Chronicle & sentinel. (Augusta, Ga.) 1864-1866, November 16, 1864, Image 3

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citizens whoso fortitude jn captivity illustrates the national character as folly as did their val or In actual conflict. KMJ LOYHEST Cl’ SLAVES. The employment of slaves for service with tlio army as teamsters, or cooks, or in the way of work upon fortffieations, or in the Govern ment workshops, or in hospitals, and other similar duties, was authorized by the act of 17 th Ftbuary last, and provision was made for their impressment to a number not exceeding twenty thousand, if it should be found imprac ticable to obtain them by contract with the owners. Tho law contemplated the hirinjr only of the labor of these slaves and imposed on the Government the liability to pay for the valuo of such as might be lost to the owners from casualties jresulting from their employ ment in the service. This act has produced less result than was anticipated, and further provision is required to render it efficacious. But my present purpose is to invite your consideration to the propriety of a radical modification in tho theory of the law. Viewed merely as property, and therefore as the subject of impressment, the service or labor of the slave has been frequently claimed for uliort periods, in the construction of defensive works. The slave, however, hears another rela tion to the State : that of a person. The law of last February contemplates only the relation •f the slave to tho master, and limits the im pressment to a certain term of service. But tor the purposes enumerated in the act, instruc tion in the manner of encamping, marching and packing trains in needful, so that even in this limited employment, length ot service adds greatly to the value of the negro’s labor, Haz ard is also encountered in all the positions to which negroes canl»c assigned for service with the army, and the duties required of them de mand loyalty and zeal. In this aspect the rt l.i tion of person predominates so fur as to render it doubtful whether the private right ot proper ty can consistently and beneficially bo contin ued, and it would scetn proper to acquire for the public service the entire property in the la- bor of the slave, and to pay therefor* due com pensation, rather than to impress his labor for tiiiort terms ; and this the more especially as tho cficct of the present law would vest this en: tire property, in all cases where the-slave might bo recaptured, after compensation for his loss had been paid to the private Awper, Whenever the entire property in the service ol a slave is thus acquired by the Government, the question is presented, by what tenure he should be held. Mhould lie be retained in servitude, or should his emancipation bo held out to him as a reward for faithful service, or should it he granted at once on the'premise of such service; and, if emancipated, what action should be taken to secure for the freedman the permission of the State from which he was drawn to reside with in its limits alter tho close ot his public service. The permission would doubtless be more readily accorded as a reward for past faithful service ; and a double motive for zealous discharge of duty would thus be offered to those employed by the Government, their freedom, and the gratification of the local attachment which is so marked a characteristic of the negro, ami forms iso* powerful an incentive to his action. The policy of engaging to liberate the negro on his discharge, after service faithfully rendered, seems to me preferable to that of granting-immediate manumission, or that of retaining him in servi tude. If this policy should recommend itself to the judgment of Congress, it is suggested that, in ndilHion to the duties heretofore performed by the slave, he might lie advantageously em ployed as pioneer and engineer laborer; and, in that event, that the number should be augment ed to forty thousand. Beyond this limit and these employments it docs not seem tojne desirable, under existing circumstances, to go. A broad moral distinc tion exists between the use of staves as soldiers in the defence of their homes, and the incite ment of the same persons to insurrection against their masters. The one is justifiable if necessary, the other is iniquitous and unworthy of a civilized people ; and such is the judgment of all writers on public law, as well as that ex pressed and insisted on by our enemies in all wars prior to that now waged against us. By no no have the practices, of which they arc now guilty, been denounced with greater severity than by themselves in the two wars with Great Britain in tho last and in the present century ; and in the Declaration of Independence of 177 G, when enumeration was made of the wrongs which justified the revolt from Great Britain, the climax of atrocity was doomed to lie reached only when the Ilnglish monarch was denounced as having “excited domestic insurrection amongst us.” • The subject is to be viewed by us, therefore, solely in the light of policy and our social ccom omy. Wficn so regarded, I must dissent from those who advise a general levy and arming ot the slaves for the duty of soliliors. Until our white population shall prove insufficient for the armies wo require Ad can afford to keep in the field, to employ as a soldier the negro, w :o has merely been trained to labor and ns a laborer, the white man, accustomed from his youth to the use of fire-arms, would scarcely lie deemed wise or advantageous by any ; and this is f*ie question now before us. But should the alter native ever be presented of subjugation, or of the employment of the slave as a soldier, there seems no reason to doubt what should then lie our decision. Whether our view embraces what would, in so extreme a ctyse, be the sum of misery entailed by tho dominion of the enemy, or bo restricted solely to the effect upon the wel fare and happiness of the negro population themselves, the result would be the same. The appalling demoralizaton, suffering, tliscnse and death which have been caused by partially sub stituting the invaders’system of police, for tho kind relation previously subsisting between the master and slave, have been a sufficient demon stration that external interference with our insti- tution of domestic slavery is productive of evil j only. If the subject involved no other console- ; ration than the mere right of property, the sacri,- | fices heretofore made by our people have been such ns to permit no doubt of their readiness to surrender every