Chronicle & sentinel. (Augusta, Geo.) 1838-1838, January 09, 1838, Image 2

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*fci. ■ ■■-•Sai. r " 1 ' ,- mm/mmm [run rut smi'scnvinkl. TO MY MOTHER. lit J. I), HANSOM. I did love lo I>ehol<J the bright tear of affection "Jiang trembling nit ! full from your dirk pansivc ry«, For il look'd like tlio beautiful rainbow* rr-flei:- lion, When ■panning at nutiscl, the ca«torrno*l sky. "Oh! It tv*a when Melt feature wan lit by pin olion, Unnlluy'd by presumj lion, deception or art, That your brcait wu wk aling dial ardent de votion Thai Can only bo found in n mother* warm breast. Tho' lo mo thou mmi l ively mjevery condition, When surrounded by gaycly, music and mirth, (Fori always discovered llte name disposition) Vet in sorrow alone dhl ! find your true worth. Like the, lints of the tulip y6ur rove* havo van i all'll, Yel winter, and age, rhane such beitllie* f.way, *lJut (he tulip is swrV le*t when verdure has per ish'd. And beauty Heretical, in niyjljts of grey. When the rosebud hat withered md lo*t ell i's brightness Tin fragrance. unchavged will forever remain, "And tho' now you have lost both your youth and your freshness, Will your heart all it* goodness and virtue re lain I ift is nonsense to grieve at our c. » n 11 m d Ist. v ers, And foolish to pot about Itshion oi debt, — Yet 'tis noble lo weep lor our kind benefactor*, And fiiend*and our parent# wo nu'c.r slimthl forget. Then forgive the warm leir which in absence i t gushing, Oar checks which in childhood you often cares); And oh’, pardon the sigh, which your son 11 now breathing, To rest once again on Ins dear molheta breast, Augusta. Deo. 30, 1837. To iht. Editor o/ llieNationnl Inlrlligcnrer. Washington, Doc. 01, 18)7. OoNTCKM KM I Hill HOt surprised tint, owing lo tlio excitement tinder which I spoke yesterday, your leporine should, as he expresses it, “catch inv language w;th ditli.nilty," und on almost any other subject, I should have eu Herod what 1 was reported us having uttered indehiie to pass with out testifying il. Hit the in tiler of slavery is a thing by itself and I d i not chooso to ha misun derstood in regard lo it. I beg thereluro lo ic maik that— -1 'implored* the gentleman from Vermont and did not 'luliplirnu' for the suite of his own cun- Hlituenta more than mine—boluin ho took such u atop as moving tho instruction*; adding, that my constituents authorised me lo hold no inch lan guage, but that I spoke aa an American citir.ens, 1 then proceeded lo say that tho spirit ho spoke of would moat luauiedly encounter another else where, to ho full as stubborn und invincible, Ac. I said, and any again, that tho discus mu is fraught with the mn*l Iromondmis consequences lo tho whole country; that it involved the hopes und destinies of u continent—a world, (no/ ‘the entire world.') I said that neither in tho New Testament nor in the history of llte church and of the Christian world, for at last 1200 years aflcM.’hrist.vvas one word to he found which could ho fairly const rued into prohibition, nay nor even into a disapproba tion oflhc relation of master and slaves; (lbo’ all, or very near all the servants then in the world wore slaves;) still less, which justifies a Christian man in disuniting the pram-and onibin geting tho order of society ■with a view to abol ishing it; that the allegation of any mrcli author ity revealed an ignorance of the teachings ol the Gospel, equalled only by the absence of us spirit which accompanied it; and that 1 would mid r take, ii 1 had leisure lot such discussion, to sinew •in a proper place, (but botb in tin; writings of the lieuilien antiquity, and in llte monuments ol the Christian religion, beginning with tho Gos. poiiff while nothing can be louud against slavery •much may be found lo justily or require a com munity ol goods; much against property; kit inure against war, which neveilholess no i Inis -linn man regarded as a crime, Ac. lint that 1 was not sent here lo discuss such things, and 1 would not dusv'us them, vStc. 1 have the honor lo lie, very respectfully your obedient, 11. 18. LEGAKE. To the Kditort of the .Mi/. Intelligencer. Gkntlkmkm : —Tho Hon. Hugh t). Legate in his cotumtniicalion in your paper of this moi nlng, says, that “neither tu the i\cw IV.iameui nor tu tho history of the t -hurt'll years alter 'Ghtisl; was one won/ lo lie lound which could he fairly construed into piohihit ton, nay, even dis uppiobaiinn, ol the relation between master and stove.” Obsoiviug, in the part of tho communication following the subject,when ‘ leisure” and a “prop *cr place” could bo found, i lake tlio occasion tu express my willing!! ;.-r to ireet llte houmable gentleman, whonevia and whcrevCr he iwjv think propei lo cuter upon such discussion 11 he will ■procure a repeal ol tile iia« caw yesterday, so as to allow the discussion to proceed in the House ol Representation, 1 would greatly prefer it there; where, upon the question whether slavey and the slave-trade shall he permitted to continue in the Capital of this Republic, u is , crfatnly appio •prime to show it cun be shown, that they are not inconsistent with the spirt and ptccepls of the ♦eligion of Christ. 