Chronicle & sentinel. (Augusta, Ga.) 1864-1866, November 16, 1864, Image 1

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:4 e | . . ..v\ •. X “‘ J > ' ! |j . X. S. MORSF. febroniclf ft .Sentinel. o TSRMB. Tlil£ VVt.fc KL * riIUJMU.K k W KKMI\KL I*l PL d>Li 4ii t!L> I:VS.Ki \\ EDXKSOAY bl.\ VloVlHt • rl - too A MVAJM.'i Al> V A L fk . WEEKLY ADVEH iUT£«, o.iDT.iAaf AoV£aTiH*Mi*;TS[.at/ii<jlj«*iJ in tUtf » kl> ;v i t li li uW dvuAJ ftiiAS fach UlicrtiOn. wfie do.iii and tWrLty 4lia«jlwrefci Liinitio ti. - fly, 1.-u-vr* ***4. o*l ?« aa t Jiuiicis _>ae and iiiai pai!*A» f->* ox> r., ir'tt a*# £> - -y* SQtr.i V *\iA\LtT HltM !•''• i-*fci.AlTi l>ktj Jand Wrvtiy -cosdulUr and flit?r«?ms pet lm« f lRriK-s IN llllt u»M.iait M \ ‘■la Htlclt i trilgglil Uu 1(1 Vvhiiil WO HTi' i-bgagM 1ho(u should he no it thing uu jmlty epillt. The people should he <ii nini jidud <|fcd olio heart. Every patriot wliouhl natch mu>t jealously against whatever tends to produce diasoneuin tnuoug the people and t.pposfl £uch dininc tiatlony with his most lu.tlgnaut frown. ’’ Bitch are the sentimenta vhiih a certain claw of politicians amongst vij repeat ai frequentty ua the man “fthn pluyed upon the harp or a thonaand atiioga ” Wo do n.d deny that there are cleni, ~b; ot truth and wisdom to Hitch views. Vt'e eumiot ntfnrd to he dismembered to have a division. W( do well tti ho afraid of uny cradle which may create a ti sura inis which tire etitniy may thrust himself to our damage, 'that ■ uni, u It strength 1 ' is a maxim ho abunduntfy cm J.t uu.l as to make it w ell nigh a sell evident pu.position. nut those who insist umet h trer.ugnaly on the viotta we have just quoted, employ stub ’V.Utilnd.'a chiefly with the jjeaigu of < citing iiiliiim on peiHOna who venture any dissent trout their favorila iloymaJ. Aopileaoa with «.nt a murmur or u.quantum, in all ti,at is pio ji.ised iiy tiro cou-.iituted null;'’,l it lea 01 the' iand; submit ro nny abridgement of your .lights which they may . hoo> to impose with amt remonstrance; accept and support to ear - *iiret calculated to destroy tho wry boon lor Milch wc ate contending -and you are a patriot of tiie potest type, put Intimate that thegovammeat is derelict In any pigti.wlnr us, tor crumple, hi not limbing a more liberal m*j of diplomacy ua well ua of the sword in uhatiiig the iVarful no.-urge of war, and our ’‘union la strength" friends immediately de iionuca, you ai truUnrop* ami ti-Insuiatl, hLoving dimensions uinoog the people ap,j diverting U»eir energies iirou the mighty woii; «rt the revolution. There must ulwaya ha diiTmr.nrv.s of opinion in regard to important measures of fihf'.e, and Where unv liberty rciua|Yia IhL-ce dilference« will he outspoken' That this k«h tine of ihe, revolution of ’Tti, tin history ot tho. o tiim s •dearly atteuiii. How much haunony prevailed wlonllg the - tlamerri id the Cohßlifutioti ot the t'uited Staler may ho inferred fuin the fact that on several cu'< e.'.ooa their views were so •fivetHe that it wad thoiight the < 'on«vnth>n VVOtdd ho compelLd to aitjoniii Without acr'cc - in,i upoo a < unstitutloit. llov, unn h conc.ud Uieie ws3 in tha States ivld. h adopted Ihe Constitution may bo i.nown froru the tact that Virginia, ujtei'a itolUiy delate, adopted it Py » majority of only throe voles W asliit g. tou was unanimously and,., ted, U is tnie, hut the animadieisioris ot the peopie iqi his treat ment 01 (irlul, the l irloh ttnisrary, and Ihe lwtiou of Cotyiciis in regard to the treaty ol J»y. which tie had so t-uiin tly tavoved, nre eutficleut evidences that jHUty lines were not uuknown under tin* moat popular i iiiel Mag is tiate, and that too in the earlier and as some deem them-the purer days ot the Re public. Wa havcnowiah to disguise the fact that w hiist.oiu people »ro eveiy wheie ready to sup port 4lit.- constitution nod the laws, there ate roil many,«nhi«’ets very wide illiferem es of opin ion, and that these are oftentimes so uaru estly ativl so generally expie.ssed as to rise to tbv liltportAu‘o and dignity ot a unity, t’er InHiH the C-iiiet dislitlCtloil l>y Which tliese parties me charui tori ed is that which may he Bnowu l»y centraliMtiofi and fit at o soveieh-nty Whilst smue are seeking like tho centripetal law, to invest with asiti -rcpuLlioan preroga lives of tho t'oUlc telate iiead at *he seat ol (lovorucnent, otheis believe that a Ceiitrlfogal ititiooUce is more salutary, and seek to retain auiun*. tire States the rights aud poweis wUli which the Ooiwtitutinn invests them. l>l:ler *-nt vtaws oil tle-se points) (<•»i** In the two grtuni paitU-s whuh first existed in Hit* Halted State*; and the indicationi) of the times ure tlnit lb« iunie plcmenis am now at WoiL t>> «tv* a “toral habllatlvd »»<l a oaotd to »«h» }>airiea amongst iuu Thu advocate.; ot i .-ntiall. dtou are in favor to any encroachment- upon the kighta u s the cittern, whether iti. io ate made i« Hu- foiin «if immulU ow l,u pf-i'eity. tiu lit* tlly or lit* freedom t“ "te"' I '. whlol ‘ * 1,0 gold the helm of may lodge nc eaaaarv for the public weal. Tto believers in State soveietgnty on th? t*"“'r ***& P rot «* all rwtraiftts of th«* * 1 van unauthorised by tlie constitution, *!2-l eon tend (Hat it would .be'flollv to be spending I>lood and treasure to from lorolgn appressiou if we suiter onr rights to lie sufrioged by tiie very Uovoiutnenf uuder -which wo ate lighting. ft happens too that those who have insisted -ni'fct earnestly on tlie wisdom pt making the ■ -alii> to co operate with the warrior ia ho adjustment of our controversy ate found jadKmg the party who coutend most zealously; sdr the rights of the States w hilst these who j no hope (Torn thfaqaartcr, and believe tha; i she problem which we ate working can have a solution by blood only, sympathise ( * ith the Views of Cfej»trali-»ti°nists. r>ur renders We think are apprised «t our * whereabouts. We iu supporting the Government— the tVasUtUtion-but we be Iteve also that eternal vigilance is the price ot Jfibertv, and eo long as wo have a pen to write pi a tongue to speak, we shall range ourselves WlUt the friends of a true, rational and vonstl liiiio&al Übeity. AUGUSTA, GA., WEDNESDAY MORNING, NOVEMBER IG, 1864. cpkak-1 I‘i.ain wttKX I! ht iliM«t v.