Weekly chronicle & sentinel. (Augusta, Ga.) 1866-1877, December 12, 1866, Image 3

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SECRETARY MfCCI.LoCII 8 RfJHIRT.- Wi‘ arc indebted in tin- Suathern Kxpn for a copy of the Report of the Secretary of i \. ) '•• awtiry. 'file main : an;;- the It. port have been anticipated by telegraph. Wo ■< dl lav i. f -,re our ro i 0 aoine i*x tracS from this Keport in our next issue. The total debt Oct. .’list v.as as follows: llond-i, temporary loan, itr.*2,2.V2,lt3*">,i:il (>:) Greenbacks 390,185,7*5 00 Fractional currency 27 L'WjHu (0 (iold c.-rtiticate.s 10 89>950 Total Bi,*>l Cyjfipi iG CM IjN.vnc Asylum.—We are in reoei.t o: 4 copy of Uie Ite|)ort of the Trust' *•;. at: 1 Superintendent of this admirable In stitution. YVc* have no hesitation in saying th ■ the management of this institution of our Slate will compare favorably with any one on the continent, arid it reflects honor upon the Trustees and the amiable and abie >upcriiiiciidcnt in charge. There is n > institution within our knowledge better regulated, and certainly none in which kindness and parental care are more hap pily blended with judicial treatment. !>r. tb. cii reports: Number of patients October 2, 1805— Male, - - 143 Female, - - Jg3 / MS Received during the year—Male, 53 Female, 47- 100 > Total, - - 306 r>iK< harged, • 31 Died, - - - 33-07 Now in the Institution, - M i • rt - • mini Ito in i- statement dis' ' s:ng, among other Items of interest, the* number of pay-patients and paupers. I: created some surprise with us to see the large nll mher of pauper patients. ’ ‘ ■ but foi :ibh prot*- t ag.iiii.-t receiving idiots and luna tic -. u tiie sain'■ .list it ution. 11 is argument shsiild command attention, and ids expe rt 11 * and skill .boiild have weight with j our legislature. • He urges the friends of the insane not to ! Allow any delay that ean be avoided in sending them to the asylum—illustrating I tic* importance of such a course by the ex perience of the past year, which gave the happy result of restoration in nearly every instance of recent eases. tFvrtG I'kroa ’> a Srritlnrl.] Col. VV in. Gibson. • Mm its. Editors: —Perhaps all your a#' !'1 know that the gallant, accomplish ei, high .muled gentleuian whoso name heads this article, is a candidate for the Judgeship in this District, in opposition to Judge Hook, i have known the latter f ntlenmi well !br many years, and 1 have nothing to say ag dn.st him as a man or a member of society. For the position of Judge, however, I prefer his gallant oppo nent. 1 have known him in civil life for many years, and have been associated with him during our late struggle lor indepon de .ee, and 1 feel assured that the people of j the Di.-.trict will honor themselves in honor ing the gallant commander of the old 48th j 1 t “ '• lam considerably amu.-ed when line t any of my companions in the old j forty- hig.ith, whom Hibson so often led to battle and to victory in our late terrible war. One man, whose son belonged to * hi- regiment, remarked to me not long ago, “My son would walk to Louisville barefoot to vote for Col. Hibson; I like Hook heis a nice man and a good Judge, hut ‘Gibson saw the elephant,’ When he was shot down at the head of his regiment, in W right’s grand charge in the battle of Hettj “burg —here the tears gushed from his eye**, and his utterance became so choked that he could not go on. 1 lie mime of (Jihson has set the wire grass on fiie; and while all the old Forty-Eighth, their families and friends like Judge Hook, they fairly liaJi and blaze when the name oft.*:!.-mi is mentioned. “Billy Gibson ! why, sir, getting to ho a Colonel did not make a fool of him ; lie was no stuck-up; he never l lion I* lit himself too good to talk to a poor soldier. When we were sick, or in any trouble, Col. uibson always did everythin'' ho could for us. When we marched into Maryland, and had nothing to eat. but green, raw corn, Col. Gibson fared a.-* we di !, and he used every effort in his i "wer to see that wo had something to jcat. He was a father to us all through the war, and we cant forget him now.” And this witness is true, for I belonged to CM. Gibson’s regiment myself, enjoyed his noble, manly, simple-hearted, disinter ested friendship, and here record my feeble j testimony to that of the hardy veterans j w ho. 0 fame, for all time, is linked with his ! own. I do not ask the readers of this article to vote for Col: Gibson at the coming election. 1 simply wi ll all men to take a look at him :►* he is :!:•* urbane gentleman; the tie coinpliMuM lawyer: the experienced Judge; the clear In tided, ever busy, ever useful legislator ; the brave, war-beaten soldier. The Senate of the Georgia Legislature ha * honored itself by making him its President, and 1 look for nothing else than his election to the Judgeship, over his distinguished competitor. Fotvrv Eighth (1 eou< 1 ia. Important Discoveries of Peat. —lui port ant discoveries of this useful commodi ty have been mndewithiu the year iu diHer ein seel ions of the country. Three miles from Fort Colburn; . Canada West, and near the Welland Canal, there is a peat deposit of three thousand acres in extent. There is a large deposit of peat in Minne sota. In excavating recently in the city of Milwaukee, a bed of peat was discovered underlying a portion of the city. In the i city of Rochester, recent excavations have I developed he presence of peat within tin boundaries of that city. There has also been discovered an extensive deposit of peat near the line of the canal, between Lock port and Rochester, N. X . The New York World says : “There is a project on foot, we understand, for constructing a park at Washington upon a plan, to say the least, quite novel. If. as is stated in the circular, ‘each State shall be solicited to contribute specimens of natural and artifi -:il production,' wo beg to suggest that Pennsylvania contrib ute its gifted son, Isaac Newton, the pres- Commissioner.of Agriculture, whose noble disregard of the Queen's English', and blissful ignorance of agriculture and every sort of culture, entitle him to be lie; 1 up to tbe nation as a model of stu pidity, and a warning to posterty. The Louisiana State Seminary.— Besides Admiral Semmes, (says the I’ica- Gen. Joseph Wheeler, well known as a cavalry officer during the late war. has been elected Professor of Natural Science in the State Seminary. Over otic hundred and fifty students have arrived, and many otlu rs axe expected. In addition to the regular course, it has been decided to per mit the student to choose his own studies. _t - fit him for any 1 .’.-I: - > ;1 life. A singular trial commenced in a St. Louis Court Tuesday. Jane Cole and Richard Boyle were arraigned for perjury. It ap- : pears that Mr. Cole left home on business a couple of months ago, to he absent four j weeks. As soon as he was gone his wife, Jane Cole, -applied for a divorce on the ground ot desertion, and produced Doyie as a witness. The divorce was granted, and when Cole returned he found his wife ! ii*,. id to Doyle. He now prosecutes both for perjury ami conspiracy. Sain Cooper, a notorious negro rowdy of lluuiilt i. Butler county, Ohio, undertook to break up a colored congregation in that city on Tuesday night. The males of the com. rogation resisted Cooper and his gang. A in lee ensued, iu which Cooper was stubbed to the heart, and a number of peo ple on i>ith slue'were badly cut with razors which were freely used. Ihe Provincial Parliament of Canada 4 has passed an act requirining the pro prietors of churches, halls, theatres, or other fundings used for public resort to have the doors of such buildings so hinged as to open freely outwards, to facilitate the egress of the people in case of alarm from fir -or other cause. A fine of SSO is im posed for even’ violation of xhe act. to which is added a further penalty of $5 for every week after the complaint is made till the necessary’ changes are effected. The legislature of South Carolina has •ciod G«d. Elluwu Onp*r* terreur? of ftwut. Three fatal cases of supposed cholera have taken place ill Portsmouth, Ya. Since the Ist ultimo, about 1,000 bale.* of cotton have arrived at Norfolk, Ya. Three large whales were seen in the ! harlior off Fortress Monroe, recently. Professor H. T. Orr, of Emory College, i lias been elected President of Uie Southern Masonic Female ( >!lege, at Ccmngton, Ga. : The author of “Ewe Homo ” has been discovered—Professor Seely, of University t College, lyomlon. Gilbert Cameron, the builder of the .Smithsonian Institute at Washing: n, i dead. The Chamber of Common• of Meniphi - { will send samples of cotton to the World’s j Fair. During the post year the postal service in the eleven .v.-<~i<*d Suit."- has paid for itself and netted protr. The Alabama Legislature adjourned on j the :!oth instant, to re-.; ssemble on the 15th day of January. Frauds to the amount or 81.500,000 have j recently been discovered among Brooklyn I whiskey merchants. Boston is to have an Art Building, cost ing fl,OAO,o*g). Land valued at 8.150,000 has been donated. The Quartermaster-General, who for merly required enormous appropriations, will a dollar for tin coining year. The first of the cars for the street rail way in Charleston arrived from New York on Sunday last. * The reported arrest of Major Hines, f< r merly of Gen. Morgan’s staff, proves to be a canard. il<* is at J.