Weekly chronicle & sentinel. (Augusta, Ga.) 1866-1877, July 04, 1866, Image 3

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Cljnmirlp k Ifiitimi. AUGUSTA, G.\ , WBUHKBDAY MOKMVJ, ll |,V 4 Tbe Cenotaph Fund. The Treasurer of tbe Ccuotaph Olub, under whoso auspices several entertainments vrere given last winter, lor the purpose of ral-incr a sum of money sufficient to the erection of a Cenotaph to the memory o! Augusta's dead, has handed us au exhibit ot the receipts of the fiaui n , w hith is hereunto appended : Nett proceeds ot first Exhibition of Tableaux < 70 00 Nett proceeds of Hot (tappets 517 x 7o f 1 ®* 1,793 70 Eouj on 2d, 2J and 4th Exhibitions 133 20 . sloo.usu Amount nett proceeds Concert given by "Young Men’s Ann teiirClub” as p.r receipt given Mr, Brown J 25 10 s 1 fr > 05 Add interest 2 per cent, per u-outh on fuuds loaned 203 GO $2,019 31 NOTE! FOE CABII LOANED 1 ilno Soph 4, I8(i<; £}IK! !)() t duo 8 ;pt. 4, IhGU 290 to 1 due Oct. 4, 18GG 249 40 i duo Oct. 4, l.oil i;:t 1 due Dt> c. 4, i GO 557 :n *2,049 ;1 • [Tho abovo notes ore well ecuied. 11 they are paid before they fall due the santo rah; of in terest as charged abovo will l e allowed the* parties on the time In advance of the maturity of the notes.| 1 give it at; ruy opinion from an examination cl the [tapers that the sum of two thousand and forty-nine dollars and thirty-one cents, being the principal and interest of the Augusta Cenotaph Fuad has boon amply secured by the Treasurer. Signed Wm. it. McLaws. 'lota 1 , amount of cash receipts, including col lections made by committee) ot ladies, and amount received from Young Men's Mus cat Club *2,875 25. I.KfH. total amount of payments as follow:? : Servants’ hire during tho continuance ot the work of tho Col otaph Club 10i; ,o Erection of Pyramids lor Tableaux 24 Oi) Oil, and lor crockery aud lamps broken 18 00 Sundry purchases by Mr. Wren for bene fit ot Tableaux s<; 00 Mr. Y’olger’r, bill for lire works 30 00 Mr. Wren’s charges for bis boivices 150 00 Mr. Hamilton—Con - cert Hall 75 00 Rent for Masonic Hall GO 00 Professor Uott for Mu sic bill 40 00 Mr. Pm,he's printing bill .V 50 Sundiy purchases for Hot Suppers 492 10 1,08!) 60 $1,785 G 5 information Os U. W. and David S. Arthur, who entered the Confederate army, ns members of the first Mississippi, is desired by their widowed mother Mrs. Mary Arthur, at Jackson, Mips. C. W. Arthur was captured aud taken to Camp Douglas, from which ho escaped, and was recaptured. After which, in order to re gain his liberty, ho entered a U. S. regiment to fight the Indians in Minnesota. From this regiment he deserted, and has not since been heard of. David S. Arthur was from the com mencement of the war In General Beauregard’s command, and served through the Virginia aud Georgia campaigns. The mother of these young men, a destitute widow, having lost all hot property, still clinging to the hopo that her sons ore nllvo, Is extremely anxious to gain information of them, and will be very gratelul to those editors who copy this card, and to any who will furnish hor any informa tion in thoir possession iu regard to the fate of her boys. PitOFESsmt Aoaesiz. —This omineut Geologist linn completed his explorations in tho valley of tiro Amazon, and speaks iu the warmest terms of the kindness aud attention shown him by the Emperor of Brazil, iu placing a Govern ment steamer at bis service, aud granting him wuoh other faeilitiea as enabled him iu a few months to finish a work that otherwise would .have required years to accomplish. National Banks.—No new National Banks svoro organized last week. National bank cur iei»y amounting to $970,670 was issued tinting -ho week by Comptroller Olarko. Tho total nmouut of this currency issued up to date i *281,231,460. ’ihu First Natioual Bank o q Galveston, Tex,as, has been designated a do • poeitory ot public moneys by Treasurer Bpinner. 'I he securities for national banks held ity tho Treasurer on Saturday last, were as follow.': As security for circulation, $320,- -021,850; na security for deposits of public mo ney in banks designated an United States de poHitarice, *38,143,500. Ull'ilHSS Kotl«cs< .Mk ; U;i Elutoiw.—We taku teat pleasur <in calling aito&tioa to tho very prompt snttloment of our insurance olaim bv the Security In -Buranee t’o., of Now York, of which J. E. Marshall, Esq., in agent, in tho loss of 101 bales of cotton recently burnt in .Savannah while in transit to Now York. Tho shipment wa3 in sured in four different companies. As soon as proof of loss was furnished by Mr. tiaisball to O. F. llreseo, Esq., Gen’l. Agent for this Com pany throughout tho South, the eiuim was paid in full, without the discouut for sixty days to which tho Company is entitled. Such promptness and liberality deserve special notice. Since writing the above we beg to ncknmil lec'ge the same promptness and liberality on the part of tho Woodville Insurance Cos., of Alabama. Wo oan safely recommend these Companies nud its agent to the confidence and patronage of our more haute. Buanvii, Son’s & Cos. OueKsmxu Pianos. —Tho name of Cfeicker* ing has Iveu associated with tho manufacture of pianos for nearly fifty years. Jones Chick oring was one of tUo pioneers in the busiue-s, and his early success offered the first t fimctual check to the large importation of piano-fortes from Europe. At that period, and for mauy years after tho demand for pianos was very .limited, so that as oue after another manufac *fc;rer sprung up. following at a distance the )Mtd ot Chickering, it became possible to sup ply the home demand by homo manufacture, and the public at length, believing in the ster ling excellence of the American product,ceased to order from abroad, aud toe business of im porting pianos died out, it being impossible to pursue it with profit. For thirty years the house of Chickering A Sons was the foremost bouse m America, it business doubling that of any other maker, and throughout tlio whole length and breadth of tbe country tho name of “Chickering, Hoeton, was a talismau and a guaranty, which has penetrated into a thousand of American homes, and was then as much a household word in proportion ns it is this day, where its thirty thousand pianos are forever vocalizing the simple words ‘‘Chickering, Boston. To Chickering A Sms the modern piano D Indebted for its most important improvement. The entire iron frame v.ag first used by Chick criog A Fens, and was exhibited by thorn at the first great International Exhibition in Lou don, where it created a profound excitement, receiving the first medal ever awarded to au American piano-forte manufacturer, and the Approval ol all the eminent makers in Euro [re. who aitevwards adopted the principle ; thus giving rise to tho expression "mauniactured t»tter the American plan." Chickering « Sons uiet introduced the “cir cu'ar,” from which springs all tho present ox ceffenco of tho American piano. The adop tion of this f case, which the chkkerings gener ously left unpatented for the benefit of the ’whole trade, has given to the piano depth, power, and bauty of quality of ton •; in short, it! as op-ned tho way lor thetplendid qualities which distinguish tho piano of tOMiay'trom the pi .no cf fifteen years r>go. The immense buxines done by Chiekeriog £ Sons necessitated manufacturing facilities iu proportion, and led to the erection of thoir mo ld ext* nsivu and splendid manufactory in i ston, which is the largest in the world, and lice been imitated on a smaller scale by other manufacturers in this country ; although much of their wonderful labor-saving machines, the invention of the Chlckerlngs themselves, cannot be imitated, and arc therefore not to be found elsewhere. The house of Ohltkering k Sons fully main tain* its supremacy. Their manufactory ia still much the largest in the world, the num ber of pianos they turn out wack y in rrronds, tqiiares and uprights exceeds that of any rioglc manufacturer in America. Their pianos, when brought into close competition with those of any other maker, have always been prouounced superior, and their grind