Chronicle & sentinel. (Augusta, Geo.) 1838-1838, January 04, 1838, Image 2

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MyWMBWMIU ■* IWWSTrVVUVr .TvnwrjmHi f.'"i»n nir ati.ii. MR. CLAY AND TUP, ABOLITIONISTS. I know not that I sxcr had my indignation more highly excited than il was upon rending the report of Mr. Clay’# conduct in relation to the ahnli'ion petitions. Ido lint believe that 'he Bntilh hat a more decided, or h more dangerous enemy in Congress than this man. I ahould judge from hi* deporlinenl, h r twenty year* pait, that tin liigbeet aim, i*. lo promote seclion nl diffeisnees, in or. leu that he mny have the honor of allaying timai. I ahould have the more reaped for him, il in engendering atrife he would occasionally change vide*. Not ao, how ever, with him. lln i« always on the aide of the eppreaaor, until he finda (he oppressed will en dure no longer, and then he, take* a wonderful yearning for the Union, atepa *th hetween the contending panic*, compromise* the matter, and then walks off with the honor of having aavod the Union. Just *>i',d lie in re hit ion to the tariff; and just ao i* ha doing in lelaljon to thoalavu queation. lie riaea in Ins place In the Senate, and very gravely demand* of Northern anil K.iihin inomhera, whether the petitioning ap tit ol the uholitioniata was nut greatly on the , ilicreuae, whether it Was not confined exclusive. I ly to the District ol I oiluinli; i. un i whether the j increase was not uae;(liable, in eonie fneaaoic, lo the manner in which then' petition* had hem tientcd hy tho hist ( onyi'rss. Mo i* levpxindi t ■ loin llie airinimlivo of course; and then he cun clutlca ll at emigre** niu*l he noire respectful lo theao pelinon* or they will multiply until they •r.dangcr tln> Union, and tharefoie, to restore peace and preservo tho I nion, he propose* In make them a purl of the regular htn.iness of con gross, and lo hand them over to the standing committee of the District of Columbia, Now 1 , put It lo the candor of every holiest uhotili oni st , - (1 will not any toui/ivtn) whether such conduct t is not calculated lo diivo tho people of the south | to desperation? The witnesses invoked against u* are the servants, the auxiliaries, mid abettors 1 of our persecutors—the testimony, was lo mat ter* with which every school hoy in tho eountiy ! wa« familiar, and the conclusion, the most ex- I Iravagantf Unnatural and preposterous that ever wo* deduced from premises, hy a* man of corn- I •non sense. Reader, look at tho altitude of Mr. Clay at this lima, in connexion with the history of abolitionism for the three past years. Tho Abolitionists hnvu not held their meetings in a teloacl. J'hey have made no secret el their aim, or of their principles. They aim at universal emancipation, nod I hoy do il from u sense of re ligioua duty. This is the honest truth , C the matter; and nothing that congress has done, nr 1 cun do, can attest their increase or puralizo their ' efforts. Have they net avowed nt nil times and j in all places that they mean lo drive slavery | from the United States? Have they not flooded j the southern •tales with their papers and their | pamphlets? Can you pick up a school hook ( without seeing their disorganizing ptincipleg in one form or another insidiously winked up in jt? | 1* not the slavery of the south the theme ol their j ceaseless obloquy, satire, anil invective? Did they not rommenco their operations hv tin at tack of the institution of which Mr. Clay is the head and boast—the Union!/..itjnn society* he- t cause that soeiely was for transporting the slave loa land id freedom, while they were tin eOmnei pating hiniJin the land of h.s liitth? Do they not ; tell U* that Texas shall not coma into the un ton because I'c.ras tolerates slttvci r/. —That no i territory should he admitted into the union us a j alate Iml mi condition nf its abolishing slavery ; within it* limits? Are they not carrying their i restriction* into all the churches, and insulting 1 the layman and the Christian slave-holder every where? And with all these laets staling him in tlie face, will Mr. (.’lay gel up in the Senate and a»k whether these iiiecndiuiiea aim at any thing more than the abolition of slavery in the District Columbia? And whether their increase is not owing to the discourtesy nf Congress! Now. if Mi. Clay wisbc: tojoin this hopeful gang, whv Jet him do il; but their j* no necessity for his pretending to he an ediot, us an apology for lit* Joining them. How very conclusive low was the testimony upon which he made up his mind to yield to their demands! Three or four members from tho I,astern states and one from New Jor- j *ey, answer his question* in (taking special cure, by the way, to skip the see- ' ond) and this is oviden e so satisfactory lo Mr. 1 Clay's mind that he forthwith espouses tho • cause es tho abolitionists. Tray what could ■ these three or four witnesses know nf the matter [ more than he know himself! Were they let into the secret motives o( the petitioners, even from their own stales! And what the motives nr influence of the petitioners from those .