1 am, gentlemen, very respectfully, your obe xlicul sort ant. WILLIAM SLADE. iV amiisutox, December 22, '.Sd?. To the Editor* a/ the .Mi:. Intelligencer, W is a i vi, him, Dec. 21 18:J7, Messrs Calks A Slaton: On my wav to place, I saw tar the ti si time, at Lcierabuig. Vir ginia, in the Intelligencer of that place the billow lug article, in which 1 would lie obliged to \oi to insert in your paper to morrow or next day with my remark* that follow. With respect,— J. 0. t'ALHUL Mr. Calhoun's laic suinmcrsetl h would scorn was as tuihlen as it wasjunexpce cd. W o iuvit Blteulltiu lo the following apparently well atUhen tn-ated facts, vvliicb we liml lurrated in the las Salisbury (IN'. 0.) \\ atclnuau.— I.inch. I ;>y. ••We made some remark* not long since oi the awkward predicament in vlucli Mr. ('album had placed many of his admirers by the sub treasury scheme. There are many genllemei who sav they heard Mr. Calhoun denounce Uni scheme as he went on to Washington city la- August. At Charlotte tu particular, the judg. then holding the superior court with several gcu tlenlen nl the bar, also a number of intelligent ci mens of Charlotte, called on Mr. Calhoun, mn they concur iu saying that ho then disapprove of the sub treasury plan; th it be spoke tieely am unreserve Uy on the subject, and at con>i lerabk length. Those gentlemen had merit oued, .Mr Calhoun’s conversation before bin change of opinion wa« fiver spoken of and wheYi that was r .r I i uggfisted, some of his friend* ilen'ed lli« fact and adverted I i this intern-w to disprove what was then rega. .ed nrn most pitiful ► finder. “Hut this u not (lie inly Jsudilen turn over of Mr. Calhoun's. lln> vole I i v.i 1 idd the llli 11 i*iul item of Ihf surplus revert o f .in (tie H ate* was more pi tin cdly 1m oosi-tent with 111 • recent i*|iinioii». On the same trip M Washington in company wnli nevural member* of llie House of . j HepreMntO'ivpv, lie declared that ili» opposition I ought to InmM on (he execution of llio deposilo | Inw if wu hail to lake the IU ra ' . Mr. j I horn; woo of H if Mr. A 11. Hheppanl, id our I own Stule, ii aid him'make Ibis declaration (re j (]ui!inly,and il .my b he can not only ! «i t tin - gentium n, hut (list of 1 nettnel privjie in So tint Mr. Calhoun , baa not only placed bis friend) in an awkward (iiedic.inicnl but himself in a util! more awkward one.” It lias been a rnh with me, from which 1 have rau-ly departed, to pass in silence the misrepre sent aliens to which I have licen subject, in (lie discharge of my puhlie duties; leaving jl to my after conduel to stamp the charge of falsehood on Ihem. 'J'he above 1 rug ini " < loriniiig an excep lion to the rule. Tin - reference In lime, place, and persons, and bn obvious intention to impeach j my motives in the part I[i -ok at llio late extra session, make il necessary (hat 1 should ni f e ; it. Silence might imply an acrpiiesccnco in na t* truth. | lam chnifci d w idi bolding convc,sation on my [ way ti WndnngtOii, Ineonsisteiii widt my course , j in relation in tin; currency and the fourth instal ment under the deposin' nr', with the express view id living on me apliangc of opinion after my arrival in n , with all the imputations to which Mich a sudden change would justly exports me, 1 repel the cltaigo directly and Iu 11 v• I never ut lend a sentence on the way here or n' any time inconsistent with my course in relation tu cither I.'object. lu regard to the first, my course. may he com prised under ih four head)j opposition to a na tional bank, opposition to a re-union with the .Siato bunks, support ofn total separation of Slate t and banka, slid llio support ot n ro-organiz itiun id the Treasury Department, to as to enable it In pciform the duties which the scpaialion nuee.s saiilv devolved on il, or vv lut i. usually called the Hull-Treasury- It ia impossible forme to remem ber, or to repeat, all lb it I said at Charlotte. I arrived here in the stage lute In the evening— and many of die ro peelahle eiizons culled on mo. The conversation was free,and turned on die sub ’ jecls for w'• ich il was Hippo- I Congress was cal led. lint 1 do know that I could not have said a y thing fairly understood, inconsistent with my course on tho currency. I had made up my mind unchangeably before I left Inline against a national bonk—and a re-union wtdi the Hum banks, and lor a separatum of Government and banks ol course, the re-or , organization of the Treasury, or the Sub-Treas i my, us several of my Iriuiids knew, and, among others. Mi. Mclhdlio, who will excuse me for i using his name to put down all cavil, whe n so . much industry has been employed to misrepre sent mu, il iv mg made op my mind thus far, m conformity to principles long entertained and . publicly expressed in debate on the removal of die deposilcs, it is impossible that I could have I licen gui ty of tho folly or profligacy of saying - anything to the contrary, an-1 winch I should lie i compelled to contradict by my nils in a short lime. - As my allolged denunciationsoflhe Snh Trea sury, 1 have only to say, that 1 lime always le yiidi'd it merely as the consequence ol the sepa - ration of lha liovci timent and die banks—a mere question of detail, die merit or ilemedl ol ■which , must be determine'.! by die particular (dan pru > posed; and, as such, have attributed but little i importance to it eitherin debate or conversation ■ 1 bid no conception in conversing freely with gentlemen who sought my opinion, that what I said should be tiicdo the subject of newspaper re marks but since it lias, I release all present, ns far as I am concerned, and the implied obligations which regulate the laws of social intercourse in such eases among gentlemen, and w ithout the observance of which conversation must loose all I freedom and pleasure. They have my full an- I sent to s ate all I said; nut a w ord of which if ■ fairly understood, will ho found in conflict with my course. 