Chronicle & sentinel. (Augusta, Geo.) 1838-1838, January 06, 1838, Image 1

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- - - -- ■■■Hl I ■■ » 1II—«»->- m , -,, . . ~ —WW— —**—*— —— ~~ ..■ - ■ a—• "■*— ■ I—r1 —rw —\ im Miimnmm huuj.j '-in. _imiai r.ji.i L WILMIM E. JOSES. AUGUSTA, «E«., SATI’UOAY MOKSIS6 JANUARY G, I8»S. [Tri-wcckly ]-VoI U- IX '' ■ _ «v ijublitjscti daily, tri-weekly and weekly, At No. Broad Street. TERMS —Daily papoi, Ten Dollars per annum in advance. Tii-weekly paper, ai Six Dollars in advance, or Soven al the end of the year. Weekly I'iil'or, Three Dollars in advance or four at the end of the year. PEl—mi -i i i i ■■■■■■■■ 1 CHRONICLE AND SENTINEL. AUG USTA. M Friduy Morning:, .lan. 5. 1 The Board of Directors of the Bank of Ham- ‘ hnrg have declared a dividend of two dollars and liliy cents, on each share of stock, fur the last six months. The dividend is equal to 10 per cent pur annum. The Tennessee Senate, by a vole of 15 lo 5 have passed a bill to suppress the circulation of •hhange tickets,” after the Ist of March next. < A new alaim bell has been placed on the City ( Hall, in New York. Its weight is between 5000 a nu 0000 pounds. APPOIN I'M ENT BY THE PRESIDENT, Jy and with the advice and consent of the Senate, James Liddell, of Georgia, to be a commission, er under the 17th article of the Cherokee treaty of 1835, vice Wilson Lumpkin, resigned. [from OCR CORRESPONDENT.] WASHINGTON, Dec. 31st, 1837. The debate in the Senate on Mr. Calhoun’s which 1 very briefly alluded toon Thursday last, was so important that a more ex tended notice will not be uninteresting to your readers, and the people of the South generally. Before this can reach you, you will have received a copy of the resolutions themselves; and I to" lieve the majority of reflecting and observing men will agree with tho opinion publicly expressed by Mr. Preston in the Senate, that though they em brace the principles which state rights men ought to bo ready at all times, to assert and defend, yet it is by no means probable that they will accom plish the object Mr. Calhoun professed to have in view—namely, to furnish a common ground on which all who are opposed to the abolitionists, may he rallied. Without assuming to be tho apologist of the party, whom Mr. Calhoun calls “the Nationals,” I yet must think it would be the height of injustice to say that they are in the mass either leagued with the abolitionists, or give them any countenance or sympathy. Thousands and thousands of that party are slave-holders or live among slave-holders, and have their dearest earthly interests identified with the preservation of the rights and domestic institu. tions of the States in which they reside. Thou sands and thousands more there aro in other sec tions, who, it cannot be questioned, would be rea dy to march, at tho slightest warning, and signal ize their fraternal and patiiotic feeling, their devo tion to thoWLTnion, the Constitution, and the whole country, by pouring out their blood, if ne cessary, in defence of the institutions, the houses, and families of their Southern brethren. Arc these men to be excluded from the common ground on which Mr. Calhoun proposes to rally the opponents of abolition, because they will not subscribe lo the principles of the State Rights School 1 On this new rallying ground, what is to become of tho •‘Proclamation” party—of Mr. Van BuFeii and his Southern friends who sup ported it, and tho measures consequent upon it I JTST all of both parties, “the Nationals,” and the so-called Democratic Republicans of tiro Procla mation school, hereafter to be ranked with the fanatical disciples of Garrison and Thompson 1 These are questions which naturally arise, when we find a gentleman of great ability and 'distinc tion, presenting such a rule of division as a ground of compromise. I need not inform your readers that Mr. Preston entirely concurred in the truth of the piinciples which Mr. Calhoun proclaimed. All stale rights men will probably acknowledge their soundness. | But he differed with his colleague in tho assump- j tion tho' the assertion of the principles would be an antidote to the fanatical spirit which inspires the Abolitionists. Mr. Preston declared, that tb*rc was a necessity for some other action—hide, pendent of any proceedings in Congress—into which the Southern people and their representa tives could go with perfect unanimity. He could not expect any security for the South, from the passage of any resolutions. “We, who represent scc'ional interest,” —he exclaimed—“are now warred upon by sectional prejudices and passions, and sectional!!