Chronicle & sentinel. (Augusta, Ga.) 1864-1866, November 09, 1864, Image 1

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1 11 yr = \ y.j jy X, S. MOUSE & CO. (Sfinmiclc & >Q TERM'S. Till? WisKKbV CSinO.t'iaE A tSFATIXKIi i ts,i*u umsutfir ix hky wkunef oa y TIIIIKK MOVrHH 4 -GCO *•: ■. •••; - sis## ,-.i. V/AY JK ARVAM 1 ftLV Al'-VEK+WWi RAT 13 s . e'iMjje cnes. ! Sl-mj' xv.U.Lc .Wil ■ . «fc..l.}-- I V ci-nti. a fi: ; ! rr-'.'j JtAiiwMH.BMtai a 1 ti-mn; So? : iJoiTDiavKoncksotic Julia.- rerun* for out Insertion, «ittierDotlvorW*.V.'iierc OMtnary Knlirt. ait ;ub I shed In 1 laity and Y/cihly—onoil-Jfe.rand Cl t vcetitaperi ne- THE Ctltnmits AXD.A7H. IJOYCK. The Columbia Caroliuian lias gone into hys lc-ric3 over tlio imaginary heresies of its repre hcutative. Now we think if it would but ex amine dispassionately the letter .and speech of Mr. Boyce, it, would find neither the bugbear of re construction nor any of the other phan toms which have so disturbed its composure. It would find oply an honest desire and effort on the part of Mr. 15., to terminate the as speedily as possible by policy and negotiation, and to place (ho independence of the South and her future relations with Hie North on such a basis as would avoid the fatal necessity cl maintaining standing armies hereafter ei ther North or youth. Our coteinporruy is entire ly too combustible. It would better subserve the of truth am! justice by calmly point ing out in the remarks of Mr. 8., the objec tionable features which it attributes to them, instead of indulging in the inll.unatory decla ration, which it .substitute;; for argument. There are many plain and honest.people both in South Carolina and elsewhere, who can see nothing in Mr. It lyeo's opinion;, or sentiment.-', to justify the peace defaunciation they have elicited. In the course of a fiery rhapsody the Caro linian makes the following iling at us : When wo observe the persistent efforts of eucli journals as the Augusta Chronicle and Sentuie.l to create schisms among tbo people, and stimulate dissatisfaction with the General Government, by adopting }ne theories of the South Carolina Reproeenfativo, and by misrep resenting the churn; for of the public m#Plii>g held here and \ ilifying tbo gentlemen who par ticipated in that alf.tir. Wo are chained with persi • lont efforts to create seh isms among the people—that!;, we have the temerity to dill, r with the Carolinian ami the ‘Column; ; rr.xtiu;:. hi their estimate of Mr. Boyce's pr-5.1i.i0n, end to fearlessly ex press our dl ent. 'ibis is a grave crime against the majesty of tbo CMumbia politi cians. Their oigan would have Mr. l’oyco condemned without a voice bring raised in his defence. It would stillo all discussion, and compel a verdict of cor.deiimal.ioa without an examination of tho case. The Carolinian cute-’ tains a loner of schi.-ms among the people ; mid to prevent tlunu from being divided on this cubic it would i;ik all opposition, and have them to accept its diqla, with unquestioning credulity, as tho oracles of infallibility. This would he a very conven ient arrangement, indeed, and would .-v- urcto the enemies of Mr. I c-ye-o an easy triumph. If tlio Carolinian would find but one parly in a State, ils beau ideal of political per Re don, it must seek it under those giooiny despotisms which crush out Itoo thought and free speech. It may ft ml it in Austria or Russia, bit not in a free country so long as there are two sides to every question, and men arc free to form their own opinions. Bo long as ;>. people are free* they will frequently differ in their views of men and measures. If to fr< -ly and feavh -sly dlseilSte all questions of public ini, rest which may arise, is to create whl. rut amor- 5 the peo ple, then we expect ever to continue our “per- Distent efforts" t* create such schisms however disagreeable it may bo to the Carolinian to bud people dVsoutin.. from iU conclusion V. G. r»wi ■ * t o IV c. i ti* i:t y. { . i m in his mi • tho whole Or,-' . - teil under. a ... '• of the General A- i : . of L- o, ■’ ■ ' izlni? the govornoi to taw • .■ 1 ' ward the < ilbrts of tlto ( • ; > ! ’ st elation, surd Cotton i'i. ■ • t : thitfStuto. in promoting the spiutru-g of cot- I •ion jara lot consumption during the war. ami ; for export to foreign countries thereafter.— ! The resolution provides that no v to the Mate is to bo incur:- *d, trailer tho resolution,., • or under any appoint!.* .nt that may be made, onu tion that, may ba 1.a.l in pniMianre thereof Mr. Baylor 1 ad been n prominent member of that convention, and it v. is tye'.i understood that the resolution was P•■ -d with a view to Uis appoint men' as C unmir.-ioin r. 11-i is commissioned under tho provision!? ol Eaidre.-o- ; lutu e, for the i.peciSe purpose sd lo«U in the . resolution, and non** other. - I here is uotbun; political or diplomatic in Id - api uinfineut. and be is neither author. •: to r. jnr sent Geo: ga. nor Us Governor, in Europe, in any o’ liei manner, uor for any other, potpo e. lean mentioned in tho llesolntion oft!» G.uera. Assembly, a copy of .wiilch accompanies ins commission, and he is only authorized to do Uiis, at his own expi r.s.i, or tho er.pense'oi the Association he represents. We do not know whether the accusation made against the conduct of Mr. Baylor in Bermuda is well found, 1 or not : but we are certain that it prim a facie evidence of con duct on tho patt of Mr. Baylor, which is disloyal or detrimental to the honor, or the Interest of the State of' Georgia, or the Con federate States, is produced to Gov. Brown, after allowing Mr. Baylor a hearing in Ids own defence, if he fails to acquit himself o! tho charges, the Governor wilt revoke the commercial appoints mt which he holds. Will the journals tint hat e interrogated tn, | and published articles on tho subject, do the i justice required, by publishing our statement i in reply ‘ —Jim f.