Newspaper Page Text
t i i yr -j-'v iL ■ ^ i T “ OU KG HARR i - rtsr S 1 ^ a r7 k i w
Tin- »«h (atvftilljr Cni?**<l
CoinioiiM ii for l b<* Hurrini
lira tier.
ltntn! II.tin!
Rein! i!! tUiu!!! Lain, more min’.
E. T. Mir.cey went l<» Lbrnsvillc \,mr.
R T.*Kt win *p**nt Sundry on Ilia.
town. *
Dr. V. R. Urovn, of Wsrue, w,«* in
town Sunday.
. Jtir. Canon hteplirn*, of Track liock,
was in lows 1 iiti ty.
We bare the elewiiesl and molest town
In Not lit Usoi'kia
Mr. Keatput, of Andrews, C.. was
at the Hass Hynf Monday.
Rvv. J. 8. Brooks, ot Haves villa, N. C
spent Friday iu our place
Work on J, H. Nlcplieoa lesiilenre .s
pniRrewduK lapid'y.
Notice tiie change in the adveiti*< Hi nt
« f Cordei A Co., Murphy, N
Meases A. J. Davis and Fiauk Micl-
ton were druuiitvitig our u>wu Fridav
The Mayor j Court has i»e*'H, doing a
laml office biiftine.'s this ui* t *k
I.’ L. Duiiu Sewing Machine (l£elll
"as down from lllawas*ee ’i ;i.'s i;ty.
Wiftiton Slmn'Uiu is visiti,.g i t , ttiill,
«. t. . 1 ... 1 .... ‘t» «< II'hI-w vt
K ■‘V*’
Mr. A. M. Woody, of Kanmn Co., • li-
toeil Hie *11 *i» vn t s* 11 H'l hew T is#d > •
■Dr. and Mis J. O. ,\ielt ■!*, at Wt 1 ,
spent Suii.liiy afumono Hitii Hie fam. •
t»f C. A. Wei b.
Messrs .lotiii UlHiiinn A X.A.Brounol
Warm* were in town Teu»day on bit -
Mr Aireer Wliite left 'i'uesdny for Ct -
ion Co., Winwe he Inis a j*i!i at W.*i* -
droops S.n a ,Mii5
l’liotogrnplir* I’leree'.** f.tioi v retun -
ed from a Several das* vl.-io l*> Mi*
1‘eire.e,* l’nivu
Dr. Haul IJ. K-lii.n. and .Mr. \ til
Bernard, of U-aycNviile wen? ,iu ton; on
buMne.-** i'ltuf >.la.'.
Misses Sailie and M try Cook spent Iasi
Week Vlmtillg tioi.' Ill) fv,.J osepii aim
Robert look, ot 1 aid well.
TlIK OSI.Y MopKlIX SriONi Itl.MKl'V.
Dr. Kiskiii '* I'm ins r.'*i»j»o«i»i.',
true Laxative ti*oi*', expel* Malaria, !*li
lionsoess,,i• iv.t 1 '» ill- e mp\ xiuti, lllei'e.i
M your* Wt I,; Iii. D *i t, in* pay,
ie. and M s. \V. E. Sm
' « 4 -i liU. ol.’ r .a ... p,a,-
Jery here Fri.t
Knox Waidro.'i* has been absent • l.».
past week looking itlier los «.»-v null
business Oil IF • u»er ('reek.
Mrs Matbeftou hi : Mrs Sorles sl»-ot
Tuesday to the Country Visiting Mrs.
Matlieson’s Daughter.
Debty Marshal *). B. Johnson passed
through Uun a-nrly every day vvitii
dome otic charged witli violating 1 ucle
Sam’* laws,
Dr. YV. i’. KDeiiberger V. S. Cat!!*'
.Inspector was in ’own ‘’u*s<lay ■■■tv-
tug after the cattle Interest, of out
'Upuvj '*.A I •"
ri»y 'With id* br**’h»u. \v: !J. Minrey, H
llaye*vilte- A!!.look . . t shett trip *
them good *
Mr. J G. X Is lias place i a liii!