‘tales, compared with the whole number! About half the petitioner! are women, and Mr. Olay on qulrera of the Northern son alms whether these ladies, or some ol them, have not been prompted to their course by ti e belief that the last Con- S’i'eti had jnteifcrod w ith a high constitutional right—the tight nf petition? For these ladies certain senators undertake to answer, and Mr. Cloy is perfectly satisfied. Wto believes that these women tver thought about the constitu tional right of pe t ton! Every body knows why the abolitionists havo increased. In their war upon the south, they pul nothing at hazard but llie I nion; and they believe, and with some reason, that the Bmilhmt Buies cannot ho goaded or kicked out oi tire Union.— ll is our peace that is disturbed, our pro petty that is to he sactiftcid, one throats that are lo he cut. One may well he chat liable w hen he gives from another’s purse. Hut llie great cause of their increase is, the congeniality of thei r sentiments, with die prevailing opinions ol man kind, itt the present age. I* il moruelous that .Imericant should he zealous champions of lib erty ? Who rejoices more than the Suiilhfrn people, at the overthrow of despotism in all quarters of the globe ? Hut wo never think of enler.og lh« dominions of the despot for the pur pose of reforming his government, or exciting his subjects to revolt—much loss do we think ol he.. Reaching a stronger power, in violation of solemn treaties or compacts, to usurp his authority, nod proclaim freedom to his vassals Here ts the damning sin of the aboliiioijists. Their princi pies are good enough ; (an 1 henn their rapid diffusion,) liul lo put throe prineij Its in practice, they arc violating engagement* cemented will, the lilond of their fathers, encouraging nsurpation. slirring' up civil war, invading plicate iioh(s, in termeddling with foreign governments, and cov ering their designs with hypocrisy and falsehood. They are therefore, not unaptly termed fanatic*■ The truth is not in them, when they nay that their aims emend no farlho - than the District of j Columbia, and that their zest has been fired hy | (he conduct of Congress towards them: end all : this Mr. Clay very well knows. In view of all 1 these things, I venture to predict, that their la' hors will end in their own ruin, not ours. I esn find nowhere within the lids of the hilde, where curses are denounced upon the slave holder; on the, contrary, I find there, much lo encourage him if ho fai*hfully perform the duller of a master, hut I find the sacred volnn.n replete with die heaviest denunciations against opposers of the powers that he, authors of strife and sedition, hypocrites, revilers, slanderers, and all the cata. login- of sins width (ho abolitionists arc commil j ting, in order to accomplish their benevolent pur poses. Mr flay having selected his witnesses, ami , put the answers which he wi-hed, into their i mouths, l.y the form of li la ipjesti uis, concludes | ' that the licet way lo pre -rve peace, is to bring , t .‘ongress to the terms o( the ale htioni* is. \V hen ■•o is told, (hut it will never do lo yield one inch to these, despctadoea, because f very concession will only encourage them lo new exactions—he replies —"if you do not yield, their numbers will bo increased. 1 ' When be is told that they have no light lo annoy Congress with such petitions as these : he replies—“hut r/icy think they have a right, and they will become more desperate and unyio ding, if Congress docs not treat their opin- | mns with becalming respect 1” When he is told 1 that the whole Wou h thinks dillcreirlly : lie re i plies—"l do not go for any particular section o 1 j the country, hut for the whole country.” V\ hen he ia told, that the Houlhern States will secede from the Union, if this ceaseless war upon their Conslilulional rights, he pushed much farther: he replies—"l wi ll we had a rule id the Senate, | that made it penal in tiny member, to speak of disunion.” And when he is asked what he prom ises the country, from indulging these modern \ j crusaders i he says—“that he will thereby sepa. j rule the abolitionists, (rum the mere champions 1 ol the right of petition,”—that is, ho will hav e j j ihe satisfaction ol knowing the sheep from the 1 1 goals; and the country will have ail the security which is to ho derived from tins knowledge. Now how this logic hills upon the car of others, I do not know ; but it sends boiling through my veins every drop of my Southern blood. I’tuy, what claims have the abolitionists to his special re gards ! In Cod’s name, will not Mr. Clay go for a section, when ho sees a regular, systematic, tin disguised attack, upon the property and the Con- i slituiionnl rights ol that section I Are all the distinctions of right and wrong, guilt and inno cence, to be lost sight of in view of the Union 1 ... ! Is this a conflict, ill which meekness, forbearance ♦ I patience, and submission, arc becoming virtues .in the Botith I Asking nothing but peace, dis. nulling nobody, defending nothing hut our nc. I know lodged rights, and with every tiling that we | J hold dear, periled by a blind and reckless fanali- | cism, arc we to ho insulted with strictures upon . sectional attachments, and lectures upon love the Union'! I can conceive of nothing better calcu lated lo enkindle