—There is a paper published ia Katonton, G.v. Ihe eilitur of it has been in the habit of berating his cfdeniporarii s whenever they thought it lor tho public good to call the administration to an arcount for its misdeeds and mibmanage inci.t. t »n<- to rea l the ctpisioDS of said editor would think his patriotism came from an over flowing soul, instead of front an empty pocket which lie wished filled. lint alss ! it now ap - pears that the latter was the cn*e. The editor l> a maker . I hats. Sometime .since ho fur— ni.dre.-i a lot of them to a Government Quarter* master, for which he holds the Quartermaster a receipt, for which he has been paid, sad tor which he ought to have been paid ion-' ago lie lets ‘'tin* cat on! ol the ha:;" in hU hi'il i .sue ami talk s more loudly about official ill.. iiijpv tefivy than these panels lie has hefe tot'.ud been iaking to task. The newspaper oeiitlemnii icferre lto above had belt,-r bind in a. i -el or two in his sail, or he will not b able to sell the Admiisictrutiou buyers ahy itiute hats—Or even oyl what is justly his due lor those hi* has .-.old . H’e did not .“peak of (ills subject, however, lor the purpose ol adverting the KutoatOJi hal maker’ll goods —hut sunply to show the jiiiifii. that Home of the newspaper men who claim that (lie ‘-King can do no wrong’’ aio blowing not for patriotism but for some ainis b i ol y, t. ‘Tound them with gold' utnl llrey niil aiiig any luto" 1 agreeable tv, the man who holds til,* puiair firings. A Tax qi f.cip-n fiinun.- Some c i the fronted-rate tax collectum have been reiprir*, ing payment in ihe new currency of all l'rac tioilH due lor I axes between the hundred do!- lav cerlitieules. for Instance, if a man's taxes amounted to one hundred and seventy five dollars, they would not take a two bundled dolb.r i • riijjeitte, or two one bundled dollar evililioa'.t-*, in payment, of the tax, but woujd r. q i'ne c.evenly five dollats in treasury note?. The injustice ot this course is manifest, but we ptc.-'.iiim' that collet.luis were acting acr-oidifg to tl.eii in ti uclions as (hey understood them. 1 l-e r’olouii.u-i I,inquirer hnune, however, that the tXHjimbksioner ot taxes, in uuswor to an appeal made to him by a tax payer or two in Georgia, baa decided that the collectors must receive pc-rlificatcs temh-ivd'wUcntliey amount to ait oi mnro than tpe lax dpe. If the tax pavt-i is willing to [my in the whole certificate of one hundred doHars or larger, when only a tiadic.n of it is rojitii t-d to pay his taxes, the ~aiii. . {or must receive it. Thi.; decision nierts the upprcvai of lefaiy Trenhoirn, amino doul.t iu.stnu I ions to u, t acoordipgiy havp been or w ill be sent to tax collectors.'.x'c Gk.vxi, I.odok c-f Gkoroia The if rami i mjeo of free an I Accepted Masons of «r.*tlight it-iiod Its tfoottil comniuniettion, i which was held in Jiapon.ou TpurnWy, Oct. Jf. '! fie Jvllowhig Grand Lodge Olticers were 'elected lor lie- e-lßliing Masoulc ye»ir: •tohri Harris, Jl W Grand Master; Win A 1 Love, li \V D G M,' ist* District : A \V Rai ding, li S', I) G M. - 1 Distiicl: Lewis Lawsue, It \V f) G M. Il l OLitriot: J K IMackslioar, It , \t IM.I M, ILli Instrict; ft l-' Lewis, W Sen. G Warden ; A f HaiJlcll, \V Jut}. 6 Warden ; iu- : K Wells, WG ’l’reasurer ; Sirnri (foso, \i'' G Seel el ui y ‘J he ..'thee oriie.-is who wore appointed i.y tiie (irant Must oi-. .tie l.tlifl Mayer, (j Sen Pea ujii O V Brown, (j Jim Pear-on. F ,M West, it Marshal, till .Mitchell, G I'ursuivant, N Arson, ti Chaplain, D N" Austin, Fiist tj Stew ard, R ti Tat cm. Beg, ui, I (3 Steward, Win M Cline T hird U Steward. G 11 Freeman, Grand i VjDr. 1 Seventy six Lei! gra were cither rppiiesent e.l by J hfleg.jtis, oi made their annual re st urns. Tut'. Fic.u) oc Oi‘i-:ka rniNs op tiik Army cr • li. x'm:- me 11 is of much interest, to kuow'the j localities, distances and topography ol this re j gion, which is to heeoute historical by this j struggle. The and: lance from Atlanta to Rome i ■ j is CO mile.:; io Dalton, 1 t>i>; io Chattanooga, 1-10. : The distance from Bine Mountain (o Rome is oil miles; to Kingston, 70; to Dalton, 7.3; to Chattanooga, i00; lo R.ridgcpoi t, Ho; lluntsville 9.7. The topography ot tlm country isruggedand mohntahn.U:, with many streams and bad r«.ads. This region conUina four rivets, the j Chattahoochee, the F. tho Oosanaula j and Hie T’enuvs-ce. The first flows in seven miles of Atlanta, uud tlienCe to West Feint.— The two latter unite at Rome, and make the Coo.-a, whit li flows southward to Montgomery. The Coosa 1 navigable for steamboats from Gret mq ml to Rome. The Tennessee flows by ; Chattanooga) and. Bridgeport, ami near Iluuts : viifo. Smvll (Vsii ,«t:r for Canada The London Times gives Canada fair warning in a very em phatic leader, that she has nothing to expect trout r.i gland in the way of defence. Eng laud re.: i do nothing on land. She did her tit - ia,V*t iu the I'iitueii. Ail tl e tiooi s she could send to Canada would not stand' one battle against a Northern army,commanded l.y Gen, Grunt. Whether defeated or not, thero would he nothing lett of them. As to the Canadians, 'it seems that they tun raise 20.000 men ail I told, and the Times ridicules the idea of such a Knee standing a moment before n Federal army. The English of this is. if you waut j Oauada, take it and welcome. England is j ready to give a unit daith to-morrow as the i price o!’ peace. You may conquer the South or not—veetorfl the Uuion, or fail to rJstore it —but when you want Canada, there it if. gentlemen, help yourselves. * Tiie Missionary Mkktixu at the Methodist church on Sunday evening was well attended. The audience was addressed by Hey. Dr. Se hoD, Rev. Hr. Brantley, and Rev. Mr. Craimer. • A colit, tiuu was taken up, and between five and six thousand dollars were contributed. This is quite a handsome sum. The object is a worthy one aud should receive a liberal sup port. Dtewnts in Habeas CoeiCS —Judge Ilook. of the Middle Circuit of this State, iu it case brought before him from Columbia county, has decided that certain gentlemen enrolled in the j Confederate service and detailed as an “Advi j soiy Beard,” are not liable to service in the : milita. cm the ground that they are detailed 1 soldiers ia the Coiifsduate. service. AX IVIPriItTA.M' BECtSIOX U.\ 1101 SK IVs- PRBSSMK.VIV f From Macon Telegraph ] Joseph B. Ivey am! others, ) vs Tnaoressnient, ( apt. penj. F. White, I and motion for In (Jomiaandant Host, and rjime.tion to restrain. Hr. Foster. Post, Surgeon. ) Complainants file their several lulls in equi ty. slating that Oapt. White, Gommundant of tho military Post at Albany, is proceeding to impress c, 1 tain buildings tor hospital purpo ses without sufficient necessity, and fn a man ner to cause to them irrepanrhlu thunage. Ivey alleges ibat the building ho occupies is the residence of himself and family, and that lie entertains travellers and other guests for pav in plain words “keeps a Hotel.'’ JVas -alleges that he occupies his store house as a Ding ■Store, to which he gives his daily attention, t.'ook alleges the same, except that Ids store hon e is iu the occupancy of Joseph liichaoi son, who is there engaged in tin* of met ''cftanfßza 'of valtous kinds. '1 hey all allege, tiiat to take away buildiDgs, will in; to destroy their means oi living, and in two of the cases timir only means. They also allege that theru ice four churches, and several large rooms, suitable tor hospital purposes in Al bany, in which goods are stored, that have not been impressed, nor arc occupied by any pnth-ats or hospital attaches. The respondents say they have been ordered | to locale hospitals at Albany for the accommo- i datum of twenty-four hundred patients—that j they believe there is a necessity tor the im- ! pressnients, as it is a rule of the army to clear j out the hospitals in front, and send patients to : Ihe rear as fast as possible, and they must be i prepared to receive them when they do arrive, "and they believe they will arrive, but beyond this, respondents do not state that patients will come here with any further certain tv* nor do th.-y nay tLit any numilfr has been ordered hero, nor thatohere are any here requiring the accommodations sought. They exhibit oriUms froth General Uooil and Gen. Cobb for. making impressmcntH, but both tliese orders me sub stantially Hie same, aud in general terms—* sitnpiy order'ng the impressment ot such houses us may be'“indispensable." Tliese areallthe material facts in the cases made, which are sustained by idii lavits on each side, according to the case prude by each. The counsel for coinpluiants, Henry Morgan, Ksq. makes three poinU: Ist. That neither lire laws of Congress nor the regulations made under their authority, authorial the iuiprc.-snicni of houses for any purpose. 2nd. That such impressments can not be Ujade except by order of the Secretary of war. link That the facts do not make cut any ne cessity for imp, essiucnts,. and that the courts are to judge ot the necessity. On the two points slated in their order, I overrule tfcv counsel, and on the last one sus h;iu hi*:i, mid moreover ad judge that there is no present uecessiiy, nor ;-ny future iqiniinent necessity which would warrant ilij) proposed imprtssmenUt. It is true, there i3 nothing in the aeis ofCon gress-which designate houses as subjects’of impressment, except the general term, ‘‘or offiyi - propci ty.‘ ’ T!.e ■ ranters of (he act ticeqi ed to have i:t view only tho iiupressttfettt of supplies of all kinds, aud other personal prop erty. The regulations accompanying each act do net provide for the impressment of any real estate. It I wine to be gui led by these iegulaiiotiH alone, 1 c-pnld not' Snataiu—du- hu. [irecfiinent, of tyql estate.. Hut ns (lie act is broad in its ti-rms, aud givcij the right to im pres» ‘‘other properly’’ J •liojil that this will include real estate * There is one diftlenlty* which this decision presents, ami tiiat is the want of any regula'ion for aucli an impress ment. The regulations, however, are pursu ant to the act. !u prescribing who may impress and how compensation may be awarded. Jt so happens lliat Ihe rules for tire impressment of persona! property can be applied to real es tfiljj, Thcrefoie, astlit'act.authorizes it, and there is a lawful method of flying oompensa* tion, the right to impress real estate in proper and necessary eases, should not fail on any ground merely technical. Suitable buildings for hospitals in tintejof wav are “for public use,” and absolutely ncucefiarg. m The Constitution makes no distinction be tween personal and real estate, it uses the general term “property.’ - and says, “nor shall private property be taken lor public use with opt just compensation. ’’ '/iie is paramount to the lav?— the Istw is itt subject tion to it. If engaged in awr, as wo are, Con gress should have omitted to pas3 an impress ment yaw and the impressment oi property be paiue urgent, necessary and indispensablo, I would sanction it, if made by the commanding (■nicer aud “just compensation’* was offered, on the broad basis of the Constitution. if I am right in the decision of the poin just made, then it follows tiiat it is not neces sary for ttq; order of impressment to come*from the Secretary of War. The acts and the regu lation? point out what officers may impress, and Ciipt. White as commandant ol this post, is one of those ollieers. The third point, that of necessity, is ibo con trolling question in these cases And tost who must judge of the necessityY If the im pressing officer’s judgment is final, then the oases are already decided, and there is no use tor a Court except for the purpose of register ing bis edicts. If the Court can not determ ine the necessity, tbvn, iu one important in stance, it is manifest the Legislature may ex ercise judicial powers. Having the power in one case, where no such authority is delegated the Congress could as justly claim it, in all cases. There must be a tribunal to settle or adjudicate all such coutrover sies. and by the Constitution it is vested in the Judiciary. This, however, is not anew question. It lias either directly or indirectly been decided by the Supreme Court of Georgia, in favor of the right of the Tudiciary to judge of the ne cessity in cases involving the same principles. In the case of l'aiham vs, the State, Judge Jvisbet says. ‘ The necessity or utility of a load or other improvement will depend upon the question whether, iu the opinion of the Legistnre it ia necessary and proper for the good to the State? What is for the good of the State —what corporations, privileges- bow mud} and how often private propevty may he ; taken? are questions which open to the 1,-gis- i lature a field ol’ discretionary power, almost I without bounds—a discretion which places the ggcred right of property very within 1 their control —a discretion which no wise peo- j pie-will tolerate. If the progression of this i age requires the frequent exercise of the rigid of eminent domain, the necessity of right and j liberty require that the citizen be paid when he ! is injured by it; and this Court is here to see j to it ihat it is jyiiii. The right of aocummn-j lating. holding aud transmitting property, lies j at the foundation of civil liberty. Without it, j man no where rises to the dignity of a freeman, i Jt is tie incentive of industry; and the means | of independent action. It is in \%in that life ! »ud liberty are protected—that we are entitled to trial by Juiy and the freedom of the press and the writ ot habeas corpus—that we have unfettered entails, and have abolished primo geniture— that suffrage it free, and that all men stand equal under the law, if property Is j held at the will of the Legislature. In a case occuring since the war. and heaul i gt Atlanta. 