piano, which is .the instrument which stamps the supreme reputation of a manufacturer, is in ways chosen by tho world’s acknowledged groat pianists aa the only instrument in which thc7 can reveal in tho highest degree tht-ir skill, imagination and sentiment, and is consequently the loading concert piano In America Eurtbor, the two great points upon which bingo all tho present excellence of American pianos, viz-, the full iron frame and ti e “Circular Scale,” are duo to tho per sonal geni rs and skill of Cfcickoring x Sons keening Post. Mr. Georgo A. Oates is the agent lor the abovo celebrated makers, and can supply them at factory prices with freight added. state Items. There were twenty interments in the Savan nah cemeteries for the week ending the 25th. Sirs. Thornes G. Miller, formerly oi Savan na?! died iu MilledgevUle, on the 19th just. She was 7?! years of age. There were about twenty cases of small pox reported in tho hospital at Columbus, on the 20th. Tho disease is fast disappearing. Gen. Wood commanding Department of tho South has issued au order relative to flu celc-i brat ion of Independence day,"in which ho directs that ail public offices shall be closed, ex cept lor the transaction of important business, and ail labor, except the necessary police and guard dnty, shall be suspended for tho day. In Macon on Monday afternoon last, Mr. Wise and Mr. Mastersou were thrown from a buggy, in which they were riding, Mr. Wise escaped Injury, but his friend being precipita ted upon his head and dragged HI or 12 feet by the lines was knocked senseless, aud sc. rinusly, though not dangerously injured. On tho 20th inst., a littlo hoy, of about iivo summers, llonry Kaufman by name, foil from the balcony of the old Oglethorpe House in Columbus, just above the building formerly occupied by the Sun newspaper, some twenty foot to the pavement below, breaking his r.rng at tho wrist, and his collar. He wan badly, but not fatally hurt. W. W. Nowell. Esq., for many yearn clerk of the Superior and Inferior Courts of Walton county, and at tho time of his death one of tho Justices of tho Inferior Court of said couuty, died at his residence of typhoid fovor on tho 19th inst. Two young mud, conlined iu the BaGrange jail, who were fouud guilty of larceny at the last term of Troup Superior Court, and sen tenced to the chain gang for six month:*, made their escape on Friday night tho 15th instant. The Koportor says this is the second delivery within a short time, from that prison. In Columbus, last Subbath afternoon, a ne gro man, Andrew Jackson by paine, a carpen ter, who formerly belonged to Mr. Ileuloy, shot and instantly killed nuothor negro, Sandy Black, who formerly belonged to Mr. Hamp l’ark, Tho ball, minhie, entered Sandy’s breast, just bolow tho collar boue and came cut of his back. The difficulty grew out of a dispute which arose between the negroes con cerning a small amount, not exceeding two aul a half dollars, which Andrew claimed Bandy owed him. Tho former has been committed to answer the charge of murder. MU lor litc Tour. The quota of corn lor Richmond county, purchased.by Gov. Jenkins in accordance with an act of the last Legislature, has been re ceived. The Justices of tho Inferior Court had the corn- immediately ground iuto meal, ond appointed Thomas W. Shackleford dfetrib uting agent, who will commence distributing it on and alter Monday next, ot ten o’clock, in tho rear of Murphy & Cook’s store, on Was Lib iugton street. The act of the Legislature re quire;! that tho justices shall allow none whij, ia their opinion, have the means of procuring brood, or are by their labor able to earn the came, to partake ot its advantages. Parties therefore are required to make affidavit that they have not the means of support or of getting bread enough to live upou without aid, and that they are unable by their own labor to obtain bread. Wo would advise those who cau not consistently take the oath to remain at home aud not to bothor and perplex the agent. Paper Collars. W’o saw it Mated iu a Boston paper, a few days ago, that o yotiug man in that city wad Buffering “muchly” from pustules on his neck The young man consulted a physician, who at once attributed them to paper cellars, which are now habitually worn. Upon inquiring among his fellow clerks, the afflicted man die covered that five or six oi them were troubled with the same eruption. The last number of tho “Round Table” makes this incident tho occasion of a warm protest against paper col lais, saying that arsenic is need in tho process of enameling them, aud that it is a deadly poison, however it may fiud its way iuto the system, whether hy absorption from coutnct with the skin or otherwise. Whether or not the position taken by the “Round Table” bo correct, we shall not ven ture to say. We present the subject as being fraught with interest Revenue.— The aggregate re ceipts cf internal revenue for the fiscal year promises to reach, without doubt, the round sum of *310,000,000, aud of revenue from ail sources $510,000,000. llKi.roit We rumen,—This is what neglected teeth would say if they could remonstrate with their owners ; and mark this, the teeth cannot perish or become black or yellow it the Ikizo dont is used daily. The cattle plague has re-appeared in Down county, Ireland. The seaport of Tampico, in Mexico, has been Invested by the Libemlists. A New Haven company has begun tho man ufacture of a compressed stone for building purposes. It is mado of sand, pulveriz.d quartz and silicate ot soda, aud hardens within twen ty-four hours (roni the consistency of putty to the solidity of stone. Fires were lighted ou the 2.id ia the engines o! the monster ram Dundarhurg at New York. She is . xpected to make over fifteen knots per hour. li o Princess Mary, of Cambridge, was to have been married on tho 12th instant at Row. The Holly, Mississippi, Springs Reporter of theuSi complains that there is a great want of rain in that section. Mi-s Doia Shaw-, of theatrical and poetical notoriety, was married in P-cw Orleans recent ly- “ Mistaken souls who dream of heaven.” Five cases of cholera are r.porUd at Eliza beth, Now Jersey. Gen. Roseau is a candidate lor United ’ States Senator from Kentucky, to succeed Gar -1 rttt Davis.. To the M-adltcs of the ?onlh, Wo are pleased to ob 'orvo that the Hebrews of the South are moving ia t?io work of pre serving from oblivion th - re ding places of those Israelites who fell hi the cau-e of South ern independence. The following letter ami ciicul rr explains the . plans propose;! by tho?-u who have inaugurated the movement, and wo commend them to the favorable attention of all our readers. Many i raoiites fell In defence ot the cacce which elicited the highest energies of cur whole people, and their e mories are alike sacred to all, ragardlc.'.s of religion or lin eage. gome of the most promising young men o< cur State re. t in the il brow portion of the Richmond] cemetery ; and it k to properly mark and preserve their graves that the “He brew Ladies' Memorial Association” has been organized. Mr. Lewis Levy, a well known aud reliable citizen, and President of the Hebrew congrega* tios of Augusta, will be pleased to receive con tributions for the object named : Richmond, Va., June 17, 1866. Mb. Lkvt—Dear Sir ; The printed Memorial wiiioS accompanies this will sufficiently ex plain the object of the Association which I have tho honor to represc ut ; but it has bsen deemed necctisary, for the speedy accomplish ment of that object, thatsomo well-known and reliable persona iu the various Southern cities be requested to act for and with us. Wo think if the Memorial bo presented to the notice of individuals by someone whom they know and r apect, it will be more likely to meet with success. We therefore request you to lend ua your aid. and wo feel satisfied that your best ciforts will be u-ed to further our undertaking ; for it is a cause which must appeal to every Southern heart. Y'ou wiil please be as prompt and energetic a3 you con veniently can, it being cur wi J h to carry into tfleet aa quickly