‘ Here is a plain, r.uvanished statement of the Baylor matter: It gives the whole of the facts in the case. Every thing is made clear and is fully explained. Every honorable man will at once see that no one is to blame for Mr. Baylor’s obtaining his commission. All nten an; liable to be deceived. And it is very evident that those who placed any confidence in the individual supposing him to be a honest man were mistaken. Some of tho Administration press have taken an opportunity to alia: k Gov. Brown — because forsooth Sir. Baylor has proved a AUGUSTA, GA., WEDNESDAY 9, 1864. taitor. Air] what is more they hire made charges anil assertions which they cannot prove, anil for which there is not the slightest foundation. Bo intense and bitter L the hale they have towards the Chief Executive of this Slate, on account of his high, and patriotic course—and so unscrupulous hive they be came in their attacks, that they let pass no ; ortunity to show their malignity. Wo ore glad to perceive that their Vvnomed shafts fall : iiiless to tbo ground. In fact they injure n ■■ the, parties who direct them— if injured • can be in public opinion —than the di.;- ;-guisUcd gentleman against whom they are .«■ i. 1U» fsiv.-r since he has had control of ; destinies of the Commonwealth, lias been one of which every Georgian may well bo proud. No finger of reproach can justly be pointed to any of his ofiicfii aqt3. Ilis whole course bus been shaped solely for the purpose of vindicating these principles of civil liberty for which we are fighting, and for the wel fare and best interests of the Empire State of the South. We repeat the question of Ihe Intelligencer. .Will the papers who have unjustly arsaik-d Gov. Bio a'd, and endeavored to fasten odium upon him on account of Mr. Baylor’s (reach- 1 cry, publish a fair statement of the rasa in order that their readers may sen the truih in regard to the matter? Wo hope I key will. We hope they will act honorably for once. But if we are to judge from the past career of some of them, we are forced to believe that I key will not, and to come to the conclusion that Gov. Brown and his friends need not ex pect any justice at their hands. i'.'iOM On nfR Road.—A correspondent writ ing u.s from Greensboro, says that that the re serves and detailed men in that section made a lino appearance at their parade on Saturday—* going through the military evolutions with a precision and rapidity creditable to them solves and their commander, Capt. 11. N. Ward. * Our correspondent also states that five Yan kees and two negroes were captured near Greensboro, on Saturday, on the plantation of Major C. O. Daniel, between,the Apalachee and Oconee rivers. The'Yankees say they are es caped prisoners and that they were not tam pering with the negroes. Escaped prisoners they may be, but it is very evident if (hoy had not been captured that many a negro would have .escaped through thoir instrumentality. In fat I, it is raid that a meeting of a large num ber of slaves from various plantations, prepara tory lo a grand emigration, bad been appoint tot Lut; 111.. u.1i..1« idsi.ii ivum r.ii.rwrd i-n t.ln* r>,..l ny the timely arrest of Die loaders. Guv people in all sections, and especially ev ery where in the vicinity of the enemy's lines, should be constantly on the look out. They cannot be too vigilant. 11 is belter to pre vent nn evil than to be put od guard by the occurrence of evil. A gentleman just from up the read states that about eighty Yankees'dashed into Law venceville, Gwinnett county, on Thursday lash They entered the piece l;y way of B tone Moun tain. Alter killing a'l tho stock they could find, and .committing other outrages, they left the place. Several negroes went with them. Deserters from Atlanta say that the IV-dcra! forces inTliat placo are on droit rations. We trust their'statements are correct. Sals Day. — r ihc following sales were m.qde at the Lower Market House Tuesday ; By C. V. Walker & Cos. r Nogro boy, 1 6 years old, $4325 ; boy Abram, 15 years old. S3IOO ; woman Am*, -10 years eld, SB2O ; girl Louisa, isf years old s.lllO. Also, 400 bales damaged cotton, sl3-100; 415 bales, do. do, 8k .1.0 ; lot of burnt salt, $ 1 <>o ; let cf land iii Irwin bounty, $lO5 per acre ; carriage, $ 500 ; small mule, s7iff) : ' cow, SOOS ; etal lion, 5 55.30 : horse-;, SIOSO to SI3OO ; buggy,' $575, &<!., &3. By Yv' A Ramsey & Cos. : Negro boy, 21 yeaia old'. SJ.' i5 ; boy li t years old, SIIGO ; man. SSIOO ; girl IS years cjd, ?.' J 00 ; woman ; 1 years old, sGt>oo ; old woman, unsound, uitaily, old min ottd wife, $3600. By V; ,V. Ker & Cos. ; Two negro children, au-.i yars, $ infill ; 15 acres pine at three miles (rem Berzelia, $24 per acre. B;. JliUner, K.-en A Cos.: Negro man, JO y. ~v-oiti, one eye, $:’.,000; girl 15 years old, ■ ; ; womuftaad child. s7ri'>s; boy IS years eld, $5000; mc.a 24 years old, $5500: man 27 ) ears old 4775; boy 13 years old, boy 7 years old, $3005; old man.and wife, 50 years each, $2020; boy I s years $5000; girl 3S years old, $4000; Woman and two children, S«<700; boy 20 years- old, $1350; man 33 years old, $25-50. Front* of Ocekations is nn: Ynuusu Val ley.—ln view of what may occur before the frosts of December it ive cooled tho ardor of the belligerents in the Valley, we give below a table of distances from Staunton to Williams port, which will boos use to the reader for further reference. From Staunton to Mount Sidney, ten miles ; from Sidney-to Mount Crawford, seven miles ; from Crawford to Harrisonburg, eight miles ; from Harrisonburg to Lacy's Spring, nine miles; from Lacy’s Spring to New Market, nine miles ; New Market to Rhodes Hill, four miles: Rhode's Hill to Shenandoah river, ±wo miles ; Shenandoah liver to Mount Jackson, one mile ; Mount Jackson to Edinburg, seven miles ; Edinburg to Woodstock, five miles ; W nonstock to Fisher’s Hill, ten miles ; Fisher's Hill to Strasburg, two miles ; Strasburg to Cedar creek, fhree miles; Cedar creek to Middletown, two miles ; Middletown to Newton, five uples; Newton to Winchester, eight miles : Winches ter to Bunker Hill, twelve miles ; Banker Kill to Martinsbarg, ton miles : and from Martins burg to Williamsport, ten mdcs. Sate ob Stocks, Bonds, sc. —At the Stock and Bond sale of James 11. Taylor, on Wed nesday, the following prices were obtained: Georgia Railroad Stocks, §l6O, par value §10i); Florida Railroad Bands, SISOO. par val ue §1000; Central Railroad Stocks, §550, par value $100: Coupons five hundred million loan, six prices. Bonds of 1803, of eight per cent, j SSOO, par value $500; Bonds of IS6G, eight per | cent* $155, par value $500; Bonds of 18G3, I eight per cent. $155 par value $500; Bonds of j 1875, $02.50 par value SIOO. . A ’ 'OitUßsl*i>\DE.Nt'K OA THE I'O.MH'SW.V •)i 05 K cuu&ruv. Augusta, Ga., Oct. loth, IbGl. 11m U. W. Billiard: JI > Dear Siu : The circumstances surrounding us :v3 a people are of sack a peculiarly Inter esting character, and involve