Weekly chronicle & sentinel. (Augusta, Ga.) 1866-1877, October 17, 1866, Image 1

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*'' '' ~■' ■ ‘ 1 I ’’ OLD SEKIES, VOL. I,XXV. (Chronicle nititul, IIKMIV MOOlti:, A. It. WUKiIiT. TKttJI.I OH -I ISSCIIIPTION. WKKKI.Y. » a i J. U. W. JOHNSTON , limine* Muuser. A I (.r<i'A, <» A : WEnXESDU MORNING, OCTOBER 17. XYbat the Radicals Propose. The recent elections in Maine aril Ver mont, and the violent denunciations of' the President during his Western tour, have unquestionably riven to tl*e Radicals a degree of bohlnesct in the declaration of their plans for the future, which they dared not adopt earlier in the canvass. Even as late as the noddle, of August, there were wry few of their party who openly endorsed the policy of Stevens. Phillips. Simmer ami Forney. There was : then an evident disposition on the part of j the great mass of the Radical party to , dodgo tjio issues which were so plainly presented by the Congressional leaders. Whether this reluctance resulted from an ' honest disagreement with their party lead j era in their Torch-and-Turpcntiue policy, j that the public sentiment of the North ; Would not sustain them in the violen' measures proposed, it were idle now to speculate. The fact to-day is apparent to orrery due who lias watched the progress of the pending canvass, that there is a degree c>f unanimity in the Radical ranks upon tin y Itrrt position of their leaders which has rarely been equalled in past party conflicts. Bennett, Weed and Raymond haveyield ed to the •furifl, and have gone over hug and baggage to the Radicals. It is true that they pretend that they will go n > further in that direction'than to advocate; the adoption of the amendments proposed by Congress. If this bo true, they exhibit, an ignorance of popular sentiment which j should lie unpardonable in the conductors of leading public journals. They Ought in know that the adoption by the Southern States of the amendments proposed, would in no wi.se facilitate their restoration to the constitutional right s to which as members of the Federal Union they ale justly entitled. The developments of the lust few weeks slio.v most conclusively that the Southern States would tot be admitted to representa tion even if they could so far degrade themselves as to ratify the amendment. Would Bennett and Raymond undertake to assure the South that full, fair and complete restoration would ensue upon tho ratifica tion of the amendments'? We think not. Bat it is idle now to talk or think of sir h a thirty, 'flic South cannot entertain lor a ..single moment the proposition as it is now presented to them. To show the animus of the party whir h now controls the legislative department of the Government, and which from present ' indications is likely to retain ascen dency for some time to come, ave call attention to the following extract of a ; speech made by Judge La.sser, of Missouri, j at a Republican meeting held in the Isth ward of the city of New York, on the 3d inst. We clip from the New York Timex ■: Judge Luster, of Missouri, followed in a very radical apoeeh, advocating the dis franchisement of all who had been rebels. . Ours was nut a civil war, us a civil war, was merely the striving of two parties for the mastery of a nation and not an at- j tempt ts» Ol"t it out of ex istenetj. The Into | war was a fiendish, hellish rebellion, which ■ called lor vengeance at our hands. Xot a | Mingle refiw should vote in Missouri if they I loci to R, !. registered tifty days before tho election, | wiili power in a court to strike off names | of dis.oyal men. Tho President's policy was mischievous in its effects in Missouri. , Loyal men were displaced from office and the positions given to rebels. The <'ensu in'omul Amendment was like tlio Irish man's blanket —a little siiorl at both ends. Tho Jferald conj' red Andrew Johnson to i come down to it's term ! becasue it was an easy road to travel. He hoped that Con gress, increased by mighty men this l'a;l, would make that road a little harder. [Cheers.J Fighting General Logan was going there, and the man whom the New Orleans ladies loved, Beast Butler. - [Cheers.] livery rebel should ho disfran chised, and every loyal man, of what ever color, shod tbo enfranchised, [(ire it cheering.] If negro equality was prated of, he would answer that ho had rather associate with a loyal negro than with a disloval white man. Judge Lassar, fur ther "advocate i negro suffrage, and was followed by the lloa. Fred. A. Conkhtig an l others, and at a late hour the meeting adjourned. The Sow York Fire Department. OuK.it not tliti h .lurios of the members of the [mill Fire Oeji.irtmi'iit lie inereu eil during the emnnaign ? ’I hen; men Imvo i to do double duty now-a-duy*. In mldi tion to their ordinary lire duties, they : re ordered, to disturb Conservative nuvlm and toil') a good deal ol'eleetioneerina; but j Ivin;;, noting, Ac., Ate., in the various dis t Viet-, where they are I,tented. See the report of u political m.‘Him; iiold in llml- ; son street last evening. These linys do their work thoroughly. Who will move j for an itii'i'ease of their salaries, we ask again ? The above, which we elip from one of our New fork exchanges, contains matter for serious reflection. The fire organisa tions of the Northern and Western eiti s are principally in the hands of the lla li oals, and are ever quick to dolheir bidding. , They have thorough and compact organi zations, and arc capable of doing much in jury to the cause of human liberty. Th ese j are principally under the control of active : and energetic men, whose whole atm seems to l>e the acquisition and use of power in their respective municipal corporations. Their excesses for the last few years have been of such a character as to cause serious alarm in the minds of all true friends oi Representative Government. They make no concealment of their power and deter- : mutation to control local and State elec- 1 tions. and their thorough organization gives them opportunity for doing much more than under ordinary circumstances, they would lie capable of effecting. We are pained to find that they have already in this canvass showed their sympathies for the distrnetives. and fear that notch harm will l>e done to the Conservative cause. Tennessee is the only S ate whose c!:i zons are disfranchised. Ity Radical ud miss.on Tennessee is recognized as , a, e more a member of the I'nion, and the o ii\ one of the Southern States that has b■< a re-admitted. Highly thousand Tennes seans are nevertheless denied the right of suit rage. V. V. II orU. The World is mistaken. Tite people of Maryland are #u(faring under the opera tions of a law which disfranchises a large majority of its legal voters, and in Mis souri they have a law passed by a few of the legal voters and a large number of Federal soldiers, which disfranchises more than two-thirds of the best people in the State. This is what the Radicals are now attempting to do for the whole Sauith. They dt sire to put the ballot in the hands of the ignorant blacks, and disfranchise nearly the whole of the white voters. Radical Decency. —On Sunday morn ing last, while Mr. Johnson was at St. Jjouis, the Post, (German Radical of that city, published the following “invitation t o ’the President,” leaded and italicized: ••The Radical Cluo of the Second Dis trict, in the lower part of town, resoh e.l. with unanimity, to send a deli - President and offer him the hospitalities oi the district —at the workhouse. “The German Radical !>■>''-' • l j* ■ “ anvthing. ahead of their American Radi cal cotemporaries in low. vulgar abuse 11 tiie President.”— Exchange. They only follow the lead of such pinks of decency as Brownlow, Jack Hamilton and'Boast Butler. The leaders in the Radical party arc responsible before the bar of public opinion, for all the indecen cies and excesses of its rank and file, and the German Radicals of St Rouis arc not so much at fault as the high priests of the Torch-and-Turpcntine party. A juvenile African elephant, only thirty eight inches high, arrived at New York last week, consigned to a circus manager. His trunk is said to be about the size of a •arp«t bag. Mexico—Maximilian. The anniversary of Mexican independ * enee w«: - celebrated on the 18th by a grand review on the Plaza de Armas, and a 7c //emit in the Cathedral, at which Maximil ian attended, accompanied by hiseouft and all the public functionaries and dignita rii-s. The President of the Council of State addressed the Emperor, who replied in a diseour-e, in which ha stated that there was no lasting progress, no political devel opment or human triumph without hard ) shit, and blood ; that he w<is still firm in the s/at. notv/ik*tu//‘lii/u all his dijjkcu.lties, ■ which the voles of ii/e nation has caused him t'i o eci'pi/; and that il ■ •.a# not in troublesome times that true H'tfe bihf) would abandon his post: and us the majority of the nation had called him to defend 11 it-i r sacred rights, tin Almighty ought to protect him. The Ketn/etle. asserts that Ids Majesty i« resolved to put himself at the head of the j national army to fight the rebels. Tin above dispatch we clip from the New York Herald of the 4th inst. Tin accounts from Mexico for the last few weeks have been