as possible what we propose doing. Mns. Abraham Levy. t JHK ISHAELIT2S OF THih iiCUflf. ItiuuMoßD, Va., June oil), 18G6_. While the world yet riugs with tho narrative of a brave people's struggle tor independence, and while the story of the hardships so nobly endured for Liberty-a sake is yet a theme but hall exhausted, the counties graves of the myriads of heroes who spilled taeir noble blood in deforce of that glorious cause lie neglected, not alone unmarked by tablet or Bculpteied urn, but literally vanishing before the releutles? finger of Time. Within the past four weeks, there have been lOrmed, oy the Ladies ol Richmond, two associations, viz . The “Hollywood’’and the “Oakwood, having for their object the care and renovation of the soldiers’ graves in those Cemeteries. Goiemporaueously with the above, we, the Hebrew Ladies, formed a similar Association, with the view of caring for the graves of Jew ish soldiers; which, of course, would not be embraced in the work of either cf tha first named Societies. Iu our own Cemetery repose, alas! the sa cre ! remains of many a loved brother, son, and husband, to whose relatives, iu tha far Sunny South, it would boa solace to know that the [.ions duly of preserving from decay tha last resting place of their lost ono3j although de nied to them to perform, is yet sacredly ful filled by tho members of tho “Hebrew Ladies’ Memorial Association.” it is our intention to mound and turf each grave, and to plt.ee at the head of each a sio pie stoiio, inscribed with name, State, and time aud pi coos death; subsequently, to *earr a monument commemorative of their brave deeds. Iu order, however, to succtvwfully accom plish our object, we need some pecuniary as distance. Our scant and somewhat needy com munity, already so heavily taxed, has done well; but we find “this work is too great for us therefore, with a full confidence in the sympathy and co operation of our people olee& whore, wo make this appeal for aid, well know ing that as Israelites and true patriots, they will act refuse to assist in rearing a monument which shall save not ouiy to commemoruto tiro bravery of our dead, but the gratitude and admiration of tho living, for those who so nobly perished in what we deemed a just and righteous cause : and while as Israelites we inouru tho untimely loss of our loved ones, it will Ito’a graceful reflection that they suffered not their country to call in vain. \ in time to come, when our grief shall have become, in a m insure, silenced, and when tho malicious tongue of slander, ever so ready to assail Israel, shall.bo raised against us, then, with a fooling of mournful pride, will bo point to this monument and say, “There is our re pdy.” Mns. Abraham Levy, Corresponding Secretary of the Hebrew Ladies Memorial Association. Contributions can bo forwarded to Mrs. Abraham Levy, Box 28'J, Richmond, Va. Bishop Posit at Resaca. Tha New Orleans Picayune feilis the follow ing Incident: During tho thickest of the fight at Resaca, he called aud said, “you look hungry, and I must divid? my lunch with you.” Someone had presented him with a box of guava jolly, and a bit of wheat bread, (rarities in those Confed erate times) and the prospect was tempting, “But,” said we, “wouldn’t itgoa little better if wo were in o safer place ?” The old gentle man laughed kindly nnd replied, “certainly it would.” And wo proceeded to find one. We had scarcely seated ourselves, however, - behind an oak tree at the bottom of the hill, when a schrapnel came tearing through the air, struck tho oak broadside about thirty feet above us, and precipitated both of us, lcmchjand ail, amid a mass oflimbs and fragments into a gully be low. “Hey»day !” cried tho General, picking himself out of tho rubbish. “You’re a pretty fellow for selecting covers! Come, we may a3 well take ourselves back to tbe front.” The same paper also gives an account of hia death. It says; The five weeks immediately preceding his fall, Gen. Polk passed in very active service. Ho had come from Mississippi with his army to join Gen. Johnstou, with whom he wae upon the most affectionate relations. We saw him for the last time on tha day before he was shot. He .was occupying a log cabin to the right of Lost Mountain, and appeared to be depressed about the situation. The next morning he sot out with a party of officers, including General Johnston, General Hardee and General Red Jackson, upon a tour of inspection. On Pine Knob they passed a long while id general con versation. Tho group was noticed from au op posite battery, and a ball was fired just over it. Tho gentlemen at once dispersed, General Polk stiff keeping, with his usual carelessness, the comb of .tho hill. A second shot was fired, and it struck him upon the right side, crushing his arm, and passing through aud through the body. Col. Gale, his son-in-law, ran to him as he fell, but life was quite extinct, without a sign of pain, and only a slight tremor of the nether lip. A REMARKABLE CASE. A ilfild Born with fine Arm Under Peculiar CirtnmAanec'. One of the most remarkable cases that has over conic under the observation of our medical fraternity, lias just transpired at tho residence of a young man name J Abriei, who resides on First s'rec’t, Arbor Hill. Mr. A. is a returned soldier. He lias been home something less than a year. When he came home he was suffering from a Minnie ball wound through the fleshy part of the bight arm. It became so bad that the attending physician talked seriously ot am putation. This worked seriously on the mind of his young wife (he had but a short time pre viously got married.) She cared for and dressed the arm regularly, and paid every attention to it, not wishing to see her husband with only one arm. This was some eight or nine months ago. Under the kind care of the wife, whose whole attention was absorbed in the thought of a one armed husband, the wound got well, and the arm was saved. Now for the sequel. All this transpired eigkt or nine months ago. The other day the wife of Mr. Abriei gave birth to a child who had one developed arm, hut the other was a stump, similar to one which the poor wife’s mind was impressed with at the time the surgeons were taking oif her husband’s. Am putation could in t have produced a more beau tiful stump, anil what is more, the sc.tr of the bullet-hole, so visible oil the father’s arm, was so visible on the child's arm at the base of tbe stump as it really indicted by a bail. This is the most remarkable case of “child-mark” ever known. It has attracted the attention of ail our leading physicians and surgeons. The child is a healthy and beautiful one, perfect in every respect, save the absence of the arm referred to. —Albany (IV. V.) Knickerbocker. M. Drtryn de L’Huya has been decorated by the King of Denmark with the Order of the Elephant, which has been conferred upon only two Frenchmen outside of the Imperial family. The Democratic candidate for Governor of Oregon. Mr. James R. Kelley, declares that be is in favor of making national pavment for all the slaves emancipated. Ts-Borrowa “To-morrow,“ tho maid said, blushing rod, “To-morrow’ i and my love will wed.’’ She little think if tin' groom will press On her fair, clear brow, a cold caress, i; would blanch her check as white as snow, If you whispered his name but ever so low ; For ere the morrow with gasping breath, She is wed to the phantom men called death, And stark in her bridal garments lies, The love-light faded from her eyes. The merchant bends with throbbing brain, Greedily counting loss and gain; » Does he reckon tue cost of coffin and pail ! Docs Le ever think of Death at aii ! No ! f..r to-morrow he says I’D go Out in the field where the roses blow ; I'll order a palace fair to see, And its spacious halls will ring with glee; And his house it is built—O, fair to see. With the silent worm for his company. On the crowning peak of life’s high hill, The white-haired man looks forward still. Unheeding the moments that steadily flow, Whirling the thread of life as they go. To him bowed down ’neath the weight of years, The morn of dread no nearer appears. Than when he walked with careless feet Adown the stream of childhood sweet. The youthful maid, the strong,stern man, And tottering age of the morrow plan. In the pride of your strength brave man, And youth and age in time prepare! For though to-day the sun beams bright, To-morrow ebuds may obscure its light ; And he whom walks in health to-day, To-morrow may be but senseless clay. There’s a spectre glides with noisless tread 1 his night he may stand beside your bed : And many there be now laughing loud Who wilt ere the morrow fill a shroud. HISTORY OF THE 6YTSIES. 