-mpiii-, practi.- Jig law. A writer in the Danville lie-lister notni -1 nates General Kobert 11. Loo for the next ; Governor of Virginia. The election wil be held in May next. Ex Fenian General Sweeny turns to Tennessee to join ids old regimen*. His absence from service lost his promotion, j nd lie is now ranking only as Major. Th * Mobile Tr tbunr- says that the cotton j factors in that city are “ ife-pon'lc-nt.”— The planters are generally holding onto 1 their crops, in hope of an udvaime in price. Hon. E. Manly lias been elected United States Senator by the Legislature of North • j Carolina. Mr. Manly was Judge of the ; Supreme Court under the Confederacy. ! The Boston 1 *<M says; There is a region j ' in Oxford county, Maine, whore the soil is j so poor that a single grasshopper might j 1 look over ten acres of it and weep Rev. Joseph C. Stiles, 1). Q., has beer. : j elected President of Oglethorpe VJniversi- i 1 ty, and Rev. William FlLnn 0110 of the Professors. [ A letter from Helena, Montana, says that more than three thousand emigrants have been murdered by the Indians this season. I The whole route through the territory is . strewn with fresh graves. Two gentlemen of Richmond, whose ! names have not been made public, have I offered to defray tic* expenses of the Vir ginia State Agricultural Convention out of i their private purses. The Louisville Journal has been printed I thirty-six years, and the Boston Post j thirty*four, and the editors who controlled I their columns at their commencement oc- j cupy the same position now. It is stated in Hrigli-H papers that Franco j had expressed a willingness to assist in the | defence of the Fauadiun provinces, pro vided tho British army would co-operate with her in the Gulf of Mexico. homo of tho radicals of Massachusetts are opposed to Hie negro Walker, recently elected to the Legislature of that State, taking his scat. They are going to contest j Several line pictures by the old masters j have been destroyed by it tire which lately j took place in the King’s palace at Brussels. . Tho most valuable among them was a “Saviour,’’ by Kubons. The Boston Transcript is convinced, by the internal evidence of style, Ac., that Mr. Rielmrd 11. Hutton, editor of tho London .Spectator, is the author of “ piece Homo.” Tiies one opinion has been expressed by otliei* persons. It is reported that Wendell Phillips is j preparing a most bitter and sarcastic loci lure 011 Horace Greeley. It is said that Phillips takes tho position that the man j Greeley does not exist. General John A. Sutter, the California pioneer, is now in Washington, endeavor ing to get a claim against the Government j allowed. It will lie remembered that it was upon the General’s farm that gold was first discovered in California. General Hallcck says that the action of the California Legislature in infusing to countenaneo tho adoption of tho national currency, lias cost that State fifty millions in money and live hundred thousand in habitants. The I lyun, Mass., Rcpnrgrr mentions four now failures in that city on Monday last, making nine within tho past month, and says if tlie present dull spell in trade continues more will lie likely to go. Dr. D. L. DeSaussure was, on the 13th ultimo, elected a Representative in the South Carolina Legislature, from Kershaw District, to till the unexpifod term of Col. W. Z. Letiner, now holding tho ollieo of District Judge. It has been estimated that from twelve to lifteon million dollars in gold dust has passed St. Joseph, Missouri, during the past year, in tho hands of miners and oth ers, coming from tho mining regions of Montana, Colorado and Idaho. Him. Andrew Hunter, of Dumas coutaty, the present President of the Arkansas State Senate, was elected United States Senator, for the long term, on the 27th ultimo. Tito vote on joint ballot stood: Hunter, tortv | eight; Lnglish, thirty-eight; Tibbets, one. i One of the wealthiest citizens of Sche j noctady, New York, is to bo prosecuted I for setting fire to the freight-house oftlie New York Central Railroad, burnt there recently, lie liad a large amount of ovor j insured goods ill tho building. A Baltimore dispatch says it is rumored | that ltcverdy Johnson will take a seat in I the Cabinet, and that the Democrats will ; elect Governor Swann to the unexpired term of two years in the United States Sen | ate, reserving tlie full six years’ term for a straight out Pastern Sh *re Democrat. ' Tlie manufacture of window and bottle 1 glass at Pittsburgh, Penn., gives employ ment to 1,800 men and boys. The annual 1 wages amount t > $1,245,.YU. Os silica' brought from Missouri, 212,000 tuns are consumed. The annual value of manufac ture is s2,ltio.'> H). ! Surveys are now being made on the Eng lish Channel, between. Dover and Calais, in connection with the projected tunnel be tween Kngland and France. A Dover pa ! per states that the engineers engaged in the ' work have a steam tug specially fitted with ! scientific apparatus, and it can be seen any ! fine day anchored in. Dover Straits. . In England there are six hundred and I fifty-one Provident Societies, established ! on the co-operative plan, and possessing an i aggregate rapital of nearly four millions of dollars in American currency. Groce ries, meat, shoes, clothing, coal, flour, are | included in the plan upon which these so- I cieties operate. It was not Lieut. General A. P. Stuart : Stewart), as reported by telegraph, but ! General George H. Stuart, of Maryland, late Major Genera! in the Confederate ser vice, who was pardoned by the President on the-4th ultimo. His pardon was re- | com mended by Gen. Grant, the Attorney ; General, and a number of prominent army j officers. A Washington correspondent says that the developments at the trial of Sanford Conover will be of a nature to astound any I nation of people unswayed by the insane t prejudices and passions now maddening a j Urg portion of the population of this. The facts to lie brought to light will be iuvalu- i able, however, iothe future historian when 1 he comes to the chapter of our republican : career and Christian progress. The Price of Cotton.— A good author- 1 . ity estimates the want of the world at bales. Putting down tbe South for 2.000,000 laics—which is above the mark—-the East Indies for 600,000, Egypt for SOO,OOO, and Brazil for 130,000 bales, gives a supply of only 3,030,000 bales.— : i Setting the stocks on hand at the begin- I ning of the year agaiust the stocks that will be on hand at the close. wtifcave then a deficiency of 2,000,000 bales. The price 1 of cotton must advance, and it will proba j bly advance more in proportion than the lack of supply would seem at first sight to require. It is considered erroneous to suppose that the price of an article of con sumption iu the proportion that • t i, e supply recedes! If the supply of flour, for instance, were to diminish one half, the effect would be to raise the price more j than double. Some think it is more fair j ; to presume that it would be quadruppled lin market value. Be that a* it may, cot ton must advance, provided the currency remains as it la- TO THE ASSOCIATED PRESS. FROM WASIHXfiTOJf. Ctngrcsfcloual Proceedings, sit TATE. Washington, December f> noon. —Mr. Trumbull reported favorably from tlie Ju diciary Committee the bill of the Houte to repeal the amnesty power of the President and ask' and its immediate consideration. Hendricks objected and it goes over. Mr. Wade called up a bill of last session to regulate tlie election of grand and petit juries in the Territory of Utah, which was 1 ordered to he printed with amendments. Mr. Poland gave notice that on Monday ; next he would call up the bankrupt bill. Ordered, on motion of Mr. Danner, that when the Senate adjourn to day- it be to meet on Monday next. Mr. Wii.-'ju gave notice that he would call up next week the Joint resolution to disband and j rohibit militia organizations 1 in the rebel States. The Senate adjourned. HOUSE. On motion of Mr. Washburn, of Illinois, ' the 1 ’o.-tofnee Committee was instructed to inquire into the expediency of conferring i on tbe Post Office Department the same jurisdiction and control over the various telegraph lines now in operation or here- j after f 0 be constructed that is now cxcr ei.-e-l over P.vtoffi--.