possession in order to secure their independence 1 Hut the social and politi cal question which is exclusively under the con trol of the several States, has a far wider and more enduring importance than that of pecuni ary interest. In its manifold phases it embraces the stability of our republican institutions, rest ing on the actual political equality of*!! its cit izens, and includes the fulfillment of the task which has been so happily begun—that of Christianizing and improving the condition of* the Africans who have, by the will ol l’rovidence, been placed in our charge. Comparing the results of our own experience with those of the experiments of others' who have borne similar relations to the Afri can race, the people of the several States of the Confederacy have abundant reason to be satisfied with the past, and to use the greatest circumspection in determining their course. — These considerations, however, are rather ap plicable to the improbable contingency of our need of resorting to this element of resistance than to our present condition. If the recoin me'idalion above made, for the training of forty thousand negroes for the service indicated, shall meet your approval, it is certain that even this limited number, by their preparatory training in intermediate duties, would from a more valuable reserve force, in case of urgency, than three fold their number suddenly called from field labor; while afresh levy could, to a certain extent, supply their places in the special service for which they are now employed. OTHKP. DEPARTMENTS. The regular annual reports of the Attorney General, the Secretary of the Navy and the Postmaster General are appanded, and give am ple information relative to the condition of the respective They contain sugges tions for legislative provisions required Uvemedy BUch defects in the existing laws as have been disclosed l>y experience, hut none of so general or important a character as to require that I should. Jo more than recommend then; to your favorable consideration. NEGOTIATIONS FOR i^EACK. The disposition of this Government for a peaceful solution o! the issues which the enemy has referred to the arbitrament of arms, has been too often manifested, and is too well known to need new assurances. But, while it is true that individuals and paities in the 1 idled States hsve indicated a desire to substitute reason for force, and, by negotiatien to st’p the furthor sacrifice of human life, and to arrest the calami* t : ; which now afflict both countries, the au thorities who control the Government of our enemies have too oft n and too cleariy expressed their resolution to make no ;>eace, except on ' terms of our unconditional submission and de graduation, to leave us any hope of the cessation of hostilities until the delusion of their ability to conquer us is dispelled. Among those who arc already dinposed tor peace, many are actuated by principle and by disapproved and abhorrence of the iniquitous warefare that their government is waging, while others are moved by the con viction that it is no longer to the interest of the United ytites to continue a struggle in which success is unattainable. Whenever this fast growing conviction shall have taken firm root in the minds of a majority of the Northern peo ple, there will be produced that willingness to negotiate for peace which is now confined to our side. Peace is manifestly impossible, unless jdosired by both parties to this war, and the dis position for it among our enemies will be best and most certainly evoked by the demonstration on our part of ability and unshaken determina tion to defend our rights, and to hold no earthly price too dear for their purchase. .Whenever there shall be on the part of our enemies a de sire for peace, there will be no difficulty in find ing means by which negotiations can be open ed ; but it is obvious that no agency can be called into action untiils this desire shall be mu lual. When that contingency shall happen the Government, to which is confided the treaty nicking power can be at no loss for means adopted to accomplish so desirable an end. In the hope that the day' will soon be reached when under Divine favor those States may be allowed to enter on their former peaceful pur suit.-;, and so dcvelopc'thc abundant i%tural rc .- >urcc» with which they arc blessed, Ictus then n oiuUdy continue to devote our united and un impaired energies to the defence of our homes, our lives and our liberties. This is the true path to peace. Lot us tread it with* confidence in the assured result. JEFFERSON DAVIS. Richmond, Nov. 7th 1864. dfrrfluifle it* ikniracl. G AUGUSTA, GA. HBPKEBDAY MO-IMAU, KOVPMDCiI 16. V* «* Always* s»op the Chronicle & Sentinel at ihe eu 1 of t*u y- ti-, or Ih .* ti.v.F lorv/.hkli it is paitl, of which th° iubsori-u r will.rut , »• nutieo in the paper, :>•» that if you wish taco.itiiiGc it ,*twi fs: I-a well to renew your subscription at Casttv.o tv Cuke bcio ♦* heliuicxpircs. Wo l’.*itJßt>tc!i:in;;c of a subscriber unlesshe Sives us hialonuci as welinshis present lulilrcss. W ooiily Ilftlc3.—The price of the Weekly Chronicle 6 .^£>l l’ inli. is j’x d./liarslor three months, twelve dollars for six months. Slat's! Sinics!! Sings!!! —The paper makers want rags— ragsoi eotioir men, flax, old rope, etc. Is every village thoro Otiyht to boa rng merchant, who should buy every pound of r:t, hr* ' an get from all the surrounding country. We would tike t- hear fiom any who will undertake to buy rags to make paper for the (’uuonioj.b & Sentinel. On receipt we will state price, etc., etc. • < H VN«IS OFIfATK*. Owing to the advance of every thing used in our business, wo have been compelled to ad vance our subscription rates a trifle. We say a trifb*, because the advance is small when compared with the price of every description of material we are compelled to purchase with which to can y on our business. Hereafter, un til further notice the rates will uo DAILY ruplX-UED MOKMSG AND EVEMKQ. 