very unsatisfactory and contradictory. At one time we were told that the Emperor was virtually dethroned— that he was secreted by his Cabinet pre , para lory to his escape from the country, and that the Imperial cau.se was irretrieva -1 nly lost Again, the veiaeious letter writer informed us that trie “ Emperor ’ was strong in money, in men. and iri the • affections of the people, and 4hat dhe Libera! successes at Mat a mob as and | Tampico were not such as to cause the i somewhat ; urprised at the tone of his ad dress. That lie is sti‘l firm in his seat we must he permitted, to doubt, as we also do in regard to- tho assertion that a true llapshurg would not. in troublous times, abandon his post. • , ffwe have read history aright, it is just what the House of llapshurg lias always done when difficulties thickened around [them. Maximilian may prove an excep tion to this course, and we Lope lie may, for we are free to confess that we can see no hope for stable government in Mexico, except through the successful establish ment of the Empire. in commenting upon the above dispatch the World say’s: The speech delivered by Maximilian in the City of Mexico, on the 16th ultimo, will somewhat surprise those who have been expecting It’s early departure for Eu rope. I t does not read as coming front a man who de pairs of his cause. Never theless, the very announcement “that he was still firm in the seat which the votes of the people had caused him to occupy,’’ shows how uncomfortable that seat must be,.and how critical the condition of the empire. That a “true llapshurg” never deserts his post in the hour of danger may be true, for those who like to believe it; hut the least said about the Hapsburgs just flow, after their disgraceful defeat in the late Prussian war, the better for Maxi milian and his ricketty empire. The llapshurg sun has gone behind a cloud in Europe, and is only struggling to shine in Mexico. ft looks, however, as if the Mexican Emperor was preparing for an earnest and determined struggle against the Liberals ; report even credits him with an intention to take tho field in person against ,tlie rebels. The latter also seems to have .a renewal of their old quarrels about the presidency. Ortega, at late-t dates, i[ is reported, was acting as President at Alon elova with a cabinet of his own ; while ru mors have reached Havana that Juarez had been compelled to fly to Paso - del Norte. Massachusetts. We are rejoiced to find that even in MnH*»oh«aettM there are n numheß-of .gand men. both of the Democratic and Republi- j can parties, who will not lend themselves ! to the “Toreh-and-Turpcntine” policy of the Radicals. We lake it as one of the j most cheering signs of the times, that in j Boston, conventions have been held, both by the Union Conservative and Democratic parties, whose action is in direct and utter opposition to the disunionists. We had not dared to hope this, and the fact is thereby the more gratifying and hopeful. The thing which impresses us most in com ; mon with those conventions, is the cor diality with which the Democratic Con vention endorses the movements of the Union Republicans. Forgetting past dif ferences, they unite for the present for the overthrow of a common enemy. We com mend their example to other States where the destructives are in the ascendancy : Boston, Wednesday, Oet. 3. Tho National I'nion State (Convention, Which assembled in FaneuiL Halt to-day, was a large and respectable gathering, over eighteen hundred delegates being pre sent. The proceedings were harmonious and enthusiastic, aud tiie spec dies were heartily in favor of the President's policy. Tho Convention met for the purpose of j nominating candidates for Governor and j other State officers, to be supported at the ! election in Noventoer next. (ten. John L. Swift w.ta made temporary Chairman. On taking tiie Chair, he said that the National I’oion Party extended the hand of welcome i to all new comers, without reference to I their past political action, who wore wil ling to assist tho President in liis efforts for the restoration of this great but dis tracted and divided country. The pro posed Constitutional Amendment, upon which the Kepublicun Party are now can va-sing, would never, lie argued, lie the condition of reconstruction, it that party gain pow er. Tiie members of the party | that upholds Congress do not propose ; restoration, and they wilL not admit tiie Southern States even after the proposed i amendments have been adopted. I Mr. Swift paid his respects to Gen. But ! lor in sarcastic terms, and alluded to the | loyal Southerners. He spoke of the situa tion, and alluded to the threat and purpose of impeachment. t'ommittees on Permanent Organization, and on Resolutions wi re appointed. The Committee appointed to collect the votes for u candidate for Governor, report ed t-hat the whole number of votes cast was l.Tbl, of which Theodore H. Swootzer, of Ijowell, had 1,733, and lie was declared the nominee amid great applause. The Com mittee appointed to select the remainder of ■ the State ticket reported as follows: For Lieutenant Governor, llrig. Gen. Horace C. Lee. of Springfield; for Secretary of the Commonwealth. Col. Luther Stephens. Jr., of liingham; for Attorney-General, Wil liam C. Kudieott. of Salem; for Treasurer of the Commonwealth, Harvey Arnold, of Adams : for State Auditor, Mai. Gen. Ar thur F. Deleraux. of Roxbury. This re port was accepted by acclamation. Speeches were made by Hon. John Quincy Adams, Hon. Theodore It. Sweet , zer, the nominee for Governor; G. K. Tarliox, of Lawrence; lion. Charles Lev; Woodbury and others. The Convention adjourned amid cheers for Johnson, Furragut and Grant, the Union and the Constitution. DEMOCRATIC STAT’3 CONVENTION. The Dein *■ ratio State Convention met in the same place it 4 o'clock, it wo- fully e. t ual i:i uum >ers to the National state Convention. Moses Bates was chosen President. The Convention deemed it in expedient to make independent nomina tions, but pledged a cordial support to the ticket nominated by the National Union C.m ention. After passing resolutions the Convention adjourned. Western Methodists Dabbling in Politics.— A dispatch to the Now York Tribune from Quincy, Illinois, says that the annual German Methodist Episcopal Conference for tl.at district, including Missouri. Kansas, Nebraska, part of lowa and rHinois. closed its session there on the 3d. between eighty and ninety German ministers being present. The Convention was presided over by the well known American Bishop Simpson. Before ad journing it adopted resolutions, without a dissenting voice, coaimending Congress, and particularly favoring the Constitutional amendment, and disapproving President Johnson's policy. The General Methc list Conference which met a week or two since at Bloomington, Illinois, adopted similar resolutions as also did the Methodist Conference recently in session at Laporte. Indiana, The New York Timer of Monday says : •‘Saturday evening a disturbance took place at the Republican General Commit tee headquarters, owing to the presence of a double set of claimants of the rooms. Theodore Allen and -ix other persons as saulted Mr. Strong, an officer of the Gen eral Committee, and robbed him of his watch while standing on the street. No ' arrests were made, although the police were present and witnessed the allair. The Radicals Opinion of General Grant. Since it has become plainly niamfe.-t that the Radicals cannot use General Grant in favor of their disunion schemes, they have become very much embittered to wards him. Eix months ago their presses teemed with the most fulsom eulogiums upon his skill and courage in the field, and his unmatched ability as a statesman. The musty pages of ancient history’ were ransacked in vain to find his parallel. Cfleser. Pompey, Alexander, Phillip, Han nibal, Alcibiades, were not worthy to he mentioned in connection with Jus great name. Wellington and Napoleon were mere ty i roe3 in the art of war, and the aduiinistra j tive ability and splendid statesmanship of the latter sank into utter insignificance when compared to the mighty achieve ments of the great Union soldier and hero. Grant was the great savior of the country and the preserver of tho 1 "nion His mighty intellect, and splendid military achievements alone preserved the integri ty of the nation. Rut for these all had been lost. General Grant made a tour of inspection through the South last fall, and reported as the results of his observation, that there was no longer a necessity’ for military ascendancy over the civil authorities. He stated to tbe President, in i)jw written re port, that he found the’ 1 people of the South ready and willing- to accept the terms imposed upon the surrender of their armies, and in good faith acquisescing in the conditions which defeat had imposed. The paroled officers anil soldiers of the Confederate armies he found especially honest and earnest in their determination truthfully and faithfully to accept and abide by the results of the war. When this report was first published, it produced considerable fluttering in the Radical yanks, but, under the inspiration of their leaders, that party determined not to throw the General off, but to seek, by all the arts and blandishments of