-. and Post Beads, and i to report, by bill or otherwise. The 1/ill lor the regulation of appoint j merits to and removal from offices, came , up and \v.i * postponed until next Monday, j On motion of Mr. Dike, a select com mittee of three was ordered to inquire into j the circumstances of the murder of three ! United States soldiers in South Carolina in i October, 180.5, and of the reprieve and sub equent pardon of those convicted thereof. -Mr. Dawes introduced to fix tluvl election of members for Tuesday after the first Monday in .November 1868, and j the -ame day each alternate year thereafter, j Referred to Committee on elections. On motion of Mr. Elliot, a select Com- • niittee of three was appointed to proceed ! to New Orleans and institute inquiry into! the riots there in July and August last. On motion of Mr. Wilson, of lowa, the Judiciary Committee was instructed to in quire into the necessity of further legisla tion in regard to the organization of the House, and the counting of clectorial votes. On motion of Mr. Kasson, the Same- Committee was instructed to inquire into the propriety of directing marshal law to He proclaimed in counties in tho rebel States where U nion men have been mur dered and the laws not enforced against the murderers. On motion of Mr. Banks, tbe Foreign Adairs Committee was instructed to in quire as to the measures necessary to se cure the recognition by- other nationality of the principles of otlr naturalization laws. Schcnck’s bill to fix the time for the regular meeting of Congress came up as special order. Schenek explained and ad vocated it. After an extended discussion on an amendment, ordering an election in all the States on tiie 22nd February next, and after providing, in the first section, that Congress shall meet on tho 4th of March, the House, at three o’clock, adjourned til! Monday, when the hill will again come up. The House Select Committee, to inquire into tho New Orleans riots’and the murder of tho three Union soldiers in South Caro lina, will leave here next week for tlie scenes of their investigations. Congress will undoubtedly pass the bill j providing that every Congress shall com- ! mence in December. The object is openly declared by tlie Radicals to be to have, in effect, a permanent Congress. There is to be no recess hut an adjournment over. Jll such case, according to the programme, j there would be no recess, during which the j President could make appointments re- j quiring the confirmation of the Senate, j According to the present law, no removals can bo made during a session until the j successor of an incumbent shall lie con- * firmed. Mexican Affairs. Washington, December G, p. M.—The j correspondence of the Secretary of State i with Minister Bigelow, on tlie subject of Mexican affairs, stows his anxiety for the ; French to evacuate that country according j to tho Emperor’s programme. Seward to Minister Campbell, October 20th, in giv ing instructions, mentions somo principles which may be safely laid down in regard to the poliy which the Government of the United States expects him to pursue. The communications must be made to Presi dent Juarez, and in no event must lie offi cii! !!y recognize Prince Maximilian, or any one else, without having first reported to tlie , State Department, and received instruc- i done from the President of the U. States, t lie must abstain from obstructing or ! embarrassing the departure of the French. What the Government of the United 1 States desire iu regard to tho future of ; Mexico is not tlie conquest or agrandizc- | ment of the United States by the pur-j chases of land or dominion but on the other hand they desire to see the people of Mexico relieved from all foreign military intervention, to the end that they may resume the conduct of their own affairs under the existing republican Govern- ments, or such other form of governmens j as, being left in the enjoyment of perfect j liberty, they shall determine to adopt in the ; exercise of their own freewill by their own ! act without dictation from any’ foreign J country, and of course without dictation I from the United States, lie must enter ; into no stipulation with the French commanders or with Maiimilian or ; any party which shall have a ten- j deney to counteract or oppose the I administration of Juarez, or hinder 1 and delay the restoration of the authority of tlu- Republic. Gn the other hand, it: may possibly happen that the President of the Republic of Mexico may desire the good office of tbe United States, or even i some effective proceedings on our part to ■ favor and advance the pacification of a -so long distracted by foreign, com bined with civil, war; and thus gain time ! for the re-establishment of National author-, ity upon principles consistent with a re publican and domestic system of Govern ment., It is possible, moreover, that some disposition might be made of the land and naval forces of the United States without interfering within the jurisdiction ol Mexi co or violating the laws of neutrality, which would be useful in favoring the restoration of the laws, order, and Republican Govern ! meat in that country. Minister Campbell is infracted to re fer any Important proposition on tbe subject of re-organization, jec., of the republican government in Mexico as may arise, to the Sriate Department for the in formal; nos the President. The Genera] of the United States possesses already dis cretionary authority as to the location of the Unite dStates forces in the vicinity of Mexico. The President desired Gen. Grant to ac company Mr. Campbell as an adviser, but it not being convenient for him to go, Lieut. Gen. Sherman was designated. The cable dispatches from Mr. Seward to Mr. Bigelow, Minister to France, dated Nov. 23, appears in the correspondence, in which Seward instructs him to say to the French Government, that ours is sur prised and affected with deep concern by the announcement now made for the first time, that the promised recall of one de tachment of French troops from Mexico in November current, had been postponed ! v the Emperor. Seward instructs mm further to say—in full reliance upon at least a literal performance of the Emperor s existing agreements —we have taken while facilitating the anticipated French evacuation to co-operate with the j Republican Government of Mexico for promoting the pacification of that country. : f or the early and complete restoration of the proper constitutional authority. Asa part of these measures. Campbell, our Min . ister, attended by Lt- General Sherman, uus I been sent to Mexico to confer with Presi dent Juarez on the subjects which are deeply interesting to the United lttat.es, j and of vital importance to Mtiice. lou 1 1’< • 'dent earnestly hopes and expects? the evacuation of Mex ico will be carried into effect with such con formity to the. existing agreement as the ; Inopportune complication which calls for this dispatch will a!l*»w. Mr. Campbell will be advised of that complication. In ; structions will Lc issued to the l nited ! States military forces of observation to await in every case special instructions from the Prc.-ident. This will be done with confident expectation. The telegraph ! or mail may reasonably bring us a satisfac tory resolution from the Emperor in reply ; to this note. You will assure the French * Government that the United States, while ! they seek the relief of Mexico, desire noth ing more earnestly than to preserve peace and friendship with Franco. Nor do -s the j President allow himself to doubt that what ■ has been determined on in France most in auspiciously, we think, has been decided . upon inadvertently, without full reflection upon the embarrassment it must produce, here, and without any design to retain the j French expeditionary forces in Mexico be yond the full period of eighteen months, ! originally stipulated for the evacuation. Bir Frederick Bruce and t!ie Fenian Prisoners. Washington, December 7. noon.—Sir Frederick Bruce has officially informed the Secretary of State that the prosecution of ■ the Fenian prisoners in Canada is uot con -1 ducted in any vindictive or harsh spirit. He is authorized to state that the whole , question of the disposal of such of the ! prisoners as may be convicted has been referred for decision to Her Majesty’s Government, who will certainly he ani mated by the desire so to deal with it as to secure peace and harmony between the populations living in such immediate proximity and separated by a long frontier so easily traversed. Indians Going to the Paris Lx position. Washington, December 7, p. 111. —It has Leon decided t’n<n£a large delegation ’ from the Northwest ludian tribes, arc to | be sent from the United States as a con | tribution to the Paris exposition. They I will carry with them their various costumes, . wigwants, war and agricultural implements, j and are sent in response to an urgent re : quest from the Imperial Commission, that such a representation oi our aborigines should be made. Execution of Fenian Prisoners Postponed. In the ease of ike Fenian convicts in Canada who arc sentenced to be executed on the 18th inst., and whoso application for new trials have been refused, the Secre tary of State thought proper to ask an ex planation of the present purposes of the Canadian authorities. In reply Sir Frede rick Bruce writes that the sentences will not be carried into effect on that day, but will he reserved for further considerations. Nebraska and Colorado. The Republican Senators to-day held a caucus at which they agreed to urge the passage of bills for the admission of Nebraska and Colorado into the Union. The Radical Congressional delegation of both are nowhere. The Public Debt. The official statement of the public debt on December Ist, shows the debt bearing coin-interest tt> be $1,371,008,591 80. The debt bearing currency-interest is $857,622,- 800 00 ; debt bearing no interest is $433,- 698,598 93. The National debt not pre sented for payment amounts to $22,005,- 791 71. Total debt, $2,084,995,875 44. The amount of coin in the Treasury is $95,- 168,816 15; currency, $40,195,821 07. Presidential Nomination.