Weekly chronicle & sentinel. (Augusta, Ga.) 1866-1877, May 09, 1866, Image 3

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A UQ FBTA ~GA. * WEMESnAY. MORM.MJ. MAY it. infarin ition De-tred. I ne A'lanta Lra sijs, a youlh about seven ■ ' ■•n year* old, almost idiotic, wandered from h!s Lorae “ ea r Oxford. Ga„ several days since, and when last beard from, was (near Conyers, and was supposed to be making bis way to AManta. lie wears a gray jeans round jacket, pants of the same material, a wool bat con fcidi ably worn, coarse shoes, and has an im pediment in his speech, lie will suffer if not found, aa he has not sufficient intellect to take < ure ol himself. Any information left with Messrs. Tommey, Stewart 4 Orr, of Atlanta, will be communicated to Mr. Louis Smith, his distressed father. X fc-md Character, A good character is to a young man what a li'ia foundation is to 'he artist who proposes to erect a building on it. lie can build with safety, and all who behold it will have con f] lento in its solidity. A helping hand will never be wanted, t ut let a single part of this be defective, and you go at hazard, amidst doubt and distrust, and ten to one, it will tumble down at last and mingle all tbat was built on it, in ruin. Without a good charac ter, poverty is a curse; with it, it ig scarcely an evil. Happiness cannot exist, where a good character is not. All that is calm and blissful in the sober scenes of life, ail that is soothing in the vale of tears, centre in, and is dirived from a good character, Being first and most valuable, its acquirements should be tho para mount object of youthful ambition. Ludicrcti; Stciic Its a ihurch. An aged Clergyman, speaking of the solem nity attached to the Mininterial ollice, said tnat during forty yearn that he had officiated therein, hn gravitty, in the pulpit, Lad never been but once disturbed. On that occasion he Pad noticed a man di rectly in front of him. leaning over the railing ol the gallery, with something in bit) hand, which he afterwards d’scovered to be a big che,/ of tobacco, just taken from his mouth. Directly below . at a man fast asleep, with bis be ad barir and his month wide open. The man in the gallery was intensely engaged in raising and lowering his hand, taking an ex act observation, till at last, having got it tight lie let fall hit quid, and it weat plum into the mouth ot the sleeper below ! The whole scene was ho indescribably ludicrous that for,tho first and la-1 time in the pulpit, an involuntary smile forced itself upon the countenance of the preacher. X lined n«vti Some of the capitalists of i’itlsburg have formed a joint stock company for tho purpose ol erecting a large number of houses to relieve the business and working classes from tho pre- Heut burden of exorbitant rents. Thismovr* moot is a most commendable one, and it would be'well for our capitalists to form a similar company here. It is important to every corn muuity that the working classes be encouraged to bicoino ptrinanent citizens. The present rates of rent ure such as to drive men of rnaderate incomes away, and to prevent this cla-s from so tlmg among us. Augusta pre- advantages for manufacturing. A wise direction of capital to their develop, ment will make it Ibe first manufacturing city ot the Somh. The first step in Ibis direction n quires intelligent laborers and arlizans. But when we invite them to come and settle with us, to embark in any enterprise, the firs! prac ticable inducement to secure them, is to oiler them houses lor their families at a fair rent Let us have a joiut stock building company. Who will start the ball 't i lie Augusta Orphan Asylum :in«l ilonght on Institute. Mr. Thomas U. lloileyman, having been elected to the Siipetlutendency of the Augusta Orphan Asylum, has resigned the Principal ship o! the Houghton Institute, and will soon enter upon the discharge of the duties incident to his new office. For the proper management of the Asylum, Captain Holleyman is wel iitted, both by reason of bis intimate acquaint auce with the ways of children, their proper government, and his natural kindness of heart. We are confident that , tinder ki3 control, the Asylum will reta n all of its former prestige, which was won for it by the amount of good done the fatherless and the motherless of this community. Mr. Joseph T. Derry has been temporarily appointed to occupy the position vacated by Captain Holleyman. Mr. Derry shared the first honors of liis clas3, which graduated at Emory College in iB6O. Since the close of the war he has been engaged in teachiug, and has been very successful. To the Principal’s Chair of the Houghton Institute he brings a well balanced and highly cultivated intellect, and will, we doubt not, give satisfaction to those who elevated him, as also to those whose chil dren may be pluced under his tutorship. This Internal Revenue. —The Commissioner ot Internal Revenue has decided that all ex penses for insurance upon property, and all ac Inal losses in business, may be deducted from tit- gross income of the year ; but losses sus taine i after December 31, 18ti5, cannot reduce the income for that year. Losses incurred in the prosecution of one kind of business may be deducted from the gains in another, but not from the portions of income derived from fixed invtstmtnts such as bonds, mortgages, rents ard the like. The Assessor should also be careful not to allow the deduction of amounts claimed to have been lost in business, when in reality they should be regarded as investments or expenditure, as when merchants expend money in burning or gardening, for recreation or adornment rather than pecuniary profit. Persons travelling about the country as agents of manufacturers for dealers seeking orders for goods as agents for one person or firms only such as salaried clerks, or men hired by the month, should not be required to take licenses as commercial brokers. Ail parts oi decision number 139 inconsistent houwith are hereby revoked. Points of a Goon Uoo.—The mere name (breed) of a hog, says the Rural American, is not always a criterion ot its excellence. Early maturity and a tendency to take on flejh, will do more towards making a,bcg valuable, than any virtue contained in the mere title of Berk shire. Suffolk, &0., for it may .‘possess more of the valuable qualities of the breed. • In the true*Berkshire, the result of a cress between the Chinese and Neapolitan varieties, we find the nearest approach to a desirable staudatd. the chief points of which are as fol lows: the breast and loins should be broad, the bone anu joints small, and the legs just long enough to prevent the belly from touch ing the ground; the feet should be firm, even, upright and sound: the head should be btoad and thick: the snout short, and the ears light, thin and inclined slightly forward. N'or is color to be overlooked in determining the breed ot the animal. A dark skin and thin hair shows‘Neapolitan blood; a white skin and medium size indicate the Chinese breed, while a light or reddish hue, with dark spots, denotes tne Berkshire. Pskips cf Criscl’Ne.