party tactics and party compliments, to win him back to their cause. In this they have signally failed. Gen. Grant lias, on more than one occasion, shown very plainly that lie does not endorse their views or approve their course. Indeed, he has already, in the most unmistakable manner, shown that he is uncompromisingly opposed to their disunion schemes. Haying failed to win him by fulsom cajolery, they next at tempted to intimidate him, and thereby secure his support. In this they have also been sadly disappointed, and we now see them engaged in efforts to disparage his views and question his ability. Indeed, some of them have already begun to call him by hard names, and to intimate that his great ambition has overshadowed his intellect. The Boston Qommoawealth, (Sumner’s organ,) speaks of him in a re cent issue as a “ person of limited information and com monplace ideas, with some obstinate prejudices, and not a superabundance of intelligent convictions.” As long as it was probable that he could j be used to subserve their purposes lie was a “ marvelous excellent man,” —a General of unsurpassed ability in the field, and a .statesman of great acumen and forethought. Now lie is a “person of limited informa tion and commouplace ideas.” Jack Hamilton, the great apostle of the Torcb-and-Turpcntineparty, recently spoke of General Grant as a “ supple tool in the hands’of a tyrant and usurper.” Titus we find that even this poor apology for a man—Jack Hamilton—finds that lie is sustained in the use of such grossly infa jgjfais .cliargea against laipi. wtyx bu if. v, months since, was the idol of the North - era people. Is it surprising that the | General could not conscientiously act with such a party ? We think not. Gov. Morton of Indiana—A Correction. We find in the Albany Evening Journal \ of tiie fst inst, under the head of an im- \ portant statement , an extract from a speech said to have been made by Gov. Morton, in Madison county, Indiana, a few days be fore, in which the Governor alludes to a pretended statement which he says lie found in the Augusta, Georgia, Chronicle if- Sentinel. The extract in reference to this paper is as follows : Week before last I received a paper pub lished at Augusta, (la. —tho Augusta Sen tinel <C- Chronicle —edited by a Rebel sol dier, who was a member of the committee which formed the I hiladelphia platform. He says in liis paper that tho change was not made with tho consent of a majority of the committee, and that, in its present form, the resolution is a fraud upon the Southern people. Tie says that a majority of the committee did not consent to strike out the word American, and insert tlie word Federal, and that they don’t feel i houiul by tho resolution jn its present form. There is not the slightest foundation, in truth, for this statement of Governor Morton. We deny that he ever saw any such paragraph in our paper. The whole thing is false, from beginning to end, ex cept the fact that we were a member of the committee on Platform and Resolutions in the Philadelphia Convention. We never I stated in our paper, or elsewhere, that the “change was not mtflde witli the consent of a majority of the committee.” On the I contrary, all the changes that were made in the committee were perfected by the vote of a very large majority—a majority i almost amounting to unanimity. •Vo are sorry to find a man who has oc cupied as high position as Gov. Morton descend, for mere party purposes, to the perpetration of pure, unmitigated false hoods. It cannot be plead in his favor that he may have been mistaken. Accord ing to his own statement such a plea wil' not avail. He declares that he saw the statement iti this paper, which assertion is purely, simply, and intentionally false. \\ e hope that the Albany Journal will have the courtesy and manliness to give us the benefit ot this denial, as it has .through its columns, given circulation to tho false hood which Ims called it forth. A Nett (iround for Impeaching the President. Vfe had thought that the Radical ma- ! jority would make the New Orleans Riot j the chief pretext for bringing forward arti- ; civ - of imp, achment against the President, and that, perhaps, his use of the veto I powcitduring the last session would be in- | corporate.! in the charges merely as a catch weight. It veins, however, that they ! have discovered anew and very important ground for his removal, and one which will certainly take the country by surprise. A Radical paper, the Newark Courier, brings it forward in a late issue, and it is the alle gation that he is cro.y. It says “all his actions since the 22d of February last go to prove that lie has lost, his mind.” Com menting upon this strange and absurd cha-ge. the Mobile Register says: It must be admitted that there is a wonderful method in his madness, and that it has pursued a highly consistent course of steady opposition to the revolutionary de -igns ot the Radicals. An exchange well remarks that it is not an unusual thing for lunatics to suppose others insane, and the insane Radical leaders show symptoms of that disease of the asylums. It would be a rare j. ke to see Thud. Stevens & Cos. im peaching Mr. Johnson for craziness, and to see Chandler, At ade A Cos. trying him on the charge. National Horse Fair at Kalamazoo. —The National Horse Fair at Kalamazoo closed on the sth. The SI,OOO premium for the best trotting horse was contested for by “Patehen" and "Dexter.” and was won by the latter in three straight heats. Tune, 2.27 : 2:21f ; U2IL This is the best time “Dexter ever made in harness. He failed to obtain the additional prize of SI,OOO offered to any horse that} would beat “Flora Temple's" of 2:195. Illinois negroes have called a Conven tion to take measures to establish negro j suffrage. AUGUSTA, GA., WEDNESDAY MORNING, OCTOBER 17, 1866. The Columbia Railroad. We dcs.ire to call the earnest attention of our city authorities to the communica tion signed “Enterprise,” in another ; column, in relation to the Augusta and Columbia Railroad. The subject treated of is one in which the city is deeply in terested. There can Lc no doubt upon the mind of any one familiar with the country which this road would put us in coumiuni cation with, that its completion would aud greatly to the t rade and prosperity of every branch of trade and industry within the city limits. The only question upon which there can j he any reasonable grounds of difference, is the best iqpde to be adopted for securing the early completion of the work. We | learn that the President of the road is con fident of his ability to complete the work j by the middle of spring, provided he can . get the city’s credit for the sum of one hundred and fifty thousand duilars. Then let the city issue its bonds for that amount, and with these bonds purchase one hun dred and fifty thousand dollar’s worth of j the stock of the road. Very soon after the road is finished its stock wih bring par, and if it is then thought desirable the stock ; could be sold and the money used in taking up the bonds. By this method, the only possible chance for the city to iose, would accrue upon the bonds during the com pletion of the road. If the road can be finished in the course of six or eight months, this would be a very small amount, and the benefit which w r ould accrue to the city by the success of the work would amply compensate for such a small loss. If our city Fathers can devise a better plan to secure the completion of the road, we hope they will very soon let us know | what that plan is. Gur people, and par j ticularly the large property owners in the city, are anxious to have the Council do I something for this road. Grinin and North Alabama Railroad. The Griffin papers allude to a recent aunual meeting in that city of the stock holders of the Savannah, Griffin anckNorth Alabama Railroad, when the following ; gentlemen were elected directors for the current year : Judge Crawford, of Griffin, President. J. I. Whitaker, of Fayette county. G. J. Drake, of Spalding county. 