0 :e month $ 5 00 Two Months 10 00 three months 15 00 WEEKLY —A MAKMCTO SHEET. Three months v $ 0 00 Six months 12 00 ALWAYS, IN ADVANCE. A'l Papers stopped at tho end of-tho time paid for if not previously renewed. this novauNou’s mksbauu. To those who have r. ad Gov. Brown’s late message to tho Legislature, it is unnecessary to say that it is characterized l;y that earnest patriotism which so eminently distinguishes him. It is impossible to know him without being impressed by the sincere and truthful character of the man. There i3 a directness in his views, which inspires confidence. With out. a sfcado of ostentation, there is a natural anil quiet dignity in bis manner that makes one who is in conversation with him compre hend Beat lie is a man to be trusted. This is the real secret of his great popularity. He liasistrengtb with the people, not because lie Hatters them; not because he pandora to their passions; not becauso lie lowers his dignity; but becauso Inc people know him to be a thorougl ly reliable man. You know whero to find him. lie is upright,Tnanly, and bold. He never falters in vindicating the rights of tho people against encroachments from any quarter. He is pre-eminently a leader in the State’s Rights school of politics. lie upholds the honor of Georgia itiDlio face of the power of tho Confederate Government, as boldly as be maintained it in the presence of the late Government of the Unit .1 States. In that school he has no rival. He is in comparably, the most marked defender of tho rights of the States, that has occupied tho Executive Chair of Georgiy since the days of Troup. Not less emphatic in lira utterances, ho is equally resohVe in his conduct. Georgia Ins uovev bad a more faithful public servant. ’1 he rights of the State, the privileges of the people, the departments involving the financial prosperity of the commonwealth, have all found in. the present Executive a vigilant, faithful, and efficient protector. In le idfng tho late message of Governor Brown, this must bo borne in mind. It is im- to appreciate it as a State paper with out looking at Its policy in connection with the character and the antecedents of its author. Itfuis been friUci. ed severely—that was to be expected. Its author has been assaulted unsparingly. That surprises no one. But tho message will still rank with the wisest and most patriotic State papers, which have appeared since the opening of the war. The Govern 5V will suffer nothing from the shafts hurled against his position. That position is too high for the missiles to reach. His charac ter is too well known to be injured by abuse or destruction. Georgia knows her Governor, lto is safe in the midst of the people. The Message deals with great frankness in discussing the causes which brought upon the ■State the suffering and the humiliation conse quent upon the fall of Atlanta. It states with boldness the condition of*”"the army charged with the defense ol that part ol the State stretch iag from the Chattahoochee to the Tennessee. 1 t 4 exliibit.s the meagre provision made for the protection of such a country, and for the de fense of so important a point as the Gate City of Georgia. It shows that a force employed against the rear of the invading army might have sieved that whole district of country, and have protected Atlanta from the tread of a single hostile foot. Certainly, if Sherman’s communications had been seriously threaten ed, be would not have advanced. Tho obvious policy then was to employ a part cf the aimy operating in the Valley of Virginia, against Sherman. That would have arrested his march, and if he had been driven out of Georgia, the army under the command of Gen. Johnston would have held him in check. Most ceitain ly, if Sherman’s communications had been cut, and a large force thrown in f o bis rear Gen. Johnston could have co operated with that force, and the result would have been the destruction of the'invading army. This is ihe view of Gov. Brown, lie has expressed it in Lis J&ssage to the Legislature. He Lad a right to express is. Georgia had sent her sons freely Into the army, under the control of the Confederate offi cers. She had a right to expect that in the hour of her great struggle, all would be done for her that could be done. Gov. Brown, by extraordinary energy, brought the militia into the field, lie contributed whit he could to !hc defense of tho State. In recounting what had been done, it was proper that he should give his views to Ihe Representatives of the people of. Georgia, of the causes which led to the disasters which the State had suffered. It is not easy to repair that disaster. Where is the programme marked out so broadly in the Macon speech ? W here-is the retreat of the in vading army ? Whore is the parallel between the.rc-trcat of the French array from Moscow aud that of Sherman's a:my from Atlanta ? Has that retreat yet been comm- need ? Surely, before denouncing the Governor of Georgia so unspaiingly for his bold and indignant expo sure of the causes that led to the sufferings of her people, it might be well to wait until the magnificent promises mndo to soothe her had been to seme extent redeemed ? We shall nolice other points in the Gover nors Message. oovsnsoit B!tOWN ASD 1118 ABB.IILAISTB, The original thinkers—the bold innovators upon whom has devolved the high office of enunciating t£e new ideas which have revolu tionized tho opinions of mankind—have gen erally incurred the vindictive hostility of the ignorant and p: (judical. This is the penally which iliey have had to suffer for the inexpia ble crime of being In advance of their age and generation. Obloquy and persecution have been the reward of all reformers in re ligion, science and politics. With strange ingratitude and blindness, men* have been in clined to liate and denounce their greatest ben efactors. The hounds of calumny have been lot loose upon them, and they have been hunt ed down as the greatest criminals. The fires of martyrdom have often b-en kindled for the moral heroes who have dared to brave the pre judices of their time in defence of truth. Mole eyed bigotry aud prejudice are ever ready to take alarm at new ideas which threat en the overthrow of established opinions and usages, and instead of meeting them with im partial investigation and calm reason, to sup press them with the arbitrary hand of violence. But fortunately for the best interests cf man kind, the great leaders ot opinion, the invin cible champions of truth, have been made of sterner stuff than to bend to the fury of pop- ular clamor.' A Columbus maintained the spherical form of the earth, which led to the great discovery, against the ignorance and bigotry of his co temporaries. Galileo, though forced to recant the theory of the earth’s' motion on its axis, beford"the tribunal oft! e inquisition, indig nantly stamped bis foot, and in an undertone breathing the defiance of Ids great jioul, ex claimed, “It moves notwithstanding!” A Luther declared that he would appear before his enemies, though there were as many devils in the city of Worms as there were tiles on the roofs of the