with the Uisley baw Mill Vo., for lain-
#■ *
ber f«*r a , .hid. «nl bo
ere fieri oU^? is turn) iit.u
A'trj-K Kl •s Tablet*, ti) only>
llu lie..: f for Chronic CluT
i'H .1 Malaria Nociirt* ii
Uiilv d.iy« aini wt c.o
inf tj pie In uibrr place* III!
i. In by *•« t :i« k
ui II far m r trie Photic,
iijftlVi CUBAN -
. <r Cut*, iloriin, lit
t*i «uu aud t$cn*t. Prku, iisi Un
o ‘ hIj i he aitcoliwu .of •♦♦if* |*r
to in v tmt}> ,.d v* ! *eriby ti. A.
It l’ieice. It i* nonuAl, 9 g rrtij !>
Tin* f..tmcr* are ctntiHg wheal
tween the shower*. Titey are grtUuK
bloc—eo n b itarvest oft bs I
a i no*ti ii** to work .ti.
k'autitu t : >ttutie’s contract for court
h.i* u» be u’et. It seen
F’..»uii, F do i .UMi Town* have bad a
lot of Iron Id* with tlieit c«Hirt h.iiine*.
’I IIK O.M.V MoliKU.V Sl'Ut.VO lit.MI.UV.
Dr. F.iskme - * <‘actus Compound, a ir»ie
Laxative 't onic, expels M rfana, Hiiiotts-
ness, clears tiie complexion, increases
your wwivibt. It . <>•, no pay.
Mr. Bowers, ot Tate, win* recently
moeett here has bought out the busiueHs
of Slauchtec Si ( :miii.)"li.tin of this j' i* e
ami hi !i continue liitsiutio. at the .same
'*1.1 aland.
Flit; Efnir.em Kidney
and a 3ladder Specialist. :
w £ A J
1 nr !3
^”3,7» ■ j
It. IV * f. •'- j »> » .
fe * a ' sWR
'tm-n J l.'Jp ; "'-H;» >Ci
; f 1 i
h . ;■ . . V. •
the UscsTcarcr 9* Swamj-Ruot at Work tn
Eiv .atsoratory.
There is a disease prevailing in this
country most dar. ’ercus because so dece;>
live. Many sudden deaths are caused by
it—heart disease, pneumonia, heart taiiure
or apoplexy ;o s eft“n the result of kidney
rl'is*' 1 ; If kidney trouble is allowed to ad¬
vance ‘h r kidn* poisoned blood will attac k
the vital organs. 01 the kidneys themselves
beak c ur.d waste away cei! bv ceil.
Then : u '' riennwse f the Wood—the albumen
—Ic.-Vs out .ad .0 - ' 1 u > !• right's
Diseare. the w:T;t fori f kiur**' trouble.
Dt. Kilmer s/wamp-Ruot bladder ;S»
covo.y is u.e uue i &cific for kidney, thousands
and 1 nr,ary iroubSer. : has cured,
of .pparunilv h-. peless cares, after all other
olforts have If tiled. At druggists in fifty-cent
and iioiiar rises. A s^tTif'lc bottle sent free
by mall, r eo a book telling about Swat .p-
Root and its wonderful cures. Address
Dr. Kilmer & Co.. Binghamton, N. Y. and
mention this p. per.
'‘me liver eoloreil water spaniel bitch
I itree y e :;r* old, I hows the name lime.
\ litn.r..I reward will l*e paid l«*r lu*r
,* \ 'TV or tot* in format i* 1 > t bat will
id I** her discovery. A *ld re A.*
A. 1 il eli, You ii:, Harris, tot.
Ills !a> ),i. rii H pf > e, i* r tin suiiiu.ei
a’ \Ye n-e glad t > have them with
us and i<e » ill conehtde to ne.kc
lli 1 ft. th< tr pel mam lit home.
I’rof. H. F. //am*, of Rock mart, who
M|« Ut .4 nipl • of weeks visiting his
brother Prof. 1 II. Hams of this l>b" ‘
b;f Fret *) f »r an extended visit to his
Ma u* in t> inks c.ianty T!ie I’rof. was
: vegroHed
d*li;i.ted with 0UI-eoliult) uid
couhl not prolong his stay. He
if* ni-asiiit gentleman and we were tor
: with hitn
ih Unit, n e -n'*! n*»t m*ive.
