The Telegraph. (Darien, Ga.) 1833-18??, April 02, 1835, Image 1

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Vol. 11. tot : is published itot thuds* lIAT, AT DAtUEU, McjINTOSII CO. GEO* BY EDirnO .’Jr TWO GBXTLBMEX. TERMS. —Three Dollars per annum, payable in advance. Advertisemests.—First insertion, per square, seventy-five cents, and tor each sub sequent successive insertion, thirty seven and a half cents —but monthly advertise ments seventy five cents per square for each insertion, —no advertisement being consid ered less than a square, and each person’s property advertised by Sheriff, Marshal, or Tax-Collector being estimated as a square. Advertisements, unless limited by law or the advertiser, continued until ordered to be stopped, and charged accordingly. Sak-s ot land and negroes, by administra tors. Executors, or Guardians, are required by law, to be held on the first Tuesday in the Month, between the hour® often in the fore noon and three o’clock in the afternoon, at the court house of the county in which the property is situate. Notices of the sales of land must be given in a public gazette SIX I'Y days, and negroes FOR TY lays pre vious to the day of saie. Notice of the sale of personal property must be given in like manner, FOR TY days previous to the day ot sale. Notice to the debtors and creditors of an estate must be published for FORTY day's. Notice that application will be made to the Court of Ordinary for leave to sell land, must be published FOUR MONTHS. Notice for leave to sell Negroes must be j published for FOUR MONTHS, before any order absolute can be made by Court. L “Has of Dismission from an estate must! be published six months Letters of business or containing com mindertions mus ! . to receive attention, he post paid. -'.in.'.'jjeilj u. 1 ; Notice. IT* OUR months re hue application will . be made to the < i art of Ordinary of Givnn county for leave to sell a part of the j property belonging ‘o the estate of Job T ; Caner late of said count t deceased for the j benefit of the heirs and creditors S M BURN El TANARUS, sldm’tor. i jan 22—29 PROPOSALS. For Publishing a -Miscellaneous Pa/ier TO BE EKTITLIH THIS A£CS£YmST. To be devoted to Poetiy. Literature, Sci ence, and the Marvellous !! 1 QTpO contain original and select ‘Tales, Po- 1 etry,anecdotes, Biographical, and His torical sketches, Notices of all new inventions j in the arts and a relation of all ’.hat is won- ! derful, rare, and curious, in the history of | tl,e day, a list of deaths, marriages, murders, 1 robberies, arsons; shacking accidents by 1 flood and field, hair breadth escapes, all im portant criminal trials in full, which will be carefully culled from the newspapers of the i new and old world. (Ly 1 It uid invariably exclude ff) all political, religious, or professional discus sions, and stick to useful and entertaining matter only. The AtciiTMisT will be published weekly in a quarto form on a super royal sheet, at Columbus Ga. by Charles F. Sherburne, at ‘Three, Dollars per year, one half in advance, the other at ihe end of six months. (U7 > The Editor will be assisted by gentle men of established literary reputation, and the publication will commence by the first of Februarv 1835, Dec. 22 1834. One Cent. Reward. A BSCONDED from the subscriber on Monday last my bound orphan Peter, 1 forbid all persons from harboring or assist icg him to leave the place, as 1 will enforce the law against any person who should. MARY LASSERRE. march 26—38 NOTICE. MTJHRFE months after date, application sJL will be made to the Bank ofllarien to renew Script No 410, dated July 19, 1824, for Fifteen Shares in the name of Samuel Hicks, w hich has been Inst. ROBER T HABERSHAM, i for Samuel Hicks, march 12—36 DARLBX, GdJ&aiA, riIUKSDAY, AFKIL *2, 188 b. NOTICE. PICKED up adrift in the Altamaha river, five bales upland cotton, which the owner can have bv “astf.:', properly and a#SOWt : expenses. THOMAS ODEN. Hopeton, Match 19, 1335. 38 NOTICE. 4 LL persons indebted to the late firm of J\ VVm. Fraser &C >. are informed that Benjamin Green, Esq. Attorney at Law, is authorized to collect the debts of said con cern. Jan B—tf—'26 For Sale on Consignment. Received by ia'e arrivals from New York. MESS Beef and Prime Beaf in Harris, ‘less and Prime Pork in do. Flour superfine in whole &half do. Mackerel No 1, 2 k 3, in wjiole & half do. Plaster of Pons, (ground) it casks, Hay of good quality. A ‘ipll to HAWES k MITCHEL. dec 18-24 Grporgin Glynn County. WIEKEAS \\ iiliam re applies for letters of administration on the goons an.i chatties, rights, and credits, of John Cole, late of said county deceased, — These are therefore to cite andiadmonish all and singular the kindred and creditors of said deceased to be and appear at inv office will), in ‘he time prescribe <1 by law, to’ shew cause if any exist, why said letters should not bt granted, Witness the honorable Henry Dubignon one of the justice of said court this 7 day of February 1535. J BURNETT, ceog c. sJeorgia —JTlnfosh Connty. *■ BE A■> Bayard T. Hand apples for sis# Setters of dismission -is drain cura tor t Adam Tunno These are therefore to cue and admonish 5’ oi l singular the kindred and creditor’s ■'.:id deceased, to be and appear at n:y ofii ■■ within the time prescribed by law to shew cause if any exist why said letters should not be granted. Given under mv hand at office this fourth