Chronicle & sentinel. (Augusta, Geo.) 1838-1838, January 04, 1838, Image 1

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{hII.I IHI E- JOXE»- Atim STA. «««., TIIHMIVV JAM ABT 4, ~ | -Vol. „.- Vo ll Y, TUI- WEEK I. Y AA D WEEK £Y, At No. Broad Street. rR>I S— Daily papei.Ton Dollars p«r anmmi Tri-weekly paper, al Six Dollars u I „,.p or Seven al the end ol the /ear. Wee viy * xi,roe Dollars in advance or hour al the end t- tear. ~ ImiONICLE AND SENTINEL Auousi.i." KducKilar Morning, Jan. 0, IS3B - day our morning publication I itii the first paper issued since the com- I cem ent of the new year, we take the oppor ■ before it is too late to wish our friends and a happy and prosperous year. r;l! days having elapsed since the publica of any paper in consequence of ihc removal office, we are much in arrears with the of the day. Our columns ate chiefly occu ltly letters from onr Washington Correspon ■ advertisements which have been accu. since our last publication. |H [i„, election held on Monday last for eoun- ■ lir ,, crH of Richmond county, the tallowing are Mchaws, Clerk. W. Lacy, Sheriff. Kennedy,Tax Collector. Dickinson, R. T. R- H. G. Raiford, Surveyor. Hendricks, Coroner. H, jj_ barren was also elected Judge of the K>rior Court to fill the vacancy occasioned by ■. resignation of Win. .1. Eve. have not seen a lisi of the polls from all He precincts, and cannot therefore at ptesont ■ from Canada we have a mass of unimportant ■formation. The revolution scorns to be stop id, and the patriots entirely crushed, save at a Ingle point —viz.: Navy Island, in the St. Law linee river, opposite Buffalo, where, it is said limit 800 men are under arms, The place is lw besieged by the loyalists, and some fighting taken place, but nothing decisive, ■ MECHANICS’BANK. ■ The following named gentlemen were on Mon lay last chosen Directors of the Mechanics’ Bank |f this city, for the ensuing year: | Messrs. A. Sibley, Marshall Keith, Mosss Roll, |. Win. P. Rglhbone, James B. Walker, Josiah libley, John M. Adams, Geo. H. Metcalf, Geo W . Hnnnr. | At a meeting of the new Board of Directors, ■mory Sibley, Esq. was unanimously re-elected K. Frost, a Thomsonian Doctor in city of New York, who was indicted for in producing the death of a young named Tiberius G. French, by the use ol his ■■litiltes, lias been convicted of Manslaughter Mhc fourth degree. The trial occupied a week IHlis reported at full length in several of the pa- BErs of lhal city. It seems to have created very |Ebat interest there and may be considered one of Be most important trials which has taken place for Borne lime. We shall endeavor to give an nb- Btract of the testimony for the information of our B9L} crs , as it is not only important but inlercst- has not yet been sentenced. Amcli, a New York Confectioner, hail a BBRistmas Cake weighing near ‘.lOOO pounds. a number of tninor ingredients, it was of the following articles: Hcurrants, 780 lbs. 7BO “ Sugar, 240 “ Hr Butter, 240 “ |f Flour, 240 “ Citron, 300 “ llrK\ is—ThcN. O. Courier of the 2Clh u.. —By the Mobile, which left Galveston on Hi 9th. wo learn that Congress had adjouned. ”Bhc President was in good health, and all quiet, continued somewhat scare. IB Mkxtco— the schr Creole, from Tampjci |Bith $104,000 in specie, to ifterchants, in this Kity, we learn thalalarg' body of Indians, ha v - Bvjng been recently seen to the South of Tampico, ij/lhad occasioned the assembling of several bodies Eof-lroops, which wore despatched in pursuit. B These are, probably, the same forces mentioned | by Captain Mervino, as having crossed tire Hie I Grande. I Wc arc sorry lo slate that by some means or ether, a bag contain ing 1,100 specie, has bc/n (olen from the Creole. Several of the crew have been taken up on sppicion, ar)d wsrp undpigu- Rpjngau examina'joti before Recorder Bertus when wc penned thigjp The ilon(roal Courier stales “a rcpoit was currpril Dec. 21, that 500 Americans wore on their way to Champlain,'from the neigh borhood of Ogdcnshurg, and were intending to march from Champlain into Lower Canata.” I'Fhis is not true wc all know, but the Courier re marks upon it: —“One thing at least is ccslain if they do come, 500 or 5000, they wil not 4 "catch a weazle asleep,” they may dependwpan jt. “Ready, aye ready,” is the worS wij» more men and better men, than they are (obsaly aware of.” Some of the British troops have left jfefllreall for Kingston and Toronto. The N.York Mercantile Advertiser s< tes ( hat the ship Geoigc Washington, (Liv/rpod packet of November k4th,) Capt. Holdfid ,e> will