Chronicle & sentinel. (Augusta, Geo.) 1838-1838, January 06, 1838, Image 3

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JJoItVe and Se|{ars. -d rWV BAGS prime green Coffee J Vs 18 150,000 Havana Yegors Landing this day, N. SMITH & CO. 1 Jan G 4 1 Prime Miccsc. CASKS in fine order Xjt) Just received and lor sale by Jan C -1 iV. SMITH & CO. (anal Flour. rj f* BBLS' Canal Hour 2i half bills Buckwheat Flour 25 qr do do do For sale by N. SMITH & CO. Jan G . 4 Ale and Cider. r BBLS Bale Ale 50 do Nowa k Cider Landing this day, N. SMITH & CO. Jan 6 4 | IS it ii eh EtaiMiiiM. A BOXES superior bunch Raisins 50 drums Sultana do For sale by * j\. SMITH & CO. Jan C 4 Lost, SINCE Wednesday evening, in Broad street, he- | tween slessrs Jackson's Auction Store and (lie | market house, a small M morattdum Book, of no use to any person hut (ho owner. The finder will confer a lavir hy leaving it at Messrs VV . E. & J U. Jackson's Store, Broad street. Jan 0 if 4 OJf the 21st December last, at the Wtddovv Rhodes’s, a dark hay niaro Mule, one eye out, Bor 10 years old. 11 any person will lal e her up, and let me know so 1 get her, I will pay a liberal re- ( » ward J. A. BAR.SUNS, Jan 6 swU 4 Burke county, j Caution. A LL perssns are hereby camionod against Ira- I A ding for two notes of hand given by the un dersigned to the City Council of Augusta; one for two hundred and three dollars, and the other lor two hundred and thirty dollars, each dated on the full day of November last, and duo six months after j date, as the considers! on for which they were giv en has failed, and we are determined not to pay i them unless compelled to do so by law WILLIAM TUT B, i CHARLES McCOY. | Augusta, sth Jan. 1835 2t 4 Fis’c S cons. Andirons, Fenders, Shovel and Tongs, : JL> in great variety, for sab hv oc t 20 ' F & //CLARK. J (Georgia SSail Koari. ®SiiSSggeli»sas^Hia» UNTIL the 20th of January, the train of Pas senger Cars will start, from Augusta at 9 o’- clock, A M. for Cnmnk, the intersection of the War renlon Branch. Returning leave Camak at 1 o’- clock, c. M. On and after the 25th of January, the Passuger train will leave Augusta at 7 o’clock, X. M. lor War rent ml. Returning leave Warrenton at 1 past 12 o'clock. RICHARD PETERS, Jr. Resident Engineer & Sup’t of Transportation. Jan 5 11 Line of Packets. Between Mobile amt Montgomery. THE Steamboats Fanner I 1 and Iberia will form a line ol I ;A-~_ BlUo Packets, ns above, commeh- I - cing their regular trips in No- I 2^^siMdtss2&'v.crDber,leaving Mobile every I aturdav and Wednesday, at 5 o’clock P ML; and I Montgomery every Sunday and Wednesday at 10 o'clock A. M. For freight or passage apply on hoard or to W. \V. FRY , Jan 4 3m 2 Mobile. FOR SAVANNAH AND CHARLESTON. The new and splendid steam packet William Gns & ton, will , at 9 o’clock. For freight or passage, apply to I COWLING & GAR.DEI.LE, Agents. \ Jan 4 Jit J 2 _ J. 11. MIFFLIN, Fort rati I Fainter. RE S'PEC i FULLY invites his Iriends and the public of Augusts, to call and see specimens of his art at ids painting room over the more of /’Messrs Price and JMallery ; anj desires those win ■ wish his professional services to apply at once, as tis slay in Augusta will he short. Jan 3—twCt—l y IBacgaius ! ESacgains * fIM HE Subscribers have determined on disposing Jl of their entire slock of Ready ra id-? ('lothing, at r'*t prices, for cash; to those desirous of ob- bargains, the present will he found a very desirable opportunuv, cither ar, wholesale or retail. PRICK & MAKLEUY, Drapers & Tailors, 268 inroad street Jan 3 1 Notice. r¥N//F, Subscribers .having sold ont their stock in A trade to Isaac .Moiso, solicit from their Iriends and customers a continuance of the patronage so liberally bestowed upon them. “ ' MOISE & COHEN. hy, JOHN J. COHEN, Jan 3 Gt 1 Surviving Partner. IBissoiution f BA//F, partnership heretofore existing in //am -8 bnrg, S. C. under ihe firm of Denily, Key & Lindsey, is this day dissolved by mutual consent The business will hereafter be conducted under the firm ot Dendy ts Key, who alone aro authorised to settle the business of the late linn. 'BUGS N DENDY, Til OS G KEY, C II LINDSEY. Jan 3 2t*_ __ 1 Notice. fllllE Stockholders ol the Jackson Street Ice A Company are hereby notified that the remain ing Fifty Dollars per share is required lo be paid on or before the 10th of this month, by order of the committee N SMITH, Sec & Trees. Jan 3 1 Second Fdiiiou. GRIER’S GEORGIA AND CAROLINA Alumnae. FOR T H E Y E A R 1838, CALCULATED tor the horizon and meridiano / Augusta, Geo and will serve for the adjacent Stales. Sold hy lit j gross, dozen or single. Jusi jnjJißislied by T II A 1 C PLANT. Jan 3 1 New Kooks. RECOLLECTIONS of a Southern Matron, by Mrs Caroline Gi mm, author of “Kocollec lions of a Now England Housekeeper.” A L ive Tolu n lor children, by .