Chronicle & sentinel. (Augusta, Geo.) 1838-1838, January 06, 1838, Image 4

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IRi'orffia Rail Ko;ul. ’H TNTILIha tffih of January, ■ )■•> irain ol Pn«- H.J Manger ( 'in* uillnarl Iro.n Aureila u ‘J o' rlo, k. * H for Ci.nink, Hie inlerscelioil of I tin Wm - rrnlon Branch, llclurniti;; leave ( mnnk at 1 «*• < IttcJc, P. M, On ari'l nftnr llio 2Hh of January, iho f’loagsr train will leave An/rmoa nl 7 n’eloek, a m. lor NN NrrnfilMll. Until ruing Inner Wnm nion lit t pant 12 o'clock. UK HAHI) I’l l lllis, Jr. Itraidonl Engineer <v ifiip't of Tranuporin ion. Jan i 'I menmoni> Bin;iiitTS n.n.r. I*/1U- he to <1 on the lirni 'j'uotrtay in lab »» rusiy next, nl the In.M.r J/.irkel homo- in the city of Augusta, within ihn I<n;nl hour* of min, nil Ihn iniorimi of Philip Miiagin, in « nl 1 1 iho lot nml improveiuenls, silnnle on llr 1 corner of Jems nml A/arliery itrmiia, in * n I city, mid rnronllyo, - rupied hy itill Mnagiii, n« it cooper'* shop. Ihn anion levied anil mlnrnoil lo in* hy n I'onatabb* lo adliafy two executions (rum Ihn Juatic’iV court of rlio 600lh diitrirl, in luvnr nf Wm. M. Willmm*, ti. the mid Mongin mnl James O't 'onnnll J«n fi, 183 d. wldJ UK H'l) I’’ KIWI, Mmnir It. C, Motive. bnaim ‘hk bomiolbn* co 1 nnd«r Ih»» 1 firm of M. D, I jumr.ii, vvill bo continue lun dci iho firm ol W O. l ulmnn \ <’o M D 'I \l MA Y, .Ins (• A I //Nl N, hr. f’n’honn’H Mi I In, .Inn I, 1 *k ♦ Tim in«ii.U’«>mrtn nl I!»»* «s u ill d'” oh • up <»n ihc iubhcribcr, who hope* Iw prompt -ti •• i• * «).* t and (r<»m llr* fin il'lii nmv tin lor Id - control, udd lo recrj vo ill* goiioroun p Krooni,' ■of 1*i«» I• i*-• i-1 - »• Jun 1 \n It ‘3 M. O. T A Ml AN, FOU HAV\NNAH AND ( If VRMbsT >N. Tho now nid Nplondid wtiiim j rodcl VVilliain fJ.i* A. ton, A Kimr, (’npfniii, will 1«-;>VQ for Iho llhovn pIIMM .H ■iv * *3 jmi . v • nnii.-v j!--i one.' n* I, fit, 0 o'clock. l*o r ft -jylil nr p i i• *, apply to cDW/d/v ; tv <i \!cdi;i.d .lan a :u ii/U3o‘ rj«' t'.sdfrO, ltd wee ,i A/ihifr <ntd J\J j ittytmuru. TDK Mfunbout* I'nrinrr * v o*a on I Ihi rin will lorin n lino o( s'- I*l4l Knt'*, n.-i allow. ( nnoiif ii cinp tin - r j'*i• *.i *■ liipn in Ao x vMiibor, IraMio; AI *» 1 111 ■ cv'iv Suiurdiiy and 1\• di.t* d «v, m .» <• . • 1. i’ ,M.; at. i Wonlgoinory nvory Smiduv and ’ day at I‘> <»’cloch A M. i'or l.w.'ld n pn■,• 11 ,*<■ iif»pl> on hoard or to NY NN li* N , Jan 1 3 m ‘J Moiolo. c*> ytiu.\n*Ja .Sa»«, t( hi t l)o 2Ntl» 1 Jcc. 1 ' >i, a mnlmi o uonimi, um a nmnwny, who < alia [ li« r ■»•!I r.olny Morß iu, 1•« Shun Don. Mio in Vii) yi-urs old, of mid fil«* M/.r, lolrnibh* rl liininij horn ll Ms In i*,l if 1.0 p Ipi’lM In mliow Any I'tMhon buviin; lostu wouimi of —l ll .r ill* .t;i, u n 1.1 do vwll I » cull and won her, p*?y • x\u n * .«.< 1 to!. *ln r Iror.i jul., On iho 53.M1i nlf, o inn'nfio nmn, who •uIIh liimM'lC //loiry 31 vi* n, In* I' •bin to inm Jewitt, or Alox ind«T .VI y«•, of t'r;iu,***l mir * D.» l. ,S. C. IloH M1 'yiMh oid, b Ifvt M iindjfH hi -,lt, uloul inudr. a i so, Onilio-ud inotnnt.u i -pro nnn who rnllH him* H«*ir Mohon, «nv.< (in ludoitu j in l-w t'hapman id iNionroo county, * • 11« i« ‘d \ • mih old, dark •mu plot led, 3hit.l nu lu 1 1 »*•!i 'i lif* nwi.t i d nro io* (imnlcd lo romt* lorwunl, pu> i\p»U’ ■ mil ink i lliciu Irom jail. lid ‘dDlCl. IN, .1 ulor. jlill ( ‘J lo un order ol llio Iloiiorahlo . iln* Inteliur < ’mirl ol Kn lmmnd nmmy, \n lion wiliinu lor ordimuy purposes, will be ndd on lb-* tirsi rucHil iy io M ircb n«.\l, bciwccn tho usiiil hours oCh .le, nl (ho liurkd lioiino in the e.ty (d .tninjshi, llVi* ll» »roc hl:iV*•», M/ > Mldy, l.eine, I .llmti, :m<l Niiiry, a woman. Also. JOi) a.nvs ol Land, belt ui ? r in,; l » llm *■ iiilool Ueboc.' i Hurt h, file of HUld count v, dceoastvl. I ernis on tho day ol wale. I. K IW/UC//,udo» , r. .lan -1 "( I J, 11. AIII S DIN, I’orhuil riHilior. HKNI’KD iFI Id.N iii\ius Jiih Iriouds and tho , » public of Aii'ii. ;a, lo c all end mm* Nponmrns ol’ his ml nl Ins panning mmi o\i*r (Ito ol Messrs (’rife nod d/allor.v ; on I tlcairi'N Ihos*' whe w i.-li bin protcßsmu il st rvicc a to upp!> at oiirc, us bis siav m Auruulu will bn short, j.m 3 tw lit —1 Bni*fniit»! Ila»•{* ftind I |jO/r. Sithkcriln r< Imv.' ilclnrmm.Ml nit <li-p"Hiiip » nl their ciiiirc siiu'k nl U' tilv ni t'! ■ t luilun ■, nl omt price.*, fur ciihli ; tu llio.'U lir iruiii ul uh* ItimiiiK pr.