burning indignation in tho ; breast of u high minded, honorable man, than tho I conduct of Mr. Clay in this matter. It is precise, | 1 ly like that of the man who gives the lash lo his unoffending brother, and with every blow ex claims, “Do not ho angry, do not talk of resist- 1 anco, or I shall become more uncompromising— i j teiuerabcr too, that wo aro brothers, and should 1 cling together with fraternal alTeetion—talk not of your individual pains ; think of the whole fain- { ily ; all the members of which, who reside in ray | habitation, think I have a right lo flog you, and I will unite with me in chastising you, if you dis- I pule this tight.” Beautiful doctiinc this to come i from one of the first men in the nation. Hut, Mr. Clay thinks, a calm and temperate report of a committee, w ".rid appease tho nboli | ironists. So Mr. Pinckney thought; and he gave j them a culm and temperate report; and the eon ! sequence has boon, that they have doubled in : number, and quadrupled in insolence, lint who cares, whether they are appeased or not ! who that Ima a spark of spiiit would yield the thou■ i | sundlh part of an inch lo appease them! By tak ing a hold and decided stand against them at once, !we may, at least, save our character; for they are never lo be appeased. I would thcrelorc, imme diately mark out the line to which I would per" m l them to come—and I would do nothing - to i repel them (torn it, or to encourage them to it. I would sav, that tho moment slavery was abolish ed in the District of Columbia, 1 would dissolve the Union; and having formed my resolution, 1 would calmly wait the hour for putting it in execution. .Something of this kind the tSoulh must do, and that ijuickly or she is inevita bly ruined. If the people of tho North knew ; the utmost limit of our forbearance, they would he extremely cautious in approaching it. If tho people of the South knew it, they would be prepared lo move in one body as soon as was approached. But as things are progressing a dissolution ol the I nion is inevita ble ; and it is to come under circumstances alto gether prejudicial to the South, lire. Noith knows our love of the Union, and she counts i largely upon our weakness, and our loars; with every concession therefore she will he encoura ged to demand more until at last one and anolh i or stale will break off, amidst disputes and wrang ling about their temerity, and all will be disorder j | and confusion. Let the Southern States then j 1 declare through their primary or legislative as sembles, or both, (hat they will quit the Union, ; the%ntnenl that slavery is abolished in the Dis trict of Columbia, and then let the Southern del egates in Congress be silent in regard to the aboli tion petitions : If any thing tan save the Union ibis will. But if tho Southern people do nor wish to court their own distraction, let them throw off their apathy, arid begin to bestir them selves in their own defence. SOITIIKON j I < MM ' -.-.ur'-n’i " | if«igi CITRoSriCLH AND SK.Tfl\Kf‘. itFewr/M Thursday Morning <1 an \. Our Weekly subscribers Till matter jin their paper thin week than usual This is ow inn m ihe’bis* of three <?hv« in the romornl of our offline. They will «»ill, however, have ns much i as is generally given in most of tin Weekly pa. ! pers of the Shale. liy the Express Mail this morning we received but two slips Ironi the North and two fro n the South. Nothing of great interest was to be found in cither. The resolutions of Mr, Calhoun introduced in to the IJ. H. Senate a few days since,will be found in this mornings paper. Willi the positions laid down in these resolution* wo agree, general ly—perhaps there is not one to which we dis- Mill; hut we still doubt that any pi dual good can lie obtained by their introduction and discus sion. If we remember right, they fa’, forth pret ty much the same doctrines as Were maintained ; in Mr. Pincknfy’s Report and resolutions, and yet , we see that the adoption of the lattur lias dune j hut little good in putting down the i.lioluionists , lly the introduction of these Mr. Calhoun at once throws wide open, the door to thu discussion of slavery in the nbs! not; and lie has so intermingled political theories vit'.i dcclar. ; aiions of eur domestic rights, that i we ver cor rect he may he in both, yet they cann I fail to ex cite unprofitable and angev discus.i in, upon a subject which ought not to be cliac’i o< l (it nil. Mr. Morris of Ohio, has introduce! a counter i set ol rcsolul'ons, maintaining tho richt of Con ; gross to abolish Slavery in the District of Colum -1 bia and thu Territories, mid intends 11 call them I tip whenever Mr. Calhoun’s arc taken up. Thus the whole question is opened, and wc arc confi j dent no good can conic of it. Congress might j just as we!) discuss the memorials of the aboli tionists, ns to discuss resolutions which open the name field for debate, which tho tmmu'dals them selves would open. Wo shall publish Mr. Mor ris’s resolutions as soon as received, Tnr. Huxkrlt Cask. — The- Standard of Union of the 2d in-1. says, that this case •which. \ has produced so much excitement in the couiry of Jones, for more than a twelvemonth peat, was ] decided last week, by tbo Superior Court, in the conviction of (lie person representing himself to be Uiinkley, upon mi indictment for cheating and swindling, who has been sentenced to hard luboi in the Penitentiary for five years. 