1 -: iN 0 U N - C I -.iEN r.
1 her, liv :ui!ii.tHtci‘ Mivsolfrt « All-
ate I* i ; lie ii*»;n ituii mu i>l St at e
faSi liafur Ini' t lie id* it Bft.atoiiai
t DYstriet. stlUjeet to the action ol
j •>»' l*'"' 1 -'' «*<
; Cetmty- J* J- Wt*CP.
Biarassee Hover.
'd o «re still alive and a-kiekfng,
it a» Mild) i« i krttln. Uwlr
"it li tb** i armor.: ami on*' corner 0
<"ir month'., all run In law
• he regu lar show
! t inn till! in*
i w ei'da trtd cm*
i* untieing, if ihov ever smile! iii.
Uiav to- I read I !ft f • Im « ri
stein tor the «uwrf ret. s<» whet y**ur
h’nrteea id drive your sickles un i 11 t
the L rd: trusting without
,, Jr In ti i* ense J, not « ii t. '.V.
Much idcktii*** here, tlh're and el*-
where. Mc-.r IV. R, Met wniiell and
K. lltsMen are on the ineiid. I)r.
l*r. Tltotup*iin, In our • town,
up our liiou'h’s. Old
brother ('lore had hi* tuoMIt rc-.-cl
I d«c!are lie looks seveoty-five
years younger.
Mr. Mar* Tauuer’a .ib.i f I" H'
I. 'ii. J. II. Johnson is remeitelintJ
Ins chimney,
Hr Joliiisoo hail n serbms salt sod
l> 'cry, with the little honev-b. 0 folks,
the ot tier dav, r.nd 1 lie doctor had to
hoist the while flag. He eonte out of
be contest with v :.o , ti;fi ear and mis.-
tn have made several pairs: 1 do not
know, iiut expe<’t tie iv a* trying to
.. r gains! t he pr i|»er-
ly of (bos.- little folks. They will Mire-
ly lijjh* tfoeior,if you Intrude on them.
* ha- "lion a huw iii t his
.........I uv. % 'ue wt
nti'ii an i bulies witi. Mi* uiaistta! i ;ier-
est maiiifested. S;d rdav v. as * hat
dreadful da) ; eho'il-teaehvrs J
tuent -day. iiut we link 1 hey ai 1 all
n „ ; ,,. (1 p ,,,. rv ; i b.* *;n stions * ere
ver ,■ fare slid shop! 1 kio'Ii as to
test th-*i*l»olarn.lp very welt, T'n*rt*
UH 1 * about *lxtv exaiiiinetl, at d s >*mt
twenty >*f that number were !..■ ies
I'livy were an tiiteligMit ui te loo Jug
crowd. Among tb'*m, were pi'.*,
graduntc -.ev-M’*’ i*rs amt exp-rie »*ed
t. ael i't.-: presltt >" r bv f he iloior-
a t,| t . s j \. oiiisoi aid Dr. .’ it: ? nut.
this I* ,k- like eomeing i.p in ti’" ' er-
ary w< rid. and it i*. But it i- iutrdfor
some of us old fellows t think Vial
these young peopb* are not as tit for
business us we old clod knockers »re
Age with ability is good, because of
■xperieiH’e! Youth without experiuiee
with ability, is tu*t to be a I uiget her re¬
The Massadmiift sitnday school ,*ul
o- ople, bail an nil da v ngin"
-n . reek. Is becoming
ui I his rear for Sunday-sclio* ai .
f* * or
two a lie.* Is •1 mi * *11 I*** iimiflter l
Mt lMeasant churet Oil t lie 1st build;) t
in duly; tlu re will be pren ing, sit.*
ging. essav reading and talks, alon j
ihe line of moral ami rellgemi* wm i.,
and probably sum■-* speeches.. " h\ no*
wake up iu Georgia Qt’- tL'bs wise.
II. C. S.
Hi* Foolf-i tlio Siirgemts.