-al Imrg.uiiK, lliu priv nl tviil h. touml a \ar\ liokiiabla oppurtlinilv. . Illii r ill whnhnalc ur retail. I’KK 1 .v MAI.I.I'.KN. Prapers iV Tailoro, ilhS /ffraid nnuol. Jon :s 1 . iVol Iff. f |O/M i-Ii mn • Mil.l "ill i heir »l»«-k in B iraila Pi U iac Al.»iat', aula n Iriiiu Pair triolein Mini eliHlaia.'iH a nailiiuianeo i»I iho puiruaagu au liUiirnlly In .' ii" t J upon lie in Muisr. j; roni'N hy JOHN J. <<>//(. V, Jun;) (’I 1 Sur\ iviag Puanur. fif/ir. purliii i Ithip ho;. I.ili.r.i evikliug ill //am r burp, S » nil.lor tho 1:.: ii nl Piii-iy, Key A 1 ,in,!.„ y, i* flu* (lu ili i red hj n i mil (o . . . ; *|'be liusine: s will la 1, i m . ho i nnt.i.rlo.l inaler 11**.' firm ul P.'iuly if Kn',u ,» alone are am hum oil in tel lie U.c Linam'ss ill the lain frill ’J'llOS N OKNDV, ’i nos t. Kl.v, ea u.MiiSiiv. Jnn 3 ‘dl* I [\ of let*. f M till', Stock ol (be Jackson Shoe* !»\i 1 Cuiuj any un* hereby noutied that (horenmin iiiß Fifty Dduirspei sbaie us required lo lx* paid mi or bidurc* llio 10th ot dus month, by order ot ilu* eommuiou N S.MIIII, See W Treas. Jun 3 1 sit'foml COliSiou. ouiek’s ar.o.aav and Carolina Aliuaiific. I'll K Til 1J V U A H B L> * .5 if lACuCIM. VTI’.l) tor ilk* hor;/. >a and mon lian o ® * Augusta, t*»o e.,id wdl serve tor the u lja eiu Suiteh . Sold by ill. dn/.en or Ju-a published by i’ it iV I C i\ Jun 3 1 rijcw ICoctk’x. r> r.t’Ol I,L(j’KINs of a sum hern Mnlnai, l>> ll Mrs l arnline i.i uiin, autllur ol “Kei'niine tiuas of a Sen Lnplm.l lluusekcv^T." Abn Tukrii it eli by .'hss 0 M Sedg nl “l.i\<■ ami Ini Live. iVi 1 . The work* of < Juries l.ani’.i. io which ore prefu cd his l.e’.lers and a siitTch nl his laid, b\ Jhionan N. I a ibanl, one t'l his I'.xcemors Pcinci|«l*of I’nn.H'al l.e noaiy, hy II Cure mill or ol un F- say on iho nuo ol li ases. Jusl tocoiveil and fore lie hv .in. ,i i i H&jrc pi \n r. \otici*. AS ll Janalhan ''l aj* is amli ir'ned to net a« my -til. uitnrnev iluriin; mv M*'sencs ireni Iheei \. dec Ti UAMfcll. //CM) //K dutit m nl' ;b. ■ l.ivi’ uiion will !’• iv«»um* <\ JL on Tuesday du* J I January, by .Mrs. 11. I. a*‘.d-*le.{ by competent U ..elieis. For I. uu.s tis 'nntijn, ijofrdmß, x\:c apply nl I'm* Sciiim-.iry, cno door below Meb-»r> A!c ” . r unit iec *V c’o » nroa-l strpr.:. d * -6' 301 i*h*'Con»tbut. •• ■ < • • : • E siitcd Staffs .flail Liiir, / iu' four hovit Condif. t In Alhmit, (/I'orgiw fifty mile* travel mi il.e Gaurgia Kail Kond.) tXtsam > '^frV/VT. | | lUAM N. WILSON roiiirrri In. thanki to (lie • ■ public fur t'mir liberal patronage »inw lie ha* ronurn need minimi' (he übovn Inn, arid wmild in form tl.ein, llmi lie han parelmr . (he inU'ii at of hut lam partner in (he line and ivill herealtor run ii on Ilia own account, fie Han inado every arr/mye l inent (ur ilm public aeeoinrnndiiUoti.und m addition to Ii in mail lino hu* added no nee mintdation line— traveller* hy hnlh will he conveyed fa) rnilMon the (i .orgm liml Komi. llm conches are all new, unil made of'llin In at material* ; Inn drivorH ea.tful, and lioniKN gentle THE MAIL LINE Will leave /niiunin every Monday, Wednesday, end I lidny morning*, nl half pad 8 o'elot k, vii Kail ' Bond, for W ; ii*hiniflon,*L«*itigUiii, Allien*, duller ’ aon and (iainenvillii. THE ACCOMMODATION LINE ; Lv«ry Tuesday, Tlmraday and Saturday morning*, , nr the mime hour, and liTilinKnil Knud, via Craw* Inrdaville, tlreenshoro, I’nland'* Bridgo, and Wut kineville lo Allien* RETURNING. Tim Mail linn will leave Athena every Monday, Wedrie.,day and Friday, at half pa*t II o'clock, a m , and the Accommodation lino every 'I uemliiy. 'I hlirmlay ami Saturday, at the Maine leoir, and nr nve hi \iifrn.l i n >l iillerniKni hy 8 o'clock, e. at., hy the llcorio i Kail !. J r Tim OKI. e in AnirnMni* kept at the herieral ‘in.c i mice, in one o( the front room* of the FiagJe «i d ciiieinx Hoick ir'/'All J'arnila, Bundle*, die. at the risk of the o'.vner, '/'fare to \Va*hii!i;lon $.l, Allien* QJ, and to 1 n I m her point* in proportion A ii .'inlu, tin. Jan .0, IS3 f wtim .'I t otilll A fllf . - ( >MV<){ N1) oi liHHJHitiu lor <J cm troy ing Ibe rx ' V |>"«i ii n«rv v m looili; iilmj 1 JuporuH Tooth Aflic Lbxor lor nultMil Apothecary Hall 232 broad mi rocl, nov 1 i htphuiou in (Train cAinvirriNu. “ , f r supply of til*i n -ivr i- -«• veil counihliug of J * h ni-lHoiuc a.ifl nc!i p iUcrn .. lor wain I»v J>(f II 2U EI)(»,1 It i ’ AI<M ILIIAK fj. I' iiiit an d Dit v <;ooi>, WILLIAM il. CRAMS, 5; S now M*i'«;iv,iii/ a liandsoiii*' auNortmont of fun s'. i \ iiiui Niiipln l)ry <lo hlh *uii;kt»b‘ lor llm hfu hOii, u lii' li will be wold low, mi No. *231 liroii-1 aired, on 18 211 l |l n»ilitOfll.‘il)lc IlnlM. ;i I 'ST riv.