Chronicle & sentinel. (Augusta, Ga.) 1864-1866, December 14, 1864, Image 1

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■ Cy t - > N. S. Mi him:. Chronicle ;V c >niiimi. TEii \i *f||W \VU!(>U rilJlOMl l.i: *« v.:\i As * I/I tM' BM• '•! 5I» I' V I':: V ..I>AV. -I. \ v I’HHhl v|o\ i!M > 000 hi \ wo\ tis * r i : o<> * aj.v/.-. \ • j : s ;>va>;< i;. UK! r.l.i \ l>V 1 :il i1 -! '-.*l JJ VI K*. (I tm < 1t» '.» .c: “ij ’■ I . :,::i,.- n i> S<* i. i4tN . r «;*. ■■ ■ '•’(.«• ■ ,r • iW'Uv fie ru't s', ■■ fii. it. . •*.l w . .' ■uiroikt « i “..I r 1-, T 1 lr. :,r MMU.ilVll tt. VS Vw,' 1 r .1--,.. nV!t»n Palma'!.! W'.i-! ti ’ , : s-. •ne ci»\Mjii'j HiiAii.i uti mp’, tiauU i Uar . jU-iiif*'-:sty h.n m > I of tt-t . t.-vr «. teuMik ,Yta;!. t .-.n to uiij.divrr. I tn-. - 10 •* of (be G.Vvr; ;,er which wo ;.•, •. ■,i-* k t to onr re.lderi last w.■ c’: V; h,\ huTcd in vatu through its a* si«:l« to end a . it, 1, tr«« ,4 mo her, ta,tie.-t r> -; ...ill op, or , .-in •!. •■•. !t di-hue,l or sensible ,rbj.‘. tim to th I nuim-nt. Aft'-i a thoronsh t:■ n, u, vv. 1,,..'; . n uu.lbid to ,1L cover avert the ;.t ■>, •umcfit or H, Jh&dow *»»' a t.inrible it.j . > ~i th ■ ;..ih t ,f tin; lues-a o In It, •: ■ 4 ilo- . it.,- i.-.01.-i i treated Iu tl t i--1!..I tlij,|,in; 1.1. ti• V,itlioili |xiiut or relev.-m.-y. G.mtiunpt-iour dojuiviaiioii i,it oil for h»!r ctilicltin An I an air o! nil',vie,! rn |ii.iiorlty id a-.-m., ,1 i > i io.i'l ti..- -,.i il-.-i-i -. |„»v «# ly ol uigimir :.! ) m ~i, •• 11,.- • inns ,u tin, reader tli F be i ; nil > ■ i -!!.-, 1 nil i- inti i-utu patftl With whom Jntn'-ph K. Brown inn ill trilleetiiu! |,i ?Miiy. He also all -, l-i nli 1,-mi y i'.i ri.R.'ii nn -i that eannot endure Hi • plain It.!- Gem'hunt :it > to ill ituc worthy Governor. •It/,, Constitutional: •! l. t|,,i t i;i:-,i (lie toin.-vi tv of Gov. Blown i-i daric to il .-o! t;,.ift :t v.- <otllii!<'i)(lali,Jli of Hit* I'rc.sol.-oi, or io in.,inil.-ilo that !h liai;on.;lltUt! I. pji .-!, bit ; ve tiarvet mo i tovl.-.l l.v ,li mi-i i- lons protttiiltv. it ttouiil hit*, ,* tl.. jot.* pi,,;,,1^,1 ilcfcrrtUi'O pji.! to 1,-voiy opini ~ | ntto. slice of ttio I’ro’Moot. 11l i, piM hv 1 1 -.*. ft sll in coiirtioih to u:i oi i pii:,: It cumnt <ni tture too ul-,! tool. . .t i ... n , linn o| tbd opiuioii:) milt ij ~i ,|i itM -:j il t:<•-, uli, to W tii-t, we to.ivo hoi Otoil.l 0 I .Oita, , •claiui.i lm thi. ;,i no .-Jriin li :i i, -m nil oriti. i :iii te,t it mis-lit in- ooiHii fi inio on iinpiitsiloi; upon tiio wi.s.l. iu ,i [ .1 1 i..t i- in , ' 110- l*io. int With t lie intcmpivstii Mint « r..-,v o.aivei t’ Maims lor it-! idol Ho' nttiil .-I iulstli tiility; mi. xempilou ii.mi tin- oiitio.ii;. frailti , ami error* of Ininisii:’ v. - p irti. iihuly ~‘c<‘ro on Oov. Blown, tor Inn in-f imli t.-.t a no ■e to the l.esleSiltinc, tii-vi-litto its ntfenlloti to it ft' •■fin >< tin 1 |>;iiilio wol.'src, which in iin ji!i|.;iii,‘llt itein,nulcil lio-ir i-oiisicionilinn and their in tion, c.:. a tii.ii* win'll ii,,> ciii-niy wns tin' Bt.'.M, ami appu'-iu-hiu;; lit* espitol. 7U*mi y,< ,.'.t mo hir :n to imiliuuiotiiift at sui !i a moiiient. of iinminenl peril to tin? I’omiuoiiwcalfh. for :!,!;«! , ; hi; lo the State,hostoppeil to ir.ilul,-;.' fi ■ 1 i:■ os o: pei -oniil acrimony to'eaial i tile I‘i , i-.i'.,1. nt. <>ur u.-: ;!i --lior apeaLs of the ftovernnr as n eoiiit-il 'ini •fhmppoiilti'il in ah, animal i ! I.y | ~ aul jsirjuo utt.l animosity naain.- t ft., i c«' V> e wottlil like to know wli.'-.* :a he I •'.!■• • o rlB .p.- jiolnteii, or v. li it i a.-, i. tie !u -to int i tain nn> etli'ii IVeliii'-.s ! i I',, i.ieiil l' .vi He has te.eivcil ail tic twei a.-kr.l ul tin* Imitih nt the people, am I certainly Ins nr>, a i.ei a a Fiippiiant ior i-iei iilii, ia,,o. Ait Hiie mi rmu'Ole about tlh-app->irji 'l :ie. l t,;tt,>n ue r,; mi ua ignore vhet 'ivicni il wuisti i > • i.ii vt to tins st-iui oih'oil p’oillip nuu ,■ ta.e-l to ,-r --i\er foi t!ic irov; iiunent oi in. Sileh a. • , , in o.ily lie i,",i!ili'if vi’nii lieilsion l>y tli'He who i. oov. ; - Hiii . o tloV t'.iOWli, of Ills parity ailil oi purpi -a. i{oi,t tiia entile mol ;u ile ' lie\ o!o»ll '• ■ l pi ; tie .O'lvfee, no t Hi- .1 • ■ ol l.i • i or y Tile ilislnnxiiou th it h-< il l' li a i-!.- a. this eiitha' maju. a', io in in! '- in personal jiitjUrt, i.i fli.' Ilf", hit of !!:•> if ‘iilt. e t>i lln Dtutd again :i tlif ('<lllllll'li i ii< lay, i :m|-lA pt'ep'WtOl'itns. Hi 'i| .' l i li 1:1 ill bile.' liut every available 111 ill ill lilt' S'.tin i,> i, ii j the aJvan..M.t :'lierin.-iti. .i ;.in>-.iii ynd ip jil'Ci lilted by .-.'l yvilOii" '.I :«!.•<•[.!> l.n.i'l Hi. cd ill 1. 1 "i.;ii ; .' 1 )' I iminii"'lii pal'll'’ fly I it? Out fpc-llt* I:! i I" Ill'll Coll I'i ill t ot tilai. On Ihi-i .ml lul l lli.-s I. -'ml .. Ibeii i..i fit flliti.'i.l .11 > alii i " i ■'> I;' treat weak ot esielln. i! iinmiii Iminimi r.oil They cuWli.ieiitt> i.» had i. iHifU n<?» ttr y J * *»!•■ I’.- in to «i* Telit Eli : till.lll. A lit alf 111. IK. ! Ir liaS liti.i.'i lit l : i Uni. i.Ai and al- Late *<aiOnt the m.iat li. iMiai.l yi.k i y . i ; hr* mu l-.Oii. But the Cain iiiiyii..ii.i.i. A elite.Ay fail. dt ■ teke lasue with the x iii.-u i.t i!.i m.-.-*..;--. whi-h it UiiJfi t.yl.i-l i ..'I I’ i;i; i.t l!.' «(U«dUotiu mutrr it’.:i ■: i H In- i.i thim* to ii;ty ulmilt theiiiMniiii'n ia l .iilii r. ii., !‘:■ 10 repeat all esimptten • i.| i■!;.• .• •. if j-ei vns. •auit to rift ill li'iii Hi** di-vu li. ii la i!t tail nil: * UM» of lelieion, cditots i.;*.l printers ui I'.-yy; papers, Hint nieu ttie i ll'., ii t ii i Still..' guv eminent, to pursue theii |»: . . i,.! di-i otiuree their official «lnt>> s. W. -Lout.l Hi.-.' !<> hear trow our ihsUihl- ron ii. r ; ,t., i> it iu lavor of delailin.: >di’—. and primers; of subjecting the pit :.t to tbi dt-giading vas salage; of' this hip'ii han’t <1 invaoiotl oi ils tree |4tH ’ I* ii «iiihr wear collar, to bow lo t’ e yohf ot executive ikonmatitov, amt to bold its cliai tor to cxi-.i ;'.t the d-. re - . tiOU «Utl bidding ot the i'rssf' D i* toe. *on this sut'jett, lenvii'■ u« to i; hr ;. ii 11 eree assault upon the C..i\> i m i » u'e that it is cue of the (< yv unyipiipen. in the South which are willing I- :i:.Ci.i.> ’.he Hee tiom of the press, and r< di;Cv if t. .civile de pendence ou 11.i i v.ui. I’.. it alter ilevotiti“ oves a ■ -iuna of nt isO to the message, the Go,i .it - 't,.naii?. up with the declaration t'uat it shut! lint have an Insertion hi its columns, hat that its rentiers uiay look for the document t !seyy here. cur neighbor was yvo’t aV. Aie tL. A tii" ui.