-lias C 51 Sedg Wick, author o. “Live and let Live,” cfc. The works of Charles Lamb, to winch are prefix ell Mis Leiiers and a sketch of his Life, hy Ttioma N. Sfalfourd, one of his Executors Principals ol Political Economy, by H - Caro, author ol an Es.-i.ayo , the rule ot R ages. Just received u»d for side by Jan 3 I T II & / C PLANT. Notice. 7VTR. Jonathan Meigs is anil orised t > act as nij XTi attorney during my absei ce from ihe ciiv. dec 22 DANIEL //AND Augusta Female Seminary. rpm duties of this Institution will be resumed j A on Tuesday the 2d January, hy slrs. H. L, Moiso, assisted by competent teachers. Forte ins lif Tuition, Boarding, Ac apply at the Seminary, one door below .Messrs Adams, Turmclee A Cob; store. Broad street. dec 20—Gt 30] The Constitutionalist w ill give the above three insertions. W hai’i' Company-** Oltice. TVrOriCE—An election for a President and se- II ven Directors» for the present year, will be held at this office on 7 uesday, the 9ih mst., between * tin* hours ol 9 and 2 o’cl lek. Jan 4—2 t 2 JOHN SHARPE, Treus. Notice. G t F.RSO.YS who wish their negroes to live apart I from them, or hire their lime, will make appli- ! cation to tho City Council, on •Saturday next, for Licenses. By order. GEO. M WALKER, jan 4—3t—2 Clerk. | Tor iale. T jj SHARES Bank of Augusta Stock, Jt I ’* 24 do State Bank do 24 do Steam Boat Company do Apply to a. j. Miller. Jan 4 Ct 2 Waiitnl. A N OVERSEER, who isasingle man,to lake aa. charge of a .Plantation in Alabama. None I need apply hut such as can produce first rate testi monials of character. Apply to Jan 4—lt 2 IVM. J. HOWARD To RcsDt. rp HE House and Garden known as Vcrdery’s _IL (situated one mile from Augusta.) I’osses ! sion given immediately. Apply to j a n 4—3 c 2 CHAS. H. KENNQN. N<‘w Music, AND MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS. JUS'!' RECEIVED a large supply ol popular and fashionable MUSIC. Also, lire! rate Gui tars, Elutes Violins, &t . for sale at A. Iter sen’s Music Store, No 247, Broad .street. TT Piano I’ortts limed and repaired Jan 4 " Initod Stales ,?Sail Lisse, • Fine frill' horse Coaches to Athens, Georgia. (Fifty miles travel on the Georgia Kail Road.) 8 tj IRAM N. WILSON returns his thanks to tho : SM public for their liberal patronage since he has commenced running the above line, and would in- J { form them, that helms pur has-c the interest of j his lute partner in the line and will hereafter run ii on his own account, lie has made every arrange- , I mem for the public accommodation, and in addition j to his mail line has added an nccommudation line — 1 I travellers by both will be conveyed 511 miles on tho j j Georgia Rail Road. His coaches are all new, and j made of the heal materials ; his drivers careful, and horses gentle. THE MAIL LINE j Will leave Augusta every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday mornings, at half part 8 o'clock, vi i Bail 1 Road, for Washington, Lekington, Athens, Jefler i son and Gainesville. THE ACCOMMODATION LINE j Ev»ry Tuesday, 'X hnrsday and Saturday mornings, I at the same hour, anil by the Bail Bond, via Craw lordsvilla, Greensboro, Boland’s Bridge, and Wet kinsville to Athens RETURNING. The Mail lino will leave Athens every Monday, Wednesday and Friday, at hall past II o'clock, A M., and the Accommodation lino every Tuesday- Thursday and Saturday, at tho same linnr, and nr rive at Augusta next afternoon by 8 o’clock, p. At., by the Georgia Rail (load. JCT'fhe Ollice in Augusta is kept at the General •Stage Office, in one of the Ironl rooms of the Eagle and Phoenix Hotel. Sir All Parcels, Bundle's, &c. at tho risk of the owner. OCrFare to Washington $5, Athens 559, and to a 1 other points in proportion Augusta, Ga. Jan 5, 1833 wfm 3 Tooth Ache. CNOjUPOUNU of Kreosote lor destroying ihecx- J posed nerve in tooth ache; also Dupont's Tooth Ache Ehxor lor sale at Apothecary Hall 232 Broad street. nov 14 “ SUPERIOR INORAIN CaTTpeTING. A supply of the above just received consisting of . » handsome and riidi patterns, for sale by Dec 11 23J EDGAR & CARMICHAEL. faLTTavimv 'is eiiiT uFy uoiTu. WILLIAM h. crane, [S now receiving a handsome assortment of fan cy and staple Dry. Go ids suitable for the sea son, which will he sold low, at No. —AI Broad street, oet 18 244 l'a*«liiou.'