11. J. Sargeant, of Coweta county. Glenn 0, Wynn. “ “ “ W. XV. Thomas, “ “ “ B. M. Long, of Carroll county. It was determined not to sell or lease the road, hut to continue at work at as early a day as practical. Os all the nc\\ routes to connect our Georgia railroads with tiie Mississippi valley, this is the most important to Augusta, as well as to Charleston. With the road from Cov ington to Griffin, a charter of which we believe was obtained several years ago, a line would bo opened to the West, as di rect and central as could be devised, and which would relieve the old line of the pressure of business which is liable, in the business season, to cause injurious delay, and give the public the benefit of a healthy competition. The condition of the coun try is such that, without aid from a broad there is no present hope of completing this line, but it can do no harm to keep the public mind directed to it, to the end that in duo time it may receive the attention it deserves. Testimony of Louisiana Loyalists. —-A number of loyal citizens of New Or leans, disgusted at the efforts to cast re pyoach oij the good name of . their city and State, by the defenders of Dost to and his dupes, have issued a card, which is pub lished in the Now York Times , in which | they unhesitatingly pronounce the state \ ment that Union men cannot reside there |in safety, to bo untrue. They further i stale that the riot of July 30th “was brought about by a few deluded fanatics, in their vain attempt to resuscitate an ex tinct Convention, and was suppressed by tho police of the city, without any inter medding by tlio ’inhabitants generally and they further declare “that there was not one in a hundred of its inhabitants who knew anything of the riot until it was all over, while they regret its occurrence and lament the melancholy loss of human life.” They caution their Northern and West ern friends against tho mischief-makers who are disturbing the peace and prosperity of i the nation by the'.r false statements. The [ timidity of these men arises from their own knowledge of what their evil deeds merit. j Packing Cotton. —The press is calling the attention of planters to the necessity of more care in packing cotton. Bagging weighs two and one-fourth pounds per yard, aud sells on the bale at the price oj cotton. Bagging costs forty-five cents per yard, and,' therefore, sells on the bale at about sixty-eight cents. What folly, then, in planters, to stint the use of bagging in properly protecting the hale of cotton ! And yet, for the want of such protection, the cotton in this market is actually suf fering iu classification and price. We call I the attention of planters and packers to this subject, and, without further words, i trust they will see the necessity of such i liberal use of bagging as will protect the : fibre from dirt anu stain. Radical Humanity. —The Philadel phia Keening Herald says that on the 2d iiist., the managers of the Soldiers’ Home, on Sixteenth and Filbert streets, called up about twenty of the inmates of the Koine, who were helplessly crippled, or suffering from wounds received in the Service, and asked them what their political opinions were. They answered that they were Democrats, whereupon, disabled, destitute and homeless as they were, then were turned into the street. The editor of the Herald says that they could be seen at Penn Square, living witnesses of Radica sympathy for the soldiers. The Paris Exposition.— Every rail way and express company out of Chicago agree to transport Western offerings and collections for the great Paris Exposition free of cost. The commissioner for Mis souri says Chicago will be the headquar ters for the Northwest, everything center ini' there for transportation or shipment. Part of the collections of Illinois were on exhibition at the Chicago Fair. It is sta ted the public interest in that section is much excited on this important subject. Is nothing to be done toward the represen tation of Southern industry at the great Exhibition ! Ladies Memorial Fair.— The Ladies' Memorial Fair to provide means to prop erly enclose the ground wherein rest the 1 Confederate dead at Point Lookout, will be opened in Leonardtown on Tuesday, the 16th instant, and continue until the Friday following on which day a grand tourament will be held in aid of the fair, to be follow jCJ on the night of Friday by a ball in fur * theranee of the same object Contributions j from all parts of the country will be ap- j predated, and arc well deserved by the coble ladies who have the grateful work j in charge. M | The Newfoundland Telegraph Line. —Not many persons understand that the ! ;; nes in Newfoundland pass through a I forest, and in one case a continuous dis- I tance of 250 miles. Stations are estab- I lished every 50 miles, and in case of a I freshet, it becomes necessary in making : repairs to make a detour of 50 miles into ! the interior to get across the swollen ! streams. The public are unable to under ! stand why breaks are not sooner repaired, but one who has tried a journey, such as the Newfoundland woods offer, can readily ; comprehend the delay. Georgia. The work of removing the Federal dead from the battle fields around Atlanta to i the National Cemetery at Marietta has I commenced. During the session of the Wilkinson Court Maj. J. T. Burns, Air. Z. D. Har rison, and Mr. Archibald McKinley, of Milledgeville were examined and admitted to tire practice of tiie law. * Air. Augustus Merkle, of Savannah, who was a passenger on the ship Virgo, on a late trip from New York was misled on the late passage out, and it is supposed that he lost his footing during the*heavy gale, and fell overboard. ’5, The Banner says that a rnSst absorbing revival of religion is now progressing in Athens. The interest is so great that stores are closed days to at tend church. On Sunday week 60 persons joined the Methodist. A> JieP/esbyteriaus, aud 3 the Baptist churches. t Atlanta is moving for the introduction of water into the city, from a stream near the western boundary of the city. have been received from tlje Tredegar Works in Richmond makingj the entire cost, including freight from Richmond, and all the labor neccessaiy. to complete the works, §108,325. * Imldft re ltef meeting last w'cek,'af\niich resolutiotis against repudiation were adopted. They recommend the extensive of the first in stalment of the stay law until Ist January 1868, and the passage of a law allowing a reasonable time for the redemption of all real estate sold for debts heretofore con- j tracted. The Federal Union says that Croombs, j who was indicted for killing J. 11. Jones j of Gordon, was tried at the Wilkinson Court last week, and found guilty of mur- i der, hut recommended to the mercy of | the Court. He was sentenced to the Penitentiary for life. Bill, alias Tom John son, was found guilty of the murder of Airs. Rollins, and sentenced to bo hanged on the 2d day of November next. The Savannah Republican of the sth notices the arrest of Smart Blake alias ' Smart Cummings, a freedman, as a party ' implicated in the murder of John Alfred, i also a freedman, of Chatham county, i liis arrest has led to the arrest of six or eight other parties connected with mur ders recently committed, and now the first time brought to light. Fiendish Outrage. The South Carolinian says that on Sat- j urday night, a little after dark, four no- j g.ioes entered the residence of Air. John j Davis, near Columbia, and firing a gun as they entered, rushed into the adjoining room where Air. Davis was lying on the bed, and as lie attempted to rise, knocked him down with a club, and continued to i heat him until he was insensible. They j then cursed his wife, ordering lor to “hush i up,” or they would kill her also, and pro- I eeeded to ransack the house, carrying off j everything that,was valuable, including clothing, a gun, watch and silver w'arc. i They then left, and Airs. Davis, bordering on distraction, and still afraid to go or send j for assistance, proceeded to alleviate the I condition of her husband. She watched j over him through the whole night, and then dispatched a messenger tc her nearest I relative and neighbor. The police were ! put upon the track, and got (race of the [ stolen articles, but had not succeeded in ar resting the guilty fiends. Air. Davis lies in a dangerous condition: h Is there iio Remedy ? Our exchanges contain constant allusion to the petty thefts committed by idlers, and especially by freedmen —numbers of whom prefer a predatory life—working one day and idling two—to regular employment. A planter residing in this county informs us that upon gathering his corn he finds ] nearly one half of it has been stolen while in roasting ears. During the last few weeks we have seen a number of freedmen j brought to tho guard house with hags of green corn in their possession. Failing to present a satisfactory title to it they have usually been sent to the chain gang for a short time, only to-renew their favorite mode of life when discharged. Some other punishment is evidently necessary to stop the pilfering propensities of these people. Emigrants. —The Editor of the Chat tanooga Union noticed, passing along the streets recently, a train of ten wagons, filled with women and children and household plunder, with the heads of various house ■ holds and the men of the families urging I on the patient oxen attached to each wagon, j On inquiry, ho learned that they were from the neighborhood of Washington county, Tenn., and en route for Alissouri and Texas. They informed him that they were only a portion of a large number oi families residing in Washington county, who intended emigrating this fall. Memphis Bulletin. —Col. J. B. Bing ham, chief editor of the Memphis Bulle tin. lias severed his connection with that paper. The Bulletin, for the future, will be con ducted by B. P. Willis & Cos. The new firm is composed of Mr. Willis, Col. L. J. Dupree, principal Editor, sustained by J -Messrs. Youngblood, Halpiri, Philip, Syn nott, McClure and Thompson, all old news- j paper men, and who will no doubt make the Bulletin one of the first newspapers in the South. Religious Notice.