/, must we protect ourselves!” He referred to the proceedings of the Committee appointed by the late general meeting of the mem bers from the slaveMioldtng Slates. No distinct plan, he said, had yet been agreed upon ; but whatever it might be, some sectional action, he maintained, was absolutely necessary. He would be ready to join with his Southern brethren, to make a solemn appeal to tho people of tho North -*■lo arrest the progress of fanaticism, —or to make a terse and vigorous protest to the Slates, against the proceedings of the Abolitionists, —or he would be ready to come here, surrounded by his Southern friends, and protest against any farther agitation of the question, in any shape, by Con gress. Whatever should bo done, ho hoped *■ would be done with unanimity by Southern men ! —that very unanimity, ho believed, would boa harbinger of success. In conclusion, Mr. Preston repealed that he had no faith in a declaration of abstract principles, i as a cure for this abolition disease. A prnclama- 1 tion, or a recognition of principle is not enough, j flic South must have some additional guard for their security. A man dors not think his pocket. ! book safe, because stealing is acknowledged to i boa crime : And so he could not indulge tho 1 idea, that the rights of the South would be re- j opectcd, and their interests safe, merely because ! (her. set of abstract principles is acknowledged! and maintained. Mr. Strange of North Carolina, said that if the resolutions were urged, he would vote lor them ; but he deprecated agitation, from whatever quar ter it might come. Mr. Calhoun answered sharply, that sucli lan guage ought to be addressed to the assailants, not those who acted on the defensive. Mr. Strange said, his anxious desire was to stop all agitation. Ho thought, that Southern men ought not to entertain any discussion on this sub ject. There was nothing to gain hy it. Every debate, ko believed, tended to poison the mind of some slave. His Southern friends might well say to the Abolitionists in such a controversy, “Heads, yon win,—tails, I lose.” Hero the discussion ended, and the resolutions were postponed to Wednesday next. M. From tie New York Commercial Ado. Jan. I. Fluctuations in Stocks. The following table will show the current pri cesasnearar could be ascertained, of tho Slocks of the follo wing Banking in- muttons, at or near the close of each month, during tho year 1837. % | 3 i-lf I = |-8 §-S s. ssSSjog Zl S S *>S S o XS »3w=a'=sS S 3 = as 5 . § £i' O {J o 33^^ 53 o iX* a* . SS. P , 'J r. £ 1 sr~i a. 3 3 = 3,52 o p ?r pt 3 r » 3 • • 2tsCl, 1 • • 1 • o' rr . • ? • • • ——— (X to KZ to 10 10 —to (V ti, to CC CO (O I H- w' Ol W r— Cl U J. s- ti lO W W wi C td W O X 3 H-_ _^t~1 • o <■- u— to *0 (O (C to to to ;o to to i 'T‘ tjj t - - 10 to X O't O' tO "■“* C<s O 4* Oi O CC (O to 1 c OWO P cCO Ctoioo to U 5 to to oto “ I £ o O O' 0 0 0(0 toj to 00 o to OCOOO 00 to to 05 o o| ~ cc -< c;« t *-l “ Z-> t—• ■* *— •—• v—< .-J >—* —* I—* ►— I -4 'O Oto 001100-0(0000005- • E co «' o o oif- jo y ‘ji woo-h o o to I -> CO-OCC’IsH'CCOOOC-O-P-l o c o o cc w a- o w - o o) - oo to co -4 o ( ~ —5O 'i Jssoecc33 OD O I >f CO to to O O 4- 0 3.00 tv O' '1 ’O ’O W X Vi - vl c ..-rj **> «■- *'« I crq OO— O - —~ I ££ ow to to J coo o o —— I O O O Ot O O W C.** o. O tc « 'j\ O ‘I to • CO CO to x o OO— o p O t-f Cv w -'i CC 0» to O 05 ** 05 CT> OJ ***• v|(C to . O *•- *— y*! - ; ♦(- I < ■—* •—* —* •— 1 “cf -I to • OC (O ‘Z (O (w (O I ? O to O O 4- (C to .VI O W« O' to CO •Asked. j'Dividend off SALES or STOCKS AT I'UILADKLPUIA, DEC. 20‘ ICO shares United Stales IJaulr, s. o. 60 ds 122 IUO do do do s, o. 90 ds 122 ]OO do do do 122 35 do do do . opening 123 3 do N. Bank of Kentucky, O& 1’ 73^ 85 do Kentucky Bank, O& P BSJ 9 do do do 88^ LIST OF ACTS. Passed during the late Session of the Legisla, lure. An Act, lo repeal an act passed on the 23d of December, 1835, entitled an act to add lot No. 78 and fraction 79, in the Bih dis trict, oriomally Baldwin, hut now Jones coun ty, to the co inly of Bibb. To amend the Court of Common Pleas, and Oyer and Terminer, and to give power to Justices’ Courts, in the city of Savannah, To incorporate the German Friendly Soci ety of Savannah. To change the name of William, to Wil liam Brocket Beasley, to secure to him cer tain rights and privileges. To authorize the Justices of the Inferior Court ofthe county of Eearly, to levy an extra tax for the compensation of grand and