«hEc llaiM. J LIST received a low casus 4 and for sale by PRICE &MALLERV, dec 8 287 258 Broad street. l{ii( > lav!i) ill Flour. JJ*" HALF bid- ijucit ..heat FLU UK JO 20 quarter do do do Received this day and for sale by dec 18 2U5 STOVALL & IUMLEN iti'W ifiackciTl. J tTk/A BBL.S Mackerel No 1 2 and 3 -S-Vlv* 50 half bhls do do Received and for sale by dec 18 2.) STOVALL A IT OiLEN. TOBACCO I T>B CIO!! T«BiCCO!!I S B ECEIVLNG on consignment 300 boxes To .Aac banco from good to prime, n v. 30 JOHN M COOPER A, SON. llcgiucil Sugar!). | •J'/l hhls. Boston Crashed Augur 01/20 do double refined do 25 do extra loaf do uov. 6 N. SMITH &co. GSacoesi SijjJi s. AAftMIN, Prime Bacon Sides, Justre ru/vT.NvOxTcotved and for Sale low by CLARKE, A/cTIEU,& CO. Augusta, Oct. 31, 1837. LaHip Oil. OF very Superior quality -bleached And un bleached —for sale by WM. HEWSON, | nov 15 268 St.»cc mud iUolawcs. lIIIDS. .VolaHfles rej If 10 liercos new Rice, j ust received and for safe by STOVALL & IJAM7.EN nov 20 271 New Macon, A PRIME article, by A [dec 13] HAND & SCRANTON. Ciiiiiil B'loiii'. PUCE NIX Mill brand, warranted a very superi or article. Just received by | dec 13 HAND & SCRANTON. .Vetr .Mackerel. !\J O. 1 and 2, in whole and hall barrel.?, warrant a-B cd good, by dec 13 HAND & SCRANTON. .Veiv JSStcc. II UST receieud by •S dec 13 HAND & SCRANTON. ; Ijftmp Oil. BEST Winter Strained Blotched Lump Oil,just received amt for salo by dec 12 ANTONY & II VINES. Potatoes. T AA BUSHL. Potatoes lor family use, both _».*/••-? Kidney and Muroer equal to imported lot sale by CLARKE, AIcTIER & CO. nov 27 277 JW’tv .Mackerel, BBLS No 1 Mackerel 25 do No 2 do 50 do A’o 3 do 53 i do No 1 do 10 do Kit'u ndw Salmon Just received by N. SMITH & JO. Dec 11 $B9 Izooking t»la*s PlatCNj OF dilforent sizes, fur sale by ANTO.VT A HAINES, dec 5 232 Broad street Hatches. PIHCENIX, Loco Foco and Lociler .Matches, of , the beat munulacture, just received and for 1 t sale by ANTG.VV A- HALVES, dec 12 232 Broad street. IVoiico. tBAHE undersigned can bo found at all times ut j n ih» stum oi'lsaac Moiso, fur the purpote of settling tho business of Moiso * Golirn. jau i! et i iohn j. cohes. ’ COMPOCSD BVRI'POP PINK, ROOT. T in: subscribers have succeeded 'in preparing n j m compound syrup 9l Pink Pool, which will ad mit of as definite prescription ns llic powdered not The (lose of Pink float, known os otto of the best verne luges is, It) to 20 grains, and double that quantity in inlusian is necessary to the same effect lint tins syrup contains, n concentrate I decoct on, \ much stronger than ibo itilufinn. amounting loal- , mast the whole virtues of the saislances One tcnspoonfnl of this svrnp contains the con centrated deem lien at 20grains within a small frac lian, which may he considered a*l least, equal lotite minima dose oflhe sub<lance which is 10 grains—; lt\o teaapaanfnls. 20 grains and sa an A slight Inxa- ! live pawer is given by combining in the virtues of rhubarb and senna. It is not certain that any uniform antidote to the occasional net vine effects of Pink Root is knownt butt he best antidotal power hitherto asfamined, or istalocbia, serpentaria is combined in duo propor tion. It should he remembered that no vermifuge is tin formly successful, even when warms art known to be present. The v/ficianaf inhesion is h o weak — containing only the lea of seven and a halt to fifteen grains to the dose, whi' b equals, (if the .election ot the root bo well made,) only three and a quarter to . seven an., a half grains of the substance Forlhis si/rup, Inchest specimens only, have been ' selected with great earn and the syrup on use. has been found to posses--, in a very convenient form tor administration to children, nil the imilbnniiy of pow er as a voniufngo withthe root in substance, or the full powers of it in infusion or decoction. The dose should bo repeated three times a day, or in urgent I cases every two or three hours. A constant supply always on hand at Apothecary Hall, 232 Broad .Street. ANTONY* HAINES. Jau -1 _ S_ New BSooliMs J UST REC E1 VR » A N I) FOU 8 A I.K l» Y RICHARDS & STOV. rpilß works of Joseph Addison, complete in 3 e vols. embracing tlie whole of iho‘**Spoct itor,” &c new edition of n Southern Matron, by Caroline I Gilman, nut aor of “Koeollecliom of a New i'bi -1 gland I loiisekeeper.” The works of Charles Lnmh to which are prefix ed his Letters and Skelehes of his Life, hy Thomas Noon TalfonnJ, one of his Executors. Love Token for children, designed for Sunday School Libraries, hy Iho nuilmr of I lie “Liu woods,” | “Live