'tire Gypsies ia Their Country. i here are few who have not, at one time or another, felt a strong interest in those eccentric nomads who, unJer the name of Gypsies, have for centuries been encamped or journeyed among the civilized people of Europe and in this country. Who and what are they, what is their mode of life, and what are their peculiar notions, are subjects of which little is under stood. Mr. Burrow’s works have contributed something to our knowledge, and the book now before us, a “History of the Gypsies, by Walter SSiinson, ’ will add much more to our stock of in formation. The American edition—published by M. Doolady, 448 Broome .street— is edited by James Bimson, who estimates the number of Gypsies in the British isles alone at not less than 250,. 000, and says that in Europe and America there are 1,000,000 of these strange creatures. 7he editor corrects some popular notions in regard to the present habits of the Gypsies. I here are not now, in the main, the wanderers they used to be. Through intermarriage with other peoples, and from other causes, they have adopted more stationary modes of life, and have assimilated to the manners of the countries in which they live. Still this mixing of races does not diminish the old antipathy. The nearer the gypsy approaches the pure white race the more intensely does he feet the wall of separation, and the more pride does he feel in his ancient descent ond traditions. As the editor of this volume says : “They carry the language, the’ associations and the sympathies of their race, ami their peculiar feelings toward the commu nity with them ; and, as residents of towns, have greater facilities, from others of their race residing near them, for perpetuating their lan guage, than when strolling over the country.” The origin of the Gypsies is traced back to the time when the Jews were in captivity in Egypt. The theory is that they were a part of the “mixed multitude” mentioned in Exodus ; that while the Jews were merely in a state of serfdom, this “mixed multitude” were really slaves; that they separated from the Jews in their llight and went through the Persian desert into Northern Hindostan, where they formed the Gypsy caste, and, alter many centuries, spread themselves over the earth, speaking the language of Hindostan. On their exit from Egypt they had, as slaves, no notions of the rights of property, and during their travels were almost forced to rob and steal the means of sub. sistcnce. In Hindostan, they found their knowledge of horses and of working in metals, as well as of the less useful arid more occult sciences, ex ceedingly useful to them. The peculiarities of their language are somewhat accounted for on the ground that they were more or less isolated in Hindostan, and retained many of their old Egyptian words and phrases, while they adopt ed so much of the Hindostanee that a friend of the author assures him that five out of ten of thoir words belong to that language. Borrow even detects many words which show an un mistakable Greek origin. • The author says that several thousand Eng. fish Gypsies had arrived in this country within the last ten years preceding the writing of his book. They became horse dealers, peddlers, fortune tellers, ete., and are generally well to do. He says : AMERICAN GYPSIES. Perhaps the foundation of the American broom manufacture was laid by the British Gypsies, by whom it may be partly carried oh at the present day ; a business tlzey pretty much monopolise, in a rough way, in Great Britain. Wc will doubtless find among the fraternity some of those whittling, meddling Sam Slick peddlers so often described. I have seen some of those itinerant venders of knife-sharpeners, and such “Yankee notions,” with dark, glisten ing eyes, that would “pass for the article.” Some ot'them.would live by less legitimate business. I entertain no doubt, from the general fitness of things and the appearance of some of the men, that we will fine some of the descendants ot tho old British mixed Gypsies members of the various establishments of Messrs, Peter Funk & Company, of the eity of New York, as well as elsewhere. And I entertain as .little doubt that many of those American women who tell fortunes, and engage in those many curious bits of business that so often come up at trials, tire descendants of the British plantation stock of Gypsies. But there are doubtless many of these Gypsies in respectable spheres of life. It would be extremely unreasonable to say that the descendants ot the colonial Gypsies do not still exist as Gypsies, like their brethern in Great Britain, and other parts of the Old World. The English Gypsies in America en tertain no doubt of it; and more especially as they have encountered such Gypsies, of at least two descents. I have myself met with such a Gypsy, following a decidedly respectable calling, whom I found as much one of the tribe, barring the original habits, as perhaps any one in Eu- rope. There are many Hungarian and German Gypsies in America; some of them long settled -in Pennsylvania and Maryland, where they own farms. Some of them leave their farms in charge of hired hands during the summer, and proceed south with their tents. In the State of Pennsylvania there is a settlement of them on the J river, a little way above II , where they have saw-mills. About the Alleghany Mountains there are many of the tribe, following somewhat the original ways of the race. In the United States generally there are many Gypsy peddlers, British as well as continental. There are a good many Gypsies in New York— English, Irish, and continental—some of whom keep tin, crockery and basket stores ; but these are all mixed Gypsies, and many of them of fair complexion. The tin ware which they make is generally of a plain, coarse kind ; so much so that a Gypsy tin store is easily known. They frequently exhibit their tin. ware and baskets on the streets and carry them about the city. Almost all, if not all, of those itinerent cutlers and tinkers to be met with in New York, and other American cities, are Gypsies, princi pally German. Hungarian-and French. There are a good many Gypsy musicians in America. “What!” said I to an English Gypsy, “those organ-grinders !” ‘Nothing so low as that. Gypsies don’t grind their music, sir ; they make it.” But I found in his house, when occupied by other Gypsies, a hurdy-gurdy and tambou rine • so that Gypsies sometimes grind music, as well as make it. I know of a Hungarian Gyp sy who is leader of a negro musical band in the city of New York ; his brother drives one of the avenue cars. There are a number of Gypsy musicians in Baltimore, who play at parties, and on other occasions. Some of the fortune teUin"- Gypsy women about New \ ork will make as much as forty dollars a week in that line of business. They generally live a little uay out of the city, into which they ride in the morning, to their places of business. The financial troubles of Larniatine were lately brought to the notice of the Council of Ministers in Paris, and it is reported that M. Rouber proposed to give him a pension of for ty thousand fraucs tor life, which should bo inserted in the budget, subject to the approval ot tbejegislative body, la consideration of this pension Lirmaiine was to make over to the Btata ail of his aseot3 and liabilities. La martioe has declined this proposal, and intend a it will be to settle ia Sicily • its* Letter of a Planter upon the Proposed Col ton Tax. \\ illard