Chronicle & sentinel. (Augusta, Geo.) 1838-1838, January 11, 1838, Image 1

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WILLI AIW E. JONES. AUGUSTA, GEO., THURSO AA' MORNING JAMJAR V 11, IBSH. [Tri-wcckly.]-- Vol. u.-. Ao 4. W- -- ■— Dublilisc'D DAILY, TRIWEEKLY AM) WEEKLY, At No. Broad Street. TERMS —Daily paper, Ten Dollars per annum in advance. Tri-weekly paper, at Six Dollars hr jdvance, or Seven at tlie end of the /ear. " oekly paper, Tliree Dollars in advance or Four at the end of the year. CHRP NIP LB AND SENTINEL. ~~ AUGUSTA. Yesterday at 12 o’clock, the privilege of sub • scribing for 1500 shares of the stock ot the Geor. gia Rail Road and Banning Company, wore of. fared for sale before the door of (he Banking House in tins city. The Directors limited it at two per cent, premium. Only 300 shares were taken, at the following rales : 10 at per cent, premium. 2'lo at 5 ~ ~ 50 at 2 „ „ CANADA. The news from Canada grows every day more and more interesting. We were of opinion at one time, that the revolution was arrested, and the patriots subdued, but recent events, and the pres ent condition of matters, seem to render it not improbable that the war has just begun, and that we may be yet involved in it. The recent attack upon, and destruction of the steamboat Caroline, belonging to American citizens, and while lying in an American port, by a party of British sol diers, has kindled a flame of excitement along the line of Canada, and indeed, throughout llte Slate York, which nothing, we fear, hrt hi nod can extinguish. It was certainly, a daring out rage, to enter an American port, and murder the crew and inmates of a boat, many of whom were perfectly innocent of any violation of the laws of neutrality. We refer our readers to the items ot news from that quarter in to-day’s paper, in which they may plainly sec the indications of the com ing storm. A letter from Vermont, to a member of Con gress, says that preparations are making to recom mence lire war in Lower Canada, and that agents of the patriots of the Povince arc in the Slate of Vermont collecting cannon, muskets, rifles, pow der, ball «sec for tho purpose of once more setting in motion the ball of hi ody revolution. We do not profess to understand tho causes of the revolt in Canada, but we suspect that they have some reason to be disaffected. By reference > to the remarks of Mr. Leader in the British Par. liament, published in our paper this morning it will bn seen that ho denounced the conduct of the British Ministry towards Canada as “oppressive and tyrannical” and calculated in tho highest degree to produce a revolt.” This was before they had received in England the news of the ac tual bursting out the revolution, the events of which we arc daily recording. William D. Merrick, Esq. has been elected U. S. Senator of Maryland, in place of the late D'r. Joseph Kent, deceased. By a slip from the Savannah Georgian of yes terday, we have extracts from a number of letters from Florida, detailing the tWtehded tfpcralione oV' the different divisions of tho arrfy. These let ters express different opinions as to the probable result of the campaign. Wc give below iha most interesting. FRd.M . FLORIDA. One letter dated Fort Dearborn, Doc. 22. 1837, states —“We are now at Lake Harney. Cieneral llernadcz with the Tennesseeans, onthe ek'ki side of the St. Johns, and Gen. Eustis with the 2d dragoons and the 3d and 4th artillery. On the west side we have pas sed a good many Indian villngcp, tiU they have all been deserted, and the Indians have doubtless gone further south. Wc ore to go after them in n day or two, that is to say, Gen. Jesup with the mounted force will first proceed forward 1« join Col. Taylor on the Kissimmee. Another letter, from the same writer, da toil Fort MeNtel, on , the Chjk-sa-hatchee. (Dec. 28,1837,) says—“We have proceeded so far.—The CtJiick-sa-hatchee is a small creek which flows into the river St. John south of Lake HanV*y', and also very consi delnbly south of Fowl Creek. The scouting parties returned this after-, noon and report that innumerable trails are seen all going south, and supposed to a big cypress swamp, about 80 miles south of this point, Beyond that the Indian guides with us say that the enemy cannot live, in consequence of the wet character of the country. The Indians are, you will find fry a reference to tho last map, completely hemmed in, and the very judicious arrangement of the army nowon the march from different points will prevent, I think, tho possibility of their elud ing us entirely. They cannot go to tho west of the Kissirm moe, as Col. Shaylor’s force will intercept them. They cannot get to the cast of tho St. Johns by the two crossings ot the river, one near Lake Pickuell (named after Lieut. Picknell, who discovered the same), and the other about 15 miles further up, as Gen. Hernandez’s -force will prevent such movement, and they cannot go west, as wo will intercept them. Tims, you find, they are nearly “cornered. Two weeks will, I think, determine the result of the campaign. W« were surreunded with Indian villages that were abandoned, I presume, immediately after our first expedition under Col. Bankhead to lake Harney. 