and Lot Live,” “Poor Rich .Van,” .tan 3 1 - UK undersigned having formed a Copartnor- ship in Iho EAC TORACK and COMMIS SION lU'SIN ESS in this city, under iho firm of Smith and Malone, respectfully oITt the r servicen totho public. y/or act: smith, 110UEUT MALONE. Savannah, Dec. £6, J3s4w ft FEW DAY BOARDERS can bo actommo- A dated by Mrs C E FA BEK, 2024 Broad- >1 (south sjdo.i Ur 17 235 II K'i ;sbil4‘«s to Hire. A SECOND Hand Piano Forte, for which a rea is. sonahle price will be paid. Apply to Wm. 11. j Orchard at Iverson's Music Store, 217 Eroud street, dec 2 282 | iiemoval. H. BURLEIGH has removed to No. 219 Broad street. oct 4 232 Fire Wood* rip HE subscriber will deliver on the River hank, B- good upland Oak ami Ihckorv Wood, at iff ! per cord. WM. J. WIGHTMAN. dec 13 291 mflf ~ ’ N EW Timothy Rittl blovcr ESoy. \FEW loads of•...oollent quality, well cared, for sale by N. B. MOORE, July 12 103 svvtl Jfgvttey* SavaiiiijiCs li» Riraiico & TrustCoi 9 undersigned, Agent of iho above enmpa- | ny, will take risks on shipments «f Colton or | Merchandize from this place to Savannah, < 'harfes- ' t n, and iVorlhern ports. JNO. E. KLOVD. ; odcr, 15 213 I’kOT, rnnv nc k a , ( nTTi *a n l j- iIK undersigned, agents of tho IVotoclion In r Biiranee Company of Hartford, Coiinecticni. are prepared to insure buildings and their contents j against loss or damage hy fir* on the most reasona ble terms. V'. & J. C. CATLI.N. oct 31 dff 255 IVotice. r BUIE undersigned will purchase unonrrenl money S ami may always ho found al.tho Georgia 6’lale Lottery Office, No. 220 Broad street. aug3l A. READ. df til ECKS on New York and Philadelphia at eight V or on ti net 0. S. Bank notes and Kentucky bank notes for sale by nov. 6 _ joiw g. Winter. Alabama it i'iorula Hailey. I i SJjpUCiCI 1 by the subscriber, No. 197 Rroad Ji3 street. [sept 1 E l> COOKE. SIX per cent premium given fur notes of the Cen tral Rank of Ceo., also a liberal premium for n ten oft he Insurance Rank of Columbus, and Spe cie h y JOHN G WLNTK/C nept 8 207 2Jo Rroad st. If. &. IBank- IT 1 OR sale by JOHN G. WINTER, dot 7 2i5 840 Broud-st. '"55,000 4 LAIMMA BANK JVOTKS, for sale by /iL [dec7J J.NO 1 . WINTER, 2Ju Rroad-ut UA W KIbSVILLE MONE\ taken at par, for . Goods, or in payment of debts due the nuh- | scribe fang 17| K. I>. COOKE | .Idraneeu ‘made On <!olion. » IBERAI, advances mide ou Gotten in store or I a ion shipments made to Savannah, Charleston,or j New York JOHN G. WINTER, nov fi To Drovers. CUIRCKS ON THE BANK OF KEN-1 J TL'CKY at sight, in sums to suit purchasers, | constantly for sale by JOHN G WIN TER. Augusta, Ga.. Oct. 31 34'" it dost orflCEs Angnsta. g J; OSTAt JE will hereafter, he n quin d in advnnc- S ’on all Ictlejs forwarded by Express Mail from j this office. E, B. GLASCOCK, I’. M. ■ nov 17 269 , WU.MAM li. CRANE. O' AS just received a supply of Carpeting which I will be sit'd low—also, Blankets Saltinett.-j *C- , nov 11 liaiiieit’ CliHii Cloaks. A superior article, lor sale by A BRICE & MALLERV, dec 20 Drapers ,V, T.-n Urs Af\(\ PIECES ii Bagging For sale lu v by dec 18 293 rm <l,l. & H VitfLEN. Hemp Carpeting. i BALES o( the .above jn-.l roeeivo.l, consistin’; j ti ol 4-4 7-8 and 3-4 vviddis, will be lound a lasi j ing and dnrabie article, well calculated lor Ted rooms, passage and stair Carpeting.-;, and suitable i for winter unit summer me. Dec 11 889 EDGAR & CARMICHAEL. COTTON OS.V A iidl! s, i A NS, SiC. ' "it iII E subscriber otters for sale l otion U.naburgs, -B- Shirting and cotton Yarns, oft he Saluda Man- j ufiicturing company, r> C., at factory pricci. dec 22 JOHN - 'osA ERY LA Dies FIG ( RED MBKI <6 ( LOAKB For .-ale at cost, hy PRICE & MAI.LERY, Dec 16 294 Drapers <V Tailors. | ,ft A: 11. CLARK have received a lew mure o if * now style Independent Second Hand Watch es, with two hour circles, two second Ac Also, nl Variety of fine l.ondon Duplex Watches, to which | 1 they invite attention. t nur 20 270 ' V El 1 1JBL1C SA SiEm. UV JOHN S. HUTCHINSON. Will be sold oil Monday Morning nexl, in front of my store, ut 11 o’clock, on account of llio United Stales, 2 Horsts,one a good saddle and harness Home. Jan 0 -1 Tonus cash. Executor's Sale. 1!V \V. K. S: J. I . JACKSON. THIS UAV tho (ith lust, will bo sold on the promises, Thirty-five feet on .lackson street, extending along the .Northern side oflol No. 63, be longing to t'-o estate ot John Campbell, doc’d. Terms cash. K C A MI’BULL, ) J, FRASER, [ Ex’ra, janS 2t J. HAULER, j JEsecisiors Sale. BY \V. 10. Ac J. U. JACKSON. 