1 repel the charge of inconsistency, as to the ' fouilh instalment, with equal directness and full ness. It turned out that there was no avail sur plus in tho Treasury, Innl that instead ofdeposit iug money with die slates, wo had to burr nv to : meet the current expenses. The alternative pro sound lit the '.senate wits between the postpone iiu'iil M the fourth instalment, or borrow money to make the riupiisire- 5 voted for the former, ■ and could not have done otherwise, without a I gross contradiction ol iill my principles and the whole of my pall course in relation to life sub -1 rout. Hut it seems that tout. Thompson id MS. C. 1 and Mr. A. 11 Sh paid ol N. C. are relied ou to j make out this charge. Il is mil Tot mo to say r how tar they authorised their names to be used on the occasion. They can speak for themselves if they think proper, and they are hereby releas. ed liom ovely obligation as fat as 1 am ccuiccrn ■ ed, that might impose silence, and am at libeity to siu.e all I said on this or any other subject. i I have no apprehension that either wdl assert, that in voting to pom pone the f .utlh instalment, • lather titan to borrow money to meet it, I acted inconsistent with any thing 1 said. Had there I bet n no av.nlaWo surplus beyond the probable expenses of the government 1 would have been i among the foremost to insist on the doposile, but as ilieie was none, 1 would be the lasi to bonow I fn that purpose. a As an net ol justice, 1 must r quoit the edito.s i who h ive icputdlshed the n ude to pub ish those 1 remarks. JOHN C. I AMIOL'N. TO Till! EDITORS. Messrs, (dales vV Heaton: In your paper of 1 (Ins morning, the hmt. John C. Calhoun nutiua l , veils ou an asircle lirsr published in lire U alch man ol Salisbury, A Carolina, in which my i name,that ultdeu. JTiru ops ui and Mr. Calhoun's are meiilioncd. As 1 understood the publioali m, both the Kdiloi and Mr. Calhoun used my n un connected \\u!i that portion of Mr. ChulliouiTs conversation 'which is alleged to have taken place in regard to withholding the lounli nisialment, under lire drpnsitc act ol ISJir, and il is in r, fer enee to this 1 alone suppose that .Mr. Calhoun uses the following expressions: “Hut it seems ls trial Gen Tinmip-on, ol S .uth Carolina, and Mr. r . A. 11. Hheppeid, of North Caroii. a, are leherl ou t i make out this charge, il is not for me l. n, say how fir they have authorised llicir names v to bo u-eden the occasion, lin y can speak lot _ ilienrsclves, il they should think projicr, and they are hereby released horn every obligation, sv ~ lai as lam concerned, ihil might impose silo,ice l c and aie at liberty to s ale wlr.i. 1 said on llni oi any other occasion.” A converse ion which I held with Mr. Calhoun a tew d iy» since migh: have enabled liiin to say how fir I had authorize. ~i my name to be used On the occasion. I thm ln informed him that 1 had guveu no Authority li 1,, the pub ionium, but that 1 supposed the newspa per statement was made from whirl I had souu lime since said to the editor touching the matte of his publication ; that 1 had w ritten to the eilf T „ tor, coni(ilaiuing of this unexpected use of my name, and tcgtolluig llio publication. .j I’hc statement of the conversation, however „l as contained in the W alchmau, is, according l j inv recollection, (sustained by that ot Genera , i Thompson,id Houih Carolina, Geo. Carter l t . of Tennessee,) sui’s'ar.Ually correct, , loa tou'e.saiion upon the soojcel of the re r [ or U the fourth'lnstalment, r i Mr. Calhoun Maul, wo must hold on toil; we I must hate the money it' we have to fake it in I bank rags. H < V tar this forvcrsatioti is inconsistent with r Mr. Calhoun’* nubm-queiil course, rs not for me i to inquire or dctei mine. In speaking oflbis «tai^ * coiho -.h On, whicn occurred e< tween public men? l on a subject ut great public interest, and which i they were, then rr dug to consider, I inn wholly f unconscious of vi dating ary role of pro(fliety, cln i at,>ncd to regulate oor social intercourse, cspeci aiiy as it has never been niy purpose or intention . to question the purity of Mr. Calhoun's motives f of action on this subject, but rather to express my n grot an ! surprise at the course which he has I hlt himself hound to purse , and which I was iol I prepared to enticpale, Under the impulse of this i leading. I was induced utlhc moment of Mr, C-n- I boon's remarks in favor of postponing the fourth I instalment, to mention to a member of the Home ol Representative* the substance oflbis conversa ; lion. 1 doubt not that ho recollects it. Dec. 83, 1837. A. Ji. SHEPHERD. t In an article from the Mon J C Calhoun, in the ; Ifilolligcncct of tins morning, Mr. Calhoun says: i “Hut it stems dial Gen. Thompson, of .8. C. and Mr AH, Shcppcrd, of N. ('., are relied on to mako out the charge. It is not for me to say how I fir they have an liori ed thei names to be used i on (be occasion. They can speak for themselves 3 it they should think proper, and they are. hereby * released from every obligation, mi far as I am con* earned, that might impose silence, and are at lib- I < i y in si ato w bat I ssij on this or any other oc- Casloll," I he doubt wbi h this portage may he con * aimed to intimate, ns to 0., lending toy name to i | tin: publication ol ,\J r . Calhoun’s conversation, i I have reason to Relieve d >es not exist in the , mind ol Mr. f hilhoun, as he hud been infotmed j how the matter found its way into the North Ca ■ rolina newspaper in which in fust jp; eared. If j he lind entertained any such doubts, they would i f.iive been removed bv a direct application to me. ■ i The statement of Mr. iShcppcrd shows that 1 had not the slightest agency, direct or indirect, in the ina’ler- Hut my name having been Used ,i both by Mr. t ailiouu and Mr. Sheppard, and he i ing directly called on by the latter, it is proper t that I should saylthat my rccolleciion of the con * vernation entirely coincides with that of Mr. i Shcppcrd. W.THOMPSON. Dec 23,1837. noton, 53d Dec. 1837. * Rtn : f have read the statement which you ' *uhintiled to mo of a conversation, in which I Mr. Calhoun participated ami which occurred on ■ j our way from Greensboro* N. U. to this place, tj to attend the extra session of Congress. And in conformity with your request that I should I j stale whether the remark* therein attributed to i | Mi. Calhoun, in i - u to the repeal of the fourth I | instalment, correspond with my recollection of ■ ' ilicm, fc l luivu to say that they do in every essen. I t al particular. . j In this I have the more confidence, because vve ■ 1 conversed of it shortly afterward- 1 ; and because, | 1 when I lea mod, after the meeting of Congress, ■ that Mr. Calhoun had expressed himself in favor i;ot a repeal of that instalment,! was surprised,and I so expressed myself to you and others. I 1 am, respectfully, &c. VV. 11. CARTER, t lion. Mr. Snr ppr iin. UHItONIUL'Ii AND SENTIN EL. 4TOUSTA. a nesilay .Msining, Jau. C. In our paper this in nning will lie found some interesting news fiom Florida and Canada, In order to get as much of it before our readers ns possible we have been compelled to yield up out Editorial columns. The SeininulekT it seems, are determined to avenge the capture ofOsceola, and nil present fcppearanccs the war is destined to last the full five years which that chief declar ed he could keep it up I The Charleston Mercury of yesterday eon. tains a lenghly account of the loss of the Lovely Kez.iali, which we will publish 10-morraw. ELECTION OF CITY OFFICERS. On Saturday the 2d inst. the Ciiy Conned ol Augusta, elected the following officers for the ensuing year: City Marshall—Foster Blodgct. Deputy Marshall—J. G. McGonlrick. Constables—Jno. ■ Timmerman, K. H. Watson. Cleric of Council George M. Walker. Collector and Treasurer— John H. Mann. Street Officer—Edmund Mar lin. Clerk of Lower Market—J. W Meredith. Clerk of Upper Market Win. Keener. Keeper of Magazine—O. Danforlh. Jailo--—Eli Morgan. j Keeper of Hospital—M. S. Clawson. Auction eers—Wat. B. & .1. U. Jacks,w, Collins & j Saudi ford, J. S. Hutchison. Fire Wardens— I John Phinizy, A. Gumming, A.J. Miller, James : Harper. THREE DAYS LATER FROM EUROPE. Wo arc indebted to the politeness of the editor 1 5 of the People’s loess, for a slip from the office of , i the Journal of Commerce, foi the following Intel . ! jigence from London to the IPib, and Liverpool i | lu tiro 16'h Nov. Parliament was to assemble on tiro 15th. 'l'he Queen’s speech would not lie delivered nil the 20th. s The pirated packet ship from Philadelphia, arrived at Livei(mol Nov. 14th, in company with tho United .Staten, hence, whicn carried the account ot her capture, —having sail j- cd Oct. 271 h. 'J’ne ILivr - packet ship Charlemagne is below, reported by our news boat. Her day was Nov. : i utii. ' 1 Our boat brought up the letter hag of the ; Sheridan, in consequence of which, the letters ' ; will all go oil by tins evening’s mails. Neither j of the ships is yet w ithin sight of the telegraph . I station. Cotton continued to sell briskly at Liverpool ’ and had advanced in price. The statements art somewhat mixed witli the previous week, lire re ! soli ol which was bei'.ire known.—Tire sales o | ihe four days now reported were over 2d,Out j I bales, and the advance m price j a d lb, Tlieru is nothing ol iiUjiortance Iroin Spam.— h was said to be tho intention of Don Carlos it re-eros* the Ebro, in the course ol a fortnight with anew expedition ol 10,000 men. ■ N New \ oik dates to Oct. 27th had been receivci . by the packet ship U State*. ’ G. Herat Willie has been raised to the dignity I of a Peer oi France. Tire Duke de Neinour and Maj.-lonerals Trozel and Rulhietos, to tin j rank ot I,ieut. Generals. Variou* other piomo lions have taken place of officers who figured a '* die capture ol t' m-uimne. i From Suvjuiiuli Jun 6. FROM FLORIDA. us.isrßous i vteu.ioex From Capl. .Mills, of die steamer Caimlen, lion iv i Garev's Ferry, nr ived this morning, wo lean | that on the 2-lb nit. between Peas Creek tin r, I the Big Cypress swamp, a small party of Indian to was seen and pursued, and when the pursuing ,d parly reached the hamm u-|t. the Indians wen r, discovered in gu-ai force, and a severe contest iin ! mvdiaiely ensued, in wlii.h 28 of our gullan e- troops were killed, and 111 wounded. A men . I J the killed are (Jol. Thompson, »'an Swear' u i ingen, Lieut, Brook, and Lieut. Center, all of the i j Army, nntl Col. Gentry, C’a n tain Andrew*, and Lieut. Walker, ol ilia