— New Railway Schedule.—Cable Dispatch. Washington, December 7. — The Grand ; Army of the Republic, a wide-spread or ; ganization of the West, at a recent mcct -1 ing in Indianapolis, nominated Senator Yates, of Illinois, their next candidate lor the Presidency. The Presidents of the Southwestern Railroads running from this city to New Orleans have been here for a few days past, for the purpose of arranging a sched- i ulc by which the time will he shortened ; bet ween the two cities. A cable dispatch from Minister Bigelow j to Secretary Seward, says the French Gov- j ernment informed him in writing that all j the French troops would leave Mexico in j the month of March. Tlie Pardoning Power of the President. WASHINGTON; December 8, noon.—The House resolution looking to the abridge ment of authority in the pardoning power, promises to give the whole subject of par i don a thorough ventilation. Several Sena tors, it is said, will defend the President in reference to pardons already granted— showing, among otherthings, that all politi cal pardons granted to persons applying under any other than the first and thir teenth exceptions of the proclamation of amnesty were approved at the urgent soli citation of prominent radicals. General Eastman. I General Eastman has been appointed | Governor of the Western Military Asylum, ; in Harrisburg, Kentucky. FROM BmniOßE. Steamboat Explosion, j Baltimore, December 8, p. m. — Ilc j ports have reached this city, that a disaster occurred to the steamer Kelso , from this city, for Norfolk. The reports arc that one of her boilers exploded when near tho Rip Raps, this morning, killing three persons. Further Particulars. Fortress Monroe, December 8, p. m.— j The mail steamer, Thomas Kelso, which j left Raltimore yesterday afternoon on her : usual trip to Norfolk,* with one hundred and forty passengers and a large amount j of freight, exploded her boiler at 3 o'clock | this morning, three miles north of Wolf : Trap Light, while tlie passengers were all ! asleep. A scene of frightful confusion en sued, the passengers rushing everywhere i to escape the quantity of steam which spread over the vessel, scalding many. Intelligence of the disaster reached Cherry stone, when assistance was telegraphed for to Norfolk, and by the arrival of a steamer the passengers were taken to that place, where the wounded received treatment. As far as can be ascertained up to this hour, three colored firemen were killed, and the chief engineer, captain Cralle, and others of the. crew, besides several passen gers, were badly scalded. Many others re ceived slight scalds. FROM MEXICO. Sedgcwick Demands the Surrender of Scanales. Galveston, Dec. TANARUS, p. m. —Brownsville dates of the 2d have been received. On the 30th, subsequent to the reception of ! Sheridan’s dispatches, Sedgcwick appoint ed T. L. Sheridan civilian Commissioner, and demanded the surrender ol Canales 1 and his troops as prisoners of war to the United States. Canales replied that he j would rather surrender to Kscobado, and did so —Scdgewick agreeing. Troops for Mexico. i San Francisco. December TANARUS, p. m.— I The Defenders of Mexico, in an organiza • tion in the Juarez interest, held a meet : ing here yesterday and organized a battal ; lion, elected officers, and propose to sail for . Mexico on the 11th iust, fully armed and equipped, to, offer their services to the Liberal Government. Marine Intelligence—Loss of the steam ship Suwauee. Charleston. December 6, p. m.—The steamship Swncn>x\ cleared from New y, rk to Brazos Santiago, was lost off Cape Romaiue on the 4th instant. A small boat with the Captain and fifteen persons has not been heard from. Two other boats, in . charge of the first mate Rad chief engineer, were ricked up by the brig Potomac, and carried into Georgetown, S. C. Fifteen ; persons in all. so far as heard from, have ; been saved. They were brought here to day and leave for New York to-morrow on the steamer J foncka. FROM MILLEDREYILLE. Milledgeville. December 8. The Senate passed the bill to aid the Griffin i Railroad. The Senate rejected the House bill pro hibiting railroads running on Sunday. The House repealed the twenty cent, j gallon liquor tax. j Both Houses agreed to adjourn Friday. | tha 14t’n instant. Aiil.e paled AUenipTll Rescue Prisoner,. Toronto, December 6, noon.—The : authorities have reecivld information of an intended attack on till old jail previous to the 13th, for the puribsc of attempting : the rescue of the Fenian jtisoners. Extra precautions have been adopted, and no visitors, unless well known to the authori ties, are admitted. The Grand Trunk Railway battalion of volunteers, composed enlirek of employees of that road, mustered for drill in full uni form last evening, and presented a Sue ap | pearance. They have recently been sup plied with arms, Ac., and drill regularly and constantly. Montreal, December 6p. m.—The | Montreal Gazette of tins morning says Edward's letter with respect to the Fenian prisoners has excited deep anger in Eng land. and the President’s Message will not allay the feeling. The Bank of Montreal is about to with draw its agency at Chicago. FROM .NEW ORLEANS. Theatre Destroyed by Fire. New Orleans, Decern tier 7, p. m.— The New Orleans Theatre was totally de stroyed by fire tills morning. FROM EUROPE. [by CABLE TO THE ASSOCIATE]; PRESS] Southampton, December 5, p. m.— Steamship Saxonia, from New York, ar rived here late this afternoon. Florence, December 5, p. -ai.—\ egezzi has declined the mission to Rome, and a deputation will be sent in his place. London, December 5, p. 111. —Assistant Secretary of Navy, Fox, is visiting British Navy yards. He is received everywhere with a great deal of courtesy, and afforded every reasonable facility to compare Eng lish Navy Yard arrangements with our own. The London Times, in an editorial this I morning, fully agrees with ttic pose-v of tho • President ol'the United States, as set forth jin his annual message to Congress. It frankly declares that the Alabama claims ought to he settled, promptly and amicably. It expresses deep regret that the whole matter was not compromised, and thus disposed of at a much earlier date than the present. Hanover, December 5, p. m.—The ex- King of Hanover, by the advice of the English Government, has released the offi cers from their oath of allegiance. London, December 0, noon.—-Two more regiments of troops, and a company of Engineers have been ordered to leave im mediately for Ireland. The Board of Admiralty have ordered three iron clads of the home fleet to sail for the Irish coast. Dublin, December 0, noon. —Frequent arrests of Fenians continue to be made by the Government officers, who are unceas ing in their vigilance, and prompt in taking action in all suspected cases.' The Governor of the city prison here has telegraphed to London asking to have a military guard assigned him. Paris, December 6, noon.—Representa tives of the United States Government have commenced legal action in tho civil Courts against several parties in France, who furnished ships and material of war to tho Southern Confederacy during the late war in the United States. The l’atric of this morning announces that the French troops in Mexico will all have returned to France before the end of February, 1807. Lamirandc has been sentenced by the Court in which he was tried for forgery, to ten years’ imprisonment. Marseilles, December 0, noon.—Dis patches received here from Candia state that the insurgents had blown up the Convent, and two thousand Turks had lost their lives by the explosion. Arrival of tlie Asia from Liverpool. Halifax, December 0, noon.