1 an*intonned the Supreme Court j there decided distinctly that the Courts were , judges of live necessity upou a proper ease made. Jf these dicta did not exist, the right of the Courts to determine upon the necessity may be safely deduced from a portion of the Slth sec tion of the Ist article of the Confederate Con stitution, which declares - the right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers and efiects against unreasonable search es and seizures shall cot be violated. |ue jinpie-aineut laws confer upon certain military oiiieers the right o seize private prop e.-t.y, for to impress is to ,-eize. This seizure, ! then, must bo it&sonab’.e, aud ihe Courts must j be the judges of the reasonableness of the set j xure."’ . 1 irCongre .s wore to pa san act tqithoriziog ; impn Fsments of private property, when it was i palpable that there was no necessity for the | act the Courts would have tho right so pro- I notices such a law uncoastitutioual, because ' i it author!,- and an “tinressonahle seizure.” 1 There is also a provision of the Constitution ! of Georgia, which is binding upon her judges, I because to give itefi'oet docs not interfere with ; any power delegated to Congress or prohibited to Urn Slates. 'J lie !H'o section of the declara tion of fundamental principles declares, among other tilings, that "tho right of the people to appeal to tho courts shall never be. impaired.— Whoa the Confederate Constitution, in r.ub d.aivof-*says “piivat - pvojn-riy shall u it. be ta ken for public use, without lust compensation, it virtually says that. "j■ -3|£ properly may be I taken for eourpeasation. ‘ This does not embrace a delegation of pow er to Congress to jedgV e.x<litaivly the neces sity. nor of what shall be ‘-just compensation.” H may assume tiie tormer, or may make' such regulations in regard to Use latter as to defy .just compensation.-” in either event, Georgia lias not surrendered her right to have her ju - diciary judge of the necessity and of the justice of the compensation. Hue says em phatically, that the rights ot her cili/.cns to appeal to the .courts, “ shall not be impaffed,” and this is not in conflict in such Cases as these, with any " power she has delegated. ‘ * Then, Tdecide, J have'the light as n judge io pa-s u|>ou the necessity of t heso impress - incuts, and the facts do not (how a sufficient necessity to warrant the expulsion ot tliese parties IrOm their homos, and places ofbusi ness. First, because all .[iiibiic buildings and other unoccupied houses have not been im pressed. and s.-eond because then- is no oer jaintydhat the patients will be liere to occu py them. , But there is a question of groaterlmportauce underneath these decided, and that ia whether any emergency can win rant tlfe expulsion of a man from Jiis domicil, or "oastle,” as the liar tt-ruts It?. In Richmond and Atlanta, where Chore lias been tiie greatest pressure for hospital accoraadalioni, the liotefs liavo stood undisturbed. Koine may have JiA-n oecu[iied after lioJhg vacated, or by virtue of contract. When and .where was ever a family dwelling impressed for hospital purposed •' 'i he authority to expel Air. I vey from his abode, would warrant the Expulsion ot any lamiiy front their dweltingi How can “just coQipee.sat'on" be awarded , iih such a c;i.-c. or in a case wl[«re a man i,y Einpi-essmet, is tie priveil ot his means, and Tis only means of making u living. Does it not in tliese peeulkir times make a case ot -irreparable mischief," as between i it litens. and if so between ,-it : , ns, mqst it not he so between a elti;,eu and the Government ? li i should warrant Hie imonAsiiients in this case and the patients should never come to occupy them, what a cruel iv/bvig Lwould inflict—-it j wrong for which tbwyean be no remedy. H is said tiie effect' of igy .judgment, will lie to raise u qiieptiija ot eyeyy im,;ressment cl supplies or beasts ot burthen. I cannot say such a queslioq-might not ftris-*. but he would be a weak Judge who-jyoit!d iic-itate to affirm such a necessity within the limits of Hie acts of Gongre-s'. It. H. Cuhk, Judge Snp’r Court, 8. W. C. 1 -n mb -ejppj--. . [ ; R-|TFi; i imu TII(3 (h-.uTfvmi; i.y run St. Ai. MANX HAcKiirnoa —I.icut. jicntidf 11. Young, tiie commander oi the expedition which invad ed the United ,States ft on < unsda, lias pub lished the annexed letter : Fkeusiouimt.c;, G. F,. Satjnn.iay, Gciolicr 21. Tulin' fJdltoi' nf the Krcn'ntff I<hrjinph : Through the colunins of your journal I wish to make some (.t-atcmentHio the people of < !if»- acla, iegardipg tiie lacyat operations in Yer- Uiont. i went there-for tile purpose oi^'burning tim’town and surrounding villages, in retal iation for the recent outrages committed in tiie •Shenandoali Valley and elsewhere in tiie Con federate States. jam a cc.nimissioned officer of the Provi sional Army of the Confe lerate States, and' have violated no laws of Canada. 1 do not wish ray name coupled with tlieeoi thets now applied* withcßit a knowledge on tiie I part of the, people of Canada as to who we are and what oirtUeii buri# tlop. 1 wish, also, to make a few statements as to how myself and party were taken. I wan seized onj Canadian soil by Ameii ean cirt/ :ns with arms in (heir hands, and vi olently searched, My pookot hook was taken from ine, amt t was atarlcd.towards the t ui led States. 1 reached out lfly haad and caught the reins ot mv horse, when three pistols were leveled at my head with throats to shoot, the—■ scoundrel dead it he moved. Some Canadian eiLi,',..|is then spoke up. and the Ameiio.UiS, seeing fire "bailin', started with me toward him. two nfThem holding arips in j their hands. j Those Ht-iteiuenis can be proved by Canadian ! citizens. | The Americans came into this place and ever, beyond it, brandi.di’njjguinsand threatening to J k F. some of us, even alter we’wcte ink lie bauds I of the ICnglisli authorities. : Surely the p'-cjih* oi \cnuont mustliavo f*ir ! gotten that the people of Canada are not in the midst of war, and ruled by a man despotic in his actions and sup'orne in his infamy. 