houses. A Hampden asserted the immunity of the ad ject from arbitrary taxa tion, despite the frowns of a tyrant. Subse quent generations have united to honor these immortal Lqrces and martyrs of truth. Bigotry and prejudice, jealous and vindic tive as ever, are now venting their rage against anew idea broached by Gov. Brown, Vice President Stephens aud others, for the solution of the teriific controversy which is drenching our country with blood. That idea is a Con. veution of Jill tho sovereign States cf both sections for the settlement of difficulties. The Union about which this war has been waged for four years, having bec-n the wotk of just such a convention, left to the free and independent ratification or rejection of each State, the proposition is to refer tho subject back for adjustment to just such another con vention, as tho States can no longer agiee. That as a convention of States formed the political partnership which has broken up in confusion and war, another convention of States, of tho parties to the original contract, shall meet to settle the terms of its dissolution and amicably settle up its affairs. Ta a calm and dispassionate mind tlifs mult seem at least a common sense mode of reaching a settlement of our difficulties. But instead of receiving the calm and die— : passionate consideration and discussion to which it is entitled, this proposal has been met with a storm of fierce invective aud per sonal denunciation 'ey a certain class in the South who arrogate to themselves all the patriotism in the land and assume to be par excellence the exclusive champions of South ern rights and independence. Governor Brown, one ot the hold and orignai thinkers who havo undertaken to grapple with this stupendous difficulty, and have broached this grand aud rational idea for its solution, is the chief victim of the malevo lent shafts of its opponents. Both his wisdom and patriotism are impugned; aud the vocabu lary of invective i3 exhausted to cover him with obloquy. But we would suggest that his conceited assailants do at least one Lundrcth part of what he has done in four years of anxious and constant effort for the Southern cause, before they undertake to question his loyalty to it. The blind vindictiveness ofGovernor Brown’s assailants is strikingly exhibited in a recent article of one of our city papers, in which the writer shows his utter ignorance of the sub ject under discussion, and his awn incapacity to understand the proposition which he assails. He represents Governor Brown as proposing that the question of Southern independence shall bo left to the arbitrary cud final decision 1 of a mere majority oi the Convention pro posed to be held When if Tie would read the Governor’s message with any degree of fair ness and attention, he wotJld see that Gov ernor Brown guards most carefully against this very conclusion, and only proposes that tho Convention shall agree upon terms of separation, to he left to the subsequent ratifi cation or rejection of the States acting as separate end independent sovereignties, or of the two Confederate Governments, which, as the treaty making powers, are to agree upon this mode of reaching a settlement of the difficulties between the two sections. • It is with peculiar and exquisite modesty, that a writer who shows himself blinded by prejudice and passion to such an extent as to be incapable of even comprehending a plain proposition, undertakes to deny to our worthy Governor aDy ability or even com mon sense.’ A discerning public will not consider him a competent judge cf either the capacity or patriotism of Governor Brown. IKOM li* CllS ItOAl). A gentleman who reached this city Friday afternoon, and who left tho vicinity cf Stone Mountain cji. Thursday morning, reports that on Wednesday morning at day-break, terrific exploifoES v'v.'c heard ia the direction of At lanta, aud about daylight heavy and rapid ar tillery and musketry firing wus heard in the direction cf Hough. te Ready. The firing con tinued up to 12 M., graduallly nearing At lanta. Scouts who !«ft Jonesboro on Wednesday morning, report that Gen. Howell Cobb, with from -six to eight thousand militia and threo brigades of cavalry, attacked the enemy aud was steadily driving them in. A soldier who bad been captured by the Yankees, and who succeeded in effecting his creapd, reports that there were not over eight thousand troops in the city. Parties along the line cf the State Bead, between Atlanta and Marietta, represent that the Bains go up io Marietta daily heavily laden and relmn empty. Two corps were at. Powder Springs under marching orders. The Yankees were pend’rg off the negroe3 and prisoners to that point. • Their movements are involved in mystery. The last foraging expedition went out Jtwo weeks since under Gen. Gerard, with eight hundred wagons, foraging in ' the vicinity if Stone Mountain, and ia Gwinnett county. They carried off largo numbers cf beef cattle, hogs, sheep, poultry, corn, fodder, peas, pota - toes and household furniture, and returned with about six hundred and fifty loaded wag ons—tho balance empty. They were consid erably frightened, and sent for a corps to re inforce them, which marched out to Decatur. Two or three thousand Confederates under a skillful leader could ha*e captured the whole expedition, consisting of about six thousand infantry and cavalry. The men were subsist - ing on two crackers and a half per day, and they were exceedingly ravenous. One of them broiled a goose and eat it, entrails and all. The twentieth Army corps relieved tho'twen ty-third .Army corps at Atlanta, which gave rise to ti e rumor that they were reviving re. iaforcements. In their several raids around' the Mountain, the enemy confess to a loss of six hundred aad-dighty-thres men, the credit of which belongs to (bo guerrillas and Texan Rangers. Major Graham with his scouts succeeded a week or two since ia capturing five hundred head of mutes on Cloak Howell’s plantation, near the-Chattahoochee river. Three Yankees who deserted Horn there gave him the infor mation, and one of them donned rebel uniform and went with him. Major Graham, with seven!y-five men, drove the Yankee guard, one hundred strong, protecting the mules, anil cap tured abaut ten or fifteen of them, besides the muh s. The Yankees sent a detatchment up to Can don, Cherokee county, a few days since to Lurn it. They ordered the citizens to remove, and fired iti About two-thirds of the town was de stroyed. It was' done in retaliation for the hanging of came tones in that section by our