— The other day a man got entangled in the crinoline of a woman who was walking along Ludgate Hill, London, end was thrown to the ground and so severely injured that death ensued from effusion of blood on the brain. Our Difficulties. The most serious obstacle to'the speedy re vival of business in the t?ouih and the efficient development cf her resources, is the want of both capital and labor. These have been wasted to feucb an extent, by four years of war, tbat the supply available within our holders is entirely inadequate to our wants. If every dol lar and every arm were applied to th‘ thou sand avenues of profitable invedment, which our diversified resources present, the effect would be barely the opening up of the way to the grand achievements which constantly beck on us onward. Our labor system has been sadly disorganized, and the result thereof is seen on every hand. The demands of trade require ail the capital that is left us. There is but little to move tbe arms of artizans to new industrial enter pi:ze. Money and muscle are the great prac tical necessities of the times. These must be introduc'd from abroad. The artizan and thrif y laborer of the new and old world can undoubtedly better their condition in this sun ny sphere. Unfortunately the spirit and tem per of our people have been so greatly rnisrep resented as to divert the tide of immigration to the West; while, a f the same time, tbcße re ports have a tendency to deter investment of Northern capital among us. Sensational re ports are industriously and purposely circu lated which lead those not familiar with the facts in the cage to believe tbat we are still re bellious ; tbat owing to passion and prejudice, Northern men are not safe in our midst; that from the jealousy of the freedmt-n, Europeans would be in danger. And thus it is that our fields are suffered to lie comparatively idle, and the hum of industry is but feebly heard, if at all, amid tbe desolation which broods over our once beautilul land. It is no easy work to make headway against these ban iers to our future progress, there ;s so much of passion naturally intermingled with the memories of our late struggle, on both sides, that it is difficult for either to form a correct estimate of the other. Especially is it difficult for the South to suosessfully and effec tually combat the countless emissaries cf mis chief who are bearing false witness against her in and out of Congrqgs, in pulpit, press and par lor ; in fact, everywhere a convert can be made to tho leveling doctrine which rule the hour. Our only hope is in bearing cur heads aloft, showing ourselves to he os citizens what we were as soldiers—devotees of principle, un swerving advocates of constitutional law and liberty. By continuing strictly conservative our enemies’ statements will be exhibited in their true light, and we shall find a remedy for and a happy deliverance from the troubles which environ us. foutbern (QMsdppi) Railroad. We bad the pleasure of a call from M. Emanuel,'Esq., President of tbe above Railroad, and were gratified to learn from him that the affairs of the Company are about being placed upon a satisfactory footing. Ho has just re turned from Europe, whither he bad gone to effect an arrangement with the foreign bond holders, to get an extension of time on the Bonds due or falling due in a short time. We Biro glad to learn that bis mission was entirely successful. All the foreign bond-holders teadily assented to the substitution of the Conpanj’s bonds falling due in 181)0 and bear ing interest at. the rate of 7 per cent, in lieu of the present bonds now held by them. The holders of these bonds in this country, so far as they have been heard from, have unani mously consented to this arrangement, and thut the Company are relieved from the em barrassments growing out of the necessity of making immediate provisions for tbe payment of the bonded debt now and past due. Tho Company being thus left free to appro priate its immediate earnings in repairing the road and reconstructing bridges, and in pur chasing rolling stock, to refit the road, the work has been and will be pushed with vigor Tho cars now run over its entire length from Vicksburg to Meridian, a distance of 146 miles. There is a break in the transit at Big Black liver, near Jackson, at present, which will be overcome in a few days, by the completion, over that stream, of aspendid iron bridge. This is an important link in our Southern Rairload system, bringing this place and the cities of Charleston and Savannah in direct communication by rail with the Mississippi river at Vicksburg. The only break iftvv in the line is the gap of forty three miles between Montgomery and Selma, and which is now in course of construction, and will be completed within a year. With the completion of our own road to Macon, we will then have a con tinuous and almost an entiie rail communica tion with Vicksburg via Macon and Columbus, through Montgomery, in addition to the one already in operation by Atlanta and West Point, Selma. Meridian and Jackson, and cars loaded with produce at Vicksburg can be brought through to this city without a single chango. This line will be a strong competition of the Memphis and Charleston, and Louisville and Nashville routes for the great Western trade and travel. The low grades o' the Southern line and its exemption from sharp curves wili enable it to bring merchant;ise from Vicksburg at a much lower rate than at pre sent demanded by the roads connecting with Memphis and Nashville. We chronicle with pleasuvo these indica tions of returning prosperity iu our Southern country, and hope ere long to see al! uur pub lic works re-established on the basis of their former prosperity. The Income Tax. It should be remembered by tax payers, says the New York Evening Post, that the Ist of May is the time fixed by the internal law for the return of schedules of incomes to the as-istant assessors. The amended law of March 3, 1865, is still in force, and it is offi cially announced that the assessment cf this year will be made in accordance with its pro visions, regardless of any action of Congress on the new tax bill just reported to the House. The Senate refused to concur iu the House resolution providing for an extension of lime for two months, in order to permit the new law to go into operation. The duties on incomes are payable within sixty days alter the return of the schedule to the assessor— that is. on or before the 30th of June. The income must be reckoned lor the year ending December 31. 1863, and the tax is 5 per cent, on all sums between S6OO and $5,000, and 10 per cent, on the excess over $5,000. The deductions permitted are : 1. The snm of S6OO from all incomes. 2. All national, State, county and municipal trxes paid within the year (including the in come tax paid last summer.) 3. The amount paid for rent, or the rental value of any homestead occupied by the tax : pryer or his family, iu his owu right or iu the right of his wife. 1. The amount paid for nsual or ordinary repaifs, taking the average of the preceding five years. These are all the deductions that can be made. The income tax is a lien upon property if not paid within the time fixed by law, and the col lectors are invested with lull powers to take legal proceedings sot distraint and collection. The proper observance of the time and man ner of paymeat will therefore save the tax payer much trouble. Be in the fashion : you had better dispense other people's follies than your own. There are a great many beams iu the eyes ot ladies, but they are generally all sunbeams. To be careful is the way to guard against care. Hot that which men do worthily, but that which they do (successfully, is what bistory makes hast* to record. State Item-. The County Court officers of Fulton are : B. D, Smith, Judge; George S. Thomas, Solicitor. It is believed that not more than two-thirds of a wheat crop will be made in Dade and Maury counties. The Masonic Hall in Atlanta, recently de stroy; and by fire, was one of the very few build ings that escaped the Tunes when Sherman burned the city. The ruins of tbe old Georgia Railroad Bank building at Atlanta are being removed. Hon. J. D. Matthews, Congressman elect from tbe sth Congressional District, was re cently married to Miss Mary J., daughter of S. H. Cox, cf Lexington. Writers in the Columbus Enquirer urge the propriety and importance of constructing a railway trom Geneva to Barnsville, and from Columbus to LaGrange, as preferable to the Barnesviile connection. In the contest for a silver pitcher between the firemen of Columbus. Engine No. 1 was the victor, having thrown