Mississippi volunteers, w-mlbied. Col. Gentry has since died. The joss of the Indians not ascertained, hut aJ presumed to he large. A few days previous lien. %L]|up captured 27 Indians near Fort Lane. i’ P* Since the above was written, wc have been po - i li'ely furnished with the f dlowing Extra, whietl j painfully confirms the above statement ; From the Jacksonville Courier. , V,’e hasten to give to the public the following , intelligence of a battle recently fought between i ■ out troops and the Indians. The place, as staled i in the letter, is not known to us, or to the writer. Such accounts cannot hut convince all, that the i foo wo are pursuing and lighting, is not to he ■ contemned. i 7’a l/.c editor of the Jucl.nonville Courier. . (Lust's Ftum, Jan 2d, 183 d. Dkaii Bn< I hasten to inform you that a bat- i lie was loug t a f*tv days since, (place not known,) between the Indians and part of the 6th ■ Regiment of Infantry. Wo lost in killed and : wounded 139; loss of the enemy not known—the I officers killed are Ll. Col. Thompson, Capt. Van- I ) swearingen, Lts. Brook and Center, and Co!, j , Gentry of the Volunteers, Wounded 111—killed I 29. Yutix’s in haste, , RICHARD WEIG IT MAN. Extract of a letter received from Black Creek • dated 'January 2d, 1838. An express reached here this morning, in 40 hours from Tampa llay, bringing Ihe intelligence j ■ of a battle having been fought between the ids- j r mmoles under Sam Jones and Alligator, and the , regular fin es under Col. Z. Taylor, Ist intimity. • |ft its not distinctly stated where the action look ; place, hut presua ■ it must have been in the im • 1 mediate vicinity id Lake Ki-simee, as wo know fby previous acununis, via I'orl Mellon, ul bis ho ling there on the 23d ul Dec. Both parties must , i have fought with the most determined bravery. |We have met with a severe less; Lieut Col. , j Thompson, Capi. Van Svteaice.gcn, and Lieulen | ants Center am! Drool;;, killed. Capt. George I Andrew?, and Lt, Walker, severely wounded; ■ Col Ger.Wy ol the Missouri Volurdeers, mortally wounded dead J. Killed mid wounded, . 139; say 111 wounded, and 28 killed, 'i he loss of the Indians we have not ascertained, but they were completely cut up, os the St. a.—The New York Jour , nul of Oominerco says that Mr. Gieonleal, editor , of The Sailors’ Magazine, has kept a register o! ! marine disastcis which have como to his knowl t edge wi.hin the past year,and the result is appal -1 ling. The whole number, counting only tuoso ( . which resulted m a total loss ol the vessel, was no . j less than four hundred mid ninety, viz: i | Whips and barks. 94 Cl Trigs, 135 Schooners, *34 Sloops, 12 3 Steamboats, 15 Total, 490 Most of the vessels included in this molancho -1 ly list were American. .Forty-three ul them wore lost towards the close of 1830, but Ihe intelligence ol their late was not received here until 1837. Thirty-eight wore lost in the mouth of January, lifty-luur ,iu February, twenty-four in March, thirty in April,nineteen in May, fifteen in June, forty-two in July, lifty in August, thirty-two in September, forty-three in October, forty-three in November, and six in December. The precise Uuio when the remaining vessels wCre lost could not be satisfactorily ascertained. In the above named vessels, says the Sailors’ .Magazine,) one thousand two hundred and nine ty-live lives are reported as being lost. Tins probably is but a part Os the Whole, for in many instances the crew are spoken ol as missing, and in other cases nothing is said, where, -perhaps, there was a lelal loss. Surely what is done lor’ sailors should bo done quickly. — Jiult. Jimer, 15 1 EXI'KJKSS MAIL. j Correspondence i f 'lho Acw York Herald. Buffalo, Scndat Evexino, Dec. 31, 1837. The body of the murdered Dorfde, the duly one left on shorn at the taking of the Caroline, was brought to town last night, and publicly exhibit ed in hunt of the Eagle Ho,cl. The corpse was held up—with its pale forehead, mangled by the pistol ball, and his lucks matted with his blood ! His friends and fellow citizens looked on the ghasly spectacle, and (trusted fur an opportunity to revenge him. Last mght, it hospital at the foot of Grand Is land, where some sick from the patriot camp were attended by a physician, was abducted, it is supposed by another marauding parly trom Chip pewa. American soil an(| the American Hag is no longer any protection tor the lives of Ameri can citizens. The militia paraded this morning at seven o’clock, and were under arms all the fotenoun. At half past nine, a volunteer company, headed by a cadet from West Foiut, a splendid fellow, went down to Grand Island to plant the stiipes and st-rrs, and maintain lire American frontier against further aggressions. At two o’clock lire funeral ul Durlec took place jat tire Court House, l ire street was crowded. 1 Ladies in their coaches came and filled the iuteri -1 i or ol ihe building—die cotlin and olUccrs occupied . j the steps. Old and young’ttlronged the streets. ■ | The fire department and lire military 'attended, | and here and there among the dense crowd were ,j seen the nodding plume, and the gleam ol the ' | bayonet of the deadly rifle. A piaycr was made ■ !bv an Episcopal clergyman. 