The daily commonwealth. (Atlanta, Ga.) 186?-18??, May 08, 1863, Image 1

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BY J. S. PETEKSOH & 00. Subscription and Advertising Schedule. Kew Hates. Ti RMS- OUT SU INSCRIPTION. 'Dally, per annunm... sl2 00 “ a:x months....*, 7 00 ‘ three mouths.. 4 00 “ % ouo month. 1 50 Weekly, per annum 3 00 “ six months,.. 2 00 Those papers whieh have published our Prospectus, will please do us ific lavor to change to conform to abovo rates. — , f . . ~ ADVERTISING IN THE DAILY. For each square ol 10 lines or less, for the first in sertion, $1 00 ; and for cacti additional insertion, less than one month, 50 cents per square. AdvertisdmeaU standing qpc month, will be charged $.2 per square, and fG per square for each additousl month. AdvertiseirientV or notices in the local column, will be charged 25 cen.R per line for each Insertion. All obituaries and articles ttiat are personal, or not < general public interest, must be paid for as adver t sements. The accounts of r ‘gular customers will be presented monthly; and when they amount to more than $25, and less than SSO, a deduction of 10 per cent will be made , and when they excised SSO, a/deduction df 20 per cent will be made. Advertisers should distinctly remember that all ad vertisements mariad ts will be inserted for one month, and coll* cted at the expiration oi that time. ADVERTISING IN t4e WEEKLY. Advertisements'in thd Weekly qply, will be charged $1 per square lor insertion. Advertisements appearing in'both the Daily and -the Weekly will bo charged .75 cents per square for each insertion in the Weekly. Tne above advertising rates go Into inline iute effect, l rom this date. LEGAL ADVRRTI>EMENTS. Sales of Land and Negroes, by Administrators, Ex ecutors or Guar.liMirt, are required by-law to be held on the first Tuesday in the month, between the hours t>( ten in the forenoon arf'd tht*e<Hn the afternoon, at the Court House m the county in wnich the property is sit uated. » Notices of these sales rffct be given in a public ga zette 40 days previous... lattices for the s.ile of persona*, property must bo given in like manner, through a public gazette, 10 days previous to sale day. Notices o debtors and creditor of au estate must bo published 40 days. Notice thttt application will be made to the Cour. oi Ordinary lor 1 rave to sell laud or negroes, must be pub lished for two months. Citations for letters of Administration,Guardianship. &c-., must be published 30 days—for dismission from Administration,{uantbtjr six months—lor dismission from Guardianship, 40 clays. Rules for the foreclosure oj Mortgages mast bo pub lished monthly for four months—lor establishing lost pa|>ers, for tli lull space of three months—for com polling titles from Executors or Admiuinistrators, where bond lias been given by the deceased, the full space of three months. Publications will always bo continued according to these, the legal req u. rein cuts, unless otherwise ordered, at the following RATES Citations on letters of Administration, kc $1 75 “ “ dismissory from Adminis tratiou *SO Stations on letters dismissory from Guardianship 4 - Ixiuve to sell land or negroes 4 00 Notice to debtors and creditors ? 