water to the distance of one hundred and seventy fejt. In Macon on the night of tLe Ist, Mr. John C. Herrington shot and killed a man named McCormick, who was following him witn the expressed intention of robbery. The brilliant Harry Flash is now in Macon- His home is in Galveston, though he still re tains a proprietory interest in the Macon Tele graph. Col. Z. T. Conner, long an influential, citizen of Macon, and Colonel in the late war, died near that city on the 29 ;h ult. Two men named James and Albert Forrester were arrested at Antioch, oh the Athens Branch Railroad, one day last week, by Capt. J. A. Sanders, of Eiberton, charged with horse stealing. A few days ago a lad, a son of Mr. Wm. Duster, attempted to get on the cars at Car tersvillo, while in motion, fell between tho wheels and was injurtd so badly as to render amputation of a leg necessary. Tbe residence of Josiah H. Florney, near Fort Valley, was consumed by fire on Friday night iast between tbe hours of 11 and 12 o’- clock. He had just completed this dwelling to replace one burnt a saw years since. The Albany Patriot gives a gloomy account of the cotton prospects in tha t section, The plant is dying out even where it came up well, and in other crises much of the seed failed to come up. Tbe cause is supposed to be the use of old seed that had lost a measure of its vital ity from age. Mr. Joseph 11. Jones, of Gordon, Wilkinson Cos., was murdered last Saturday nignt by a Mr. Croorn, who shot him through the head. The National Express Company has opened an office in Atlanta with Mr. J. R. Knott, as agent, and have commenced the regular trans action of business. The “Miltonian Tablaux of Paradise Lost,” is exhibiting in Atlanta. The twenty Bixth of April was appropriately observed at Oxford, by the students, and mem beis of tbe Female academy. A handsome ard substantial new hose reel for the Fire Department of Atlanta wbb land ed from the steamship Virgo at Suvannah on the 30th. A colored woman, named Cora Copes, has been arrested in Savannah for infanticide. The child, an infant, was found ’ouried in tbe yard, A white women left an infant in tho back of a lot in Macon the other day. The pews in the Presbyterian Church at Columbus rented on tbe 30th for $3,500. • A policeman shot and seriously wounded a negro man iu Columbus a few; evenings ago. A beautiful, massive silver pitcher was con tended for by the firemen of Columbus at their annual parade on the Ist iust. The Savannah Republican of Thursday says Capts. James A. Barron and Talbird, of the Fire Department, left that city the day previ ous, with the Washington Steam Fire Engine, No. 9, for the wreck of the steamer Darlington, to assist in raising her by the aid ol the pumps of that powerful engine. Miss Fannie V. Tabb committed suicide in Savannah, on Wednesday, by taking.morphine. The population of Cartersville, according to an enumeration just taken, is 757, all told. The schooner Abbio 8., which was sunk near Fort Jackson, a short time ago, jjgs been raised. Eggs are selling in LaGrange at 15ets per dozen. The ladies of Eatcnton deejorated the graves of the Conlederate dead iu the cemetery at that place on the 26 th ult. The President pardoned three Georgians on the 30th. They came under the first exception oi' the amnesty proclamation. Tho steam saw mill of Messrs. Littlefield & Brinson, of Burke county, was destroyed by lire on the 27th ult. General Dick Taylor has arrived at Dahlc nega. He is gomg to work the gold mines at tbat place, in connection with a Northern General. The remains of Adjutant Sterling G. Turner, of the 19th Georgia, were received and con singned to their last resting place at LaGrange, on the 25 th. Robt McGowaa committed suicide by jump ing frern the steamer Herman Livingston, on the last trip ol that steamer from Savannah to New Yoik. The Macon Telegraph endorses a call by a correspondent, tor a Planters’ Convention at an e arly day, to discuss the labor question, and determine upon the best policy to be pur sued. The people of West Point are enterprising. Besides the two cotton factories now under Contract for building, there is in operation a steam corn mill, and a saw mill will soon be iu full blast. Ou the night of the 30th ult., about fifteen miles north of Quitman, a man by the name of Thomas shot a Mr. Alderman, who, at last ac counts, was still alive, but there were no hopes for his recovery. We learn from the Rome Courier, that Mrs. Caleb Dempsy, of that place, gave Oirth to three children, two girls and a boy, on the 23d uit. The children were alive, but died iu a few hours. A girl named I. Friend, from Macon, reached Atlanta a day or two ago, in a state of insani ty. She was kindly taken to the hospital, where she is well cared for until her friend s can be notified of her condition. James Cummins, the Federal soldier who shot a negro at the window of the guard bouse in Macon, a few days since, was tried by a civil tribunal and received an honorable ac quittal . The surviving members of the LaGrange Light Guards have organized themselves into a society for the puipose of attending the in terment of such of their comrades as fell in battle, and whose remains are now being re moved home. We ieavn from the Griffin Scar, that a few days ago a negro, in P.ke county, violated the person of a respectable white woman, under ihe most revolting circumstances. The negro was arrested and placed in charge of the She riff, item whose hands he was rescued by a party of men iu disguise and summarily exe cuted. As Lieut. Marshall, of the United States Revenue Cutter Nausemond, was going along the bluff towards bis vessel, in Savannah, on i’uesday night, two negroes suddenly sprang upoa him as he was passing a dark alley way, one ol them clutching him by the throat while the other made an attempt to rob him !of his watch. The Lieutenant, in his dilemma, I struck one of his assailants a blow that pros trated him, and instantly drew his revolver, (which unfortunately missed fire, whereupon the rascals made a precipitate flight. Tbe Sews oi the Day# 1 Hon. C. Clay, accompanied by Mrs. Clay, arrived at he-me Friday morning. Genera* S v ! > I- disposed decline the appoiniL .-.s •<• e Hague. A life zed statue cf t'toucwal! Jackson is to be erected in Memphis. The President on tho 30;b, pardoned ten Louisianians, on the -a. ; icraisr..- t-ae Texans. The custom r'Ceir-D at Philadelphia for the week ending April 21s‘. amount to $179 857 S-L Mies L axe. >ue armless lady, is stilt iu Nashville, attracting coreiderabie attention. Pardons were era- re i ec the 30th to five Alabamians on Use te:s with the Georgians The aggrega* appicp" :.tT-n 'or tbe Freed men’s Bureau for the nest fiscal year amounts to $11,684,009 The Agricultural Bureau is in receipts of a swarm of stingiess bees from Honduras. They are said to be excellent honey makers. There aro more tlma twenty- seven hundred case? standing for trial on the docket of the Criminal Court of Memphis. In all the reports of interments in Alabama, the negroes oat number the whites in the pro portion of one-third. Admiral T thoftces arrived in Mobile on Friday, the 27. h, where be received a most cordial greeting at the hand of his friehds. Judge Frazier, United Sut- s Judge in Flori da, has decided the lawyer’s test oath consti tutional. Francis Bader shot and killed an old man named Baezy, in White county, In i , last wees. Workmen commenced layiDg the track cf the South Street railway in NasLvike on the Ist instant. Four negro men have been drowned in the Cape Fear river, n ,r Fay.rtevilie, within the past week. They were engaged in fishing. Major Dubos, formerly ot Gen. B.auregard’ts staff, is soon to start a French paper in Charles ton. The Legislature has disfranchised in that State al ip arsons who fled to escape tho draft or deserted fiom ihe military or naval service. The police of Philadelphia now arrest a!l persona found lounging at the. street earners and in front of churches on Sunday. James Woods, of WilFamsoa county, c itn mitted suicide in Nashville a few days ago Cause: The non reciprocation of affection by a “pretty waiter girl.” Mr Henry Mullins, watchmen, shot and killed a negro on lire Charlotte pike, Saturday night lust, for attempting to break into a dis tillery. The coroner’s jury justified Mullins, A Washington dispatch state? that there is reason to believe that tha President will toon appoint anew Commissioner of Agriculture, iu response to an almost universal request. It has been decided by Judge Test, of the Tippecanoe Circuit court of Indiana, tbat ne groes are citizens, and that ihe 18lh aitic'e of the State Constitution is void. The Iberville (Indiana) South complains that that people are now enjoying the only two le gacies left by .