m a *« Blftcketoii, >r.. Ja»n«& | ;*.*-P'-« r - • it ;*.!i et F.Rd Jolui J-t'-keon. about one cnle '' * ' T£ .' Loar l -. e ti turgid Ra i Koftd 'l a fc rbo : , f ■tA :e r rate •*. y !« ■ ;/wfoid. alia* Ly/'.a BneS, ticOitoseil t-t tt-e . -a*-.At of vhe hcirs sr.d crt-ditorn cf iaM-o«r --fiiiOvtl fR-acnA JACKiSOX MADI»(iX, . b--p v Gwy.. Adndulstrator. w. T .. . . ADMI\!BTR4TOR ; B * ALB V% *hbc j uii=€ir Gn>res!*' , 'o (*/or«p.n. .7 t-n r,'. i:n lu-rlay la December n%Jii, under an 'or efr •. :•? i;.-*iir_of slot of land ttu Mmirsi of <J;» ?' .hf, Ponaaia, Z m*>e»®wi ana others • on tn . \z* four aeresaM.-r o told f r tb<» l*€naiit <> a th« helra rnd en Atora. m• u*e preparty of John P. lite of raid county dxM. Terms cash, ISAAC R. HALL. CCt 17 C-743 AUailfcUtraior. :•• ■•. * •• ‘ f * ' t i . t Lis*: • • r • . .. \T Woe. :*..._ : •? «- - ': ‘ T.< ■' tontbeen v * • .’• • . c- . * ..h.ns* a • f said i* . « at ine c.t c*»r ;*i o : ,r :.nd h rjl;), * . '••• - -A: r Li) . . --i C . : : u ?j.ISM i;c<-1 MV- h t-1 |JT.\T£oFGf' ATiNT ':~~'<' r V, O Jcm: v iv* - • i ; : !.«■ tors of nd xmnistratio:, on ;Le E-fau ci S ; . 1 1». Ii uv ; . v, late of said cum ty, v-e.e.. vb i nose are. therefore tp •*, -vi ■.•.inu fisL .t :. • r.d sinjtnkir, i** h-.nur-.-a r.;;d cvt,ii;ors oi .ie-.ta: :. to Ik- u: . apr-uar : i - »hdw cause, if iv.y they ;.; „*, m . b-i swuid ’act be granted. Gv-cc ur-der my i c -.-I *: :::nt ' • in Au gust a, this Ui day of»,). no r. < ct 4 4w4 • DAVID 1.. ROATH, Ordinary. c i’a i"E of a•• h< . ui /nn <7-7*urit ». n h-i".w*. J.i .- •■ t • ; * r EeGers o: athn i ix!,: o:i r* • - • . : . McG k, i;r.e of sakif-mtlv.,l v .if li. Ti t- e a-.-,: h- v• r ?T0 ,« c -• i r■««; r.j and singular the kind red a. .J a- r *.f mi>. -i, lo be ami appear ai my ofli; 0”. < v 1 .for H '.'•.* void!:*} A't»ve».iber next, to cuow cr.u ifai.y Hi.-*, l ,»w, v *.i L* ’.! ra .b.ou dmd be -arantc-d. Given under my h -. ’ and oill- !.il s ! o»flscr !n An- L'nsla. ibis I *, day a « v.ul-er. ic*». CM4W4O ' ' . •• • . ' ' • Ih-ums Ku i H i. •: i c-M.- rs Adminiatut K>.. ti , .-.• .* ••• !<• h, rt An,b ' , I-. 18 of said ; arotmiv, dectws «1 '1 hese are. t : i r.ibru, to -i’e and admonfeh »dl, and Hie kinui.d ai .1 reiiu i> ;..e !, to \-j ami appear :»l : • ffl< ion dr before tl . • * nr u < . n . i, if ;ny t!‘.e% h.. ~' :. : Leu•. . shculu -hot bt tp anted. Given i’i\ lor my •p.d < b i,.’ , ; ;na , at cddcd in Au gusto, lids Ist day oi iAb i *r. o * >. „ _ nAV ' tn UO Ordinay. *ja f•: ur’ 4: .