scouts. Another repost is in circulation in this city, which attributes the firing on Wednesday to the firing of blank cartridges. There must have been a large quantity of powder wasted, if the living continued from day-light until 12 M. The firing,, v/e understand from parties at Social Circle, was distinctly heard there, a distance of fifty-two Juiles from Atlanta. ————««CS* gaa-"* What -ig re tv'Aim'G for ? — ln some sec tions of the Northeastern, portion of our State, the mail facilities are very bad—outrageously bad. Congress over six months ago passed an act which if .carried out, would make mat ters better. It is the Pest Master General’s business to see the provisions of said act put ia force. Has ho done so ? No! 11 as ho ta ken any steps towards it? No! lie appears to bo asleep as usual. The Post Master General of this Confeder acy, instead of “ keeping up with the times,” or instead of keeping Hffrivs even in (he re spectable cijpdition he found them, lias taken retregrade steps of a century or more. For the past year, as far as the management of his department is concerned, tho public have been imposed upon ‘‘ in the highest style of the art.” His conduct is most atrocious. —: —-rraasg- Restitution. —By request the Richmond Whig informs an unknown “ Honest Man” that the’ two hundred dollars of old issue, enclosed by him to W. 11. S. Taylor, Esq , Second Auditor, as an amount due by him to the Confederate States, bos been deposited in the Confederate States treasury, and adds : If every man who has defrauded the treasury -would “ do like • wise,” we nre quite sure that our excellent Secretary, Mr, I'rcnbolm, would have to em ploy a few extra clerks to record the receipts. FilOSl HAST TKASISSSSE. Gen. Vaughn gives Botic-; through the East Tennessee papers, that the distillation and sell ing of liquor in such localities o" his depart ment as his troops have, or mayjhave access to, is ex pressly forbidden; and any peison or persons violating this order, will thereby subject them selves to punishment, and their property used for such purposes, to certain destruction. Last week,'our cavalry iu East • Tennessee were skirmishing as far down as Strawberry Plains, within twenty miles cf Knoxville, and too far. it appears, for their own good. On Friday Nov, 4 Gittem P the Yankee general who sent such brutal and ikring dispatches about the death of General Morgan, fell upon a por tion of our force at Morristown, on the East Tennessee and Virginia railroad, twenty miles this side of Strawberry - Plains, cud forced L to retreat, with the 'ops of four guns and some pris oners. He pursu a them for sonic distance, but without j gaining any - further advantage. They are now at Bristol. Federal reinforcements have been sent to Knoxville to hold that section of East Tennes see secure until after the election. The er etny ate at Bull’s G »p; and it is not believed that they will attempt a further ad vance at present. ~ , Morristown, the point at which General Vaughn is said to have suffered a reverse, losing four pieces of artillery, is in East Ten nessee, about thirty-seven miles east of Knox ville. The East Tenneseea Railroad runs by it. At last accounts, the enemy had at Knox ville two negro regiments, -numbering some 1300. ami about 300 Ohio troops. At Straw berry Plains they had two regiments. Between Morristown and Strawberry Plain's there were three East Tennessee Federal regiments—esti mated at 2,400 men, with Kirk’s cavalry, sotne 500 strong. General Vaughn's cavalry is reported to be now at Bristol. General Vaughn Las issued an order, that will bring bushwhackers, outlaws and deserters, to their senses. He says all bushwlrackers. out laws and deserters, in the counties of‘Carter, Johnson, Greene, Washington, etc., Tennessee, are notified that if any more act3 of robbing or killing are committed, the houses and pro perty of them and their friends, in the vicinity cf the place where the crime is committed, will be burnt to the ground. He now hss un disputed possession of Upper East Tennessee, and will certainly do what he says. In Chester cohnty. Pennsylvania, it is stated that not less than thirty mil's arc now at work manufacturing sorghum syrup The price charged is twenty -S- e to thirty cents per gal lon, .V, ■ - - • FROM THE NORTH. • The C. S* Steamer TaNalm-see captured :id scat-tied five vessels off Flock Island. A party of rebels Canada attempted to eurprire the water batteries at • Casting, Main., but were driven off by the garrison. Much excitement Ogdonsburg, N. Y., regarding an expect . ! rebel raid from Canada. Business wassuspended on tho fid, and the citizens was preparing for defence. A large number ot armed mm, suppose I to. be rebels, are on islands in the St. Lawrence above and below Og*lensbii*g. A suspicious steamer having on hoard forty men, pasted along the river close t > the Amer ican shore, ia the afternoon. It is reported that the Tallahass-. a atered the Delaware Breakwater o;: the 3d and des troyed several vessels at anchor l: .-re, and of terwardslandcdat, Delaware, r.r.d rob bed the people of a largo amount of property. Four vessels of war are now in pursuit cf t’ffi Tallahassee. Steamers for Europe took cut tv, > ; riiiious in specie. Gen.-Peek has gone to the Canadian Iron tier. The excitement (>t Oswego aud other border towns ccntinu- % New Orleans dates of the 153 th have been received. Several orders are published. Or.e provid ing for the general enrollment .on the 31st. All persons not reporting to be r.Trested and punished. Another commands tho city au thorities to dose all gambling houses, and ail gamblers y.ho ply their business after the Ist of November, to be assigned to active regi ments as teamsters anil cooks. The Lady Sterling, with a cargo of 000 bales of cotton, was captured off Wilmington en the 28th. A corresponpent of the Herald, •dating at Gaylesville on the 27th, says, Sherman's head quarters to-d-ay are at G iylesvilie. The army has been here live days, subsisting off the country around. A telegram from Nashville, the sth, vy*, n tire third tho rebel forces attempted to crocs the Tennessee river at the north of Binckwator, but were repulsed with considerable loss. A telegram from below Florence states that a large part of Hood’s army is stilt south of the river, subsisting on the country, - The river is rising—five feel? deep on the skoal*. The steamers Lucy and Anna, each laden with cotton and tobacco, were captured last week off Wilmington. Butler has issued an- order stating that by the direction of the