“our Northern brethren,” pov eity and the small pox. Ex-United States Senator Geo. E. Pugh and lady were confirmed at St. Xavier Catholic church in Cincinnati, on Sunday last, and 350 others ; in the Cathedral 350 were confirmed. Belle Boyd has instituted iu London a suit for divorce from her husband, Ex-Lieutenant Harding. Cause : Dissipation and general worthlessness. There aro ten newspapers now being pub lished by negroes—one daily and nine week lies. They all look weekly enough to die soon. The Welumpka Standard says the penitenti ary is filling up very rapidly. Its occupants at this time are twenty-four white men, one hundred and eighteen ireedmen and five freedwomen. The excess of westward bound travelers over eastern bound, that passed through Chicago during April in estimated at 10,090. This is an index to the flow of emigration to the West this spring. It appears that the peerage on tbe European mails for the last fiscal year amounted to sl,- 499,000, of which the United States Post Office Department received only $165,000, the bal ance accrirng to foreign steamers. The New York Commercial’s Washington correspondent says it is rumored that the President advocates the celling of a national Constitutional Convention, to settle lha issues uow pending. There is a report that Mr. Motley, our Min ister at Vienna, has been instructed to demand his passports and come home, in case Austria should persist in allowing recruits for Maxi milian’s armies to ba obtained in the Austrian Empire. Avery respectable lady of Union City, Ind., who has bee.u a very strong Republican in her leell tigs, came to the polls and offered to vote, which, of course was refused, when she replied, very indignantly, “Just ass thought—nig gers before women.” The Philadelphia Fenians are getting intru sive. They have appointed a committee to proceed to New York, to see what O’Mahoney is doing with the money, ar.d they wiil proba bly ask some ‘ awkward questions about the Maine campaign.” The Senate Committee on Foreign Relations agreed to report adversely upon the case of Mr. Smith, of Kansas, nominated as Minister to Greece, on the recommendation of Senator Lane, of Kansas. Tho Committee also agreed to report a bill for raising tho rank of Minis ters Resident to Envoy Extraordinary and Ministers Plenipotentiary, the pay to rema n the same as at present. . Mr. Trumbull’s amendment to the post office bill, which prevents the payment of any money or salaries of officials who were appointed during the recess, except in cases of death, resignation or expiration of term of office, has such strefigth in the Senate as will guararantee its passage by both Houses, either as an amendment to the appropriation bill, or as a separate bill. The National Bank of Cad'z Harrison coun ty, was robbed recently of $350,000 in money and Government bonds. The robbery was very easily accomplished. The thieves at first proceeded to the residence of tie Cashier, and by gagging him and his wife so that no alarm could be given, obtained possession of the keys of tbe back and safe; The robbers have been captured and the plunder recovered. County Elections* Monroe.-T. O. Jacob, eleoffid Judge. No Solicitor named. Sumter.—J. A. Ansi y, Judge; contest doubtful between W. B. Geary and A. R. Brown,for Solicitor. Lee.—W.liiam Newsomo, Judge : A. J. Warren, Solicitor. TerreP— Rev. VVa. J. Parks, Judge; Solicitor, William Spencer. Newton.—Summers, Judge; Christian, So licitor. Wilkes.—On account of illegality in the votes in three of the precincts ol the county, the election lor Judge is contested; J. 11. Alex ander elected Solicitor. Habersham.—C. R. Simmons, Judge; J. W. Heath, Solicitor. The Mu-cogee county election resulted in the choice ot Mr. N. L. Howard for Judge, and of Mr. A. E. Lamar for Solicitor. In Troup county, F>. C. Farel was elected Judge, and J. A. Speer, Solicitor of the County Court. In Spalding county, A. B. Normally and Pitt M. Brown are supposed to he the success ful candidates for Judge and Solicitor, respect ively. H. H.Perry, Etq.,wvs elected County Judge in Burke county, and H. O. Glesson, Eq. , So licitor. ——rtS3--W»— Nine prisoners escaped from the Macon jail Wednesday night. Their names are as fol lows : Luke Nowell, Jr., aged 35 years, murder. bcott Ryce, IS years, nsurder. T H Gavon. 25 years, flora ? stealing. J E Horton. 30 years, burglary. Natt Nunn, 21 years, larceny. Wm Morisy, 21 yeats. stealing. John Bull, 26 ve.rq robbery. Mathias. 20 years, a m'iitary prisoner. Jack Dye, 20 years, robbery. ’ nm- -gai— Lord Bacon beautifuii" i! i : "If a man bo o-racion? to stransrers. it snows tbar he is a citizen of the world, and that his heart is no island cut off from other lauds, but a continent joins them. At thirty we are all trying to cut our names in big letters upon the walls o', this tenement of life ; twenty years la.-r we have carved it, or shut up our knives. Slander not others because they have slan dered you. Bite not a reptile because you have been bitten ’ey him. Impossibilities, like visions and dogs, fly before him who is not afraid o, them. Better too few words, from the women we love, than too Bitty. Put not your trust in money, but put your money in trust. We coniess small auits by way of insinuating that we have no great ones. TEXT: GRAPHIC. C'tigrcsslona'. Washington, May 2. H nry S. Fitch of Savannah was to-day con | firmed by the Senate ;.s United States Attor ! ney Ur Georgia. Lewis D. Campbell was con tinued as Minister to the Republic of Mexico, ihe Committee appointed by the Texas Con vention formally delivered a copy of the ordi nary ■ passed by that* body, to the President who expressed the hope that Texas together with ail other Flutes recently in rebellion, would eoon be restored to their normal condi tion in the Federal Government, and that their cibzeas would be admitted to full participa tion in its blessings and protection. The proceedings in the Senate were general ly unimportant. The House passed the bill establishing the grade of General in the army to which posi tion Lieut. Gen. Grant will undoubtedly be appointed. East Tennessee Convention. Cincinnati, May 4: 'The Convention called to consider the pro priety of organizing a separate State Govern ment for East lunnessee met at Knoxville yes teiday. The President of was authorized to appoint a Committee to bring tue resolution before the Legislature. . Knoxville, May 4. The East Tennessee Convention adopted resolutions petitioning the Legislature for tho passage of an act allowing East Tennessee a separate State Government. Only four dis senting votes. Tue Convemion adjourned sino die. United States Courts not to be Interfered With. New Orleans, May 4. The President has ordered General Canby not to interfere with the United States Courts, and also to make a full report of the conflict within which he has acted. The Court was re-opened yesterday. Shipment of Mold to Europe. New York, May 5. The shipment of Gold to