1 Our command is in good health. Gen. Jasup A is expected here to morrow. Wc are now where white man never was before, and, of course, every thing is more or less inter esting to us. But it is too laic, and I am fatigued, therefore I must bid—good nigbt. The regular forces are moving south. Gen. Hernandez has re-crossed the St. Johns and ia now retracing his steps east. The In lians appear to be making, as their trails in dicate, towards the “ Cnleicasas C/ia,” orbig cypress,in the everglades. No hope, I think, is, at present, entertained by tire mo.-t san guine of finishing the war immediately. Another letter from Fort Lane, (Lake Hen ry, Dec. 23d, 1887,)—“Major Lomax with two companies of tho 2d Kejjt. Dragoons, anil a battalion of 4ti,i artillery, left Fort Mel lon, eight tliys ago, to prepare the way for llie mam army, and proceeded about 25 miles to the Coslikeliatcliee, having made several bridges, cut through hammocks, made cuta ways, &e. FROM OUrt COnRKSPONDKST. WASHINGTON. Jan. 5,183 S. The President to day transmitted to both hou ses of Congress a Message of a most important character. He informs the National Legislature, that “recent experience on the Southern Bounda ry ot the United States, and events now daily oc curring on the Northern Frontier, hiivc shown that the existing laws are insufficient to guard against hostile invasion from the United States, ot the territory of friendly and neighboring na tions. He suggests that the Executive ought to be clothed with power to prevent acts of this character, tending to disturb the peace of the country, and involve ns in perplexing controver sies with Foreign Powers, ami recoinmepds a careful revision of the existing laws, and such ad-1 dilional enactments as may seem necessary to i prevent the commission of these offendes either by cbizens of the United Slates, or other persons within the jurisdiction and under the control of this Government. The Message was referred, in both houses, to their respective Commiitees on Foreign Rela tions. Mr. Clay and Mr. Calhoun expressed their high satisfaction at the tecoinmendaiions of the Message. The former, however, though ho urged in tho highest manner, our obligations o* neutrality, and dwelt on tlio disgraceful spectacle which would be presented, if the citizen* of a country should go to war, while the Nation itself was at peace - expressed his hope that the Com mittee wot;ld also lock into the Other side of the question, and ascertain whether there had been any violation of neutrality by the British, —who ther any portion of our territory, or any disputed territory, had been used for file transportation ot troops, arms, or munitions of war. . Mr. ftorvi'll of Michigan, find Mr. Pavia-of Massachusetts, concurred ih what had been said about nur obligations to neutrality ; but the latter expressed his regret that tho notice which had been taken of the collision with a slVong and pow erful nation, had net also been taken of what he considered an interference equally unjust and law less, with the territory of a nation not so able to repel invasion. Mr. Benton said that 'the Committee on Mill tary Affairs were now engaged in preparing rhea- 1 sures to enable the E > eculive to prevent these disturbances on the fronder. Among these mea sures, was one for increasing the Mlitary Peace Eafibllfchmcf't. In the House, the Message was referred with out debate. But the subject matter of it was brought up again in the course of the day, and , gave .-sc to an animated and interesting discus * . I* 810 P. Mr. Howard of Maryland - , Chairman of the Committee on Foreign RelatiofiSj offered a reso-i IntioH, calling on tho President for information respecting the capture of the Mexican vessel of war General Urrca, by the United Slates sloop of war Natchez, and its subsequent rcstoratior. to the Mexican Government. Mr. Adams moved as an amendment, a resolution calling on the Frcside.n for the fullest information in his posses- - sion, ’Bspccting our neutral relations toth in the North and South. Mr. Fillmore, the member from Buffalo in N. York, moved, another amendment calling on the Picsident for all information ho may possess re specting acts endangering the neutrality subsist ing between this country and Great Britian, cith - er by American citizens, or British subjects, on the Canadian frontier, and what measures hare boon adopted by tho Executive to presetve our neutrality with Great Britain. These resolutions opened tho whole field ; Mr. Howard opposed ihe resolution of Mr. Adams as unnecessary, but expressed his readiness to con cur in that of Mr. Fillmore. All the members fiom the No'rth, who look part in the discussion which was of a conversational and rather desulto ry character, in relation chiefly to the proceedings and disturbances oa the Canada Frontier, com plained that the President had taken no notice of the violations of