The Willacoochee record. (Willacoochee, Coffee Co., Ga.) 1911-????, July 19, 1912, Image 1

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VOL. 11. NO. 16 The Men Who Head The Pearson Banking Company. Foremost among the men who are responsible for the success of tins institution are Mr. H. F. Sears, who has been President since its organization and*, Mr. Dan S. Wall who lias been Cash ier for the past two years. With such men as these to shape • the affairs of tbits bank none but success has crowned their efforts, and it is very grati fying to the stock holders and patrons to have such capable inen as these to deal with. Ml'., Sears, by his keen insight r,nd intelligent management, lias 'added much to the section in which he resides, thereby gain ing the confidence of every one with whom he comes in contact. He stands forth as one of the leading men of his community, and i 4 ever wide-awake and sus ceptible to all things which per -twin to ,the up of this thnyiag section. 1 , From a so-called “common start” Mr. Sears has become one of the wealthiest men of this section, and without his influence business would sustain an irre parable lose. Mr. Wall, by his easy manner and courteous treatment of all, not only has the confidence of his employers; but is held in the highest esteem by all with whom lie has to deal. He not only has an attractive personality, but is forceful and impressive in all lps dealings with the public; thereby making friends with all with whom be lias to deal. His connection with the bank materially to _that institution as well as to the general welfare of the communi ty. His enviable reputation has only h«en gained by his fair treat tnent-te all, and we are proud to say, that there cannot be any tiling else but the greatest suc cess in store for this sterling Hgpung man, B *• f —— ■LinTiiae bchooi Rally. If On b ridav evening, July 26th, beginning at 5 o’clock, there will be a box social, ice cream supper, fishing party and other tilings of amusement at Inman School house. Net proceeds will be used to paint the school building Public or r lially invitt d J. G. Floyd, Beatrice McDonald, „ Teachers, Willacooche* Concert fteirt. Our young men who are musi be My inclined and who formerly were members of the band here, with several new members, met Monday night and organized for regular practice. Those who were present and joined were: Bass —John Beard. Solo Cornet —Ohas Strobell. First Cornet —Roy Newbern Second Cornet—R. A. Brinson Alto—Sullivan Sheppard Solo Cornet—T. W. Singleton Slide Trombone —John Walker B Plat Tenor —Claude Bullard Bass and Snare— R. A. Sum merlin. Ist Alto Drum —Lige Corbitt B Flat Claronets— A lex Moore and Dr. Shellhouse. Shipp for Commissioner. We are glad that the press has taken up the candidacy of Clias. Jackson SUipp, of Cordele, for Railroad Commissioner, and are giving him their valuable en dorsement. This is as it should be. Shipp is not only a brother editor, but be is a man of the finest intelli gence, and in every way oapaci isVed to fill the high office to whiffh be aspires. Mr. Shipp wits for fouit'en years practicing lawyer, ruid in his early days as solicitor of the City Court for two terms; besides this he has wide experience as a practical business man which thoroughly qualifies him for ex ecutive position. He is a man cf character and -dignity, and would do exact jus tice under any and all circum sauces. Besides all of this he is one the best fellows one would meef in a week’s journey, and the Herald certainly wants to see him honored as he deserves. — Byronville Herald. Rub-My>Tism will cure you. Always Ahead. Wiliacoochee is at the head and stays ahead. Even her ball team lias never gone down in de feat this season, although six different games have been played —the last one at Nashville Tues day. You just can’t down good old Wiliacoochee on anything from raising ducks to the making of cotton gins. lion. Deuuis Vickers Here. Hon. Dennis Vickers, Sr., one of the best known citizens of the county and a.candidate for mem ber of the legislature from this county, was a visitor to Wiila coochee Wednesday and favored the Record witli a pleasant call. His announcement and, platform appears in this issue. Read them and consider carefully his re quest for your support. Rarber Shop Sold. Mr. J. W. Strickland of Palat ka, purchased this week from R. A. Summerlin the barber shop and fixtures and assumed charge at once. Mr. Strickland with his wife, son and daughter are here and will make Wiliacoochee their home. The Record feels that Mr. Strickland has chosen wisely in selecting a location and we extend to him and his a cor dial welcome to our midst. A Good Farmer. Mayor W. H. Duncan, besides being a lire mayor, an enter prising merchant and good citi zen, is also some farmer. He is placing watermelons on the mar ket and a sample one presented to the Record Tuesday, of the Fender variety, was as finely flavored as we have cut in many days. lie also has new sweet potatoes to eat, and says his corn is so heavily eared that some of the stalks are breaking down. That’s the way to farm, and our merchant-farmer mayor Duncan does the work himself, and that’s why it w r Vlctone. 