1 am not alraid to go befoie the 1 Courts of Canada, and when the affair is inves ! ligated. j am safi. tied tint the citizens ot fer ! tnnnt, ail'd not my liarty, will Ho lounil to lie ’ the violators of Canadian and Lnglish law. | Someone, I Hope will be sent to investigate ! this breach of neutrality; and award to those American citizens duin'g armed duty in Canada : the just merit ot their transgression- . Hoping you will give this a publication, I 1 remain, yours respectfully. Rkn'nrtr H. foi mi, 1 First Lieut. lTovisioual Army, ('. 8. A Gkneuai. Joseph E. Johnston.— I The Rich tnond Enquirer closes an editorial on the re cent disasters in the tally of \ irginia which the editor attributes to the lack of confidence in Geu. Early on the part of jfhe army—with the following paragraph: The pa.#caaDot be mended—the captured artillery are no doubt, ere now parading the streets of some Yankee city as the trophies gt some Republican mass meeting, but the fu ture should be provided for, and some com finder sent to that army who cat} !»m lU cou ence aud restore it- morale. \\ liile Gen. Joseph E. Johnston is reposing at Macon, without a command, the 1 alley is being plun dered and devastated by the enemy. Ihe peo ple of Virginia have lost no confidence in Gen. Johnston. By them he is sti-l regarded as a brave soldier and a son of whom the State is proud. We believe that his pat.-ofism is ol that noble and lofty character that will render sendee to the cause wherever he may be order ed. To see him once more in command in Ins i native State would,he gratifying to the people j of Virginia, who feel deeply his removal from | command in Georgia. Au opportunity is now i presented, which we hope will ein | braced by the President to restore Gen. •lobns j ten to command. His presence in the \ alley j would restore confidence and morale, and as | sure the enemy that, their victories were not the | eud of the campaign on our part. The reap j pointmeut of Johnston would silcncs toe voice ; of faction aud restore unity and harmony to the country. The employees ot the gas company at j Lynchburg. Va., have been ex erupted front ser -1 yice by a special detail. VOL. LXXVIII.-—NEW SERIES VOL. XXVIII NO. w. I 1 1 I l«WraKßWK***Vk*b*l | Tiia Roanokk Cash.—The Bormitd.i A- ; r i cats of Oct 12, contains ilin proeeedipgs of the j Court of Bermuda in the case of A-cilng "Mgs-, j ter John C. Brain, (.'. S. N ,, on the ciuiiyo- of I the burning of the Federal steamer Roanoke, i and hia dischar », together with tho a nd: -..-harpo jof his associates. We give befo re the rjnppsi 1 of the matter from ihe Advocate, also a copy |of Secretary Mallcy's to i.vui, i Brain, which was read in court; The case, divested of all l-cjii-it id ,mjv ’ nears to have been simply thin/ 'lßoanoke. Federal steamer, plying between 'iiavara, and New York, left the tormer port on ii;e mb of September, and when at .:■ a was aurliK-nty cap tured by a number of her ;-a as who 1 turned o:yt to bo oitic -rs and lueji'i-f’ tlm Con federate States, their coitimumlcr b -i.- Cap tain Brain. W'-ti known in H;o (-.-..-a- ol tcc y i;.-s --| ripcnke. Tho o.dginal IntxHdiou vas ■ . uvv ttie prize into Wiftni: : i isious, conks and n,' •i. -r,-- V- .J*1,;..-.i t-I tfrti?* neighborhood ot our Islands in outer ,t,:.i;n all three. Hero tire attempt (•> e.-rrv v into Wilmington being considered j!,■.., .!m •was set on lire Sunday lhondug r.t'lbur a. m, and her past-song:-!s-and crew landed lone, taxing the exertions of the United Sluts s Cam sut rather heavily to provide tor tin 'wants of such of them as were . abject? of ids Govern jment. The (Pipin’s uSo landed hoia* and v. -rc not a tit: lie Bnr prised so Ibid iii-:ms.-!( es imme idiately handed over to tin: bd:spii<iliti. .< of our sil, whither they were commuted m ■■ <m a charge of piracy, aud, a. it was at liist ;d --leged, of murder, too—it being .-daied liiat one 'of the oflicerg hud been shot-‘bat, <m e.\.,imin at ion, it turned out that the .charm; was not iW ' eluded in tlm warrant. T his capture took place on l*iim!a,v morning, and Ihe captive eapton t-ifing tcfuseif hntl, be came inm-iti-• of the jail up to Wcdm :-.i.a.y, l.e iug lua'-nght (c,it daily lor'so many hunts as it. might suit oiii.-iat convenience to spine fur the examine-,lion of idlioers and gcnticmeii ciiargcii With the same sort of cti'-mce a:-; wa in ihe habit of being committed in old days, by Nelson ai\d aud IloVal and ilo-.Yc a; 1 olher officers whose uamis have, or other, come to be hamied dov-n to ns with cpme sort of historic lame, rat tier more to their" credi* than tiiat of being pounced upon -in 'an the way colony where illegal u'et.-fm'.iv by eom ivrit!cd.w-it!i very stow ciioice of visitation &nd madrt 7 ,8a ms on’ like the sport of-incut beadle dom. Tim proceedings befoft the Mugifiruies were practically Con lim'd so taking the 'evidence of five witnesses. The two flr-t Hie lirsl of ficer ami pursuer of tile ship, who depose Flo her C.iptme iu Ihe way leave indicated. I lie third was the tnsp.'otpr oi-i’nliee. o,Crete Called to [,rove Uu* eqitioe of tiie ('ontider ati*s, (11)11 tie.! etliar two- peeved tiie imn.l writing of the Hecrelary of ,-Uu: (..'niiede-'ai.- Stales Navy to commi-vue.iß and IctiMs ot in K* I neti-.ll) directed to Gnptaiu Bodn. The A (tin nev Genei .and appeared on Ihe first day, hut deputed Mr. Ricluud i > uir-1! to Kq»- jeseot him on the h: cccpqing ernes. Tbe eiuuu,!!—ions and t-dli-is id ii*:'!nsetiou imviug ln;t*)i duly verdied.. M.-. Darrell witli- - drew tiie charge. ( .(plain Brain aud his c!!i ,-ers and men having sp( ill iiiree nigtii-s in n ibili ft jatl- pn a charge ad(miie.l«t:> be untenahle and bail lVjYsed. Ifjptaku Brain's cammi > ion xie.s produced, and l)i.s iu-jiuci finis jroni tie Secictn \',V of tip' Uuii ■ -1' o.u- :r «.i!es Na\ -.- Be; sigfi.! - fliTe-r ot its. Motl'-a-s w, n jneveii t"- r-D-.. i'■ v. The letter of inaliucUoM.s -.v.t.- a, to)i«wri : Coxi-T,r>(:nATK Srafi:-oc A.miikica. i Navy I 'ci-.m; r.Mcxr, ' Ricflimoi.-d, Hay kniii. isfit. ) Arlittt/ ,l/'#.s-k-/- . jj,'< !