1 Will he sold, on Monday the Bth of Jarman next, at theCheslsr I’lanta ion ot she late John Eox, deceas'd, in Edgefield District, S, 4’-, about ON 10 111 .Mlltl b M.VVIOS, part of Iho estate of said deceased. A large por tion ot them are young, likely, and able bodied field hands. They will be sold in families. —also, — At the tame time and place, 1012 acres nf Land lying on Horse Creek, Edgefield District, near tho unclose Factory, and 547 acres in Barnwell Dis- I I trict, on the waters of Boggy Gut Terms of sale of the slaves one half cash—hal ! anneal twelve months with interest from date, with two approved securities. run u bennocii, AN t’OI.VE PICQUET, HENRY 11. CU.ll MiNil Augusta, Nov. 28, 18117. Executors. r.n an n tout sVt.F. tfJW jiv J UN S. SHI; rCIIINSON. O/k illlDS Porto Kico Sugars, 1 cd d y too barrels Potatoes, 20.000 Havana Cigars, choice brand 100.000 American do e Iso, on the river and daily expected, 100 barrels No. It fresh Mackerel,will bo so Id lew il applied lor soon. nov 29 Just received pee [tint Uoad , and for sale liV aOIIN s. lIUTUMIN.Si»\. 8 bales heavy ROSE BLANKE I'S, eontaining j 20 pr 13-4 qr. sup. heavy urtielu, 25 pr 13-4 do do do 30 11-4 do do do 70 10-4 do do do 50 0-4 do do do SO B*l do do do dec 24. Tl»e fi^iViJißHiia. ; HIS spacious and very csminodiuus House, re contly occupied by /Mrs. Caulfield, Inis been taken on a lease bv lltc subscribers, mid is now open fir he accommodation of transient gentlemen and private hoarders. Every exertion w hich can boos nov avail in giving cumlurt itrnl satisfaction to those who may favor ns with their patronage shall he made, and wo pledge ourselves to keep the estab lishment in a stylo nut inferior to any in tile South ern country Ainu lied to the Pavilion is filled tip in the best I manner, a llesloraleur at w hich Oysters , Wild Came, or any other description ot relrcslmnmts which the market alfords, Will bn served up at short notice, at. any hour,and in a stylo to please the most fastidi ous taste. Tho Pavillion thus presents itself to the patron age of the public, with tho assurance that whatever J share it may receive, shall be fully merited, by intro ! milted attention,added to tin- very best accommuda | ii ulls . GRIFFIN EDMONDSON* Co. j Bee 22 if 291) j iCrTbo Constitutionalist will publish the above i until forbid. While lii’ixi, A.c. | KKGN 100 lbs taeli Union While Lead, I iwO 300 do 25 lbs each, do do do Received yesterday by steamboat, and for sale low bv KII'CHEN A ROBERTSON. 1 dee 20 __ _ __ cll lv Machine ! A N Eloetri.tal Maobine, ol moderate si/.e, new is and in complete order, packed so ns to bo car ried with safety to arty part of the country. Price sfi.i cash. Fot sale by dee 12 //AVILAND, RES LEY &CO. William t 2. tlratie 23 AS just. received from JSew York tlie fullow | fi..B. ing articli.N; 150.5 t black Malinoni Lustring, “ blue hjtirk Poult do Soip, 4-4 black 7'hnli* Laro, black blond do Black waiorcd b*K Ribbons, black Mode, I I anon Cambric llnnd-korrhiols; Kr«t Block • s ovving Silk, assorted do do Furniture Fringe. A I.SO A few fine Leghorn Bonnets and Balm Lnal Hoods <b‘C »> Jsbsi aoci'iVed. 1 tj RDX/3S Hunch Raisens, I .V. -rjtJ) yo halt and qr bbls Buck Wheat Flour, Cut bids < dmmpaigno Cider, 'SO do RhilaOolphiu Ale, 30 boxes Sperm Candles, 50 do Herrings, Together with a choice .‘ //lection of Groceries for sale by JOHN CONK ERY, dec 13 806 liroiui-st. For Sale. \W I ’LL improved Farm, in F.dgefleld district, S. (C, containing two hundred and forty arrow of good pine land, adjoining David Ardii; and olh -1 rs, seven miles from Jlmiitiurg, and three from tbo I .South Carolina Bail Road, about seventy acres ol I which am cleared and under fence. 7’iicro are on | ibe 'premises a very comforiablo new two story ! dwelling house, containing six good rooms with fire- I places, a never failing spring of pure water, and all i necessary out buildings. 7'he situation is pb-asam, i and unsurpassed bv any, in this vicinity, for health. Appl> to‘Samuel Clarke, Ueacb island,or James W, Davies, \ugu>ta. dec 12 290 sw6t • Welch Finn i»el». i SNOWDEN & SHEAR. t j fl AVE received this day, from New York, snpe- 1 k H nor White Welch Flannels. Also, superior | Dark Prints ofihe latest style, and a variety of other | articles suitable lor Hie /‘VI anil Winter season, to I which thoy respectfully invite tho attention of the public. oct fi 234 EXTRA IMAUkRIUGH .CtUiLm & SIIFAR have received from : York, a supply of Marseilles Quills some of which are of Fxtra si/.e and ofihe most splendid style, to which they respectfully invite tho attention of the