so much ol pros pective misery, or national prosperity and happiness, that I am sure you will excuse me lor exercising the right o%frieadship, and the (iaitiqyf a citi:'. :tt, by ;( quisling, at your leisure, an exprersion of your upiiyou as to the best me ns compatible with (he honor and welfare oi th r Southern people, of sett ling our difficul ties and es’abibuing an honorable and per manent peace. Y our iV'Wa-iutions with the army, and tour. ol'wtrvaiions iu I’ennessce and our" own Stuns have given to you a practical demonstration of the honors of a war, protracted now through three winters ol indescribable sniferings and pain. Your connection with the political his tory of the South for the past twenty years, hud ample experience on tiiis Continent and abroad, with your knowledge of our people proper appreciation of the genius ot their G overnment, must give to you a just concep tion of the principles involved in this strug gle ;as I am-confident tlio integrity of your patriotism and philosophy would enable you to suggest the krot means of terminating it, in a manner compatible with the honor and interest of the country. J he uncultivated fields of tho land, descried academics, •desecrated churches, disrupted and demoralised social organisms, and widowed women and fatherless children, are sights with which we are till familiar, and remain among ux the index of the merciless reign of passion. In tho midst of this ruin as it exists, and fi an tho contemplation of a future involv ing yet more of human happiness, and the lives and treasure of our countrymen, it is but natural that w* should turn to tho3o whose political education and philosophy can survey tlio whole field with calmness, and dispassion ately respond to our cry, “Watchman, what of the night?’’ It is much to bo regretted that there is so much timidity displayed on the, part of our public men, in handling these grave questions. As statesmen, they should be phi losophers —and speak out frankly and without fear, not wishing to court so.much popular jfa-. vor cs to educate the public mind in princi ples founded upon equity, justice and truth. Believing yon to bo such, my dear sir, I have addressed you this letter ; and trust your leis ure may be such as to warrant au answer at au early day. Very respectfully and truly yours, Beaky D. Capisss. Wboin.Aw.v, October 22d, 1804. To Col. Henry. L). Caoers: . Mr Dear Sib -Without hesitation I reply to your letter. lam impressed by its frank ness, its manliness, and its earnest patriot ism. t recognize your right io call for tho expres sion (*f my views of public. affairs. You have a hereditary claim on me. Your honored father personal friend, and l appreciate the service rendered by him to the whole country by c inlnbuf-ing the weight of his character friw'i tin: * w «n i: {■> stmuiiVv v IV wards Abo preservation of our.institutions in the memorable contest of 1850. He was one of those rare in n who could' be at once e truest iiiid calm;'who, while Ids whole nature glowed with indignation at witnessing wrong and out rag.', could yet maintain the serene compos ure of his judgment. It is aJways a difficult task to take a com prchc-nr-ive view of actual events transpiring in our very presence. .One who is engaged in battle sees but little of what is jj(#ig on over the whole field. A spectator mote re mote Horn the scene is able to give a much better account of the day; his eye surveys the whole ground, and sees the movements of the conflicting hosts, undisturbed by tho actual shock of battle. 1 may not be able to free myself from the influ ence of Ihe presence of the actual scene, in ob serving the condition Os the country; itseute.rp priaes, its perils, b.s relations to States outside of our own limits;and ia estimating the effect that any line of policy may exert over its for tunes. But having taken part in some of the momentous events which have succeeded each other with so much rapidity within the past, four years; and having observed with profound interest the progress of publio r.llairs, I have farmed opinions which I should be happy to know would influence the fortunes of out country in this supreme hour of its heroic struggle ior the maintenance of constitutional liberty. # It mutt be borneiu mind that the war which p.iill rages .with -so much fierceness, is conduct ed by governments representing States lately united—States whose inhabitants, while liny dilferel w'. kly iu some .characteristics, were vet cite: ms of a government that had been reared by their ancestors, and which the great mass of them had been accustomed to regard withjveaorntion 3 The same language, laws, reli gion, itrnl iitcraturo were spread from the St. Lawrence to the Mexican Sea; aud tho freest interchange of ideas, aided not -only by the pros.’, but by travel much more general than those of any other people on tha globe, had that prevailed. A perfectly unrestricted com merce existed bowtweenithe people of the sev eral States. A war breaking oat suddenly bft ween States holding, t-iwh relations to each other, must exhibit extraordinary features. The North, impelled by a desire to preserve the Government which had grown to imperial proportions and strength, aud with which its Interests, and ila glory were identified, has been betrayed into the fatal error of attempting to rivet the bonds of the Union by military force. A move stupendous blunder ol statesmanship was never committed. To reverse Talley rand’s celebrated Un mot, it was more than a blunder ; 'it was a crime. It was a crime against civilization ; against Christianity; and against liberty. * The South accepted the war. She took ker position with courage for the defence ol a great piinciple: the right of a Free State to decide for itself its political relations to other States. She rallied her sous about her to vindicate that right. A principle to liberty was emblazoned on every standard. It was in tbo heart of every man that took the lienl. I hose who had opposed the subversion of the old Government, aud who saw its lofty columns fall with tho profoundest sorrow, did not hesi tate to range themselves in the line ot battle formed to resist the monstrous assumption that the authority of that Government could be imposed upon Sovereign ’Stales, by the bay onet ! The issue between the contending parties was wholly changed. It was no longer a ques tion ns to the policy of a State seceding