-'A , /,-,(•/, ii!o/{»/, .1 it: • Bir -Yon will herewith receive an appoint ment of.Aiding Jf >st«r in the Navy, and will proceed to Wilmington and I‘vue in ~kc the nn cessary armcqeipcnts p.» ,• iptu.c upon Uki high sens t’lo Federal steam,-r, or tins steamers Morning or Evening ."'tar, all of which vessels are on a tine mailing between New York and Havana. In case you ancoced in capturing either of Urn above steamer', you will l.rn.g her and tin) piisoners ol*\vai into a ('onlcl'a.-iie port The strictest regard for the rigiils oi nei'itr.-ils •anil neutral property must be observed. and discipline and sub irdhiation preserved among oiiieers and men under your conftnaud. as a matter ol seemity and suecess YotV are authorized to appoint three Acting ,Masters Mates and Acting ’J'iiiid A.sis t id. F.uginei rs, reporting tlleir names-t,, the Department as emly as practicable, and you will also report your proceedings fin,o r this order. 1 ant respectfully. Your obedient servant, 8. B Miu.oii'r, Sccretai v of-the Maw. Hi the. pi isoners c , nnot bes id into Hie Con- I'edeiary you will pamie, them, taking their 'pa role in writing, mubracin;; tim rank, grade, name ami age, aad taking tluflr pledge no, to serve against tim Confederate Stale- during the war, unless regularly exchanged. 8. R JJ a nun; Y, Seci • 1 .ary. Mr. Riclimd Darrell, on Hie put oi Hi: At torney General, limn withdrew the diargo, aud tin* accused wore rclca-o I. A Scour's Advkx'ltrb - (I. it. Bhd-.e, one of General A IV I till's mo and daring and mu ess lul scouts, had lather n'singular and ludienics ad vel)tare some days a ; ;o. lie was cap! invd liy the.enemy aud City r,,iut ns a sj y. I'otldnately, he hail papois ou Ids per.onto prove who and what he v.a-. [laving been captured several times before, he did not lose his self possession, but looked about him to sec wiiellier he could hot m ike good Id; es cape as lie had done on so many pre\i'e;s a■- counts. He was not long i:i discovering n newly dratted man, whose appearance showed he was well to do hum the woritl. and whose melancholy visage fold unmistakably his dis ike of the army Blake made np to him imimdiatejy, and, entering into conver j(ttion,'soon learned that lie was the most anxious of living Yankees to return “to hum,” ami willing to run considera ble risk to accomplish jiis jmrpose, Blake’s ready wit and coot head quickly omeocted a plan. They slipped behind HT’iohs ■ and changed clothes, Blake assuming the Yankee’s name aud the Yankee Blake's—the Yankee in tending to go down to Foitn-ss Monio:* us a prisoner of war. lake the oath of allegiam .', and return to the bosom ofhis family and pump kin patch. Just thou it occurred to Blake that he had gotten himself into a decidedly bad rcrapo. Said he to himself, ‘ if I go to this man's com pany and try to palm myself off as him, 1 will certainly be detected and forthwith hung as a spy. That won't begin to do. i will walk up the road and sec if something won't: turn up.” No sooner said than done. He had walked but a few hundred yards before lie met a Yan kee. mounted ou a horse and leading I wo o;lt ers. “Where did you get those hois -'' en quired Blake sternly. “Got 'em up the’road a bit,” said the Yankee: ‘Jhey ai,e stray hor ses.’' he added apologizing!}'. Blake put on him mod peremptory trimmer, j “Stray devils!” be cried; “you kjuiiv they are j not stray horses. If you don't gut down tlds j instaut, you rogue, 11! rcpoit you to head j quarters nod have you -hot for a thief.” The Yankee jumped down a- quick- as light ning. Blake took hi.: place, and alter arce little trouble in avoiding the enemy's pleads, brought two of the horses safely into our lines. What Ijjoauie of the poor fellow with whom lie swapped clothes it is impossible to say.— Jlichiiiotul Arm/iow. Lent. General R. A Anderson has been per manently assigned to tbc-command of the corps lately commanded Vy Gen. Beauregard, Fit art Vißutstv It is thonght tiiat Grant Is engaged again ai itiiiiing ;t- Bet^rsbutij. The pvoid'c-uf Wpstt ra ’Virginia bm ir.q-h; j a full teat of Yankee rule, are said to I*e (tad; , ing to the ConledoiKte army. Bettor late than never. 'i'he i'ankgo.i in Fauquier county, Vu* :.>-e c- nimilting outrages beyond all previous ex ample. Tim waves of Mosby’s men ere 1 eieg driyen irom tinTr' homes and their property ilcstroycJi. a!i .. l'.sUereon Allan, chargcil with carrying *a t o:.;-■eeildc corri-dpotKicnee with p.-rsi.-n--, the l.’nlted Staters, app.inT:->l before Jird-y- ilhlybiirtotl in Richnieinl (i-T ; ci)i, aid li Tawed her recognizance in Hie rum ,-f one hundred thon-'nml doilarv. iviHi hot husbutal ns surety, for lior ju-'i'HonaLtrppcarani" on fin ! -t!i of !),>,- -m'oer next, when the ease wiii 1;j lic.-ud. T he U tita,r. of the GrtaHot'evil o (.'hronii'le -- ij ; h- iias enquired p.rnrutaidy into tin* i b.ifue of irrt'-i-ipei-'Hicf again; * Gen. and Ue i.s eutiieiv ' e.iiflt-d ii i nfitnie End by The other day as General Lee was riding along- one of Hie streets of !'e!er- burg, iie iiem and e I .Hr row in a where some voidh ra were (Look aud engag’d in a ‘‘free light.” Di«- 'monnl-infr, tiie General rushed into the house, but i-he men, seeing' liinq ail made their escape except a burly fri .iimari, whom several of t'e in Imd been beating. I ’at, seeing e.-’capo impo - slide, put on a bold laceuud cxelaitned. •*Faith, end I am delighted to see y m Genera!, for theno men tea i doubled loams on me. and. but for the coming cd v<mi' Kivciai'ice J would have got abating.” Tho General v.*es sotaii- u i>,ick by the impudence of the f< liow Un it be mei'i ly oi'd red tsiiii back to hls qu.arUrs instead oi the guard house. .On Nov. ti'dh, General Lomax repulsed two attadirt of Hie enemy in Warryn county, first of one brigade with two pieces of artillery, then (>f two brigades*' with six pieces. Lomax's loss slight. . ii was an atVair*of cavalry. Moxhy,. operating in Bh<ridan’s rear, has killed, wounded and captured TOO of the eng. my. since ihe.y commenced moving up the Man assas Gap itailrtejd. Among hi- latest captures is-tho Yankee Brnpulicr Duil'le. T liese opera tions liaye cost tins wizard of the middle fur men wounded and one captured. The late lighting South of I‘cterburg remit el iii" the enpture of over seven hundred j.ri-;- oners. while over live hundred were taken lies side of l?ie river. (lur acquisition of arms. ,v.-, wtvi large and vabutliie. A lew days since, olte of our WUeric*) near ! 'et-ei‘f.