* it •elf would present the uioat . ompiete ir int,. f iou of its virulent alts. I; , and was evidently fluid that it ’would o*ury com i lion to the AUGUSTA, GA., WEDNESDAY jMOItNING, DECEMBER H, 18(>4. of ibyreaders if permitted to serif, is ■ Hi-; a sample of the treatment which even (h.veiT'Ors of States are to receive at the hands ul a dt,ailed ptess —Uwir messages abusrvl md ■ mi a. [ueseuted wilhout stint, and at the .same I Imr withheld from the public eye? if so, it will I. ■ i.eeessaiy for the£Ut( sto uphold ’ ihr fierjom of the press in their own defence. Thi : fdaiing install' ~ of unfairne i .and iijus ti,.,' is only a iiesh proof of th,' nee sity for a h-iii resistance to the attempt now heiug H ide',.l subject the piess oi' country so the i.rnti 1 of the President, and the prnpiicty of Hov, rinu i’.iovvn's protest at this time. • ii'.T , (lav v. vs Fvcboted.—The Postmaster 1 1 eii. id i.a< made a long report. This is what ■ 1 1. i.i a ppvfect right io do. H was just what was expected. In it he chows that he has ia.!.- 11:.' Post efti-'e Department pay into the iieaoury a profit of ovt'i a mHiion and a liall ot Jolla, >. from the picayune course puistfed by t:iiQ th- past year this was just what was V v pi!titl'd Also. Persons unacquainted with the internal ar raurcmenl of the I’cst office Department,upon leading Mr. Reagan's c.iaiempjit and looking ■if. figures, will think him some on manag in''. Init those viiio know bow the department li , been conducted, know full well that he is ii<> manager at all. His department has late ly tree'll allowed ti) run itself, and the only rear.hi why there is a surplus above expenses, i~ imply because many oi' the contractors ar ( . n.'t allowed scarcely any tmng for cariyii'g the mails, and the clerks me not g’ven salaries enough to keep body and sold together—to .iv nothing of their families, Just think of it ! a faithful clerk who understands atnj. di.f ebai;ii\< the duties of hi3 office, with a family to look afl.r, receiving the enormous sat iny o. about’eight hundred a yesr in Confeder ate Treasury notes. Outrageous to say the least. Old vvh \t makes such treatment the more oni i-agcais, i.s lids fact ; the man who is guilty.of -nt h conduct boasts over, it in his official re port by trying to make the public believe he ia r preat tu.uiaeei. Thys endeavoring (o (i,m li i m.-.'l f hipli in Hie eat! mail on (>f xuo pea" pie when if the truth was known lie would he • l-'ipi ell by every person who doer not be- I eye in Kussiau despotism and llussianserfdom. Here is another tiling to be' considered alrc! I'::e I’ost oiiice Department in all rountrus has hitherto been regarded as a public con, vj'jih nee. But the controllers of it in the Cna leiieracy appear to look upon it as a money nuking machine. The way it lias been man'- .'P's-i! .d;o«s that they cjirc nothing for the peo ple In point of facility and despatch it, has iiiii.ipi jili-J at least two ci‘rititrit'B since the war • ■ .hi. And the u:■ ion is simply Htjeause the I'.'.iiant ivi' ticnctal desires to show a.bigsui'’,- p!us in hi., ( fiii ia! report. N * We sp/rgest that be issue a supplementary r.'.iiit oi 1 facts, showing the public how l.e gives contracts lo mentor one cent—which in ordinary times cost thousands, said men of (* Huso not caring whether said contract is fid filled faithfully or not, as long as their end is .', vod. !!•' should also tell how lie compels nii’ii with families to live on eight hundred dol lars of Confederate Treasury Notes a year; in connection with this facta treatise on house hold economy word'd not he out of place. He old also ti ll the- people and he could do sf? .uni keep (mill on his side—that during the pad v ear in many of his post cilices, mads we)e i ii,l over for weeks, simply because the few < m pii’.yi i, .1 said cliices could not work more than twenty-four hours in a day, ami also because Ik- i (mid not allow any more help to said chi ii ■. ll he had done »o his big figures showing .a it profits would lie reduced somewhat. In i imnc.-iiou with this, he might let ns have a I ti.'ali: c upon the endurance oi human nature, bitcri-peiM'd with a foiv paragraphs showing ■ ihe I”- tunny of while slavery. Ha might also uhl hi his report this f act—if the public had : hern .u i oniiiicdatcd as it ought to have been, Hit r.! would be no surplus at all. io , imclii.-.iiiii we will remark—a great many of tti, ,' < fecial report}! would appear in a very di (. lent- iyi»t, if all the facts iu_lhe case were ;c lull'll v, ilh them. Tu it Psk.« axt> GoU. Brown's Late Calx.— The following correspondence i.s published in order ti) present to the Press of Georgia Gov. R own's decision in regard so the Slate Press, : under Ida Into call. Tbo first despatch was IY.-.-ived lioiu tlm Press of Coiambus. ".si,all the Press ot this city be suspended, ' an,! its members report for duty at Macon .*" Ihe Govcniov's answer : “It is not mv in tention t, interfere with thopublication of any uvw-p.ipi r or public journal in Georgia. No i* iitoi ,a- other person actually necessary for G:ai p.iij-oso is required to report for militia dm v JosKrtt 13. Bkows. ■ ~me id tii.'supporters of the administra l,,\e been so uncharitable as to accuse . Lmwn of interfering with the Press of G ■•-; -ia in hi.; late message. Here they have Id-, own answer to their charge. Will they „.., v have ihe manliness to retract .'“.Unless tl„ uv more in tlii.? case than they have l.reu io numerous others, we fear they .will not. Bv the %ay what a contrast leave wo here f,*'i v.vcu the course pursued by Gov. Brown and the course pursued by the President. The latter desires to crush out all freedom of the : ih ess. and m »ke that mighty lever of power siibseivieut to advance his own schemes of ,7 aisgrandizcmsnt and to abjectly do liis bidding. Gov. Brown on tlie other baud shows i v his acts that lie neither intends or desires, to do any such thing., 110 is willing his acts .should be criticised by his opponents. Rul : ing the State of Georgia according to the con . stitutiou thereof, he fears not his accusers, ft other parties in power confined themselves fi Fully to their legitimate sphere, they would not be quite so eag-r to crush out free speech, ldi tussion and free press. A MOVEMENT iS THS UIQOT DIRECTION. —GtU| in-'k Taylor has issued au order that all prop el ty taken by our troops upou the line of the ret ent mai. 