3 25 bales of personal property, teu days,l square.... 1 50 -.ale of land or negroes by Executors, kc. , per sqr 5 00 rstrays, two weeks 1 50 For a man advertising his wife (iq advance) 5 00 This schedule shall not in any way conflict with ex feting contracts. Ail contracts for the year, or any other specified tiin«, shall only cease with the expiration of the period for which they were made. Atlanta Female Institute. as reported, and I have the assurance of thj Post L burgeon, that it unit n<4 b- lx L cn. the exercises will resumed on the 2d Monday in .January next and continue for a regular SoiYol.istic Term of six months. Under the pressure of the times wo a e compelled to raise our rases id Tuition. .The charges tLure.ore will be as fodows: Collegiate Department for the term of six montb3, $36 00 Preparatory ■• •• “ “ 11 30 00 Primary “ “ “ •• 24 00 Incidentals, ' 50 Munis aud P'a:i<> Rent the same old prices One half of the above charges must be paid in ad vance in cocry case. decl7-tf Wanted. A FEW Hundred Dollar-. Truism y >otes. Apply to F. M. FISK, may 4 t! Whiteliail street. Notice. AN Election will, be held at the City Hall, on Sal nr dav, the zd‘of May next, fora Councilman tbr tne oth Ward, to fill the vacancy occasioned by the resignation of Mr. C. W. Huunicutt. JAMEg M. CALHOUN, upr2l-te Mayor. JUST RECEIVED At Jamss McPherson’s & Co.’s. POLIMd’S .first year of the WAR, Price 52.50. By Mall, 53.00. J3ARI)EK’S TACTICS, (Sew Edition.) Two Volmni-8. Price $3.00. By Mail. 53.80 WAR SONUS OF THE SOUTH. THE SOUTHERN SPY. CAMP SONGS FOR SOUTHERN SOI.IHKK ! , 'Price 26 Cents WAR—A POEM, (Willi Notes.) MACLEOD’S MILITARY SURGERY. CHISOLM’S MILITARY SURGERY, (New F.litioti.) i LETTERS OF MAJOR ADDUMS. I LIFE OF JAS. W. JACKSON. f CAUSE AND CONTRAST, .. . An Essay on e American Crisis VIELE ON HELD FORTIFICATIONS. CAREY’S BAYONET EXERCISE AND SKIRMISH DRILL. MAHAN’S FIELD FORTIFICATIONS. PATTON’S CAVALRY DRILL AND SABRE EXERCISE. QUARTERMASTER'S GUIDE, VOLUNTEER’S FIELD BOOK. ROBERT’S HAND BJIOIC OF ARTILLERY THE SECOND BATTLE OF MANASSAS, u. , —see ed am. 1 Price, 60 Ceuta I 1 u* .rlJailajo.l 1 ijriSW*' l -™''--'"-’ THU MM MlOlttMtM TOBACCO WABEHOUSE. The un lersignei are agents for the gale of TOBACCO Froth the largest and best MANUFACTUREUN OF Virginia and North Carolina, And wj)l kc p constantly on hind a large and well as sorted stock of ail grades required by the trade of the CONFEDERATE, STATES, AT MANUFACTURERS PRICES, . pie ,fc|tcn tiou ol • * DEALERS Is invited to this stock before purchasing’e]ge where. WILLIS & YOU.