11. K. Smith, Esq. j a young attorney, then made a speech more cx r I citing, thrilling, and nrucir more indignant than r | Mark Antony’s. The murder of American erti ' | zens, ort American ground, by armed British • i subjects, is not, thank God, an every day oul ! rage ! ! Upon the return of the expedition to Ohippe . wa, lying affidavits were hastily prepared to send jlu Washington and the British Government, to e j give a prejudiced statement ol the atlair. Among v other things, it is stand that the Caroline hoisted r | iUe Patriot flag. This is known to he incorrect, h j But two prisoners were made by the British. Thus hope is destroyed. Tuc bodies ol those >1 | still missing doub.loss went over the fulls, c i Tue Loyaliu force at Chippewa now amounts i- to over 3000, 1000 of which aie regulars jut ar jf | rived from the lower province—part of the 24th 0 1 Infantry, arid the Hungers. The Journal of Commerce pub Uses a letter. slating that Navy Islatui is another Gibraltar, ii •o is no such thing. It is not capable of being thru, t. lied so that 1000 men could cope with 1500. The gallant fellows then with Van Resselaer will ■d , a.l he cut to pieces. McNub has hut wailed the j arrival of the regulars lo do tl, and 4-I*l,ooo y i w orth of cannon wilt fall into the hands of the rs j British. le i Aluant, Jan. 3. 1838. J- | 1 have just had a long conversation wilh a very it 1, who left Bulialo on Saiur ! Jay evening tiro 30th ult. lie has fully descri bed lo me an account of (be outrage Upon ihe I Caroline, i give it lo you as i received it, a-su you that you may place full confidence in , n [Thu narrator’s veracity. „ ; On Friday, the 2’Jtli of December, an attack r j was expected upon Navy Island, from the Bnt -1(i ish shore. Many of our citizens had cougrega -1 ted at Sehlosser, about 20 m les north from Buf rc i lain, as affording an excellent view of Hie scene. Foe u-saiill did not take place, and the company i( j remained at Sehiosser- Inconsequence of want r ! of accommo ation in the one hotel of the place, “ I about 32 person^look their lodging* 'upon the steamboat Caroline. The owner of ibis boat had sent her to Schlos ser to ply as a ferry boat, between it and Navy Island. They made no charge lor transporting vohm'eers, but exacted heavy loll* of all other*, curiosity or business called to make the * trip across. The Caroline was a poor alfa.r, small and of little value. Col. McNabb, hearing of this, despatched .00 men to the landing place of .Vavjt Island with orders to secure the boat, and pul it hors du com ; bat. Not finding the object of their search, they I extended their inquiries to Sublessor, in violation of the laws of neutrality. About 3 o’clock, A. M., on Saturday, the 30th ult. this parly of troops made their descent upon the Caroline. They commenced an indiscrimi nate slaughter of the persons on board, and suc ceeded in killing 12. The rest fortunately escaped. One of the United States runners was shot through! the head, .on the wharf, in the act of escaping. Three gentlemen ol high respectabili ty were slightly wounded. ’The boat was then cut from her moorings, and hauled of! into the stream, where, taking thecunenl she was preci pitated over the falls, with nearly all the dead bo dies on board. You will remembet that Schlosser is the lowest landing point on the American side, above the falls. During the whale of Saturday the utmost ex citement prevailed in Buffalo. Knots of men were to ho seen in every direction talking over the ma'ter and swearing revenge. The military were called out for tho purpose of preventing the i uproar from breaking out into retaliatory mea • sure*. Before night set in, the general feeling ! had subsided to a determination not to violate the treaty of peace on our part. « vrrn - -, ■»-*- j- % - - ;r». cosiifiE kT; iAla. LIVERPOOL MARKET NOV If). Since our last circular of lhu?lh insi. tho demand j for Cotton has continued brisk and prices of the j interior to lair rpi'diiios have turthor advanced 1-8 ! p«r lb Good and line qiu'ilicß have not improved to the bame extent, but are I; h higll-r. The ini ( port continues light, and cons qutnily l he slock in llus port 1* much reduced, and as them is still u pretty gaiiera! expectation that supplies of the new crop will conic forward slowly lor ivvo or ihroe months hence, tho continued improvement in pri ce* is attributed unruly to those causes, and partly also to the decreased oil unit s of late, us to ilia ex tent of the coming crop. There ii some improve merit in Trade at Manchester, both for Goods and Varus, part cularly tho last low days, arising how ever, in some measure, from the advance in the raw material here. The business lor the four days ol this week, to last evening, is estimated to exceed 211,000 ha os. The stock of Cotton in this port is now ieduced lo about 130,000 bales, ol which a bout 80,000 is American. •.'sweimsms imMgiwtu. »■ -■aw-r s jMMattrttvr ‘4r*r**r*Vkr wwitc.'m Mai i«e Intel licence. SAVANNAH, Jan. 6.