-ivt .1 a I .v eases' and (hr *nle by *-» BRIDE &MA LLF./iV, tlcc 8 257 2f>B Broad street. I . _ StiSsirliW hfitl E'liMir. *> ** 11 A IT hill* Buckwheat I'M UJK 2'.) ipiarier do do «)«> Itrmvcd 1111 h day mid (or sain bv 8 n)V VJLL A M \MLEN ifV» Iti'ff!. !j i 8H1..V Mackerel No I 2 Hid II i a7 v/ ho half hhl* do do Koeeived and lor wile hy ■J' <JMB 2iK) STOVALL & HdiMLLN. TOUACCOI ToUICUOII TOUaOCOMI ► IJ'i.lV INti mii (oiiitignnuMU oCM) luxom Io- | 0 burro from g<»Mf| io primu. ■ i» v. ;n) John m. toopru a. son. *-fiaaifd , f v libH. IbiHlon (’rMHhod Nngiir •7 \ r t) do double ndimul do 25 do oxira loul’ do d N. SMITH & co Potash- GjAOK I'riutnra use, just reetfivinl mid for sale I 1 hy ANTON V.k IUVNKS. Del. ill Nn. 2H2 Broad mroel. and 4'otlliisl). >)({./! hoxe* I,ul>ee /furring, ' rwyH? “ t mllikh. N. SMITH A eo nov. H. Blacoii Ciitlcs. • \ fcMIX, Pnnm Huron Sides, .font ro* 1 M rnvuil and lor Side low bv CI.AKKK, Mc/n I. K, A’ CO. Ainpudu, (frt. 1, 18117. New i/'rajJ. g J i>4 ROXKS nm\ Kuiain.s 9 \ “h r in jurs (rryh 5/alaga («rnpoB, 10 bids OrangrH just rorcivrd. nov 0 SMITH & CO. Einiiiv itml Etrff. /f v \ I.BH. litdliiuore/film* f A P It) BBI.N. smoked Beef n iv 7 v suini & co. S.:uu|) Oil. 4 >, K v rrv Riiprrior ipmliiy Ideaidiod nnd un i* . * blrucbod—for miilo by WM. HEWSON, nov 15 208 Efiiot* ami ifiolasscs. c j V 111 IDS. 3/oluiiim-m rww in !.■ it iifw iv 11 iHt received nnd fur stile by STOVALL IIASILKN ' nov 20 271 i\Vw Btacoa. \ I*KlMI', miiclr, bv it VND & S(?RANTON ('nsaal I'loui'. 7 >IUTN'I\ M,il hrmnl, ivair.mtcd u very superi- I ■ or article. Just received hy d B! II \.Ni> .v BCRANTOJV. .U tr t flackei cl. \ D I and'!, iii whole and hall barrels, warrant* j L * ,d good, liv d< ■ hi HAM) A- SCRANTON .Vt iv JtSice. f IST rrroiml by dec 13 HAND & SCRANTON. Sjtnsip (til. J1 i r.N'T Winter Strained Bleeehed Lump Oil, just ! L u rrivinl and for sale by dec |3 ANTOJVY & II MM s. B3iclUoi’v 'Vtjlii. )j A Bin.s. new Hickory Nuts Skf For sale by N. SMITH *. CO. i Doc 11 289 Tt i.t'iillV liVaajf, ■t I’UT.S Teticrillo Mine, C-v 10 qr cask* do. do. Direct importation, for sale low. oci2B W. SMITH & CO. l*o(n («»*•«. S IU-SIIL. i’otnloes lor f-imily use, both 8 Kidney ami Mercer equal lo imported lor sale hi' CLAUKE, AIcTIF.U At CO. nov 27 'ijl •Wew Mackerel, lUU.S No 1 Mackerel v♦ / 25 do No 2 do i>o d*> At* 3 dt> 50 i do No I do •10 do Kit.’ii new Salmon Just received by N. SMITH O. ; Doc n 889 i.tMiliim;' <sla** B‘lafos, A \ F dltlereilt sii.u‘a, for sole hv V P AN FO.VV A HAINES, dec f* 232 Broad stri’ct. VlaU’hcs. "i Loco Fot’o nnd Luril 'r Mutcbrs. of Si iho bool mauuluciun', just rweiviul and for Milo In JM'O.Vi A HALVES, dec 12 232 broad stmt. liCra'lifs. >1 F FUESII sapplv, eoiisiantlv on hand nnd fer ■ * vale by AM'OA V A lUINF.S, IV !■'’ 232 Broid-slreel. J B'ri!<«*i''«i \ N excellent i lortment, of Truxse. mnstnmlv - ; on hand at v- •;* can I!”’’ vI) ,\ cs\ f Souks. Jl Rf A 5 If J Hit SALi. It K RICHARDS <V BTOV. rnjjr: work« of Joseph Addison, complete in h it volt, eiubrnr in;; lho whole of the “Sped Uor," At new edition /fccollccimtm of n Southern Matron, by Cnrolim Hilmrui, hi it .10r of “Rural lection* of n Saw Ln -1 glll rid J loiihok'-epor.” 'I he work* of Chirks Lamb lo vv'ii- It oro prefix ed hi- fxtcrH and Sketches of hot Life, hy 1 horviai Noon l alloijid, one of hi t Execumr-.. \ Lovo Token for children, deigned for Sunday Shoo! LihrurtPh, hy the author of the “Liuwouda, ' “Live and Let Live,” “i*oor Rich Man,” Ate <V-*. . 8 1 ; ; HE undersigned having formed a Cojnrtrior r ship in tho LAC’ VOHXdK and L'OMMIS -8If)N KIhSINESS in thin city, under (ha firm of Smith and Malone, respect fully offer (heir services to the public. 7/OKA CK SMITH, UOJiLUT MALONE. Savannah, Dec. Jfi, 1837. j.'J lvv MSuok ami .fob E'rinlin^. FIIHK siibfK ribercontinues the Printing BiJHinesr, M on (yfiiiinbell-street, first do or from Mcasra. McKenzie Hermoi h’s corner, and opposite Mil lars Law Office, where Plain and Ornamental Printing of every description, will be executed with tnsfe, accuracy and despatch, and on moderate terms for cash —such us Hooks ami Pamphlets, Cards and < m olars, < hecks and ( Dialogues, Note h and Drafts, law Blanks, Colton Receipts, Wagon Receipts, Hand and (Show Hills, Hills of Lading, Labels, Ac. Ac. Ac. DAW BLANKS. He would respectfully invite the attention of At lorneys and public officers to his stock of Law Blanks.— 7'he variety is boliev* d lob'greater than can be found at any other establishment in (be Staff —Blanks also printed to order, at the shortest no* ' lice lie invites a continuance of the patronage of his friends.