— The ensuing An nual Conference of the Methodist 1 ’rotes- , 1 tant Church, for the Georgia District, will be held at Friendship Church, in Heard county, commencing on Thursday, the 25th day of October next. Delegates going to | the Conference by Railroad, will be met at Hogansville, on Wednesday before, with | conveyance to Conference. All members going by Railroad, will bq allowed to return j free, by paying full fare going, on certifi j cate of the President of Conference. George Harland, President. Mexican Bonds. —An official letter has been issued from the Mexican Lega tion, in consequence of the attempt of several parties in New York to put spu rious bonds in the market, which lias an effect to injure the Liberal cause. There is but one authorized agent in the United States making purchases for the Republic ; of Mexico, and he acts under the onlv power recognized by our Government, and ; under the directions and instructions of the Mexican Minister, Senor Pomero. The Alexandria Gazette says it is a serious question what is to become of the hundreds of helpless refugee negroes in Alexandria when the bureau ceases, on the Ist of October, to issue rations, as it can not be supposed that the citizens are to be taxed to support them. This is a “serious question” in all the towns and cities of I the South. The negroes have flocked from 1 all quarters to the points where rations were issued, and now “what is to become of them ?” Indiana State Fair. —The Indiana State Fair was in progress during last week. Owing to late wet weather, the display was not so fine as at former fairs. The show of sheep, however, was very fine, and the mechanical department and fine arts fully represented. Crowd in atten dance on Thursday, estimated at 25,000. Interval e Decision. The Commissioner of Interna! Revenue has de cided that rubber boots and shoes are sub ject to a tax of five per cent, as articles of wearing apparel manufactured or produced from India rubber. The tax on boots and shoes manufactured of leather is only two j per cent. j APPILLIXS MiKIXE DISASTER. Steamship Evening Star Foundered at Sea--‘J5(> lives lost. The telegraph has brought us the start j ling announcement of the loss of the steam er Evening Star , off the coast of Florida bound front New York to New Orleans. Passengers who escaped from the ill-fated | vessel have reached Savannah from Fer nandina, and give the following account of the disaster, which we find in the Savan nah Herald ot yesterday : i Tiie mail steamer Eceninc/ Star, Capt. Knapp, of the New York Steamship Co's Star Line, sailed from New York to New Orleans Sept 3d, at 3 o clock P. Al. She encountered a severe gale at 2 o clock in the afternoon 'of the 3d inst., ISO miles east ofTybee Island. After weathering th» storm some seventeen hours, she foun dered at 6 o’clock, on the morning of the 3d inst, w’itli two hundred and seventy i souls ou Board, only seventeen ofwliom are 4wown to have been saved. I There seclhs to have been only three or four lifeboats on board, in one of which the Chief Engineer and Purser, with six of i the crew aud two passengers succeeded af , ter being eapsised several times in keeping i afloat until they were picked up by the Norwegian hark sltetwing, by which they were transferred to the schooner S. J. i Waring, on which vessel they arrived here last evening. ; A second boat took sixteen persons from ; tiie sinking ship, among whom were the ! Captain and Third Mate. This boat waij, [ set. The boat arrived at Fernandina on Sunday morning with six persons and two dead bodies on board. Only one passenger was saved on the third mate’s boat. His name is Frank Gerrard, of No. 51, Bond street, Brooklyn. The names of the survivors in this boat are Thomas Fitzpatrick, Third Alatc; John Dempsey, Seaman ; John Campbell, Seaman ; James Howe, Seaman ; Chan cellor Alason, -Steerage Steward ; Frank Gerrard, Passenger. If any of the other boats left the ship it is presumed they were immediately swamped, as they have not been heard of. Since writing the above we have been furnished with the following letter which gives the circumstances of this fearful disaster more in detail: On Board Schooner S. J. 1 Waring, at Sica, j Steamship Keening Star, Capt. Wil j ham Knapp, sailed from New York, bound j for New Orleans September 29th, 1866, i about 3:30 P. M. Discharged pilot and j crossed the Bar about 6 P. Al., same day, 1 with nearly a full cargo and a full pas- I senger list, viz; Crew about 62 ; Ist and i2d cabin passengers about 213; total of 275 persons on board. On the 2 ( /th we had Easterly winds with a heavy swell. On tiie 30th sea smoother and weather pleasant. October Ist, BA. AL—Cape Jlatteras light abeam. Sea smooth ; weather calm and clearing off October lid—This day commences with fresh breeze from H to SE, with a heavy swell, which increased about evening to a ! gale with very heavy seas ; and about mid ; night it blew a hurricane with a very ugly | cross sen. Ship lying in the trougli of tiie ; sea. My barometer this day being about i twenty-eight and 8-lOths. i October 3d, about 3 A M., commenced j bailing ship from engine room and after ! cabin About 3A. At. the starboard rud ! der chain got out of the sliieve. At 5 A. j Al. engine disabled. Having been at work j on deck I now went to lower after cabin, and assisted in bailing, but the increase of I water in the ship’s hold soon drove tiie I men from their duty by the “cargo’s shift- ing aft. About 5 A. M. the Captain went into the cabin and notified tiie passengers that he had done all in his power, and that the ship would go down. At this time I was assisting in getting the boats free front their fastenings to the ship. At about 6 A. Al. or at daylight, the ship took a heavy lurch, at the same time settling fast. .A heavy sea boarded her and she went! down. From whpt I saw and learn all the boats were capsized when the snip went down. After being in the water amongst the drift wood, &e., Ac., for nearly three hours, one of the ship’s life boats coming near me I got on board, but was capsized out six times. During this j forenoon the sea run very high, and until afternoon was surrounded with immense quantities of drift wood, tho wind still blowing a hur ricane. At night the wind moderated very : much : the sea also. ! 4th. This day came in calm and pleas i ant. About BA. AL, we fell in with one of tiie ship’s life boats, having tiie third I mate and nine of the passengers and crew, i AVc now made two sails from four life pre | servers, the other boat fixing her own sail. | Both boats now stood to the westward for | the land ; wind about E NE. At dark | this night we lost company of the other boat, and know nothing of her since -sth. At 5 o’clock this A. AL, made a sail which hove too and took 'us aboard, bark Kleetwing, of Laurvig, Norway, from Balize, Honduras, for Southampton, Eng land ; we remained on board 33 hours. Gth. At 2 P.-M.. spoke the schooner S. i J Waring , Capt. Frank Smith, from New i York for Apalachicola, Fla. lie took us |on board. Having been in the recent hur ricane, being crippled, and sails blown away, he was bound for the first port, Sa yannah or Charleston. Since wc came on board the Waring , Captain Smith, his officers and crew have done everything to relieve our sufferings, to the disepmfort of themselves. 7th. I should have stated, in my report of October 2d, that Captain Knapp in- j formed me at midnight of that day that the ship was about 240 miles N. E. of Matanilla reef, and ISO miles from the land, and from that time until the ship went down I should judge she did not change* her position much. Our party consisted of the following: Robert Finger, late Chief Engineer of steamship Evening Star ; Ellery S Allen, Purser ; John Lang, water-tender; Fred | crick Shaffer, coal-passer; George Smith, i seaman; John Powers, seaman; Dennis 1 Gannon, waiter; Rowland Stephens, wait j er; Edward Lamer, passenger; II IlHar ris, passenger. October 8th —Arrived at Savannah. Ellery S. Allen, * Purser late steamship Evening Star. The following is a list of the passengers ! on boa v d the ill-fated steamer : | Gen II C Palfrey, lady, child and ser vant, Miss Palfrey and Miss Sloo; Mrs LA Van Sickle, Mrs JT Mason, Frank R Den nis, Mr Ilaberow, Mr Rockwell, John Touro, Mrs John J Adams, Mrs \\ II Robbins, Miss Lilly Parker, Miss. Minnie Taylor, Miss Addie Norton, Miss Rosa Burns, Miss S Sterrett, Mrs J King, Mrs ! G T Pbilbin, Miss Julia Munroc, Miss A Clibband, A Goe.tc and wife, Mrs S F Gordou, Mrs Spaugenberg and three ser vants, Alexander and Alfred Langlois, Mrs Henry Newell and daughter, George Hillman and son, Miss Margaret Hillman, D Pretto and wife, Mrs Gellespie and daughter. James Gallier and wife; Mr Eilenest, Mr Tapain and wife, Miss Ta pain, (J Destorbuy and wife, Miss Des torbuy, Miss Eva Krepps, Miss Nellie Le vere, Miss Mary Hudson, Mrs Elodic Gi- i rank .Miss G Forney, Miss E Durand, Mrs | J Durnery, Miss J M Ster, Miss Masic j T Campaua. Mr TDesormos, MissT Borel, 31iss Celine Cayot, Mr. and Mis Godpim, 3lr and Mrs Gaillant, (ill Alhaya and lady, Mrs Chcnup, . S Francis, Mrs G Thompson, Henry Smith, Miss Quatorse, , Y Michc., Mrs N Frontier, II Humboldt, j Miss H Jeremol. Mr La Fontaine, Mr and Mrs P Polydor, G Miss Jane T Moran, Miss Helen Pomeroy, J II i Dupasseur, John T Martin, MissT Clotain, Miss II Kcnouf, Miss G Reed, Miss 1 Benidetti, Miss Loguement, Miss II Straus. Miss J Ponsonby, Henry 1 Croche ron, Miss Belinda Meserole, Messrs Severae, T Coignaid and S Robert. -Mr. Solomon 31, ers, Miss G L Conine, di ■' G Fraser and aunt, Jonathan llavans anu lady, C C Ackerman, J Polglars. J L Her zen-, F T Fontainebleau, > J Depeirris. Herman Spader. Charles T Low, >• i , White, J 31 Davidson, J Monroe tell, b 31 Barlow, Frank Dennison, i.l.imy, 31 r and 3lrs 3' G Vila, Jas Harkness. Jr George Fisher, Capt W m Chipman, J L , Smith. Henry H Register, Martin I Hal, . Isaac Hapner. James 3lcGuire, .Miss Cad -1 lant, 3liss Laura dc 3lontpierre 3liss Amelia Ferae, Miss Josenhenede bonne Campanil. Messrs 3lindb!ed. (_ J tsher J C Denvrv. S 31 Parigot. I Luvan, Mrs N Doyle, H D Hertnea, John Perehal, S .Morenshelager, T Laquement, J L Strum, John Gelser, Ferd H Stuft, Harrison Quinan. ♦•aincs I3ounc. renic, Oeorge i Sandal. John Harper, Jeremiah Fran- : eonia. George Estell. 