Indies. noV 7 IWolatfMCM, 4*c. HI PIECES of HEMP BAGGING; Id ‘ J 1000 Ready marl a Cotton Bags, superior ■ quality, 1 100 pieces Light Bagging, 43 inch., for square bales, ' 2fl lilnls retailings Molasses, a 10 lilids -Sugar, ' - 10 pieces .Sacking. Porsaleby o S. KNEELAND Ac CO. augSl 200 swlf EBacun, ll.himl :ue<3 Stmtcr. t tj) <|/)H LBs. prime Tennessee Bacon ‘ X * vJ? 10 barrels /.ant I v 30 kegs good liuller I For sale low by 1 nov 30 JOHN M. COOPER »:SQV. » Needle Worked Ca|tes uutl Collar?, at reilncrd prices, ftmnvdcit A' Wlifar i ■ ■0 KAYE received from New York a supply of 1 J-I. needle worked muslin Cap' s and Collars, I; winch they will sell at .greatly reduced price, and v to which ,hey respectfully invite the attention ?d c the Ladies. nov 20 o ~iTitdiv* Cloak Clollim. c f'MST received at No 206 Broad street. Dark Green and Brown Cloths for Ladies j Cloaks Superior English I/vng Cloths, do Kentucky Juaos and Miltinets, l 3-4 Bleach/' i and Brown Shadings, “ Mourning and Eancy Prints, “ i uncy twisted ..ilkand Gauze HandkTs, 1? Artificin! Flower, and Ringlet Curls, I ° vViili a variety ot other dosiralilo giodb, all of, n which will be sold low for cash. ip duel T JI WYATT & CO. Earn it ure Dimities. WNN S? i ):Z AK. » STTAVK rereivuc. frem M-w York, a large tujppdy | H of aupofior 3-4, 7-S. nnd C l i nrhimru j il li»»3 of mm rprdity; alao, a large .su;ndy of German ' n and Doni-nti' Cotton Fringe j r nor 7 Ji'HT HiEUiliVEn Al Uic August:* Carriage fitepoiiiVrV, NO. 1303 BROAD STREET. A NEW largo and well selected stock of CARRIAGES, in addition to which we .hull o»e LV. week receive a fresh supply consisting of COACHES, COACHEES, CHARIOTTEK )ICKV SEAT, STANHOPE, STANDING AM) EXTENSION TOP BAROUCHE RLE PENS. BUGGIES. GIGS, SULKIES AND WAGONS, of all kind*, together with a lar R issurltnetU of HARNESS, all of which arc offered on the most liberal terms. Call before to mrchaae elsewhere. Orders for any description of CARRIAGES will be thankfully lecoivwl an >x«cutoii in the boat manner ami at the shortest notice. If. ‘S, HOABLY A CO. Augusta, Geo. a ttmriMii V n „,n &G. HOADLY, New Haven, Conn. AUGUSTA, OCT. 30. 1887 254 atnviAL oka tv im, OK THE | tirorgiii SlaJe (Lottery. 1 I' jr the benefit of the Augusta Indep’t Fun Cmnp’y ci.ass No 4U, kok 1837. 12 3 1 6 ft 7 rt '.I 10 II 12 13 M 15 43 37 36 40 49 12 (V. fs'oFs2 20 3 l"f3' 72 71 I £ HEREBY CEKTIEV that the above numbers > ■ nti limy xln ml urn correct, us taken I rom I hi' Mini I :n??r'ii certificate of tho drawing of tlm Virginia 1 Mutn I. mmy, lor Richmond Academy, class H, for 1837, drown ill Alexandria, Vu. line. Uu. And wllicli daleriiiinea lira tale ul all Tirkola milm above Lottery. A. READ, agent. ■lan 3—l DRAWS THIS DAY. (JKOUUI \ STATE L O 1’ T E It Y . FOR Til K nKNKFIT «K Till*: iiUjiiKlß liMl( a |ici)il(!in rin; CmiPimsiy (Jinny IN •>. I, fw* iB3B. To bo determined, by Iho drawing of tli« Virginia JSlalu Lottery, tor tin; hum fit ul iliu Town of Petersburg, (Tuts No I, fur I N 3T Tobedrawnut ALEXANDRIA, Vu., fcuiurday, Jan. (», I^3B. I) S. G RttUoßv A Co. lo VlttOH & 31c- InlvrvJ iMuimg'.TH. OATITAI PRIZE. I 30,000 DOLLARS* mos ii> sc in .i u 1 Prize of S 30,000 830,000 , 1 10,000 10.000 , 1 0,000 0,000 ’ 1 5,000 5,000 1 4,000 4,00(1 1 2,800 2,600 1 2,000 2,000 i 1,747.1 1,747 I 5 1,000 25 000 , 26 600 12,600 , 28 300 8,400 200 aOo 40,000 63 100 0,200 I 62 80 3,060 63 6o ti,72il 62 50 3,100 124 40 4,(1C0 124 30 3,720 43K) 20 (i 6 800 | 24583 10 245,830 j i 20708 Prizes, amounting lo ,$8i>0,4371 j ItT Tickets sls—Shares in proportion. !K?"'l ickcls in tlm above Lottery can ho n .lamed j ■U nil times by country dealers and those who arc ! disposed to adventure, by sending their orders Io the undersigned, who will given prompt at trillion, it ad drissedlo A. READ, Contractorand State Agent, Augusta, Oco. Jan 6 f'tttk lliiinpcrs Reliant Irish Tolaloos, Just ro »F°Mr ceived and for sale low hv _doc2B johw s. Hutchinson. lit. A 3*# i«S, BEGS leave rospec.ifully to inlbrm iliu citizens of Augusta, that ho lias returned lu this city, nnd taken the room formerly cccupicd by him in (he | i A/ununic Hall, where he inumds remaining lor a low | weeks, and where ho would ho happy to receive j those who may desire his professional .services. The public generally, are invited to call and see ids specimens. non 9 ts 204 iV.'iiilcd lo I’iiitlcuki 1 . £) or .'W likely young JN’ugrous, lor which good rJiP prices will he paid, in cash, by dec2o 297 wtf J. &D. AfQRIUKOM Matltlle Horse- t A FINE yonng saddle I (unto for sale low by iSL dec 13 II \M» .V S( h'A.N V'M V ST BROA DBENT, A RtISJ HE.SPKCTFU LEV announces to the Ladies 'and Gentlemen of Augusta, Hamburg mid if* vicinity,that he has tukcri o room at the Masonic Hull, where he will he happy to wiitonsmli as wish their likenesses taken, cither in porir m or min iature. Specimens of his painting can he Keen at the room—second story—wnerohe invites the pub lic to call and examine for themselves, nov 13 If " 3f50 j. ,9. if. i>''t.tigriiov, AT mu \KV AT I. I \v.