from the Union. That question had been decided by the States. But it became a question as to the right of a Government of limited powers, representing the several States, to convert itself into a stupendous military despotism, wielding its autocratic authority over subju gated Commonwealths. To yield that rigid, was to yield everything- It would transform a constitutional Republic into a lawless Gov ernment, leaving it to interpret the extent of its own authority, with the right to impose its imperial decrees upon the very States tha: had created it. To expect s.tch a Government to respect the rights of tho States would be as wild as to expect the tides of the. ocean to re cede when they rolled their advancing surges against the shore, if a Supreme decree had not sot bars and doors, and said : ■' Hitherto shall then come, but no further ; and hero shall thy proa-d waves be stayed." The first authentic utterance from the Lin coln Administration proclaimed the right of the Government of the United States, to sub jugate the States that had seceded. That is tie issue to-day. This is the grouud of the great qnaeret: that hat) fur nearly four years shaken this-C’orfiinoirf. - How shHUtUb, qinivlvT 1" settled' Never by arms. The North can vver conquer the South. Out; country in ay' fie overrun, our great citi. s may he cron pied by hostile troops, our fields may be liesol.’U -i. «i» property may be destroyed} whole <lis4.iU.-ts of country may be brought to tho condition of the Carnatic after the fell Kwocp cf HA.Ut- Ali upon its plains, v.’hwi in tho glowing Engage of Burke, (ho British armies ,uaven,ing the once fertile plains for hundj-ejs of miles m all directions, did not through tlu - week 1 '4.-' of their march “ inan,.'nct-one v e.rl-i, .not one child, not one four ■ footed description over the vhok- regiotHTWpje; South would not yield. Si;e plants he;;e if in the moral Thermopyla; of th#j.-wor!d. ltiuaed she may be, but sbe., cannot be conquered. She may not ba able to sceuro iungunity Jrom invasion, from wrong, find from cat rage, .but the spirit of her people will neve: yield the contested field. ', A complete triumph eta -novjj bo achieved by either of the coulisuling .parties. Yet at the North .aiid at tin? InuuUi there a; e those, who ignore .every anode. 4t- suttlement but the stern unreaSo>iihg'.arhiti .»ucnt of arms. Uufortunaleiy vro .luge fullered oursiflves to bo persuaded'that Lmcoln is the North. We have accepted Mr, Seward’s theory of the contest as time. We’ h4ve igndrod tho great body of true men who cindbiim the Adminis tration at Waskifigtou. .yilli an emphasis as profound as that which wo utter against it. Wo have not nr-'-vonijcJ generously to their overtures; nor .seconded with heartiness their eliorts to bring' ahiorif a'good' understanding between the 'belligerent Stales, now rent, bleeding, and shaken with all the terrible enginery of relentless war. Lincoln is not-the • North. ’ Raised, bad eminence where he .sits to day, in the hour of a nation’s tn'ajoe®, .he 'does not re present the popular seiitlinents of the North. Even now a great party cohtehding for the ascendancy in the very' face of power, of patronage, of a ■ TTeasfiiy that squanders its issues with Hi neale if hating prodigality, of a war bureau notoriously corrupt;-- a patriotic paity contending: against a orcm'estic tyranny which by an nnkuppyTt tdity is : ak!oto assume the virtue of str'AlngiO -jiroeerve the integrity of the country,- a party orjooUutering a storm of calumny,' of ;vile peratton,:'maligned by bad men, misunderf-tood by many good meg who de-ire to save tho Government from des truction; in the face of fill, that can intimidate weak men,-ao.t even.dishearien brave men, a noble party-7-lhe I>.;aioetu.tic party, of historic renown, its ranks swollen by the "accession of thousands of old conservative- whigs led by Fillmore, and Yf-iiithrop, and Washington Hunt, a party enolded. by jts ai«r, add jllus trious for the names that shine in its rank?, is struggling with.a be-roisu. that recalls the memories of its., proudest . it-iuraphs rn its palmiest days, to overthrew the wretched faction that donnuates with lawless rule over the people of tho ..North, mid -dares to march ils • armies against the States of tho South, .and it promises tjo- achieve ; a .victory which once more will inaugurate, the reign of peace, benoli; ier.l, triumphs c-yi r. an ■. nipTiidicif iu bo naif til liberty. It ;;; our ihity lo recognise that party as the North. It sliouhl bo assured of ou? sympathy. It should L-d cheered by our appreciation. . The great object wh'jFh tho'South necks to ac coiuplh-h s;houid"he.;kept distinctly iu view. That ob ject is to ystaiflish tho -right of each - Slate to decide indcp'cudcnlly its.'own political system; and to determine for itself the rela tions which it wifi hold with other .States. In other words : to vindicate the SoVrukiunty of tub States. You will observe that this statement of the object which the South proposes in maintain ing the great contest in which tihe is now en gaged, sides itsTnom every complication. It defines our poeitioh in lines of light; and eli minates the real issue from every inferior or incidental question. Our honor,is.t«bo-.vindicated by maintaining the conlpst until the assumption .of the Wash ington A-iministratiou of tl.b right to compel the States to yield obedience-to" .their govern meet is abandoned. |Le North must see that the war cannot accomplish the. ends for which it was demnes it. great criiuo. Xt is a stupen dous anaohvqfiisgi thrust into the midst of the splendors of tho nineteenth century. It c-b- ; scures tho guiding-stars' of Heaven, with its smoke foul as vapors from 'JSfcvgian deeps. It drives back the- shadowiipon the world’s broad dial many degrees. It thiov/a a portentous eclipse - ever all’tho glory cf thip Continent. Nothing hindoiu 'a coinpk i'o adjustment of all the subjects of dteprttc with the North, but the wtw. The patriotic body of rcsoluto men late ly assembled a.t-Cificago saw. this plainly. The Convention denounced the War.' .