petit jurors of said county. To compensate the grand and petit jurors in Talbot, county. To amend the second section of the third article ofthe Constitution of this State. To authorize the receiver of tax returns for j the year 1838, to receive the returns of taxa ble property for the year 1837, so far as re lates to the county ot Decatur. Entitled an act, to amend an act passed I 24th December, 1833, appropriating a sum of i money to lay out, and put in good order, a I mad from Dahlohnega, in Lumpkin county, via Ellcjay, n Gilmer county, and from thence to the Federal "oad, in Murray county. To amend the road laws of this Slate, so far as respects the county of Clarke, and to levy an extra tax for the same. To admit Andrew J. Baldwin, of Bibb, John Benjamin Higden, of Warren county, Wal ter B. Harvey, of Bibb, James Milner, and John H. Alexander, to plead and practice law in the several courts of law and equity in this State, and to prescribe their liability tou ching the same. To make penal the hireing of slaves their time, without a written or verbal authority from the owner,nr persons having the control of sneh slaves. To authorize the Mayor and Alderman of the city of Savannah and hamlets, thereof, to extend Bay street to the eastern boundary of 'said city. To incorporate tho Female Seminary of the county of Gwinnett, and to appoint Trus tees for the same. To alter and fix the time of holding the Su parlor Courts of the eastern distr’et of this State To regulate the rates of ferriage at the sev eral ferries on the Satilla river, in the county of Camden, and for other purposes. To incorporate tho Jones Creek Baptist Church, in Liberty county, and appoint trus tees for the same. To Compensate the grand and petit jurors of Franklin and Habersham counties. To-appropriate money for the snnport of Government, for the political year 1838. To provide for the taking of the census of j the Slate of Georgia, n pursuance of the 25’h I section of the Ist article of the Constitution of State of Georgia. Further to regulate the mode of discounting j notes and distributing money in the Central I Bank of the State of Georgia. To incorporate the Richmond and Up-on i Camp Ground, and to appoint trustees for the j same. To’ incorporate the People’s Steamboat I Company of Macon. To authorize » special cession ofthe Supe j ricr Court of Wilkinson county, and to mak< all precepts unci processes of the Superior Court of Lincoln county, of 1887, to stand over to tlio April term, 1838, and to legalize the same. To compensate the grand and petit jurors ot C:bb county and to authorise tne Inferior Court ot said county to levy an extra tax for that purpose. To repeal the dth section of the act incor porating (lie Marine and Fire insurance Bank of Georgia. To add a part of Franklin to the countyof Jackson. To compensate the Sheriffs of Randolph comity tor their services, in summoning grand and petit jurors in said county. To incorporate the stockholders of the Montgomery Railroad Company, in tlie town of West point, and to give tile right of loca ting and using a depot on their own land in said town. To divorce John J. Metzgar and Jane Motzgar; to legalize the marriage ot 81iadrnck Winkler and the said Jane, and to legitima i tize llie issue born to said marriage, j To appoint a Trustee for the Poor School fund for Baker county. To add another Trustee to the Board of Trustees of the Vinevillo Academy, m the countyof Bibb. To authorize the Governor and Secretary ofState, Surveyor General and Comptroller General, to correct any errors that may have taken place, in issuing any grantor giants, in any of the land lotteries of inis Slate, passed 3'2J December, 1887. To incorporate Academies therein named, and to appoint trustees fur the same, and to confer certain rights and privileges on the same. To incorporate the Georgia Marble So ' cioty. To alter and amend the several laws of i tli s State, pointing out the mode of drawing | and summoning grand ami petit jurors, so far I us respects tiie comity of Muscogee. To amend an act, to incorporate a Bank ing Company, under the name of the Com mercial Bank at Macon. I To be entnlcu an act to change the time ot holiing the Superior Courts of the conn ies of Paulding and Floyd. To appoint Commissioners on the part of j the road lea ing from Augusta to Clarksville, which passes over the Curruhee ndgo or f mountain; also, commissioners on the part of 1 the road leading from Clarksville, Maher ■ sham county, to Madi-mivdle, East Tennes see, which passes over Blue