neutrality which had been com mitted by the Canadian loyalists. No decision was come to when, on motion of Mr. Rhett of S. C. the House adjourned. Mr. Preston of South Carolina, gaVe notice, that he would, on the first Monday of February, ask tho Senate to consider his resolution, propos ing the annexation of Texas to the Union. The resolutions of Mr. Calhoun are still undis posed of. The third resolution was under consid eration during the whole of yesterday and to-day. Mr. Norvill of Michigan, moved to modify the resolutions, so as to mako it assert tho duty ot the Government io he, not to interfere with the sta bility and security of the domestic institutions of the South &c. instead of to give increased stabil ity and security to those institutions. Mr. Cal* ’ houn opposed this amendment. He maintained that it was the bounden duty of Government to give this increased strength. Mr. Norvill ex pressed his strongest reprobation of the proceed ings of the Abolitionists; but, ho thought, there was no necessity for any increased stability to be given to tho institutions in question. Mr. Preston objected to the generality of the t erms of this clause, to which Mr. Norvill had ta ken exception. There are some domestic insti tutions, in regard to which ho emphatically denied that the Government was bound to notice at all, —even to uphold or strengthen them, —in regard to which, his words to the General Government would always be “Hands Off'” He contended that the terms of the resolution made a conces- 1 sion of power, which would be most dangerous. I Look at its consequences 1 There is a State Col-! onizalion Society in Maryland ! He asked his | colleague, whether the General Government was : bound to give additional sacurity and stability to j 1 it! Mr Calhoun, in reply, said that what he meant by domestic institutions, were those that rested on the reserved rights of the States; and all such, ho maintained, the Government was bound to foster and support. Mr. P. proceeded, after this explanation. This admis-ion of Mr. Calhoun confirmed him in his opposition. He contended that the professed pnr pose of the whole of these abstractions—that which alone recommended them to his support — the prevention of intermeddling-wits completely overthrown by the principles now proclaimed. Consider the power to interfere at all, and a pro lific source of mischief is opened—who is to de termine what may destroy, and what may pre serve. Ho wanted no interference of any kind; and he maintained the right of the slates to re sist the incumbrance of its help. There is a large anti-slavery society in the state of New York; | suppose thit legislature should give a charier of incorporation to this society. What then? Must additional energy he given KOtI All ho wanted was that the government should keep olf. Ho ! dreaded and distrusted all interference. Mr. 1 Hubbard ol New Hampshire, suppoilod the amendment of Mr. Norvcll, and at his earnest request, Mr. Calhoun withdrew itis opposition and accepted the modificaiion. Mr. Smith of In diana, than offered a proviso that nothing in the resolutions should ho held to contravene the priu | ciplos of (he Declaration of'lndcpimuence.of free dom of speech, and the press, and of petition,— that the Union must he preserved; that on the canlrury, that the Senate expressly recognizes them. Mr. Calhoun denounced this ns an indirect at tempt to dofeat his resolutions. The proviso, ho maintained went beyond the constitution and above. The debate then assumed a desultory character. Air. Alon of Ohio, offered a proviso as a substitute for Mr. Smith’s, declaring that nothing in the resolutions should he held to im ■ pair the freedom of speech and of the press, and the right of petition. Mr. Calhoun said he - would accept this as an amendment. Mr. fhes tmi deprecated all resolutions of this kind. There were abstractions enough, he thought, in the resolutions themselves. He did not wish this great question to be covered up in a shroud of gcnerali ies. Mi. Buchanan then moved to ad journ, which motion was carried. To-day the amendment of Mr. Allen of Ohio, was adopted ayes 32—noes 14. Mr. Morris then offered tin amendment, asserting the tight i to discuss any subject, political, moral, or reli gious, or the nature of man its born free and in • dependent. Another heated hut desultory debate arose on this point. Mr. Benton moved to re fer the resolutions to a committee. Mr. Cal houn slrenously opposed this motion. Mr. Pres ton and Mr. Rives also opposed it; and finally Mr. Benton withdrew his proposition. No de cision was come to, at the time it became notes sary to close this despatch. The senate will probably hold a long session to-doty. M. From the A. I’. Com. Adv, Jan. 5. LATER PROM ENGLAND. Since our last publication several packets have arrived from Europe. Last evening the Sheri dan, Capt. Fierce, from Liverpool, whence she sailed on the Kith of November —the Charle magne, Captain Itichardson, ftom Havre, hav ing sailer} on the same day. This morning the