-Yu armistice Is proposed. A Convention of all the States is invited. Tlielr counsels.'seem to mo to be eminently wise. -A-protracted war will ruin both tho North and fbe South. Ik will involve both in irretrievable bankruptcy. It will trample beneath the hooft; of its steeds every vestige of liberty. It \vitl eonstVncta colossal despotism upon this - Continent set apart for the exhibition of the highest civilization of which the human race is capable. Ichabod may be iusen-bed on the- prostrate monuments ot the Republic. It seems to me plain that we accept the forum indicated by the Chicago Conven tion, as the appropriate one for the settlement of cur troubles. The'very proposal to refer tho great quarrel to.the arbitrament of a con vention, composed of delegates from all tho States, is the most emphatic recogaiiion of the Sovereignty of the Stat es. They would assem ble as Sovereigns.' ‘They would discUKS the grounds of difference’between them as Sover eigns. They would adjust their political re lations independently. ;Clo3|ng- their deliber ations, they would refer ihe measqres they had matured, to the people of the several States for final action. • I respectfully kubmit that, the objection to this mode of settlement based - upon the idea that such a Convention might effect a recon struction of the government, is not a proper objection. Every question will be left to the ultimate decision of the States, acting in sepa rate Conventions aa Sovereigns.; Who will question the right of l.the.' States, to decide ali questions which affect .their own sovereignty ? Will it be coiile'Hded that the tAyo governments conducting Hie svai are better qualified to ad just the differences’between the States than the States themießes-V .That would hp a mon strous assumption. The. real, parties to this gigantic contest are Jbo States. .Their honor, their rights, tjte'u future political relations are involved iu then-dr, and no lorum can so ap propriately entertain tho qiK-stidtur affecting the fortunes of the august antagonists as a Convention eohtoorleA-of their own representa tives. ' The two eostsjfilir.g governments do not possess powers eotnmenso; ato with the nature and magnitude'pf the questions involved in the contest. The gOYcrnfiieOi of the United State# could not stipulate a» to the future status of Missouri, Kentucky, or Maryland. It cannot dispose of tho-iervitery of a;Mate. If can nei ther transfer nor retain a State, by any act of Its.own. It can simply admit a : State. There Us power over the States begin* and ends. It cannot trace <t lia-i which would enlarge or abridge the boundary ct a single State. The truth is. such fi t conicst'is is at this moment going on, transcends the granted powers of the general government in the demands which it creates. , Such etpegygc-jigy ysatoßeYcr contem plated by the 'Statesmen w’Sjo' 'framed the gov ! ernments conducting toe war, for the States, j An extraordinary remedy for the. anomalous war must be found; a remedy suggested by VOL. LXXVIIL-—NEW SERIES VOL. XXVW NO O the nature of the contest. A simple recognition of our independence would leave open numerous subjects of the greatest magnitude aud interest, ft is not to be supposed for a moment that we should con tent ourselves with a termination of the war on the basis of ltd ijosslddis.- Nor should we be willing to abandon any State whose people depire to unite with us. Surely questions so grave and various may be more satisfactorily negotiated in a Conven tion representing all the States, than'by com misHoiiers representing tho two governments, the United States, and the Confederate States respectively. There another question* not lees important, t‘> Lo. dupe?.•• r bolero any lasting peace :-:»u be attained. Great structural chances must be effected in the political institutions with which we are now familiar, if two republics are to exist side by side, rivals in every thing, aid separated by only an imaginary line. It is premature to .discuss in advance what the action of the Convention might be. That belongs to the future. It is quite certain that nothing binding cf-uld be done, until it was ratified by the approval of t.lje people ol' tho sovereign States. Their authentic voice would utter the final decision. To oppose a reference of the great question to a committee of the States wilh a view to a final arbitrament by the people of the States, is to deny to the. peo ple the right to dispose of matters affecting their own fortunes. The great quarrel grew out of tho action of the* States. The great quarrel can find a satisfactory solution only iu a Convention of all the States. The war ought not to be protracted a single day beyond the time when a cessation of hostilities can be ob tained with a view to submitting to such a body the causes of difference bet ween the South •aud the North, l’ussion must not. sway our counsels, nor guide our conduct, uor dictate our jiolicy. Statesmanship must deal with questions af fecting the relations of Stales, as practi cal questions. Whatever weight may. lie due to tho suggest ion that there ia no constitutional mode by which such a Convention may he assemble, it can be disposed of by tho proper measures to confer the necessary power to convene it: meas ures which must be perfected, if we reach the conclusion that the war can find a satisfactory termination only in the deliberations of such a body. These are my opinions. Every citizen owes a duty to tbo Republic. It may be that just now pacific counsels will not be heeded. In the Alps, when winter-reigns, the vast masses of ice that hang on tho declivities are held so firmly that artillery cannot shake them ; but when the genial breath of Spring comes to soften the rigor of Die congealed cliffs, the voice ot a single herdsman shunting his morn ing cal!, may precipitate the avalanche with thundering crash. If hostilities can be suspended, as it, is hoped they may be, then I do not doubt that a more generous sentiment will revisit the bosoms of the contending parties. Then counsels tend ing to peace will be heard. Then an adjust ment of all the subjects of disputed*tween the belligerent States may be effected ; an adjust ment which will leave them in full possession l.rj'O.