\ T G, COLLIER’S BLOCK, WHITEHALL STREP V, Atliiuta, Goo. N o. Lists of all brands, wtti samples and sent by mail or express when desired. leblu-dtf, S. SOLOMON & BROS., WHOLESALE & RETAIL COMMISSION MERCHANTS, WHITEHALL STREET, .Atlanta, Georgia. NEW ARRIVALS. Rio Coffee. T|lW‘< tli-uisaiul pounds RIO f (IFFKF, ru consignment, JL uud furlaln by S SOLOMON A BROTHERS, jncl,2Biltt' Commi skju Merchants. Bi. Garb. Soda. Six thousand pounds 81. CARO. suDA, on consign ment, and for sale by S. &OLMMON k BROTHERS, inch 28-tr Com mission Merchants. English Castile Soap. One hundred boxes Sup. English CASTILE SOAP, on consignment, aud for sale by S. SOLOMONS * BROTHERS, mch2B—tf Commission Merchants. Hog Skins. 171 1 vo dozen HOG SKINS, extra large size, for sale 1 ny S. SOLOMON k BROTHERS, inch2B-tf Commission Merchants. LOOK HERE. Wanted Immediately, at our Bala, y in Atlanta, lour good CANDY MAKER'S, tour ROLLERS aud six good BAKERS, for whicu Vile highest wages will be paid. JACK, HRYaSON k CO. fen 3 dtf FOR SALE. A MOST DESIRABLE LOT OF 0918 and a half acres, onciosod by anew close fem e, situated on Peach Tree street. On. the premises is a beautiful grove, and a well of excellent freestone water. For particulars, apply to march 17—ts E. M. EDWARDY. SPENCER’S HONCINTMTEB COFFEE 13 far ahead of all substitutes yet introduced to the public, for it rot only looks, *mefi» and tastes like Coffee, but IS COFFEE, prepared iu so superior a mode, that om* quarter pound will make more good Coffee than one pound of ordiuary Rio Coflee. If you doubt it, ask those who use it, or try it yourself ij 1 ] apr2slmo* Atlanta. Georgia. I Üb—lt .oiOMltA TERMS : DAILY PER 012 : WEEKLY, 02. ATLANTA. GEORGIA. FRIDAY. MAY 8, 1863. 11. HUNTINGTON, DENTIST, BA WSOUTS B UILD ISO. oai WHITE HALL STUKLT, ATLANTA, GEORGIA. October 29-dtf JOINER ; .W. H. JOINER n. JOINER & SON, COMMISSION MERCHffI, OFFICE AM) WAREHOUSE IN Keystone Block, Whitehall Street, Atlanta, Georgia. Particular attention paid to consignments ; all orders shall receive prompt person il at tention. ai.,21-3 no Ringgold, Ga. , March 23th, 1863. Whereas, Mrs. J/itchcd, the former President of the Souliers’ Relief Society at Hiuggold, Ga., fias gone abroad to the world misrepresenting ,onr So ciety. and representing herself as President still, si-licit mg ..onatious lor the H spitals at this place, place, therefore it b<?come» necessary to publish tin* following facts : We expelled Mrs. Mitchell for breach ol trust. She 'ranscended her bouudf. as President ol our society. Having ragged donations lor the liosoi tals at this post, she re mo ed, in December, ai. the remuuing iu t Bocieiy room at that time, without our knowledge or consent. Airs. Z.’girrc wus expelled for the following reason : She sold goods without the knowicdgo of tne Society,, thus violating a very, imppit-mt ride, wh cu was to sell nothing except by a vote of the*ttociety. Mrs. Shropshire, the fownsr Treasurer, was ex pelled for retaiui g the m mey belonging to our ro ciety., contrary to tne decision of Ju ge Walker. We, as a society, inform the public tlut very little gfh.»d was accomplished at tins post by our former president, d/rs. aud \v j consider her un worthy of the confidence has been reposed tn her. We hive beeu repre ented by these women as working L>r Georgia soldiers exclusively, which is false, as our