Gladiator, Capt. Biitton, arrived from London—sailed on the 13 h; and the last and latest is the Washington, Capt Hoi dredge, from Liverpool, having sailed on the 25th es November, —one day rfler her regular time. By Capt H. the editors of the Commer cial Advertiser have their regular (ilos of Loudon papers to the 241 h and Liverpool to the 251 h, both inclusive. The commercial intelligence by this arrival is of the most cheering nature. Cotton rose in the tetj days previous te the 24ih November, nearly one penny per lb, and the advance was maintain ed a t he latest dales. A letter from a ship master, dated Liverpool 24th November, stales that freights were good, and cvety thing looked in a flourishing condi tion. The George Washington has brought out a 'special messenger, with despatches for his ex. I celleucy the British minister at Washington. The Pennsylvania arrived at Liverpool on the 23d November. She sailed from this port on the Bth of that month. I The England arrived out in sixteen days, and t the United Slates in seventeen. GREAT BRITAIN. Parliament was opened pn Wednesday the , 15th of November, by commission, “the open- | iug was merely formal. In the House of Lords , littlo was doffb besides administering the oaths to , such peers as were present. In the House of . Commons the right hon. dames Ahercromhy was , re-elected speaker. On the 16th the Commons attended at the bar of the upper hohso, am! the appointment of the , speaker was declared by the Lord Chancellor to , have received the Queen’s approbation. There- , maining days ol the week were occupied in both ( houses, by the administration of the oaths. j On Monday the 20lh Parliament was opened . by the Queen in person, with the same observan- „ cos as on the former occasion. , The entrance of the Commons was attended ) with much noise and confusion. Several rnctu- r hers had thair coals torn, and all were greatly in- ; convenienccd,in the process ol crowding through c the na.row passage leading from one chamber to the other. r The oath of declaration was then administer. s cd ip the Queen, being written on a large sheet e of parchment, which was spread upon a small a table covered with velvet and richly gilt. It is ,j in the following words. 1 ‘•I, Victoria, &c., do solemnly and sincerely, h in the presence of God, testify and declare, that I do believe that in the Sacrament of the Lord’s » Supper, there is not any transubtantiation of the 1 elements of bread and wine into the body and I blood of Christ, at, or after, the consecration t thereof by any person whatsoever; and that the i invocation, or adoration, of the Virgin Mary, or t I any other saint, and the sacrifice of the mass, as s 1 they are now used in the Church of Rome, are < superstitious and idolatrous. And Ido solemnly I in the presence of God, profess, testify, and dc- t claraliun, and every part thereof, in the plain and ( [ ordinary sense of the words read unto mo, ns they I arc commonly understood by English Prole-lants i without any evasion, equivocation, or mental r« i setvahon whatsoever, and without any dispenia-* | [ tiou already granted roc for this purpose by the ' Pope, or any other authority or person whalsoov. I er, and without thinking that 1 am. or can he, | acquitted before (ioil or man,or absolved of this j declaration, or any pan thereof, although llio Pope or any other person or persons or power whatsoafcrr, shall dispense with or annul the same, or declare that n was null and void from the beginning.” Immediately after tho declaration, the table was removed, and the Speech was placed in the Queen’s hand by the Lord Chancellor, which she read, the papers say, with enpflciaßon, ny so dis. linol u lone of voice, and with such accurate emphasis, that every syllable was perfectly audi ble in the most distant part of the house. f oaroa, Nov. SO, 1£37. OPENING OF PARLIAMENT. The Quceu’s Speech. Her Majesty, the Queen, proceeded If! state to day, to open the first parliament of her reign The forenoon was line, and drew together con siderable crowds to view the procession along the lino of road leading from the palace to tho loyal entrance to tho homo of Lards. Her Majesty was received with tho utmost enthusi asm, and on her arrival at the House, having robed, &c., and the House, of Commons having been, Himimoned in the customary manner to the bar of fne house of Lords, Her Majesty read the following Speech from the Throne: — My Lords and Gentlemen, I have thought ic tight to assemble you for the transaction of public business, at the earliest *on- I venient period after the dissolution ot tho late 1 Parliament. It is with great satisfaction that I have re ceived from all foreign powers the strongest as surances of their friendly disposition, and of their earnest desire to cultivate and maintain with mo the relations ( of amity, and 1 rejoice in the pros pect VhSt \ shall be able to promote tho best in terests by securing to them tho advantage" of peace. 1 lament that civil war still afflicts the kingdom of Spain. 