not enter that port until after Ist Jin-'C> if siie f should arrive off previous to tha It in*, in con sequence of a material alteration /iihc tariff of duties, which lake effect on and > cr lllal [fKOJI OUH bOkftKSFONnKNT.] WASHINGTON, Dec. 20,1837. A considerable sensation was produced in the House of Representatives to-day liy Mr. Camp bell, a gentleman from South Carolina, lisingin his place, and calling the attention of the mem bers to a gross misrepresentation of the remarks he made a few days ago whjen inviting the mem hers of the slave-holtmig states, to leave the hall and assemble in one of the committee rooms— The reporters had stated that Mr. Campbell in vited the whole Southern Delegation to meet — “to take all necessary steps towards a dissolution of the union!” I can hear testimony that Mr- Campbell used no such language—and that tha paragraph in the newspaper from which he quo ted (the uum? was not givea) is a base fabrica. lion. He indignantly repelled the base imputa tion. Our relations with Mexico formed the burden of debate during the whole of the day. Last 1 week John Quincy Adams presented a memorial I from the Peace Society of New York, praying Congress to regard with favor an overture in the shape of a decree of the Mexican congress, for nn amicable settlement of the diQ).cuUtes between that country and the United Slates; and lot the i reference of the mallets in dispute to the media ; linn of a friendly Power, in case other efforts should fail. Mr. Adams at that time moved to I r efer it to a select committee with instructions to head, constdvr, and report thereon. The Kx y resident bad inserted the word “read,” as it (ling at the Committee of Wavs and Means, who at the extra session, you will remember, reported against a National bank without hqving rea the petition on the subject refuted to them; /'a '4 the majority of whom, namely, the six imijottfl signers of the manifesto against their h//ol league, Mr. Fletcher o( Boston, openly viutyated this failure to read the pith tops as a proper course! Mr. Adams yesterday comijh' “d in severe terms on Ibis conduct. HcdecPSril he had acted so, he should have rcgardc»imselt as having betrayed his duty to the llM c lll, d his country. He tken entered on aitJahorale mat guraenl age,hist the tcjercncc of t Jnemorial to the committee on Foreign RclatuT His prin cipal ground of objection was that l ® committee did at the last regular session hake a report which showed a predeterminat'o in favor of a rupture with Mexico, and theref 3 directly op posed to the prayer of thp petitners. Mr. A was frequently interrupted in c course of his speech by calls of order on thcHegcd ground of inclevancy—though it appecdtome because he was so much in point at the speaker in terrupted him so provoliing Mr. Howard, the chattfan " f l 'io committee on Foreign Relations re/td-t His chad urgn« ’ meat was founded outfit® that no overture of the kind reiretlMiy the petitioners had in iact been ma d/'y Mexico to the govrrn | rnent of the Unilcd/siales; and therefore it \ would he idle to asl/ committee to report on that which did no/exist. He objected also to ’ the petition, that i J * B ot U P k y politic ■! lead * ers, and did nut ilnate from the signers them selvcs—that som/ f the signers were women— I and that some \J^ C their names wild a pencil instead of a peif There wn'vtfb'rt interlude in which that dapper little and Mr. Adams were the principal acli ,s - Cam. strutted and swelled as usutJ.protcntVng to be indifferent to the Scathing denunciations and scaicasw of the Ex- President. lljr had the had '.aslo, however, to allude to ihefcse of Mr. Fletcher. This called down upon Ip head*storm ol indignant invecs i live from Mr/Adan He stigmatized the puo :. lication of tip majo'V against Mr. Fletcher,and s their subsequent on him, in the House, as an outran- jtarty movement. He assailed the chivalrr' .* six who had joined against^one —hut Ifire became so hot that the speaker came to ImjNcue, ami called him to order for replying tlf> insolent and gratuitous attack of Carabrelor! Mr. Adams paused, and said with much Ijfness he could not but ad mire mctphysodistinctipp of the speaker h i»y which he wa.