object is to supply all destitute Confeder ate soluiers. For reference ajjyily. to the Surgeon at this post. That the public may be further iuformffd, we aim x a copy of Judge D. A. Walker’s decision. Unanimously adopted by the Societv at a regular meeting. MATT. V. PaYNl*, Secretary L. S. R. S. Scate of Georgia, l Catoosa Com ty, / 1.0. W. Trimmer, Clerk of the Superior Court of said couuty, tne same being a Court of Record, do hereby certify that the annexed two pages is a true copy of Judge Dawson A. Walker’s ueoisiun made m thee use of,the l.adie»' {iuldier Kenief Society of Ringgold, Ga. Given under my hand and ollioiaf seal, March 28th, 1863. O. W. TRIMMER, Clk. S C. (3^ Georgia, ) irniifield county, j JFhereas. there is a fun t of seventy three debars iu the hands of Mrs. Shropshire, tlio Ins usurer ol the La dies Soldiers’ Relief Society ; and, whereas, disputes have arisen between a portion of the members of said Society us to whit authority should direct"the-disposi tion of said fund ; aud, whe.eas, the parties, in aspint of magnanimity, iu order to preserve sail fund entire, and noi divert auy of it from the praiseworthy object for which it was rais and, have agreed to submit to me the question as trie proper parties to control the dis tribution of the same ; 1 have looked into the facts as detailed iu evidence before I-squires' lJlaokstock, Smith aud Law, and : rom that and the Constitution and records of tne & iCiety, I am satisfied as to the rights ol the par ties Tiie tuad is the projieny of the Society, aud the Society, according to all tiie legal piiociples, iu c.ipeSy* consists ol a uujo ny or the members, so mat the sole question is whicn body consists of the most members. Upon this point leaves no doubt, lor it shows clearly ttiat the bo ly pdatnieil over by A/rs. Henry is the larger, aud . entitled thereloie to c*»uUot toe l'uuds. It is argued that Mrs. J/.tchefi is ihe legal President of ti.e .Socivty, and that Vis. JShrop shirc is the legal Treasurer, ami therefore the proper representatives. i'ue records show J/, s Henry to be the President, and even admiitirg that Mrs. Jfitrhcll or J/»s. Shropshire’s mnion wore irregular ‘as iusisted, yet tUe final result must be the same, ior it is a clear legal principle that ttie power of a motion iu such orgimzi tious is vested iu iln> majority, and they could <io regUiarly what it is insisted,; and not without reason (Mjrliaps has beeu done irregum ly. St that in the end the result would bo the same. it a, pears that the Society presided over by J/rs Henry is carrying out the object for wh oh the fund was raised, and us long as this is the cas- under the facts, is entitKd to distribute this fund. If any eflort ho made to apply it to a ddibrent purpose, the remedy to prevent such diversion ;a plain. All the facts, aud Jaw arising on them, being consid ered, it is ordered that M s. Shropshire p<y to Mrs. Harm .n, Treasurer of she Soci< ty, Said seventy-three dollars, withiu thirty days,Tor the {imposes of the so ciety. DAirauv a tr i.KK/e, j s c C c