'n. shall upon identification by the owner be immediately returned. This is a move in the right direction. We think the people oi Georgia are fortunate in Laving a if-neral in their midst who respects the ri ghis in the c'iti.'.eus, &ud who is determined that his soldiers shall respect them also. Long may he he allowed to remain among us. Hou J. H Johnson, State Senator, died at tis ie;iden.e. October Pith, ot fjphoid le ft J. TUB BA I t 1.15 OP li<).\BY 1111.1.. The S.iv*:inah Hepiihiintn terms t H .« kite light at lir.'diainviile. S. (1. the battle of lion ev Hill, nnd give, the ciHiexed detailed ac count of th'.' ; In onr account of this ;.ii,i'tr. in Tiuirsday moinin i■ -',(*, v. c ; (■: ■* of it ;vs a “drav.oi battle, !- ■!’i armh , i t med thi tight until dark. Vi e wrote with the i.fiicinl despatch of Don. Smith before us. in which his modi -tv, which i iv'. 4to 1 1 i H-’.it, led ns into error by witli'-.oV.’.- g i . ■ ::ue i-harat-ier • f the contest odli ■ r ! r::a i itilde o, lis - vit - ♦ory--for such it was, and, for the r.nmber.--. engaged, one of (homo l hrdmi.l amt i:tp..-r --taut ol the v. .i., It w-is chiuiy a. looveirn-i,* on toe part of the co■ air tu-co o;n iate with Slierimin: so ] >r,;•> a tore,, ■.. o■ 1 mvr 1., ve been sent uirnpiy l ■ cut th-' Mo .d> •• o l; -,i> rpai), wlien the Vs: k- es be’: -. ! '.! !> bed o fej.dcd only by I! i-oniji.iny of in. 11-Tu-y Hill i- about two and a half raih s cast o! tin- villagv ol (~ ..hsmv'i'e, Beaniort Idstiiet. On tile ci'i.-t of I ids. where lie., read, or highway strikes it, i. a .-•:-nii-i-irc-iit-ir line of eurthivorks, though in cioruructior. as they are too h gh for inianti-y and have lit tie or no exterior eopn. TliesV works formed the celitu, of our line on Wedne.sdav', whilst our it-fi, reached up into the.pinc lands with out protection, nnd our right along a line of fence that skills the swatnii Mc.v tlm batteries. 'J'hey Collin.anded fully Da: road in front os it pissvii through Hp' swamp :.t the bjse of the Iti 11, and only s.une tilort.iiiy yards distant. Through the B va.iiiji, du;hil!:,' •,visit.■, mouths runs a small ere-it, wlnVu spreuds up and down the road for ri me tidily or torty ytu ’f, but is ijuite shallow the vnUre di lan.’ -. Son.' sixty yar,’.-:beyond this creek tin l main roti'.l turns off to the left, making an. obi ns-, angle, whilst, another and smaller road in ikes off .to the right Ircm the same point. The enemy came, by the former road, anil turned the angle apparently beloiv they were" aware ol'the presence cf an oppc.dng foice. They eon, used of I'.mr regiments of vvlutiu ar.d the s:;me niiinber oi bkuirs. I’jis .ucrs, of which teu or twelve tire i# otir j. r-.e a'on, state that thi,. Im , . u led .y ■ eiu ■ - al.s Porter ar.d ti ileli; i'- of than -iy tdaie; al Foster v;as also present as ctiii'f of command. The negroes-', as usual, f'.’t'ni- and the advance, and had nearly ren 'hed t!ie creek when our• batteriesoptnod i.pon iheoi down Hie roail witli a terrihie voih.-v Of' .-pherioai case. This threw them nil i temporary eonfusion, tint ihe entire force, estimated at live thousand, war quickly lcstored In order and thrown into a jin}} of baHle parallel with our own, up and down the juiu-gic of the '■'.vamp. Thus the list tie raged, from It a. in. till dark, 'i he . inany s centre ami left were most, expose 1 and saif.u e 1 te'iiWy. Their light was jiostigl behind nil old darn that ran through Hu: swamp, and k maint-in ed its position till the close.of the I'vht. Our left war very much cxprse/l jnd an a;tempt Wasoiicc cr Iwii.e inade by the -. ueciv to turn it by ftdvai'iciny; ihrmigli th., .••.vamp and up the hill,'but they were liiivcn back \viihout a prolonged struggle. 'The cant re aud left of Hie enemy fuf :ht with a desperate iai nestuei-.s. ir.-v.'iv.l attempts were made lo charge our batterie-: arid many got r.e:i«'ly aero,s fkd sf.'iimiv, but in SVl'iy iuc.tiume, f.m-id I'll, kbv Hus , liii'ig il! t poured iqli Hicm frurn our lint's. V/i made a visit to the lield the day following} Hie swamp and road literally Htrewi: with theiu uv-ad. fionn, e'giit or ten bodie.i vveio tpauting iu the Water where ike road crosses, ami in a ditch on the roadside just beyond, wc saw six negroes piled <mc.ou top flu, ulvt. a Cnl ermi of -one of the negro regiments, wil.ii lis horse, was killed vv I,i 1- f ftrii ie.-sty leading his men across the creoi; in i charge. With that exception, all the dead and wound ed officers were ca' iieii . if by the enemy dur ing the night. Jiinytrai ,; were left, where they wwe dragged from the wu-sk is (he road and thrown into ambulance* or “carts. We counted come six iy or seventy bodies in the spin.e of about, aji act'', many < f which wi re horribly mutilat. and by . ii. i , m'ldc with iiait their heads shot ott'ar.d oth.-rs completely dis embowelled. The m tide; y v.i . , ,*rv«il vvitls great accui-acy* and we doubt if any battle lield of the war pivo iTts such bavi.u: among th.- tie-,; am) shrubbery . Jm:n"U«f> iijpes ami other growth wen, cut siiorhoii or torn into shreds. From all indications it is estimated that (lie loss of the enemy is fully fire or dx hunSred. the lowest estimate we have heard Many officers are of the opinion :luii iln i'r loss cannot be less than one thousand. liars was eight ouhight and thirty nine wounded, tine m four moitady. W'c give elsewhere all the c uumitks that liny.; been able to procu e. T’lis oiiaiiy tougl.t lo some disadvantage, us they ilr-’.l up lull and most of their shots rai god to'i high. .Our infantry liebavod with too greatest val or; throughout the prouacF- i sluigglo there was iitllo'or no siragyjlii::;, nearly every mm Btanding tivndy to his pest of duty. The ticor ;,ia Brigade was conu.i .udi'ii by tt-d. Willis, whose behaviiv on the fe id Id.-iiiy . ..-c meudable. The Athc;-..-; Baii.ilion under iliaj. Cook, ar.d Augusta liattr.lion, Maj. Jackscn, stood manfully to their walk. ” The South Carolina Artillery also act, and most handsomely and saved their guns with tlm skill ol veterans. Great. prair.e is 1. stowed by the i inking officers oh C- pt Sle\ the Beaufort Aitillery, guns, ami on Karl's nnd Kanapaux s batteries, each oi which had a gun in the action. As before slated, (lie general v.-ns vested iu Mrjor 1 Giubavus .Smith, of the Georgia State fa As, though the ii,x?' was imiuediatelv under the c:r 41 of (!•>!. f ,1- cock, wli«-c conduct on Lie occi.