—'J ho quality and variety of ins material*; am equal to any in the city;—and 1:0m (belong practical experience of Ihe suhsavibor in the pro fession, be believes ho will he able lo please bis cus tomers. /Li returns his sincere thanks Cr past fa vors. BENJAMIN BRANTLV. Augusta, Jan. 1, 1838 3t l SI. Croix Sugars. VJ E liV prime, lur sale low by I cJ9 HA NO -v SCR KNT&N, l*orto Kico Codec, \ Splendid article, in tierces, by fctec 1 | II V.ND .V S< T. \.VTON. Vi iinicii to Purchase. 4Jk or 30 likely yomifj Negroes, lor which good rxy l / prices will ho paid, in cash, by decBo 817 wtf J. & I). MORRISON. Saddle Horse* A KIN I . young saddle Horse far sale low by a. dec 13 ii AND a si RAATUN. Hoarding. A 1' F’iW DA\ iIOAU 1)KIIS ean be nci otninn -1 A. dated by Mils 0 L KAIiKli, 2021 Broad-.I (soulh sidoA net 7 235 n W anted to e*•<*. 4, NT.COND Hand Piano Korle, for which n roa mumble price will be paid. Apply lo Win. 11. i Ore.hnrdul Ivcrson'a Music Store, 217 Frond sired, dec 2 282 Ui'ktUW ff. H. BURLEIGH bus removed to No. 219 Broad street. oct 4 233 Firo Wood. r|HIE subscriber will deliver on the River bank, j H- good upland Oak and Hickory Hood, at St per cord. WM. .1. WIGHTMAN. dec 13 291 mfll I "1 f.W ~~ TiiiioUiy and t'lovor Elay. \KEW loads of excellent quality, well cum/, for sale by N. B. MOORE, j July w 1«8 swtl Jtgeney, ; Ha vault ah liisiiram’c A Trust Co. | Pm: iinrlprsignod, Agent of tho above compn-. uy. will lake risks on shipments of Cotton or 1 j Merchandize from this place to Savannah, 1 -harles- j n, and Northern ports. JNO. F. LLOYD. 1 todec Id 2 ( . 3 j I i'll OTB CruiS i’nhl iuNOti COM HA MfV i fI\HK undersigned, ngonls of I,bo Protection In-j “ stirunee Company of Hartford, Connecticut. | are prepared to Insure buildings and llieir contcnls against loss or damage by lirj »n iho most reasona- ' bio lerms. W. A; J. G. GATLIN, oct 31 dtf 255 Notice. j ' Jp Hfi undersigned will purchase uncnrrenl money 1 ■ and may always be found at the Goorgat State Lottery Office, No. 220 Broad street. aug 31 A. READ. 4 HI fit IKS on New York and Philadelphia at sight j or on tine; U. S. Bank notes and Kentucky | hank notes for sale hy nov. 6 JOHN G. WINTER. | Alaliania & l'lorii|;t YSoiicy. BOUGHT by IHo subscriber, No. 197 Broad street. [sept 16J E I) COORE. SIX per i on premium given for notes of the (Jen-1 Irul Bank ol Geo., also a liberal premium for | iv (es ol the Insurance Bank of Columbus, and Spo defy JOHN G WINTER. sept 8 207 240 Broad st. U. 8. Hai»k Notes 87* OR sale by JOHN G. WINTER, oct 7 235 810 Broad-st. $5,000 j 4 LAB.4MA BANK NOTES,for saleby j . » [iice7l JNO G. W INTER, 840 Broad-st | [ [i lAM KIbSViLLE MUNEI taken at par, fori j Goods, or In payment of debts due llm sub scribe faug 17J E. D. COOK E I litlvanccH made On Cotton . j I g IBER Al.advances m .do on Colton in store or ! 1 k ion shipments made to Sav annali, Charleston,or j Now York JOHN G. WINTER. nov li To Drovers. C Checks on the bank of ken-1 J TUCKV at sight, in sums to suit purchasers, I i constantly for s-ale by JUiI.V O WINTER. Augusta, Gn., Oct. 21 24" ts PONT Ol'k’lCK, Augusta. B Jt)t> 1 AGE will boreal ter, bo required in advance ■ on all Idlers forwarded by Express .Mail from I ibis otiii'e. E. B. GLASCOCK, P. M. nov 17 2tVj CarpcUnf. WILLI V.M !l. ( U VXE. n AS just received a supply of Carpeting which "ill bs sold low—also, Blankets Sattmells Ac. j nov 11 Ladles’ sloth Cloaks. V superior article, lor sale by PRICE & MALLERV, dec 80 ’ Drapers Si Tailors. Bagging. UHI PIECES Hemp Bagging ; Lp llm" For sale low by dec 18 895 STOVALL & HAMLEN. HlTsn|) Carpeting. 4 BALKS ol the above just received, consisting l T of 4-4 7-8 and 3-1 widths, will be found a last | ing and darnblo article, well calculated for Bed j rooms, passage and stair Carpetings, and suitable I for winter and summer Use Dec 11 289 EDGAR A-CARMICHAEL. COTTON OSNABURGS, VARKk, &C. '1 11 otters fur sale Cotton Osnnbnrgs, ■ Shirting and cotton Varus, oft ha Saluda Man ufacturiug company, S C., at factory prices. dec 88 JOHN CUSATERY. j a ADIEB FIGURED MERINO CLOAKS, Ji-J For »ale at cost, by PRICE .t MALLERY. Doc 10 294 Drapers &. Tailors. ; S,B A 11, CLARK have received it low m ire „ • new style Independent Second Hand Watch ! es.with two hour 11 roles, two second Ac Also, n j variety ol fiae London Duplex Watches, to winch ! |hoy invite nit*': lion. 1 nov 30 27 0 PUBLIC SALES. ■ BY W, i:. U J. r. JACKSON. ON SATURDAY, i lie fith will he told on ilk* ; emises, Thirty-five Jrct on Jackson street, extending along I ho Northern side of let No. 65, be to l't! iM ue ol John < .'ample.!!. dec'll. 