‘ H AVINIJ opened an oflice, in Augusta, will at- ; land lo any business entrusted in him, with I promptness. HisoUic'- is situated on iliu corner of Broad and Kolloclt stroois. oct 12 39 . h Notice. IL'UOJ/ this day WM.C. WAV ceases to Irons- ; , a act any business, as Agent, for Joseph .Shun- j non All persons indebted lo iho la o agency am j requested to make payinonl to Joseph Shannon.and i those having demands against it will present them 1 lo the same tor settlement. oct 10 237 JOSEPH shannon; v maEOTL DRAPERS AND TAILORS, NKV/ SUPPLY. HAVE received ihis d»y a line assortment of ' Extra, Blue, Black, Taney and Mixt Brouil Cloths. CABSIUEREB. Sup. black,blue,striped, and fancy patterns with i J' 1 a superior lot of fig’d Velvet, Toilinott ami Silk a! Vestings. Tho above will bo sold by the pattern or piece, or will bo made to order. Ik Dec 8 257 A i'ancy Ai*(iclcv SUPERIOR black and rul’d Hoskin Glovan,sup * blink and rul’d duo skin (Roves, rul <1 and « whiio Renin Gloves, white, red and fancy silk ! * lldkls; plain nnd ruffled Linen Rohoujh, black s,d in Hoaoin«, black man m Gravais, (oMra M/.c.i for t oalo by V KICK A: M.\ LL/.RV, dec H Drapers and Tailor*. > View /li>iBtit'lsaieiit 'j £\ F Ready made GJolbirig, consisting of Cloth j’ ' y and (hiats hair Cam blot (Honks ; Cloth, ( uni- • blct, and Pcloridium Snrtnuts and Frock CuniH, , - vvi»h a variety of plain ; Rlick. ribbed und fancy 1 rul’d Cussirneru and Clotli Pantaloons ; with a lot f of various Kinds and quulnjcs ; which, wiih ih- ir former assorunont are uffon d at redunod prices for cash, by PRICE «fc WALL.Aiy, de«9 Dropeis Tujlor., 67 Drool st. rj Cara seen) or Uriah JlMohh. If. ( MEAT and nnivenioni article for making j w IA Blanc, Mange, Jollies, Soups. iVe. ,*ml ns an p 1 article ril diet lor consumptive pa ients, tor chihtroi. Il! a (fee tod with scrofulous and rickolly disentes, ami I lor invalids generally, ii is recommended as super!- 11 or to Isinglass, Sag >, or Tapioca, hem/' h.glily no 1° trilious, bland, oml easy of digoslion. A supply, _ put up with full dircctiona lor using it, (orsale hy dec 12 H.WII.AM!. h’lM.I Y. 2 (.0. f riuid Extract at Sarsapurilia. > fl Oils valuable preparation of c-t r«nparilla, Ihe B most convcnieii l and effectual term of osii >,• , this excellent medicine, a tr »h supply olv Inch is j received, will bo constantly kept (orsale at A noth- , reary’a I lull 233 Broad st ~ i.ev 11 JOSK & JOB PRINTING OFFICE B BSriHiti St, HR Subscriber* Imvinir purr based of Mr. Jone « tho wlmln ol the large a«sorlnu3iil of JubTyb Arc. formerly attached to tho office* of ih lugustu (v'limniclo and Suub Kights Sentinel, an mvh£ Wttclo » \leii;',ive addition* to the sarno by of* Irrslnmi tho North, would roapoctlully offer their c*rvi(vs to tbo public; in their lino of busint*** 1 heir comprises the largest assort* ‘•mil (.1 plain and ornamental typo in this city, and • H they ore both practical printers, thvy have tbo roMost o’nfiiicneo in their ability to execute overy arioiy ol Job Printing in tt manner satisfactory to hosn \vlu> may invor them with their orders, and tope by diligence and at torn ion to businos 10 merit i share ol tho public patronage. W T THOMPSON, JAS. McCAITRUTY. 241 I S. 'J ho husinosi will as heretofore ho conduc ed under th linn ol *>V. T. Thompson & Co by whom all orders front tho country, for Handbills, Plank.-, Arc. will be thankfully received and prompt* y nt/aniod to J% Curd. ■: 1 P HI, AN , a native of Paris, respectful* » ly tenders hii services lo this community, os it I c.'icrer ol tho I'reneh Language. His deep know* Icdgoofihw Knglish I nge, and that of tho differ* •in hv> n un i.l iojieliing french, enable him to reu* 'i* hi fitly easy and pleasing Ho gives lessons itlmr ul the student's huuaO or in MMUirntrirs ilo v\ ill also open a night school as soon ns six persons shulMmo subscribed Apply to him at Mr*. Sa vuge m hoarding house Kefer lo Mr. Kgertcrn, ( vlio employs him,) Mr Mebftws, Mr. H. i. Durlie, ami Ur. L. A . I hums, dec \ ■ ut r KBNTUt'KVJEANS,RED FLANNELS, & • I ' 'asus Konluck i Jeans *> .