-io', i.s !.;=n of as bey,,n I all praise. The galioui Fed. Gon ziles ?»,.s an active- participant in tlm light, and iniglir- have bts.u s cn everywhere along the line pasting Hu-guns,an,l encouraging the troops. So lunch for the 1 .rifle o! IT,moy Ifi'il. T!,e enemy were whipped L , t b dor • Its cbut they wain and ; ;■ ;ht to ave'th fro a • dipastcr in lln-ii' red,-a*. s-.,i,n al'ier (L:!.. ihey 111 de 01T with all pO'S!!,!” .y en, and, as n, : evident', ? show, with the v.-dde ( li glit no 1 confusion. Nearly ,■: vv ibrown away iu their flight. The road and woods for miles was ftlrewed with clothing of every des cription, • anted wbil'-t ia ilieir camp, al«7ut two m'd> s*from the battle-field, they test everything. Any quan - tity of provisions, hottii’s of liquor, preserved meats, blankets, overcoats, A .. wore aban doned in their hasty reive.;. With the excep tion of shelling trout their gunboats next day, which was harmless, nothing bus been heard of them since their •railing defeat an,l inglo tlous tliglit. Roreuils in Alabama. We -have heard ; within the fast fe-.v days of several cas sos j most barefaced vohh.i v in this cberoke county; the first some six or eight miles east* of this plane, and the second near Cukwna, n Cherokee, by armed b.imU of fruin four to • eight, supposed to be desert-;-.-, stragglers and tones. In one instance a man was robbed -:n open daylight ot s2,oth>. Their object seenae’l to l»e chiitly money. A ponion of Cnpt. Hol lingsworth s company, we were Informed. ~ ceedtd in arresting two «,l !:..,seia the iielgj - borbood of Caloma, and were pifrsning othcia. A iaorous measure- should In taken by the County Reserves, and armed cith. -ns to nip this thing of robbery in the lvid, or it will i- p idly increase; ami in every Ti tmice wheo they are detected the most e -ndign punish meut should be iuilicte.l.—Tdc/cv-./d'i.’.’f J.’.,.' - I+CUIt. Ex-Governor M. ». Derry, of Florida. hv< been f> r some time past lying seriously dl at his residence in the county of Alachua, trom au attack of dropsy. I . i ;:n>i 7.OUm u rbt ceokwi v. : .1. I'll:: .\,>Tn}iliM'.a VSIIWOKTH AKO UIS liUIMAMI. We had.heard -ntn ; time ago of the entire ■rn ot-t’.-d.-' l i'.diAy’,. expedition tSgainst i ’,.* i:o' rb-■ -. » Tory band under Ho'. A.-hivorili, •Jio.'■ iluevuiv" I.,lining and other depreda tions Jmd b"> u si-exvii ive in the upper coita tics. ' • ’ . We now liti i’C before ng, says the Alliens Wai, b.nian, Col, T’indley'., oflliial report, and as v,v ii mol give so clear an idea of the man lier ia w'.lieK In* broke hp tlm rohbef reginmnt by a 1 ndsnsed statejnimi, we publish It is re port en'.ire. if lie seen that the atiair was well : 1 limed .laid executed. Wc :<■ plcuscd to i. ’ii ilrat (ad. F haf' Ilf,n pt'O-notCd' :a t!ih tunic of Brigadier Gen : lisAoq’RS Ist Rro. State, i Ctunp Big Nwantmlr. Ua.. Nov. 8, ISo l. ) C0,,1 ■/. B'.. bMi/.-cs. B, .1. i-i. Oaer : —On- Wnb isday nisht. the 2d iuat., Cent. R. N. AhUluic. comniaii,'ling the lower a of my command, dispatched by enur in', to llcadqri:,rs,s.i at D dilonega, a uoiW of an approach ot Ihe ciu-iny, under Col .1. II Ashworth, ill fb.e diroetion of Dawsonfille. Col, AlisivorUi resides and was a prtM'i’c’ng physician in Dawson -county, ami not long sin- n starii'.i io raise a regiment composed ol ileser ter,; from omr army an t'tori,s, calling ihem .fives | iiffle guahis,- Ibr f’clevai proti'ptioq. lie lias siua-e.-deii i-i ii sing his Regiment, >bfi h : . styled the Kt Keg (J.r. State Troops, it :d has ,sr,b*rs *■> ohmmau'd the whole coun'ry Non Is of the CliaU ri vet'. As rai ly h' poembte-un Tliiirr’ilay morning, the fid iPi’t., ! started from Daiilonega with a portion of (fiapt. CarterM company, under colu mned of ideal-. Horton, and pro'ct-eded rapidly to join Ciipt: McClure, who was collecting his m u gather ne irfSiilloli camp ground. Daw *oa county. . tun-, llit: mt.rch l gave orders to M.tpt. -I. M. Wii lcbel, ciar,landing Cos. 13 of my eriinmaud, tq n.-. and i umediately to collect his men mul. join us or. t ilowieg m 'filing i < >ii Hie way 1 met Oupt. Thomas i aimoDson, o! Hen. W!,e ler's eoilnn ,ilB, who .agreed t,-> join me at the sa.iueHima. Inly on the morning of the Uh ■ iiist ~lmvi(ig .been joined by Capt. Wiielchcl, I started iron camp lor Dawsou vißc, ffi'hile Ifere, ia. Jiorton i ur,ie.i'orei^iis mmand io Lieut- TVilsim. i was here joined I by Cant. Edinonaoi,. cod id.-,, t>v < 'apt li-ifSetl. of luy cjiurnymb Tile ci uuiand now consisted of the greater portion o! six companies, num bering one bundled and. twenty-eight guns. Vit in; iniii aH: ii tja,e. in PqwKonyillo, I maved out in the dlrecvjijn.of iin-enemy. Capt Kdmcnetou was s.ont in a;t advance guard. When foe afinfii.iO’t reueehod Amiealola camp ground, nine miles froin DavvsonviHe. Capt Udimm-.i.ii Icurn-.-d. '.but Col. Ashwoth, with hb; iivs. wftk'tbi'ii -at the liou.-e of a Mr. ftp 11 ■ fi- ift J mile • i:,t i- ilf V|6yon,l. j J in:in diale'y iiiet,l at a rapid speed and upon auvving at, fipiiyas,’ , J found that Col. Ashworth had' beep gone. hlkmU two hours. ,fi.icis were id o.uce -j'iyi'ji.foe pursuit, and Ins trail v, as IbiloWe'd h,i far.'a a the idol ofAniaea lo'a mountain-'by diri;., i was. here eom pelto.t 11, (est.aiid .s live li.e-sow were in a Y. aii’ied (undili'oj'iM.'id if being quite dark ' and. stormy, it \v :s itnno'srjbie to cros" . tl:e viviii-g ilh* uiglij. By d,iy!i/;1,,t on tlie.olb just we were on the move; and cf.-.ssud ilie mouqtnki will,out in tenuptio". The n.-p »f. tin; mountain war coverod w:Th, ,-now abiuit. an .ioeb deep, whilst the limber was loaded ,vilh tie. We advanced an rapidly as j.on-silde. and about. Id o'clock the advance,! nnbrd, spied tin' enemy at !.■ e horiac of qr« fjcriry V,.eav.,';- in Bui'qiowii. My fiiivie wa- now some vv.Ha.i- dimiuistied, ;»:• I.icut. Wilson, wish C spt. Carter * m .'u, let) ns the night before A charge was at oncb i.rd-.g'ed, and, at (lie same lint,'. V older,,<l li ink move rents to lie made on ibo right'ami 1,-lt ol tiidlunise . The .movement by-1 lie.; was,Hie in.ore. eip.;- re.irful, as me eoamy nmatty icliviiled in that direction. Alter.a Ip-Uk. lighi,. Col. Ashworth surrendered with his men. Of-Vim enemy four were killed, lluve. wounded and twenty-one captured, out of twenty cjgpt,. nmu. -iqcludiv.g Col. Ashworth aipl tyifil v. . kjcCraiy among tiie c ipUn, ;1, tq property we captur ed twenty-,'' fill horsy,, and limbs, most of which had !.,"<"i'‘stolen from niy men, nnd which 1 returned to their owners, twenty-live guns and twenty revolvers, with a ooirs'der able portion p, m'uuiindtion. . 1 .sulfeveil po loss, either in Ijillid. '.yqiyided or pyieone-rs. Al'l-r .