s Hotel, \\ ashinoto.v, ) June !], 1866. \ Hon. John VV. Leftu-ich : lam pleased that you have turned your at tention lo the subject ot the proposed cotton tax, A great mistake seems to prevail at Wash ington and in the North ir. regard to the profits of cotton planting and the power of cotton to sustain taxation. Cotton can no more stand taxation than corn or wheat, or any other pro duct of the soil. Labor, if Jett alone, will equal ize iueif, and engage in whatever is found to re turn tne best compensation. Cotton has been temporarily high, because its cultivation has been partially suspended bv the war, and by taxation impend by Southern Leg i-latures during tiie war. In this condition of thugs it IS obviously a matter of national im portance to send labor back to the cotton fields as ropully as possible, to reduce the price of cot ton by increased production, thereby furnishing au abundant and cheap supply at home, ami' senJmg it abroad at prices that will check the growing competition in the cultivation of this great staple in other countries. To tax cotton now because it bears a high price will be as un wise as it would be to tax corn when the price is rati up by a failure of crops, or to tax pork because the hog cholera may have reduced the number of hogs. 1 have said cotton cannot stand taxation— that ts, taxation will tujn labor from its produc non into other pursuits. The facts and reasons foch have led my mind to this conclusion are obvious. ihe average net-profit derived from, capital invested in the cultivation of cotton for a series ot years before the war was less than four per cent. Ihe apparent increase of the “so-called” Southern wealth was not trout rai ing cotton but from raising negroes. The negro girl, mar riec at iifteen years of age, would, by the time she was thirty years old, have children worth hvt or six thousand dollars, while tbe labor of herself and husband during this period would not do more than support themselves and family While the aggregate net profit from the labor of slaves of all classes engaged in the cultivation of cotton was under four per cent., perhaps not over three per cent., their increase was fully equal to ten per cent. It Yvas this increase, therefore, which made up much the largest portion of the apparent but delusive income of the South. A majority of planters did no more bv then crops than pay the annual expenses of their amilies and of their plantations. Some ever failed to do this much, and were forced to sell one ar more negroes every year to settle balances against them. And yet, by the rapid increase and growth of negroes, the convertible value of theirfestates, in most cases, was constantly ad vancing, These general estimates of the profits of cot ton-raising as compared with negro-raising must be varied according to localities and the character of the climate and soil. In the best cotton districts the profit on cotton-raising was of course much greater than the average here given, but then the climate was less healthy and less care was taken of negroes, especially the young ones, and but little profit made by the in crease and growth of slaves. So that tho ag gregate average income from the two sources cotton-raising aud negro-raising—was about as above stated. • It will be seen that these two sources of in come were very different and distinct, though strangely confounded together in the public mind. When a planter’s estate was supposed to have reached one hundred thousand dollars, he was said to have made it by raising cotton, and hence it was inferred that the business was very profitable; yet the matter being rightly understood, he made it by raising negroes. But we have now entered on anew condition of things, and the calculations of the cotton planter in regard to the future must be entirely changed. Slavery is abolished, and the increase and growth of negroes can never again be looked to as a part of his income. “King Cotton” must now stand alone. He has no slaves to come and go at his bidding, and must not rely on their increase as part of hi« revenue. This brings me to the direct question. What will be the profits of cotton-raising in this new condition of things l The following proposi tions to my mind are perfectly clear: First. During the existence of slavery the largest portion of the income of planters was from the increase and growth of slaves. Second. The actual profits made on raising cotton, when separated from the increase and growth of negroes, was not greater than the profits made on wheat, corn, mules, cattle, die., in the free States. Third. Slaveiy being abolished, the planter must rely for nis future income solely on the products of the soil. The soil in the South is being cultivated by free labor, and the products of the soil produced by free labor can no more bear taxation in the South than in the North. I am, as you are aware, the President ot the Mobile and Ohio railroad, which runs through Alabama, Mississippi, Tennessee, and Kentucky. It passes through more cotton-fields than any other road, and my duties in passing up and down it have brought me in contact and made me familiar with the workings of the popular mind. Before the present growing crop was planted, two questions were prominent before the peo ple ; First. Can the freedmen be induced to cultivate a crop ? Second. In view of the broken and postrate condition of the country, is it possible to raise the means necessary to bring from Kentucky,{lllinois, Indiana, Missouri, and Ohio the mules, (arming utensils, corn, hay, meat, and other supplies necessary in raising a crop 1 Over these questions, on which the fate of the people, white and black, seemed to de pend, there hung clouds of doubt and fear almost driving the country to despair. Instead of receiving soothing and encouraging messages from abroad, we heard but little except the voice of wrath and vengeance. In this condition it was hard to bring the people up to the degree of confidence necessary to induce them’ to un dertake the planting of a crop. At last, pressed by the argument, they must do something, and gathering courage at the very point of despair, the planters engaged in trying once more to cultivate cotton. They suc ceeded in getting about one-haif the freedmen to go to work, promising in-some cases fixed wages, but in most instances agrSeing to give part of the crop. They mortgaged lands, and pledged all that remained to them on earth to raise means to pay for their supplies. White familfei that never labored before have gone into the fields to supply the places of that portion of the freedmen who refuse to work. No people ever struggled harder than that people are now slugging to raise themselves above want, and to restore to themselvos peace and comfort. W hat they are doing* I believe to be a fair type of the South generally. And now, is it not amazing that the product of the labor of a peo ple struggling against such fearful disadvant ages should be selected as the subject of peculiar and special taxation 1 From the commencement of the frovernment down to the abolition of slavery, while the white man owned the slave, his labor and his increase, no such tax was thought of. But now, when the white man and the freedmen for the first time enter the cotton field, jointly and mutually interested in the growing crop, this, tax is proposed. An engagement calls me away, and I must close. I may write you again. ■ In conclusion, I pray G>d that an .American Congress may never esablish the principle of imposing taxes on any tgricultural product received from the bosom cf our mother earth as the reward ot honest hbor. • Tnly yours, Milton Brown. The Navy Department has received dis patches from Capt. Alfred Taylor, commanding the Susquehanna, dated New York, Jane 22d, in which he Btates that while at Rio Janeiro a Brazilian steamer arrived from Pana with Prof. Agassiz and Lauding cu board. The Professor has completed his exploration of the valley of the Armzon, Dr. J.B. living, late of Charleston,. S. C., has beer elected Secretary of the American jockey