-U- Vi.. 1,1-- 111,.:- 1.1,,,, u»< iv interests protected ; their future tranquility secured. Then will these states enter upon a new .career of prosperity, and power, and glory ; and exhibit the noblest spectacle yet witnessed by the world of Christian civilization. Very respectfully, Your friend and ob't serv’t, Hunky W. llikiiakd. * Foil Till-: CHKOXICI.F, & SENTINEL. HON. « . W. ÜBYHS’S LS'I'TEIS. The noble letter of the lion. W. W. Boyce of South Carolina, to the President, is having, if we arc to judge by the excitement it has created, its duo weight throughout the country. Rising above the storm of passion and fanaticism into the calm pure atmosphere of reason, Mr. Boyce, with a patriotism and courage that will record him in history as one of the heroes oithc day, has had the nerve to speak the truth to the South and to the North ; and to point out the dangers that surround us both, and the only way of escape from them. Deducing effects from causes with an historic truth and logical analysis that cannot be gainsaid, he demon strates the remits that must ensue, physically aud politically, if, trammelled by the obstina cy of egotistic infallibility, the North and the South shaii permit themselves to bo held to ihe sword as Ihe cniy arbiter'. Self sacrificing he stands with his feet bathed in blood, but with the halo of the love of country and of justice brightening his brow, bearing aloft the standard of State rights with the words Pence, liberty, Prosperity, emblezoned on its glisten ing folds; and pointing the way. the honora ble way—the way our fathers trod—the only way by which our differences can be perma nently settled —a convention of ail the States in their sovereign capacity. Four years of frenzy have prevailed and deluged "the land with blood. And With what result? Desolation—misery—oppression and des potic pomr. The peaceful toil of the husband man no longer flecks the ocean with the white blossom of the cotton plant, or garners (lie yellow grain for happy mouths at home. The one is locked up, hoarded for the extortioner or the incendiary, and the other contributes only to the bloody hand of war. Shall this state of things continue ? or shall reason once again resuming‘sway, invite both sections to a nobler struggle—a heavenly strfiggleT'or peace, happiness and prosperity '? Shall the North aud the South'continue in their blind fury to des troy each other, and themselves—the pity ah- 1 contempt Os nations—or shall American civil ization and grandeur re assert again the troth and durabi ity of Republican institutions ? For one, I say “blessed are tho peace mak ers,’’ and thank Mr. Boyce for his patriotism, truth, and manliness. Whatever may be the result to him now, for the honorable stand he has taken, the time will come when passion ex hausted by its own folly will recognize his wis dom and love of country. Let his letter be cir culated freely North and South,as the exponent of sentiments that must command the appro val of every true patriot—of ev’ery hojiest man who prefers the welfare of his country to his own political aggrandizement, military ad vancement, or personal pecuniary gain. The ‘‘Army worm” is eating up tne country, both North and South, from Main, to Texas, from the Atlantic to the Pacific, is it not time to stop its ravages before the whole field shall be destroyed ? Pro I’ atria. Stats of Georgia, j Adj't. & Inspector Gen is. Office : Miltedgeville Oct. 25th, 1804. ) . .Special, Orders, > No 153. ) [extract.] IX. As the Miiiiitfmen ol the Slate between the ages of fifty and sixty years have been re lieved from duty in the field and detailed as policemen to remain at home for. the purpose of arresting and sending to the Front all per sons liable under the Governor’s Proclamation who are seeking to avoid military duty; Now, therefore in view of the favor thus granted, the Governor orders that in the event, of any po liceman failing or refusing to make such arrest within fifteen days after the reception of this order by the Aide-de Camp of the district, the detail of said policeman shaft be revoked, and he himself sent to the Front. The attention of all Aids de-Camp is cs;io cialiy called to this order. By command of his Excellency the Govern or. Henri - C. Wayne. Adj. & Ins General. It is said that late frosts have much injured the tobacco crop in North Carolina, Hk'N. BAULY’S AWntUSSTO tils TH'.K!i*B. Notwithstanding the reverse cur army met with in the late battle in the Virginia Valley we are assured that the men ate iu lmeVpirits and ready for another kntsh with the enemy Ail the stragglers were rapidly coming in.— General !v#> lias issued the following address to his army. Meat-quae rsas Vaoaev District, i October 22, ISO 1.- j Suldieis of File Army of the \ alley : I litur hoped to have congratulated you ou j the splendid victory won by you on the morn- ! ir.g of the U>th at Belle .Grove on Geilar Creek, when ) U i ei-prised and route.! two corps el t.lic-vidau':- army and drove back seveqd miles , the remaining corps, tuptttfliigwghTiS-ii ph'eu: ■ of artillery, one tliousaud live hundred pris oners. a number of colors, a large quantity of small arms, and many wagons and umbulaac. u with the entire capum of the routed corps ; but ; T have the mortification ot announcing to you j that, by your subsequent misconduct, all the benefits of that victory were lost and a Serious disaster incurred. Had you remained stead fist to your duty and.your colors, the victory would have been one of the most brilliant and decisive of the war ; you would have glorious ly retrieved the reverses- at Winchester and Fisher’s Hill, and entitled yourselves to tire admiration and gratitude of your country. But many of you, including, some commis sioned officers, yielding to a disgraceful pro pensity for plunder, deserted your colours to appropriate to yourselves the abandoned prop eriy of tho enemy, and subsequently those who had previously remained at their posts,, seeing their ranks thinned by the absence of the plunderers, when the enemy, late in the after noon, with his shattered volumes made but a fcedle effort to retrieve the fortunes of the day, yielded to a needless panic and tied the field' in confusion, thereby converting a splendid victory into a disaster. Had any respectable number or you listened to the appeals made to you and-made a stand, even at the last mo ment, the disaster would have been averted, and the substantial fgflits ot victory secured; but under the insane dread of being Hanked and a panic-stricken terror of the enemy’s cavalry, you would listen to no appeal, threat or order, and allowed a small body of cavalry to penetrate to our train and carry-off' num ber of pieces of artillery and wagons, which vour disorder left unprotected. You have thus obscured that glorious fame - won in con junction wilh the gallant men of tho army of Northern Virginia, who still remain proudly defiant in the trendies