President he lies assumed command of the troops detailed for duty in the State of New York— to preserve peace in the United States, protect public property, prevent and punish incursion on (ho hordes and insure calm and quiet. The Herald intimates that Sherman will return to Atlanta aud inaugurate an offensive campaign from that point, leaving the Fourth corps to operate against IP. >d. . * A correspondent of the Journal says that eight transports loaded with stores were burn ed at Johnsonvllfo. Cel. Sam. Medary died at Columbus on the 7 th. A telegram from Chb ago repc-its the a? rest in that city of several rebels charged with complicity i;i designs against the frontier towns and cities. Among them is Col. St. Roger Grenfek The police captured at a house tint Chicago two hundred stand of arms anil two cart loads of revolvers. The Democratic Committee at Chicago has 1 ssueil an address, affirming that the whole af fair is a trick of tho Republicans for placing the polls under military control on election clay. Sheridan and a portion of his staff were rr - coutly poisonhd by eating cheese, but recover ed under medical treatment. * A Washington telegram of thn 7th, says a' loiter from from an officer at Chattanooga on the first, says : Hood large, portion of his army has crossed tho Tcimes:;; o at Florence for the invasion of Middle and Ft: >t Tennessee. Gross’ brigade passed her*: to-day en route to Athens to head him rff. Sherman is pursuing, Gross flanking'and Thomas ahead. The New Yorlj Times of the tub has a trie gram from Boston, announcing the arrival at that port of the Kearsargo Rosa StPTboniaa with iheSurgeofi and right cf the crow of the Florida, captured*y the steamer Washington in the Bay of San Salvador, October 7th. . Fifty-eight ot the crew and twelve rfficers of the Florida were captured without the for; of a man. Tho Times contain i a report of i'.‘ward’s cjpeceh at Auburn on Monday, lie sayn the war must continue until we or tho enemy give up the conflict. Ho wan's uo armisih -no cessation of hostilities—no negotiation with rebels inarm;, lie cluiractoii/.is lhe Demo crats ns a pusillanimous faction and minority of the North. INTERESTING INTELLIGENCE FROM EU- ROPE. Tho Bazaar at Liverpool In aid of .the South ern prisoners of war prove;! a great success, four days receipts amounting to ten thousand pounds sterling. About rune thousand pounds additional were received by subscription. Strikes among the colliers in South Stafford shire were becoming alarming, titul a serious collision with the police had cecuiited. 'Lord Falnreiat -n has completed his SOili year. The depression iu financial and commercial circles showed little or no improvement. Failures daily mrnocuned. The Emperor and Empress of Russia passed through Marseilles on tire 21;t enroute for Nice. It was considered certain that an interview would take place at Nice between Alexander afrd Napoleon. Mr. Bunch, ex consul from Charleston, k ga zetted a3 Consul to Cuba. ANOTHER VICTORY BY FOItSEST. Opposite Joiinbonv clk, Nov. sth. I Via Corinth, Nov. 7th. ) Major General Forrest has achieved a great victory. He placed a battery above Jolmscnvrlle, and moved up artillery from below, and caught at Jchnsonville three gunboats and ten transports, and about twenty barges. lie planted his batteries at night, and open ed yesterday with eight pieces, and after an angagement of ten minutes the gunboats were set on fire and consumed. The batteries then opened on the transports | and barges, all of which were set on fire an ! | destroyed. i The engarment v. as terrible. The ercin'y i gunboats. Net a man U.) mfot .-term oi . :■ luce keif Cue..ay Gr-:i. Forrest has c.v,.<r.v and destroyed fourteen -transports, four you boats and : zenty burg -and thirty- te .. pi of artillery, .• r 2'V' '• to: f. o ~ • ever three ui’Hioas of dolkc • : ' Ouv loss is only team, n v.ovu usd, The it:in..ur;: amount of freight on covering several acres, will be < , . ... *•* li is bow being, and enemy caneo, | bank. DESTRUCTION OF YANKEE SlUi'l’iNG, The Chiekauiaguaga is play:.. . ’ . Fla Yankee merchant men, She captured Ik ■■ j A’bion and Lincoln, the skip si.^.ab.; . . and two other barks, which v;e .v lu- .n The Confederate steamer Olu. .... ... r.iroycd one bark aud tv. u .tev.e., * SALE OF CONFEDERATE LOInES ..... j RicimoxD, ITov. 11. I At auction to day Coated*..*. .'..* p i . i coupons, long dates, sold for : 27: > . ' coupon bonds, 7:); bonds of I.mi , 1: e. j coni ins, 130; do registered. 1. ;n■ j taxable certificate?, <;2aCo; four p ■ . ..: . ficatcs, 7la7.'l—uil with inter..! ri«l-L:.l. ••.'Also, cotton interest bonds, It:.-, Specie 27a28 for one at private . . .fiV I 000 eight per Ov-nt. coupon bonds, ■ t ; 122 aud interest. l.ETTiiil PilOM MU.LKiiUH'I tlfiklf. ( jyi'EciAUcor.p.KSPoxEKKCsenneuieu:. .in,,:.] A;i Ad lress on Peace by lia>. Dr. 7, ’ views and policy Advocated, «v. Miu'.spukyiu.b, .v v. 0. Rev. Dr. H. IT. Tucker delivered a vbb.v on peace, at the Representatives hail ; * He proposes that Georgia 0pen....... peace, by issuing an address: to the per:-'., cl the separate States Noitli, and LI :,t * ;i;;E dors be sent to address the p:o;:!e, a.; : . ;: the matter with them. Hisaddri'ri is ... vise chape of a letter from Georgia to the t.Uv . Now York, ia which he reviews the e;:.,. at ■’■ssue, and endeavors to convir.* N v that if she succeeds in conquering il ..lit by our extermination, which wilt deid-roy civil .liberty, and reduce the wh-rio i tut try to . despotism. He invites New York «r-s a sow reign State to interpose between tho beiiig. - reals, ami aid in securing negotiations for pence. To this end he would have a convention of ambassadors—which ho assumes that bet!.' govenftients may be induced to sanction-- fiom each Stale, where some honorable arid tration might be attained. The leading !■ ■ lures of his plan arc similar to that vic-.m mended by the Governor anil embed. ,1 i . tire resolution!) now before the llou ;e. T!i-r Yankee commander at KlJtoln Gt: Brayman, is putting the screw- to flu- .. .-•*..., He bus ordered that “hereaftei pic will bepoimittcd to remain within i. v - thmis unless satisfactory evidence is g , ,-a : this office of their having some Fy.;’!ii*;:;i m ployment that will support thenmalv*,-.. w. : dependent upon their labor aud ensure :|, l; Government from any burthen in supuiyiire them food and clothing.” The yellow fever at Newneia Las and since a change in tlio weather. 2_' CUMMEKUIAiJ r ~ ASK3SJSTA aiAUBJiTH. ■ VVeoklv tteyort a,-, iI. *■ 1 nancial Gold S2!IJ to 27 for on**: -,i . for. one; Sterling 'exchange -7.