3liss Emily Dev lin, D B Small, 3liss 3lary Duvall, Leopold Scewerin. John J Reed. Paul Juiien, II J Ninage, Chas Puckdeschel and daughter, j •Joseph and Therese Ulrich, .Mrs G Geiser and child. 3lrs N Dolye, 3lLss Caroline : Glanner, 3liss 3lary Lyman, Babara. and Julia Corie, Edward 0 Brien and child, Franklin Smith, Harvey Crowther and others in the steerage. One thousand new buildings have been 1 erected in Nebraska City, this season. I’RISSIA. EI.ECTORLVL LAW FOR THE NORTH GERMAN PARLIAMENT. i B' rlin [St'pt. 13] of the London Times. The law for the election of representa tives for the North German Parliament . was passed yesterday by tbe House of Deputies in the following form: "1. A Parliament is to be assembled for the consideration of the Constitution and of the regulations oi'the North German Confederation. “2. Every man blameless in the eye of the law who is a citizen of one of the Ger man States united in the Confederation is i to he a voter as soon as he lias attained the age of 25. ■ “3. From the right of voting arc ex cluded—(l.) Persons who are under guar dianship or trusteeship. (2.) Persons against whose property rules of bankruptcy have been granted, during the term of ! such bankruptcy. (3.) Persons who obtain support as paupers from the funds of the I State or of their district, or who have ob i tained support during the year preceding ! the election. i “4. As criminals, and therefore exclud ed from the right oi' voting, shall be con sidcred those from whom the full and per -1 feet enjoyment oi' their rights as citizens lias been withdrawn by legal sentence, as long as these rights are not restored to them. “5. Any man entitled to vote who has! belonged for at least three years to one of the States forming the Confederation may be elected a deputy. Penalties for politi cal offences which have been undergone or ii-nijltci do not yaw ini, ir.iui electum. ’ require no permission froin G dveriinicn¥ to" enter Parliament. “7. ( )ne deputy is to beclcetcd for every 100,000 souls of the population as shoWn in the lasfc'census. A surplus of 50,000 souls, or more, in the total population of a State is to be reckoned as equal to 100,000 souls. Each deputy is to ho elected in a special elective department. “8. The elective department will be di vided for the purpose of voting into small er districts. ■_ “9. Whoever wishes to exercise liis right oi' voting in a particular district must have his residence at the time of the poll in that district. No elector may vote in more than one place. “10.' In every district lists will he open ed in which the Christian and surnames of those entitled to vote, with their ages, pro fessions and dwelling-places will bccntcred. Theke lists shall be open to every one’s in spection at leatst four weeks before the day appointed for the election, and this is to be publicly advertised. Objections to tlio lists are to be made within eight days of the appearance of the public advertise ment to the authority by whom the adver tisement has been published, and are to be settled within the next fourteen days, whereupon the lists will be closed. Only those are entitled to vote who have their names inscribed on the lists. “11. Voting is to be [in public : mem bers ol'the community are to take part in it who hold no direct office under the Gov ernment. The vote is to be given in per son by means of a voting card, without .sig nature, which is to be enclosed in an en velope, and so placed in an urn. "12. The voting is to be direct. Election is to bo dependent upon tho absolute ma jority of all the votes given in one depart ment. Should there not lie an absolute majority the votes are to be taken over again, but only to decide between the two candidates which have the most votes. “13. Representatives of the deputies are not to vote. “14. The polls are to take place at the | same time in the whole of the State. “15. Tho elective departments ami dis tricts, tiie directors and the proceedings of the elections, in so far as they arc not de termined by the present Bill, arc not to be settled by tiie Government. “16. The Parliament examines'into the priviledges of its members, and decides upon the granting of them. It regulates the order of its business, and its discipline. : “17, No member of the Parliament cun at any time be prosecuted in a court of justice or a police court on account of bis vote, or for any utterance made use of in the exercise of liis office, or be otherwise rendered responsible outside of the Assem- Thisbill, as-passed by the IS^Y^yMiffers in some points considerably fiomTne form in which it was introduced by the Govern ment, but, considering the number of amendments which dashed against it, both in its passage through the committee and through the House, its similarity to the original is wonderful. The first paragraph to the bill, as above, was riot proposed by the Government, but was prefixed by the committee to whom the Government measure was referred, and was strongly op posed in the debate in the House. A con siderable portion of the Conservative party voted against it, and the Prime Minister himself spoke against it, not, however, on account of his liberal tendency, hut because he justly urged that its adoption in the Prussian Parliament might be all well and good, but that tlje other States which had agreed to join the Confederation might not wish to adopt a similar clause, and that its acceptance by the House might throw an impediment in tho way of the formation of the Bund. The Tax on Cotton—Opinion of the At torney General. Attorney General’s Office, j ’Washington, September 29, ISOG. j To lion. Hugh Mc Culloch, Secretary of the j Treasury : Sir : lam in receipt of your letter of \ the 27th, requesting my opinion on the j following points : “Whether the laws im posing a tax on cotton, and pending lor its j collection, so restrict the executive au thority as to forbid the arranging of the < cotton States into a single cotton district, for the purpose of collecting the tax on cot ton having reference to the cotton tax only, and without necessarily involving any change of districts which may be most con venient for the collection of other taxes.” I am clearly of opinion that such a con solidation of the cotton growing States as is described by the terms of the foregoing in quiry, into a single collection district,, for the purpose of levying and collecting the duties imposed by the internal revenue laws upon cotton, cannot lawfully be ef fected by executive authority under the existing provisions of these laws. Iho authority conferred upon the President by the act of June 3d. 1804, section 7, to alter the respective collection district as the public interest may require, enables him only to modify from time to time, as may be required by existing artangements of the several districts designated by him, for the levying and collection of all the duties ar.d taxes prescribed and imposed by the acts of Congress relating to internal revenue. By the original act of July 11,1802, the President was empowered simply to “divide respectively the States and Terri tories of the United States, and the District of ( Columbia, into convenient collection districts. ’ Soon after llie passage of the act a ques tion arose as to the authority of the Pres ident to alter the arrangement of collection districts made and established by him in pursuance of this provision of law. ! hat question was carefully considered by my predecessor, Attorney General Bates, who gave his opinion that the President, when be made the original division of the States into collection districts, exhausted his power in the pjemi . this was held on the general principle that where an act o! Congress establishing a general system eon i fers on the President the authority to do a I .specific act for the purpose of perfecting the means by which the system shall he : carried into effect, the act of the President, i when performed according to the terms of the statute, has all the validity and au thority of the statute itself. [U. S. Opiu., Bates, A. G., pg. 384.] This view of the law having been adopt i ed by the Treasury Department, Congress was applied to for additional legislation conferring the authority which was not I contained in the original act. The seventh section of the act of June > 30, 1864, was accordingly enacted to reme dy the particular defect which was found to ; exist in the statute of 1862. It is too clear to admit of .doubt that “collection dis tricts, within the meaning of the act, are those districts respectively in which the internal duties and taxes imposed by law upon all the subjects of taxation are collect ! ed in the manner and by the officers desig nated in the statute. These districts can not he established or arranged with refor ; once to the duties imposed on particular subjects. That is not the plan upon which the internal revenue law.