-.v uriiig I lie ] 'i-oours atpV taking lnany valuable paj'crs frnin'Coh Asbwoi lli, I inadu pi'i'par.ilions to V.ifi.utji, and iv eiossc.j th,, slowly. i T in' natiire of fi:.: contents of the papers re ceived from Col. Ashworth, it is thought- advi sable to reveal at-.present, but it is intend ed io make an ciifiic e.\.;v.b',miti m as soon aa some iiii ta-r dcTclopnv-ni.; can he made. We ivuclk''! l>uvso.aviJ.l« on the inavoing of the lii.ii inst. A' ill's ptaey I i':iu»f, lie all,Med live, it v,! i. tor some.time, bare been en gaged in secret negotiations with the enemy, i c fir ii-.iim : v.Cu-orgv'. R R«b,-i lsoii, Sheriff Dawsou coup.ty.'Cleveland Andrews, -I. tobn Fouls. J. !’, Lindsey Vaiighters and Hi ram .Brooks. Thesm i.dvsuo you to have re tained U'-i you if- Sir (rdiu me again, , ] rem-iiueii in Darysonvilln liii the morning ol th" 7th inst., an.d roach,si our prcs--ut camp on tire ,-veiling of the same day. In conclusion.'.l Veg vim to njl,wv me to refer : to ihegrilat.try of my rueii. .Many *»f them are now troop ~ ami had never been engaged in a tight hotO’.o. Note,itlis'.aL l ,ling this, thev ♦.ii ac-o'd iike • ddiers aod vek ,aus. and charged tin, enotey with a ,f„t,.-iini:ialioii not to ho vviih -!:1 -l i m will pardon hie for saying, never nn-n stiow nun ,- deter mined gallant ry than have' I have- th,* honor to com mand. L ,1. I'Tmu.hy. Col. T S. The p.hoye report was w'ritte%lin'c< ifi'-'vlv. nd in the rcnfngSoiroccasioned thereby, i neglected slate i large majority of Col. Ash'verth's regiment arc- deserter* frojo our a-my, and, at t.liq ■ tinnv ,-i tin- engigenient above report-’,I wer« scattered in different di r , iiovis through theV'i iiuiry, robbing and plun dering fiom oil loyal eifi ".is in their-reach. — This a,:,'mints lor the sinai! nuuihcr of men with iiiiu. ... -r. .i. r; LIST OF Ot'kßHl fcfis ' \ptpCEfi. Corp. AAt NiX. co j'Tl (iu Reg; Tliomas P>hn<»iKon, co ! : . 30th (Ja C iv; Thomas lil monson, co D. .'»2d fi i lleg; Jordan Stone, co lb AM Ga Reg: James Him v, K, ;;uih Ga JJatt. ; av; Aaron f. Brooks', co U, yth (la ilatt: John A Ileid. co i> Ist'Ga Sharpihooters: Daniel Blackwell. Capt. Ctow's eo'i'Ath Ga: James M. Weaver, co <>. Stub Git Reg; Thomas W. ' Davne. co G. 3Ufh Ga Gav: Williaqt J. Berry, coil. 2:'!d Ga Rot?. Kii.'nr >u^sisaii*i*i. The Canton O’tizen. ot Nov Ifi says that a | fight took pile.’ on the other side of the Mis sissippi river, between, MiUikeii's Bend and j Pecan Gi' ive. f.-w day# since. The (confeder ate troops were ifhdtw the commaud of Col. 11 irrison. and the entire garrison of the enemy were ei ll .- killed, wounded or captured. -n.-pect that two boat loads of wounded that 1 passe ! down tee river a few days since, and ! reported to be from White river, is the result, rather of this 6gh*. i Indictments have been, found against per i sons .V Jackson, Mi.-*., for trading iu'green backs. A private d’-mteh front Canton, says the Miseisrnplan of the 25th, says the Yankees are at Big liiack A.nOfl strong. Ihe commissary’s and ii'iurl-miaster's stores are tieing removed j from Canton. It is probable the will undertake to -weep through the State, taking ; Jackson and Canton in their raid. Governor Clarke’s MiUtia ought to be able to gobble ] up 5,0J0 Yuakees. VOL. LXXVIII.—-NEW SERIES VOL. XXVill NO. 7.0 Thr Finix, ,: Birr..—TJie following bill was reported from the House of Representatives iast; week from the Committee on Wavs and Means: A hill to lie entitled ‘ An act to provide more efteetnally for lire reduction and redemption j of the currency.’' M iiei'iMs, the recovery of the currency from •its depreciation, and ihe leassuiance of the public of its ultimate navment in full, would be an estimable beueiit to both Oovernmont aii'l citizens: and as a means ior a, I'ompiish mg tiiis end it 7, expedient lo exempt the same from taxation, and to pledge the public faith, not only against any addition to th.' amount of ihe currency now authorized by 1 iw, but also to the reduction of it. br can celling annually a material pait thereof, and lo tiic dedication of an ample fund for re deeming tare residue to lie applied to that pur pose from and after the close ol the existing war : Therefore. The Congress of Hie Confederate States of America, do enact: 1. Hereafter, and until the full redemption of ih. s * Confederate States Treasury notes, now outstanding, and of such as are authorized br existing laws, to be issued, except those issued prior to the .seventeenth day of February, eighteen hundred an,! sixty four, shall be free fir-in all taxation whatever. 2 a’ending the war one iifth'of the Treasury notes annually received into Hie Treasury in payment ot taxes, shall he thereupon can celled until the amount outstanding shill have been reduced to one hundred and ijfty millions of dollars. 2 Upon :> declaration of peaceffiet ween Ihe Con federate States and the t r.ited States America', of the annual crops ot produce of cotton, (oilier that} Bea Island cotton, wheat and corn iu the ratio oi lour ninths of cotton, four-ninths ■nl corn, and one-ninth of wheat, shall be ap plied to the redemption of the-Treasury notes in circulation until tile whole shall be re deemed; the tithe of cotton being valued at titty cents abound, qf corn at; two dollars a bu-Uel, and of wheat, at four dollars a bushel, and being deliverable by the Government at one or more shipping ports in each of tiie (V;i;l'o,Watrt ' Lutes to be .elected ivy the [Secretary of the Treasury : provided, however, that, til,: tithes, n fort said, or any part therof. may, by consent of the par ties entitled lo receive the same, be delivered elsewhere than at a shipping port: Provided fur ther, that" ihe cotton to be delivered under the ft.itboi ilv ~i inis act shall be equal io cotton classed ami held as‘'middling coWrm" in Ihe port where such cotton may be delivered. ! That- all acts and parts of acts now infforce providing lor Hie aves-m Alt ami collection of tax in kijpl of cotton, corn and wheat l,e, and the same are hereby re-enacted, and shall con tinue in force until all Treasury notes issued, or authorized to be issued, by “ an act to re duce the currency and to author; c anew issue ol notes and bonds," approved February ifitli, 1m; t, shall have been redeemed in frill, and' the persons paying tm<«, in kind under this *f.t. iv-osti aud altar tlm ratilication of a treaty Os peace shall receive credit for the then mar ket valiu of any cotton, corn and wheat de'iv ered after the termination of the war, so as to to| ua!Do their taxes with other