1 lie claimed under the name of Jesse L. Dunk- Icy, a large estate in Julies county; was immedi j ately recognized as an imposter—indicted as j Elijah Earlier, and fully identified as such, by many citizens of Gwinnett county, where he had I resided for a number of years. [Wc should like to see this imposter, if impos l ler ho ho. Wc were at College with Jesse L. j Hunkley, and think wo would recollect him well enough to recognize him. Wo have soon more than one of our old College-mutes who have ; conversed with Durbar, os he is proven hi be, who i believe him to be the genuine Jesse I, Hunkley. It is a curious ulluir, take it all in all,. Tho i Federal Union promises to publish the testimony in the, ease, which will no doubt he highly inter esting'] — Ed. Citron. & Sent. SEMINOLE INDIANS. The Charleston Mercury of yesterday morning says: “The Steamer Poinsett, Oapt. Stratton, arri ; ved nt this port on Monday last, from St. Angus live, having on hoard the following Chiefs) —Mi. I canopy, Osceola, Cloud, King Philip, Ooahajo, lit! Warriors, 8” Women and Children—all of which were landed at Sullivan's Island, and con ' fined in Fort Moultrie. The same paper says:—An Extract of a letter received in this city from St. Augustine, without dale, says that a skirmish had taken place at Char, lotto’s llarlior, between a parly of Indian* and 8 officers of the 2d Regt. Dragoons, and 30 men, in which, (i Indians were killed and 9 taken pris oners. One of tho officers was dangerously wounded. The Secretary of the Navy says, their is a lav nor Naval Force now in cimmission Ilian wo | 1 ° have'had at any time since tho late war with Great Britain. The number of Captains in the Navy now amounts to fifty, <>l Commodores fifty, ■ Lieutenants two hundred and eighty, Surgeons, fifty, and Assistant Surgeons sixty—a larger num her of the latter is still required. The proposed improvements in the Navy Yard j | at Pensacola are entrusted by the Navy Depart- | 1 mem to Col. Totten, by whom we trust. the tc- j quisite duties will besalislacto i y performed. From the Southern Whig. GEORGIA KAIL KOAjj. Permit mo through your paper, t 0 make the following facts known, in relation l 0 ibis enter- : prise; j The Road is now finished, and in success.ul operation tor more than 50 miles Ito:n Augusta; with a travel of more than fifty passengsm per day. Mr. Hiram Wilson, with a spirit of accommo dation which docs him great credit, has four horse post coaches from the head of tho Rail Road to Athens and Gainesville, by the way of \V ashing ton; and another line by the way of Gieensbo rougb, Dr. Poullain’s bridge, Watkinsville, and to Athens ; so that thcio is now a daily lino j from Athens to intersect tho Rail Road. Tho i Rail Road will also afi'ord great facility to travel ' lers on horse back, or in private carriages, by i travelling in this way, until they intersect the 1 Ran Road. lh.’v can leave their horses at the,, I head of the Road and have them well kept until tlicif return, The common road from the up- I country through Crawfordville, is generally very | level and firm. Travellers by this ionic, will | save labor and expense and gam lime, with the I pleasure of a ride on the best Road in evety re- | j sped, In the Fulled Slates. I The Kail Road is daily progressing, and will i bo entirely completed to Crawlurdvilie, in li:iie 1 I more than a month. I also learn, that considerable quantities of 1 Colton ate lei' at the bead of tho Road and at ; j Warrenton, to be forwarded by the Kail Rond to i Augusta; and wc arc glad to know that agents! j are prompt and ready to attend to (be receiving and forwarding by this speedy conveyance. The public arc apprised that 8500 shares of this slock will be * tiered for sale on Tuesday, ( 9t* January. I will only state, two more facts: | Those who purchase them will have the Rea l ’■ j help the Bank to g,ve them dividends, The oili er \. that llie original Stockholders have had pi id lo them, in tlio shape ol dividends, 8 per cent, per annum on their whole investment in this enterprise ; and of com he, come to the conclusion that m>w is the time to invest. e vr, THVV KNOWS Appor VTMUXTS KT TIM' (iOTF.H Non. —Tho. li. Htuhba, I’, V, De.l.iunev, and Tiros. Foard, Directors of Ihe Central Dank. Thus. \V, Alexander, principal keeper of the Penitentiary. B A. White, Charles J. Payne, Em mor Diiles. Inspectors of the Penitentiary. Dr. Thomas f. Greene, Physician to the Pen itcnliary. Jacob T. Choate, Bonj F. Denso, Jesse Joiner, A. 11. McNeil, Assistant keepers of the Penitcn j liary. Isaac T. Cushing, sen. Military storekeeper at Milled i»eville. F. M. Stone, Military storekeeper, Havanrtah. Anthony Newsom, capt. Slate Hou»e Goard. From lit* Charleston Mercury, Jan. I, FROM FLORIDA. 