\, <77? h-7 ,'f h\;77nT\7 S Jo. a :. 1 v • : 1:001 . of Ml!- s You 112. i'J ' '.<* > ..lx IV c-e.o.w:. The r- : . • • •'.r.H'C kin'lredar;'. v. • 'toi>- IU-V. ... '•> .rv Va; • army oltlce wohiu the• <•»«• • a- ’v. . < ;»:so,ti a.:v tlu y ha • u h r w - Given under hiy i.audaadt:: •. Kj? tb.» and <!\v t-» Oct »> er 1 • I. M. «i. bUV r v b ;.V'UK2\ ueU'. 4w4i 1)1 try. C'paTe h»f . \\ ]».»; i- \.vu *n. v. ks Where:-;i, 1, .;*'•• i-p.-'-*■!:' it- L. •, 1 UiC CStftt.O . These are then re,t klmired and e.t J -r- c; s. .*. i! . .bn , and aju'-er'c at my oihe-(-nor bcto.e t .- *!> « '-k-u«sv m N t*v.n.hei next, sliow cans , dauy ih<-> have. ;. th aur.i ni . ..imn o» aiid c*f.:dc fheuUi ID.I tC VC: If I u Sio Cf Wise? «-**!• !v; or in s.ttne liar lit and pM',xrp< ■ 4f,v*-nnu.'i r my haul a.*! c-ih :'.n tM-.r, rt Was!;'■■cton, Oct. Md. ISG4 t.. G. A’iUMAN. oct if* 4w4-J •rdu j’.i y. • iUTATK UI- UE.i'TuLT'a - ijrTi ,V 7; L.\ ir. Whereas, i.* T Ho P l.;y ,Ha -a me ror iel’ers ol Jul-TiliilsHat on with t!u-. v. i Ia; •<* ••!. *ui i. E.Jate ol A in • . ■ .vi. TJiesc arc ihereibre. Ii cue :*. --J . ::i ant' -insular Ihe k*.?alre«! ael creditors of said a- v.foJ, ;o uml aprwir at my oil'.ce oh c>ri< A-.** .1 -.;Ly ,?, I■. t-. show cause, iinny Hiey l:«,c, v.iiy .-aid Let ers sj .nMuolhc* granted, G veu uudev r.*• band and oH.-'nl Jjrpiiure at cibcc i:i V\ Her jti d-y * f ueto -t. i » oct!) 4w 1L _ hi.ii. -svH'.MAN/hsi' BTaT‘ ohoiiiriKGi't, 7;:7 ; 7i’a •r vi V.’ - tion with the will uluc-.v;d <-:• t}• c u-’iitoo; Wil i-.iu r : rJcry, de. c Tte7 areHi tor n.I r.-b ' • '-H.l,*:-•*’ iiuFU’r.r the i oQit o wiri-.iu '1.2 Ut, vV. ■) hy iv. *. H. b.v . . ,if any they have, why i"„i •... Given liJUi.-f y-y Ii lei •; t : l.u •> ,ui < »!•. ••;*, !n •' p pill •' ti: ."d day 'v . •!. c eld -i w4i v.'. ’ SIiILI.V-Ord'if.rv oe tiK-i-'ia -a M'.iT'irttn 7 i:xT)“" • \Viiere&s a .-a > 'p.'. i ■ -ne !e !.-rs cf'd* •uun’cln-t/ou 'wiih Hu >. I ; 1. mi-x,u <u« ie- t : . oi SViiilaiu W iii-r Oulpel ti r, tu-i, a. c-! : These ar.-ii.-ieiuiv.; t-. til. :.=■ i :/ u vi. v and sinKub-.r the kmiliGd and I ; •■.r v. ;I- v- , i.. ;vd appear at my olflue. vv'.iii’n i;.!? U-.u- \r• -. • y ,lo 'how -.u. e, .1 aii v they lia ■/<-., why f \\a icHor •. .r.mi* and. Given” my f*nd p. ui -• »»;.■>-, ; ni Jn Ap pling, tills bd dav oiiMvb.r. i. OCU'-hvM • \v. HI: ;,ik- -)!.Huary. OF <if*;; •:•:*.i';. • . ■■ ; •, WliCToas T. }•'. 4it i t!i m- ■ of ad*r.ln - iyr-dhm oil tie. - • i •. 1 !■ rt-H-d, 'Jhc-ac a:st the•!•*. .- lot’-.