1 continue to exercise with fidelity the engagements of my crown with the queen of Spain, according to the stipulation »of the treaty of quadruhlo alliance. 1 have directed a treaty of commerce, which 1 have concluded with the united republic of .'Peru and Bolivia, to he laid before you, and I hope soon to he able to communicate to you similar re sul s of my negotiations with other powers. 1 recommend to your serious consideration the state of the province of Lower Canada. Gentlemen of the House of Commons, The demise of tho crown renders it necessary that a new provision should he made lor tho civil list. 1 place unreservedly at your disposal those hereditary revenues which were transferred to the public by my immediate predecessor, and 1 have commanded that such papers as may ho ne cessary for the full examination of this subject shall he prepared and laid before you. Desirous that the expenditure in this, as in every o'hcr department of tho government, should he kept within due limits, 1 feel confident that you will gladly make adequate provision for tho support of tin; honor and dignity of the crown. The estimates for the services of next year arc in course of preparation, and will 1)0 laid before you at the accustomed period. I have directed that the utmost economy should be enforced in every branch of the public expenditure. My Lords and Gentlemen. The external peace and domestic tranquility which at present happily prevail, are very lavora hie lor the consideration of such measures of reformation and amendment as may he necessary or expedient, and your attention will naturally he directed to that course of l< gislalion which was interrupted by the necessary dissolution of : the last Parliament. Tho result of the inquities which hive boon made into the condition of the poor in Ireland has been already laid before Parliament, and it’ will bo your duty to consult whether it may not he safe, and wise to established by law some wefl regulated mrtnh of 1 elTc'f Tor the destitute in that country. tl , The municipal government of the cities and towns iq Ireland calla for better regulation. The laws which govern the collection of the titho composition in Ireland require revisoft and amendment. Convinced that the better and more effectual administration of justice is among tho first duties of a sovereign, I request your alter.lion,to ,thos« measures which will ha submit ted toycu for tho improvement of the law. You cannot hut ho sensible of the deep im portance of those question* which I have submit ted to you, and of the necessity of treating them in that sprit of impartiality and justice which affords the best hope ofbringng them to a happy and useful termination. In meeting this Parlia ment, the first that has been elected under rny au thority, I am anxious to declare my confidence in your loyaliiy and wisdom. The early age at which 1 am called to the Sovereignty of this kingdom, renders it a more imperative duly that under Divine Providence I should place toy re banco upon your cordial co-operation, and upon the love and affection of all-iny people ” The House then adjournal until tho evening. At the evening meeting the address in answer to the speech was maved by the Duke of Sussex, and seconded by Lord Portrnan. In the course of his speech the royal duke ad verted to Ike affairs of Ireland, arid expressed his confident hope that the measures proposed hy government for the conclusion of tho questions connected with that part of the kingdom, would receive the support of tho Duke of Wellington— alluding to the declaration by that illustrious per sonage, of hia sincere wish to have them settled. The Duke of Wellington in reply said: I My lords, I ,have great satisfaction in rising upon this occasion to give my assent to the ad- ( dress moved by the illustrious prince opposite, in answer to the speech delivered by her Majesty ( from the throne. My lords, I have so little oh- | jeclton either to that, gracious speech, or to the ( address moved try tiro illustrious prince, that I should have thought it unnecessary to address ( ~ne wordtoyonr lordships upon the subject, if it had not been for the purpose of expressing my , respect to her majesty and likewise for the illus- < trious duke who has moved the address on this | occasion. (Heir.) j I shall certainly follow flic example of his , royal highness, and of the noble lord who has , seconded the address, in making no observations i , either upon the speech or address, which can in any manner occasion any iiritalion of feeling or difference of opinion on the part of any noble lord on cither side of the house. (Hear, hear,; hear.) My lords, I sincerely congratulate your lord- j ships that upon this first occasion upon which J her Majesty has addressed the parliament called ■ by herself, it is in the po vet of this house to re- j turn an her Majesty which shall be, r unanimous. (Hear, hvar.) It is impossible | that any noble lords could have addressed them- | f s „ive» to yot r lordships with more judgment and | j discretion than the illustrious prince and noble!, lord who last address you have displayed on this j occasion. (Hear, hear.) My lords, I hope that, , during every moment of the remaidcr of mjr h r e 1 j I shall witness the prosperity of her Majesty’s ( reign, ami her individual happiness. ('Loud : , cheering.) I can say no morn, my lords, to ex- ( press my feelings toward that illustrious indi- ! ( vidua). Cheers, ! , My lord.