- ut out of order, while the II member from might goon all day!, L lie congratulated at member on his Victory! • qji )iot being lake his sent. After a long at somewhat desultory discus i f iqn, the queslior vas t ak,;ll 011 a reference to a 8 lect comtiiitlc; Jl ‘d negatived, ayes 51— nay? t A short t 3 afterwards the question was ptKVn referrii to tke committee on Foreign Relations bf - vas ascertained that a quorum was not prcstl 1 tll( ’ House adjourned, t The Sena® s’ finally passed the hill for suppressing lb rculation ol small notes in the District of Co' k * a - Mr. Swn> avo notice that he would notpre f sent the re 1 * resolutions of the legislature of Vcrmon W Slavery, Texas, &c. until the I Senate s h d/ho full. The debgle on them ’ will be most exciting. Mr. Wajl pre sented asP rosolntions from the legislature ofNewJSJ’ reprobating the most prominent i members fi‘ e l ast anc * present administration, i especial’-fie'r Hriancial policy, and the export ging j-,vUlion; and approving of the conduct of M Senator Southard, and the present Wtj, representatives of the slates. w/rc rcadlmUirl on the table. M. ■bJ WASHINGTON, Dec. 27. Tho Mls-sippi Election case was to-day brought up jtbe House. The Speaker present j ~J cominucalion from Messrs. S. S. Prentiss ami T. J. V-rd, enclosing their credentials as members elc from the Stale of Mississippi; and expressing thr readiness now to take the oaths. Mr. Willianof N. C. moved that they ho ad mitted. Mr'ambreling moved that the commu nication he t rred to fi' c committee on Elections- Mr. Bell su paled that this was a case analogous to that oft 1 member from Arkansas, who ha-J been elected Sprcssly for the extra station ; hu* I who had al been afterwards rc-clectcd for two I years; and lb c present session had again been qualified l>y taking the customary oath. Mr. Hell said that those gentlemen now applying hud - been elected by the people of Mississippi at the ■ proper lime for this Congress, commencing with > the regular session 1 and he thought it became a question lor grave consideration whether they B ought not now be admitted to their seats and to take tbo oaths as Mr. Veil had done. I Mr. \ ell said that his case ought not to »c con ■ sidcred a precedent. He admited that the elec ■ lion in Arkansas was first for the extra session ; - but ho always bad held bitnsclf to be elected (or i two years. As the people, however, bad gone • into another election, and again chosen him, he a would have regarded it as disrespectful to. the pco - pie, to have failed to quality and lake the oath - again at Ibis session. Mi. Craves of Kentucky moved that Messrs. Prentiss and Word be admitted to seats in the II House, and participate hi any debate on the sub ,l jccl ol their claims, if they choose. l ' Mr. Pope thought the motion of Mr. Graves ” was a little premature; but he was entirely op* c posed to tie motion of Mr. Uamhreiing, to refer " to the cini miltne qu Flections. They had alrca -1 <ly preju gfcd the case; and decided in favor of 0 Messrs (Hudson and Claib. rne, the sitting mem '■ bets. He maintained that the only question in s volv. l was a legal and constitulionnl one, which ’ theiiousc was perfectly competent to determine. ° 'J'biro was no necessity for a report from a com riiltce. Hut if the matter must be referred, then, •y all means, let it go to a select committee with j 1 junjorily favorable to the new members# A long debate now arose in which Messrs, i lamer, Haynes of Geo. Boon, Foster, Veil and 1 Legate, contended lor the reference to the com mittee on elections; and Messrs. Graves, Tilling, hast, Thompson, Reed, Hell, and Underwood op posed that motion, and urged the propriety of ad mitting the members to seats in tb.e rlyttgto to participate in the debate on the subject of their claims. Mr. Claiborne, one ol the sitting members, very manfully und honorably expressed the hope that the gentlemen opposed to him would be ail, milled on the ||oor to make any arguments or app. a!s they might think propel : but he said he would certainly oppose their admission to be sworn as members of the House, He and his colleague, Mr. Gltolsoq, c ,'jgsidered the question adjudicated by the House already ; and resting e,n tha', decision, they haul not again submitted their claims to the people of Mississippi. Mr. Cluwncy moved to lay on the table the motion ol Mr. Graves, for admitting the members to seats, without being sworn—which wgs earned, ayes 90, nays 87, i he question was then taken on the motion to refer the credentials and communications of Messrs. Prentiss and Word to the committee on , elections, with instructions to report the facts ; and was carried without a division. The House then adjourned. J here was a short discussion in the Senate to day, on the bill for amending (lie Judiciary Act— but no decissiou was come to. Two of the said bills introduced by Mr. Walker, also underwent some