-' t FlDaolar Us kiitdrtd iu-'! cr-i x c»r* o- . v. U • u. -.» if.}’ofl!«e, w il 1 iu la* i te- j • b. f. > '.. i.. ( v t.vj-e, li mu they buv •, v.:.\.smii. .* - .v f•' Given Pv 1 • : . - plimr, this lilL da;oi> tr i„ ; OCt'i4v r JO w • >- r y '-‘ H: 1 »S. t: j rv'. ctAVEGPTn;-.7ir:T 1 -. 4 ;a ** r e- nr — Wi A. 'V ii'.l'llLv p. : ••* l-i ! • ’ U-rs cf ad i:d '» Untied ci* the E'*uie <: I* H- ..-.*■ Th. se hu • . ’ !!i« l.'auimU :.;.d cri Qi‘-ui ; • ' . 1 ■. at-.-- - r a* mycifii •• within Die lime [*" ••• - 1 '•■ ' , ••.- *;• v caa^-,:/ any Uu-.y lmve. why Fu;b - -af-Dlti - 1 * Given under i.iy 1 ;-h-.5 r:* ‘ • d-.ird ;i t.-flicc in Ap plimr, this •■'Hiiti.iV <J>u. . -•» .- and wt 1 i*v4o . . HHTGLTd*, Ordintuy. rit'AMm li. Mu;*(!A t ; •'' * 1 MV, 4 . \ Vv uor- «S rs. 1 roe f *1- ]e-H.‘ .- ei afio'.iii.traF.on up *n I • 1. • P id*., ■.*!, 1 i -ry ate, in>- t.i * ejoniy. '1 but-e a.u Iht*'ci;>ro It* Id‘ :• ' ••.•'. . • , : -’..1 : r i!.tr tV ♦ - o*)i.-‘-. •11 * r i.-e ore »ho ii- s* M- I.’ .- ;n ■ r\ .. , r .e-x*. ami H. i-‘ !•> <-.*•.... . .i : . if . ', *. • *-d 1. ‘ei.i sbonl.l not hecraiti- •! Givt l l under 1. v 1... a! .** * . 1 ••*.». Sr-; j. , iso-; ' r. 7 rovAi.);. t ei 3 ji'*p. Orfdu try. ( 1 i-osua U. - • i kX ■ ~M • I-., 1 ■ •()':. r,i - M y .iaans* n. la <• • * jrii'it-, d* , . ■ Tluvo ar..! .. ... fc*i,divdr.mle * </ -" , • •.* :••- -how tk\nse,it* any they n. . ,v. ’ . .* 1J - • .. should m.l . Giver ui,;,or ray havi at o'- • •• n. H.I? £ept«nbef Ssoi. iH-i. OCJ4 -P.740 (•! 1. ]’•. : H A J., ] • ;• Ou'd .-.ry. i 1 lokgia.7; jTlk k«-h• •-i • ' T VJT Whereas. Nine/ t. ha a- f.r ’.mi--- of a*!- inlniatnd.ior, .ii-ihe ei'.aic m '• •• . : • -of ~*j c«*nu ty, deccaved. These, :\reihereio v P.'•) u*.* 'fl admuMi a’.l and snauiar the kindred-.i-ai c.c.f • : 1 det-,- f. -•-,*v? 1 any H-.ey have, why •:•- • -n ' ■ .; •: :*1 ti.r* Go art of (?, di uu-.y. 1 •-* » ai !• ** ■ c .*.!/, *,t first Mon.luv i:« A wi . %• Given uiiClcrjAv lrU.ti. .1 olii e : a - ■ . •*. fcr n.*e*ul.-er 27th 1864. oet l 4w4Q , (aviaary. Olid i V. OT To ail whom *r mav e ; *:.o'.-n: • imnn;? in proper form applied n*'m l v -" perm:-: . c 'eM .-is of sdiiilubtra liCii Or* tlie e.UuH* of J i • e.s Cav-. r I Ir * 1 m\<[ cuinly : 'J life is to (jitc all and -.inj'v,y ihe cj *: id r :-n 1 r.tof kin of James U. raver, t 6 he find ups-car nt my s, ■w'.vbLi • he time allow and by law, and ciu-w cause,, if any Hmy cun, why permanent tetiorF (*f ■•**:-.;M nut u p-raukal it MaUlia Caver <n Jam • ii Cav. r's cu. W it ness my band and uJLi.J ii i . i'ATOLf. OrJHore. Sept. 28!h SS*J _ odd 4v.’U u'i Tg 1 V <; I'.iTtiGlTY'G <7aI ; ATV. 5. * W.'i-re--, Go- rsy. . ! 