-, 1 likewise recollect tho expressions j to which the illustrious prince bis adverted, and which foil from meat the termination of the last session of Parliament. My lords 1 have not by any moans changed my intentions upon those subjects; and 1 will only upon this occasion add, that those subjects huvo been adverted to in the speech from the throne, and also in the address moved by the illustrious prince, and seconded by the noble baron, in such a manner as so facilitate the intention of which I spoke Inst session.- (Cheers,) 1 will not trouble your lordships far ther, except to express my anxious hope that 'his address will he allowed to.pass unanimously.. The address was then agreed to, and was ordered to he presented with the usual forms. lit the House of Commons, notice ol a motion y br the repeal of. the corn-laws wan given by Mr. Villars, to be brought forward oh the Ist of March , Mr.Talfourd gave notice of s. motion on the sub ject of copy-right. The report of the committee appointed to frame the address in -answer to the speech was then brought up, hut before it was adopted Mr. Leader rose and made a long speech on the sub ject of Canada, taking the same ground that tyas occupied a former sessions by Mr. ftoehucit. Ho also enlarged upon the subject of Parliamentary reform, Mr. Leader said that the declaration of the co ble lord that he wiold not consent to a reform in the representative system, had taken from refor mers all hope. That declaration was ill-timed and most ~ > atal to the administration of which th noble lord was mumbur, and he must not be sur prised if it deprived them ot the confidence of the representatives of the people. /'Hoar, hear.) The eager joy displayed by thu party opposite was a convincing proof of this; thsy hailed the noble lord as a partisan of the compact between two portions of the aristocracy, which hail never received the sanction of the people.—(Latiglucr from the opposition.) Ho denied that the pnoplo were actuated by a mere desire of change; (hoar, hear; ) and as to the ridicule, he said that the people were as de termined to have the reform of the reform act as they had been to have the reform hill itself. They succeeded in that —why should they fail now 1 There was now no hope of popular measures from (lie present government. The hon. member then adverted at some length to the slate of Lower Canada, contending that the measures adopted toward that country had been such as to goad a quiet, mo.ul, religious and peaceable people to the very verge of revolt. They were promised conciliatory measures, hut the resolutions of last session were called conciliatory, and yet (hey had been received in Canada ns they deserved to he,, with indignation atM hi tier animosity. The proceedings of the colonial government had been most arbitrary and tyrannical, and scv. era! meetings had been held in Upper Canada at which the inhabitants had resolved to make com mon cause with their brethren. When a movement oflroopg was announced in t|ie news papers, (he question was added, “Where |w-l ' they he in the spring 1” The people were being drilled to arms in voluntoei companies under mi litia officers: there were constant alluvion in the papers to the Ameiican war of independence, shewing how the British troops had been met and discomfited; —every tiling betokened a re volt, unless the obnoxious resolutions were with, drawn, and the just demands of the Canadians conceded. From the N. T. Fvemn g Herald ./an. !i. SEVEN DAYS LATER STILL! ! Our worthy friend Captain Cobb, has just ar rived in his splendid vessel the Hibernia, from Liverpool, anil has favored us with the Liverpool Journal of the 2d of December, seven days I ater than (he dates iu another portion of our paper this morning: -fc Don Carlos is exasperating the minds of his own partisans by his severities. His nephew, the Infant Don -Sebastian is in disgrace. Tlie of Portugal lias succeeded in ran struc'ing h cabinet. Sen. Ilaudciar is at the head of it , Espartern has pul to death 1* soldiers convict ed of fomenting (ho disturbances in which Gen eral Saisfield was recently murdered. Correspondence of the .V. Y. Herald. BUFFALO, Monday Eve. Jan I, 1838. James Gordon Bennett, Esq.