'I he steamer Charleston, Capt. Hehhard, arriv ed yesterday front Bake Monroe. Wo are in debted to Gapt. 11. for the (Allowing information: Gen. Jeaup was at Bake Harney on the 25th : ult. The steamer Ockmulgee, Capt. Blanken ship, left Savannah for St. Augustine, on Thurs day last, lor the purpose of transporting the In- j than Chiefs, now confined at that place, to ca-lle 1 Pinckney, in this harhpr. \\ c copy the billowing intelligence from the tit, Augustine Herald, of tite 23 I ul*. received !»y yesterday’s mail: — i he pros peels ot the close ot the Seminole war «rc dim and gloomy. The army moved from Fort Mellon oil Saturday las., and advanced ten mi’es, when it was interrupted hy a hammock eight miles wide, through which a roi . v.had lo bo | cut. The main body of Indians is Vaid to ho about 75 miles south of Fort Mellon, ami-making their way South. \ Orders have been received from Gen. As sup, we understand, for the rent aval oi all the now in the- Fort to Charleston. We have been informed that when the order was eommuiihated to them it was received with a very had gran, 050 Alabama volunteers crossed the St. JuhAa river at Picolata yesterday. They will proceed immediately to the souih, scorning the country’, thoroughly on their route. \ Trie Sell. Agues, Houston went ashore on the\ north breaker ot Mosquito 8.0 on Wednesday 1 I last. It is doubtful whether ,1 e can he got off. iMre had knocked off her false keel and lost both I anchors, and lies at the mercy of the winds and WU vcii, Iffß CABHOUNhs REsoi UTIONB. Unsolved, 'J’hat in the ndoption of the Fedcr' al Coiislilution, t l.e States adopting the same, ac led severally, as free, independent, and sovereign Suites : and that each, for itself, hy its own volun tary assent, enterul the Union with the view to its increased security against all dangers, demes ne as well as foreign, and the more | c. sect and se cure enjoy muni of Its advantages, n ilurnl, p diti cal and social. Unsolved, That in delegating a portion of their powers, lo he exercised hy the Federal Govern ment, the States retained, severally, the exclusive and soluright over their own domestic instilu lions and police, and are alone responsible for them, and that any intermeddling of any one or more Slates, or a combination of their citizens, with the domestic institutions and police of the others, on any ground, or under any pretext what ever, political moral, or religious, with the view to their alteration, or subversion, hi an assump tion of superiority not warranted hy the Co isli lutton, insulting to the Slates interfered with, eli ding to endanger their domestic pence mid iqny. quilily; subversive of tbe objects for which the Constitution wa; formed, and hy necessary con sequence, tending to weaken and destroy tbe Union itself. He so tv ml. That this Government was institu ted and adopted hy the several Stales of this Union ns a common agent, in order lo carry into effect the powers which they had delegated hy the Constitution for their mutual security and prosperity; and that, in fulfilment of this high and sacred trust, this Government is bound so lo exercise its powers as to give, ns far ns may he practicable, increased stability and security to the domestic institutions of the States that compose the Union; and that it is the s Icinn duty of the Government to resist all attempts hy one portion ; of the Union l« use it as an instrument lo attack the domestic institutions of another, or to weaken or destroy such institutions, instead of strength ening and upholding them, as it is in duly bound to do. /iesolvcrl, That domestic slavery, as it exists in the Southern and Western Stales of this j Union, composes an important part of their do j inestic institutions, inherited from their ancestors, | and existing ul the adoption of the Constitution hy which it is recognised as constituting an es -1 scnlial element in the distribution of its powers ] among the States, and that no change of opinion, or feeling, on lire part of the other Slates of the I Union in relation to it, can justify them or their citizens in open and systoma ic attacks thereon, j with the view lo its overthrow; and that all such attacks are in manifest violation of tile mutual ; and solemn pledge lo protect and defend each j other, given hy trio Stales, respectively, mienler | iug into the Constitutional compact, wbfkh form ed the Union, and as such is a manifest breach of faith, and a violation of the most solemn obliga tions, moral and religious. Resolved, That the intermeddling of any State or Slates, or their citizens, to abolish slave- I ry in this District, or any of the Territories, on I the ground,or under the pretext, that it is inf. | moral or sinful, or the passage of any actor meas ure of Congress, with that view, would lie a direct and dangerous attack on the institutions of all the Slave-holding Slates. Resolved, That the union of these States rests I on an equality of rights and advantages among its members; and lliat whatever destroys that ! equality tends to destroy the Union itseli; and that ii is the solemn daty of all, and more especi ally of this body, which represents the Slates in their corporate capacity to resist all attempts lo discriminate between the Slates in extending the benefits of the Government to the several portions ! of the union; and that to refuse to extend to the Southern and W'eslern States any advantage which would tend to strengthen, or render them more secure, or increase their limits or population i by the annexation of new territory or S : lies, on the. assumption or under the pretext that tho institution of slavery, ns it exists among them , is immoral or sinful or otherwise obnoxious, would ho contrary to that equality of rights and advantages which the Constitution was intended sto secure alike to all the members of the Union, and would, in effect, dialranchise, the slaveholding Stales, withholding from them the advantages, ■ while il subjected them to the burthens, of the | Government From the N. O. Courier Dcc'l'J. B.vTKsr fiiom Tr.x vs.