'I enas oath. U CAMPBELL,) ,). ERASER, Ex’rs. jan S St ). HARPER, ) Executor* Sale. By V.. V-. 4. J, f . .(AfKiiOV. Wili b'i koM, an Monday llio Bill ot Januai) next, i nt lhoCli*Mter Plantation ol ili.< Inc* John Kox, j deceased, in KdgefioM District, S. C., about I.SK H( M>lll {> .HLAVK.S fart of tin ♦ Rale of saivl dm•• A largo por tion of ili'Mn am youn r, Ii!:* !y, and able bodiod field imndi. They will bo sold in lamilieu. —a r.«o, — At llie .‘ line time and plarn, 1012 acms nf Land lying on IJ »n*o Creek, Edgefield Diwtriel, near the Vaiii lus'* Factory, mid bi7 hitwi in JJarawell Dis trict, on the water* of Doggy Gut Terms of sale of the slave* one half cash—bal ance at twelve months with internet from date, with two approved securities. i’ETKU BENNOCII, ANTOIiVK PICQUJiT, HKNU Y 11. CUMMiNG. Augusta, Nov. 28, 1837. Executors. Ji'si ■ n i: ci: 1 1 •*>: u anTji\ Tu T> ; v jjcluwiuy s. tai:t('iii saos • *>/*■ Jllll)>. Porto Hie.) Sugars, m JP\J 100 barrels Potatoes, 20.000 //.ivana ( igars, choice brand 100.000 A men inn do /> Iso, on the river and daily expected, 100 barn ls No, 3 fresh Mackerel,will bo so Id ]uW if applied for soon. nov 29 Jum received per Had Road, mid Jor sale uv % s. nr'miiNMox* R bales heavy ROSE 13LANKE IS, containing 20 pr 13-1 qr. sup. heavy article, 2.'> pr 12-1 do do do 30 11-4 do do do 70 10-4 do do do ,70 9-4 do do do SO 8-4 do do do dec 14. Tilt* iNiviUiion. f] JIIS spacious and very commodious House, re -3- rently occupied by A/rs. Gamfield, has been taken on a lease by the subscribers, and ia now open lor iho accommodation of transient gentlemen and private boarders. Every exertion v\ Inch con be of any avail in giving comlort and satisfaction to those who may favor ns with their patronage, shall bo made, and we pledge ourselves to keep the estab lishment in a stylo not inferior to any in the South ern country Altai hod to the Pavilion is fitted up in the best manner, a Reslorateur ot which Oysters, Wild Game, nr any other description of refreshments which the market affords, will be served up at abort notice, at any hour,and in a stylo to please the most fastidi ous taste. The Pavillion thus presents itself to the patron age of the public, with the assurance lhat whatever share it may receive, shall he fully merited, by unro* united attention,added so the very best accommoda tions. GRIM IN' liD3lON T I).SOiVA Go. Dec 22 If 299 {M'Thc Constitutionalist will publish the above until forbid. While Lend, Ace. 4TJ/* ICEG.V lot I lbs tadi Union White Lead, rCwVP 300 do 25 lbs each, do do do Received yesterday by steamboat, and for sale I low by KITCHEN & itOBEUTSON. j dec. 20 ( ~ Machine! \N Electrical Machine, ol moderate size, new and in complete order, packed ho as to be car j rird with safety to any part of the country. Price i $65 cash. Poi sale by dec 13 //.IV lI.AM), IHSLEV frCO. William 91. Cnuie HAS just received from New York the follovv . ing articles: Best black Maitconi Lustring, “ blue black Poult de Sole, 4-1 black 7’hule Lace, black blond do. Jilack watered belt Ribbons, black .Mode, Cambric Handkerchiefs; Hest Black Sewing Silk, assorted do do furniture fringe. ,it. so A few fine Leghorn Bonnets and Palm Leal j Hoods. dec 5 .3u*< lEccfivcil. 36V*? BOX /NS' Bunch liaisons, ritiky 80 half and qrbbls Buck Wheat Flour, So bids Champaigns Cider, 30 do Philadelphia Ale, 30 boxes Sperm Candles, 50 do Herrings, Together with a choice selection of Groceries forsalohy JOHN COSKERY, dec 13 256 Broad-st. ' t; LA. fit I & E~~aT DEALERS UN i CLOTHING, HATS AND SHOES. Augusta, June 20. 11l Tor Sal**. \W fI.L improved farm, in Edgefield district, S, C„ containing two hundred and forty acres | of good pine land, adjoining David Ardis and oth | rs, seven miles from Hamburg, and three from the | South Carolina Rail Road, about seventy acres of ] which are cleared and under fence. 3'hereareon i the premises a very comfortable new two story j dwelling house, containing six good rooms with fire places, a never failing spring of pure water, and all j necessary out buildings. 