Europe, to-day, amounted to over $1,000,000. Affairs in tbe Southwest. New Orleans, May 4. The troops recently sent to Texas are acting very badly, drunken rows and fights are con stantly occurring at Galveston. Business at Matamoras is dull. The Imperial Austrian troops are disatisfied for want of adequate pay, and forced loans are driving the merchants away. The Red River planters Bay that the cotton seed is universally rotton, and a devastating oveiflow is feared. The Red River is higher than ever before known. Judge Dupfanten has decided that notes payable in Confederate money are worthless and also mortgages given for Confederate money during the war. New York Market. New York, May 4. Cotton firm, at 34a35e. Gold 27 j. . New York, May 5. Cotton firm. Sales 1,000 bales, at 34a35c. Gold 26J. ' By Telegraph and the Mails. New Cases of Cholera. There were two new cases of cholera on the steamboat Virginia on Wednesday; From the West Indies. Havana dates of the 26th, state that a cargo of negroes had just been landed at the south side of the Island. Several ships were expeot ed from China with coolies. , There was a very large stock of sugar on hand. Freightage for the United States was brisk, at about previous rates. Wo have also late advices from the French West India Islands by the same route, dated at Martinique and Guadaloupe. Fifty members of tie Colonial Legislature bad determined to demand from France the same laws and legis lative power as are enjoyed in the mother country. )u Guadaloupe the deaths from chol era average seven and one-fourth per cent, of the population. Ur advices from St. Domingo are to the 14th of April. The late revolutionary movement on the southern portion of the Island, induced at the very moment of its suppression, a large insurrection party to arise in another portion, and suddenly seiza the towns of San Costobal, Baui and San Jose de Oceo. The Government acted promptly and with energy. Troops were marched rapidly from different points and concentrated so judiciously, tluat the in surgents were dispersed. Two of the most active of their leaders escaped, and order was restored. From South America.. New York, January 3— Advices from Rio Janeiro, Aprii 3J, state that it is believed the issues of the Bank of Brazil will be increased, the Government guaranteeing it, and the ten millions of gold in its vaults be withdrawn to meat expenses of the war. Two Peruvian iron-clads bad arrived from England. They captured the ‘ Spanish schooner Dorothea, using the United States flag. A Peruvian ironclad was daily expected from the United States. News of an attack on Pass de Patria and crossing into Paraguay was hourly expected, it is rumored that the Paraguayans bad ad vanced intp Missions to at .rack a Brazilittn force under Paron de Parte Abjgre. From H exico. New Yobk, May 3.—The Herald’s corres pondence from the City of Mexico, llih. says the siege cf Mazatlan s:.ill continued, with occa sional skirmishes. The Washington Gazette tells of three vil lains who went to the bouse o' an old. negro man in Lincoln county named Cobb, last Mon day. and demanded his money. On his refus ing to give it up, they bung hfm, and went to hi? son’s cabin and hung him. The old man got loose, and ss soon as he recover! id from the strangling, went to the white neighbors and got assistance, and overhauled the bandit ti, oue of whom was killed, another t'hot in the neck, and the other took to flight. Their three horses were captured. The man 1 silled was a stranger. The wounded mau belo lgs in Lincoln, and the third in Columbia. Tbose good citizens of Lincoln county who ansi vered so promptly and effective iy the old negro’ scall for assistance are deserving of the big ‘best credit. Church Finances. —The following figi ires from the census give economical men of a re- j ligtous turn the information as to which chi ireh conducts its affairs with the least outlay. It costs each member of the Baptist and Metliod st denomination $3.40 each year ; the Pres- I byterians. SG ; the Congregationalists, $lO y j the Catholics, sl4; Episcopalians, S18; thft ; Reformed Dutch, $22 ; and the Unitarians , $23. Merchant Marine of England. —There an > now twenty-three steam packet companies it t England who own about 370 steamers, th< i tonnage of wirc’a is 560,000, the horse powe r 110, and the value between £30,000,000 aoc l £40,000,000 sterling. 164 of these ships are coa - nested with Liverpool, 94 with Southampton , 40 with Hail, 35 with London, 15 (with Glas - gow, and 15 with Hartlepool f 200 of the* a steamers trade with the Eastern, and 170 wit! i the Western hemisphere. Upward of 80 of th< i largest of the latter trade exciusi eely with tig : i United States. I M > MiV! F. KC; AL WEEKLY BBViBW UK SHE AD«(BU MAUKbT FOB THS WKIK ENDING MAY STH. REMARKS —Our maiket has presented few new features of interest during the last week. Business has been dull and prices have remain ed stationary. COTTON.—We left the matket, in our last, in a condition too unsettled to give quotations. On Monday and Tuesday there were a few sales at 20 to 2Gc; on Wednesday we quoted mid dling to strict middling 25Ja264c., with a dull market, buyers holding off. On Thursday there was a better feeling, with a fair inquiry, and a few sales were made at the above rates. On Friday there was a good inquiry, and we quoted middling at 26, and good middling at 27a27£c. On Saturday there was a fair de mand. with but little offering. We quote, at the close, middling 26 ; strict middling,27 ; good middling 2Se. FINANCIAL.—The demand for gold, as well as for securities, has been dull during the week, and there has been little change in rates. Oar brokers are buviug gold at 1 26, and selling at 127 to 127 A; the buying rates for silver continue at 1 20 and selling at 1 24, with but little demand for either. The follow ing are the current rates for bank notes : GEORGIA BANKS. Augusta Insurance and Banking Cos Baoo Bank of Augusta 42a00 Bank of Athens 45«00 Bank of Columbus 18a00 Bank of Commerce 6aoo Bank of Fulton 35a40 Bank of the Empire State 20a00 Bank of Middle Georgia 86a00 Bank of Savannah 38a00 Bank of State Georgia 25a00 Central R. R. and Banking Company.. .97a00 City Bank of Augusta 28a00 Farmers 1 and Mechanics’ Bank 12j00 Georgia R. R, and Banking Company... ,!)7aoo Marine Bank 85a00 Mechanics’ Bank lOaOO Merchants’ and Planters’ Bank Baoo Planters’ Bank 15a00 Timber Cutters’ Bank saoo Union Bank 9aoo SOUTH CAROLINA BANKS. Bank of Camden 42a00 Bank of Charleston 18-tOO Bank of Chester 19a00 Bank of Georgetown 19a00 Bank of Hamburg 17a00 BaDk of Newberry 42a00 Bank of South Carolina 15a00 Bank of the State of So. Ca., old issue.. ,18a00 Bank of the State of So. Ca., new issue.. 6aoo Commercial Bank, Columbia ISaOO Exchange Bank, Columbia 18a00 Farmers’and Exchange saoo Merchants’, Cheraw 18a00 People’s Bank ; ..45a00 Planters’ Bank 17a00 Planters’ & Mechanics’ Bank 19a00 South Western Railroad 45a00 State Bank saoo Union Bank 62a00 OLD BONDS, etc. Old Georgia State Bonds, in demand 85 Old Georgia Coupons 85at)0 Georgia Railroad bonds 90 Georgia Railroad stock 87a88 Central Railroad bonds, in demand 95 Central Railroad stock 98 City of Augusta bonds, in demand.. 85a00 City of Augusta notes 95 ARTIFICIAL MANURES—We renew quo tations, as follows; Hoyt’s Phosphate, S6B per ton ; Rhodes’ do., $75 ; Soluble Pacific Guano, SBS ; Baugh’s Raw Bone Phosphate, S7O ; Peruvian Guano is quoted $l3O, but tbo supply is exhausted. Calcareous Nitre, S3O per ton. BACON.—There is a better feeling in bacon and wo quote B. B. sides 18, clear sides 20 j shoulders, 15; hams, 24 cents. BAGGING AND ROPE.—These articles are dull and neglected. We have reduced our quotations, as follows: Kentucky, Power Loom, per yard, 27 ; Guuuy, per yard, 28; Baling Rope, per pound, 20 to 21 cents. BROOMS.—Per dozen, $4 75. BUTTER.