around Richmond aud Petersburg. Before your can again claim them, as corn rades, yfeu w ill-have to erase from your t-s outcheons the blemishes which now obscure . there; and this you can do if you will but be true'to your former reputation, your country and your homes. You who have fought at Manassas, Richmond, Eharpsburg, Fredericks burg, Ohancellotsville, Gettysburg, and -from the Wilderness to the bunks of tho James riv er: and especially you who wc-ro with the im auortal Jackson iu all ids triumphs, are eaputyi of hotter things. Arouse yourselves then ton sense ot your manhood and appreciation cf Ihe -- -- - ■ ■ .... . . - tne mandates of discipline; resolve to stand by v-iur colours in future at tdlbav.arda, aud you cau yet retrieve your reputation aud strike . fi'.. t ive blows for your country ami its cause. Let every: man spurn from birutbo vile plunder gathered on the field ot the littU; ami let no . man, whatever Lis rank, whether combatant or non-combatant, dare exhibit his spoils of that day. They will be badges of his dishonor, Luo insignia of his disgrace. The officer who pauses in fire career of vie tory lo place a guard over a iniiler’s wagon, for his private use, is us bad as the soldier who halts-to secure for himsell the abandoned clothing or money of a flying foe, and they both sell the honour of the army and the blood ot their country for a paltry price. Ho who fol lows his colours into the ranks of tho enemy ia pursuit of victory, disdaining the- miserable passion for gathering booty comes out of the battle with his honour untarnished, and though hare footed and ragged, is far more to bo envi ed than he that is tadeued with rich spoils, gathered iu the trail of his victorious comrades. There were some exceptions to the general misconduct ou the ufetrnoon of the 11)1, h, but it would be difficult to specify them all. Let those who did their duty be satisfied with the conciousness of having done it, and mourn, that their efforts were purely'd by iii<- misbe haviour of others. Let them he consoled, to some extent, by the reflection that the enemy has nothing to boast of off his part. The artillery and wagons were not won by his valour. His camp were destroyed, his ar my terribly shattered aud demoralized, his losses far heavier tha.ii ours, even in proper* lion to the relative strength of tlio unifies, his plans materially impeded, aud lie was ua able to pursue Jjy reason of his crippled con dition. Soldiers of the Army of the Valley, 1 do not speak to you in anger ; 1 wish to speak in kindness though in sorrow. .My purpose is to show you fire causes of our late misfortune, and point out the way to avoid similar ones iu future, and ensure success to our arms. Hue ce#s can only be secured by life enforcement and olsei veance of tlio most rigid discipline. Officers, whatever their rank, must not only give orders, but set the example of obeying them, aud ihe men must follow their example, Fellow soldiers, I am jreudy to lead you again in defence of our common cause, and ! apueal to you by the remembrance <!' the glorious ca reer in which you have formerly participated, by.the woes of your bleuffin-r country, iho ruined homes anil devastated fields yen sec around you, the cries of anguish whim come up from the widows and orphans of your dead comrades, the horrors which await you and all that is yours iu the future it your count ly is subjugated, and your hopes of freedom for yourselves and j our posterity, to render a cheerful and willing obedience to the rules of discipline, aud to shoulder your musket again with the determination never more to turn your backs upon the foe, but to do battle like men and soldiers until the last vestige ol the' footsteps of our barbarous a*id cruel enemies is erased from the soft they desecrate, and the independence of our country is firmly eztab lis hod' If you will do this and rely upon the protecting care of a’just and merciful God, ait will be well; you will again be what you once were, and I will be proud to lead you once more to battle. J. A. Early, L'eutenaut General I ItO.M LUt islA.Vl White a Confederate Lieutenant named Kitchen was conducting some busmens under llag of truce near Morgan/ 1, La , one of his nn-u discovered a colored soldier in Yankee ranks Who bad belonged to bis father until quite late ly. He at once became abu-ivu and would not be checked in iris use of the most violent lan gtuge. Lieutenant Kitchen finally struck him over the head with his pistol. At this very instant the comrade of the rnau, who G-* near to him, drew his pistol and shot-**!; lieu tenant dead. Afterward these escap ed to, Yankee lines, claiming protection, but General Lawler at once-placed them in clop*. ; eonfinem: nt, and now holds them in re.’.qjfie / to be delivered over to the Conf'.Vrremto an thorities when proper demaqfi made for them._ General L. procured a cOlli i, and sent an ambntancs lor tgo 'body of Lieutenant K. and when it was brought to ins headtpiartei- ; he ordered a flag of truce to start With it to the Confederate lines, and transmitted ate port of the painful affair.* Advices from Matamoras give a rumor ol the capture of the Steamer Ike Uavis, bound from Bagdad to New Orleans, by a party who had taken passage on her, and run into Galveston, f *l. LV< II..;. , ; > ■ !?A!t f USiHik * \\ iilnl llie toll;) ... i . i . i ofOrf-l ; Oii'the filghtof the 1 tb.-two corns of fVn | Sberjdan's army* ilm • . ; ' ' m t-d by G-.-i 1 : about live mile? oeyomißti: • , . 'ri, . -q x q’ corps; under General Wri-lit. p-y . Front Royal road, it .r-.'fin.-.l -; a o‘r 0 ‘ r ,':imp to surprise a;..! at; ; : \ ;vo , ly during tho night ti- .n.;,.i„n. j Gordon,. Ram.; ;-r ami i’. ram m \ around iu the duwiniu tin cm-u.y's felt flan-, crossing the ri-.t-i' and run; -• is, n.., ;v , <i base of tho mminla:u, aid thru cross;, p ;i ,,s lie- Riv. r. i.• ■ in* .. ar.'.iu:.- v .tii his brigade and'V* n-i.ham «. ,ye ui - ~. .' vnn-T.-'-.he t -, .... .. , manding Lomu xY, old l the infantry, which advanced without m-tibe >y- About lmif-paut I A. U , Uoss.i'-r oonnuyuord ids. attack on tlio enemy's right, where tho uiaia body of their cavalry w.i.. ; -tt-.i. , Tine object of till.; was to draw the enemy k alV'-n --tion from their left Hank. At a qu.u-lu- ■ , 5, tho iufiiuti-y advanced i.- tho !. if.., op. posing pickets liar in .bt-on driv-.