7'he situation is pleasant, and unsurpassed by any, in this vicinity, for health. | Apply to Samuel Clarke, Beach Island,or James W, Davies, Augusta. dee.l2 290 svvfit Wtirli Flannels. SNOWDEN & SHEAR p E AVE received this day, from New York, supe- S.l nor While Welch Flannels. Also, superior Dark Prints of the latest style, and a variety of other articles suitable for the fall and Winter season, to which they rospoeifully invite the attention of the public. ont 0 234 BXtTFa MABtSEIM.ES .QUIETS. & SHEAR have received from ioNew York, a supply of Marseilles Quills some of which are of Extra size and of the most splendid style, to which they respectfully invite the attention ( of the Indies, iv i\ 7 Bagging, Molasses* A’c. PIECES Os HEMP BAGGING; *>D 1000 Ready made Colton Bags, superior quality, 100 pieces Light Bagging, 43 inch., for square bales, 20 Idids retailing(Molasses, 10 hlids Sugar, 10 pieces Sacking, for sale by .S. KNEELAND & CO. 1 nug3l 205 swif I Bacon. Lard aistl iSnttei*. •j) S LBS. prime Tennessee Bacon 10 barrels Lard 30 kegs good Butter I For sale low by . j nov 30 ’ JOHN M. COOPER j-;SQN. ! Needle Worked Capes and Collars ut reduced prices. Nnowdfii •<.*)• Slicin' * ■"AVE received from New York a supply of S 1 uiH'iile worked muslin Capes mid Collars, ■ which they wilt s,dl at greatly redured prices and : to vvlii -h they respectfully invite the attention of ■ : the Ladies. nov 20 Ladies* Uloak (Jloths. B I sT received ot No. 206 Broad street. • P Dark Green and Brown Cloths for Ladies Cloaks Superior F.f. dish Long Cloths, do Kentucky Juans and Sattinets, 5-1 Bleached and Brown Sheetings, i Mourning and fancy Prints, Fancy twasted t>ilk and Gauze HamlkTs, Artificial Flowers and Ringlet Curls, Viiih a variety of other desirable giods, all of i which will be sold low for cash. dftt 1 'i: WYATT & CO. I'iit‘itelm’i* Dintifkd. SXOWDf.S It SllEAli. 12 A\ 1- recoivtM. ln«m N r t*\v ork, a large supply 1 us superior 3-4, 7-8, ami 6-1 Furniture l>nm ‘ lies extra qna|ity: aGo, a supply German ami Pomesfic Cotton i nov 7 jus t si veils i • s:s> A I the Augusta Carriage SCepository, BROAD STREET. | 4 NEW largo and well selected slock of CARRIAGES, in addition to which we shall eve week receive a fresh supply consisting of COACHES, COACHEES, CHARIOTTEE )ICKY SEAT, STANHOPE, STANDING AND EXTENSION TOP BAROUCHE ’ITT. I ENs, Jj[ GGIES, GIGS, SULKIES AND A\ AGONS, of all kinds, logethor with a larg issortmcnt of HARNESS, all of which ore offered on the most liberal terms. Coll before jo jurchase elsewhere. Orders for any description of CARRIAGES will be thankfully received an rxecutcd in the best manner and at the shortest notice. If. S. HOADLA & CO. Augusta, Geo. H. S. & G. HOAULY, New Haven, Conn. AUGUSTA, OCT. 30, 1887 254 Oft'WlAL DU A IVLVu OF TIT K Slate LoSlci'). For the benefit of the Augusta I ndep’t Fire Com|i'y ci-Ass .Nil 49, for 1837. 1 | 3 4 6 6 7 8 9 10 II la 13 14 16 43 37 36 40 49 18 66 is 61 68 80 34 13 78 74 i HEREBY CERTIFY that the above numbers 3 us they stand are correct,us taken Irom the Man ager’s certificate of Ibe drawing of the Virginia State Tillery, lor Richmond Academy, class I», for 1837, drawn at Alexandria, Va. Dec. 90. And which determines the late of all Tickets in the above Tottery. A. READ, agent. Jan 3—l GEORGIA STATE L O T T E 11 Y. FOR THE BENEFIT OF THE Augusta Independent Fire Company, Class No. I, for 1838. To be determined, by ihe drawing ol ibe Virginia , Slate Toiu-ry, for the benefit ot ibe Town of I’elersbnrg, Class No 1, for 1838. To be drawn at Ai.EXAN DRIA, Va., Saturday, Jan. 6, 1838. D S.Greuokv At Co. (successors to Yates & Mc- Intyre,) Managers. CAPITAL PRIZE. 30,000 DOLLARS taa vND sc tii! us i 1 Prize of S3o,bui) §30,000 1 1 10,000 10,000 1 1 6,000 6,000 ’ 1 6,000 6,000 i 1 4,000 4,00(1 1 2,500 2,500 1 2,000 2,000 ■ 1 1,7471 1,747! 2f, 1,000 25,000 25 600 12,500 28 300 8,400 2(kl 200 40,000 62 100 6,200 62 80 3,960 62 60 3,720 62 50 3,100 124 40 4,960 124 30 3,720 4310 20 86,900 24583 10 245,830 89705 Prizes, amounting to §506,437! rr Tickets §lo—Shares in proportion. ftS’Tickets in the above Lottery can bo obtained it all times by country dealers and those who are disposed to adventure, by sending their orders to the undersigned, who will given prompt attention, if ad dr jssed to A. REAL), Contractor and State Agent, Augusta, Geo. Jan 3 Hampers Belfast Irish Potatoes, Just ro vy ,) V / ceived and fur sale low by dec 28 JOHN S. HUTCHINSON. B. £k»(!<Ecii, Ai'Ukl, g P EGB leave respectfully to inform the citizens -8.6 of Augosta, that be bus returned lo this city, | and taken the room formerly occupied by him m the JJ/jsonie Hall, where lie intends remaining (or a few , weeks, and where he would be happy to receive those who may desire his professional services. , BSr'fhe public generally, are invited lo call and see his specimens, non 9 If 264 ] J. lib MIE F r. IN-O r l*l> i I:«<! <) 1 p Itia, PORTRAIT PAINTER, r* EiS’PECTFITLLY oilers his services to the •o Citizens of Augusta and its vicinity, whore ho has boon so liberally patronised during bis for mer visits, and begs of those who desire to employ him, to make early application at the Rook Store of Messrs. 