—The steamship Asia, with Liverpool dates of the 24th, arrived at midnight last night, | with eighty-three passengers. The police, at Cork, seized a case on ! hoard tho steamer from Liverpool, which was found to contain fifty new rifles, with bayonets attached, bullet moulds, &c. A man named Tracy, who was in the employ of the firm to whom the cafo was address ed, was arrested. The naval authorities at Queenstown have seized a coal laden schooner, from Cardiff, on suspicion that arms were con cealed among her cargo. She was searched, but it is reported no arms were found. The numerous arrivals from America at Queenstown seem to attract considerable attention. A man, supposed to he an American Fenian agent, was arrested in Dublin on the 23d, immediately after cash ing an American draft for some fifty pounds on tho Hibernian bank. The Dublin police tire all armed with six chambered revolvers. Mr. Charles Buxton, M. P., having pub lished two scandalous letters addressed to him by Lt. Brand, who presided over the Jamaica courts martial, denouncing him (Buxton,) for his strictness on the proceed ings in Jamaica, tlie have or dered copies of these letters to be sent to Commodore McClintock, in Jamaica, with instructions that if Lt. Brand is unable to deny the authenticity of these letters, he is to he dimissed and sent to England as having been guilty of conduct inconsistent | with the character of an officer and gcntle j man. Lari Russell, among the distinguished di plomats at present in Italy, is shortly ex pected at Florence. It is reported a meeting of the NcrthGer *nan Parliament has been fixed for Feb ruary Ist, and that the governments allied with Prussia have been notified of the fact. A nill has been introduced into the Chamber of Deputies regulating the Aus tro-Prussian frontiers. A Paris correspondent of the Pallmall Gazette says the vessels which sail next month to bring troops are twelve steam transports and eight frigates, turned into temporary transports. Ihe London 1 ones has no doubt that Maximilian will abdicate, and looks for ward to the intervention of the Washing ton Government as the next step. That intervention will be popular instead of un popular, and cheap instead of costly. The Americans will enter the country as friends they’ will hunt its enemies down, and thus render civilization possible, and trans form that community into a civilized one. They’ will have this advantage too : they’ will seem less like invaders than their predecessors. This will preserve the name and form of the 3lexican Republic, and probably leave the native Mexicans at its ostensible rule. Berlin, December •’>, p. m.—lt is positively declared that Austria will con centrate troops in Galicia in spite of the former denials of her intention to do so. London, December 7, noon.—The Post demands of the government a rigid investi gation into the Fenian organizations in England. Paris, December 7, noon. —The French j officers held their farewell interview with the Pope yesterday. i Liverpool, December 7, noon.—All I depots of arms in this city have been placed under armed guards. The excited state of feeling among the Irish popula tion render these precautions necessary. London, December 7, noon.— A rumor is circulating here and on the continent that the Czar of Russia has invited France and England to take some measures by which the three governments may arrive at a mu tual understanding in regard to affairs in the Island of Candia. Pesth. December 7, noon.—The Hun garian Diet have agreed to the address of the Emperor of Austria, proposed by Mr. Deak, leader of the Hungarian party. Rome, December 7. noon.—The officers of the French regiments which have not yet left this city, took formal leave of the Pope at the Vatican yesterdav. Dublin, December 7, noon. Ihe pur poses and proceedings of the Fenians it, this Island monopolize B* e attention ot the Irish government. The Grand Lodge of Orangemen held a meeting and issued an earnest call for ail members of their or der to support tbe Government in its en deavors to keep peace. i Berlin, December 7, noon.—The Crown Prince of Denmark vi-ited the TUng of j Prussia to day. Parts, December 7, noon. —The French vessels of war have blockaded Corea. Paris, December 7, p. in.—lt is said ! I' ranee wiil send a note, couched in strong terms, to the Government at Athens, to I rut a stop to its intrigues in the East, es pecially in the Island of Candia. A rumor is current that Moostaer will soon resign ; his position in the Cabinet of the Einpc- I ror. ■ London, December 7, p. m. —The offi cial journal of Roms denies that the Pope ever told the United States Minister here ! that it would be better for the Canadas to | be annexed to the United States than to : fa'll into the bauds of the Fenians. The large fleet of French war vessels and transports is now ready to sail for Mexico. Queenstown, December 8, noon. — The ' steamship Persia, which left New York on the 28th, reached here this morning and proceeded on lier way to Liverpool. Edinburg, December 8, noon. —In •pite of the reported denials which have been made on all sides, the “Scotsman’ j to-day reiterates the statement that there i lias been some trouble in the British Cabi- I net, and insists that D’lsraeli, the Chan cellor of Exchequer, had threatened to re sign his post unless the Government ac cepted the reform bill, liberal in its provis ions. The “Scotsman,” however, adds that Lord Derby has yielded to the cogent demands made for a more liberal policy on the part of his administration, and by this action the ministerial crisis will be avoided. London, December B— noon. —The Fe nian troubles in Ireland are positively as suming still more alarming proportions, as it is reported here to-day that in addition to troops already despatched to that Island i two cavalry regiments have been ordered to leave immediately for the scene of dis turbance. Paris, December 8, noon.—The La France newspaper this morning asserts that Maximilian has telegraphed to some of the physicans attending to Empres Carlotta, to meet him at Gibraltar, by the middle of December. .f tnanrial ami Commmtal. BE VIEW OF THE AUGUSTA MARKET, FOR TUB WEEK ENDING DEC. 7XII, 1566. [lt should be borne in mind that our quotations represent wholesale prices'. Small bills, to Planters and others, are filled at a shade higher rates.'] COTTON.—The weak and declining tendency of the Liverpool and New York markets during the week has operated ad versely on the homo market, causing a gradual decline since our last weekly re port. Holders, however, do not freely ac cede to this outside pressure, being hope ful that as the season advances and accur ate accounts of the crop aro received, the market will he strengthened and good prices obtained. Saturday. —Owing to a reported decline in New York, the market was dull and in active. Wo refer to the actual sales as the only correct quotations of the market. The sales wero 38 bales as follows:—1 at 26, 4 at 27,12 at 32, and 21 bales at 324 cents. The receipts were 227 bales. Monday. —The market was very dull. A ew sales were made on the basis of 30 cts. for Middling; 31 cents for .Strict Middling, and 32@324 cents for Good Middling. The sales of the day were 168 bales as follows: 9 at 28, 1 at 29, 16 at 30, 29 at 31, 69 at 32, 41 at 324, and 3 bales at 324 cents. The receipts were 277 bales. Tuesday. —The market was a little more active with an improved tone. About 250 bales wero sold on a basis of 32@32J cents for Strict to Good Middlings, the classifica tions not being very closely observed. Wednesday. —There was abetter demand, although buyers were asking a decline of 4 cent., to which holders were unwilling to accede. The sales were 379 bales as follows: 6 at 28, 18 at 30, 68 at 314, 45 at 314, 92 at 32, 48 at 32.1, and 102 bales at 324 cents. We quote Strict to Good Middling 32@324 cts. The receipts were .508 bales. Thursday. —The market was less firm, but a good demand existed with a shade oil' from yesterday’s prices. The sales wero 317 bales, as follows: —1 at 25, 2 27, 16 at 28, 4 at 29, 25 at 30, 74 at 31, 133 at 314,58 at 32 cents, and 4 bales on private terms. The receipts were 715 bales. Friday. There was a fair ofForing stock to-day with a moderate demand at a decline of from 4 to 1 cent oif yesterday’s prices, produced hy the apparent weak ness of the New York market. ‘ The sales of the day were 234 hales, as follows: 27 at 28, 35 at 30, 3at 304, 47 at 31,108 at 314 and 14 bales at 32 cents. The receipts are 599 bales. The following are the closing quotations on the week’s sale : Middling 30 Strict Middling 31 Good Middling 32 COTTON STATEMENT. Total receipts for the week, ending Friday, December 7 2,316 Sales for the same time 1,387 C O T TON S T A T E M ENT. si iki i« ta I-..', a ; iu .'lin >-ii baud; 1 1 on Jiaml ' i since For. Ports since Northern Port-J ami on pod’s. ! September 1. j September 1, { September 1. ' since Sept. 1. : Shipboatd. jj 1866." J lStlo. | ! 1865. 1860. .1865. j J&GG. j 1865. | 1866. . 18G5. j New Orleans .^November CO ! 102,082 83,230! 196.;V8, 246,084 53.917 i 100.4 '«■; 19,756. 116/39: :50..-.v- ! 136. HM ■Mobile November CO' • 29,009 24.290: 71.669 161,091 12,401 48.100 31 906! 66.605; 53 :«*• 66 992 Florida November 23 j i 162 12.650! 1.510 , 20,65. r 1 6.280, 20 655 1.231; 10.(K«) Texas November**; 7.588 13.851 i 2\9'o 63.752 1.640 13,515 10.829 44.2481 22,049 19.846 . s Upland. . / v ..«! 5.098 3,724 64.215' . r 4 56-1 7,357 j 44,903• 56.0501 17.239, 2.208; Savannah., w \ • ...No\. -.0,; asi 774 0.77f 50sj 4 -s 2.569 981 300 . , sUpland..? -»• 1 5.800 1,6101 45,475 31.4*1 10.459.' 4.919 30,709 21,(31 9.8 J 7.091 ' Charleston. jg^ ls . kM;d J I>cc. 0. 235 I.3** 1,29. 3l*J 467' 1.968, <M:; Ss2* 244 ' North Carolina November CO • ; 8 097, 21,71$ 1 198 2 .069 700} (<SO Virginia November 30'. 3 566 • 17 758 3 53! * 16558 3,589 1,21 New York November?’. 1 68 408 74.862 9,220; 40,342 66.422' 124 080; 1 96,000 125000 Other Forts November 24 1 20,856 20,800 j... 2,423 1.972 ' Total Bales i 212,653 285,675 . 449.* 2u| &IT.3K 155.450 300,131' * 233 521! 