debate—one authorising the surrender of tho sixteenth section, granted for the use of schools, and the entry of oilier lands in lieu therei ol—and another for authorizing the Staton to tgx the lands of the United States within their limits. The former of these was laid aside; and the lat ter was passed by a third reading. The Senate was still in session when this package was closed. M. WASHINGTON, Dec. 28, 1837. There was a most interesting and animated debate in the Senate to-day. Mr. Calhoun of S. U. offered a series of resolutions declaring die relative rights a;id obligations of the General Government and the Stales, and more especially in reference to the subject of Slavery, and the intormcdling of (lie abolitionists with the domes tic institutions and policy of the Slave-holding States. The resolutions are long and dwell with much circumstantiality on the duties of the General Government and tho rights of the Slates ■ ►in connection with the exciting subject. I will , send you, by Express, a copy of them, that your , readers may all judge for themselves. There is j no principle contained in them to which the Stale , Rights party, and perhaps tho Southern commu nity generally will not be ready to assent. The , utility of producing them at this lime;—and the , object of the mover are other questions. Mr. j Calhoun said his object was to test whether there | was any comniop- ground on which all who were , opposed to the abolitionists might be rallied. No ! such common ground had yet been devised He thought ho now had discovered it, by looking I into the higher elements of our constitutional i law. He presented in these resolutions, he said, < a just view of the real form of our institutions, < and the consequences which would (low from the I intormcdling of the abolitionists, if any longer I tolerated. If they were rejected, he should re- r gard the Senate, qs sayiqg to tho South, that nothing is to be cxpectod from this body if t they bo adopted, he should look on the result as a t pledge that the Senate was united with the [ South —and were determined to prevent any in- ( teifercnce with llie rights and interests of that i section. If they should be postponed, «r in any j other way eluded, ho sheuld look upon the res ult as conclusive evidence of their truth, and that they were put by because they could not he j opposed. He said the principles ol what are cal- { , led the “liberal constructionists’? bad given rise to the fanatical spirit—and the antidote must he found in the opposite principles of the Slate Rights parly. He wished to have a division on n tho resolutions before the report and resolutions j from Vermont should he taken up—for a reason f , private to himself, which he would make known ji at the proper time; hut with the understanding S documents were not to bo calk dup j before Friday, he would pow move to postpone | his resolutions til! Wednesday next. a ■'■■lll . ■■■■ I Mr. Pk e-ton followed. Ho said he had reiul the resolutions attentively, when ho saw thorn lor the first nine in the Globe of hist night; and admitted, thflt they did not assert a principle which he was not always rorldy to maintain.— I!ut aslo their furnishing a ground of comprom ise, on the question of abolition, he feared they might mR be successful. Ho acknowledged the importance of abstract propositions, when the measures of men accord with their professions of ; principle. Hut bp bp-J, been taught, by his cx • , perience that there enuid he a (urinal dud pro ■ tossed recognition of principle, accompanied by ■ the most entire abandonment of it in practice. He, a Slate Rights man, bad but lately stood i here contending on great questions of principle against adversaries who yet unfurled the Stale , Rights banner—and professed to be Jefferson i republicans, i Ur. Pafatov said he could expect no protec tion lot rtm South (torn the passage of these or i any other resolutions. There was a necessity lor action of another kind—-action independent of Congress—in which he trusted to find the whole of I hr. slave-holding stales unanimous.