— Dear Sir: late last evening a company of fifty volunteers arrived from Calaraugus, nilly armed, and hringiti/k ,'w/th them a niece 61 artillery, designed for Navy Is land. They report that there are more coming from the same quarter. Our city looks to day more war like than ever. I never saw at the north so fine a day for the season. It is more like May than Japgafy. j went to the house to bask iu the sunshina and view the glittering lake and surrounding pros pect. Now and then the sound of distant cannon came upon the ear; all around «as like one grand military holiday. The roll of the drum, the maitial tread of the city guard, sounded like notes of preparation, while the Militia of the sur rounding country, many hundreds of whom have arrived to day, make us look still more war. like. * * I would to heaven yon eould see the regiment from the south towns, that ar. rived at noon, with their baggage wagons and camp eipiippagc. Falstafls ragged regiment will not answer for a comparison. Yet they say they will fight like tigers. They ars just such men as look Fort Erie in the last war. There is no news from the Patriot camp hut that of acres- 1 sion to -heir numbers. Many are anxious for Van Renselaer to abandon his position, come to ; this side, and invito the Canadas under the U - r Plates (lag, for our people are determined on ; having a fight. They are mustering from one ■ end of the state to the other. The American frontier is now closely guard ed, which must be excessively annoying to the ( loyalist troops, inasmuch as they are deport t dent mostly upon, our people for their porvisions- The foundries in the city aro it work Right am! !\ day, casting ordnance, halls—grape <stc. n I hear the watchword of the assailants of the , Caroline, “No quartet;,.no prisoners,” at every corner. A company of Indians from Canada have B boon taken prisoners. They were among those in our neighborhood trying to get up an insur- 1 rection, it was suspected; .and the chiefs sent to the city informing tho aurhoilies and requesting ' to have thorn taken care of. Respectfully, &c. I P. S. Another regiment has just arrived, amid 1 the cheers of the populace. We are truly getting ( to a pretty pass. From the ,V. O. Pieai/une.Jan. 4. POST-SCRIPT., Tremendous Conflagration ! I ( At this moment, 11 o’clock Wednesday , night, a destructive fire is rogmg in our city. I It broke out about ton o’clock, in that row of ' five story stores,Jsituated ,on Front Levee, ' just above Bienville street, commencing in ' the warehouse of Ferguson ami Parker—how f it originated, we could not learn, in a short t tihio it extended tc tho stores of Ddassus Ac “ Montreuil, Winston & Shall, S. Locke &. Co. J and the adjoining buildings on Front Lever / , the breeze being fresh from the South East, N tho flames extended across the entire block to a Old Levee, enveloping all the fores, offices, i 1 and other tenements on that street, from LJtcntil e to Custom House street. Since penning the above, the fire has cro*. sen over Old Levee, and seized upon several stores situate on the lower sideofithat street. I or u lime it was lb ought it would extend to Uiaitrea street; but through (he active exer. lions of the difibront, companies, it is greatly ebeckcdmihatn'-arter. On the upper side 0 | r Lovoo street, it continues with unaha- [ L( IJI T’ i" 11 (l| i I 1 rent Levee, its progress hag , 11 1,1 reHlcd, Fears are qmertaincdi that the whole ol thi’ Cloak bounded by Front frevee, Bienville. Old Levee, and Custom House Wjll bo dcaiprved. The sparks and cin dors are nyingaboct, in tbo moat alarming manner, to a great distance. , ~ , , We <;an/orm.uo estimate of the loss, hut it is immense. We nave beard several re mark that it is the greatest fire that has ever occurred here. Tins calamity, coming go soon afier the many severe blows which our city lias sustained, will be, severely felt. At 2 o’clock this morning, Thursday, the fire was in a great moasurefEubdiied—leaving four or five stores on the no per side of OM I Levee, nearest Custom Mouse. On Front Levee, still more are uninjured. In the burry and contusion we can hardly tell who has suffered. The office of the Lou isiana Advertiser was entirely consumed,with eiffbl or ten stores on the same side-of the Old Levee and that of Morris, Sniffer. & Co. opposite. Further particulars in our next, a COMME«€IAIA LIVERPOOL COTTON MARKET, NOV. 24. !” Tho demand fop cotton intho earlier part oftha wouk continued unabated hath on speculation and from the trade, and thetransaciiuii* up to Wedno»- day evening were very large, and at nh at)v«nn« genernlly in American descriptions, exfouiinir f ur best., ol fully id per lb., and in Brazils, Kgyiptiaii and Last fulfill, id to id per b. The day amt yesterday has been upon a much mora limited scale, and prices u lilt lu fowar; hut the ad vice* inst received from the United Slates and lit* Kusi Indies, which are of a very recent dale, rod him all the previous accounts of tho short supply immediate y lo be expected. Tins (act, connected as it is wiilh a very mmlernto stock on band, and a better slnlo of irailo in the country, affords confi doneo to holders. ( ( . , Tbo imports o( tho we ft hrnoimt to 13,718 bags 1 he sales ul the week, including ficOD American’ MM) Pernnm, loon fllnrunharn, 20U0 Kgyptian, and MluO -Viirut, purchased lor speculation, amount tu J7,56U baga, viz; 351) >ea island 14 a 28J;, 30 slaoied do 5a Gi 8712 Upland do; 2500 Alabama 7 a 81il; ‘ nNi; 2010 Pnrnmu bnca Hi a I0J; OHO Bahia and Macao 7J a 0* 2144 Maoinban Gs n 10; 00 liemnrara Ate. Oaf if- ipo West India Ac. 7 a 8 1-2; 7..0 Lngnira (i n *i;’2G4o Kgypiain a 13; 7850 Surat and Madras 4 a (Vi. ■S'lork 1(.0,270 bales, agonist 237, 200 balsa last year at tins date. IMPORT AND EXPORT KIIOM THE WHOLE KINODO* Import up to Ibis date ,1837 1H36 I American, 700,407 bag*. 