3-2,954 383 882 369,263 T. ul i-iM.t. ...; 647.816 80J.131 1352.954 369,26 Increase I- 6,978 1; ! , * 14,619 Decrease *! 197,687' ;44 o 1 ny -i::o Stock of Cotton in the Interior Tow ns NOT INCLUDED J2i THE RECEIPTS. , ~, . _ , , IS6(i. !8(»5. j Augusta and Hamburg. December 4 14,2}® Macon. Ga November SO 6 K? 1 Columbus, G a 1 J i 1 1t.501 Montgomery. A!a December' 13.032 Memphis, Tern .November 23 18,712 . .) Columbia,s.c to .b..:.: 1 ' ■ "«mm FINANCIAL,—Tbo price of gold has undergone a decline of 2to 3 cent, on the week. Ruyers are now paying 140 and j selling at 142(3)143. The buying rate for j silver has been 138 and selling at 140@142. j Securities of all kinds are dull of sale. GEORGIA RANKS Augusta Insurance a Banning Co’y. 9@... Bank of Augusta 48(0.50 Bank of Athens 50@... Bank of Columbus 25(a)... Bank of Commerce 9(g)... Bank of Fulton 40(a)... Bank of the Empire State 30(a)... Bank of Middle Georgia BS@... Bank of Savannah 50@... Bank of the State of Georgia 22(a,... Central R. R. & Banking Company r ..98(5)... City Bank of Augusta 32@33 Farmers’ and Mechanics’ Bank 12(a)... Georgia R. R. & Banking Companv..9B(Sj... Marino Bank T...95(a.... Mechanics’ Bank 7(g)... Merchants’ and Planters’ Bank 11 (a>... Planters’ Bank 14@... Timber Cutters’ Bank 3(5,... Union Bank 10@... SOUTH CAROLINA BANKS. Bank of Camden 45@... Bank of Charleston 20(5,... Bank of Chester 20@... Bank of Georgetown 20(5,... Bank of Hamburg 18@... Bank of Newberry 50@... Bank of South Carolina 17(3)... Bank of the State of So. Ca., old i55ue22(5,... Bank of the State of S. C., new issue.. 9(§)... Commercial Bank, Columbia 12(5,... Exchange Bank, Columbia 17(5,... 1 Farmer’s and Exchange 5(®... i Merchants’, Cheraw 20@... People’s Bank 40@... | Planters' Bank 14@... Planters' A Mechanics' Bank 20(5,... South Western Railroad 45(5,... State Bank 8@... j Union Bank 60<©„. : OLD BONDS, ETC. Old Geo. State Bon-Is, 6 cent ~77@ 78 Old Georgia Coupons 88(5) ... i Geo. R. R. Bonds,dull 9S(§ ... Georgia Rviiroad Stock 73(5, ... Central R.R. Bonds 100(5, ... Central Railroad Stock 08(5) City of Augusta Bonds 85(f) ." City of Augusta Notes 98(5) ... GENERAL MARKETS.— Trade has been tolerably fair, but without any de cided improvement. The depression in the cotton market and the scarcity of money generally prevent anything like an active ; trade. Bacon, Grain and other leading ar- . tide continue downward, in the Northern j ■ markets. Our “Prices Current” shows how the local market lias been affected. I’osTsk kipt—Saturday, p. m. COTTON.—Tho market was stagnant and transactions too limited to justify quo -1 tations. The sales of the day were 91 hales at prices ranging from 29 to 31 cents. The receipts M ere 325 bales. COTTON SHIPMENTS. The following are theshipmemsof cotton by tho different railroads for tho u-eek ending Saturday, Dee. Bth, 1866: Georgia Kairoad bales 1,847 Augusta A Savannah Railroad 660 South Carolina Railroad 1,184 Total shipments 3,691 GOLD.—Brokers are buying at 140, and selling at 143. SIL\ LR.—Brokers are buying at 135, and sell at 140. RECEIPTS OF PRODUCE, AC. The following are the receipts of pro duce by the different railroads during the week ending on Saturday, the Bth inst: Bacon, ths 27,658 Flour, bbls 115 Corn, sacks 1.963 Wheat, bushels 1,790 Hay, bales r 19 Telegraph Markets. New Orleans Markets. New Orleans, December 7, p. m. —- Colton in good demand and prices firm; Liverpool Low Middling, 28029 c; Mid dling, 30a31c. Sales of the week, 22,900 bales. Receipts for the week, 25,299 bales. Stock on band, 193,439 bales. Sugar advanced; fair, 10c. Molasses declined; good, GCe. Tobacco dull and unchanged. Flour, superfine, §lorelo 75. Corn, $1 20rel 25. Oats, 75c. Hay, 50a2 75. Fork dull and unchanged. Baccn, 13c for shoulders and ribbed : sides; 100 for clear sides. Lard, 13rel3ic. Sterling, 504a51; New York sight, 1 %! j cent discount. Gold, 139. Mobile Market. Mobile, December 7, p m.—Sales of cotton for the week, 7,400 bales. Receipts for tho M eek, 10,447 bales. Kxports for the M’eek, 2,879 bales. Stock on hand and on shipboard not cleared, 60,993 bales. Stock unsold, 42,000 bales. Sales to-day, 1,500 bales; Middling, 30c, with a good demand and market easy at quotations. London Money Market. London, December B—noon. —Consols 884 ; lives, 71. Liverpool Cotton Mailed. j Livi.rpool, December 8, noon.—Cotton j market to-day opened buoyant, and has been quite active all the morning, and prices have recovered from the temporary decline of yesterday, and middling up lands are currently quoted at full fourteen pence per pound. It is now intimated that the sales to-day amount to over six teen thousand bales. New York Cotton Market. New York, December 8, noon.—Cotton heavy and lower; Up.ands, 03c; Orleans, 35c and nominal. New York, December 8, p. m.—Cotton dull and declining. Sales 700 bales; 334 for middling uplands. New York Stock and Money Market. New York, December 8, noon —Gold weak at 1371. Fxehange, 93; sight, ltd; fives of 1860, coupons, 84; do of 1804, oia7; do of 1835, 74 ; do new issue, 94; tens, 100a 1004; sevens, 54; Missouri sixes, 92. Stocks heavy. Money, 6a7 <j9 cent. New York, December 8, p. in.—The Post's money article has tho following: A settled dullness prevails in all depart ments ofbusieess in Wall street. This is ascribed in part to the approach of New Year, and to uncertainty as to what Con- j gross will do relative to the National ! banks. The loan market is easy at six (6) 1 on call ; seven for sight; eight (8) for dis- ! count. The stock market is drooping and un settled. Governments aro steady. Rail roads are quiet. Stocks at second board market steady. Gold 374«37|. New York, December 4, p. in.—Gold closed at 1074." Baltimore Market. Baltimore, December 8, noon. —Wheat \ firm, and tho market poorly supplied; red, 93«95c; white, 95cre§l. Corn—receipts and demand heavy; yel- j !om', 90a94c; M'hite, 90a96e. Oats steady. Flour very dull; low grades drooping, j Provisions heavy. Mess Pork §2l 75a22. \ Cutmeats nominal. Lard, 13c. Sugar inactive. Coffee dull; Kio, lGJalSic. Whiskey dull. New York Produce Market. New York, December 8, noon. —Wheat i dull. Corn active and 3 to 4c higher. Provisions quiet. Whiskey dull. New York, December 8, p. in.—Flour dull; middling and high grades heavy and declining, while low- grades are dull and unchanged. Sales 5,406 barrels; §7 40a9 15 for superfine State; §9 75a10 25 for extra | State, and §lO 30all 00 for choice. Wheat without any decided change. Sales 31,000 bushels; §2 90 for Amber State. Corn 3«4c higher, but irregular and un settled ; sales 181,000 bushels at §1 08ctl 121 for mixed western. Whiskey quiet and nominal. Pork quiet. New York, December 8, p. in.—Flour is quiet, and without any decided change, j receipts 8,059 barrels. Wheat dull ; receipts 111 014 bushels. Corn 3(oi4c better ; receipts 106,301 bush- j els. Rice quiet. Oats rather more Steady. Pork dull; new mess §2O 25(5)20 75 : old j mess §2O 25. Lard quiet-barrels 114@121c. Whiskey market quiet. Barley more steady. Peas quiet. Freights dull. St. Louis Market. St. Loris, December 8, p. m. —Flour in active; sales 575 barrels. Superfine §9 95, j choice §lO 25. double extra §l4 50. i Wheat-, No. 1 spring §2 05, No. 2 §2, full j §2 50a2 60. I Corn firm; old mixed 80c, choice old ! while 93c, old white 83c. I Oats firm, 67c. : Fancy advanced 5c on better grades, i Rye unchanged. ; Pork active ; §2ore2O 50. j Lard 12rel3J. | Hogs §6. Louisville Market. Louisville, December 8, p m.—Tobac co, sales of 89 hhds loaf at uuchanged rates. Sales of 128 bales of cotton at 30a31c for ■ Middling. Bacon, shoulders, 13c ; clear sides Hie ; i green hams, OpreOJc ; mess pork, §lB 12@ §l9 19 ; hogs, 52 (a, sg. I Superfine flour, §9 25(5.9 75; No. 1, §l2 70 j @l4. J Red wheat, §2 60. I Corn,9oc ; new, 58@00. I Oats, 55c. j Sugar, !2Jc. I Raw whiskey, 26. | Lard, 12ic. Savannah Market. Savannah, Decemberß.—There has been ; i more enquiry in the cotton market. Sales ■ to-day 300 bales on a basis of 31c for Liver- ; j pool Middling and 32re32Jc for New Y'ork ; Middlings. ifr>- —— Shawls, | A LARGE STOCK OF 1 WOOLEN LONG SHAWLS, Cheap al GRAY, MULLARKT & CO'S, j i riee-5 2iß Bread Street. \ I , To Raffle. /"GENTLEMEN, CHRISTMAS IS VJ coming. Step in at I. Kahn’e, Broad Street, and > secure a chance at that rich FUR CLOAK. You will be tin. \ | “deareat husband in the world !” and wiU not have to fpeud j another cent in the Cloak line for the next fifteen years, ae | “Furs’ are always fashionable. nov2l—eod2w i ■ Rich Irish Poplins, (JHOICE SHADES, i At i GRAY, MULLARKY k CO’£. > 5 228 Broad btreet. Prices Reduced. G. XV. SHACKELFORD I MERCHANT TAILOR, No. 234 Broad Street, (ONE DOOR ABOVE CENTRAL HOTEL.) j WOU L D RESPECT FULLY AN -1 f NOUN'CE that after thi* date he will ma«e to order at a reduced price his btock of FALL and WTSTER I j GOODS, consisting of line B.aek and Colored French Cloths » Dc-eskin Cash meres, fine Tricot and Beaver Caasimerea, Fa - - 1 cyand Mixed Cass:meres for Suit*. Also, a fine selection of : j fciik and Cashmere Vestings, all of the very best cuai ; tv | Tho-e who desire to have their Cothing mace, -a .ii find it 1 , their interest to cal. and examine my Goods and pru.