8. Cray. * , One of the old-time citizens of this section is Mr B. B. Gray of Pinebloom, manager of the Gray Lumber Company. He has been here more than forty years, has reared a large family of highly respected sons and daugeters, has conducted his saw mill busi ness so as to benefit those who worked for him as well as him self, has built a line of railroad and has possibly done more to build up and develop this part of the county than any other man.' Such men as Mr. Gray are a ben efit and a blessing to any town or community. May be live many years to enjoy the fruits of his labor, energy and industry. Oberry Dots. Roy Paulk made a business trip to Douglas last Saturday. Mrs Roy Paulk and daughters, Thelma and Elva, have been vis iting relatives near Pearson. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Smith of Broxton, spent the week end with his grandfather, Mr. A Lott Mr. John Daughtry ftom Flor ida, has been spending some time with relatives near here. The writer called Mary Neugent last Sunday and'found, much to her sorrow, that she was preparing for an extended trip to Florida. Hope she will return to us as Miss Neugent. C. C. Floyd made a business trip to Valdosta Monday. Won der what he cells business? Mr. Ben Morris, Jr., called on Miss Mary Neugent Sunday, but found that she couldn’t talk to him because she was suJteriug from a “son” stroke. Miss Avy Peterson spent last Sunday with Misses Mite and Me'.va Corbitt. J. D. Lott and son, Inman, spent part of last week in Au gusta. Mrs. Fannie Paulk is spending this week with her son, Roy Paulk. Bob Turner is spending the week with Mr. John Paulk and his fish. Mr. and Mrs. John McGovern spent a few days of last week in Augusta. Inman school opened up July Bth, with 49 pupils, and an addi tional number of 10 the following Monday. Mr. J. Gordon Floyd went to Perrson Saturday -to hear Mr. O’Larry lectuie. WILLACOOCHEE. COFFEE COUNTY, GEORGIA, i The Peterson Gins. Mr. E. L. Peterson has inven ted and had patented the “Peter son Self Feeding Cotton Gins,” which are the cheapest, most perfect and altogether satisfac tory gins ever placed on the market. They save time, money and labor, and do the work en tirely satisfactory. This is a Wiliacoochee enterprise and de serves to be boosted by every one of our citizens. Any one contemplating buying cotton gins will do well to write to Mr. Peterson. Fertilizers end Materials. Mr. A. H. Denmark of Valdos ta, representing the Reliance Fertilizer Company of Savannah, was here last_ Saturday talking up his brands of fertilizers and fertilizer materials. He knows a good thing at first sight and placed an advertisement in this issue. Read it and remember him and his firm when you need ! anything in his line. For Attorney General. Attorney General Thomas S. Felder, whose home is in Macon, and who has served the state with distinguished ability during his incumbency, is a candidate to succeed himself and will appre ciate the support of the people of Georgia. ! When Mr. Felder was last elec ted he carried 132 out of the 146 counties in the state, which was a high and just tribute to his ability and popularity. He has been faithful to the trust reposed in him and it is ever a pleasure for him to be of service to the people in any section of Georgia; thetefore let’s all join in and make it unanimous this time. Attorney General Felder is not the Atlanta Attorney who lias figured so conspicuously in the South Carolina affair, but re mains in his office and has his tune Entirely occupied with the busineMjj#i.' the Static, the ot to other" tor" neys. Our Millinery Store. It is with pleasure that I invite all patrons of the millinery store to call and see mo. I shall keep the stock not only up to what it has been in the past, but expect to add all the lates f and prettiest styles of pattern hats, so that there will be no need of any lad.y going elsewhere for her fall and winter hats. I will also add quite a lot of new designs of laces, ribbons, trimmings, and other goods of the latest styles, and can please the most exacting and painstaking buyer. All the ladies are cordially in vited to come and see me at any time. Mrs. A. M. Hargrett. Off to St. Simon. Marshal L. W. Summerlin