-u in h, a; cliai'ge of J'ay mi's oavaliy. Th. ffia.k wav; mngnilicontly main-and thruoll.abS;, silir-ssliil By lb <ll 11 OA.IOI : »"U tilt-tisnlin;; co.; -d r ' except in a desultory way, we had taken sen j i ,suo ur 2,000 prisoin-js and soi ■ i 1- or 50'■ i cos oi artillery; aud Ihocn-'nivjiat* 5;.i-ndrivoir some two or three mile:;. an<]forced off of tho pike. Wharton's division ami the iuiiilurv passed on the pike through Slra.duii ; 'about, daylight, and someguiu were pouted qn li.o j hills just tins side of Cedai i’icck, :.n 1 aid and the infantry iu their attivk. riu-. e divisions of infantry, commanded by ■ ir ( ell. Uoi - don, slim.-k the-enemy’-; left flank at break, and Rershaf. pushed •; -t hi . trout at the same time. As wo have remaaked, by half p; .-l ten out victory was COUlp 1.4--. Thi- eiie-niy wore diiv on from their < amps with great lo . and ii confusion. Wo had only engaged Uw rightL and nineteenth, corps, and had scattered them, i'lisoners report that they could li:;». !>.:eii of. no farthei-use to the enei.-iy ditrii: ; li-.j day. Just hue Ihe sixth eerie- .was cuteuuteied by 1 our infantry anJ usood it --vound. Arnlfi-i-. was inasseii r > as Lo r.Ne it a IWui: and oaii lading lire. It was L. m its p.-4tlt>nu Welle, nml \ .ail-;; don tie* . i-eyue.l Middletown, fit the I'.iriher -fil.eie; of wh'ulv our line was advanced an«! forme.! VVharloi . was on tlio tight; then Woiioid's lui-pideCc Kendiaw’:; division then i'c.-.i un al.-.-teiiiu,; across the pike then Katnueur tv, n iG rslu-Ar —and ilieu Genlou, with 11.V.-.«r off to l !.,x left, with a gap of a mile Ldwi.-u them - - Ro.-sei' was forced hark by ike etou.iy’s iiv-.-r --whclmiug cavah v to Cedar Ur. , At this time the enemy's infantry ire ,51 or; the light ol Ihe p-ke, and fiolhifi;;’ a*.rocs it ou ear ieifi. except their cavalry. Hero our troops ware • lopped. There wau quiet for three or four tionw, au I oue men ire took llteinisoivi .lo plunJi'iiv,. Eu-sept somo likirmishing and desultory fi.-, ■ thing remained in statu qtie until about liuifpaui r or -J f M , when the enemy uuddelily Gordon. Kershaw and liar. ;.ur. UerdoGs lift. ,» i l I,lf U < t • lit. r-o^h| brokfc. Eel: haw s and Rame ausj division,; were lighting well; but r.Ooa tm'.v-l Uk anqil.**! G'ord,.-u’ ..ivkiiCi. ,c, A in the rear were immediately di.iv the line broke, am! placed on ti tiff, where, with no ai l from the ~,; . v , were flying iu every direction, tin; enemy at bay for au hour v r me;c. Having exhausted their ua;n;:, S,;;;;. - ,■ c.-lii-- pelted to withdraw. L, tiiis time Wharton a and j’egram’ men had caught the -;?■ the field became-.overed with ffy.u • nieu. • The artilUry ret Lied si taiued only by I’’s old bi, ado, -tut Evans' brigade. Allot our arliih-ty, as wel.; as that captun and Irom thecuem.y, were qotte r safely over Cedar Greek. Just then u mall, body of tho.eitemyU ...ivatry croax-t tho creek, and chased over the hill, but were driven, back by ;■ few sc-atteiiog muskets After .'no creek was cit.-.-acd X’egtam’s and Evans’ brig ades participated in the demoralization Iffo road was filled with fugitives. Their r ivalry charged again iu ol onr ti .ins, aud not a gun was fired in its doieffee -Maur urdinauco and;iiu.di< al stores and ;fi-? of artiiierv, besides lliusj.taken by us iu ihe moroing, went captured. We lost about 1,000 ia killed and wounded 1 , and about 50;) prisoners. Tho enemy I’obi somot J,(fed or i,cut). They have not foil owed our* army, being, doubtle.-s, too much crippled. In addition lo the casualtie previously n'.en tioued by us, wo hear that Lieut. Colonel bom - ; tries, of -Hyimphrey’s brigade, was killed, asit ! Col. Mosby, couiiuandiiig a brigade, shot in tho* anui Wo believe also that the gallnpff, Col., I Goodwin, ot Gen. Early’s staff, already so fre^. ; quenlly wounded, received a sip-fit wound. Major General Gordon distinguished lffiuseit’ greatly. Indeed, he y;,;s in command of the army ou the field, and executed ihe movements, up to sunrise, when General Early crossed Ce i dar creek and assumed command. Brigadier General Grimes is in command or* Ruinseui',s division. The plan oi Ihe battle' was admirably con-* ceivcd. \\is have attempted to give only /acta which we derive by comparing various ac counts, aud we leave ou; readoYsto draw their own inferences. We make only two remarks : first, that an error seems to have been commit ted in giving the enemy the rest between eleven and four o'clock, alter we had routed them ; and, second, that it is clear our troopff behaved as they never, behaved before, when Urtrgm-my-Ttvw»enen ,„ m ejtwmrerWrr. Tlie enemy admit tho loss of Brig. General, Bid weft and (Li. ’lliorburn etanmanding a brig ade, killed ; and Muj. General Wright, com* maudiug sixth corpe ; Maj. Gen. Ricketts, Muj. Geu. Grover, Got. Kitchen, eommandiug a brigade, and Col. .MeKinzie. commanding brig ade, wounded. A dispatch from Winchester estimated their loss at live thousand. terial results of the battle art/ decidedly in out favor ; the moral effect is against us. Had our men ifot been struck by au unaeeouutaWu panic, connected to a large extent with their being scattered and plundering- or had war pushed on in th?: morning—we had achieved victory unsurpassed iu the war. • V i'UUCCAM.VSVO -. * By E. Burnt-v, Covvinov cf Gec-iqU: In c-onfounity to a tesolulion of the (J cu. !U i Asbembly of.tiii , Slate p:;: ; i-d on tho appljo.i tionoflhc i.'otboji Fj.intn r’s a.-,i i : i.dion, t: (. Baylor having Wan appointed . Europe to pnatiole th, ; ..aid a .,‘. {K .j u tion and having phlaiirejqllntp. its u!li j p.jj Confedei-icy Aud>rfprma!iof. fi ivine*v reached iu« thaJJitmiml id CKWnii, aii , : tic on tlmtaeffhcss of raid A. he hi- . „ .u' 1 tW-.uemi ol&KUf iy. I. ihoi hereby revoke his apiom.mcnt plol .| a j, u / and .‘ • 1 ‘ , J’. " ts x<*iumL:sion held by said Bay * linn,ll! ka'and dc, lured void and of no cf ... -»«-l I ordered that.copies of this I’toclauia lion be sent to sut li ol the Euroi>cau powers no might be deceived by him, by the use ol taitf Commission. Given under my hand and (he great :e*l r&S of this State at the Capitol iu Mill s go ville. T’nis zOth day of-Oet. lfilG. Josefu E. Bitov, r;, FROM TEXAS. The Yankees are still at Brazos, Tea::;, iu considerable force. Col. SUowaitev's i maud is in the front, doing good mid bard ser vice, harrassiug the Yawl.eees on all .ides & ! I most daily r.Urrni. hing, in which the Yani. -1 Ire driven under the shelter ol the I frill t .