1- ..1 : l«. i- -* * . i-!i;-r.» of or Tim Aide c, j M. Loli. -i, i. l- of ,s;il*l comae, .lei. ■*-, *l. The-e t.i.*, V *;tc f--i*?, to (i ar I H I•. »>;i. f.rd , r Lite lilu-hs: l aid 1 • •! ■' ■ 10 he r.r.d appear •at n.y ofllce a ■l. e», , : J. •»; ; y Jaw. to s’.ov/ c»Pue, '* «*5 t ( > il v<. v ' • i r n'tbd. Giv*mi UI r '.ay baud ;*.: and « Hi* It ? . .-j: ~ 1 H Idii *!ay of Sepicmhcr, IdU. Jb ( . :) ! H nn.tDKh. BsfclS fill ATE i v3 Wber. L-i, M- .. \\ . * -, .;*{-> -:-rs o< Adndi-NiF.iir.r • t }■] -■ yof Lou;-.-* H K Tlic.‘. A are tit.-ruiv'.e, U» l; • ;.nd p-.m;nfer the klnd.rodai'd • . into: . . J - ‘ .} appea?,-.* ii.y . mc-ooii or la- cllaiiir. . ,y I- I-.v :.:-\l If-: I-W cause, i* any they have, why s„i:t k-tu-rs fkpuld 1. r ho * tut- GSv. ti uiidt 1 pjy ! .«*•! a»;«1 o.Tt:-;al . .••rj a.o at (.dice in An eu.da, this -d day ot c* • r Ii ■•si..’ c mT.-v'..,; ■■■■'. .i . n Win« Ad:.,,, J .. ■ 1 , : '■ i •: Aril of A.lmmstr: m.-u <- f- • • u' .. i: ... T. V,..r, i.i .- o; .“iM com tv. . I,:. It"'- < srv, ilin.ii.t.., f. •• *.*» •' nit, a»4 itnj-.i0.-ir the ki ,ih.| I I . ,1 «I- -.ret my>:'!:c.cii(rl',-'[,i,' U-a flrsi,v >. .. l»ruM, *o t’.vw c.m.;o, ilaoy tl, Mvc.w;.. -.hou!;! B« grrtott-il, '1 u:,l-r my ot<! 001. ’’l :. .;i-.i:• ■ .1 oT., ■in An XUit.i u,1.-i..,i(ju, o: Oaol r . : oc’T* . O'/aikot--fit-: if ja" *:>.(< • :.R-7. .'fv. P • 1 -5. A:.-, .1 I( !,•■.. -f * *•■• t»',<- K- :ii- A r.., • kludred and creditors of •- nice ! to •'..Mi , ■ :c-,r:it'„v o!U>;“, on or before tl--.- fii.'t “i. .v.-, i,i-:,i t -> .-.iiO'-.- if lilive, why: Loll-. . uld u- ’ L- ,r. . it ytTOK u.niA’- n-y lutigl s; 1 o-V M tjv.r.l. s:,. ;ti A'J *u:ta.ttiU.«ihouyoi ua-A -r. OCU -(1711 i'AVi-iI T . BO ■ TH, “TdtcarT. KICiiMw \ ; • '. . y ' borCiia, it' •: i:. .1 : .CM te ::io •' r Mler of aomii;h»tn» ion on th- E. x*-.- ot M ry • . t.e u!.*':•-•«! cnun y dtcs&nctl. Theie arett'cr.r ■ln c;ie a*-C .v-’m.' ?.'l •;* ' s*;'i :V !t.-* kllidrsil a: .i <-rCi: ! ,r ,■ : ■■ r: •' -.;...-r office on or t-.. ..i i. -','.n ■ how ■ a u:.v c. .1. I vl ie - Cire: '-.'(VIM ■ ! ... * • ate'-.’ Aji tUHtafti,.., Ocbsi.' I'l • > • ■ 1 1-r, : 0c174w4i ' j.AVIU J.. i:o.vr;t, L; >•..■; e fit"-:-F'k - £-.;<• .•u'M. c 1 v. i“ v i ,-r. M-i. \v . f: .i,. ■, i .-i. •i > :•.-!• t r..'.m!ni'!rjii.>n «... .1 . |.,-.;.t V.'-rl-- *. inl.’cf uiitci.uvy, i. ••l-e-s atet!i-!tif..r»l •' ■» -■; >nn-i!,l . t," or- -’cprV.r t:.