tax-payers, the value lo he appertained at the time oi delivery in ihe mode prescribed by law. v. ihe hob let's Ol I'reawiiiy nwU.iv. .l-vvivin" leceive the tithes aforesaid in payment there of, shall Up! satqe into Treasury cevti ijcatys, being gu interest, of six per rent, per annum, which shall he issued by Hie Secretary ol the Treasury in exchange tor sai.l notes.anil shall express on their lave the object for wnich they are intended, the holders of which said certificates shall be entitled to receive payment therefor iu the tithes aforesaid, ut Up, v.xfv of one tilth ol' the amount qnnnxlly : provide,l, hoy/eyer, tl,ut more than one lift,h of the amount of tithe due upon any such-certificate, or tin* whole of such amount, may bo paid in any year at th.' election of the Secretary ol the Treasury. fi. All planters or farmers liable to ii.e tax in kind shall be permitted to, .ayfisty the same by payment of such certificate;, as aforesaid. V. (fiertili ate* Fsned under the authority of this act shall be in the following propositions, .: four ninths, in a separate certificate, payable in cotton; Inru'-nhUhs payable in corn, and one ninth payable in wheal; lint the nmoufik to be made payable-on the face of each cfi.'tilicaxe shall be such as the Secretary of the T reasury shall judge to he most suitable ond convenient lot the purpose of this act -which said cmlilicater: shall he assignable in writing in filch form and with such authentication ah the Secretary ot the Treasury may proscribe. The public faith iv? hereby pie i:;e,i to the im mutable , h.ervance ,and the provisions here in above contained, and to the collection of the tax on wheat, coin and cotton, in kind, and ihe application th roof as aforesaid until the redemption of thc cunency, as: above provided, shall have been completed, it. This act shall be in forty from the passing IlieFCot. Heh iinin,: ft due. —Refugees on the line of tlm Macon and Western Road arc returning to 1 heir homes. From Fi.tx'i'ox.- AY,: hear but two houses in Clinton were burned by the enemy. One was the dwelling of the Enrolling officer of •loin's county, R. \V. Bonner, and the other an old shop n*',l as an-office by tiie late Dr. Bowen. Ma,:,>\ is are happy to announce that Macon is considered safe. The Comman der of the Post has declare,l the city upon a }MSi?ee fooling and th ■ order of Major General Gobi),.ordering out every mail capable of bear ing arms is withdrawn. , Gen. urn's Plantation —The enemy, in their recent march, destroyed everything upon Gen. Cobb’s plantation, wita the exception of his negro cabins. A.Wax ion On rack.—Mr. H igh Trcanor, a r.s pe, table citizen of Miliedgev.lle. was wan tonly killed in that city while tlie enemy had possession ,sf it. We (earn that a party of the enemy went to his lesidexicc and demanded his gold and si Iver, and when informed by him lie had none, one of Ihe party revolv er. ar.d shot him iu tlie heart. fiouWthe effect of which lie died in a short time. A c.oonCArnjtE —Captain J- B. Morris, 20th Gn. Rcgt.. with eight men, while on a scout yesterday morning, about a mile trom Gordon, saw a drove of beef cattle following the rear ot the enemy’s forces, lie immediately charged the drivers, captured four prisoners and the whole drove of cattle, numbering iwo hundred ami twenty. Hu;!! Price <f\ Wood.—We noticed upon the street Friday, a one horse wagon containing exactly six sticks of pine wood, for jvhich, the modest sum of thirty dollars was demanded.— Martm Jtlnjrnph. 1 he Wav Xunßors abktreateh iiv YankkkV —We learn that a salt maker captured by the Yankees in their late raid on this place, and paroled at Pensacola, states that after the ene my iiad got some distance from here they'tied the negroes together, and that some of them pelting tired of their treatment were shot in attempting to escape. At Pensacola they sent the negro men inti, the armv and told the meh, who where encamped on the beach, that the mm yvere sent to Vermont to provide homes for them. It is thus, with their lying propensities, that they induce our negioes to leave their comfortable homes. We presume that er’e this the negro women have been .-ent to New Orleans to werk on the Yankee Louiai : ana plantations, or sold in Cuba. —if ir^irma 1 -Yr lev. j £_Snpw fell at AShville, N. C.. Nov. 24. ' Oovfebki’ah-: Fix faces. —The following com ! munications from the Secretary of jthe Tren j uuy were presented, on Monday, in the House t "f Representatives: TT'.rasorv Dei'ahtmkxt. r S. A.. / Riciimoxi), November 2:t. 1.-,; I ( . Jlo,i T/„,.< S. /;■>,m, 7, ■. Sp,■„!.;>■ or ih* Os Jlfprf-stnlalirrt : Su: —The resolution passed by the House of Representatives on the 21st instant, calls for the following information : ■ Whether the „!d issue oi Treasury notes is being exchanged for the new, and il not, why .’ a'so, what arrange inputs h:i\v bt»f*u made to that end. I have now tile honor to furnish the informa iion required. idle amount of new issue paid out in ex - change ior old. from Ist April to is! October, is 5i2i.0:;5,7!)0. Siui'o tin: Ist ot October the exchange of botes hts been continued with activity,*all the Assistant Treasurers and Pay Depositaries, as well as many of the Transient. Depositaries, being supplied with the new issue for that" purpose, .still farther to promote the conven ience of the public, the following regulation;: have been adopted : 1. The Treasurer. Assistant Treasurer aid Pay Depositaries have been, author!/ cl to re ceive the old issues (except the filial bills) iu payment of non-taxable bonds at titifi cents. 2. They have been author!/.),! to receive them in like manner, on call, nl. 4 per ceut, and in hypothecation of non-taxable bonds. •">- They aud all the Depositaries appointed, for funding, numbering in,ail over two hun dred, have been authorized lo receive them and register (he names of ihe depositors and the •■aims deposited, and after the L I of .1 inuaiy to forward copies of the registers to Richmond, when tlie new issue will be sent to pay deposi tois. G. A. Tmcx'ii, Secretary of the Treasury. Mir.iTAßv K.xi'Esmmißs ax<> uamuthw. T lie following report from the Seevelaiy of the Treasury was read TRRASI’IU DhI'AUTUKXT. (J. S. A . I Rk'imioni), November 21, imil. ) lion Title, s. /vxv,(•/.•; Spl’ of ilf Units,- cl i iiV/uvis'cnbi/fiYx'.' ! 'Sin in obedience to the resolution adopted by the House of Representatives on the 21:;! iUKtAirt. 