‘1 hales red ElnNn.ds i do 9-4 Diidii lilnnkels / his dav received and lor sale on reasonable terms !ind prices, liy EDGAR <fe CARMICHAEL I lee 11 IBomilcisf ESZonmU*!! \ J.VIWK assortment nl Ladies’ and .Misses ‘ Ihiimels, cimsi.-aing of Leghorn and fancy plait*, plain straws, / uhcuip , mid children'.) hoods, at re d need prices. /Ilso.liont Meitionj, Italian Lustrine, ond Gro da I arts black *Siiks. J tsi received by ° B c 1 2 T. II WYATT & CO. New Elation 1 Sherwood’. Gazetteer of Georgia, (enlarged,) vv ill. a Amp, embracing ul] tho new counties, lor sale al I he J)rug store of decto—ai» TUKI’LV A D’ANTIGNAC. New Bso<yBts, Jiml wreiveil ami far title hy Hi chan!* (J Stay. mill’, Clock Maker, or Sayings and Dome* ol " •Samuel Slick of Nlickville. The Old Guinuicduru, hy the umber nf“Rnltlm tin* Peeler, M At. Tlie Duke ol Monmouth, a novel, hy the author o( “ rill! Collegians,” Ac. <Ve. Tim I.’ iHloi-v o| Rome, from the German of Schlos |, VVnclismilh, Iloereii, Ac. Ac. I I’rinciples ol Voljticul Economy,’ part first of l-awsol die production and ill irihacinn of VVeul ! hy If.C.Cmoy, author of an Eaauy on the Sato ” n g e » dec 88—309 1 New llo7>k«T i > a Ult: r.oiid F. llmv.hy I’nnl De K'ock, (rntwlaled ,r "' n tht. i'reneh, ly a I’hiludoiuhiaii. I he ArellniNia, a naval elory l.v Caul. Chamier. A. A. author of “Ha.i Rrace," “I.ifo ul' a Huilur.” A.c. Just received hy llw ' ‘ KICfIARPS ti STOY. Strayed or Stolen. ' 1( KO I/ H(i suhaenher's vvaeon at Appling, Col * rnahia county, Geo ,a Yellow Xorrel HOUSE ihoiii nine years ol age, largoTramo, heavily built; ollur particulars col reriminhcred. A reward ol Fvvt nty Dollara will he paid or h;s delivery, or any uilornialiaii that may he given will be thankfully ro '■'■tved. 1.1111A.W N. WILSON Augusta, jnno if jjj s*f tlewiuuf. ~ from the l.iluyctlo courae on llm > > Oil. iualaul, a hay Horse, star the (lice, now hog-km saddle, plated stoops, nhoat a feet high, no other marl s recoil ciel, Ihe above reward vvili lie given I o any information loam in Columbia eoucly, district /Vo. 9, or lo .Mr. Hibler, Augusta bo that I get him. JOHN I. AM KINS ’ •h r J 2 890 if Hcmovai. r S 1 )li: subscribers havo remove.* ibeir atotk. I hugs, .Medtoinos, (’aims, Oils, A‘o, io th i I'rick hmldmgopposite th« teuePiral ccr'upiod y 'hem . iuco the fire, liaaig one d or above the burnt .shuar..*, and on.) helot" -Anna. Howe’s old stand, at '* •'v 1 ' < l >ey “ r " n>:w receiving largo additions to their present stock. TJIO.MA.V BARUFHTife CO. t -; ;l I' 1 2!l ts IDMSURG DKDO'r,) * April IS, 1837. \ TIOTICE is given, that pay of freight fur 1 J ‘Merchandize hy the Hail road will he roqm ■cd alihe Depository on delivery'» ihoGoods. All Goods not taken from the Depot, within •v eiily-lour . j .or alter not ice ot arrival and delivery < given, will ho scut to a public store, at tho .utter or consignees exponco. P ril 19 _ 9jj A. R. HAIG, Agent h'Je psn p,yj g AOU ■<)d v xayiuvv'i dMMiioa 1)|IU loui oq ej mopfaa ‘puou am i.poen fi) vpjoiß r. pay ijiav ssj.nsnq apoc; Ajm .qt ojUjlUuiuj hi gaiqsi.n uosjad Xag jf ■oiaiiiaxo pus if v i oi (aw op ppio.w Biauqjtaui .fjinnoj jso,. ib spoof) \J(| jo '(..ois tUOSDJd 4M|| |p.s piu ‘asjii -j-' t hii.| jp.qi dll doisop. jaoqu sj..q|jj>iias j ■ •sa'o.d j,v »\i r i r i:>iw iii'C'itloiiKf; Ac <1 Ocattnissioit A rij.lf.MlNG coo.mix's lo transact a GF.NE- P. . KA /. W ARE.HOUSE AJVIJ CO.M.MIS sJO.N lU NINE-s, at hts old stand, corner o '• ashingtoti li'.ynolU-streols. Ho will mnkn udvarmoß on ( .non, Ac. in store, and will at -1 i: l punctually to husino.,.-. entrusied to his euro. sept H 211 S‘'ia’c S'roof W;«fc-EBoiiktc. r |jlHK milwrilr r.s taka this muhod ofinformimj a tho pnhlii*. t *;.•!( tlu*v j* J o ntinuo to transar{ >N BUSINESS Tlieir vVar li »i]-€K aro in rompieto rupnir, and th*y •i t a share of public favour. Cmtafu) for pact pafror mp»‘,tlu}y ud.suiu their frionv’* no oxen ions tfhall bo vuntinp lopnujiOiH tho iiiinr*:«f of thoio wlio may •litnist thrir he .si nos in I hnu. 'Their r harden m in uj j wit! ho oilier esiub lithium is of ihokhld'. dln-ral c.«Jvnix’os on pru.Juco in story. Keroivintf u.d Ibrvxuitlinpor rollon proiiiptly uttrudeu f i >. rS KtN f KI,A .X1) -6c CM 305 Coiqmi«iii»B , 7 HR Mjlvmnber will rontinuo to ironsnrt a l\ (U m:k IbCOA/MIS&'JO.N IW JMCfcS ii the rily of rvivannnh, and will ho prop. n*d to i';ke run- Ti 'b!' ;i*ivariiv,’»,ri. c in rnwh or hy nr . plane. '"» i -.i •m*-. s <>t r r:.»n, if a .,1 ( T y iliu u.Mi tl iiorummii.-, nid uifilractiona for in* wrnnrc and .s dr „.pt vi •; W C«. LA .MAR