« UK Jr. J a:..| .-.•••...... .r*!«.f <.!tltv. ."K-r I T":l,. ! : ~■N ~ V’. -: -w «b .. if any r.tey tero.wt.v-.. •• ■ • . •: *. ' • - Alltn oh ti 1 n . ) .- ■; c«;. . .Joe tn an* x' l A'.'-this UIL liay Os UCtoK- . ! • • 0C.7 4V.4’ ;IA Vi" L. P.OAT!7, OrJUiiar. ~“ ■tyvil'T T TEOKtiI a7t>, LiAtKii-ttVi c< i Vi 2 ; VST sixty «!-. * at'. • r r*pj 5 scatter '■ h io the Con it oi Ordire.rv of ! ailnfe ?o com tv f.*r ?.■:>.v to a il }ue lai-d *».:U Eftff.* abtßGTiKirg f. tit/ gi*utleof AiliO •M- ••vrt, hate of T;:.:v ferro CUUntT, and I vMltl tl. Er ' r ELTJTtGTON, * «ep 4 Btv3'3 ’ A* in •. ’/.ib Vvill r-• •’• ’XTOfii i; N Tl Co.lit ot tr':-isrv •-j*' ■ -..-.-t....' Court of '■ ntiT.r.rv ... • r-bo:. . i ty. - a portion of t rnf; .n-■ ro ■ ;..r (01.-.lren of John e. lattßiiif. (t-.i-vsne . -tn:-I i'im;-; . ty.i. TAI'.Ji ila < . uA iiMKH. sop; )S nu- * : TtroTlUl. ' ..., . , I* Two months after dnti HooombtotheOoart to .--: i :*. negro wocimi bcl n;rin. ' j llio c-t- •.« or Vv, : L. Curl* ieds*c. laltr ofsftld cuuuty, dticea-ed. , .... . - Tfcj t ) ' [('a*. re. Two HiOßth- - d,.a-plKxCon T v e { " ilonor ■■Life -urt of Or !• vy td ,C/* :• - C;';-; . v’ 1 ! ’ sell tiiC "*»arcei and r--. . -tv. ■ .. •- '•■•;•> v;'i county,recaused, for the perp'- 1 .;•' • '• V.'*' tritulcfsof eaUdfcCiaft.d. JOHN Lr. Ho.. •/- oerft2w4t J } -■’ nl ' J ‘L. N°Tw>H:onths aft. r dstcappliraiiw,wi.i bo mrdelothe rtu * llie ot 1 Itdlcr oelT Swil of ixl nffr F, Kiapr»ca, ofcc a. tew MpJcsMf-n •Hit'; rr - r ‘ i « *? Jff Co'xrt of Onllnary < f Tadaffeno count lor leave to truths lara be ongibg to the Estate of Ab'-ahr.-Q Irby, cecea:*.!, luife of sddd couiiiy, Th'sSeprember sth. :r nnrf . . , , s.p H r 7 ThOMAx J. IfIET. Adm r. 4 CHRG? f LE i SENTINEL J,,K !, ,a OFFICE ■ls one oi tlie Largest* iu tlie -Confederacy ■ i j i ,„i , ■!.. LJfS WE . ARE PEE FAKED TO EXECUTE IS THE . AT # SHORT NOTICE, ' AND ON JESL ©asonabl© *3?<s-xrxx±ts f Book Friiltiiig, Pamplilt ts. Sermons, Addresses, Catalogues, . Reports* JOB WORK ' . OF iYERY DESCRIPTION, E uch. as Posters, Handbills. - Concert Bills, iifetibn Bills, Programmes for Concert - and Exhibitions, Circulars,, * • Envelopes, Drnaaists’ Labels. tn Blanks, . Bill-Heads, •EXECUTED .PROMPTLY, NEATLY, AND ON THK xi OWE' . BPcw3rt»3W»yw vrusutK? .ntwyn.'.’?* itrrsstssr. ur rg- *-rstr -rTr-.-r-.rv* ■ ■ i 'tfif p.v v. S';.. ?n -1?' »♦•» It* AM * Hv «.T. . kv '•*. -Am AeYs . w AND THE J&S'"' fl I' • ..v tliisf ¥ I^l Ml kinds of work used by Hock Publisher*, Ml kind -of work os id h< Ma.o.eiiac'<urer>, I'i liiads of work tssed'fe? 111 kiads of work &.