-7; no«8B 2ao ; Confederate Bonds, is *,.:• cent., long, date, 10 to 20; do. uliort fiv. 103; 7 per cent, bonds, 75:;aO; ts ~,* . . bonds,7oa7s;Cotton loan so-u-D 1,73; i p r : ■ Georgia bond;-: old GOO ; 7,2 ri 7U 7d fCuii.u. bia & Hamburg R It 50. ’• Cotton.—Fair demand; iliddliu. Ui ■-.■■■ Middling 1,15 k* 1,25. Dontariou.—-Tv’e imot-: dome tic: :■ 2 . } shirting 2,25 ; J sheetingT-iOH ; 4-1 lug, $3 50; osnaburgs, $3 25; yarns, .. .. : . . .. per bunch. Market stiff; good deimuidr . j *Fi/)UB. —£1,80 to 200 per iil.l. Gsuux.- —Wheat, 525a30 per bu-a.l; C7<. in the eas, from wagons, 513,50.i1ii; p- ;?, 12 • 14 : rye, ti 12,00; barley, $10,00; oats Gf.ocekies, Pkovisions, tee.—Bacon, .;. J/.'J ffi coffee, sls to 18 per pound; lice 40a50e. *, ■ u-.-.r 6aß; salt, — coast 50c55; Va., 00c05; Liv» rpy. i SOe ; tobacco, 1,50a5; lard t)3,57a-l; Mole.. N. Orleans, none; Florida $20,121,03; Forgliu:.-.' 7a9; whisky s4o<*.Gs pr gal; brandy :;Tsa?o >n gal; bagging SffialO; bar soap $1.75,.-2 ; cotton rope $6 : nails $2,50; corn meal sl4ais pvr bush; fonder 10 to sl2 per cwl,; shucks 8 to L per cwt; country hay sl2 ; tallow 4 50,5 pm lb; Candles oa,tiso per lb. by box; T : rei.-ir.e oil * $lO per rial retail; black pepper 10,00 lb; Tea 50 jo 05 per lb.; Iron,- jjWede-', 4,03; bi carb. soda, 4a5; sbvrch 3a5; dry hide: fiiad p; Ik; MapO’a CouNTitv I’boduck.—Gocdite'f. 15’j p it; country beef, 1a1,50 per- lb net: ; .ik, 2,25.i25 per lb nett; 1.50a1,75 1,50 peril; uetl; fiei-p $45-to mj ; kid 2,a3 per ID; chickens, .5.- eat'; tui ktys SlOa’s each ; eggs, butler, Sfc'a’J; Iris-b p<:tatoes. SB lib;. : I Sweet potatoes soalo per bush. • 'j«. K.Marlici- Monet M.arket.—-Thero has b <:*. ••luiry for Confederate Ponds duvi:•, weekend several tranc-aslioi-; la;-. Kten' place at former quotation;-:, by -l- tri o been enquired for, and his slighiy ad; me- <l. Below are given tl.e buying qaot-.tio! ui A., brokers: Four vet cent. Certificates I-no. 7 A: Notes $03.. Coni': lerate Bom!.; rn • frci; SIOO to 120, according to date. Bank Notes North Carolina $3 to 4 50; Gec.r..ia 52 ’SO to 3 00; South Carolina and Virginia 52 50 ;;> 2 75 lor one. Gold<s2l>; Silver s2l; .S'.eriin bills $25 to 20 for one. Cotton—Stock I! gbt. aud we hear of only on; rale during the week at $1 45 tor uncouples sed. We quote nominally at 31 43 to 150 fen uncompressed,"and $1 75 per lb. tor compress ed. Bacon SO 50 per lb; P > .5 per lb; Bui ter sl4 per lb;,Coni $23 per bush:!; Copp: r $5 per lb; Flour S3OO per barrel; Green HU-.s $2 per lb; Dry Hides $4 50 per lb; Sole L-vX er $23 per li>; Unpcr Leather Si's per lb; N r . S3 per lb; Peas S2O per bushel; Rice 73: p»r lb; Salt $35 per bushel; Brown Sugar $7 50 re; lb; "White Sugar sl2 per K>; Sorghum Syrup $lO per gal; Fayetteville Sheeting $3 75 p*r yv.d; Spirits of Turpentine SG per gal; Tallow $5 per lb;- Yarn $55 per bunch.— Journal t Kegro Sal. h. At a late auction sale in Columbus, a negro girl nineteen years old sold for $-1 700; ■ negro boy twenty-one years old. $1,275; a negro man, wife, and three children, SIO,OOO At a late auction sale in CL.trlt.-4 m, the annexed prices were obtained: a woman, cook and washer, with her child 5 years old, iikt-iy and Intelligent, $8,500; a girl, ninete n year? old, very likely, good .a r.nrdrt-; . : 7.000; a girl, eighteen* years old, cock ami v.ushci 55,000 r At a luio auction sale iu Savannah, tie an nex-.d prices were obtained, a woman $1 700; an cM man, $1,500; a young man $5,050; a woman and four email children, s7;6sofa boy seventeen years old $8,250. At a bite auction sale in Charleston a woman and five children, the oldest eighteen ar«l the youngest two years old, sold for 1-24 0.00 an average of $4 100 apiece. At a late auction sale in Oolnnil.-u , Cu., a negro man twenty three years old sold for 850 : a negro woman twenty one ycaty old 0U0: one woman and two chiHren 7,100. At a late auction sale in Charleston, the an - nexed prices were obtained : a woman twonty ' two years old and a child four years cld $«,- 000 ; a girl seventeen years old $0,003 ; a v’-l sixteen years old $3,200 ; a girl eighteen years old $5,000 ; a woman twenty eight years old, and two children, seven ami five year - old i SB,OOO : a man nineteen >•■•:;• old SO,OOO ; man nineteen years old $5,150 ; a mn 'o' ! year . old s 3,000 ; a woman t wenty sc en ye j old $4, cOO. • - ,y v, KsiiU:, < t Marshall C"., . i vc- execute i i or' v nl JJ, the 22:1 ultimo, tb**y cross v c . e river a few i-’i'es Lplov - . ' i ; ' . j rti :r*.(r, where ih.! . , . - : :I s’ Lund o( ' ; ;ted, I-nJ. fcrliii-id th<ui— ; y h.-.-.l made IV; in a isupv.ithe t.iizjns cf the river, : a, re! firing and plundering .ridisciiniinatoly. T u win'd the toiy camp, end'buc ; .. ' tlm tor; -, captur.d their .- ■: .-appib-sq killed 18 and captured . many ..-.the: avtic ( f value, all of which wore Uroe M :.kely to this side cf the river, with- Oiii h:..; of a leein. At the rime tho attack . s ; isiule there was ronie two hundred toties in the’ ctuviD— many of whom succeeded in : fifing iln-ir itv ape, because Captain. Smith n-eji onoit.qh to surround thens. S.icii of the )i* grexs captured at Daltdn ns ;i ..t r; el Miffed I>7 their maatois, baw ar ;•«.!. Wi-t.:-. i rrouto to bine Moun , •; :,i .rUuqit to escape Was made, but a'WcK •Ire:fiu rotu Ihe guard put a stop to' tho >c t s.nit of Hi ‘ attempt wus three : ilb-.i r, 1 ..evt 1. 1 wc>t|n*led. k Gov. Han in pef-x-d through Blue Mountain ,v . - ); bis v;r.y to tho front. T'. • t rep’a lito'from Seluia to Bins moi'.-t --.tlarl l» • a completed and an Office • t ,l. .-I oxs id, five miles below the latbu* re it is : lid U< u. B; reg red wil bis b.-aslquarters very soon. Mnj. U'ilfis, ids cb’uff'quartermaster, and some t.t . .: have already established themselves V . ; J. iksonville announce, the re- • ■ ( v .’.ry -.’.i;ldon to Cave ,'i a j'voiu u laid U]H:n Ihe State railroad. L'i:*'j struck lire road betwi *u Marietta and Vmir. • auk r tore wp several miles of thn ! t plured ala ! train loaded wiin .ut:u;...: mil a\:'i i a!.-s, wuich Hie/ destroyed; ■2 •>, ;k ’ a- up a lii tciinnt coiouel, a major, fori -:wo Y-'iu’tu- , tred fifty bead of lino beef ••fiU’.t-. 1 uis Mjr.verr.iint was made for the ppr psao oi c.->m*i'-g an Important movement .cf the army. . Vhv )•- :ny still continues to receive largo flic* .