-s ' All orders guaranteed to give entire satisfaction; ‘ * rov29—lrmru j AUGUSTA WHOLESALE PRICES CURRENT. APPLES—Green, per bbl 0 ... a 7 t,i Dry, per lb , ,a ■> PEACHES—PeeIed, per lb IS a 20 Unpet ied, per lb KJre 15 BACON —aides, clear, per lore 18 Clear Ribbed sides, 43 lb 15 re 17 Ribbed b.b. sides, pt lb litre 16 Shoulders, per lb 131 re 15 Hams, pe •lb 24 re 27 English Dry Salt, per lb 19 re 20 I BEEF—Dried, per lb 35 re 40 j BAGGING AND ROPE— ! BAGGING—Gunny, per y’d 31 re 36 Dundee, per yard 28 re Kentucky, per yard 35 re 38 ROPE —Machine—Hemp,lb. 18 re 20 Hand spuu, per lb 16 re 18 Manilla, per lb 20 a 22 Fiax,perlb 16 a 17 Cotton, per lb 40 re 45 Plow Lines, per lb 45 re BAGS—'Two bushel, Osnaburg 40 re 45 Two bushel, Shirting... 27 re 28 BUTTER—Goshen, per lb 45 re 50 Western, per lb 35 re 40 Country, per lb 35 re 40 ; BEES WAX—Yellow, per lb.. 25 re 30 | CANDLES—Sperm, per lb 40 re 45 Patent sperm, per 1b... 55 re 60 Adamantine, per lb 25 re 27 Tallow, per lb 15 a 16 CANDlES—American, per lb.. 32 re 50 French, per lb 75 re 1 ... ’■ CHEESE—Goshen, perlb 25 re Factory, per lb 22 re 23 State, per lb IS a 20 CEMENT —Hydraulic, per bbl 5 00 re 5 50 COFFEE—Rio, per lb 2S re 32 Laguayra, per lb 33 a 35 Java, per lb 43 re 45 I COTTON GOODS - Augusta Factory, 4 per yard ISia Augusta Factory 4-4 per yard 21 a Augusta Faet’y 4 Drill. 23*0 Montour Mills, 4 pery’d IS a Montour Mills, 4-4 20 re S oz. Osnaburgs, yard . 28 re j Osnaburg stripes, yard 33 re Hickory Stpes, per yrd 25 re Y'arns 2 50 re SHEETINGS & SHIRTINGS— X.Jf. Mil’s, per yard... 521a Lonsdale, per yard 39 a Hope, per yard 35 re TICKING— Amoskeag, AC A pei yd GO re Ainoskeag, A, per yard 45 a Amoskeag, B, per yard 42 a Amoskeag, C, per yard 3S re Amoskeag, D, per yard 37* re Conestoga, 4-4 per yard 50 re 571 Conestoga, 4 per yard.. 45 re I’nlNTS—Standard, per y’d 21 re 23 Merrimae, per yard 22 re 24 Mourning, per yard.... 20 re 21 Duchess B, per yard.... 17 a 19 Wamsutta, per yard... 16 a CAMBRICS—Paper, per y’d 22 re 271 Colored, per yard 20 re 22 SPOOL COTTON— Coats per dozen I 20 a Clarke's per dozen 1 10 a . ... FLANNELS —All wool, y’d. 35 re 60 EGGS—Per dozen 45 a GUNPOWDER—RiIIe. perkeglO 00 a Blasting, per keg 7 50 re Fuse, 100 feet 1 00 a GLASS—BxIO, per box 6 50 a 7 ... 10x12, per box 7 50 re 12x18, per box 9 00 re HAY' —Northern, per cwt 2 15 re 2 25 Eastern, per cwt 2 25 re 2 50 Pea hay, per CM’t, in bales 2 00 a Native Hay, in bales... 2 00 a HlDES—Green, per lb 0 re Salted, per lb 7 a 8 Dry Western, per 1b.... 10 re 12 Dry Flint, pel lb 12Jre 15 LARD —Pressed, per lb 15 a Leaf, per lb 16 a Leaf, in kegs, per 1b... IS re DRUGS— DRUGS— Acids, Benzoie..sore7s Asafcetida, fine.. 05 do. Muriatic 15 Bal. Capavia 1 25 do. Sulph’ric..9relo Borax 45«00 do. Tartaric....l 25 Brimstone Brelo Alum BreloCamphor, gum.. 1 50 Ammonia, aqua, 11120 Castor Oil.. 3 50«3 75 Arrow Root, Berm.6o Castor Oil, fine.. 4 50 do. American2s Potash, chlorate 75 Bismuth 7 7508 25 Cream Tartar 35 Cantharides 250 do. extra 60 Caustic 1 75re2 00 Salts, Epsom 8 Chloroform 3 50 Gum Arabic 55 Cochineal 2 00 Gum Arabic, ex 1 25 Blue Stone 17ct20 Morphine,perozlOall Ether, Chloric..i.l 75 Opium 13 ... do. Sulphuric. 2 00 Potash, lodido... 5 50 Senna 45re60 White Lead 14 Glue, Coopers.,.lßre7s White Lead, fine 22 Aloes, Cape 50 Turpentine, Sp... 1 25 do. Soc 1 25 Varnish, Copal.. 4 ... lodine 8 00 do. tine 4 50 Lead, Acetate.. 75re85 Kerosene 80 Lime, Chloride.l2als do. fine 90 Mercury 1 50 Olive, doz 9 ... Oil BergamS 50re12 00 do. fine...l2 Oil Lemon...s 50re8 0c Oil, machinery.. 125 Blue Mass...l 25rel 50 Oil, Tanner’s 1 25 Quinine,Sul.3 25re3 50 do. fine 2 00 Spts Nitre, fff.7srel 00 Oil, Linseed. 2 10a2 25 Strychnine 5 50 Varnish, Damar4 00a5 Tartar, Cream.,.4ore6o Varnish, Japan.. 3 50 Copperas 5 Varnish, Coach.. 6 ... Indigo 1 5002 00 do. extra 6 ... Indigo, fine 150 Chrome Green... 30 Madder 20a25 do. extra 40 Soda, bi. carb....12«15 Chrome Yellow. 25 Sulphur Balo do. extra 40 Annato 75 Venetian Red.... 6 Asafcetida 25a30 Whiting, Span... (ij FLOUR— Western— super.,bbl. 14 00 a Extra, per bbl 15 00 re Family, per bbl 17 GO re St. Louisfancy,per bb1.19 00 re Louisville, fey per bb1.19 00 a— Plxcelsior Oily Mills — Canal, per bbl rel 4 50 Superfine, per bbl 15 00 re Extra, per bbl 17 00 re Double extra, per bbl... none. —Granite Mills— Canal...l4 00 re Superfine, per bbl 15 50 a Extra per bbl 17 50 a Family, per bbl 18 ;>0 re - Augusta Flour Mills— (formerly Carmichael) Canal, per lb 14 00 re Superfine, per bbl 15 50 re j Extra, per bbl 17 50 a j Family, per bbl 18 50 a I STOCK FEED —per lb 3*re Yellow meal feed, bush 1 65 re GUANO —Peruvian, Nol, per toil 120 00 a Baker’s Island, No 1.. 70 00 re Hoyt’s, per ton 03 00 <l6B 00 Baugh’s, per ton 70 00 a Reed’s Phosphate 60 00 re GRAIN WHEAT —White, per bushel 3 50 re Red, per bushel 3 25 re CORN —White, per bushel 160 re 1 65 Yellow, per bushel 1 55 a 1 60 Mixed, per bushel I 60 « OATS—per bushel 110 a RYE—per bushel 1 75 a 2 25 BARLEY—per bushel 2 50 a CORN MEAL—per bushel... 1 70 a IRON—Bar, refined, per lb 7re 8 I Sweedish, per lb 8 re 9 Sheet, per ib 7 9 ! Boiler, per lb sire 9§ i Nail Rod, per lb 11 a 12i Horse Shoes, per lb 9 « 10 ! Horse-Shoe Nails 35 00 040 ... | Castings, per lb 8 re Steel, cast, per lb 25 a Steel Slabs, per lb 11 a 12 Iron Ties, per lb i2sa LlME—Rockland, per bbl 3 50 a Soutiiern, per bbl 275 re 3 . NAILS—Per keg 800a 8 50 POTATOES -Irish, per bbl 325 re 4 50 Sweet, per bushel 75 a PICKLES per bbl 18 00 u LIQUORS— BRANDY—Cognac, per gal.. 8 CO *ls ... i Domestic, per ga110n.... 3 50 re 5 _ 1 CORDIALS—Per ease 12 00 a ALCOHOL—per gal 525a 5 50 WlNE—Madeira, per gallon. 2 50 re 4 50 Port, per gallon 2 CO a J 50 Sherry, per gallon 2 50 re 4 50 Claret, per case 5 00 al2 ... Champagne, fine,b’ket.2B 00 «40 ... Champagne, Inf., b’kk.lS 00 re2s ... 6lN —Holland, per gallon 550 re 7 ... i American, per'galloa... 2 90 re 3 60 RUM—Jamaica, per gallon... 5 00 re 8 ... New England, per gal.. 3 25 re 4 50 WHISKEY—Bourbon, ga1.... 3 00 re 5 ... Rectified, per ga110n.... 2 50 re 3 75 Rye, per gallon 3 00 re 6 00 Irish, per gallon 7 00 re 9 ... Scotch, per gallon 7 00 re 9 ... LEATHER— Northern Oak Sole, ib... 50 a 60 Country Oak Sole, 1b.... 40 re 42 Hemlock Sole,per 1b... 35 a 40 1 rarn ess, per 11 > 30 re 60 Skirting, per llj 50 re 70 Kip Skins, per d0zen...45 00 «50 ... Calfskins, per d0zen...33 00 «75 ... Upper, per doz 36 00 048 50 Bridles, per dozen 42 00 a6O ... Bridles, lair, per d0z....50 00 a7O ... Hog Seating, per d0z...60 OOrelOO ... M J LASSES—Muscovado, gal. 65 re 70 Cuba clayed, per gat. .. 60 a 65 Syrup, per gallon I 00 a 1 50 Syrup, Stuart's, choice.. 1 75 re Syrup, lower grades 65 re 75 if ACC AltON I—American and Italian, per lb 22 re 37 MACKEREL— No. 1, per bbl 24 00 a25 00 j No. 2, per bbl 22 00 a23 00 No. 3, per bbl 19 00 a 20 1 No. 1, per j bbl 13 00 a!3 50 I No. 2, per i bbl 11 00 a \2 00 No. .8, per j bbl 10 00 alO 50 No. 1, pc. kit 3 75 a . No. 2, per kit 350 a No. 3, per kit 3 20 a 3 25 PLANTATION TOOLS— i ANVILS—per lb is a 20 i AXES—Per dozen 17 00 a2O .. I , „ Pick, per dozen is 00 «18 ... ! • Trace, per doz. p’rl2 00 rel 8... i HOES—pei* dozen 7 50 a i% SHOVELS—Long h’dle, doz. 9 00 alii 00 1 Short handle, per d0z.,,14 00 «18 00 ' Short handle cast steel.its 50 a ... i ~„T per dozen 15 00 rel 7 00 view f 1 ’ P e , r dozen - »50re4 50 i VlCES—Blacksmith - s Kottar Key, per It 18 a 20 Blacksmith’s Solid Box perlb 30 a GRINDSTONES—per ib 3 a 4 CORN SMELLERS 12 a 30 RlCE—lndia, perlb ]2 re 13 Carolina, per lb 15 re 16 ?^ L^“ Livftr l ,ool > per sack.... 3 10 re 3 25 STARCH—PearI • jjg j SHOT—per bag 350re3 76 i SUGARS— SUGARS— COba 14 al6l A 18 ttlSi I Crashed 19 a2o| B 17J«18J 1 Powdered. 19 «20 C 16jrel7i i Loaf 21 re 22 Yel. Refi’dlo re Portoßico.loJalGl TEAS—Hyson, per lb 1 25 a 2 25 Imperial, per lb 1 60 a 2 25 1 Gunpowder, per lb 1 75 re 2 25 Black, per lb 1 00 a 1 75 ! TOBACCO- J | Mouldy and damaged £O(S 40 i Common sound, “old, tax free”..!" ‘ Medium sound, do 60(g90 ! Fine bright, do, 90(aA> Extra fine to fancy, do. ..1 00(»l Extra fine bright, new,“tax paid” 1.25(1, l’so SMOKING TOBACCO- Common w , VINEGAR—Cider per gallon. 50 a 75 White Wine, per ga1.... 50 re worn F T r . ench - P er , gallon 105 a WOOL—Unwashed, per lb 15 „ i Washed, perlb on j WOODEN WARE— M 0 Buckets, 2 hoops, doz... 3 75 a Buckets, 3 hoops, doz... 5 00 re Tubs, 3 in nest, 5 00 a 7 !!! ! Churns, per dozen 24 00 re4B ... Washboards fine 3 50 a 4 ... Errors of l'outli.—A Gentles man who Buffered for years from Nervous De | bility .Premature Decay, aad all the effects of youthful indls j cretion, will, for thc sake of suffering humanity, send free to : all who need it, the receipt and directions for making the j simple remedy by which he was cured. Sufferers wishing to experience, can do so, by addressing in perfect co: tnlonoe. JOHN B. OGDEN K Bej k.