—State, per pound, 55; Goshen, 65 per pound. COTTON GOODS.—There is a tendency to lower rates, but we renew our quotations : Augusta Factory 7-8 Shirtings 17c “ 4-4 Sheetings 21c “ 7-8 Drills 23c Montour Factory 7 -8 Shirtings 16c “ 4-4 Sheetings 20c Osnaburgs 26a27 Yarns $2 25a2 50 CANDLES.— Stearine, per pound, 25; Star, per pound, 28; Adamantine, per pound. Sperm, per pound, —. CANDlES.—Stewart’s twenty-five pound boxes, assorted, per pound, 37£, 5 pound boxes, mixed, 50; 5 pound boxes Gum Drops, 50; 5 pound boxes, Wine Drops, 65. • CBEESE.— State per lb 24; English dairy 28 to 30. CIGARS—Good American per M, $30a140 00; Havanna, imported, per, M., s74a 250 000. CRACKERS.—Water, 15; soda, 16; but ter, 16; sugar, 18; fancy, 23. COFFEE.—The supply is equal to the de mand, at 26a30 for Rio, 40 to 47 for Java. DRUGS—( Package Qnotations.) —Reported by Mr. William H. Tuti, Wholesale Druggist : Copperas, Cc; Spanish Indigo, $1 75a2 00; Mad der, 18c ; Bi Carb Soda, 14c ; Sulpher 10c ; Aaato 75c ; Asalcetida 25c to 55c; Balsam Capavia SI 25 5 Borax 45c ; Brimstone Sc ; Gum Camphor, SI 60 ; Castor Oil, $4 50; Chlo rate Potash, 75c; Cream Tartar, 35a60e; Epsom Salts, 8c . Gum Arabic, 55a$l 25 ; Morphine, $lO per oz ; Opium, sll ; lodide Potash, $5 50; White Lead, 15 to 20c ; Spirits Tur pentine, $1 25; Copal Varnish, $4 50; Machin ery oil, $2 00 ; Tanner’b do, $1 to 150 ; Damar Varnish, $5 00 ; Japan Varnish, $3 50 ; Coach Varnish, $5 00 ; Asphaltum Varnish, $2 50a 5 00 ; Chrome Green, 30a40c ; Chrome Green, 25a40c ; Venet. Bed. 8c ; Spanish Whiting, Bc. EGGS.— In demand at 30 to 35 cents. FLOUR.— The supply is fully equal to the demand, with no change in prices. We quote 10 to 10 50 for superfine, extra sUall 25 ; extra family 13 a 13J , Stovall’s Excelsior mills, Augusta canal sl2, superfine sl4 ; extra sls ; double extra, sl7 ; Granite mills, canal sl2 ; superfine sl3 ; family sl4 ; extra sl7. GRAIN —Arrival of corn have been pretty large, and there is a tendency to easier rates, though we do not alter onr figures. We quote $1 50 to 1 55. Oats are in good demand at 80 to 85 cents. HIDES. —All offered are readily taken at 4 cents for green and 10 cents for dry. HAY.—There is a large supply, and only a moderate demand for use at $2 00a2 25 per hundred. IRON.—Refined 9to 10 cents. Swedes iron 10 to 11 cents. Sheet iron 12J cents. Nail rod, 20c. LARD—Stocks are equal to the demand, and we quote 18 J to 20c for pressed, 21a22 for prime. LEATHER.— Quotations have a wide range, according to quality, as follows : _ Sole' 30 “®°! harness, 40a75; kip skins, 60a$l 2o ; calf s 60a$1. 25. LJME.—Rockland, per barrel, S4U . LIQUORS— Remain very dull. The state and County tax of 40c. per gallon » "Jted 1® making sales, giving a range of ?- ‘ - ° r whiskeys, at which the sales are very Lm.ttd None but common whiskeys selling. KEROSENE LAMPS. Large supply in market, at any desired price from *6 to S6O per dozen, NAILS Per keg, S3 to OlLS— Kerosene, 90c tosl 00 per gallon. ONIONS.— Per barrel-dull and irregular at $2 50 to $4 00. POTATOES. -Sweet, per bushel, slsoal .o. I Irish, s4as per barrel. POTASH. —In cans, per lb, joc. | RAGS.—Per lb 4to 5 cents. RlCE.—Supply limited, and rather quiet at 14 cents for Carolina,juid 12.]c cents for India. SALT.—The stock is large, and the article is very dull at $2 to $2 25. SHOT.—Per bag s3a3 50. SUGAR. —We quote common Cuba browns, at 12T to 15c; C, 161a17 ; B. 17*al8 ; A, 18al9, good yellow a shade lower. Crushed ISf, and powdered, 20a21. TOBACCO.—Smoking, per lb. 50aG0c, black 10’s 25c; sweet 10’s 50c, common brands 50c; medium bright, 50a75c; flue 75a$l 00. COTTON QUOTATIONS. New Orleans, May 2. Sales of 800 bales at irregular figures. La Grange, May 3 Yery little being received. 20c is offered for good cotton. Nashville, May 3. Sales of 137 bales, at prices ranging from 24 to 26|c. Montgomery, May 3. Nothing doing. Quotations remain un changed, from 20 to 25c. KAVAWAH MARKET. Savannah, May 27. Remarka—The fluctuations in the value of gold in New Yoik having been wider than usual this week, ranging from 25 to 29 prem., the price of Sterling has varied from day to day, raDgiug from 29 to 33 prem.; closing at abeut 32 for prime tills, there is very little Sterling offering, the indisposition to ssll cot ton curtailing the supply of Exchange, both in Loudon and New York; checks on the latter point a'e very scarce and have improved J to J ou last week’s rates. We quote N Y sight JaJ discount out of and iors; iu bank, par; and for 1 to 3 days, h to f discount. Cotton. Oar market has this week exhibit ed quieter feeling than at any time during the season. The advices of next crop seems to im pars confidence to holders wnich may be con sidered undue, when the great quantity to be received in Europe is to be placed to the debit of high prices, as acting like a “wet blanket” on any advance to be expected from there. Still wo would consider it a very serious matter the general cry of short crop, particularly when planters would be benefitted by eiving a better account of their prospects, in order to obtain the necessary advance. We quote; Good Middling Nominal and scarce Strict Middling Middling 30c Low Middling 24c Good Ordinary 24c In Sea Islands there exists the same depres sions, and we have heard of no transaction. COTTON STATEMENT. Uplands. S a Island. Sales for the week 627 67 Receipts for the week 4,924 76 Exports coastwise.. 1.244 52 Exports to foreign ports .£ 7,655 138 Stock on hand 11,222 745 GENERAL STATEMENT TO APRIL 2iST. Receipts from close of war to Sept. 1. 415,000 Receipts since September 1 1,723,000 Stock on hand (approximated) 458,000 Bacon—The maiket for the past week has been dull. The supply is fully equal to the demand. We quote sides at 17al8c; shoulders 14a16c, and bams at 22 to 25c. Butter.—We quote from 58aG0c, according ts quality. Coffee—The market continues well supplied, and piiees vary but little from our last quota tions. Rio is sold at 25a27; St Domingo 22 Ja 27c, and Java at 40a45c. Candles.—We quote Adamantine at 24a2Gc; Hull’s 25<i270 per lb. Coal.—We quote all grades' from sl2 50 to sl3 50, at retail; at wholesale, s9alo Corn—Has arrived freely within the past few days from Baltimore, which has fully supplied the market for the present, but it will not be sufficient for the demand, as large shipments are being made to the interior. We quote white at sl3oal3sand yellow $1 30 from wharf White is selling from stole at $1 35al 40, and yellow about 5c less; $1 20 is the price asked for a lot in bulk. Domestics —Yarns are in limited demand at $2 50 per bunch. Dry Goods—We quote cotton Osnaburgs 8 cz 28a30c; yarns No 8 to 10 $2 50; biown sheeting, heavy style. 14a17c; crowu do § do 16a20c; brewn do 4-4 do 18r25c; brown drill 22a30c: bleached sheeting 22Ja30; and calicoes at 12a22. Flour.—Good family is selling at $10al3; Ohio $9 50a 10; and ordinary sßa9. Fruit.—The mrrfcet is well stocked. Oranges are soiling at $7 50 per box, and Lemons at $0 50. Hay.—We quote Eastern at $1 75; Northern $1 50. Molasses.— We quote clayed at 45c; Musco vado '4Bc Oats—We quote at 90a97 from store. Oils.—The market is dull, with but few sales. The stock is good and prices remain firm. We quote linseed at $1 60al 80 per gallon; whale at $1 95a2; sperm at $2 80a3 10; nealsfoot at $2 36; lard at $2 30a2 50; kerosene at 85ca$l; train at $1 75; spirits turpentine $1 60a2. Rice.—There is but very little in the maaket and that an inferior quality Prices are with out change, and we quote E J Rangoon at 10J allc; Carolioa 12c; r 4 at retail. t Timber—Is stiller, without any positive ad nce; a better demand and prices Brightly tending upwards. Freights.—We quote cotton to Liverpool £d tor uplands, and J i for sea island. To New York, by steamers, fc for cotton, and $l5O per bale for domestics. To Philadelphia and Baltimore, by steamers, fc for cotton. To Boston, per steamer, square 15x16 compressed, fc. By sailing vessels to all Northern ports, Jc. Timber to Liverpool and Bristol, 42s 6d a4ss per load; to New York SlOall.’ Lumber to West India ports sßalo per 1,000 feet. LIVERPOOL MAIIKEr. (PROM BROWN SHIPLEY & CO’s MARKET REPORT.) Liverpool, Friday, April 13. Cotton.—The course of the market during the past week has been uninterruptedly down wards with extreme irregularity of prices. On Wednesday morning there was an increased demand, but it did not last the day out. The influences alluded to in our last report all con tinued with great force against the market, and have caused the very serious decline of about per ib in American, and of 31 or more in the other descriptions of cotton, and we close without perceptible indication of a rally. The transactions in cotton to arrive are numerous, at a fall in prices in proportion to those for cotton on the spot. The demand for sea islands has been very freely met, and prices of the medium qualities have been rather ir regular at a decline of Id to 2d per lb within the fortnight; sales of the week, 360 bags. The following figures are from the Liverpool Cotton Brokers’ Association Circular of last evening: Sales of the week, on speculation, 3,560 bales; to exporters, 13,140 bales; to the trade, 32 400 bales-total, 49,100 bales; of which 2,150 were American. Imports of the week, 65,191 bales, of which 25,116 were American. Estimated Stock. 676,220 bales, ol which 306,- 920 bales are American; against 600,530 bales same time last year, of 62,070 were American. quotations: Middling Uplands 15|4 Mobile 15fd Middling Orleans 16 and Texas 16 and - Money has been in very good demand at about bank rate, 6 per cent. The reserve ol the Ban* ot England is £7,188,763, which, com pared with last week, is an increase of £269,- 431. Manchester, April 14. The market is very much shaken, and prices have the same downward tendency which characterizes our market, and it is not likely that much steadiness will be found until things right themselves here. Cotton continues in the same deplorable state reported above; yest-rday the market fell from 11 to £ 1 per lb; Middling Orleans at about 15Jd; sales 7,000 bales. To-day there is a further decline, increased irregularity and quotations quite nominal ; buyers name very low prices, which, in some instances, are accept ed; the sales may reach 5,000 or 6,000 bales. The following is from a large and reliable Liverpool house: Liverpool, 14th April, 1866. la addition to previous causes of decline, we have this week had a pressure by holders hard up for cash, and a change of wind has brought us about 100.000 bales of cotton, a large por tion ol which having been sold, to arrive, will require prompt providing for. Our additional troubles are the uncertainty of German matters, and continued free receipts at New Orleans, a.l of which alarm holders and danse distrust, both with home and foreign FpiDUtilf# . , Nothing whatever is doing m Manchester, buyers and sellers preferring to look on until they find out where the decline is to end. The Mirror Blacking. TOST RECEIVED ANOIHEii INVOICE OF #1 *v,. srrg'T 5* Racking. The d6ft Id the world. ap2slro?T NEAI- WHITLOCK it CO. J. W. Hallam, ORGANIST OF ST. PAUL'S CHURCH. oF feah'ußer.lcwtath? mfareuaof Augusta, aa Teacher#! Music. Enquireat Oates’ Music Store l loud SPECIALS OTICFA’. HAttAY* MAW KOLIA IULM. This is the m n st delightful and extrao*di:ary a tlcle ever discovered. It changes the sun-burnt face and hands to a pearly satin texture of ravishing beauty. Imparling the marble purity of youth, and the distingue appe ranie so inviting in thexii? belle of fashion. It removes tan, freckles, pimple* an 1 roughneis from the skin, leaving the complexion iresh, trar sparent and smooth. It contains no material injurious to the skin. Patronized by Actres3es and Opera SiDgers It i* wh&t every ladv should have. Sold everywhere. Retail price 50 cents. Prepared by W. E. HAGAN, Troy, N. Y. Address all oiders to nov9 lyw4s* DEM AS BARN E* A CO., New York. — LYOYB RATH AIR OX. Katha ; ron is f.ora the Greek word “Kathro,” or “Kathal* ro,” signifying to cleanse, rejuvenate and restore. This art i e’e is what its name signifies. For preserving, restoring an beautifying the human hair, it is the most remarkable prepar ation in the world- It is again owned and put np by the orig inal propri? o*, and ie now made with the same care, skill and aitrntion which give it a sate of over one million bottles per annum! It is a most delightful Hair Pressing. It eradcates scurf and dandruff. It keeps the head cool and clean. It make? the hair Uch, soft ami glossy, I v prevents the hair from falling off and turning grey It restores hair upon bald heads. Any 'ady or gentleman who values a beautiful head of ha should Use Lyon’s Katbairon. It ii known and used through out the civilized world. Sold by all respectable dealers. nov7 ol)ew4s* HEM AS BARNES A GO., New York. Lejral Advertisements. OF GEORGIA. RICHMOND COUNTY. Whereas, Fiauk H. Airier. Aumi listra-or on the Estate of Solom -n Tobay, deceased apples t* me for Letiersof Dlsmsaion. * hosea'e therefore to cite and edtnonlsh, nil and singular, the kind, el and c-editors of* id deceased, to be and appear at my office, on or b » f ore the first Moad-v in August next, to show cause, it any they have, why said Letters should not be gr»t ted Givun unde* my hand and offlelal signature at office in Au gusta, this Bth day of January, 1866. jana 2‘iwlam 3 D'.Vll) ROA.TII Or<lina v. TATEOF GEORGIA, RICHMOND CO U N TY. Whereas, Jacob Kaufler. administrator on toe Estate of D»v and Kauffer, deceased, applies to me for letter.* ol Dismis sion: These sre therefore to cite and admonish all and singular the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to be atm appear at my office on or before the first Mommy in August n-xi, to show ci.use, If any ihey have, tr by said letters suouiu not be granted. Given under hand and official signature, at office in An gusl a. th*s S'h day of January, 1866 jau9 26wlam3 D. L. RO ITH, Ort* par”. STATE OF GEORGIA. RICH*ON D COUNT i . Whereas, M.chael O’Neal, guardian of ►lien Malier. (■■« w Eilen Hastings.) miner, applies to me for Letters of Dismission These sre therefore, to cite and admonish all, and singular the kindred audfrienos cf said minor, to be an 1 appear at my office, on or oefore uie first Monday in December next, to chow cause, if any they have, why said Letters should not be granted. Given under my hard and official signature, at office in Au gust a, this 3a day of October, 1865. DAVID L.ROATH, octS 2Gw l&mtl Ordinary. STATE OF GEORGIA, GREENE COUNTY. Wheieas, EUzi a Parham, administiatr?x of the estate o' Paling P, Parham, deceased petitions the Court et Ordina ry of said county for letters uismitsory: These a v e therefore to cite and require all peisons concern ed t » shaw cause, if any they have, why said Jett tb should not be gran-.’d «t the Oourt of Ordinary to be held in and for said county on ihefi 'st Moßday in June n< xt. Give i under my hand at office in November 9th. 1 65. EUGENI US L. KING, Drdliiary. novl4 26wlaj 48 TATE OF GEORGIA,RICHMOND COUNTY. Whereas, Wi'lia-nT G. uld and Wlll’atn Burner. Fxec u'tora of Henry C. Gould, deceased, apply to me for Letters of Dismission: These are therefore’o cite ar.d admonish, all andsingular the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to be and appear at my office, on or belore the first Monay in July next, to show cause, if any they have, why said Letters should not be granted. Given under my hand and official signature, n Au gust.*, this 4tn day of December. 