ridge of Alle 3 giiany mountain, and to authorize and em power said commissioners to ask, receive, or * recover by law any amount of money that , may be remaining unexpended in the hands of Pete Ray mid Absalom Holcombe,or from any other person wiio may act us Treasurer for the board of commissioners on the road leading from the North Carolina line through ’ the Rabun gap to Clarkesviilo in Habersham ■ comity. J To idler and amend the tax laws of tins State, so far as respects the county of Law [ rence. ; To amend an act to assess a taxon all * persons exhibiting the different shows in the counties of Coweta, Gwinnett, and Union in this Stale, and for oilier purposes therein , nam d. To authorize Uriah G. Mitchell, Os the county of Harris, William Rabun Shivers, of j Muscogee, nod Charles H. McGill, to plead ' and practice law and equity in this State. ■ ’dy'fo amend an act enlitlod an act to incurpo ' rate the Patula M de and Female Academy, in the nineteenth district of Stewart county, • passed the 34th December 1.836. To point out the time of holding tiie Infe • nor Court for the county of Baker. To authorise and require the tax collector of the county of Paulding, for the year 1888, ■ to collect taxes Unpaid and due said county, ■ for any time previous to Ins election and commission. r To change the lino between counties of 1 Tatnall and Liberty, and to add a part ol Tut -1 nail to Liberty. To change tiie name of certain persons 5 therein named, and legitimatize tiie same. To incorporate the Factors’ Academy in 1 the county ot Clark, and appoint trustees fur the same r To establish a ferry across Flint river in Crawford and Marion counties, on the lands of John Matthews and William L Wilson. , To authorize and empower James M C ' Montgomery to establish a ferry across the ! Chutahoochee river on ids own hind, in the L j counties of DeKalb and Cobb. To repeal so much of the road laws passed at tiie last session of tiie Legislature of the , Slate of Georgia, as relates to tiie county ol , Elbert, and to revive and combine in i'oice the former road laws. ! To dispose of by public sale, fraction nutn . ber two hundred ami twenty four, situated in the first district of Irwin. / To incorporate tiie Zebulon Female Acade , rny, and to appoint trustees for the same, and . to consolidate the funds of tne Zebulon Aca demy in the county of Pike, and to incorpo. r rate tiie Red Oak Academy and Friendship ,- Academy in Pike county, and appoint trus-- I i Ices for each. To establish a ferry across Flint river be s tween Drayton in Dooly county, and Don , ville in Sumter county, and establish the rales f of toll, and to define the ngiits and liabilities of the owners thereof. f 'To authorize the guardians of mines to - receiver, recover, and remove from iho Slate ofGeorgia, property belonging to their wards, or to winch they may be entitled in cases i when both guardian and minor reside without the Stale, and to prescribe tiie mode of doing • tiie same. ’ To make it the doty of the tax collector of Camden county to collect his own tax exc t cutions. To incorporaic the Habersham Iron Works l and Manufacturing Company, s To incorporate the Savannah Steam En gine Factory Association, f To authorize grants to issue in tiie name of informants and purchasers for parts of cer f lain lots of land in the county of Cherokee, | It which have been condemned as fraudly drawn ! i and which has been portioned and sold under I an order of the Superior Court of said coun * ty. II To incorporate certain persona trustees of tim Wesley Manual Labor School in tiie n county of Houston, and secure certain dona. e lions as a permanent endowment for the same. *M To keep op n Motley river for the free passage for fish, so far as respects tin; county ? *! of Union, and to repeal an ac» pissed 19: h te ’ December, 1631. To authorize ami establish an additional election precinct in tlm county of Jefferson, ami to provide lor the compensation of one of lliojustices or freeholder who shall preside at said precinct, and for carrying said return to the court-house of said county. To appoint James 15. Watkins a commis- 1 sionor oi the Fort Gaines Literature Lottery, authorized by an act of the General Assem bly approved December ‘JO, 1835. To punish white persons for gambling with ' negroes. To make penal and to punish any unlaw ful intrusion upon, or interference with, or molestation of railroads in this State. ' For the relief of John G. Falligant. To authorize the erection ofa Lunatic Asy lum in this Slate. To amend the several acts for the incorpo ration of the city of Macon. To amend an act to incorporate the Sayan- , nah Insurance and Trust Company in the city of Macon; and also, the Insurance and Trust Company in tho city of Columbus, so far as respects the Oglethorpe Insurance and Trust Company in tho city of Macon. To alter mul amend an act to iSThorize the construction ofa road communication, from i tho Tennessee river to the point on the southeastern bank of tho Chattahoochee river most eligible for the running ofbranch roads thence to Athens, Madison, Milledgeville, 1 Forsyth and Columbus, and to appropriate j moneys therefor, passed December 1,1830. 