—3m\v4J No. 42 Cedar St. New York. f* Dclms treci’» lulmltaole Halo &**£s&+* Coloring is not a dye. All instantaneous dyes are composed of lunar caustic, and more or less destroy the vitality and beauty of the hair. This Is ifca original Hair uolonng, and hits been growing in favor twenty years. t restores gray hair to its original color by gradual absorp ticn, in a most remarkable manner. It is also a beauUtu SSLir®® Sola in two sizes—so cents and $!-by al O. riEiMSTREET, Sa-atoga Spring Water, dbvali Dnigg!^ Spike ,he fiuns or Humbug t , Imposters are in the field with deadly'hair , .lyes, dangerous to health ard ntteriy destmcUve to the hair Do not submit to have your head BAPTIZED WITH LIQUID Ftr.E • when that cooling vegetable preparation CRIST ADORO’S HAIR 1> Y F wdl. In Sve minutes, impart any desired shade from light brown to jet black without Injuring the fibres, stainlnglhe skin, or poisoning tho system through thc pores Manufactured l.y J. CKISTADORO, CAstor Hou.se. New York, bold by Druggists. Applied by all Hair Dreawnj nov29_2w MERCER DNIVERSITY, PEN’FIKI.D, ga. T ] L Il v,e. TX ! ST , ITUTIOX JS NOW iu. .y omcered, and is prepared to afford young men at: tho advantages of a thorough collegiate training. The price oftuitlon for the faU Term is SO:,, and for the Spring 1 erm 133. (rood board can t,e liad in the village at SOS per month ; room rent, fuel, wash;,-, Ac. about $4 per month. " J j le nm Spti"« Term will open on the 23d day of January, Disabled soidieta in straitened c’rcumslances will receive tuition gratis. 1 or further informtttion, apply to ILr. H. H. Tucker D I> President, or to J. E, YVILLET, .. Secretaryot the Faculty. renfletd, pa, Dec. 4, l sgg. dcc7-d*» lawdw Reduction in Prices! JOHN K. HORA, No. -j:j t Broad Street, UNDER THE CENTRAL HOTEL, T>EING DESIROUS OF CLOSING out his stock of CLOTHING amt FURNISHING GOODS, will, from this date, sell at greatly reduced rate*, ar.d would respectfully invite a call fron. all who desire tu purchase good Clothing at REASONABLE PRICES, decs—d3t&wl Den'iis’ Sarsaparilla, Highly commended by j. m COM INGS, M.D. No. 08 East Broadway, New York • "i have tried your Sarsaparilla in my practice, and have found it far superiorto any other in the market, for its actio# on the liver and assimilating organs.” L M. COMINGS, M. I). FROM K YOUNG LADY IX BROOKLYN, X. Y. “X was quite unwell last Saturday. 1 took two doses a Dennis’ Sarsaparilla. It entirely relieved me." For sale by the city druggist—atKo. 215 FulWn Street,New Y'ork, and at lfi Water Strict, Brooklyn. dec9—d4t&wl ETILO HATCH, AT STATE BANK, AUGUSTA, GEORGIA. Will Advance on Cotton CONSIGNED TO DUNCAN, SHERMAN & CO. New York or THOMSON, FINLAY & CO. Liverpool. lie is also prepared to make Advances on Cotton «.»d consigned to his friends in New York. nov2s-lm in a Trusses ! Trusses!! QF EVERY KIND AND QUALITY For eaie by flecT—3t tYM. H. TUTT. Administrator’s Notice. ALL PERSONS INDEBTED TO _OL I’ntiick O’Sullivan, deceased, are requested to come forward and make immediate payment, and those having claims will present them duly certified to, according tc law UOV49—dfiw JNO. D. BUTT, Administrator. To the Public. THOMAS RUSSELL, No# 253 Broad St. WOULD RESPECTFULLY IN ▼ f form the citizens of Augusta and vicinity that, he has Just returned from New York with a fine stock of .lEWEL- IvY of the latest and most improved styles. He will keep constantly on hand : GOLD and SILVER WATCHES of every description, of the most.improved kinds. SOLID SILVER WARE, of the latest patterns. SILVER PLATED WARE, of every description. French and American CLOCKS of the most improved make and styles. STEREOSCOPIC VIEWS and INSTRUMENTS, which will be ready for exhibition in a few davs. A fine afsortirent er GOLD SPECTACLES and GOLD PENS, and every article of first-class Jewelry cau be found at his store. Mr. Russell has removed to the well known Dry-Goods store of E. li. Long A Cos., where he will be glad to see his friends and the public. lie is also prepared, as foimerly, to do JOBBING at reasonable rates. THUS. RUSSELL, , _ Broad St. N. L.—ENGRAVING, of all kinds, executed In the best style. All orders and work thankfully received and punctually at tended to. nov!4 —lmins Bridal Cakes, Pyramids, CTEEPLE. ORNAMENTED, CHAR t j LOTTE’S KtTSSES, WINE, LIQUORS, FRUITS etc., etc. * HOME MADE CANDIES, Ornamented to order. U&NDY wholesale and retail at Hie novM-lm FRENCH STORE, 2uo Jlroad fit. Just Received ! Lai’g'e Additions TO OUR COMPLETE STOCK OF Choice Groceries ! FOIA U-A.ZaE LOW, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, 11Y JNO. M CLARK & SONS, dec!!—Bt 278 Ilroad Street. COTTON WAREHOUSE. SEW FIRM. J. J. TEARCE. W. T. WHELESS. CHAS. A. PEARCE Pearce, Whelcss & Cos. Cotton Factbrs & Commission Merchants AUGUSTA, GEORGIA. Having formed a copart NEIi.SIIIP as above, and having secured a fire-pro» Warehouse on Jackson Street, formerly occupied by Rees <fc Linton, we will continue to store and sell Cotton and oth« Produce. Cash advances on Produce in Store. Orders for Family Susies filled at market prices. / continuation of the patronage of our friends and acquaint am.-. His solicited# J- J. PEARCE tv SON. W. T. WHELESS. Late of * e firm of Fleming so Whelan. Augusta, Ga„ July If, I£C6. jyl£- d&wfiroins School Notice. OOCKBY, NEAR SPARTA, DEC. I V 1.1866 —My SCHOOL will re-open on the2lst, (third Monday in January. The fir.-t turn will continue 21 weeks, and the charges for 1 oard and tuition will be 1270, (two hua- Gred and seventy dollars.; The second terra will begin on Monday after the first Wed nesday of August, and will continue 16 weeks, and the charges for board and tuition will be SIBO (one hundred and eighty dollars. These charges will be paid in advance, 1 refunding ratembly if a pupil is withdrawn. * Roys furnish their own bedclothes, (for double-beds.) wash ing, candles and towels. I shall keep no hoy upon whose veracity I cannot rely. dec4~wi m K. M. JOHNSTON. /\ GEORGIA, RICHMOND COUNTY. \ A W hereas, Magdalen K. Walker applies to me for L<*t ter~ of Administration on the Estate of Daniel Walker, late of said county, deceased: Thse arc therefore to cite and admonish.all and singular the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to lie and appear at ray office on or before the first Monday In January next, to show cau s'*, ii any they have, why taid Letters should not be (Uven under rny hand and official signature, at office in Au gusta, this sth day of December, 1806. , - . r „ DAVID L. ROATH. cccC— Ordinary. pXKCUTOR’S SALE,-BY VIRTUE A J of an order of the Court of Ordinary of Gre»no county, Georgia, will be sold before the Court House, door m Greenesboro’, in -aid county, between the lawful hours of sale, on the first Tuesday in February uext 0867) the Plantation belonging to ihe Estate of Jasper | Gop'-lan. deceased, consisting of 1,004 acres, more or | less, adjoining lands of Mis. Billingelea, Mrs. McHenry, , llm. Bacon and John A Miller. 1 h' s widow’s dower has been assigned to her out of I land, but the fee in remainder in said dower will be j sold. •Sold for the purpose of paying the debts of the Estate I of ga;d Jasper N. Cope lan, deceased, i Terms on the day of sale, i This December 4, 1866. JOHN CO PEL AN, MAR V K. CO PE LAN. | Executor and Executrix of the will of Jasper N. Cope lan, deceased. decC—w6odsl TLUXECUTOR’S SALE.-BY VIRTUE XJof an order from tbr Crw.r of Ordinary of Jefferson county, will be gold on the FIRST TUESDAY IN PER RUA KY next, at rite market house in the town of Louisville ir: fcAid county, the following property to-wit : A 't ract of Land c°n;anting 48 acres, more or less, adjoining lands of J f hr. h. Tw. -rail* James rv.rnau and others. Sold as the p-o- P«*y of Lucius Q. C. Jj Hannah, deceased, for the benefit of the heirs and creditors of said deceased. Terms on day of * ]t -, - . PLEASANT WALDEN, d e -i~w.utd Executor. A bMINiSTBATOR’S SALE. -BY fix of an V r . ; the Ov.rt Or!rary of J-f- L'le rtltsT TUESDAY IN ttJ.,.. ARt Mark-t It ~,w tfceT.wn of Uoo^af'rl "Low..? :.roj,rrtr, to-wlt: 000 de-" wmh FREDERICK A. POLHILL, AdttY. A DMDHSTRATftft’S SALK. —BY A-T.* 1 . 3 ord i c , r from Court of Ordinary of Jeffer- Rt'ARY y ;,Tf f IK ST TUESDAY IX FED .ik* next, at the Market House in the Tswn of I ou ; -- ofXand the b rr P«tV, to-v.*it: A Tnu l ifttrjpoVl 1 , SV< J £f* un, y» containing 345 acre* more or less, ad wKV i v ° Thomas R. Rhodes, and Alex d.vj fr '.'tP:, Property of Samuel A. Lucky, e».A'! T thc bei , ieft t of the, heirs anc creditors of said dr ceased. 1 eras on day of sale ‘ HENRY J. FARifER, cec.—Wuitd Adm’r. CiEORGIA, JEFFERSON COUNTY. V A y* ■' ereas, Sarah J. Farrow applies to me for L. tt«n» of Adm:n:.-tration on Estate of Garvin H. Farrow, late of couiity, deceased ; „ , . , These are. therefore, to cite and admonish &;! and singo*ar the kindred ana creditors of-aid deceased to be and appear a my office on or before the first Monday in Ja- uary to akw cause, if any they have, why »aid Letters should not be Given under my hand and official signature at office in Ix»u i.-Nille this 4th *>y of Dumber, I9 «? icHOLAS DIEH u *c7_4w ' VOTICE.—TAYO MONTHS AFTER ‘ \ j oT4t will be raa eto the Court of Ordinary •atd county, d«cMstd. gRKEST R. SCHNEIDER, OEOKGE BVKK», . * ..rf-4L.1l fctwtorc.