— By the fast running steam packet Columbia, Captain Wright, from Galveston, we have the Houston Telegraph of rhe 1 litli instant. A treaty of peace had been concluded between I ;ho Tonkowas Indians arid the Texians. A battle had been fought near the head waters ot .ho Trinity, between a parly of eighteen ran gers under the command of Lieutenants Van Uenlhuysen and Miles and about 150 Indians. Tho rangers alter a desperate light wore compel), ed to retreat. ! The Legislature ofTcxas have passed an act for the purchase of the steam ship Pulaski for the Nasy. Shecairka twelve eighteen pounders and 1 live hundred men. 'J he death of Lieutenant A. H. Miles, f irmedy of Richmond Va., is announced in the Houston i Telegraph. I < exaa continues healthy, prosperous and hap- i f»y, because “great glorious and free.” * i t Latkst from Matamohas.—We learn trom . Captain Wolf, of the schr Lodi, from Mat arnoras, | whence »ho sailed on the 19th instant, that no troops had been sent against Texas; that u body , of one thousand troops had left that place, for the i j purpose of cherking the depredations committed by the Camanchoaon the inhabitants, either by ) killing llt-tn, or robbing them of their horses sod , cattle. Only eight hundred soldiers remained in ■ Mat arnoras. Nothing bad transpired in regard to the schoon- ; er Liheity, The probability is that the vessel, j pas-engers, ar;<] arc lust. TheOamancha, with $150,000 specie, for our merchants, said in company with the Lodi, and may hourly he looked for. Suicide—A watchmaker, of the name ofll. Mignon, a native of Lyons, in France, cammitted j ‘ suicide, this morning, by shooting !l ; ll nself. The ' cause which led to this act is said to be of a p e . | ettniary nature. A writ it appears, Bad liccnissu- [ ' etl to j til him litis morning, and rather than suller I • | this, he perpetrated the rash deed. What a commentary upon the law, which im- prisons a man because of his misfortunes, and do. * privßg him of all chance of retrieving his losses, making him, indeed, a bankrupt even in hope! | 1 I ito deceased is rc-ti; c-cincd to have been an in dustrious man. Ih.or fellow, for hi- rpt'nph there might truly ho written— “My debts arc paid and I am at rest!’, a Fr'tn the N. V. Daily Express, Dec 30. c MONEY MARKET-CITY NEWS. ' Friday, P. M. Tiro course most of the Banks are taking will tie n ive the country of any circulating medium. I Hardly a Bank iu the city will pay out its own hills, hut iu most ca-cs certify checks. The Stale Bank pay checks in Commercial Hank of Btiilalo hills, which arc not received by the Bank of America at till. The whole currency of „ lire city is in hills of die New England Banks, d ot:d throughout the Stale it is pretty much the same. If the Banks at the East had adopted the course our Banks have, of getting in their notes . levcry man now in the community that is in debt i Vvould have of necessity to break. In the p EVcsent condition of the city Banks, it is of no t \\nseqtiencc whether they pay tpecie for their |V-(eA ur ml, llreie are so few of their hills in cir- - I \ l ,'t|oAi that it would lie no relief to the public. I tfhen they pay their deposiles in specie, then i 'V-' *fio will he benefited, inasmuch as the ( , EaAVmnks as well as our own can commence f 'J 1(; 'J he Eastern Bunks have mil lion ■ deposits litre, which they rely onto rl| cetM|, ■roles, anil which if they are to he de piivcMt' ltli,. hour of need, will be a prodigious hards®'* * i Bulk of Maryland 1 a ; declared a tlividenl Ithrce and a ball per cent for the last six moniol lynlhe N. 1. Com. Ailv, Dec. 30. f't’itci rY~American gold, 3 a 3J premium; ,* hall dollar), 3 a 3A do; five franc ]iicces, 97 cents asked. Tueasu iy Notes,—} a ‘ discount; sales of $5,500 at the latter rate. The WhtXtof Illinois arc determined to - [mat the worlTl in celebrating the New York 0 victory. On ascertain night m January, they ° are to sot the Prairie on fire—a tract 800 miles .♦vvVyl 90 wide. The flames ate to he kindl"Jp*Wt at both extremi- . ■I 1 . y.-vad..‘! •. iP.olin; Jt will lie the most jrlori <us Maze ever lit ■ tvin honor of the Goddess 6 of Liberty. —[jnuf 'llr Journal. Jt is an actual tH i j;Ji remarkable fact, that •be Van Cincinnati, at the Inst ba’l election, anminteii themselves for sale at the head of their tri.