1865. DAVID L. ROATII, Ord’y. decs 26w1am50 EOKGIA, GREENE COUNT*. Whereas. Wi ey G. Johnson, administrator de bonis non with the will annexed, ol the estbte of Memory W. Slat ham deceased, petitions for letters dismlasory from said es tate : The'e are theT to cite and require all nerson* corcernrd to show ciuse against rhe. granting of the duebargeef said ad ministrator and issuing to h m letters dismissory, at the Court of Ordinary to be held in ii\(l for said county on the flret Mon day *n Angus next. Giveu uuder my hand at office in Greenesboro, January 10th, 18G6. EUGENIUS L. KING, janl2 26wlam 4 ordinary, STA TEWGEORGIA, RIC HMO N D COUNTY. Wlit*eas, Edward Perrin anu John T Smith Executors of William Summerali, deceased, apply to me for letters of Disraistion: These v e therefore to cite and admonish all and singular the kindrea and creditors of f*aid deceased, »o e and appear at my office, on or before the first Mo day in August next, to show cause, if any they have, why said letters should not be granted, * Given under my hand and official 'ignature at office, in Au gusta. this Bth day of J anuaiy. 1866. jan9 26wlani8 DAVID L. KOATH, Ordinary. STATE OF GE »RGIA, RICHMOND COUNTY. WhereaMCharlotte A. Davies and Jimes.B. Walker, Ad mmiPtmora on the Estate of William W. Davias, lereised, apply to me for Letters of Dismission: These are the-efore.to cite and admonish, all and singular, the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to be and appear at my office, on or before the firm Monday in August next, to chow cause, if any they have, why said letters should not be granted. Given under my hand aud official signature at office in Au gusta. this Bih on j Os January. 1866. ian«26wlamS ha VIP L. KOATH,Ordinary. STATE OF GEORGIA, LINCOIN COUNT V. Whereas. Dennis Pa**chai. Scnr. Exeat or of the Estate ot Jeremiah Grtsham, represent* to the court In his pet.tion duly file 1 and entered on record, that he has fully admlnistt red said Estat"ac3ording to the will of Jeremiah Gre ham : This is, therefore to cite all person t con:erned, kindred aid credit or*, to show cause if any they can, way fald Executor should net be from hi exec torshin. aud receive leLttrs of dismi°Bion,on tbe Monuay in tc;ol626wiam9 B. F. TAT 'M, Ordinary. GEORGIA. GKKENEUOUNTY. VR Whereas. James W. Jack-on, administ’itor o' the estate of Jffise W. Champion, deceased, neiitions the Court of Ordi nary of said county, tor letters dismissory iroin said estate : 'l’nes? are therefore to cite and require ail per*onn concerned to show cause against the gran’ing of the Discharge of said ad ministrator, ana issuing io him uisraiESory, at the Court of Ordinary to be held in *nd for said county on the first Mon day in ucob r next, Given under my hand at office in Greenesboro, March 9th, 1866 EUGJCNIUS L. KING, inhlo 26w1am12 Orclin iiy. G~ EO RGI A ,~GR K ENE COUNTY Whereas. W iiliam A Curry, administrator de bonis non wiin the will anneved, of the estate of John Mcliargue.de ceased petitions the Court of Ordinary of said coun.y, lor letters dismltsory from said estate: These are cite and require all persons concerned to show cause againstt he granting of the uisclnrge of va and ad ministrator, ana issuing tohimletihrsd tmissory, at the Court of Ordinary to be held in and for said county, on the first Mou day in October next Given under my hand at offlea m Greenesboro, March 9th. 1866. EUGENIU6 L. KING, rrhlO 16wlaml2 Ordinary. Felix G. C. Fe»-k and others J Rill lor account, oi covery vs. > and distribution, in Taliaferro EbenezerJ Swam and others.) superior Court, in Equity, February Term, D66. It appearing to the Court that EbenezerJ. Swam and Au gustus S. Royston, two of the Defendants in tne above stated case, do not reside in this State, that said Swain resides in the State of Aiabima. and said Royston in the state of 'l'eanessee. Oa motion erde'ed that said Defendants be and appear at the next term of this court, to be held on the fourth Monday c.f August next, to answer said bill, and that service ot vaid bid be perfected on siid Defendants by a publication of this order m the Chronic.e & beatinel. a public Gazette of this State, once a month for tour m rnthi, immediately after the adjournment of this C*»urt. J certify the above and foregoing to be a true transcript from the Minutes of Taliaferro superior Court. mh4 4mwiamll J. D. HAMMACK, Clerk. STATE OF GEORGIA, RICHMOND COUNTY. Whereas, George T. Barnes, Administrator on the estate oi John H. opencer, applies to me for letters 1 1 Dismission: These are,therefore, to cite and admonish, all and singular the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to be and appear at my office, on or before the first Monday in November next.toshow cause,if any they have, why said Letters should not be granted. Given undermy hand and official signature, at office in Augusta, this 55 Ji day of April. 1866. api6 ißwlam!9 DAVID L. ROATH, Ordinary. STATE OF GEORGIA, RICHMOND COUNTY— *Vheiea3. Germain i. Dorticfiiid WM am E. Jackion. Exe:ut ra of Tnomas bnowdea, apply to ms lor Letters of Dismission: These are therefore, to c te aid admonish, all and singular the kindred and creditors of said £ece«<ed. to be and appe ir at my office, on or helorj the first Mmday in November next, ro shu ft oause, if any they have, why said Letters khould not be granted. Given ’ nder my hand and official signature, at office in Au xvb a, this 25ih day of April, 1866. gp26 26*lara!9 DAVID L. ROATH,Ord’y. Georgia, Lincoln county. To all whom it ra »y concern iliiara D. Tutt and Kobeit 11. Fleming having iu proper lorrn app Jed to rce for permanent letters of acministration on the tfct»ie of Kicnard M.Tcmußiui, late of said county, tht* is to cite al and hmgu lar toe creditors an 1 next of kin ox Richard F. Tompkins to be and at)pear a my office with'.n tne time allowed t>v ihw, and show cause, it any the* can why psrrnaoen a 1 mini tra tioa should not be grants i to William u. Tu t anti Robert H. Fleming on Richard R. i ompkins' E-.tate. Witness my hand and official sigLat uie. April 27, 1866. li. b\ TATUM. may3 4w Ordinary. l%roTics. Two months after date application will be made to the tjourtof Ordinary of Richmond county tor leave to sell the personal property belonging to the eitate of Thomas D Mnith, deceased. JAMES T. BuTHV LL. ap7 3w16 Administrator. CIEOKGIA, GREENE COUNTY. j Two monihs after date, to-wit: at the next June term onneCou tof Oidinary if Baid county, app ication will be made to s»id Court for an order to sell all the red estate of Jesse *. Battle, dec aied, for the purpose of paying the debts of said deceased I NANCY E. BATTLE, Adrnz mh2fl Bwl4. of Jease rt. Battlx. Two months a f te* date application will be made to the Jo art of Ordinary, of Hi hmond county, for leave to eell tne real estate belonging to tne estate of Khz* A. Bvrd. laie of said AMANHA To Cotton Planters. THB sabferibers would respectfully inform cot‘on plan ter* iha. ;hev have on uan i, ani are nrept e 1 and make to order CUTTG * GIN*, or a g*»p--nor q ixiiiy, wh ch they offer for sale on re asocab e Wins. , parties pardoning from us may re’y on b»ing furnished with the i e<t quart <of gin*. We are als j prepared to repair ''ld tiiaands make them penorm well. A- i*. a iarg luiu. b-*< of old gir.s m the hands of planters, we suggest tne pro priety and ecjn >m 7 of having them rcpa.re!. To owners of such woo wisi them repaired, we Ray send them tJ us early, and we will repair them in good order, arid at reatovaMe charge*. orders for new Cttos respectful y solicited, and promptly attended to. 1 wenty yearaexperience *n the manufacture of cotton gins wa rant us in spying our m. ke not be cur.«as.'ed by any other J D. & H.T HaMM V'k, apr4l2d&2w Urawfbr'lville.i.a. Wool Carding and Manuracturing. THE ATHENS MANUFACTURING COM pany having renewed their Wool Card?, are prepared to do the best cl work on liberal terms. ALSO, Will exchange Wool Jeans and Plaid? for Wool. Wool cent to our ar.dress (Athene, Ga.) by Kail R *ad, will reoeive prompt attention. K. L. uL/JOrtP IKhD, np*yl Ud&2w Ageu4A. Man’s. Cos,