'l'. If. &I. C. Plant, as his stay in Augusta 1 will be very short. dec 8 s. it si oaATiibnt, a uttst, RESPECTFULLY announces to Ihe Ladies rand Gentlemen of Augusta, Hamburg and its vicinity, that bo has taken a room at Iho Masonic Halit where he will bo happy to wait on such as ( wish their likenesses taken, either in portrait or min- ■ iature. Specimens of his painting can be seen at j the room—second story—where be invites the pub- , lie to call and examine lor themselves, nov 13 ts 365 J, .0. K. lFi«m*iis«»y, ATrmtVEV AT U W.* BTAVIN.G opened an office, in Augusta, will at- j *1 tend lo any business entrusted to him, with I, promptness. His office is situated on the corner of | Broad and Kolluckstreets. j, oct 12 39 Notice. ; Fj' ROM this day WM. C. WAY ceases to trails- S-' act any business, ns Agent, lor Joseph Shan non All persons indebted lo the la’o agency are requested to make payment to Joseph Shannon,and those having demands against it will present them lo the same for settlement, oct 10 237 JOSEPH SHANNON. i >K 1C 13 & ill iLLGRY, i DRAPERS AND TAILORS, NEW SUPPLY. HAVE received ibis day a fine assortment of Extra, Blue, Black, Paney and Mixt Broad Cloths. * __ CASSIMERES. Snp. black,blue,striped, and fancy patterns- with a superior lot of fig d Velvet, Toilinett aud Silk Vestings. The abovo will be sold by the pattern or piece, or will be made to order. Dec 8 257 f'ancy Articles. black and rul'd Hoskin Gloves, sup. t-- bl tek and col'd doo skin Gloves, cold and while Berdn Gloves, while, red and fancy silk Hdkls; plain and milled Linen Bosoms, black Sat in Bosoms, black station Cravats, (extra size,) for sale by PRICE & JHALLEUY, I dec 8 Drapers and Tailors. i\ew A*sortmcitt Ready made Clothing, consisting of Cloth " “ and Goats hair Camblet Cloaks ; Cloth, ( am | hlct, and Petersham Surtouts and Frock Coats, , with a variety of plain ; Black, ribbed and fancy 1 col’d ('a simere and Cloth Pantaloons; with a lot | of various kinds ami qualities ; which, with their former assortment arc offered at reduced [trices for cash, by PRICE & M ALLe.RV, dec, 9 Drapers & Tailors, •.66 Brond-st. Cnrageen, of Irish Jftous. A CHEAP and eonvenianl article for making i IV Blanc Mange, Jellies, Soups, Ac., anil ns an article of diet for consumptive pa ienls, tor children affected with scrofulous and rickotty diseases, and for invalids generally, it is rccoromi nded as superi or la lsingla*s, Btic8 tic i, or Tapioca, being highly tin d trilious,-bland, and easy of dige-lienT A supply, pul up with full directions for using it, forsalesl.y dec 12 _ HAVILAND. RLSLI V&( O. fluid Extract of tiiirsaparitia, > SUU-S valuable preparation of St rsaparilla, the j y i 1, most convenient and effectual form of using , - 1 ibisexcellentmedicine, a tr. sit supply ofw liirh i- jn»t it • received, will bo constantly ke; t !-r ; tb at At--: 1 ; ccary's 1 lull 232 Broad si i nov 11 i !GOK & JOB PRINTINB SFacT aoi it ioiis Subscribers having purchased of Mr. .lone the whole of the large assortment of Job Typ ircsses, Ac. formerly attached to the offices of th lugusta (Chronicle and Slate Rights Sentinel, an lavmg made extensive additions to the same by or lets from the North, would respectfully offer their lervices to the public in their line of business 1 heir establishment comprises the largest assort nont of plain and ornamental type in this city, and ts they are both practical printers, they have the 'rosiest confidence in their ability to execute oicry artolyof Job Printing in a manner satisfactory to .hose who may lavor them with their orders, and lope by diligence and attention to busines 10 merit t share of the public patronage. W 'l' THOMPSON. JAS. McCAFFERTY. oct 14 241 1 S. Flic business will as heretofore be conduct edunder the linn of VV. T. Thompson & Co by Whom nil orders from the country, for Handbills, thanks, Ac. will bo ihanhfnlly received and prompl y a Rented to 11 , A edit’d. ' ~ ]VS f !- N S - f>,I j A\, a native of Paris, respectful .l lenders his services to this community, as a I earlier of the French language. 