—C.cnrcd, ship Lowell, Dufllng tou♦ l.ivciqiouij brig Madison, Buikicy, New \ oi'k; sw irai.iol Ulrica, Km.ipjKl, Ilavnii:;. Arrived, brig Maty iiefnaid, Hitcher, HaAnna; echr Leroy, Snnth, JLi/aibelh Ctiy; suamboal Charleston, Hubbard, Gliai'K stun bound, r*ai cd,sbip t dm, Buckman,N cw Yo. k; < lihrlt* Car rod, Hoztcr,uvirpool; hr bring London Packet,Harvey, Uelnarara; scar A/ora, Lemon, t\ cit ladies; brig M - dison JJurk ey N w York. Went tosea, ship Auburn, Dm fey, >»c-w York; Van, J'ouii 1 , Livvr, ooij b ig lienjamin, Otis, Wist In ilu s; or sciir Isabel.a, t Li.utils, Nassau; schr Wave, Ba ker, JB iilitnmv. CIIAKLLSrON, .lan B. Srron Saturday; Hr brig Uovsr, liunscoiiiou, j Bermuda; U S Mail schr Hope, GriitUhSjK iy West via Indian Key;schr Akgunlicook, Muyv t St Marks; Atr yesterday, Laurana, Swasey, Si Augustine via Coekspnr I day. Ch an d, i-'r ship Latitig'mc*, Smith, Havn ; brig C. sh ier, Y.nrina, JavksonviiJt; s.ohrs Amazon, Iknnct, Ni.s. sau; Oscrr, Mmthwie, St Augnstnn.; Motion, W iico\, St Johns, Fa; La'jjraiige, S\ ilmiugtpn; Enulme, Martin St Augustin;-. Went id sea rday, Line biig" Gen Pinckney, Ford; Baltimore; G L brig Voidelia Sherwood, N. Y.; scijr Exit, Sisson, Savannah; steam packet worth Gu, lieynoids, Wi.minium. tamoKsasaßm |> 1 jR l> . At the Sand Hills, on Thursday the 26-h ul it mo, Mr. Jacob Moise, in the fortieth year ot his age—for 14 years a respectable merchant of this place. He has left a widsw ;ind seven or phan children, to bemoan their irreparable loss. R. M. GUNBY is authorised to act ns rny attorney during my absence from the State. Jan s—vv4l 3 WM. G. BONNER. AUGUSTA BENEVOLENT art') DIE FY. Committees appointed for the present month. Committee , J)ivision No. I.—Mr. T. 11. Manlz, Mr. John Knight, Mrs. Nancy Jones, Mrs. Thomas Gardner. Committee, Division No. 2.—Duct. Paul F. Eve, Mr. M. M. Brown, Mrs. Elizabeth Cole, Mrs. Anna Maud Sloy. Committee , Division No. 3.—Mr. Porter Fleming, Mr, Marlin Wilcox, Mrs. Barha Me- Kinne, Mis. Ann Berryhill. All cases of sickness and distress please report lo then. M. M. BROWN, Sec 'y pro tern . dee 22 1m 299 The Constitutionalist will please copy this. (Jj*A CARD.— A report having gained cir culation that I hail relinquished my Professional , engagements, I take this method ol correcting • such a mistake, as my intention is, and always has been to wait on all Ladies and Gentleman who may require my Services as an instructor o j Music on the Piano Forte and Guitar. Terms $25 per quarter. Piano Fortes Tuned, j W. H. ORCHARD. Application to he made at A. Iverson's Mush , Store, No 217 Broad-street. j dec 9 288 S EG AIIS* ■ ->q 000 f’BIUOU Spanish SKG A KS, r&u VX V\J Just received and lor sole nv Jan 9-6 W. E. & J. U. JACKSON, Aucl’rs COLUMBUS (GA.) RACES. i \ *>► ff IIE annual Spring Races, orer the Weslen | JL Course at t’ohimbus, Ga. will rome off Ihi s last Tuesday, 2Tih Fobaary, WluH iho followiiij •- purses will be I'lfurcd viz : i ; Ist day, mite beats—l’ur.e S3OO ?,1 do 2 <lo do do 500 3d do 3do do do 700 it h do 4do do du 1,000 '*■ sth do mile bent*, best 3 in 5. - On iVonday, the ilay hefiire the Jocky Club I!a I. res, a Colt sweepstakes will come off, S2OO en li trance, half forfeit. Nine subscribers and closed. u The track and fixtures will be in fine repair, anil all gentlemen of I le Turf are invited to attend ant canlribuie lo the sports of this hew and flonrishinj u association. THE SKCKETAKY. jan tt w7t 6 NOTICE. f jf HI N .1W A V Irani the subscriber in Fort Perry,Marion county, Ga , : 'i'AdO Negro Man by tho name ot NEE e SON’, dark complexion, ab oil fl VI A leet, seven or eight inches high, ful n ' face, and when ho laughs he showi t-’tar ' a moll dimple in one of his checks , irnd wlianbespeaks bespeaks quid •' and seems as if his teelh are clenched together. 1 1- lb- said negro, Nelson, is taken up in lids State am delivered to ihc owner, or deposited in Jail,all rea f, sonable exncnses will ne pa d, an 1 a reward of ion dollars will be given; or if taken up out of thi State, twenty dollars will be given, and all reason ableexpenses paid. The negro is raih-r suppose! 1 : lo be inv- igled off hv s ime white p.-r* in. hi Jan y--w3t G .M.VRV O.V LLARD. I % Georgia Kali Rotuland Bauki utConi "• * pnny Stock. * '- OUu tT|N Tins Day the ‘Jth Jan,.ary, at 13 o'clock .v, of subscribing for 2501 share of u stock of | he Georgia Ba.l Hoad and Hanking Com patty Will be offered at public sale, at the doarrf I ho company h Brandi Bank in Augusta and hot the Companies Banking House in Athens . mencing at 10 o’clock A. Mat each place ’ I The stock is offered to the public in consequsn, j of the determination of ilio directors to put *nd, contract, and build, with the least possible delav tlie branches to .Madison and Athens. V| The term? will be made known on the dav ol a „i by order of tho Board of Directors. _jon 9 wis 279 JAS. CAM A fv, Cashier. -* OTlCE.—Persons indebted to the subscriber 1 will take notice, that the demands are placod in the hands of Thomas M. Berrien and Mnlford Marsh, Esqrs. for collection. Longer indulgence cannot bo allowed. H, F. RUSSELL jan 9 _ ___ G ,4 small sum of money which the -owners shall have by describing tho same and paying for this advertisement. Apply at this its _ Jan 9_ ts T ' RAIL HOAD If OTIC eT” ' FHN HE Georgia Kail Road and Bankng Company, 8- are now prepared to forward wr h > mentality’ all mefehandizo that may be delivered to then u gents at either of tho following stations : Augusta, Dealing, Belair, Thomson, Burzelia, Camak. Freight payable in Augusta, RICHARD PETERS, Jr. Resident Enjineer dp Bup’t of Transportation, jnn 9 ‘ C ’UK members of tho Augusta Guards, mid nil Ihoso who design becoming members ol tha company as an Artillery Corps, are requested to” . meet at Lamback’a, This Evening, at 7 o’clock, jan 9—lt tv WM T. GOULD,Cspt. ‘ hay7 ! BUNDLES of superior Eastern ll sy f eofs* Fursaloby'GS. jan 9 stv3iv 6 lIAriTKOAD &WIKAM'iIOAt StOCK. 