— He referred to the fact that measures were now in progress for taking such action, and he be lieved that whenever those stales would come here with a united front against the further pro gross of the lunatics; that unanimity would be the harbinger of success. (Mr. Picslon was understood to allude to the contemplated action of the general committee apj pointed by the delegation from each slave bol ding state.) Mr. St Hanoi; of N. C. concurred in the reso lutions; but deprecated any agitation oftbc sub jecl at present, either by Northern or Southern men. The resolutions were then postponed, f will noiieo this discussion more fully to morrow. The House to-day was engaged for a consid erable time with the motion to refer the memori al nfjhe Peace Society of New York, praying Congress to regard with favor the overture au thorised lay decree of the Mexican Congress to he made to [the United Stales, to settle the dif ficulties between the two countries. The memo rial was ufier debate, referred to a committee on Foreign Relations. Reports, petitions qmf pri vate bills occupied,,ibu itinaindpf pf (ho silling. M. WASHINGTON, pee. 3fHh, 183,7. The resolutions presented by Mr. Calhoun, which I briefly noticed yesterday, have brought old a counter manifesto to-day from one of Iho most unscrupulous Van liureu Senators in that unscrupulous party—a declaration of principles exactly antagonistical to those proclaimed by Mr. Calhoun—a scries of resolutions in which al most every thing he maintains to bo true is de nied, and the principal portion of what be pro tests against is emphatically asserted. This is the first fruit of Mr. Calhoun’s new movement, in undertaking to present a series of abstract pro positions about the relative rights and obligations of the general government and of the States, as a common ground on which all wipe arc opposed to the abolitionists might unilc. Almost overyobserv ingand reflecting man must have seen at once, that the resolutions not only presented no com mon ground whereon to rally—hut that they had a direct tendency to promote agitation and and excitement in Congress, in tegard to a ques tion which ought not to be discussed there at all. Mr. Morris of Ohio, brought forward these counter resolutions; and intimated his intention to ask for I'qp consideration pf (hem, whenever those of Mr. Calhoun should he taken up Mr. Calhoun denounced them in the strongest terms, as containing decidedly Abolition doctrines and expressed his wish to have a vote upon them. Mr. Morris moved that they be pointed and laid on the table, which was agreed to. Mr. Calhoun’s resolutions will be discussed on Wednesday next. In the House of Representatives whole scores of petitions for abolition of slavery and remon slances against the annexation of Texas to the Union, were quietly consigned to the Tomb of lbe Capulels—the Clerks table—by the rule adopted under Mr. Patten’s resolution. The pertinacity of John Quincy Adams failed to pros duco any excitement. l{o prcspntci} a Iqrge pile • of this inflammatory fuel; and took occasion also to say that he did not consider himself bound by the order the House had taken on the subject, inasmuch as be thought the resolution unconsti tutional and therefore null and void. He gave notice too that he had some petitions for rescuing that resolution, and would make a motion for that purpose in a few days. His abolition peti tions were however laid on the table without any j disturbance! and the same disposition was made of those remonstrating against the annexation ' ol Texas, although he urged the propriety of re- - ferrlng them to what he called “the CJomniiljce- . foi making war against Mexico”—the Committee on Foreign Relations. He wished to introduce a resolution calling on the President to state by what act the House had < coincided in opinion vyitjt the Deceptive that rc prisals against Mexico might he authorized, as declared by him in his late message. Put the | house refused leave. The truth is the question 1 is a poser. This was private bill day; (Friday) and the j principal portion of the time was spent by the House and also tbc Senate in business of that 1 character. Both houses have adjourned over to Tuesday next. M. , i Tiiocptß i n Newfoundland —K.unnro v ukbuiuok. —There arc signs abroad, evon in | Newfoundland, that her Majesty’s troops, now on their way to Upper Canada, may be needed near : cr home. The Legislature of No vfoundland ad' journed on the 80lh of November,— without : granting the supplier., and the Governor in a pet '■ ( prorogued them. Delegations were to he sent lo England by the Assembly. The Hon. Chief j t Justice of Newfoundland bad instituted an action ‘ against three 6f ths members of tho House of I i'lnMv, i.»r b libel Qtiorfd m ihr coiirse of some (lisoussion in ( lie House. The damages were laid ai A , ), c,s.t, Dk.vaxii von Macicknik.—The Albany Argus slates on official authority Hurt n requisition had heen made by Sir PfSfteis Head, Limit, (.itfvernor °l Upper ('anaila, upon Governor Marey, lor the person ot Wm. 1.. Mackenzie, as a fugitive frofti justice,charged with certain felonies. 