1 hare the honor to communicate the following information : The sum of the Requisitions received in this office since the Ist ot April last, fox the pay tlie Army, is . .. s.s;3 1 22!i,1.'»2 27 A larger number have only been received in the last few days, viz... . j \ ..' . ll.iWl 470 00 , Os thftio previously received, amounting to., j -T7l ,!».>7.1 -2 27 The following has been satjstied .">l. 141.1.M', 27. For the purchase of ’subsistence, the sum of the Requisitions made during the same period is. j . . 125,000,02!* *>2 Os Y7kich there has been veceixed in-tlie last lew days requisitions for ; if,,:;i;ii,S7l Sfi The amount previously receive,l was...: iO!),(;tii,o:.i 72 Os this amount lia- been . satisfied !*7,*72,1 fi.’> The delay in the receipt of the requisitions at 1 ibis office has arisen chiefly from the inlernip lion of the work in the Bureau of the Second Auditor, occasioned by the frequent cal!:; for military service made upon the clerk.?. The deficiency in satisfying the requisitions | arises iroin the insufficiency of the means nl the | disposal of the Treasmy. The amount of unpaid accounts on the 1.-4, of i April was estimated to he *77,,i)00,(mfi j Tlie,expenditures from Ist of April I to Ist ,). toiler was estimated at :'.2 1,000,000 j *■ tltltl, ■ The amount of new Treasury notes applicable to expenditures was about 200,000,000 And the remainder had to be provided from Ihe. sale of 0011, is and other resources. Under these cireumstaflees the several De partments adopted the plan of indicating the requisitions, which the exigencies of the public Service demanded should lie first .satisfied, and : those to which precedence was thus d ; were the soonest satisfied. <}. A. Tjieniiomi, Secretary ol’tlie Treasury. From Goiuman akdGbi»woi.i>vii.t,k. —-The Mr con Telegraph of Nov. 2.oth gives (lie annexed items from (Tor,ion and Griswoldville : A reporter whom we sent to (Jordon for 'tie purpose of furnishing iw with reliable intelli gence has-returned :m,l reports the whole coun try laid waste from Griswoldville to the Oco nee river, ill .a track from twenty to Unity miles wide Tlie plantations in most cases i were entirely destroyed, and in some rare pi i ! vate dwellings were burned. All stock In.-gs, j horses, cattle and mutes, were either taken oli or killed. A great deal of stock was killed ; and left on the ground—the purpose of the enemy evidently being to reduce the people to starvation. All carriages, wagons, buggies, in short, all means Os transportation wore ,1,-s troyed. Corn, fodder, and provisions ~l' every kind were taken. Every gin bouse was burned and tire arms ol every description des troyed.. Covers, blankets, pillows, Ac., were torn up or burnt. In some cases, muttrasses, pillows and bolsters were cut, open and their contents scattered to the winds. The enemy carried off a large number of able bodied negroes, many of whom, however, have returned to tbeir masters. All good look ing colored girls were carried off by the ot'si ! err.?. 111 one instance a girl, nearly white, was taken, and when her husband, a slave, a* tempted to follow and reclaim her, he was | ruthlessly killed. She was free and under th n 1 control Mr. .1. li. Joins, the hotel .keeper at | Gordon. ; “in some instances Churches and M.a onic Lodges were burnt. The church at Gviswold ville was burnt and tfie Masonic. Lodge, at Gor , don abated Hie same fate—with all the record,?, ’ jewelry, l tc., belonging to' the Lodge, 'ihe Wayside Home at Gordon was also destroyed. : 1 tne young lady ot good family was ravished • by negroes with the army, and in two other ; instances attempts to commit violence were made. Mr. David'Sulomon, an old and respectable citizen, was twice rating up. in his own house, to make him reveal where his money was hid. He at last informed them. They'carried oil some live thousand dollars in specie, irrnl burnt a large amount of ' on ; federate money. His loss was heavier than I anv other citizen of the place. ' They also robbed the estate of J. H I‘oiuijj ! tain of MOliO in specie, besides a large amount oi Confederate currency. . Mr. Baker's house, two miles from (.ns woidville was ' occupied by the enemy as a hospital. Their wounded were . pmrtered there, and Mrs. Baker turned out ot doors. When the Yankees left they burned the house, giv in" a-a reason torso doing, that it yvas de ! sorted. The entire people through Hie section pa« ,<1 over by the enemy suffered alike. They destroyed everything they laid bauds on. Gen. Howard said to 1 tie people that lie was sorry to destroy their property, hut that he thou "It t it the best thing he could do. That ou>- leaders had to l>e convinced that thov must ,-nc cumb,and the surest way to compel their retmh to the Fnioit was toireite such distress .unou ;, rh<t people, as would cause them to demand re construction. He said lie thought he was do ing God's woik. He also took down the names of thosawhom he ha-l despoiled, and promised to -end them provisions as soon as he reached Havauntji. He reiijalYd that by that lime they would be ■ übmi'-five and would then ve that »tlijy did not st’.!!!T. The Railroad between Uiiswoblville and Gordon is completely destroyed. In some in stances the rails vv,-iv li 1 7 y yards noin the road, broken aid Liunt. , Tite enemy r; mained camped four days at Gordon. They claimed io have .t tore of forty thom;- and them, and the r-.’.e fore* at MiUedgc ■ viH.‘. They stated that they intended going to Savannah and Fort Rn 1!. but eueunisL ecsi might eoir.p.'l them to go to Brum wick. (•'boat HOOD'S .tt;;: . The Richmond Examiner of Thumday speak a tin,? of tjie movements of Hood’s army : Du Tbiusday or i-Tfi!,.f la t week Gar era! Hood's fore- were at. or war Columbia, '.li.i -<Uo Tcnn-v-.,',•••!« wl.-et vs uippnsed, (]iey would move in .be dixeedou • , Na-ffivilffi us the dismiKv m be travel:, i xvasi c rtly In mill.?, ihe prevailing idee.!,';■; that tlie Capital or 1 enuc*'. ee was the pr' ‘'oi'jecUve point 1 of.the ce.mpai m. But it is not dear liotn the 'at,at.reports shat lb*,.| de.fipes to attack Nashville, it. i; now H ted 11; .r lie. is limviiig due east,, towards Shclb-y.vill, a.ul Wartrace the lalt, v is'situai, and mi L ■ N ~-l,\ille au.l i'hnttano 'ga re, ilioatl. i.iiy jive axil.■.- soutlieaiit of Nashvillo.Ti:,! eqimcted with ill* by a Branch l'uu,!. , : fia! miles in length.—* From Golumhje. to Wart,ecc ii,.- ii twenty liv a or thirty ,\T e edit I no. report of ibis movemeaL a., it is xvefil .known that Na-livillo is strongly fortified and it ia. doubthil it the recapture ol'that place would compensate lor the 1055,,, life which would re sult from any i'.U, nipt to dislodge the enemy Horn the del.