--ed by lKN<iraace Coispasles M? Idatl of work ust il byi'Niiroct;! Compaß* 111 bind'* of work used by S /afesboat loaspaniit s, All kinds of work r*scd by JoSni Stock Companies, MI kinds of work used by fe'crekasC, 111 kinds of work used by £!inehs'< ivn. Ml kinds of work used by Lawyers, :1H kinds of work twed by TravellLtg’ Ml kinds of wo k_ used by Medioino Dealers, Ml kind of work tssed ay iVofttssiosai Men, &€., Can and w ill be ■famished IS GOOD 'AND CHEAP - AS AT ANT OMC3 IN TfiE COKEEMJBACT. BVJUOKSBfc ■■ X. urn;*. SKXMBBBOBSOt rttm IBCAI PUjlUjUl Who will favor us with r J7XfCSX.m '• - : 1? RQNA ga-TO ALL IN WANT OF Any Kind of Printing, -riWew ITST AiLMIMST TKIX SALE ' i V Vl’tue of'an orv r Lon 1 1* • curt cf Ordiniry • f L*noc 'n .3 > C'Dii/y, will Lesold Lcfcro the < ourl lidorr w 4 •; * jiirtv. 77c<?. th© U£i:a' hours o 4 r,n fr-t ’H7iiS- I> iu December next, the lbil<rv7jfio; p t- .v it* TO 8) /even hui crcd ano rPtiy tbr*e acrer- f L-i.d mrireot 1 . in wvkl county, on tho WA’er* r*f I sr>ie R-ver. adjoin!:!*; of I>ettn;* .* .Ji;am iV'd h?,d ian * ? t-e oi uin* to • e&iritfe of JimtiTiton Wafer v• It »•, vriu* r.lurt Whor-*!-’! Jjnirwl) bfiiuuels a-A i i,'r ihe \imn t Li», tl-t:!*, vIl k. proved. S old the properly l*elospx ?to;*. < f 0 f .I .V LS J). f^F.raufels,ifete o t saiU cpuuty deceased; i rrrrr- 0,, .id ci ret/-. - '<; TFrMI N E I»C >: ;V ' l (imlßistratrU cf Jami-i D. framue.s, iloc'd ! -4 . €ja<l2 | AD.Vii.MSI iIATOa HALE. DY virtue of an order fom thf Honorable »’ourt of Ordtns*’ D rv ot Green c-'nmtv, wii! Re eold on the Cr t. TL R DA Y In December neat, before the Court Hon :e co r at Grte-efe* borc. In r&i . e^unly,"U the Land be- r ; » r.g to t;j« e&v* f Sir*U SoDtfcerland. * . Fold for the bt-nefif ot ht- ba rs credlton Os <M»Li deoca»eri. Te; ms on (Uy f -'tlv OCI7 3W41 . G..T. SGUTHEULAXD. ! OMDmCU 12LANK BOOKS. RULED, and bound, printed or not printed, ae deil/«d at tbt oukoNifcLE k ftraTiaii*. ’ By-laws and Constitu tions ol Societies, Printing from Stereo typed Plates, ourt Dockets, Briefs, etc. • blank Bills and Xotcs, Bills of Lading, - Bank Checks, Business Cards, Direction Cards, Visiting Cards, ■'Labels, Bills of Fare, ■Fancy Job Printing, - Printing in Colors, Bronze Printing, &c. CHANGE BELLS, IN ANY QUANTITY DESIRED, cax na ii in at THIS OFFICE. WRAPPING PAPER. A FEW HUNDRED OLD NEWSPAPERS, 6UT/.m-E Ton WTIAPPUro PAPBB. For Sale at This Office