Jlnb, of New York, of which August Belmont, Esq., is President. lae Falla o? Niagara pass 100.200,000 tons of water over the brink every hour. The ladies oi Cincinnati >nnd vicinity are very coifiting. One of them, named “Diana,'’ writes to the Commercial, urgiDg the rebuild ing of the Upera House, where “mothers, wives aud sisters can at least fancy their absent Ones are spending their evenings.” The wholesale plundering of the White House, after the assassination of Mr. Lincoln, has prompted the creation of an officer to be known as the steward ot tbe President’s house hold, who is to be responsible for the piate, and who-is to give bond3 for tho faithful dis charge of bis duty. Miss Alice Kingsbury, the actress, has ac cepted the invitation of tbe committee to read the Declaration of Independence, at Madisca, Wis. ; ou the 4th of July, the occasion of the flag presentation to the State. The mean and deapisable practice of throw ing vitrol upon ladies' dresses has been re vived in Brooklyn, N. Y, t eel; derate Df ad at Mobile. Her:’ i- a idler written by the author of ‘Beulah,” Su reference to the Cent: iterate dead of Mobile : To the lioa. Mayor, Hoard of Aldermen and Common Council of the city ot MobiWu Gentlemen. In grateful commemoration of tbo heroism of ta« noble dead, who 101 l in de fense of tut ci’v, I respectfully solicit per mission nj erect upon the ground in the center of Bienville fqurre, a marble mouu rnent, thirty leqt in height. bearing a brief inscription in honor of the iaithtnl standard bearers of our lost cause ; in “memorabilia whose marble rips shull whisper to every pass ing stranger, siUe viator. Ine] distance and seclusion of the spot appropriated as the “soldier’s rest,” have been deemed valid ob jections to the erection ot a monument in the city cemetery, and aii who have manifested an interest in this last and most inadequate tribute to cur fallen countrymen concur in the opinion that if raised in Bienville square, it would furnish a grateful in memo riarn, which would ornament and hallow the site selected. A brazen Belgique Lion on a vast pedestal of human bones, iour hundred stet high, marked the battle field of Waterloo, thirty litfe years ago. Louis Os Bavaria laid near fiatisbon. the corner stone of “Valhalla,” and upon the Pantheon at Paris, appropriated to the reception of the ashes of France’s great men, are inscribed the Words: “Aux Grands Homines Li Patti# lkconUtoissanle,” Snail tbo poor meed of a people's gratitude be withheld from the gray ciad Confederate legions who now sleep unhonored on Alabama soil r “A people’s voice ! we-are a people, yot, Tbo’ alt men else their nobler dreams forget, We fcatfe a voice with which to pay the debt Ot boundless love, and reverence and regret.” Believing that the hallowed memories ot Spanish Fort. Blakely, Forts Morgan and Gaines and Powell, of the Tennessee and Selma, will thrill your hearts, and plead trum pet tongued for the privilege I request at your hands, and that yon will cordially, co-operate in the attempt to rescue our martyred defends ers Irom oblivion, I am, gentlemen, Very respectfully, Auocsta J. Evans. She Sew liorti bold Bourn. The spinted New Yotk correspondent of the Charleston News, in a late issue qf that ex cellent journal thus discauts on the Now York Gold Board : New York, June 19. —havingbean informed yesterday by the Secretary ot me Gold Board, that the gold mania had burst forth anew in all its pristime intensity, and knowiog from a former experience that the Gold Boom, at such time, presents a pretty fair future ot Pandemonium on a holiday occasion, if the imps of Satan and the children ot the Devil can bo supposed to have “a day we celebrate.” I took up my line of march down Broad street towards the scene of action. It was verily a scene ot ac tion—of action exaggerated to distraction hundreds of gentlemen bawling to the extent of their voice, and gesticulating with nil the trantic ardor ot confirmed lunatics—some of fering to buy gold, some to sell gold, some at one price, some at a higher figure, some at a lower figure, whilst high above the horrible diu and babel-like contusion, worse confound ed, arose the voice of an enthusiastic gentle man expressing his willingness to “borrow ten gold.” Mcultue not precisely understanding the financial technicalities of ths Gold Room, was on the point of signifying his readiness to accept a loan of a smaller amount, say even ol the trifling sum ot “live gold” (the word thousand always understood,) but checked himself in time to avoid an exposure of his innocence. As the Secretary of the Gold Board is a native of your city, and a particular friend of your innocent correspondent, I received much valuable information from him. He In formed me, in the first place, that at hardly auy time during the war had the fluctuation in the gold market been greater or the excitement more Intense. The interior of the Gold Room is a largo rotunda in which is crowded a dense mass ot speculators, each aud ail armed with a pencil and book, and eagerly bawliug out their bids and offers to the very utmost extent of their power of lung. In one corner of the room is placed a circular plate, like a dial, on which an attendant, as he receives from the Secretary the ever changing quotations, varying each >econd, founded on actual transactions, marks them on the dial, that all may perceive and know the amount at which the latest sale has been made. The Secretary pointed out to me a gentleman who had, in the course of the last hour, made ten thousand dollars clear; another who had, in the last ten days, lo6t over two hundred thousand; and many gentlemen were present who were destined to be ruined or en riched by the rise or fall of gold at this exist ing crisis. Gold opened at 158 J, fluctuated, and at one time sank to 156}, closing at half past five o'clock at 157£. Any speculator, therefore, who may have sold $200,000 in the morning and bought in the afternoon—and it is not unusual for such an amount to change hands—must have made a clear profit in a few hours of $24,500. 'E2ie KvcrFas-Uug?. In the interior of a railway carriage are seat ed a gentleman and a lady. The gentleman “s bronzed, apparently by long residence in a hot climate. His hair and whiskers are jet black, but the crow’s foot is visible at either temple. The hidy is attired in the height of fashion, in a style suitable to youth and beauty. (Sent—“ Would you object to having the win dow up! Many years of Australian life have made me very sensitive to drafts.” Lady—(aside)—“That voice !” (To gentles man) “Ob, not in the least!” (Aside again) “It is Eustace.” Gent—(emphatically) “Thank you!” (Aside) “Those accents!” Lady—“ Did you speak '!” Gent—“l beg your pardon. Your voice re called recollections of fifty years ago. It re minded me of one who in other times, but—no matter. Your features, too, are strangely like hers—only, if you will allow me to say so, the complexion is even more brilliant,” Lady—“Oh, might I ask her name !” Gent—“ Her name was Rose.” Lady—“lt is my own.” Gent—“ls it possible that I am speaking tp her daughter l” Lady—“ You are speaking to herself.” Gent—“Heavens'! Why,*no No, surely.” Lady—“ Yes, indeed.” Gent—“But that fresh—excuse my rudeness —that youthlul color 1” Lady—“ That raven hair!” Gent—“l’ll be candid with you. It is wig the gentleman’s real head of hair, or invisible peruke—warranted to defy detection.” Lady—“ Eustace, will return your confidence. I owe this bloom to the art of Madame Esther. Gent—“ Enameled love. My Rose, my own lost Rose found ! My. Rose unfaded 1” Lady—“ Your Rose will fade no more. She has been rendered beautiful .” Gent—“Oh, how beautiful ! Let me fold thee in my arms.” (They embrace as well as they can. The dye. of his whiskers blackens her face, and the paint of her.cheeks comes off on the end of his nose.) Gent—“ Beautiful!” Lady—“ Beautiful for ever !” (Railway guard appears at the window.) . Guard***'“Change here for Dovedale.” (They hobble out.) It is stated that Governor Morton, of Indi ana, and wann, ot Maryland, will