- ib fifi ot tlib eity. it b. ; in; i La, value. . We conn- ?. however, ih .r v.o have not vet been able t,» di--,rover the w . ndeifnl advantac# of this campaign in TVimessee. H ii was in tended to draw Shen-e.e.n out ui ,ia ,t lies mxmifcstly faiieil, and the only re.-iilt : o>, far has I con Hie devavlaii-'U of :i 1.-u port it iv ol that Btate. Even after the era .mat ion of Atlanta in a panic, Shon. mi might have bee i incapacitated from luriis r mi.-a biet by U;a, operations of the army in bis iieigibfioihooil.- • On its l'ernoxe.l into T*'um-» 'ce v..,s : oppose,f perhaps that ho w,mi,l follow -:r-; Meade diet Lee into R,:m . .1-,ania. or as Bilcii did Ikuggi into Kentucky. Itixt, Ihe c.i.-cs v,, rc not ;>urod •) Id. Tin? amae nec.vsit'. - did ucr. exist. As tu tin 1 restoi’atioa of Tenm s'lCe. llcotl may march; without formiduhie , ;q-cM: ;,.n through the cn - tire State, but he cannot imriison tiie towns. and t!)i'].'.'!,,)v cannot di-;her the country: nor,- can he devastate the country as Shuman doeaq Georgia, for if L: the eountry ot Iriemls. li thuj disenthraiment ql Kentucky i- imped, it must., rest on a general npiising of tlie people, nunvt determined Ilian any yet, known iu u suljuga f. te,V State. What else can bo done’is not now easily seen. From other son rev:, we gather the annexed news : The Oolnmlui?, Miss., Republic, of Nov. IV; says, that nil account!; from Hood'* nxmv stale that it i ? advancing. ' Gen. IToqd has issued an order IV.vbii’diny; impivsenieid':? c f anything on this side ot tie Tear.,' l!'. r. < >!;' cr- ,;n.f ru.m in i’ll,. ■Rpirits. butvvkai direction Iheanny intended to take was kept :x jirofound secret. The Fedcial General Thomas is ,vi’V,'; ented j to lie at fo::if point on the Nashville and (fliaGanoo;.;,. ailnad, with 25,000 raea, prinei pally composed ofrecruim. A coircspoDdent from the anay of Tennes ncHsee reports that duviag the first fourteen days of Hie campaign, eomuieucin at Ctiat-v taboo dice, an awrage inarch o! nineteen miles per day was pei formed. ab-ont thirty miles ot rail road track torn up, and over cue thousand'; prisoner*. captured. The march, under Om? ii retime tancc.-. was an evtruordinary one. A correspondent of the Montgomery Mu if gives the annexed account of the crossing of, Ihe *ienticvsee river : On the .".4|u (4 Itetober , lyepanitfons wci,: made by Lieut. Gen. Lee, / whose corps was opposite Florence, tn cross, the liver .it i!i,T point in pontoon boats and’ capture what force there was at .that placo, pr-qiaratory to patting down the pontoon 1 Inidgft Tiie Yankees showed liiemsclvcs very,) boldly on the pi, .-is ,4 the r 1,1 railroad biiclgt).' and a battery of nrlUlcry war, placed on th«A blulV, whose ti,: ! gun .was to be flu: signal for? lannebing the first hoat.s and pulling across.! Wholly coveied from observation by timing-; ge,l bluff and the steep ravine- - the Louisian. , brigade common, led by Iliig. K. g. Gibson. < stood with boats already manned, waiting for th* signal gun. to rush out from tbeir cover t<>i the liver, launch their j>ontoon boats.; and “ftway over the lioriler. At the given, aigiml ail eyes were watching the mouth of thev ravine and almost simultaneousiy appeared^* -one after another in quick succession, quite a... licet of pontoons, twenty men to each boat, and witivgreat regularity and composure they wore, launched and ntai• <;< 1 directly aoror.? tht?- river in single , olaiixn. The scene was one of. vivid and cxeil mg interest. (I. had bt-eßj‘re*, ported that the enemy had a tialtery and lnnxlred men in Florence, und warm work was? anticipated as the boats neared the* opcosito shore. Onr battery kept, up a biisk fire, under * cover of which <snr boat; landed, the men de-f * ployed as skirmi:liciv. afid advanced up lhehill / through the town without, ncountering a ho«-» tile shot. The hoastii g cowards, v.’lro an hour.? before had been cursing defenceless women,/ robbing home.s and citi/. -os, and desecrating'- (thinches. bad t!;'d incontinently. Aft the? o!,l f Louisiana btigtule in;hi ! on above amtj up the bill, Gen. Lee exclaimed. “There goe<*. . the Louisiana brigade! Florence is oms! Wc understand, says the Montgomery Muii of the 2(>tb, that an officer of Gen. Hood',; RtaiT. lias reached the city (lit -t from the front, v.'Jio , states that tbo Army of T* n?-s ce js once more, advancing. H started fonvsx.d from Floicimo, on la t Saturday in fine trim, and the troop : iu .< pnthurdafitie Kjiirits. Gen. Ilocd and G«u.f Foiled both addressed* H:o ?< idieis. Ger,.- Hood trlis liis men he will not turn Ixxck.f lie has taken up the pontoon bridges, and lor-, wan! is tiro word. Ili; I. tanck to l.i*’ j.n K,c aiPTtox Act. A violent alt? rcutiop tcokjxlace in the vil-' lag,- of Glierryvill". ffont-nlcn comity, N. J.,. ; on Saturday v/. ■k, , .iiisod by if.e attempUil arrest of a dc. 'Her nanusl Baa R ll pie, .a hotel 'keeper in the tillage. Iftipl* was drafted in May last, and ~bf-.ii y a!',, ,' jofi the country for Canada, but i,;t:i> ric-d about the lu-t OfScptnn-? )„■)■. 'the Frovost Marshal then cent Deputy) .1 M Morris and B Slater, of lif'/. ibeth, to arn st lijixi Hu refused to go, and said that nn 01-. gani/.ation oh ted tie which was . of., -it ntfy numerous an,l powerful to prevent an attempt. io arrest any of their numb r, and that th c officers would have, but a few days move to , make rixch tirrerdit :ts their ••p ure would ks j up’’ alter McClellan was elected. The deputy i thereupon drew a revolver, and raid that lm -should be com,,, tied to take him dead or alive., rhereiipon Rnple made as,; iden spring 'at thu officer, grasping '.he revolver and wxenching it, from him. His bar keejn-r at the same time iKsailed the officer, knot king hi;n dowu«vitb a. slung idiot, and can, ing insensibility. He booh recovered, however, and turned upon the bar keeper, when a third arsaii-ipt appeared and' * struck Mo,ris with a is, ivy sr: ne, after xvhit h ail (KCaju-d, taking with them Moni.-s' revolvcih .md otiu r V.npons. The ollicexs- pursued, huf, were Uuvatoned with being t,hot incase ot Liter iiov, meats, and were finally compelled to -top from weataxci-i c.m-', and by their injuries. reward of one hundred dollam has been effia, ~ tor the arrest arid delivei y of Rup'.« H t th.v lieadquarteis by tl,e l’rovo?t M<u nnal.- VvrlU ffil Payee ihe cotton crop in 'J t-<iu, like that in Leu • Liana, is raid to boa failure, the plant ha-, ing been destroyed by woitns ; bat the yield com wv Very abutt-Uai.