1 lis deep know ledge ollhw English language, and that of the diflbr cait syr terns ol teaching French, enable him to ren der that study easy and pleasing He fives lessons cither set the student's house or in seminaries. Ho will also open anight school as soon us six shall have subscribed. Apply to him at Airs .Ra vage’s hoarding house. Refer to Mr. Egerton, (who employs him,) Air Me Laws, Air. G. i’. Dorlic, and Hr. i.. A. Dugas, jjec 4 283 wtf KENTUCKY.fEANS, RED FLANNEI'sT&o ij Cases Kentucky Jeans 3 bales red Flannels ( 2 do 9-4 Duffil Blankets I Win day received and for sale on reasonable terms and prices, by EDGAR & CARAIICFUEL JJec ] 1 Bonnets/ Bonnets!! A CAKGh assortment ol Ladies’ and Alisses . bonnets, consisting of Leghorn ami fancy plaits, plain straws, Tuscanc, and children’s hoods, at re dll cod prices. Mjdtioni, kalian Lustring, and Gro da I ans Black *Silks. Just received by declg T. H. WYATT & CO. Ifew I£dilion~ olwii0 I wii| ,C I V M 0d '• G P zpUcer of Georgia, (enlarged,) r nt !,1 om, ’ r,lf,n e all the new counties, lor sale at the Drug store of doc33-3t* TURPIN&D’ANTIGiJ/^ Nc 'iv lloolisT 1 Just received and for sale by Richards Os I T» B C,O f«f U ? ko !'-’ ~r and dI ’4 ■“ Samuel Slick of &ijnkville W J® ihJllmTer ■^c mollor '’ b> ’ lho a,llhor » f “^ttlin ’l’he History of Rome, from the German of Schlos, Wachsmith, Heeren, Ac. Ac Principles of Political Economy, part first, of the Laws ol the production and distribution of Wealth, by JI. G. Caiey, author of an Essay on the Sate of Wa BM. __ dec 28—302 JVew Books. > BUIE Good Fellow,by Paul He Kock, translated from the French, by a Philadelphian. I bo Arethusia, a naval story bv Capt. ChamierJ h. N. author of “Ben Brace,” “Life of a Sailor,” Ac. Just received by RICHARDS & STOY. f strayed or'stolen. ROM ti e suiiscnber’s wagon at Appling, Cij? “ mnbm county, Geo., a Yellow Norrel UORSI about nine years of ago, large frame, heavily hail ulhtr particulars not remembered. A reward ot 1 wenty Hollars will be paid or his delivery, orany information that may he given will be thankfully re eved. HIRAM N. WILSON Augusta. June ts Vdf B*s Kfwarit fcA TRAVF.H from the Lafayette course on the CA 9th instant, a hay Horse, star in the ihee, now hug “km saddle, plated slit ups, about 5 feel hi'di, no other marks recollected. The above reward will be given for any information to me in Columbia county, district No. 2, or to Mr. Hibler, Augusta so that 1 get him. JOHN EAAIKINS ’ <l p c 12 290 ts It c mo v ill. r |PnE subscribers have removed their stock , >n Medicines, Paints, Oils, Ac, to tin t tick building opposite the tenement occupied v iliem since the fire, being one d> or above the burnt s T mrp , and one below Adna. Rowe’s old stand, at , ; . P" iCfi 1 key are now receiving largo additions to their present stock. THOMAS BARRETT & CO. se P tl9 221 ts HAMBURG DEPOT, > , rnTrrr . . April 18, 1837. $ ,\0 1 ICE is given, that paynenl of freight for , Atercharnlize by the Rail road will ho requi red at the L epostlory on delivery • the Gooils. All mods not taken from the Depot, within twenty-tour hours niter notice of arrival and delivery it given, will bo sent to a cublic stoue, at the owner or consignees expence. P fil 19 y JI A. R. H A IG. A gent 090 psn—p»j n aou oo y j.Miuiitv’i .niaaoa ’ll!" tom ai| oj moptas ‘pmils pin: spooS jo qoots n put} pm ssautstiq spun--, Ain at[t aaujiutnoa oj Snips; u uostad' Any -g -jj ■attnunxa puu tina oi [ja.u op pjno.w S)UBt|Ojam C.ttunoj qsoa jc upon*) Aid jo 400)8 jnasajd jroqi pas pm > S san -■ ! sm l J ! d, ll Sutao[o juoqu sjaquosqns •XSO3_ IV IMOJIV I r l r I a8 !ii'e*l3Duse BSmNisEes*. A CL'MMlNGooiitmues to transact a OENE AND COMMAS ' . at his old stand, corner o Washington and Roynold-slrccls. Ho will make hbera! advances on Cotton, Ac. in store, and will at tend punctually to business entrusted to bis cam. sept 8 211 S'iß'C ei'WDl Witi'(‘>|loi|B(b gtliE take this method of informing -C. the P" ’he that they will cuilinne to transact a general COMMISSION BUSINESS, Their V areh.mse* are in complete repair, and they srtli ni a share ol public favour, (baleful inf past pa/m -nage, tlu y assure their friends no exertions shall be wanting to promote the interest of thoso who may ■atiu.-t Ihctr hnsincss to them. Their charges in liilure will he like other establishments of the kind Liberal advances on produce in store. Receiving mid forwarding goods or cottor*prompily attended in- S. KNEELAND A CO ni ‘S3l , _2(tj >Bt f <l,’ons3assBiiBi(r>Ti Bjssiebcss. mNhe subscriber will continue to transact a ii <5 i-NERA L COMMISSION 15UN1NES.S jin the oi Savannah, and will be prrptrod to 1 Ki:tkc reasonable advance.-: either in or by ac -1 ceptan ce3 011 consignments of cotton, if accompan ied by the usual d :• urjrntb, and insirueiiohif for m* i . M “nd s*'c bcpt 11 -23 B LAMAR