1 To change the name of Charles Austin Sexton, to that of Charles Austin Strawn.and to legitimatize the same. 1 To be entitled “An act to compensate the grand and petit jurors of the Superior and Inferior Courts of the several counties therein named, and to provide for the payment of the same.” To change the time of bolding the Supe rior Court, of Butts county. To be entitled an act to alter and amend the road laws of this Stale, so far as respects the county of Lincoln. To consolidate tho office of clerk of the Inferior Court and the office of county tree surer, in the county of Monroe, To change the places of holding certain precinct elections, in the county of Lee. To incorporate Jackson Street Ice Compa ny, in the city of Augn-ta. To legitimatize and change the name of Lcandor Reynolds to thatol'Leander Hutch ison. To admit deeds of land to be recorded af ter the lapse of twelve months. To keep open the Hightower river. Fertile relief of William Marlin. To beentitled an act to authorize each county in | in this Slate to retain the general tax tho years 1837 and 183$, to tie applied to county purposes by the Superior Com Is. To repeal an act appointing trustees of tbn Pine Grove Grammar School, in Monroe county To establish certain ferries in Flint river, and to regulate the toll of the same. To compensate ono of the justices of the peace or freeholder who may he a superintendent of tho elections, at the several election precincts in the county of Clarke. To require oil fines collected in Lowndes county to bo applied to the improvement of the rood where such drfalt accrued. To incorporate the town of Florence, in the county ol Stewart, and appoint commissioners for ■ the same. To incorporate the town of Troupville, in the county of Lownftosr. To ronirirns»(i; ono of tho jiMticon of tho poarr, or freeholder, who may ho a suporintendnnt of tho elections of tho savernl election preeincts in and for the counties of Walton, Jasper, Paulding and Newton. I o repeal the sixth section of an act passed lhe22d December. 1835. authorizing companies of cavalry, raised in this Slate, so far as relates to their being exempt from road duly. Fo lay nut and organize a new oountv out of the counties of Hou ton and Marion, and to at tach the same to the Flint circuit, and to the 2d brigade of the slh division of Georgia militia. To authorize the directors of the Central Bank to borrow money to carryout their promised dis tribution. Fo extend the time for fortunate drawers in the gold and land lotteries, from the yeir )HIB, and all subsequent lotteries to take out Ihei grants. To alter and charge (ho time of holding the Inferior Courts of the counties of Decatur and Columbia, and also the Superior and Inferior Courts of Dooly county, For the pardon of Isaac W. fFhiln. For tho paidon of Samuel M. W'hito. For the pardon of Benjamin South. i To change 11 in names of curtain persons thernin named. ; To eomne! the clerks of the Superior and I Inferior Courts of the county of G’vnn to knpp their offices and records of said Courts 1 in the city of Brunswick, To appoint two additional commissioners 1 to improve tho navigation of the Canoechia river. To amend an net entitled ‘‘an art to incorpo- 1 rate the Baptist Convention of the Slate of Georgia.” To organize a military district in Union county. To authorize the jiiaticns of the Inferior Court in the county of Wayne to draw grand j and petit jurors in said county, in certain ca ses herein provided for. To alter and amend the several nets in re. j lotion to the city of Augusta, and the Court of < j Common Pleas of said city. 7'o incorporate the Jefferson Land Crnnpa- 1 j nv in the County of Twiggs and to confe ! certain privileges on tho same. To authorize the justices if the Inferior Court of tho county of Jefferson to impose and levy an extra tax, for tho purpose therein mentioned. To amend the several acts of tho Legisla- . ! turn of this State, incorporating the city of : < Columbus, in the county of Muscogee, and so j j lay off the said city into wards, and to point i 1 I out the mode of electing the mayor and al j dermen thereof, and to vest the fee-simple (i- 1 | lie to the commons of said city in the mayor \ | and aldermen thereof, and for other purposes. 