* dom: to its rimka, and if there ever was. a . : e v-d.’, n it win; able to meet and conquer the tY'letal army that time is now. The Camp of Direction for the army of Ten u . ■ is how f t Selma. A correspondent ot t’.o Columbus Fun says: “There is a cons’ lei : i;m>*b! r cf soldiers here waiting for trans po. -lion to tile i-. ni. which they will have to reach by v. ly of Meridian and Corinth. Tlio :.*. a will be .' t ivnicd as fact us possible to which they all seem eaxioua - i.i-pcciaUy is this the <:;\3e \vi it .<> I :t: -• mi , whose hopes arc high for home, victory. t .re i ral C. nerat Kilpatrick, on last Sun day, with a ht avy cavalry force, made bis li adqua: k-u- two miles from Van Wert, in Pqjk ewui:'..y, on tV* re-.-I to Rome; and all tho Yan kiecriv -I-;. - \v-ro foraging all ever that coun e. 1.. .-: i!. y .. re p othering in large quuuti if <•** < •->: • 'Major Min korson, with bis bat* t llion, i: id !.. i . - veral skinnisheu with them, ■'.\d . : ■ -r tv-.- icveto fight-', in which, we" iSftih Wo have been 1 the gallant Ma jor’- (.p raliis-.s m taut section of our State, t’ol: cc'. itv completely overrun by S’ r mo-a’s cavalry. Parries jait the front report that our army v,*e*> as !«•,(.uurbia on Sunday vveck last. Two utVisio!.- a .a- croo: sed tha rreer, when eur itriviuie.iit lAt and tlm rest were to follow, was the general impression. • It a re. son a •!<; to that the main force mu tbo tutrih of the Tennessee by this time. Tim key areurid 'l’urcnmbia is rep tv.ii !.i: dto be-a; fly .v. It diverted of forego; ~y if ru „t acviqi*of the Federate. It ■; b. ii-red the i applies tor the army are V ' i■: !•■.. tl: Memphis and Chailes ton roiul, via Uoiinth. 'i '■■■■ vreu'l*-i&v'Ce Valley from Decatur to F*.j.• : a de-.a. v.irel e.i.*.l a’scene of dcso •:i'j»n. 'i « ri*rii plantations stretched for . fpr" - like a Vast plain, . .:!i i- ’t*« brick cbnunoys of for— re fire. Every - I- ■'■ ;■ t v tliii vl .. A war. « rere-M VIHGIMA. * • from- the t all y re pres *■ i : • • j ' in c-endiuon to l re. •-• y, but *.villt no pri rpect of a v. .ttiicks.Sbciidan. On; arc anted so be in fine condi ii :: ’ : • ov ; : mm this offensive. T.v a. re . a,- a l Grant during his late atienq i on our right and left flunks, wus twcidy-re •.•'•a dies long. He must havo very* ambit io-: wlt very ill digested ideas, to nit i-.f t to frekt a battle of such length ot ar- C.acral Dix, commanding the Department of the East, lnus iareued an order granting fur lough'-; to solo rs in bis dcparbafint, unfit for field service, to go home to vote on the Presi— denlial oh etiou. i« i-s- •-*''< *’r KAA asm l um/mraaamßiawuai V; ANTED, ,V I. -a.-re ij'-*. 1 .re-uci- i:: Ting, a;;are -(-? ' ■ - - - re. ;ccl; reioul, or v v.;rn. a: in ;* ' -are' l a * Alhers, Q:i. AiI.VGAtKTIIA'I CHS V (SALK. >a; ii.S ,i.i 1 ■re •. 1 tou.-re Ccor !h Urcrt- • ’ i v • .vi .! .m;.fv ne»!. isr.;. wc • a ”1 ' in vi* re- ret While r*Jaln*. .. J '».. t ; v:.; : c J -:t c -rleiii’n? two nerea, \vrre occupied by lit n r: • ! _:*;•!! t (.'larch;-one oUic-r lot tv-.-, Wi ,r ;w lilts I'v.-e and oul built!- •;it!i ste- _ L'-iid heal ;• - i-'■ tV. . ■ni..:::i::i: -0 ama, mote m - J .Knv.rei: cW <.n, nil ui..lirrjlici. • >.■: - ■■ "t . .: Cretttls. o* Or-imury of -re ;.i .--.4 n.-(!,<: r.ibi-urty or the Irtu '«• t•! -V i> re - . I • .con davoi Milo ThUKo. ■ Ia _ I-. ' IJiIi.HLI.LE. Adm'r . ; ill -re:.', * i 1' > *>l Uiiihuwcr, ilec'd. • ■ . s. < Ki.mti.U'., Adm’r, !.'V11» lUUll'i'lV. EU. Aditt’x , -of Tiionuis Il.ghfftg—r v li.V. :.*«».->; l . . , ott-o 4 re : .1 :il] rei-i.r o! the Ore.mary t,f Ofletbon. - - 0 re...,: i- I. \iire-..j ct Wcullock, of sai.l . 7 :. : lyKovcmUcr, ISSt. within : . ' . : .1.1 of wrem-ht lrcunndc :-.t . :. . .. 1 re o Ire/c cy-'Uder l ollera. cySt.'l lii-ny oilier prtrl, .re '' 1 . may he u - vi:iio:it rcsioddellHg. ■ ft.::: :U : < t l'-oht. C, Dauii-l. fcil .• ■ : ■ etttof hrt>Benderedkom. t'relrt...rt: .: ■i ■ .. Ore.,: . l.i Sort, m. I*.. IS. Shop. A«. r alter «1 us t Wr.Otl-.iiip, *f hoae cu» t; dlu i uudr.,., ai.d ,i.itaiyl re.h -s-.vks t-l:t no'ice. # J.J. DiXIKL. * 1 w. .T. Ij.‘. *• i .".J. ■■ AdUi’ia. ref ylO £•«! I'', (i, O. TKXK, ) Qt.*. fi. <Vs oknKuiA.TriouhMoflboouN TV. ■■> « nos Emma X. Me • 1 • •.: ! »re, 1 «>" D.lii,o:ii-!i. all and singular - ■ and. •• i •dr, to lj at.d i V ( '<>■ ■ . • • *!:: 1 t>i :.v in January next, to •' ‘ • -v, -• , ’ ,-•- * *-. v.'.’j*/ latere should not be O.v- ... lutii Li,..-haturc, atoMceinAu* ihta, tide Jit. -t r c .u«>- r. ih i. nc. II . DAVID L. KOATH Ordba y. v? otj.ce to r .Vi/wNji ckeditokST ’ f " i-M Cor.:i (> tm ■ wcunf —All i-crsoLs having demand k ‘i- - : • • ■-* ; J • ' ;**“!> An :gt on, late of said county, (i x* a- a, r L-Tit' 10 rent« r iu to my an aoe unf :•! '■' WW -UK lo I>W ; ml all porasns iniLbtcd t> lid'i wi'i mike piyiii-Hit. MAJtY VV. ANUKKSON. I’-..- ." q.Sx QISICv/ i, S,i.lcr;cL. Up ;V. TUOTIOK. Ia X>r. K. -G Ti r, ■ .;■ I'. t<. Hriiitli, anJ t.i * Iv . J.m.-,- ) '■ .. r <rl l.iewlfu OeorciaV. v.-i.... :i. u. . t-:. of T-. jai.. f-.i.! to Sli« “«lt-- l’alai'-t rjiu!;e.-nri: lrl.n-1 ri-prm ntatlvce, who re • ... :.i 111-.- S- lit Ol -Mt::.-..1;U-i 1 u K her '„>• E/.'l- . ih..‘ — ».- :fthr tltft da'i: ti..r I. : ,-h .‘i Ij ’. IJ™ : i Oriln.-u-y. of lltirhu C< uutv. I . : to ■'i^lrlhu'U tli« a' ■ (lu. ' • <0 ■ ii I'-lmcr. Jotc oi «uid couu’y , . i:,Kx‘r. ‘W -v. : __ ■»v »S. ralrntr. Agent . r. il Ai: - fc-Mcol >:ary G. Wjil&cr. ' ’ I . : t L. ;■ »• »• : f • ■ .t•-• iUI lietatcareno-t --1i (I to nr t • • > i-.'tt ’td. to Adam Johtist m, Lsq . \x r .l. in .: J ■ f i\ O, 1.; birr lul o'-uiity, wit-in the thus j’fCß<:r,L-gi; 1 . '• «V\cLTKit E. JOHNSTON. trvlo r -- r. f-.;i:i-'i v*v^•'- r *o ri l !. ~ ■’ 1 it A • r : 101 l I tohr, ltevll Wxtk er. lata- 1 C r»ro required to md - ; 'vig«. •!; i '/.v.rc M- w si taid Ksrfaic-wl I’M ---G• ■> • Ada: E'j , Klcit . . j . U. : ■*» t. v ti c- tin * pi -x. -c - iry v;. _ WALTEit E. JOH uSTON. 7 o?2OCv. V’j Aclminystrun r. SjOTl'jk ' rueA.b.Wa V: *, ! n -.f j; c':." ■ • :l . dtc'fifod. are r. qmt«d to mrw f.-T" ' *: "vc. v.vD -• cij oa.n-t Es-utc.arenn rued, Kic't r ; •:v . . .1. ..... '. tic uaty, tvitbin the titnnp. «- f t.v : ‘ ADAM JOiiNSTON, Vr'tT-m: Pi Ml V. t; . • ;‘L 'f WR!»m K. T. Viu r 1 ’ fide. ... .ly. • ■ -•-1. are rfcrv.rcd to J.-... • :.f •. : .' c. •«* agaiivt JT.ul Eetate • ; r* : v, t - v tv. . duly ai* U.i tn the node r^gned* li . . • , 1: \ V. T#..n sh, tIIUO • . j.»’« :tiSTON, * V. ; ! A iffiinHPfrr -V't/iTO;.. ! iS \ • * . ‘hi Ctnid. or OrJinarv c! Line * ' '—f • ■a. er the* cx xv.o t* - r letve t-. :■■- ' - : : - ' \- '. ’.V-' c i «.';i i,t> t li ff. ; • • 1 ’•! tU. U-U' ■’ MAil-ILiL U.CAVEIi, J UvVi j A’i-Uu. i ij V‘J \.I. -I!.*.