-ito.l tickets and named t , their price. They bath'd their tickets—“ Pork j leu '■ents a pound Tyi', Now that Mr pen’s own State, county, and town, #~fli cast him off. we ; think he might lihFnFa title from one of Bui- j wev’s novels and (■allYmull “The Disown- o ED.” —III ' p r-Vt:r»erAyrv.w^ (|l ||i |'H f <HH|I Ifljl A bask SteTORT, p ——4 * () State of the Georgia Rail Road & Banking Com. t< patty s Branch U Aujusta, on Wednesday Sl 3rd January,lB3L Amount of property Tamed by . this Bank, viz: I Promissory Notes, [hi of Ex change. Uoi-1 Esjh, Sir 551,125 07 ' ■ Balances due by ot» hunks mid agents, K 101,262 20 1!) Specie in vaults, ■ 141,372 15 : 1 Notes of other (-2,965 20-1,337 15 | J Total amount owtllry litis branch, $850,721 12 j'' Arnmmtdue by thisttitk, lr • viz; 10 persons hnWig its notes being amt iirfleiilaijon, 28(3,310 a Balances dire to othoimnks, 9,7)7 23 i 11 Due to Depositors, , 42,700 01 ” Total amount duoiy this Bank, 338,757 24 Il i ’ Surplus owned by thifihnk 1 alter paying all itrtftlila Undivided prolits, viz : j’ 1 Discounts 1 11,257 55 Income from Bail Roatjf <).To.) 62-20,367 18 i ls Capitol stock, ! 500,001) 00 j ll 1 \ 859,742 42 | (j’ JW. WILDE, Cashier. j" Maiinc " ( - ~~ i n r ~ sr r ril AUUvSTO\, d on Saturday, New ’ ship UoclitsttT, Cvvt ns, H»f Me.; brig: iViolus, Day, t Salem; schrs Sophia,U nusiii Norfolk; Pheobe Mar -1 caret, Letds, Richmond, V c . r * Cleared, ships Georgians, -own, Antwerp; Superb, *U Gotchell, Liverpool; line ler A ervanles, 5 Kendrick, «h 1 ' Rostou; sic polan e Sun Jose, jol. Havana; schr Mary ca *. p tt.m, Smith I’hiiadelphia; and Frauieis; Mi., ctcs, M. Augustine. J . n U ent to st-a on Saturday; nil Icnbelln, Luk hart, 1 s Nassau, N. P.; Medium : t s T ey. Smyrna; U S ru v venue cult »r Chniuph ‘1 • ' 1 i Wait to 8 a yesterday.shi \ ( 1 «>' l or, -f.vannah; J lines ship ervant s, ship Perry, g l Hamilton, New Vo.k : s!up kausas. I.dmons, bf. S Thomas; Hr schr Thos !3n> ■huwe.ara. m-Ih* Ava- j ni lanche Moore, Baltimore; steam North Carolina, p( ; i HeyuulcU. Wiliu npton* \ Jan. 3.-Arr on Monday, ship T«nUezu:ai, Smith, i ' Liverpool; Jlr ship I ndy H '"' do.: but? Johu 7 G. Ca houn; Havan ; bnc: ” .Matwizasi brig Arabia... Gimlm Orums: -«l.m. I 1 Charlv*, Hkh, Bangor. (\le-i '-.vlipslM Iw.ct- u.L. t.; sa in*. \ tslerda', schr- 1 1 xa*. M. .%■»». t »t. .id : „! 1 steam pic-kit Wrn. B.a--. ow Sa-uiy.iii ; p. , stennit-r Augusta, Wiik., Agl? 1 "- -, J, , Cfil.Krbarqu-La Cl Hall.iT Ilatrep. chr ’ ’ t a»p an, Swaaty, st. Aug'-snc. \ ■ . > Went t s- a on Monday. ■* ' s Comuty,rm. WV n. ca : Liverpool; rioi-tue-e, It. 1 1 -■ H “re; sir LtilCj quell , Wingood Imli - u')g Ka.ii.1,.1 - t;iu.; sehrs. B -aufoit, Philips, s' mnali; Kfruira liog t , I Turner, do. It f MAISI#!D. je; 1 ' On Tuesday morni- last, by the Rev vt. lit ' Barry, Mr. Atcinr. L. 8.0me.01 Mobile, to Mil Sahaii A. Anukuson, i . hi-e-;i_v. \ (L/’ A meeting of the lifhmoud County aox ’ iharv Temperance Socii) M ill be held in the . | Meliiodi-t Church on W -Jnesday evening next \ * 1 at 7 o’clock, Jo receive llviße’l'ori of the Com ' 1 mitleo appointed to cotif "Jih the Total Ab.-ti- , n nonce Society on the sc f t °f a union of the L, j two Societie’s. It: J J4»3 11 II rj - -, 01 ILL. .An mcct’mj as the I’evj Uwnem in the ‘ first Presbyterian Church in Augusta,” will be held on Saturday next, Gilr inst, j in the Church at 3 o'clock P. M. The object of thcmeeling is, to consider a resolution which was Itiiil upon the table at the last meeting in relation 1 ‘to thejarchate of an Organ for the Church: The Pows belonging to the Trust, will be of lered lor Sale or Jleut at the same time, and will be disposed of to the higho t bidder. No preference ran be given to former occu pants; unless they are willing to give as much i lor their pews ns they will bring ai public outcry- A meeting of the Trustees, is requested to be held at the Lecture Hoorn on Friday afternoon at .J o clock, to elect a Chairman, ctecrelary and i reasurer, (.olleclor and Sexton—persons Josh- ing the 100 latter ■ ffiecs. ate requested to hand \ in their applications to me, previous to the meet- j ing- WM, POE, Sec’y Pro-tern ' 3 4t ~1 1 ~AUQUSTA BENEVOLENT'SOCIETY.' * I Committees appointed for the present month. i Committee, Division JVo. I.—Mr. P. H. | Manlz, Mr. John Knight, Mrs. Nancy Junes, Mrs. - Thomas Gardner. . M Committee, Division 2.—Doc!. Paul F. I Lve, Mr. M. M. Brown, As.-s. Elizabeth Cole, I | Mrs. Anna Mand Stoy. I Committee, Division .V«. 3.—Mr. Porter Fleming, Mr. Marlin Wilcox, Mrs. Barna Me I Kmne, Mis. Ann Berryhill. All cases ol sickness and distress please report f, t 0 ' len ’- M. M. BROWN, Suc'v Pro tern. }l nee, Z‘Z l m 299 # '■* The ConstantiuiialUt will please copy this. A OC/* Taken iroin a house near the Post Olilco a double case Gold Patent Lever WATCH was chased edges—maker’s name, Roht. Hoskoli Li f vorpool number 25,800. A liberal reward will ( bo_ given to the person that will return it to this o.oce. VVatchmakcrs and others are requested to stop It should it he offered for sale. November 14 if Augnsfa guards. 1 A S Si‘9 li, ’« of ‘ he Augusta Guards J v* il. boheU I Jus ICvening at 7 o’clock. A 4 f general artedanon is requested, ond the quarterly f./» (luj'.s will be paid in by onKn* of iho Copt. W ■ Jl 2 L - ili Sc-:y. m Wharfi- t (VOTiCE —An. election for a President ami se- V i r I I ‘rectors, hr the present year, will ho , lir-l.) ftl this oflice «n I ussday, the Dih’mst., hetween the hours of y ami 2 o'clock, Jjll 1 ~- t JOHN SHARPS, Treat. Notice. q JEUSO.VS who wish their negroes to live apart iloin thom, or.hin* ihuir lime, will make appli- I the City Council, on Saturday next, for I Licenses. By order. GEO. M WALKER jm I— 3t— 2 Clerk.. |j For: Sale. | /f SHARPS Rank of Augusta Stock, ' A-i 24 do State Rank do -H do Steam Beat Company do Apply iff A. J, MILLER. 