1 1 To alter and amend (he several acts of tho j j second article of tlie Constitution, j For the relief of Robert R. Allen and John | ( C. Johnson, securities of Georgo W. Cainn-1 hell. To amend an act on'itled ‘an act to remove the site of Baker county from Byron to Lot No. j 132. in tho B‘h district of said county, it being | near the centre of said county and in appoint commissioner* for that purpose.” Passed 26th I December, I S3l. To incorporate the Methodist Episcopal Church i ,'. a Pleasant Grove, pike county, and to appoint 1 truttoer, for the fame. j I o authorize the Interim Courts of ’hs counties nf Cherokee, Cass, Cobb, Paulding, Floyd,Wal ker, Murray, Union and Lumpkin, to procmc copies of the original records of the Superior and Inferior Courts of originally Cherokee county, which arc now in the Superior and Inferior Courts of Forsyth county, and to legalize the same. To incorporate the Cedar ShoaU Manufactur ing Company. To amend an act, entitled an act for the or ganization of the office of Adjutant General of Georgia. I o change the place of holding the elections from Christmas, in thu county of Upson, to the store-house of Andrew J. Dunn, in the said dis trict . To incorporate the Oconee and Atlantic Steamboat Company, and to definite its privi leges and liabilities. To repeal an act passed December the 20th, 1833, to exempt Iho citizens of Talbot county Iroin working the road ferries on Flint river, from a certain distance, therein defined. To incorporate the Uluc Rrldge Railroad and Canal Company. To extend to the several counties in this Stale lire provision of an net entitled an net to give to masons and carpenters an encumbrance on debts doe them on account of work done, and materi als furnished, in building or repairing houses, en such houses and promises to which they may ho attached, and to repeal all laws on this subject, so far as relates to the counties of Richmond and Mclntosh, and in the cities of Savannah, Macon and Columbus, passed on the 33d December 1834. To authorize the Inferior Court of Lowndes county to levy a tax for the support of the in valid poor of said county. To authorize the wardens and vestry of Christ Church. St. Simon’s Island, to sell the land he longing to said church. To incorporate the Millodgovillo and Chatta hoochee Canal and Railroad Company. To establish u general system of education hy common schools. To authorize the Georgia Railroad and Rank ing Company to continue and extend their rail road from lire town of Madison, in Morgan enmi ty, to pass through or near Covington, in New ton county, and to connect with the railroad au ihorized to ho constructed from the Tennessee ino near the Tennessee river, to the southern bank of the Chattahoochee river, hy an act pass ed on tile 23d of December, 1830, 'and to apply tho several acts heretofore passed forming the charier ot said Georgia Railroad and Ranking Company to the construction and use of the ex tension of said railroads hereby authorized . To incorporate certain persons, under the name and si vie of the “Lumpkin County Mining and Manufacturing Company.” 'To alter and change tho road and bridge laws, so far as regards tho county of Troup. To authorize the Rrunswiek and Allamaha Canal and Railroad Company to increase the number of Directors of said Company. To establish an election precinct at the house of Joseph Rlackburn. To incorporate the Irwinton Bridge Compa ny. To amend the act of 1830, entitled an act, amendatory of tho several acts incorporating the town of Milledgoville. To appropriate money for relief of tho Chat ham Artillery. lo establish additional precincts in sundry counties therein named, in this Stale. To incorporate the Hoard of Agriculture and Rural Economy of the State of Georgia. To amend an act lo lie entitled an act to in corporate tho Augusta Free School Society. To alter anil change the times of holding the Superior and Inferior Courts in the county of Wilkes nml Taliaferro. To amend an act entitled an act authorizing commissioners therein named, to raise hy lottery a fund tor tho erection of monuments to the memory of Greene and Pulaski, in Iho city of Savannah. To authorize a