Vi.ll»u,G;i , February 11, 1863. I have this day seived J/rs Shropshire with a copy of this writ. ..... JOHN It ANDERSON, 3 C C February 19th, 1563. apr!4-30t SIHCKS, &0. AT RETAIL. Black Pepper, Red Pepper, (in fine small ports,) English Mnstarrt, Mace and Cloves, Allspice, Nutme‘gs- ( (fresh anrt fine.) Cinnamon Bark, Cinnamon Ground. Jamaica Ginger Roe), Pine Old Brandy and Pule Sherry, at, HAMILTON, Ma'RKLEY & JOYNER. decl3 % To Whisky Contractors. WE will let. to the lo.wout bidd - on Tuesday, the Oth of Fifty, 1863, a con -.t for making, or the use of this county, 3000 Gallons Wuisky, 2000 “ Alcohol, CLAftK H<WELL, J. I. C. J N. rtIMMON3, J. 1. C. • PEKJNO BROWN, J. I. C. apr2l dtd IRON. ON CONSIGNMENT, a small lot, suitabfe for planta tion use. from the Confederate Iron Works, Wash ington county, East Tennessee. ihe best iron in America. T. (*. RAWLINGS. mars—dtf Table and Pocket Cutlery AND SUNDRIES. Kd\g\ dozen TABLE KNIVFH and FORKS, . 100 dozen Pocket Knives, ij 100 lbs. Kngiiah 3 aling Wax, 300 jwur Traces, 6ti (Luzon Hand Saw Files, lj ai , “V oi ' ■MtfaltllßfU.qbl M--»3Dcii»T iMMiIsMcT U*tamiki>ii3 I vawo-j B<u stlw « H4t aao ad! baoft R M I‘AIIKS. 51 W HUTCHESON. NEW FIRM. R. M. PARKS & CO. AUCTION AND •>Ui MfIBHN MEMIIbTS. WHITEHALL STREET. . -Ytlmita, Georgia. RESPECTFUL LY Solicit a share Os pat ronage. and hopes by strict attention to business to give entire satisfaction to their patrons. dec2-if - Confed.i-ate Insurance Oompany. ryfkk office of this Company is n moved to Keystone t Buildings, M'hitolmll-stfeet, wiiero the under wg«iJd ly til be nappy to Uke- for customers and public. Office hoursv-9 a. in. 4p. m. WILLIAM McNAUGHT, aj»r-9-30t ; ec’y tom. Ins. Cos. r IIPOMT j ÜBAHEftS! SOUTHERN EMPIRE MEWS DEPOT. FRANK M. LOFTIN & CO NEWS AGENTS. Atlanta, Georgia. ON and after Ji'ONDAY, A{>ri! Och. wo will open a New-pape r Agency, at H. MuiilonbrTnk’s' stand, whef%We will be prepared to-supply tne Citizens of Atlanta, with all tne londjug papers of the .Confederate States upon reasonable terms. Lite Richmond,Charleston, Vicksburg, Mobile,Kiiux viiie, WiUnuigton, Lyucaburg, M-nugomcry, Augusta, and Mu obnali papers always on hand. S, CityDailys cau be had at the covintcr at all hour\s. Remember Mubleabrink’s Block, Whitehall-strCetd Atlanta, Ga. aprl-3ni\ BENGAL INDIGO EPSOM FOR SALE BY I>R. I) . YOUNG, AND W. E. YOUNG' & CO., WHOLESALE DRUGGISTS, WHITEHALL STREET. upr27-tf NEW LIST. Hamilton, Markley t Joyner, lIAVK NoW X LARGE SUPPLY OF THE HOODS stK.vny.\El> BELOW. I IV LOThi sliTaCi.e you tub WHOLE >ALE DRUG TRADE. CITRIC AGIO Cream Tunur Blije Hubs Obioroform tJiun Assiiioeliw Morphine and Opium Loudon Mustard till oi Lemon 1 Oil ot Saeal'cus Mur. Tmc’t Iron Epsom Salt Oust or Oil K iglish Shoe Blacking, K-rosine Burning Oil lodide of Potash, at HAMILTON 7 . MARKLEY A JOYNER'S. Atlanta March, 28. oix7»~ *i 111 bbis. COTTON SPINDLE OIL 30 bbis. FiiU3 Mrtchind Oil 70 bbls. Njs. 1 aud 2 Oil Cop per as ami Extract Logwood by tbo Ton 18 bbta. Lamp Black (i bbte. Alum. IIA MILTON, MARKLEY & JJYNER. mai2^7 NOTICE. fIUIK partnership of A/oNaught, Ormond Cos., hav 3, iug expired by hinitation i-n the Ist day of Au gust last, and not finding it practicable to keep up a stock m tile presev.t state of trade, »t is now closod by mutual consent. WM. McN aUHtl I, James grmmxm, •mas SCRUTCHIN, JNO J/ORi;frON. April 2,18ii3-d3OJ TVotioo, rnriE undersigned wifi continue the Commission.bu-. X. Bilious an i alteud to selling out and closing the olu business uuder the name of M. Naught, Ormoml & Cos. * McNAUGHT. .lA.tfES ORA/OSl), TU 08. SCKUTCHIN. April 2.1363—i150tl Brandy. A of PEACH and APPLE RRAKfiY, on consigiuaeut, in store, and for sale bv WI •, .US' & YOU7G. aprll-tf Collier’s Blo«;k, Wnitohalf street. . . .- r -p- Notice. 1 HAVE left the house of Crawford, Frazer k Co.,' aud have upoaod au office fn the Store of Inman, Cole &Cos, on Alabama st'lvgr ami read y to receive for Auction Mjegroes, Lauds, Guy Prop rly, ytook, Wagons, CaTiagus, and everything usu'-.Hy gold at Auct io;j. Days of Sale—Mondays, Wed n sd ays and Saturdays of eacii week. * . . Tbaukful lor past favors,.! solicit )\ continttauce ; of i .«lt | JUST FUDLLSIIKD BY JAMES WPHERSON & GO. A MANUAL OF PARTISAN warfare. With Plates and Diagrams. By Joily M- Jjcnaitr».3oX,"B. S. , of the "2lJ?r Rogmient North ('arohua Troops, n.-ivr Professor of Matln-matics in the ieo S I. Ity Mail §l.lO. A liberal discount to too trade. tiov. ts. Cotton Yarns. A FEW bales of COT TON YARNS, for sale bv W. F. HERRING & CU apr la 12t Killikinnick Tobacco, r: ,\i: i'Aii\S k co . adi 18-ls i .a amir Aiercha^.... No. a CRAWFORD, FRAZtR-S. G3., GKNICJL4.VIL. t«»\ MEipHS, AUCTIONEERS, AND DEALERS IN NEGROES No. :: 8,” WlltrailAU, STKUIiT, O?PPJ.MI’K lNr-SLLIG3N ;. : oi OFFJL’L. In addiUpn A td our {Auction and Nogco House, No. 8, Whitehall street, wo Lave FIRE PROOF Storage of TIIItEK T!llH r S l NfJ 3 H’JtKIN (Jap ic ity at oar Ware Koortfk. .-} >. 1, -..kUbaui i street. Ouy Negro Yard and^Loclt-Up. ff At No 8, are aud C l omToi*lal»le. Dealers and other par tio.? wfll find us prepared to FEED Atw LODGE ,* EuL, a i t iVj.ii experience in the basiness since our, boy hbod' TO HANDLE THE N"GRO PMOPERLV. Charges .reasonable and right, ui.-i saiisiaction guaran tied m every instaacP. Pa itics at a distance may kuow our maiket by ad dressing us. CRAWJj’ORI). Kit VZiLK A CO., No. 8. Street. Atlanta, January 31—d6:n. IIOHI. J. i/>WitY...iJOHN E. LOW»Y M. <). MAKKIU.M j SOBT. J. LOWRY & C 0.,; cwifflffll mmm I Ji.hiiS(m’4 B’qtfk. WUftrb.Ti §t, aV tla n*t a, Geor g' in.. : tOMPT' to all o..fers and con- j lV Confederate stairs ifejiosltory. Atluntn. TANARUS» ciisury Notes may .hereaft r be funded at this | .ifllr-.: u.nitr the foflowibg rcgiilHti**fis'; 2. Ail TiOasmy ei»t bearing date prior to Dec. Ist, 1862. are entitled t • be fudied .a seven per cent’s, j 3 Alf si'fbscriiicfims to* tho Produce J>»a.ii which I lvav.« bven,m;»uejn , sui to Fob. 20Cu, 1863, wijj been.- j tilled"to eight per Cent:—arsf -siuhsortptioi.s Muce wio 1 be pawl in seven per cent’i*.. J t W. DUNC.