1). lielhuno,|., who was the bearer of despatches from Lieut.Governorll, thrived in Albany on Friday evening, and 101 l the following morning. Govern or M. declined to comply with the application, on ■ the ground that the offences charged against Mackenzie, being incidents of the revolt, wore . merged in the higher crime imputed to him of treason—a politic al offence, excepted hy our laws from those for which fugitives can he surrendered ‘hy the UMcutivo. The opinion of the Allot tfoy i General given at the request of Governor MarcJ, contains this conclusion. The fact that Mr. Mc- Kenzie is not in the territory of the United Stales furnishes a suifeient answer toSir Francis Mead’s demand.—.V. F. Cumin . F'rvnt the New \ orh Diily /■,'.» press, Dee, 28; UPl’lill CANADA. The rumors, as before, arc contradictory and various. It seems to be clear that no engage ment tool. place between McNalib and Dnncom. I he. TKc patriot force in the London district is disbanded, it is said, to wail for better limes and | secrete their arms. A correspondent of the Duf-I falo Journal slates: ; ‘The clemency showed to such ol the people 9s ! the lories caught was this They murdered four in cold blood, and the Indians MeNahli brought with him, scalped litem. Onoyoung man, after wounding him, liny held in llie creek at Oak land until an Indian lore his scalp from Ids head! Audi is the leniency of the lories in Canada. They entered the houses of thorn absent, scatter ed their private papers, anil destroyed their pro perly, and turned women and children out of their homes. Such is their gallantry. The Mullalo Journal hopes that the jury in session in Niagara county, will Hgd gu indictment against the Hnlislisoldier or' soldiers, who, in niter violation of our laws, shot an indi vidual within the jurisdiction of lids slate, allho’ cautioned and ordered not to do it hy a person in the service of the United Stales. The greatest excitement, yet exists in Roches ter. The forces on Navy Island, it is now repor ted amount to about 1000 men, pretty well fur. nished with arms gpd artillery. Correspondence of the Albany Eye. Journal. NIAGARA FALLS, Dee. S 3. Dear Sir; Since I wrote you before, tile Gov. of Upper Canada, Sir Francis Head, lias made a visjt to that part of the Province opposite hero. Immediately on Landing at Niagara, bo wen in firmed that McKenzie figd b.pcn in VoungsloWn only an hour or two before, which was true. When lids come to Ids curs, lie is said to have behaved himself very unbecoming a man in Ids station, cursing and damning all around him, for not crossing over and shooting McKenzie in the street, and ordering out a parly of men to come over and assassinate him on his way from Lewiston to the Fulls, and saying ho would sa crifice the lives of half the men ot the Province hut hu would take Navy Island, lie lias gohb hack to Toronto without accomplishing either. While ho was at Chippewa, several attempts were made to raise volunteers to attack the Island and die most that ever came forward were llfiecn; a meagre force to come against a place like Navy Island, where they have from 10 to 15 pieces of cannon. It is said that Gov. Head lias ordered an army to be raised hy enlistments, for a campaign a gainst the Island ; hut a report is current to-day that he has given orders not to molest those on , tlie Island, so long as they stay there peaceably. We have various contradictory reports of the o[ orations of Dr. Duneombein the London Dis trict—some that ids men are dispersed, and oth ers that he lias gained a complete vjptory over the royalists under McNabh, The last and pro bably correct report, is, that Duneombe is at Fort Malden with his men. Every species of outrage and insult are practis. ed upon the Radicals hy the Tories, a great ma ny of whom are Irish Orangemen. Men are drag ged from their homes at the dpgd ol nighff to pri son, and obliged t await for weeks for a trial, when nothing can be found against them ; others i have their houses entered and rummaged from < lop to bottom. In addition to the Irish, there have been sever- I al Indians employed hy the Government, and let t loose upon the inhabitants of districts wjiofp I they are’ mostly radicals. A low days ago they caught a radical, and cut a hole through the ice in Mulcomh’s pond and put him in alive. Audi things as that, allowed hy a civilized people, ought to arouse every spark ofpatrioljsfp which , exists in th« breasts of the free and iildilpendcnt inhabitants of our republic. 