„ proceed. Such an arrangement as is proposed in the me \ morials which you have submitted to me j could not be carried into effect with the machinery established by existing law for the collection of internal duties. Ihe President has no power to appoint a special ! collector for the tax imposed on the partic ular article of cotton, nor could he designate any one of the district collectoxs as the officer who should proceed throughout the entire cotton territory, and collect the tax on that article wherever found. The mischiefs of the present system ! complained of by the Chambers of Com merce of -Mobile and New Orleans, can I only be remedied by Congress. The act of NEW SERIES, y. NO. 43. July 13, 1866, to which reference is made 1 by the memorialists, contains all the cxeep- I tionablc provisions as to tli<S t*x on cotton I which Congress then deemed to be ncecs- j sary, and those provisions, instead of! giving authority to make the additional ! exception now requeued, seem to me ! wholly inconsistent with it. I have the honor to he, Ac., Henry Stansberry, . Attorney General. Xot a Bail Tear’s Work. A gentleman, who has recently been traveling through the State of North Caro- I lina, and who has bad good opportunities j for intelligent observation, informs us that tilings in that State look very favorable for i hopeful progress. Tho people ofthe State : are adapting tit. tnselves to the altered con ; dition of affairs with promptness, and are evincing a sagacious disposition to encour age business enterprise in the State through the introduction of capital and business experience from abroad. Men of enterprise and capital from the North, dis posed to settle in that State, have not been repelled and driven out as they have been from other portions of the South : "and the consequence is that many have staked their fortunes and interests there, and are co operating heartily, with public spirited citi zens of North Carolina in establishing busi ness enterprise in tiie way of manufac tures, canals, railroads, drainage, planting, j Ac., Ac., calculated to place North Caroli na in the front rank of Southern States. Some experiments this year in the way of drainage, and in the use of the immense store of mar! in that State, have demon strated tb&tthe planting interests of North an evidence, in the language of Sam i Fateh, that “some things can be done as well as others,” our informant states that two Northern men who paid $ I'd,ooo in gold for a plantation in Pitt county, have realized already $30,000 on their invest ment. Two years ago neither of them knew cotton from rice. They have hired freedmen, opening a school for their, bene fit, evenings, and in other wvys encourag ing them to steady, industrious habits; and the result has been most satisfactory, as above indicated. The gentleman from whom we gather this information states that it will be requisite for the people of North Carolina-to at once re-establish their i school system, broken down by the war, unless they are willing that the freedmen should outstrip the “poor whites” in cdu cation, as at present with the Freedmen’s Bureau schools, Ac., the blacks are getting about all the free schoollitig afforded in the State. Thus at Raleigh there are fifteen schools for negroes in operation and none lor whites.— Washington Star. FROM MEXICO. Maximilian Makes a Speech. New York, Oct. 3.—The steamer Moro Castle brings Havana dates to the 29th ultimo. Advices from the Mexican capital to the 17th ult. had been received, stating that the guerrillas were continually worsted by the Imperialists. At tiie celebration of Mexican indepen dence on the 10th, Alaximilian made a speech, saying that he was still firm in the seat, notwithstanding tin: difficulties which surrounded hint, the votes of the people had called him to occupy. The Ks/afette says that nis Majesty is resolved to put himself* at the head of'the national army to fight the Liberals. Gen. Almonte had resigned the charge of Minister to Paris, bu,t tho resignation had not been accepted. (Jen. Meppha had gone to take command oi the ! uiparial Division of San Luis. Active measures will be taken against Tampico.' Ortega was President at. Mondova, and that a part of the garrison of Chihuahua had pronounced in favor of Ortega, killing Governor Terras and causing the flight of Juarez to Passol.Vl Norte. It is Paid Maximilian will soon start for San Luis. Estobado was said to be at Alontcrey. A AEGRO Tulled bv a H Oman. — How ever justifiable the deed, weiare neverthe less pained to announce the killing of a freedman, Peter, ou Trinity river, in this county, on Wednesday last, September 5, by a-married lady,'the wifi- of nun of our most estimable citizens. On the day al luded to, the gentleman was absent from the place, and tbe cruel treatment being inflicted on a team in use by the freedman Peter, caused the lady to go out and order him to desist from his abuse ofthe team. The negro replied to her with abusive epi thets and oaths, whereupon lie was order ed from the place, but with terrible oaths, he refused to go, and asserted his right to remain and do as lie pleased. The lady again ordered him off, coupling with it a threat to liurthim if he did not comply, but lie still continued his swearing, and when the lady returned and went into her house lie followed her. She then goc an old pis tol, and, stepping back into the door, she again ordered the freedman to leave ; but . he continued to advance, now nodding his j head, winking and blinking liis eyes, and | licking his tongue out, and, with low, ! meaning oaths, said he would go and stay i wherever he pleased. With calm forti- j tude for her own defense, she persisted in ! ordering him to leave until he had reached j the very doors-step where she stood, when ' she fired her pistol at him, the ball passing directly through his heart, and produc ing instant death. The Hollowness of Northern Sympathy for the Negro. The Nashville Dispatch refers to an in cident which recently transpired rear Chi cago which plainly exhibits the animus of the Northern people toward the negro, , notwithstanding all their clamor alr-ut colored suffrage, our common humanity, and all that sort of tiling. On Monday, at thqState fair now being held near that city, when the time for tho trot for the Society’s purse, of S2OO came round, there appeared upon the ground four horses, three being driven by white drivers, and one, belonging to Colonel Dorsey, of Louis- ! ville, by a colored man. The sight of a j negro essaying to compete in the ring j with white men was too much for the i Radical chivalry, who raised a clamor that I the “nigger” should he turned out. j Colonel Dorsey—Southern man as lie is, with Southern instincts—very properly contended that his hor.fo should he driven by the driver of his choice, or not. at all. It was to no purpo-o. The Executive Committo yielded to the popu lar clamor, and ruled out the Louisville horse and his negro driver. And all this it will be borne in mind, In a locality where those “loyal” sheets, the Chicago Tribune, lu publican, Evening .lour,ail. hear supreme sway. Commenting on tin; mat ter, the .Journal says : “Tfo writer of this ; paragraph has seen races upon the New 1 Orleans race course, in which white and colored riders and drivers competed with i each other, without a word of opposition : on the part of the former or the audience. ” in Nashville, one-half the drivers are of the African per.-uarion, and yet in Chicago, where there is so much clamor übout | equal rights and equal suffrage, colored riders arc ruled off the track. It ace at Chicago-Further Particu lars. A despatch from Chicago says : It has since transpired, or at least is so reported, that some of Cooley’s friends fastened a hoard to the fence so that it projected out into the track, and ilius threw MeKeevcr out. Riley, the driver of Cook y, who was hi - hind, says that McKcever ran into the fence, and the weel of the sulky flew up and hit him on the head. The fact that McKcever’s hurt was on the opposite side of the wheel which was said to have hit him threw doubt on this assertion; and the piece of broad or scantling before mention ed was found near the body, with blood ! and hair on the end of it. This pointed strongly to the supposition that there had been foul play, and that some persons in the interest of the opposing horse had taken this course to secure themselves against possible Refeat. Several an" c have been made of parties supposed to be i implicated. It is a remarkable, and even a mys terious coincidence, that the two principal owners of the two best horses in the lilted State?, Dexter and Butler, should meat with a tragical end, in this. city, wii bin twenty days of each other. Trusgel l , the owner of Dexter, perished at the hands of , his mistress, and 3lcKeever at the hands of some person yet unknown. The Albany Times, of Saturday evening, savs : “The military expedition which went to the Helderberg country for the purpose or quelling the anti-rent distur bances, are quietly encamped on the farms of Mr. Gallup, where they will remain till Monday morning. No resistance was of fered on their taking possession. On Mon day the troops will move to and occupy the West Mountains, when it is expected resistance will be made. Let the allair take the worst phase it will, the military is prepared for it.’’ There are 42 public schools in New | Orleans, with 238 teachers. * The Columbia nnd Augusta Railroad. Messrs. Editors : 1 ask the use of a ItnAll space in your ' *or a brief remark upon a topic XCltln r some discussion in our community, and concerning, whi&it seems to me, there can and should bo but 'one ' , n?M i t Proposition is before the City Council, I learn, to subscribe the credit of the city to a limited amount for the pur pose 01 completing the Columbia and Au gusta Railroad. This road lias for some time languished lor want of means, not because of the indifference of the people to ns manifest advantages, but on account ot the pecuniary difficulties under which the whole country Ims labored. The im portance of the road to the prosperity of Augusta as well as to the whole line of courtrv which it traverses, is fully recog nized. If there is any public spirit yet re maining among us, there can he no doubt that the moderate aid sought will be freely tendered. There is a tide in the affairs of cities as we.l as of men which taken at the flood leads on to fortune. Other cities are mak ing preparations to increase their facilities for trade, and breaking down all the bur ners to a full and free intercourse with dis tinct sections. They well know that lend ing their credit to paying enterprises is not spending it, and that for every dollar ad vanced there is an ample pecuniary return. A by then should Augusta, whose energy and reliability were proverbs in the days that are past, not rouse herself aud at least make an cilort to share the advantages others are seeking? The completion of this road will prove mutually beneficial to the people ojAAugusta and the people of lucreasrng trrufe nr'no’tTOfffl n^ouruier-'’ chants, and brighten to a very .great extent the gloom hanging over 11s. It will enable us to enter the race with others with a fair start, and our own energy aud perseverance ] will accomplish the rest. < This matter cannot be too persistently urged, and it must not rest until triumph is achieved. The writer of this article is not engaged in mercantile pursuits, though he is feelingly and pecuniarily interested in tl e welfare of Augusta. He cannot pull up stokes and leave as the whim prompts, but he and all that he has are fixtures. Hut in view of the results to be obtained he is willing to stand his share of whatever risk there may he, having every confidence in the ability of the company, and full faith in the immediate advantages of a project in relation to which our city is so deeply interested. Enteupri.se. Kings and Princes on the “lleTip.ep List.’ -A Herman journal gives a list of dethroned I’riuee swlio now live in differ ent parts of Europe. First there is Don Miguel, dethroned in !n;h>, who resides in • iermaiiy, having married a Herman princess; next the (.'mint dc Chambord, in exile since Is:A residing generally in Austria. With him be joined' the Or leanist Princes, who reside mostly in Eng land. Leopold and Ferdinand of Tuscany, Francis \ r . of Modena and Robert of Parma were driven from their states in I .Sod. The first three reside in Austria, the last in Switzerland. The following year Francis ii. was sent to increase He list of retired kings. In 1802 King Otho of (rrecce was driven from his throne. King tieorge ol’ Hanover, the Elector Frederick William of ilesse, the Duke Adolph of Nassau have been just added to the list, which may he further augmented by the addition of Prince Couza, who now resides in Paris, and the Prince of Augus tenburg, who lives in Bavaria. Notwithstanding till the reports put in circulation that the President favors some sort of a con>’tint penal amendment, it would appear that there is not a word of truth in them. A Washington dispatched' the Ist ink., to the Cincinnati Commiro'd, says : “A movement made in some of the Northern papers, within a day ov so, to represent the President^, ib favoring some kind of constitutional amendment as a basis and precedent to restoration, lias elicited some attention here, but was to-day most emphatically denied by gentlemen who sought aud obtained interviews with Mr. Johnson. He distinctly stated that every State and district of the thirty-six States ought to be in Congress before any amendment to the Constitution could constitutionally -pass CVmgtremA’ New York, (let. 3.- —The session of the National Methodist Episcopal Convention closed yesterday. Addresses were deliver ed by Rev. Jlr. Roberts of Baltimore on the history of Methodism and by Hr. McArthe, Esq., of the Irish delegation, on the establishment of a Methodist educa tional institution in Ireland. The society for the increase of the min istry in tlie Protestant Episcopal Church, held its second meeting for the year last evening at the church of Incarnation, Madison Avenue, and the report of the Board ot Directors was read, i bit ing 'the year, there have been one hundred and twenty aided, making in all who have re : ceived benefit from the society since its or j ganization two hundred and sixty-two. J One hundred of the beueficiurieshave been ordained. Twenty-six have contributed 1 to the support of the society. | Extraordinary Sale op Tobacco. - At the Tobacco Exchange in this city yes terday, a lot of tobacco raised by .Mr. J. J. Adock, of Granville county, North Caro j lina, was sold by Our enterprising follow ! citizen, 31 r. D. T. Williams, for one thou | sand dollars per hundred pounds, and purchased by Messrs. Newdecker & Bro., of this city. This is, without doubt, the i largest price ever paid for tobacco —not alone in Richmond, hut in the world. A J sample of it is now before us. It is a beau j tiful golden yellow, and although of the ! present year’s growth, is as perfect and as \ well matured in point of curing as though made last year. A fact so extraordinary as this needs no comment. —Richmond Whig, Sept. 29. Inforwatisn Wanted.—During the fight and stampede of Wheeler’s cavalry, ! at Shelbyvillo, Term., about the 22d of June, 1863, my oldest son, J. W. 3lus i grove, a lieutenant in the first regiment of 1 Alabama cavalry, Confederate, was, as I learned, wounded and captured, f have never heard what became of him, whether 1 he died there or was carried to sonic prison and died. Any information about bim will be thankfully received. 3ly postofficc ; is IJlountfville, Ala. P. M. 3!ix.kove. I*. is. Papers North and South will confer a favor on the subscriber by giving the above a place in their columns. P. M. 31. Military vs. Civil Law.—The South Carolinian states that three negroes were arrested in Richland District, Tor horse 1 stealing, and a trite bill found against them by the Grand Jury; whereupon ; Gen. Sickles issued an order re quiring Sheriff Dentto deliver them into I the hands of the military authorities. The Sheriff demanded time to take coun sel, and by the direction of His Honor, Judge Aldrich, who wisely avoided fur ; (her conflict between justice and bayonets, j the negroes were delivered to the United j States army, and a receipt taken therefor. Methodist Episcopal Church tx CANADA.-—At the recent session of the General Conference of the Canadian Methodist Episcopal Church, after discus . sion on the subject of union with other Methodist bodies, the following resolution ' was adopted: Resolved, That in the contemplation of the important subjects of .Methodist union, the (ie feral Conference makes no provis ion lor negotiations to form any other than a purely Canadian .Methodist Church, free frmiiforeign connection, and, as far as possible, of all the Methodists in Canada. Davv.son ville. —\\ e learn that this is a remarkable little country village, situated in the mountains of North-eastern Georgia, where the people breathe pure air anil ; drink cold mountain water. Whafis re markable about this town is, that there is not a retail liquor grocery in the [dace, and not an individual citizen of the place twelve years of age hut who belongs to the : church. The place has a population of ftom 200 to 300 inhabitants. There is cer j tainly no discommon the morality of this place. Washington, Sept. 29. —In the United States District Court, Judge Underwood ' presiding, sitting at Alexandria, the con fiscation case of the United States vs. J . S. ■ .McVeigh was taken up, and Mr. .McVeigh producing a pardon from the President, till further proceedings were dismissed, and he thus has returned to him his real estate not actually sold, which includes two large dwellings in Alexandria. 31ueh of his property, however, had previously gone through the Court and United States Oon -1 fiscation Bureau. A quaint writer says: “I have seen wo men so delicate that they' were afraid to ; ride for fear of the horse running away; afraid to sail for fear the boat might up set ; afraid to walk for fear the dew might lull; hut I never saw one afraid to. be 1 married; which is far more riskful than a.I i three put together.” 4k