not call an extra session of the Legislature to ratify the constitutional amendment. The Chapel Hill. N. C„ University celebrated its sixty-ninth commencement a few days since. Ex-Gov. Vance was present, and ad* dreesed the literary r societies. The degree of D. D.was conferred on Rev. N. F. Reid, of the North Carolina Conference of the Metho dist Church. The degree of LL. D., was con ferred on Judge Reade, of the Supreme Court ot North Carolina, and on Andrew Johnson, President of the United States. A New Bedford dog-fish, after caving been cut completely open and relieved of his intestine-, and having been left exposed to the sun about twfenty minutes, upon being thrown into the water, swam efi vigorously, to com mence anew his life on the ocean wave. An intant was strangled to death, in New York, the other day, by attempting to swallow an ornamental bait attached to a waterfall pin, which had been given it to play with. The personal admirer? of Rev. J. B. Grinnell held a meeting the other day at Grinnell, lowa, and passed resolutions declaring the caning ad ministered to him by Gen . Rousseau the “high est honor that could be conferred upon him, as it associates the name of Grinnell with those of fcumner and Lincoln." These resolutions arc the salve for the bruises received and for the humiliation of being defeated for renomination to Congress. Since the bar rooms are shut up jn New York on bunday, eome of the barbers have in veated anew hair tonic—for the beard—which is applied just under the moustache. TELEGRAPHIC. ikon \usbwgios. cabinet to be iU-Orgauizcd. SPECIAL liTSPATCH TO CHRONICLE a SENTINEL. Wasbikoton, June 29. It is rumored aud believed that the Presi dent has iJeci led to make some changes, long contemplated and long demanded by his friends, iu his Cabinet, immediately after the adjourn ment of Congress. It is expected that Harlan and Sp?od will be removed. [press dispatches.] Congresssion&t. Washington, June 29. Iu the Senate, the petitiou of citizans of Wil mington. C., for a Light House, was pre sented and r°ceived. A debate occurred on the Telegraphic and Postal Bill, and the Niagara Ship Canal Bill, but no definite action was taken. Stevens, Horn the committee on Appropria tions, reported a bill making appropriations for sundry civil expenses of the Government for the year ending June 30th, ISC7, which was made the special order for Tuesday next.— Among the appropriations is one for fifty thou sand dollars to purchase cemeteries for deceaa ed soldiers. The consideration of the tariff bill was re sumed, and various sections adopted as re ported, excepting pig iron, on which the duty was ten dollars. Welksbane, of the Pennsylvania Supreme Court, has rendered a decision in the case of the Catawissa Railroad ; that the grant to the Atlantic & Great Western road was valid, and that the Philadelphia & Erie road does connect the first two roads named, notwithstanding the difference of guage. The effect of this will be to allow Sir Morton Petro’s creditors to car ry out the plan of the great through railroad from New York to St. Louis. Address to the National Democrats, Washington, June 29. An address to the people of the United States has been agreed on by the Democrata and Conservatives. It is now being signed and will be made public in a few days. It is said that it endorses the proposed National Convention at Philadelphia , and urges all the States to participate in its proceedings. It is headed with the names of James Guthrie, of Kentucky, and W. E. Niblock, of Indiana. W ashingtox, June 29. Rumors were received that Harlan will leave the Secretaryship of the Interior, to be succeeded by O. N. Browning. Dispatches announcing the arrival of the Monitor Montonomah, with the vessels accom panying her, at Queenstown, Ireland, have been received at the Navy Department. The passage was made in ten days and eighteen hours. Average run per day, 168 miles. The heavy weather did not appear to affect the monitor, either Adn speed or causitig her to roll. While djjer vessels were lurching about, and checked by heavy seas, she went along comparatively undis turbed . irrest ol Fcnlant- New York. June 29. There were twenty Fenians indicted at Canan diagua to-day. They will be released on bail. The Fenian prisoners in the hands of tbs Canadians will be tried it is now confidently asserted by a high official of the Government, before civil courts. The trial will not come off until popular excitement is allayed. From South America- New York, June 29. Rio Janerio correspondence reports a battle in which Gen. Lopez ambushed the AUIe3 un der Flores, and defeated them, Flores lost four guns and two thousand killed wounded and prisoners. He was only saved from annihilation by iarge reinforcements—Lopez carried off his troops. The Pafaguayians still resolutely hold Hamila. Oregon Election-. New York, June 28, A San Erancisco dispatch from Portland. OreZron, gives official returns from all but three counties electing Adrian, candidate for Gover nor, over 205 majority. The Democrats also elect majority of the Legislature. A Buffalo dispatch lrom Canandaigua says indictments have been found against the Fe nians who were taken there for trial. Arrival of Steamers. New York, June 29. The steamers Huge, Mobile, Ariadne, and Galveston, have arrived. Xew York Market. New Yohk, June 29. Cotton dull; sales of 1,000 bales at 37a39. Flour advanced 5al0; sales of 1,300 bbls. State at $6 50al0 00; Ohio $8 60al0 It); Southern sl7. Wheat firm; sales unimportant.. Corn declined la2c.; sales of 28,000 bushels at 86Ja 88c. Beef unchanged. Pork heavy ; sales of 1,100 bbls. Mess at s3l 90a32 31. Lard dull at22’,c. Whiskey dull. Sugar dull. Coffee dud; sales of 1,400 bags of Rio at 19a22c. Turpentine dull at 80a83c. Rosin steady at $3 00a8 50. Tar $2 50r'i 25. Freights firm. Gold 1544.' New York, .June 29—noon. Cotton weak. Sales 1,000 bales at 37a39. Gold 55. Exchange 101. Wool firmer at 24a Si- Mobile Market. Mobile, June 2!). Sales to*day 200 bales cotton. Middling nominally thirty three. Receipts of the week 1,885 against 1,470 last week. Exports Coast wise 1,118. Stock 35,095. Gold 50a53. Yew Orleans Market. New Orleans, June 29; Cotton very dull. Sales 1,000 bales low middling 32a35, Gold 53. Bank sterling 66. New York exchange half premium Texas election returns largely favor Tbrack* morton for Governor. Union Conservative ticket elected by an immense majorit y. Gazelle Fire Company. At a meeting of the above named company, held last evening, Alderman John U. Meyer, lately elected President, was formally inducted into office. Captain Foster, in a few appropriate remarks, welcomed Mr. Meyer to the President s chair. The President replied, accepting the position, and returned thanks to the company for the honor conferred bpoe him. After the usual routine of business had beeq 1 gone through with, the meeting adjourned. The committee to whom was referred the resolution of General Schenck, in relation to the repeal of the neutrality law, have net yet reported, but it is understood the report, when made, will be favorable to the Fenians. Ail the discussion in the committee has condemned the extreme measures taken to enforce the law. Ihe committee strongly sympathize with the Fenian movement, but do not think it ex pedient to take any action in the matter. Judge Campbell, President of the Board of Martha Washington Female College, adver tises for applications for the Presidency of that College. It is understood in Washington that the widow of General Ibertide has obtained as surances from Napoleon that her child, now in the hands of Maximilian, shall be returned to her. Colonel John D. Rose, of Wabs=b, is the only surviving Mason who participated in the founding of the Grand Lodge of Indiana, in the year 1817. Intelligence has bc-cn received at the Navy Department that the Meantonmah, with Cap tain Fox, was spoken about the 7tu, one hun dred miles from St. John, with all well on board. Intelligence off her arrival out is ex pected this week. It is reported that Chief Justice Chase has decided against the project for funding the public- debt. CGiVlivlliskCf AL. At uvht.