1 From the N V. Daily Kt press Due 27, FIVE DAYS LATER FROM EUROPE. Jty the last sailing packet ship Si. James, Gapl. f Sehor which arrived last night Ifurn Liqidim, hav ing sailed from Portsmouth on tile 12lh Novcm- J 'her, the Editors of the Now Yoik Daily Express arc put in possession of copious Hies of London papers to Saturday the 11th, and Portsmouth of K the 12th November, together with the latest Ship ping Lists. The papers contain later intelligence ( from all parts of the Continent. The English Capcrv arc tilled, for days and i days in succession, with accounts of the Qokkx’s visit to thk errr. All the details are given of her departure from Sl, .Aimes Palace—ifrilcr nf ~ Pvocettsiuti —its arrival and demonstrations of |j joy at 11 J/riiV, Tmfulger Sijttare, Chiving jei Crass, Strand, Tied Street, Tnn/ilc Itur , I,ml I gate Hill, St- /‘null. The arrangements and her I 111 reception at Get Min* i.i. were most magnificent. | r The Hanrjuct appears hy the accounts Ip have ! , u surpassed even the feasts in the Arabian Nights p; Entertainments. )!■ Pailiament was to meet on the 20th. Very to little is said relative to the Queen's speech. v< The Cotton Market al Liverpool, was without _ change. in France the elections had te,minated decided |y in favor of the Ministry. Their majority in the Chambers would be billy equal to ihe former fj House. M Labile had failed in his election in ' Paris and Rouen. “ In Spain, the Qncen’s cause seems to be quite prosperous. JJoh Carlos had (treated to Ihe basque Provinces. The cholera had broken out with great violence ;■■■ in Constantine, Africa, N 'Fhe passage hy the Tenncssga Legislature,of ..j th • bill granting hanging powers to the Louisville, Cincinnati arid Charleston Rail Road Company, was celebrated at Knoxville, by a peal ol hells and i by a salute of lifly-six guns. Si i in— Iwi ‘Si ,18:iiifue . HAVA ,\ .N AH, l>i <. ■‘J''.—i I’cl, ithr Opt gon, Mddrum. Charlt siou. Air, ship Ciiravan, iNicholp, Huston; hr sliip Urcndn *t S inp:»oji, i„iverj ool; s Umnhoal Chi iuKpc, J'cWf.ll, Ah j gun*. I) parted -rHcamho.t. V'nod, Angir-ta, « n Kite! u. mm . IUVIIE MAIIKET, NOV, 7 Cottons— I lie biurkei Jinsconliiiiirtl liuigud with )in,i la,t t 1 hi. .n.y lu iittiilmtnl lII,IIIV, (, the (‘lt'dion. wind, "i's tiik.ui- pi,,,',. thrmigliaui Knim-P. A. nffa , » I’tT'j'' 1 ? '“ v '" ,u " • v"pun H,c wi,oi«, pH. 1, Wu ylt ii 'tiul«'Hf.. l iuf„ m„t. variation. Ibe wits Inn,. Ik in 1.100 bnl. s, tiimninip „|'#7» bales New ° li'i ns.iil tihH-li lUbi'ldiiCSlSl'i .HU bull . Upland, of w lilt'll ID lilt ill ! ,il, nil,| 2,8 b s lit 11-H';—2U bln Per. liliiiibiito, m u 51', mill ,i bis Uengul, nt HOC; the a hole '■ATII 'T" !, i's! I', 1 -' 18 I” i "have inno,,,It,-d to u. b “ ‘ 'l’ * 1 s 'ui", 1 2(1(111 I, , Krnii ,Sl,lt'll Jlsi ( 111, >t»i ib, wliidi ,|a IHI L. &. An' MJ) to i\6y. ft, 2.5 h 5.] j _ 6430) 4451st An* up so Nov (5, 14 I/O |:iht Slock ISov. G, 5 .’081 43ld*J ~ MA'’ON MARKET, DEC. i !&. Hiring llH‘Chri-!lin;«s hollidnyy, Klllo rolfon knS cr»itf into ninrki i, iiml link* isi xju itcd till n«\t week. 'I he prices coiitiiuir the *iiiiir ns luxl Wick—siiy tVom wag ons; tor all good Cotton* fro.uti lo 9 1-4—lntV iior q,ua»i tus IVoni 7 to 8 cent*. 1 " c may add as a favorable sign to the prlci t paKi in our market, Mint several load# bavebicii reccivut h%rc iiom C liaiiiDers I on lily Aoi., this .St io'oii, ■ -■■■>' ■'■ ■ '■ * ——l tVIAItIMHI), i On Tharnflay (ivpttin;? last, hy ®pjrt!ft f homtfu, I Esq. Mr. Mi in sun McL viitv, to Miss Oen iiiSt ta Fi.diii.'.vvk, nil id'tins place. Qj’AOI Ii I,,—An adj iiirnml meet ng of ilTc' /Vw Owner* in (lie ‘fust Presbyterian Church in Augusla,” ivill he lu'ltl mi Saturday next, 6lh inst, in (ho Charch at I! o'clock I’. M, The ohject of themeeting is, to cotisiila• a resolution which I‘U‘l upon the table a[ the hist meeting hi rehititHi In the purchase of an Organ fur the Church: — The Pews belonging to (ho Trust, will ho of fered lor Sale or li'em al the same time, anil will he disposed of to llie highe I hidder. No preference cun he given to former ner??s pants; unless they are willing to give as much lor their pews ns they vyil| hung at public ofltctT-- A meeting of (he Till sices, is requested lo Ire lyeld at the Lecture Room on Friday afiurnocyn at 3 o'clock, to elect a Chairman, Secretary ami I lenstner, Collector and Sexton—persons , 1 esi ing- lilt, liir, Inller ulliees, nip requested to in their applieullons in me, previous to the meet ing- WM. I*ol3, See’v Pro-ten. jan 3 -It 1 (Ej"jNO 1 I CM.