grant to he issued, on certain terms, to John Jett, of DelCalb county, for tho northern half or Lot No. 295, in the IStli district of originally Henry, hut now DelCulh county. To amend an act to incorporate the town of Brunswick, and lo extendjls jurisdictional limits, and for oilier purposes herein mentioned, passed December 2!Hh 183fi; also to enlarge and describe tiie boundaries of Brunswick, and to incorporate the same. To amend tho several acts amendatory nf the several acts fur the regulation of the town of Lou isville. To consolidate the offices ot lax collector and receive in Lumpkin, Gilmer, Tattnal, and other counties therein mentioned. To authorize the Governor lo employ a chap lain for the penitentiary, die. To incorporate the Widow’s Society fur tho re lief of indigent widows and orphans, In the city of Savannah. To make all cases returned to October term of Superior Court of Warren county, for 1837, tria ble at April term of said court, lor 1838. To amend the act incorporating the Talincga ami Dablohriega Academ ns. To alter l ho time of holding the Superior and Inferior Courts of Baldwin county. To remove (tie county site of Baker. To amend an act to establish an election pre cinct in Harris county. To iticorpu alo the Athens Mechanic Mutual Aid Association. For the relief of James Wingfield, Relative to commissioners on pilotage. Relative to commissioners of Flint river. To authorize 11. W. Jernigan to establish a ferry across Flint river. 'To incorporate tire Lumber Company of Geor gia. To establish an election precinct in the county of Cherokee. 'To authorize the sheriff of Heard county to sell the State’s interest in certain lots of land. To exempt Iho members of tiro Washington and Niagara Fim Company from jury duty. To authorize the Inferior Court of Lowndes county to levy tax for the support of tho invalid poor of said county. To authorize limited partner-hips. To change the time of meeting of tho General Assembly, and to alter certain clauses of the Constitution. To change the name of Mary Ann Hamlet, of Baker. In relation to tho public arms loaned to the va nous volunteer companies in this Stale. 'To regulate the admission of oral evidence in reference to written instruments, in certain rases. 'To incorporate and appoint Trustees tor Taze well Academy. For tho relief of William A. Carr, of Clark county. 'To authorize James Moore to erect a bridge a cfoss the Ohbopie. To lease, tho Commons south of the city of Columbus, for a term of years. To authorize Edward G. Wilson, a minor, to act as deputy in certain cases, in (ho ccunty of Chatham. To incorporate Savannah River Embankment Company. To incorporate the Trut'.ess cf (ha Baptist Clvjtcb z’ Talho'ton. * I ■ XIV To amend the act incorporating the Villazo of Appling. B II | 0 establish an additional election precinct id Pulaski. * To incorporate the town of Whiteville, in Har ris county, To change the name of Evan Hicka to John naacombo. Authorising the Justices of the Inferior Court ol tinker county to appoint Commissioners to su perintend election)) in that county. in relation to the Savannah Ogochoe, and Al. tamalm Canal Company. Authorizing ale of u lot of land in the town of Wnghlaboro’, Ac. Authorising the Justices of the Inferior Court Jcflcrson county, to levy taxes. To reimburse the Bank of Columbus, and tUo Insnrancu Hank of Columbus. hnr the relief ol James Alexander, and to am thorieo the 'l’rustcos of the Poor School fund in the courtly of Columbia, under the direction of the Inferior Court, to discharge and release said Alexander trom the penally of his certain for leiled recognizance. For the relief of William Marlin. For the relief of George W. lloxbury. Forllio relief ol Sarah Dudley. Appropriating money for the relief of Sam uel Passmore. Pn authorize certain persons therein naitteii 1 , to remove obstructions out of Flint river. I o authorize the Mayor and council of Ma con, to appoint a Judge of the Mayors’ court of tho said city, and clo*« the unfinished business of said court. J o prohibit lire use ot names in partnerships that do not actually belong there to. To form a new county out of Walker i o compensate tho g r and and petit jurors of tho counties of Walker ami Thomas. J o amend the act authorising the adjourn ment, ol (he Superior and Interior courts, by cer tain persons therein named. 