% jhuk::t. i Avgusta, Juno 25. COTION, Very moderate demand. Quota tions range irom 20 to 32c, according to quali ty- , MONEY MARKET. * GOLD.— A bolter tono pervades the market. Brokers buying at 150 and selling at 152. SlLVEß—Buying at 140. No demand. > K VV UKLKA.Vs BOTTOM SI VI6MKM Nmv Orleans, June 23. Stock on baud Sept. 1, 1865... bales 83.23!) Received to-day 183 Received previously 730,350 813,772 Cleared to-day 4.455 Cleared previously ...697,105 Stock on hand 112,212 The clearances comprise 033 bales ior Phila delphia; 1,668 for New York; 2,254 for Boston. MUUII.K BOTTOM SIATKMK.VI . Mobile, June 28. Bales. Bales. Stock on band Sept. 1, 1865 . 24,290 Received this week 1,499 Received previously 101,343 427,123 Exported this week 4,121 Exported previously 383,972 Burned and lost 4,005 Stock on hand and on shipboid not cleared, June 22, 1860 ,34 965 It_4I.TI.HOKK MARKETS. , Tuesday, June 20, 1800. Coffee—Very little inquiry. Wo report a sale of 140 bags prime Rio at 194 cents, gold. Flour—There is no inquiry, except for local wants, and in the absence of transactions, prices are only nominally maintained. Fresh ground city is scarce, the bulk of the stock is composed of Western, and nearly all spring wheat grinding. City millers have quite gen erally suspended work, and are cleaning up preparatory for the new crop. We repeat quotations, though to effect sales a concession on the lower grades of Super and Extra would have to be made. Howard street super and cut extraS 10 OOalO 50 “ shipping extra.... 11 50a12 50 “ high grades 13 00al3 50 “ family 14 50a15 50 Ohio super and cut extra .. .none 00 00a00 00 “ shipping extra 10 50all 50 “ retailing 12 00al3 00 “ family 14 50a15 00 Northwestern super 9 25a 9 75 “ extra. 10 60all 5o City Mills super 9 75a10 00 “ shipping brands extra.. 14 00al4 50 Standard extra 11 25a1l 75 Baltimore family 17 50a00 00 " high grade extra 15 50a00 00 Rye flour, new 6 12AaG 37 j Corn Meal—City Mills, &c 5 25a 5 7u Grain—Prime and choice wheats are very scarce and command very full prices, but Western Spring reds are in good supply aud very heavy; no transactions in these latter descriptions for several days. We report a sale of 500 bushels old crop Kentucky white at $3 25. The first receipt ofuewcrop was offered and sold to-d?.y, consisting of 100 bushels prime white, raised near Hampton. Elizebeth City county, Virginia, consigned by George F. Anderson to Messrs Cox & Brown, and was purchased at $3 80 per bushel by Messrs Walker, Dorsey & Cos., manufactures of the Monitor and Silver Spring Family brands Corn was in limited supply to-day ; 2,100 bushels white and 2,350 bushels yellow com prised the receipts ; market was inactive, and prices of white fell off several cents. Sales amounted to 5,000 bushels; included were sev eral lots left over from the previous day. We report, viz : 2,000 bushels mixed and ordinary white at $1 12al 15 ; 3,000 bushels good to prime do., $1 20al 22 ; 500 bushels yellow, common, at $1 ; 1,500 bushels prime do., at $1 02al 03. Oats—s4o bushels received aud sold at 68a70c for light weight. Heavy West ern are in good supply and market very dull. Quote 58a60c in bn Ik, and 63a05c, including bags. Eye—Receipts small, no sales. Molasses—The imports the last day or two consist of 470 hogsheads, 190 puncheons and 35 barrels. Market is quiet, only sale reported being 33 hogsheads Cuba on private terms. Provisions—The market continues dull and inactive, though with light Btock; the dealers generally are very firm, not disposed to press the market. We notice a rather better jobbing demand for bacon shoulders and eidts on orders which are filled at last quotations, 17 cents for shoulders and 20 cents for sides. There Is nothing doing in other descriptions and prices are nominally unchanged, viz: For bulk shoulders 15}c; sides 18£c; mess pork $34 ; lard 21}a22c for city: 22£a23c for Western, and 24c for refined (Baltimore) in kegs. Review of (be Sew York Market?. New York, June 25 p. m. The money market remains extremely easy, with the supply largely in excess of the do mand; National bank currency is very plenty and can be borrowed for five or ten days by returning legal tenders. Call loans range from 4 to 5 per cent. The Gold market became stronger as the day drew to a close, and the last sales were at 151§a154f. This upward turn is due in part to tue decreasing in the Banks here, and the prospect of the passage of the tariff bill. Thu Government securities were firm this after noon, but rather quiet. At the second regu lar and last open Board, the market was firm - er; in the railroads Erie taking the load. At the afternoon Board there was a very full meeting, and considerable excitement and ac< tivity on the stock shares. United States was the favorite among the petroleum stock, and rose to 900. FOREMJX MARKETS. London, June 15. The weekly return of tha Banks of England shows an increase in bullion of .6120,300. The Circular of the evening of the 13th re ports a fair amount of business during the week in American securities, and prices on the whole well maintained, 5-20’a at one time touched 66, but closed at 64!a(if ;j. Illinois was at 75a751. New York declined to 40?,a41. The settlement has developed a ? scarcity of s»2o’a and Eries. English funds are lower under the war news. Bank rates remain at 10 per cent. SPECIALS OTICES. AGUA di» MAGNOLIA A toilet delight! The ladies’ treasure an l gentle m*ii lne t sweetest tain*” and lariat quantity. Manufa tured from the rich Southern Maano la. Used for bathing th face and person, to render the skin soft ana fresh, to proven eruption*, to perfume clothing, Ac. ‘ It overcome* the unpleasant odor of perspiration, it remove3 redness, tan. blotches, Ac. It cures nervous headache a*ul allays inll animation. It cools, 60itensand sddsdelicac? to »hc skin It yields a s.ubdued and lasting perfume. It cures mosqu.to bites and stings of insect . It contains no material inlurious to the skin Patronized by Actresses and Opera Singers. It is what evr nt lady should have bold everywhere. Try the Magnolia Water once and yon will use no other Cologne, Perfumerv, or Toilet Wat«r afterwares. DEM AS lIAKMKS & (jo,. Props'. Exclusive Agents. N V novi s?cowi7* S—T—lß6o—X. ‘ DRAKE’* PLANTATION BITTER#- They purify, srenyther) and invigorate. They create a healthy appetite. Thej are on antii r te to change of wa’er and diet. They overcome effects of disdpat on and fate f.O’c> They strengthen the syntern and enliven the mind They nreven* miasmatic and intermittent f-v» r- They purify the bienih and acidity of the stemuti 't hey cure J)y?pepsia and Constipation. They cure Ii rrfiea. Cholera and DhoJera mojmi-\ They cure Liver (JornnLint and Nerv iia Headache. They are tac best filters in the world. 1 hey make the weak strone. and are exniu-tad nature great restorer. They are made cf pure St. Croix tium the celebrated Calrsayaßirk roots and herbs, and are lafcen with !1««* pleasure of a beverage, without regar' l to age or time o' and »y. Particularly rccom mende Ito delicate persons requlrin" a pentie stimulant. Sold V y a!! Grocers. Lru*yist>, Hotel? and ~oloo; s. only zenoi*; when Cork is c'vered by onr U. *v S amp. JJew a/ fcf counterfeit* and bottle.-. P. H. 1)1 wA K.E |\| °Two months after anda 4 *application will made to the Honorable rhe CJourt oi Ordinary of itichmond county Vr leave to red the land twdonginz *o the cU U.e of >';2tic:p H. cozke, late ot said county, decked. ANNIE ft. COOK .K. j.2?— rat r | K , m 7 OTIOJD Two mcn»hß alter fi de aoplicatj on v. ;; y. made to the rionor.blctnp Court of Vr.V yv. U.c!iinri,a rr.enty. leave to eell the interest o- Wn v ;v-on, minor, in a Jot of land m the city ot Augusta, toimeriy ba.oogioir to J»avid Vin fcoa. deceased. JAMtihA. WILSON, je*S— Guardian. after da’s application will be mode to tbe Court of Ordinary p* Rlchrrond Copnty lor leave to sell to-- real a-Me, 4c.. ot I UliJ' McOee. late of Richmond county, Cc ceaiwJ. IaiUTUX C MUKI’IIY, S»-? • Administrator.