AH .lectors told Kouick Hamilton, of
\\Vs( ,Ji il'i'ison, O., after s'llfcriiig
mouidix Iron) li' la. lie Wl»K \i\
f j,, „u;*•*** a eosMv was
!*• mica, bn* bo cm ed hims'if w;HU It'
t».*xt s ol Biicklen’* Arnica Salve, tl*c
surest, pile euro ou earth, and the best
iu tiie world. 513 nooks a box, *"ld
by M. D. Pass druggist.
The Eclipse Society gave a pnhllr
(rrttiniuriit Monday night in tin*
*fi*t ®f * (’bernde (ho b'F* were t
• s »**t*rs n t jfl
,( *• flf v.
L H Min, f ’»ni in Enumerator
fe thi : ict COI uihfrri Lis work hist
W r’t. H r at for the
et. UmHi'di it IK
’’i >f. and Mnt. A. i‘. t ic lit,;, w ;in
been to th or tin it ho
V i’rof was aUeiidin^ At*• * • t
niwr**ity, are vislttrij* Alt*, t'lei:* 'td-,’
treiita Mr. fti-l M m. M. *L tirym
M . M. Hell, of Hra»*tow it, <i
;'nrd»y morniitvr liec.rt d
H r leave* a wife and a fan* ti
*’ idreu to mourn i*i» >icat!i Mr
\t one t*f 1 1 4 l ’ * Z(- * *
Hi'ii. K, f \ Fate w.t* it tn'in ited Hie
sks Ly ilte democrat*
mb dtstriei. We supjWMse there
' i,: be t.o ti). If there is Mr.
will get there just the same.
Dr. F-. R.f’ook ueliverwl tin interest-
i* and able discourse it rheeliapef noil
•i ,V at 11 a. ill. and Jb*v. L, II. Hart ft
r.aohe t one of his same old kiwi at 7
1 in. and that ki***! is the g * km I all
0 time.
* . itA
A •F * t Tf yt \r
s’ r
i .ti & U r »
r l?
ILs ij * 1 ■ - v d ;
t*n4 S
C Whv iet yor.r riCtphbors
know : t?
n A :d why give them a
H chattcj to guess yc-*.< -re even
d five or yn years more?
s S Better Rive tiiem good
t reasons for it guest-ing is the
'* * other way. v“-v of easy;
for nothing tells age so
quick!) as gray hair. Ail
ti '1 dlt R
H : •: gp 'V w> n> *«>•
rV * ’ e :
zH- • ii . -- — * .vi
< r>
'V, ^ !
fe Vf/r ’ pm
§ a - £m ^ •
is it? if
S3 is a youth 1 -newer
k It i iu*. uie s e tinder a
| cL luxuriant color cf youth. *'f ■ tb of hai. the j'
color It i.sver fails hair. to restore It will jj
i to gray
\ ship the fii*ir from coming a
1 ! out r. - 0 .
It feeds the hair hul hs *. *
I Thin hair h’-'d.-n. - thick r,,.ir, e
l and short b
r hCr.
t It cleanses the scrip; re- J
• moves a : .l d...ti.<r*d?, and si
**1 ►advents its for. • 1 •;
J* ’ s>0k - a
Has: wbn h wc will tn —c
». j I OU. ' * >
v! J ••• »■••• • i**i «iff'tul*V 'D‘? * r -
^ tiii’rv i-
ay.?U your f. *nerii! fv# t* in *
K\ nuf Ih> m ro*’ .■ AtUL -- >. K&
^ Ur. J. C. Ayer, Ja-sv .'I, msa^v.
Prof. Sharp left Tuesday for Atlanta
whore lie will meet Hie Trustees of
Young Harris F< Blege in n yard to tile
Urxv butbliiig, II® aiteiel*' ! a me*!ing of
the Teh pb. in; Company a: Murpliy as
ho w ent down, We do not ktt i v . A . ,
was done but *ve ku*>w enough to know
!u.t we vv iii tin a ' P.iUilC.
>:; .1 V IEUEF f •
% Bv' v ■ *i>. Tootbsehn
• -ii.niarii
ui «».uut< « -n>*
xr.d atnuiftr Co^plsmls. Price, jj cV<itx
A tin .tin , aiuut.