716 795 b brazil, 101,078 West Indies. 22 202 27 87T Kgypimn, 40 400 31|062 Ka»l India, 141,740 170,624 Total, 1,101.032 1,000, 00*1, >,5| I Dial export ,j|. to tins dale 1837, bags 124 500 7'.,ml export for 1 3HG. 108,000. Jlec I—l ho demand in the early part ofllio week si ill continues upon the same comrncied eeATn that wo remarked in our last, and |hu market rather de ' lined than olhorwiso ; so that up la WVAYi'rtdaK when an ullornt.iili look 'place, nod iho enquiry be gun in revive, there (mil been a bill from llintday week, of fully id per lb. i'iiis if. prossion was, huw> over, ol short, and the business yesterday noil more particularly to-day, has been transact.,/ wnb such a degree of spirit, as with the reduce! stock oil lotion now on band, has caused prices In advnnco Jd per lb. from the lowest point. The sales ol the week ure less extensive than bad been nniii ipnlcd, (ml the market dosed (irmli, and tU rpmrnily offering is linnled. 500 American, .150 f.gypimn, and 1000 Surat have been purebnVod cm sp eiilv.iiou ; loop American, 2(H) ll,ibis’ LOOO KsvAv linn, mid 300 Surat Were iorwnnled inlii the, country unsold during last monlb. The sales of the week aro a 12,010 hags HAVRE MARKET, NOV. 15 ( attorn. 1 here has been no ebangu worth noli- Cinp in mir rates lor this article, since our Inst re port ol ibe 7ib n,Siam 7’lm principal sellers bay* b. en tne ogams m ih ß United Slates Hank st lhi« port, who have disposed of f,300 bales. Upland, frat eeived on account of that ejrtalisliinenl) of fair in good lair i*uLi'.v, the,most, pert at JOf and ths rest ul H'Jl 50 the 60 k. dixly pHid. r J o h , I? "' a T unt '<> b J 62 baler, consisting ol J/7 N .Orleans,of’ which HO5 «i 87f 50 to 07f Mr *’ I " l GDI to lOof, mid 31 m 1051 to ID7I 50; 1440 .Mobile, ol which 27 at «8f 933 at 80f to 9if and 42 ) at 9hf jo 371 50; G 427 Upland, of'which, 4-V ft Hv, and 6.149 m HOI lo 95); and 18 (inadaloupa ul HrZ\ dU--rtlip whole jlufy jmid.. The dip/ilies received par contra, have been 1233 boles U. s, and 404 fimzils, logeile-r 15.17. .Stork I lib Aov. 45,792 bales, of which 35,557 (} S iS'ov. 22.—W0 have an increased demand for Cot ton, "nd prices am suffer ; indeed, in a /,-w Irnnsac lions, holders have been able to ma ize higher prir res. Colleo is selling at former rales, hot in small P ? r r rf,', . Vh y <?s "'''cJay an import from Untavm ol j,o-0 ha s. In -Sugar lliorois not much dons smee our lasi; Ibe few transaeliims that have taken place have been effected at f,2f. Sf)o. lor good 4lb We have received Ir.rni Perm Rico ICO casks stiguf, but from our own colonies there lias been no arrival llaiiuc liitoili^rnct*. , ~ " ‘ sj-iaapn; HAV\ \ V A If, Jhii B.—< , l(*art , <l l *lupi lo , J.ivcrpoo ; Pro)M»nti«. Iluwtu. do; nelir South Cara liiia, Mupheits ( Imrliitmu j Arr. steamboat* Win rtaiftrA-Jt, Diiboi?! Cliurlntont “outh Carolina, Gould) Aogovtn, j» I. U. parted, . lesintiuatt iKn.iiigi r, (lllinik nihip, I>«. rim: J. -Slone, Mriidsl, Darien; Og etlmri.., Wood, Au gmlc. M.i Rlt U.l). On Thursday evbcimg, the illi in.-t. by the Kev. P. N. Maddux, Mr. Isaac L. ANp.Kßsoy,in Miss Lirei.cbi Uakau, all of Warren County. On Thursday evening, 4th instant, by Her, Mr. A. IV..Cuiniinglmm, Mr. John C. Kerb, for merly of Kent eonnij, Delaware, to Mis* Isabel la Lawson, of Augusta, Oa. a- ICcward. I OST on 'i llegibly evening Inst, either in Angus -■-d la, or on tho \\ rigliishoro’ road, within 4 (Alice of Augusta, a lied Morocco I’OCKKT lainiiig 3JO or 8315, in bills, I tic burks nat recollect id. The name oflbe subscriber is written inside tbs Pocket Hook. Jhe above reward w ill he given lor the ilelively of the Pocket Kook and .Money to Mr. A/. Little, ol the tilobe IloieJ, or io the suhse.ribor in Crawfordvillo. THUS. J WKLHOIt.V. _ UIIB 311 153 ts ijOHtj OR mislaid , on tho 28:h inst., a roinmon sized Leather Poukoi Book, cununning notes ns well ns I can recollect, as tbllows line on Thoniar I), h'cy.ot Jelfer.on country, lor mo hundred end ten dollars; onuon.l. Palmer of Richmond county, lor ono hundred and ninety dollar*; one on Daxid P#l. mer for one hundred, dollars; ono on Peter Lamar of Lincoln county, for (our hundred and twenty seven dollars; Iwo on James Jenninjjs;.(:»th pwethiw aiuouniiog to twx hmuired and eight dollar* grid several other smaller note* which Ido not now re member, ingcllior with scrip ol Bank Stock ol ike Darien [tank, Branch at Augusta to iho amount of l flirty shares. Also a number of other paper* ej value to me. Any itnformatioH in relation to the above will he thankfully recened, besides a liberal i u ward will he given for the Book and its eonteit* TiIU.M.IS J. JENATYUS. aid. 30 If 251