|nirg wag temporarily eajitimal by cc gang oi Vankecs, about one lmnd'cd in uuniHcr, who came into our lines osfetndhly as deserters wit ii out visible arms. As r.qon, however, as‘lay were in pistol range o* (lie ha'ieiy they iinboUorteil j ti kels, and with eeel;ei! liv e t.lmoi ers demanded a taurender. A Uur.tcderate in liniry tori U, nearby, coming up. tin- umk--'-? ju'iideiitiy skedaddled, wi'b iois ii,- do nofi bun J N ii iranld li.%sIi.%s resigned hi? no-ritiou uc clerk of tiie linaneial bureau of tiie i‘o.-;t-(i;ii -e l)eparfm«ilf, ami i’rot. Himol-ry, fermerlv liiin islei'of the United Stales m Ueuirai Aincrica, Ol Louisisnn, lias been iqijiointcd. From por«on» well a>-ipmintod with the gco graphyof Dutch gap, through which Butter's ea# imt is ie jiig < us, we have learned Rome iaeL-i which will ejinide Ufa reader to understand tiie etiamcler ami magnitude of the work BuTL-r lias muieifaken.'. Tiie isthmus known ns i>iilrli g; p. wl.ieli ‘Karra, s isiami' with tip' ui,un land..., portli l.ank ol tlm riv.--:. ■Sk*Xltfiiii_H.‘i» hoU'il'.-d yards acre-s, Jnliig eighty feet Togn itw-ri SM-Sfoam! sb.jY ing down to the river on the .'-as!. Tim oau nel of the river runs against I.lm west.-id.-, stril;- oidiipiekj'. Just or, t.lm simni at this point tip* 'waf, v is from twelve to iifi. : ,-n bet deep.' Tim clianm i being on Ibis side wilt greatly aid-Butier Hhould lie ever coni),lete Id-, canid, as had it been on tlm middle or on tie opposite side of Ihe river be Would ha.e been obliged to construct a breakwater to turn tiie stream into the e inal. Wo learn ho is cutting diagonally tiil'on,.:,h tin: istbimia, b'eginnin;*a iinniired ynrd< inflow its narrow ext point, and designin';- to come out at lh« j.oint wlicit-tin: c.iamnfl strikes the banfi.- 'J bis will give his canal, if ev-r finished, a length ol' about three he.nderd yards. -As w stated on a previous occasion, we have reason to believe, that tin: canal proper has been be gun, the ,-ut to the water’s edge, which i„ a necessary preliminary, having not yet been more than two thirds, coni'ph'B-d. A number ol deserters have Lately c>'.-nm into our lines, embracing every branch of the Fed era! service— infantrymen, cavalryi'ucn anil marines. TTie former report that the Yankee army was exceedingly demoralized on tlieir re cent retreat Horn the Boyd plankroad. Grpnt s official fdatcme.nts to the contrary not with standiitg. 'They also state mat every available • team with Ihe army was used to cany away such of.4he wounded as could not walk, and that many of them were so crowded as to ren der their condition anything but comfortable. It sqems that,a lu’osf, ludicrous mistake ijg currrd itin-ong lire Yankee's during Grant s .. rand reeounoh ance. One brigade of Yankee.-:, lately arrived in the Army of (be James, -.ind unacquainted with localities, became sepamb and from tlic. rest ot Ihe troops iu the advane-' on tlm B-iyton jihiniu'oa-l. They wandered around lor some time in tin? hopes oi meeting with tbir comrades, Sudde liy however, they came out upon a rail road - -'the Bouthside railroad, of course— the, very load they were looking tor. Tttey set to work upon it in a tail e, and enthusiastically tore up about a mile and a half of it. Sud denly they bear the whistle of the train. They wait for it eagerly, ready to pounce up on the.unwary passengers and satiate them selves with plunder; but the engineer*se-.s danger ahead, aud stops the locomotive with a shriek. The Yankees had torn up a mile and a half of Grant's new railroad, just iaid down from tile vicinity of IV teiadmrg to City Point It is said that, in General iiulioue's affair of Sunday, • let doth, some < f tin- Yankees were so surprised that they were taken by (he arm and informed that they were_ prisoners before they were aware of the proximity ol Coaled crates. A private letter from a.lady in Clark county Va , gives a sad account of the suiferings of the people from the Yankees, and the heroism of n, r Soui hri n ladics .-The k lit i i;;>!? that tin y jid'l desolation in their track. Many persons are without thenccessariis of life -aud ol com sc they swept away ail luxuries, destroyed, all grain, and killed or carried ell stack ol all kinds. At the house of the writer, they kill ed all the sheep except six; killed twenty hogs and fifty turkeys: bioio-open the meat house .ajul took all the meat: di’slroyed ail the fruit trees: lore the carriage to pice, s; and carried away all the hay, oa'ts and coin. The lady told them to take jiti, for it would not subdue her spirit, and that not one tear would dire shed over tin: 'loss of anything save friends Three went to the house ot an old lady, nearly eigh ty years oid, and rot,ln and her everything. For tlnve days she had nothing to eat but green corn ami salt. 'Three ladk s kept forty ot the brutes from entering their house by stationing Ih,'tuselves in tiie door, with knives in men band's, ami telling tlmm that they would stab ilia first man who entered the hon e. Ilmv. before resorting to these measures, appealed to their bumar ity b w noße pm-cut wiio had si.- t, rs. Tlmy only laughed, i and repin'd that l ley bid iirvrr Imard o: ucti things. The bravery o! the 'adie.- -aved tlu.iii. all,l 'tie I .viik'-i di l not entc> ■ A painful affair lirv-' oeeiirrwl in Rudimov and. ihe daughter of one ol Hie wealthiest citiz. has aijs'oiuied with an ofUeer WiODging to , un l of the best families in Baitinvire. 'Jim 1; dy is a widow and leaves her only child, a boy of two or tliree years old. The officer de.-ertr h.- wile, a lovely woman. There is no clue to their whereabouts, liK IKOI V LEG IS • sSCii-Mt ekbSUßti;, (oi H RNisbst, sues or la Col J Adams, of tool” fit j d !.f, rict a i'3 )€,usd . was uid Messrs Whitaker. West, Pottio, Ramsey, and , Giterry were appointed a commit tee to exam ine into business ol ia-. session. ihe a die wing bibs, resolutions:, ora, were ia trodnoed : iiiil to cue f.nce to certain lavra ot tho Bi.tte respecting wiits of certiorari, ai ,- writs of error in, Certain cases ; for" the Tar i | to extend tho time for t-x coll.-etors to niYo I tclurus until the first of Feb miry tnxt : arcsb j lutioii to print fitly copies tim resolutions j adopted by the Governor's convent .'on :a r«k>- ! inlion leityratiiig a resolution pledging Gem • j gi.t to a vigorous prosecution of tiie war. : ' 1 hambeit, Watker, Grover, Barr, avfl : N* ' 1 • ''.'nie.d ih.'gpr -j | Don of liu Governor’a m« scape relating to sad, ; convention of Governors ; and Messrs Mabry, Bottle, and Guerry, on tin: portion ielating iu* exiles. . 