Yi eri by itnuDit.; ■ n.yseif a candidate
f«« Ut"e ifuinatirtn of Tax Re 1 Sllli-
j. cl to the ** don of the Den ratio par-
•■y of Towns oeutoy.
W. P! MoI;*.A.v.
Tel**|ih«iir W fini-r-*
Tin* ir leetin.; held at the r tnri
ho Weil attended mi< 1
tht* *J»Ji ;unn**itv } *il - <U Ii now
if the toleph* i no win in*
W. f. Kenvoi. wa n ole chairman of
i to* meet i it id A A Fain, S'wret-try.
V if Me< n •tut V.
>t. Mkii|*. of You*
Harris, were }*'<■*
iv i moved Ihat n eapflal
, « tii t!i l>‘ .
Iv f l« Mi to 1
a mt a com on * • ■?,! |v «
tinted bv the <‘!i*ir U
viHu, V* h.K ii.irri* an.i .Vo to ouru
hi *t'P^ f '».•■ Mtl ‘He Hill jfKi. i
Mul l it v—it. T. Vtiwk’
or, lien Host*}.
Yotinsj Harris—J. A. Sharp, W. 15.
I’ass, C. A. WVbb.
HayesvilK-A M- Walker, s. (l.
Allison, \V. Ii. ’'It « tore.
aid n * y , roll*
struct ion, io;ti"ual atio -upi ii - " 'T*'
M pointeo, a net wblel. tin meeting ad-
juurned so*»j' t •• M* ■ ail of llnr
< > 1 , uud Mis. A. Y, i Ii-ments who ate
so well knov-i. here, aviiwul atom place
Fntnrday ntgltf. C d. t .'lenient* aftei
graduating at this e*Jlege took a law
c msc at Mercer l . -<*isify and now has
tin- papers t<* prat;* n* *aw In mtr state.
We are iu hopes he will decide to locate
w» <>ui roam, mr •*> -e*
'I'iiC Al'pof itP Of it (S lilt.
I- .'tvi.d by all ,H.or«lys,.ep'.e* whose
' ,ttMt 11 * u * f ’'- 1 1 u *
Mieli slmnW know that Dr. King* Sew
Life Pills, the wonderful stotnach and
Liver Ken.o y, gives a splendid appetite
* ttd digestion and a vi uuhu body hah-
It li at insures* perfect health and
1'iu‘rixy. Only ~S> rents at Has*’ drug
At tiw* mg-ut -^illicit dt ion ol
lanuv D ietpls. I tiniiottdee Ittysdl
ritntliilaU* ior t Im* iiotninat ion ?
lor tin 1 nlite:' ot Sfiiti.* S 'lta.oi' for
the Mlth. S 'li.i! Uistrict
<!• <*igi,*. sii'ijcrt t*» tin 4 notion
tin* Uetnofful ic i-iutv of Towns
Counts. , 1 . M 'J.KS Bkuronu.
The Democrats "f i'soon county iiom-
liiatid (*, J. II e’.ilmrn. Jr., for Uepvesen-
taitve, ,Iai::.' M 11 an 1 > a for <'!• • rk of
>np rioi court. ,! I, ('..incii for Ord I-
Nitrv. H**u , Sio-mt, Tom Bewiin
i 0 *am*r. VYe 1." ' *
.aft 4ft* li* ** '1*10 '.’lose
Uisfovpi’ftl i»y a > v onian.
Another great D o ivci v has been
made, am! that too, by a lady iu’ thi*
country. “Disease fastened its clutches
upon her and for s. ven years she with-
stood its severest tests, but her vital or-
gans were undent.bind and death fteetn-
*' mminot. F *r tbme mol I * S *|ie
c.iiglird iuc*W>"H.f, ' ’ l! * ^ ’h‘*‘|*
he dl*« o red a way i*> r- eovi r>
; ir* using if us a bottle f Dt
King'.' N’» -v D seovory for • <*usumotion
ail( j was so much relieved on taking tost
j ,i„ . ,V tl sb t s tj hi t lit 1 Hit I
„ . j, has been absolutely cured,
Her n.* me ; s Mrs. Lutz’ Huts wiiivs
\V. F. Hanaib k .’* t o , of Shelby, X.