5 SHARES Stock m Georgia Rail Road A I vP < r Banking Company 30 shares .Stock in Steamboat Comp’y of Ga. For sale by KEEKS & HOPE. jan 9 II 6 SILK CULTURE. Morus,or the Large Leal Chinese Mulberry. 3,000 Tubes, ) The produce from onteutgs of 20,000 Guttings, $ the two last ssasiml. Price of Trees, without side branches. Under 5 feet, 25 cents each, Over ft and under 7 lent, 37i cents each, Over? feet, 50 cents each, i Cuttings. — Due eye, $l)5 per thousand, Two “ 55 “ Three “ 75 The Tree is easily propagated from Cuttings and the growth in the Southern Slates is more than dou ble that in the Northern, in the same tune. Ol tho CultiHgiiJl obtained fromjPrmoe AjSou,atjFliuhing, Long Island, but 17 in 100 procured trees; ol Iha Cuttings from them more than 75 from 100 wh ulj tallied, and the height of them is; from 7 to 10 set the present year They should be put into the r ground between this and the Ist of April. . Tin above Trees and Cuttings are for sale by JONATHAN MEIGS, Augusta, Goo'gia. I N. B.—They will he carefully packed and sunt to order, on remittance accompanying tho order. - - The Cuttings can be sent by stag*. jan 9 w2Jg ui Two Hundred and Fifty Dollars Reward. ABSCONDEDon Tuesday ' n . oigiit, Sfith December, Iron /jsjjhi / the plantation of Thomas Mot rfSfA tlsoii, >'> Elbert c unity Geo. 'j* / Four Negroes, viz: Jacob I “ K ‘- ua,to > forty-five or fifty « isiiii yours ofage, rather below tin 1 ordinary height; he is a very sensible, shrewd tel low,has some little hesitancy ip speech. Jacob it i a good b'aoksmilh and shoe-maker. Also, his wil ’ t HAKiTY, a bright inulatto, belwnon 3ft and 4 ' years of ago; she has high cheek bones, long chit and long sharp nose, rather tall, and her front * teeth in the upper jaw open Also, her daughte Betsey, sometimes called Elizabeth, a bright mu ■ latto,she might also pass for while, about 14 yen 1 old, well set, rather low, high cheek hones, lerg f wide nose, long and curly hair, and inclines to li - fleshy. Also, Ihe fourth, Maria, a inulatto also .about 28 years old, freckled, about the cornin') height, her teeth smartly, speaks quin w hen addressed without hesitation, her hair lou f and straight. Those Negroes have a ccnsidcrahl variety of clothing, and about as fine and neat « most of the whites; they started with some vet Peat hed-clothing. They carried with them tt ha horse of common size, and has a knot under oneo his eyes, and one white fool behind. Jacob has set oral hundred dollars with him. There ir no dnub they are aiming lor a free State, and that sonic whij man is supposed to be with them. It may be if the women are dressed in men’s doilies It is posed ihc-y have a small wagon with them. ’1 'B i, hundred dollars reward will bo given to any I who will deliver the above named negrtjfis, or fiffl r dollars lor each or either of them, or one hundrfl dollars iflodged in jail, so that f get them. 1"■ give fifty dollars for the apprehension of the wluß man who csnveyocl them off. f .MADISON BAKEP ■ Muckles’ Ferry, Elbert Co. Gu. Jan 18371 I jan 9 w3t 0 GEORGIA', Columbia County: ■. HERE AS, Abner P. Robertson appli ,| V v for Letters of Administration on thej „ talc of James M. Paco, deceased, late ol Columbi ~ county. s These are therefore tn cite and adm mish all si n singular the kindred and creditors of said deem*? l if lo be and appear at my office within the time pn scribed by law, to show cause, if any they liar why said lettvrs should not bo granted. Given undei my hand, at office, it) Appling, la ■lth January, 1838. GABRIEL JONES,OId , . Jan 9 \v3od GEORGIA, Columbia county. //EREAS, Abner P. Robertson appli ” v V for Letters of Administration on tho ( late of Jaco.i C. Bugg, late of Muscogee cyan deceased. 'These arc therefore, to cite and admonish all a *• singular the kindred and creditors of said tleepai lo be and appear at my ollico within tho time p scribed by law, to file their objections if any lb have, why said letters should nut bo granted. Given under my hand, at idi-lce, in Appling, t: 4th Jan 1&38. GABRIEL JONES, C’l’k Jan 9 _ C GEORGIA, Columbia county: .lessee Watson of Dist. NV. 7, it I betoro me, one grey .Mare, ab; - ""kifyloiirtecn hands high, and supp>= k ho fourteen or fifteen years oil. 3 % 1 (f ¥l! sear on her right hind leg and on t * li ft hind hock. no brands disco'' ed. Appraised by Edmund Fuller and Wil' l II Megahee, at twenty-five dollars, thin 19th day 10 Oct. 1837. JOHN MEGAHEE,J.P £ | A true extract Irom the Estray Book. Jan 9—w3t 6 DAVID HAKKiatbCTk tllorc itn-priing. SNOWDEN Ao SHEAR ? Tj AVF. received this day from New York, !’• *- ® addition .I supplies of superior Ingrain Ca.: a- | of rich colors and of new awl splendid patterns n- | which they respectfully invite the attention of public. d Oct. 30.1837, 251 CARPENTERS extract Bqchu ‘S | “ o Sarsaparilla I “ “ Sarsaparilla Cubobs, _ Copavia “ ‘ Iceland Moss r “ “ Bunesett “ “ l.iverwert i “ “ Pink Root • 0 Forsaloby WM. HEWSO* ill nov 15 FAU*. ANU WINTER GOOD T. 11. WYATT & CO. l's ¥ AVE received and are now opening at No. « S. a largo and general assortment of Engl (l French and American DRY GOODS. Theirs n ' of Full and Winter Goods is entirely new ; and le ving been lately selected from the northern mar n . with caro and on favorable terms, they are enai j to offer them at such prices as will make it a:i Jucement to their friends and customers to call examine before they nn! c their purchase, oct Pi 212