— I'ho llonoruhle the Superior Court, lor Richmond County, will he adjourned froiis thi! Ist lo tjia Blh of January, ISdS. Ali Jurors, witnesses, and others inlciested, will please lake notice, Hy order I >ce 23 .IAM iIS McLA WB, Cltrfe. (J J’ A meeting id I In’ Richmond County utu illary Teni|ieranee Society will ho held in th'« Methodist Church on Wednesday evening neit ul T (t’f.lot'St, lo receive the Report of llio Corrt ntilfeo Appointed to confer wilii the Total Absti nence Society utt the subject of a union of lh« two Societies. jn» ‘I 1 A UGI JsTA 1! EA E \ DLL A I' SocIS 1V. J Committees appointed for the present month. CummiUce , Division ,V«. I.—Mr. F. H. Maul'/,, Mr. John Knight, Mrs. Nancy Jones,- Mro.- Thomas Cardnf.r. Committee., Uivhion J\'o. 2.—£>oct. t'aul Eve, Mr. M.M. Drown, Mrs. Elizabeth Colo, Mrs. Anna Maud Sloy. Committee , Division .Vo. ff.—Mr. Porter Meniing, Mr, Marlin Wilcox, Mrs. Hama \lc- Kinne, Mis, Ann llerryhill. All eases of siekness and distress please report to them. M. M. DROWN, yec'y Ar& term dee 22 fm ' 'Flic Constimiionalist will please Copy thi*. ilj' A ( AKIL—A report having gainrd eff- CHlulimi that I. had relnupiislieil rrry Frofessinnnl engagemehls, f take Ibis method Os correcting sueh a mistake, as my intention is; and alwuvs has been lo wait on oil Ladies an.? (ientlomnn who may require my services as an instructor pf Music on the I’iimo Forte and Cuilar. 'l’ernu per iphirlW. I’iano Fortes Tuned. W. If. OKCJIARt}; Application to he made at A. Ive,son’s .Musjc Store, No 247 Droad.street, dec f| 23^ Tj - Taken Irom if House near the PoAt Office a double case Cold Patent Lever WA’I’CR, wUh chased edges—maker’s name, J{ohl. Koskell, I, i, verpool—number 25,800. A liberal reward will be given lo the person that will return it to trr* olViee. Watchmakers and others are requester! to stop it should it ho otic*rod for salo. November 11 if 207 •I. 11. MIFFM \ , I’orlrait l'(iini**r; IP lj' I I.lj\ mvifr.s liin Iriuitiln ami tho **- publico I A iigiiHln, lo cull nod Hprrirnorirf ol 1 1 in ml, ill Ids ji,Timing room over tlir» more <jf Wcs.srs Trirc arid A/idlrry ; an I d<\sir<vs f.hooe wim ui. li liin [irufimiimul wrvi'rcH in ripply irt orrro, tui bis#lay in AugiiNfii v\ill Lc hborf. j .ii .'J - -tvvOl—l BSooSi :üb(3 Joss ! n cisi 11 f 0 ' II l'< subscriber emu hues the Priming Hnsmese; 6 on ( iiniplioll-slreet, lint dour Irom Alessr.. l/i'Ki'ii"i(' A liemioi li's corner, imil opposite Alii- J r's Law (rllir.e, vrliorp Vlnil mat Oftlnm.ciiltfl Drintine of every deseriplioo, will ho executed with t rra 10, aiciiriiey and ilesprileb, and on moderalo liTmn lor eruh—sueh as Hooks and Pamphlets, ( arils and Ijri'iilni's, Cheeks and I aln lug lies, Vhlib and Draft., I.nvv (Hanks, l otion Receipts, Wngon Keeript. - Hand and Miutv If'li, Dills u. Lulling, l.arVels' Sic. Are. (fee. ’ LA W DLANKS. lie would respectfully invite die attention of At loriieys and pnhlic b'|l-»rs lo (,;« slock t’f l.gvr lilanl.s. 7'be variety A b'cbcvi A r.r he greater i /frrff •an bo fiinml al any oilier eslnblislimriil in thn Stntn Hla/iks also primed m order, at the sli'j'rtCrt rfo iee. He invites a eunliimaneo of the patromign of liin riends.-Tbo qnnlily and variety of his material, ireeipinl to „„v p, the eily;—uml fioni the long irnelicul expericnp'e oI Ihe snhseriher nr the pro ession, be believes bo will ho able hr pleura his eiw oioers. //o relinos his sincere th inks for past fn <('« HEN.IAMLN BRANTLV. Augusta, .lan. 1, 1834—lit—| I As« iiSookn, .UMT MKI'KIVKI) A Nil 10U SALE >1 T JiJCHAKDy & NT (J V. J llli works id Jom-pli Addition, roinploto in * volh. ii lin icing iho vnliolo cri iht “‘SrcntAtor,** fee new edition /'ecolleeliuns n's u - w -:iillieni’ Matrn'li, hy Cj|roline hlliimi, mil lor ol ■ ol a New Kiy ;lnl id lloiie’.eeper." J lie works ol (,liarb s l.rimb to which are prefir llis Iji'il( i>; and tvkelr Ik sol his Fife, hy Thoiinfix Voon 1 ijjluiiTd, one of Ids Fwrulors. Fovr 1 oken lor children, drsune-I f(rr Sirrrday 'eliool l.ilinines, by ihe anlliorof Hie •‘’Fin woods,” Live and Let Five, ’"Poor Rich .l/un,” Cfec As. Jan 3 ] Ilf. nfulei'.dgiied iiooig lor.’neij a Coparlorf.' 1 slop in lie, FAC I OU\OK and C(>.W.MI?i -•IO.M R( S, \ I :ss in Ibis eily, nnd r the (inn of 'iniih and .Malone, respcelfnllv oIR r their services othe public. JIOIiXCE- SMITH, RUHFKT Al A LONE. Savannah, Dee. 8(5, 1437. j3;tvv .\«|j((‘. E HE undersigned ran he found at all timea nt *- Ibe store m Isaac Jluiso, lor the purpose of ottling the business of .Mm, » A Colwn Jan 3 Ot i JUHN J COIIEK.