1 o incorporate Rebobutit academy, and Bap tist church in Wilkes Establishing tho rank of adjutant mid assis tant adjutant. Authorising the Inferior cndrl of Murray lb form new military district... J o make penal the circulation of hank bills, which shall bo redce,r,ablo ala longer period limn three days. In incorporate the Milledgcvillo rail road com pany. In amend the charter of tiro Monroe railroad company. Appropriating money to pay for services ren dered during the Greek war. 1 o provide tor the protection of tho citizens of the Cherokee counties, and tho removal of tho Cherokee and Crock Indians. To appoint commissioners for the roads theio in named. To amend the net passed tor IR3C, to pAy volunteers lor services, losses and expenditures, uri ng the Creek and Seminole wars. I o amend the act to incorporate the Bank of Brunswick. To regulate the mode of partitioning lands and tenements, in certain cases, I o incorporate the Insurance and Trust Com panies of Savannah and Macon, Regulating the mode of Drawing and aitmmo ning Jurors, tor the counties of Muscogee, Bibb and Baldwin, To protect Iroc persons of color, and tho mode of trying them for their freedom. To incorporate tiro Baptist Church of Rome, Floyd county, and appoint Trustees. To incorporate tho Indian Springs in Butts courtly, and to appoint Commissioners. A lionizing the Justices of tho Inferior Conn of Camden courtly, to appropriate money fur re pairing tin; roads of said county. To protect the citizens against tho use of wea pons. To incorporate tho Brunswick Lumber Com pany. 'i’o incorporate certain Academies, appoint Trustees, and confer certain privileges. To authorize William Hobbs, of Talbot, to erect a bridge across Flint river. To incorporate, the First I Jnivcrwilist Society irt Macon, and Hibernian Benevolent Society it! Columbus, To regulate Election Districts in the s vcral counties Ihetein named. J o amend the act to amend tho ninth division ot (be Renal Code, and provide lor the payment of costs in certain cases. 1" be entitled art act, supplementary to an art passed 20tb Dec, 1834, to keep open the main channel of Broad and Savannah rivers, i o ineorpsralo tire ftuckersville Dragoons of Elbert county. 1 o amend the road law, so for ss respects the county of Tattnall. 'I o amend an act for the distribution of estates, so respects nodes to the parlies interested, I"i point out and punish contain frauds there in specified, and annul such conveyances and transfers us may he thereby obtained. I'd amend certain portions of an act, to alter lire road laws so far as respects tho county of Camden,and invest the jcrisdiction of the Irtfdlor Court. To collect the lax for the political year 1833, I’o consolidate tho offices of Tax Receiver and Collector, so far as res pec Is the counties of Ra bun, Gaindcn, Irw in, Floyd, fScrlven, d’snldlog, Wayne, Murray, Gherokee, Glvrn, and Telfair. M [ | .Waaiue iiitclli^ncc. SAVANNAH, .lan. tl.-ltrl.llarl. NepfanciUwie.Boii ton; hr svbr Ist lx-tla, t'lvtmnii, Nassau; split Byron, 111 ssr, ff.ivrrnnati; sloop llaisrir, May-lie'- , dn. Arrived stii. sOccam, Prince Port.and; Hubert Isaac, Thorp, vw Voil.; icin'* Jlostnn, Moore, New York; Mohawk Maker, Baltimore; J M .lustier, Me Laughter, Philadelphia; Kv.-lma. Baker, Philadelphia; steamboats O-orgia, Wray, Augusta, bimtun MicKir, U illitmi, A Mgnsla. C ifrt It I.KtS PON, .tan. I.—Arrived yesterday, Birman brig l isiaf. in', flal'uer, Bremen; tine ting Angola, Opracii ■, Boston; U 1< brig Lawrence, Bulkier New York. Cleared, byig Cybelv. Appling, .Nortl; of Europe; sclir I’olly, Itnmplmy, Jacksonville; .-train boat Charleston, Hebbard;Jacksonville, K F. (Jj’NOTICE. —An adj mrncil moating of the Pew Oivnen in the "fir»t Pleshvit rian Church in Augusta,” will be held on Saturday ncxt.Oth inst, in the Church at 3 o’clock I’. M. The obj.ct of themeeting is, to consider a resolution which was laid upon the lahh’ at the last meeting in relation to the purchase of an Organ for the Church. —• The f’eivs belonging to tho Trust, will be of fered for Hair or /lent at the sanie time, and will La disposed of to the higbo t bidder. ” No preference can bo given to former occu pants ; unless they are willing to giro as much tor their pews ns they will bring at public outcry A meeting oh ,L e TrbsUcs, i" requested to be hell) at the Lciy Konni on Fciday nftfcinobu at 3 o’clock, to I, -ct a Chairman. Secretary aVtd Treasurer. Collectnrflnd Sexton—persons desil. ing the 100 latter I'tlicea. arc requested to him*L- in their applications to me, previous to the meet ing. WM. POE, Sec’v Pro-tem jan 3 4t I djg R. M. GUN BY is authorized to act as my attorney during toy absence from the Stale. J-.; v--v i! '3 "A'}’. G. P OPS I'P.■