Trial hottli s free at Pass’ drug store.
*. an^l <i*. Every he -
NO 25.
Another Expansion.
L will 1 m> or interest to *l»e reader* of
ib« wlio ha*' McElree’s Winw of
('jmini iu ilirir li>)tn«a t<> know that the
of ti i* remedy ha* **>iueiea*ed dur-
in the |> *i year, t i>»t the mftBnfactir-
|..|(, hav« again hud to inert**** their ca-
|,.,e»ty by the ati'litiou of another huge
ini Iii;u It ha.** oft* <1 been said that an
:id>! ti nt tind* favor "itii the fadi« s is
to aebiov.* wreat »ne>'W»*. Jfo mnt*
atrikirt|{ example ot tlii* cmiid la loimd
I'M Ho* Itmtorv i't vVino of Cardui,
From thousand* it el u:> rcri’Wrtl by
I fit' turvis, *lo- folfitMiuj; are so-
„ From .Mr* „ V > I’.inowski, Ud Hone
. .
S* { iH3 1. { I. *C **»*•
. l t rkeit . h bottle I ..1 of , ill Wine of / Car-
dui and.feel much better than l did
vlt. ii l wiiitu you. I did loot have at jr
p in*, at, n.\ hurt inottihly period.
From .d.s.-Al A. Tliontpaon, Kalaina-
I » from what was supposed to
be tumor of t ,e womb, but l have taken
live Uotto ot Wiuc of Cardui and tun
From Mn. J. V<*riri, Sta'vrjr, 8. U
1 do not 1 .id, l would have been liv¬
id , if I had not taken Wimt of Cartful.
We ihs.tad a child very much, and tmw
I have a baby seven mouths old.
F'rom Mrs, W. 8. /farris, Thi Walker
Street, Kansas City, Kansas,
I have tried Wine of Cardui and found
it to be* flic greatest medicine on cartu
for female auubUu^
all. -* inter .uoi,' .•» O v” 9W>
town one day ltuvt week. Mr. Morgan
wi|J candidate fo Tax Rt-
ceiver for Towns county and should he
decidft make tliu rac« you will see Ii
aunoiinceuieiit. He is a good man and
Hill make a good Receiver.
^ M r. Morgan’s apnoiiuevment
a* a candidate for tlm c ilice of Tax Re¬
ceiver bai been received and wi.’l be
found H> .111 ** ml' cnduillll.
AH .ssr*. 0. IF. Hunt, A, M. tVo.idy. J.
L. Dyer, Mikso* Leola Snow, Etlu l Turn-
hull, and L 11 a Webb of this place, sl-
teuJed the I'eacher’s iusiitute at liia-
wassee last week.
(ilofious NtMTS.
Come* f;*>m Dr I), B. Oargile, of YW
sliii i, I, T. He writes: “Four bottles of
Elect lie Bitters has cored Mrs. Brewer
of scrofula, which nad caused her great
stillr-ring fot year*. Terrible sore* would
break out on U* r head and face, mid
the best doctor outd give uo help; but
her cure is complete and her health is
excellent ” This show* what thousand*
have provt il, ,:*.*• Kieotric Bitters isllie
i'est blood puriliev known. It’s the su-
preine remedy foi eczema tetter, salt
rheum, ulceis, boils and runuiug sores.
It stimulates liver, kidn,*ya and bowels,
expels poisons, helps digestion builds up
tl»o ammgin. Only 50 cents. Sola by
’• D. I*ass Druggist, (niaianteed.
<*.: i\ •» H >:3
,Sp. i ’’it o.i<l hi land., nnrt
r.-r / C tlzeii of Town* Comity; when
tiny see an adeertiseinen/ of land for
sale. Aof u rally mints to kfiuir wl’fi elite
lund is situated. / hare Fine Photo-
yrufhie M up* 8 by 10 inebi*, of-Towns
County, si.on. in[l the tot and nit.,,her of'
itery lot in the county. They run be
hud Ly addressiny me in'-lostny jiffy
tire cents for each may wanted.
IP. A it. Pit l UCS,
Y. J Harris, ClI.