1 Jan 4 _ _ fit 4 M Wanted. #t Aii O' ERSEI,R, who isasinglo man,to lako I®#' a. a. charge ol a Plantation in Alabama. None Kll neon apply tint sin’ll as ran produce first rate testi* mentals o( character. Apply to Kft Jan 4 —lt 2 IV M. J. HOWARD. JM Flirptiolosy. I IVS R OLCUIT is at the Globe, and will con- H if A vincc any gentleman who may cull on him, ■ id the truth ami practical uliiily of the science, and jm of his skill and ability to teach it. I Jaa 1 It* 2 B| To Uciil. I House and Garden known as Vtrclcry’s I JL (situated one mile from Augusta.) Pusses- ■ sion given immediately. Apply to I Jim ■)—3t 2 CJIAS. H. KENNO.V. M Aiew ftßissic, I and MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS. I JLSI RECEIVED a large supply ol popular and fashionable Mt/SJO. Alsn, first rainC/ui- U tars, I lines \ minis, Ar. for sale at A. Ivuii ttfiiN's ,1 Music Store, No 247, Broad street. fl iL/'ihano Portcs tuned and repaired. 1 I Jim 1 & 9 VcssJ riSo4jiai»3»s. f I ■ASK. WILBER, the celebrated Ventriloquist, ,1 J-* “- who lias elbibitod in llie principal Museums I ot the United States, (with general applause,) res- I pr.eiliilly announces to the ladies and gentlemen of I Augusta, His intention of giving a di.-play of’ ofl powers at the Musonie Hall, on Saturday Evening, lith inst, wiih an amusing afterpiece liy ibo ■■elelirn- I led learned Dog APOLLO To conclijJ tviih a I song and music. Pickets 50 ets, children under 12 H years of ago, half price. H DO"for particulars, see bills of the day I Jau 4 U* i ■ coMfousn svucpok pink hoot. I ' | dll, subscribers have succeeded in preparing a ■? * compound syrup ol Fink Hoot, which willed- f / aiitofas definite prescription as the powdered root. lu i tie dose ol Pink Root, known as one tth tiesf vermifuges is, 10 to 20 grams, and double Ib ■; , 9 quantity in inlusi.n is necessary to the same effeet Bill tins syrup eon nins, a concentrate decoct on, nineb stronger than the infusion, amounting Inal- 1 inosl the wliolo \ irtucs of the substance: One tenspoonful of this svrnp eonlains the con- I unitrafed decoction ol 20grains within a small frae- H Jon, which may be considered ai least, equal to the H ninium dose of ilie substance which is iu grains :v\o ipospoonfuls. 20 grains and so on. A slight laxa- V ,iv» power is given by combining in the virtues of B ■linbarb and senna. I H It is not certain that any uniform antidote lathe iccasional nei vine effects of Pink Root is knbwnt ■ ant (lie best antidotal power hitherto ascerained,nr siolochia, serpentana is combined in duo proper- |H It should by remembered that no vormifugo is un brmly succc.-tful, even win * warms ars known to ’epresenlv file tijjicianal iillusion is too uenk— W •ontnmingonlj the lea ol’sea on and a hilt to fifteen V qrnins to the do k e, whi' h equals, (it the selection of , j heront be well made,) only three mid a quarter to even am. a Jiaflj' grains of the substance tor ibis syrupj i lie best specimens only, nave been 'elected wilh gfeUtraro and me syrup on use, lias )eeu liaund to jidS.esj, in a very convenient form for . , idminietration to children, all the uniformity ofpnw ;r ns a vcrnufngeS, itli lbe root in substance, or tlia ull powers of it irrtinfusion or decoction. The dqso . hould be repeated fkjireo times a day, or in utgout ascs every two or iHlree hours. ‘ I A constant suppiyfal ways on hand at Apothecary fall, 232 Broad NlreU . * ANTONY* HAINES. , Jan 4 | 2 E v ‘ r| no of u decreei,ii Chancery, in - nor Court of Colura\na county, whcreirTSnu- ml nous ( rawfijrd, adn irusirtSL, r with the will anneif- ■ ; d > “• Jessoy W infrey, deceasSoof, is eoniplain« n b and M' lnme-8 Cartledge, adminisiralor our the estaiool Ad mi Walker, itccosaod. a net rot, -o u'eiem!a?ti,-., • vili h© BrtW, aT< o’nmirna Court House, on Ihe li,-/l W 1 uesday in .March next, between the usual I.jiii/of ;aie, eleven negroes, consisting ol imu, women tm.i If ■hildren, to wit, Wallace, Argyle, Dorati, bat!;-, I busy, Mary, young Fanny, Jinny, Milly apd clul.l ■ [ ulia, and David, a hoy. Sold as llio pr 4 rty of ■ he cslatoof Mis. Julia Wood, decease* Terms iH ash. GABRIEL JONES, adm’r. » Jan 4 wtd 2* Cf Julia W’pod, deceased. B LAOLJI months after date, application will he B •J made to the Honorable Inferior Court nt Jcffcr- IB on county, when sitting tor Ordinary purpose, for <B cine to sell the‘Real "Estate of the lalo Nathan H irosscl, dec'd ofsaid couniv H NATHAN BRASSEL.adm-5 B jan I—;n4t 2 With the will Baft Ba!iw Police. |SI \V. J. V'ASO\-<Lntc of Geortriiin K| 1 1. AS removed to iho City of New Orleans; lor K'l St Ihe purpose of devoting himself to the jirac- tom ce f LA)\ . , |4 ti FEKENCES—CoI. T. F Foster, Colguett, /M ■ i tli * /■.chills, A. HA rrappoll, //on W t. Daw- Q ,c t lon. John P. King. Muj E B. Beall, Angus- PV 1 1. \ o.; .’filler Ripley* Co Charleston, |H s t VS V |