and family, and Messrs. B. T. and W, F. West and families, left Thursday for St. Simon, where they will spend a week or ten days, enjoying the refreshing breeze, the tine fishing and hav ing a good time generally. Another Victory. The Willacoochee base ball team crossed bats with the Enig ma club yesterday afternoon, aid scored anotlx r victory. At the close of the giime the score stood : Enigma 2; Willacoochee 15. The Willacoochee boys can’t be downed, it seems. Come Hi re. Wiliacoochee, Pearson and all sections of Coffee county opens wide their doors to all reliable, h mest, working and deserving citizens. We have the vacant lands, the climate, the health and every possible inducement that can be offered. We invite you to come and feel at borne, lie one of us and among us. Be a citizen, neighbor and friend, 1 and be a booster with us. For Metal Roofiifg, call on or write to W. S. Lewis, Willaco • cliee, Ga., for prices. Read the advertisement of R. A. Summerlin, real estate, life and tire insurance agent. He will give you any information desired and treat you right. ledge lit! f. Anm;«“^H99 Idikoad i H : Va| i ar:i i ear:-.. 9 : j.' i je-tey' ■■■•.!' iv nil!.;. it # t, /. y te ;; H? i hi. ■•.,>. B term, mu *- * ■ M . - ■y BB Tin.rsdav. ’ 9 li t‘lt-cic . .MSm ■ - my duty ns [ > J y ■ - - - y past. <i uid-" : 9 9 Vui dil.if I’ . 9 !;r - ’;. lit : ■ H "\ s mi-1 • 9 - , '..-■!ic“ ;n d ® and for id< •• I' y * ;;C • tIUVt I ■ be nan! for 9 promise as a.,. 1 1 this. Gr..«: m Bon. H. It. Purl Opposes S< ft ke-Fiectioit. fl Mr. I’von ’• mm March. 9 * then wb • asks for fi i ix'opi* B 9 fhe pi . 1 -- i:; ' Perry : j|| eiian gt . ; Pill 11 9 nuty 9 he hat b<-. jte’,£4 | not in •• : |J| ! h>- pt ' >p: 9 eent t* 5 H Del’K. B§ te ll'; : .. *)■ *0 1111)11. Davis Dr. II Voile II • 9 urda. 9 lit rue liieov <>; 9 p« : , it i- •■yffWalpf■ f y one a trite down ti Ate<r». go through this mag79B9.e;. t 6re, and ex amine tlulwgl. Ss. You will al ways receive polite and courte ous treatme.nt'at tins large mer cantile establishment. Read their ad. in this issue, and visit this popular stort while in Val dosta. You will save money by doing so. Be An Optimist. Be an, optimist—not a pessi mist, ai ways looking on the dark side of life and things in general. ; The world loves a genial, sensi ble, optimistic man, and abhors one who by word and deed dem onstrates clearly that he sees no sunny side to anything in the un iverse. If you are down in your luck don’t tell every one you come into contact with, just re member that he probably has troubles of his own. If you don’t feel like jumping over the inoon and yvur friend says, “how are you feeling this morning” don’t say, “1 feel awful tuff.” He’ll be much more delighted to have a chat with you if you t -11 him you are feeling fine and if you say it often enough the chances are you will feel better. This is not such a hard old world after all —life is about what we make it. Take a man who is pleasant and agreeable in his home and nine times.out of ten you will find him so in the outside vo-ld Give the best you have and the best will come back to you. Duhcmi’n Self-Hi>er. Mr. A. Duncan, the scientific bee man, lias with great skill in vented and had patented and now offers for sale the only absolute ly self hi ver that has ever been offered to the public for sale. This hives tlie bees in your ab sence better than you could pos sibly do it. No loss of swarms. All bee m< n know the loss of swarms means the loss of profits. Mr. Duncan has spent much of his lice in bee’culture, and, for practical*work and knowledge in this line, stands in a class to him self. His heart is in his work, and he would gladly give any in formation to those who desire to know mere of this excellent in vention. Rub My-Tisin will cure you. Heal tsiaie 4 insiMm Waycross, Georgia A number of improved farms for sale. One the best in Ware county. Originally owned and operated by county. W e haye some attractive propositions in City Lots and Farm Tracts for White and Colored. J. A. GASKINS, President GEO. P. McOIiANIK, V.-Pres. & < Ashler, M. 11. McCKANIK, Assistant Cashiar He Bank o! Willacoochee, located at Willacoochee, Georgia. Solicta Accounts of Individuals, Firms and Corporations Allows Interest at Five Per Cent Per Annum DIRECTORS: Eli Vickers, Sr. W. P. Muata, J. A. Gaskins, X). E. Gaskins, Geo F. McCruine THE OXNER HOUSE MRS. W. E, OXNER, Proprietress WIL L ACOOCH E E, U E ORGIA mmT— ■»——— wri— in, in iarw. ■ii —in Centrally located right near the business portion of town Table always supplied with the best the market affords Nice, Cool, Clean, Pleasant Rooms Guests are made to feel like being AT HOME at this House Free Hot and CoM Baths for Guests