4 Am: morial from the banks c-f Savannah* asking l icit the lax on their eapital stork bt> ; remitted, was referred to the e .mmiUoe on financo. irorsß nov. , Hico lmndred cqiior, of tin’ Governor's. : mesHagc was ordered, printed. ! i /-a-, oof absence grauted Nicholson of Web ! : '-tvr. Huiilh of Rerrnen, Rambo of Floyd, and Lang- of Camden. Ti.e following bills v. .. re introduced: i,» amend (be act it>oiguidxhig tiie militia—rc pealiug tire ciauso subjecting men over fifty years ol age to miiiti.*, duly; to.amend the dls tißation act; to repeal all laws restricting tlfa i.i cotton; to define the lines be i.w. .-ii the counties of Muscogee and Chattel •’ hooch-*.;; to u.inend the act ter the lelief of, soldiers tain lies who have b an double taxed; to increase the fees of eounty offices one hun dred per cent; to amend the laws in relation to habeas corpus: for Hie relief ot tax payers, nf Hktrk. county; to amend 17!!fi, 1791, 1792,. 17T3 and 17! ; t sections of the code: to amend. 2101 section of the code : for tho iciiefof J U Frierson, to furnish corn I<> tiro people of and from certain counties of the State ; to extend.’ the time for the tax collector of Coweta cotta- , | ly to make Iris returns ; to change the line be | tween Rankling and Carroll counties; to extend? j Hie time for tax' collectors to make their rc j turns until the Kith of Fcbiur'y next : lo pre vent the impressment of cows, work oxfn. and' caiv.-s of the she kind ; so extend the*time for, closing lire liook-i of He tax collectors: until tiro first day of March, !,<6A p to repeal the act to amend the road laws of .Lincoln county: to incorporate lire .Merchants In-ui.tun! Company of (hdouibys; to reduce. ! Hn- number pi justices oi Me* peace and const*-. | Idea lo one iu each di.H r;cJ: to provide for," I ti iii it ■ vacancies in iff-* < tti v« of justices of I her. | Inferior Court ainijusticcs of the }>cace; lo tax. i (iisUih'.iies, imd tifrepeal all l-'.ws against dia ! tillalion; to |. peal fl'di paiagijdi of tho code? i to regulate the appointment of commissioners : io take intenigatorics; to tegul.tte. the sale of. iu.u'udiold and cooking nionfuls l>y administra tors, kc: to rcaulate lire dower of widows; to-, provide for a revenue for th • year 18(3.3, to make unili.i m Hie vaination-cf i.tav’cs in dilt'er cii*( ci,unties. The ' ?t.*—i .wfa* p; : there-' Mv deprived or privilege in tliisr geneiaj a- -a lulfiv. . Adopted. A i stdiition \v i» introduced r< questing the-, iinaueo c UHinitU'c to report a bill levying a., tax in kind for the rapport of soldiers f.iiwilies. The GovevnovV, mcs.-age was referred -to the, appropriate eoinuiittccs. Five hundred copies of tiie Comjit>ollei* (hinciai's report- ordered printed for the use ot the iloiise • Mr. Adams moved tiiat the unfinished bits!-. FmesKof.tbe Jit tcsMon lie taken up. Thex rifled that, this is a separate and di»2 tincl session, and all business must begin tie SIXATK ,\qv. t. The following lulls wore introduced : Biilia. repeal 'f ink section of the code: to continue ia, force on act for the re’ief ot banks and thet people, with an additional section allowing,, judgments to b-.f executed on all such persous, in the miiitavy service where the plaintiff i*. willing to take Confederate money. Leave of absence was granted to member* fron/the eleventh district. A resolution was of;',red that a committee hoc appointed to inquire into (bo prevalence of. small pox, and report. The House resolution was-accepted es a substitute, and Messrs. Cham bers, Bacon an,l Whitaker, were appointed au a committee on the part of the Senate. BOOS* —NOV. 4, . A resolution was adopted to appoint a joint} committee of five on the part of the House, and three ou the part of the Senate, to inquire in toe the extent of the smallpox in the city. On its adoption. Messrs. Gong. Mansnn, Hawkins, Eiwsoii and Mathews were appointed on Iho. part of the House. A resolution was offered that I. .J. Aired, a. renegade member of the House from Pickens, county, be expelled. On motion of Mr. Llill.'tk, committee of three was appointed to inqutre; into the conduct of Mr. Aired and report. The, commit tee consists of Messrs. Ilill, Worley and? Gresham. A resolution was offered that the command' .of Home Guards, 1 under Major Murkers<h, be ■umed with approved guns, and, that he bo, 'authoriz 'd to raise a regiment. Referred Military Committee’ A resolution to advance $5,000 to, the State Printer, was adopted. The J louse then look up bills for a second" reading, A i, solution was introduced requesting th». establishment of a mail route fiour Hamilton, to Kelo. The following bills were introduced; a bill to legitimatize'cerUiu children ; to allow the.* tax collector of Spaulding county to appoint u. deputy; to render administration on estates un ni—essary in certain cases, and to provide for. tins distribution of ihe same; to amend the p rial code —relates so persons convicted on the evidence of one witness; to allow the Treasures of 4,e State to in ike certain ces —provides that the salaries of all civil ofii ceis be paid in ti per cent. Treasury notes oG the State: to amend the act in reference to the sale of fugitive ;-laves -relates to slaves from.; counties ill the hands of the enemy; to relievo, tax payers - provides that win re property has been riven in and afterwards stolen by the en-, cinv. the lax shall be remitted; to prescribe tin* tax on banks, and to refund the double tar heretofore levied. SENATE —NOV. 5. The time' of the Senate was occupied in dis cussion about the small por, find the propriety _ of adjourning to another oily. • not a*, nov. •>. Lillie of int' • ■>?. ,ve rather an amusing, -'mail Pox episode occurred in the House afternoon. Mr. Moore, of Thomar.. introduced a hill for raising revenue for the political year IfiCS, ar.d ; !,,,• other pur pa- es. I provides that riicli a peiry i-ent. -ball be co’i, . ted as add and toother imam? ; provided by Hm General’ Assembly, will sup-, > t,oi; tin- G«,v< ruuicat for the year, provided then 1 amount of taxation sbali not exceed one-halt' ; m one per o ut. TL- bill exempts tliepioperty I ~, officer.-; r.siJ soldi, rs, ami the widows and w i ./bans of dec • .“-‘-1 soldiws, and the wiik>w» of t fimso whose sons are in the army, upon wbosz 1/hey depend for support, ami all diaabied s<il - dier ;, to the amount of dollars, piovideJ aucb parties aie uot worl •> over SIO,OOO. The bill authoriz.s the Governor to sstLq