\N, j uuU^d—if. . , Depositary. ! FIFTV B tRiIKLsS CllOlCiii ; PEACH & APPLE BKANDIj Flilt SALK BY j A. G. WYLY & CO., Coimnissiou Merc’luiiits, j BRASH TKLLi dTilliLi'. mch2s ts • r Oils for Sale."" Slfin J/ «•'’: niiry , 15 barrels ter bv F. M. FI TC. apr-tf ' • W'nitabaU - trtAt. j Stoves and Tin Wave> j A iot-ot'CyOk vt-ivuai wi h compute outfit, . dud ajftufe lot «.f •'xoJlfeat TIN WaRK Just re- i ccivt and and sos Ba v bv j r.ICIULpSoN S..F.)UUEXIi , L I april 4-lm* II r’ir.-- ! nc ir .V'i,it,!. M m •- i3-w-- 'ai (ji&tS. Ks\ Will >..«■ tula Iff •»(»•» • *#» «v*iSi ! z4i .turifj, »and «I VOLUME IH-NUMBER 7. Langston, Crane k Hammrck, mmm merchants, KOR TIIE SALKjOF Produce, Merchandise. Real Estate, t&c., &e.3 WHITEHALL STREET, ATLANTA, GA., sr.xr boor to Hamilton, markley il JOINER’S DRUG STORE. ■' | . ’ ; k2* Prcmipi, Persauai Alt.ju tiou to tl*o Filling of it 11 Orders. rtKPKHKSCBSI 't. \V. ujt AYTON, AffSßl Ol- R. R. Btiuk. I. H. PORTER. Agent nt Ga. R. R Depot. PiHSflZr & CLAYTON, Augasta. Ga. (}. \V. AV [LLIAMS, Charleston, S. C. A. P. HEARING. Oaish'r Bulk of Athens. Rev. JOHN W. BURKE, Macon, Ga. A. 0. VAN EPPS,' Chatfenno?it*.Tcnti. feb2-dtf t'DII.aMIKR. Pi PEA3K... .UICIKN U. DAVIS. PEAWE .'t DAVIS, WHOLESALE OH O C E RH AN-f, . COMMISSION MERCHANTS. PKAUIITItUK STHKET ATLANTA, GEORGIA. DEALERS IN Tolsaeco, Itaoou, Sugars, Fiom-. Meal, Bice, StnrcJi, Yinosjar, Broour , Shirtiugiii, OsitSt D Ui*4jC!ai, Tarn^i, ‘ Buckets, Ci«»ars. I ! ii ids choice Brown SngAß, 2dd boxes Tobaono, 1 03.) ibn KiHick nick Smpking Tobucco, Jo'bi ;< prime Rio Coffee, UK) I"?.. Water Backets, afrivi-naf, ■ j 1 I‘ N.t'l-i, a-4u!’i.ej gize3 , to.b ).vo.>,Tarpentii!rt Snap. Apply to PEASE & DAVIS. fi-b!9-dtf Notice, SIXTY -Iftvs aft“r 3 it--, apphratiou will be made tn the iuiit and i«trm<.rs of the Ihuik or tUe | fc?s ' s gist, at Siivamnu,log ih * lull payment of J ! y half "fa One if uudrvil Dollar 1 Note, bn vjl ft.nk—Letter C. No. 17 ioate unktioWQ. . ihe r;a'.«l-U odAte: .:.«s evidently Ik un dewiroyed. | • - ; ‘" lfffif K M. i*A7?K6 fc CO. Sewing Machine Needles. i TJ7I7’ ID-.FLER 1 D-.FLER .k WILSON’S and trover & Hiker, for i * b K . R * M * PARKS & CO. NEW FIRM. “7 INMAN, COLE & CO, General Commission Merchants 2T rauidiu lluiidi uj, ALABAMA STREET. ATLANTA, GEORGIA. . j,X toarreia Rye Whisky for sale, by eJP TNMan. OGLE k CO , muu2:i ; tf YFrauiiiiu Budding. 1 Kentucky liide Powder, for safe by I Nil AN*, COLE k CO., i i«cft*23—tf Frank)in Bfiftdihg. J hogsheads Sugar, for safe by IN RAN, COLE & CO., . mcli23—tf FYaukirn Building. fl £ \ biiieii Yarns for sale, liy 11/ INMAN - . OcLE k CO., incn23-r-tf F.aiiklin Buildfug. fl '£% bairels torn Whisky, fur safe by IrtLN. r<’l,K k Ct*., i Loan and Building; Asso |, , ciations. ’ k :-*s — ,l - . Phnuia Loud ami iluU.llng A js»tl*tiun. JtadiHU Lbe uk'Ul cl tbe 10th of eao;. Tn.>nih c’»o ! foil. 2 oho Shares. J. A. IfAYOBI, Pros. -W. J.Jlooßtox, TreasiU'r. I ilnn boan and Assentation. Me m tl» night at tbii Bth of each month. <«p, I m Mil m ,bi*s ts tl ,»oiw *it