day of February 1835 II W PROUDFOOT, c c. o Fell 5—31 Sheriffs’ Sale. On the first Tncsday in APRIL next, WILL be sold before the court house in Brunswick, Glynn county, between the usual hours of sale, One tract of Land containing three hun dred acres knowd as Hickory Hill, near Dr. A. DeLaroche, levied on as the property of Michael Peck, to satisfy an execution in favor of Anson Kimberly, property pointed out bv plaintiff in execution A G BURNETT, s r, c march 5—35 NOTICE. VLL persons having demands against the Estate of Samuel R. f. Thorp, late of Vl'lntosh county deo’d will render rile same properly attested to the subscriber,and those indebted thereto, are required to make im mediate payment. C VV THORP. Adm'r. with the will annexed. march 12—36 FOR SALE. MA p 3 i i o well broke Mules, tQ the plough, waggon or cart—a plain and strung barouche, for one or two bor es without harness —a neat and substantial carriage, and a par - of imHlirrii bay horses, gentle and good travHkos, 7 and 8 years old. Jlli SO, A firsi rate Piano, Chickering’s,” the most approved of any in the United States. Apply to ES BEES. Darien, or J S BULLOCH, Cedar Hill, Liberty County, march 12—4t—36 City Marshal’s Sale. On the first Tuesday in APRIL next, WILL be sold before the Couri House in the City of Darien, between the usual hours ofsale-rOne house situated at the Lower Bluff, levied on as the property of Wai. V. Tornerson to satisfy an execution obtained in the Mayor’s Court of this City in favor of Mitchell St Young N. M. CAUL DEB, c, m. march 5—35 THREE mouth-, ‘ > .ie, sjipplication will be made u> the Bank of Darien, to renew Script No. 41, doted May 27, 1819, for four Shares in the name of George At kinson, which has been lost HENRY YONGE, Executor, Estate of Grange Atkinson , dec. Darien, March 10. 1835. 36 Jldministrator’s Sale. On the first Tuesday in MAY next, WILL be sold by order of the Honorable the Justices of the Inferior Court of VPlnlosh county when setting for Ordinary purpose, the following property belonging to the Es tate of Theodore Dodge, in the following named counties before the court house of each between the usual hours of sale Lot No 555, 17 district, 2 section, in the county of Cobb. Lot No 116, 9th district, 4th section, in the county of Walker, Half Lot No 292 2th district, 4tli section, in the counter of ’ alker Half Lot No 1289, 3d district, 4th section, in the county of Floyd Half Lot. No 265, Bth district, 4th section, in the county of V alker Half Lot No 974. 4th district, 3d section in }he county of Cass. JOHN B. GAUDRY, Administrator. march 5—35 Notice* TTtOUI. months after ate application will E. be made to the Inferior Court of Glynn County when setting for Ordinary Purposes for leave to sell a Lot of Land drawn by the orphans of Jas. Wallace, it) ,1/uscogee coun ty, i.ot No. —, 19 District of said county. JACOB HUMPH, Guardian, jan 1— 25 Negroes. TJTIIE subscriber wishes to n ic by the year K a few negro men, to be < mploved as boat hands, fi r whom fair wages will be al lowed, and payment made as required JOHN T. ROW LAND, Agent jan 26—if—30 Notice 9 IT® SNAWAY from tin subscriber on 23th _&.IL January last, a negro fellow named JES^EE—stoui made, black complexion, leans forward when walking, with a scar on Ins upper lip. Its likely he will make for Tianen, and then to the North, or be carried off by some sorry white man. The horse is a dark bay with his left eye out, some sad dle spots on his back and one nip lower than the other. Any information will be thank fully received, also a liberal reward will be paid for his delivery or secured so 1 get him. ABNER WIMBERLEY. feb 2, 1835, 5t—33 FO R SALE, I AND Lot, No. 245. 6 District, ."<1 Section A Cass County, (this is an unproved lot) Good titles will be given. Enquire at this office. aug. 28—8 -MrATKABT TKOM&S, MERCHANT TAILOR. INFORMS bis friends and customers, that lie has taken Charles S. Thomas into copartnership, and that the business will be conducted under the name and firm of W. THOMAS & SC IT, At the old stand, in this city, where they are now opening a very handsome and extensive assortment of goods usually called for in their line of business—consisting af clothing rea dy made, and a large assortment of goods for saie without making or made to order by first rate workmen The latest fashions just received, and any gentleman who favors them with their cus tom may depend on having their Clothes in as good style as can be obtained in any oth er city although much larger than Darien. •N. T. & S. nov 13—19 Georgia — M ‘lntosh County. W! I ERE A S John JIT Clure applies for Letters of administration on the Es tate of William JI/‘Clure, senr. deceased These are. therefore to cite and admonish all anil singular the kindred and r re ditors of said deceased to be and appear at my office within the time prescribed by law, to shew cause if any exist, why said letters should not be granted. Given under my hand at Darien this fourth day of February, 1835, H VV PROUDFOOT,coo feb 5—31 Notice. , MONTH:, after fiaW, JL will be made to tie Honorable the Justices of the Inferior Court of M’lntosh county, sitting for ordinary purposes, tor ; leave to sell the real and personal property ! belonging to tiie estate of Ferdinand Olieal | late of said coanty deceased. CHARLES ONEAL, Administrator. jan 6 26 Sheriff's Sale. On the fi-st Tuesday n APRIL next, ILL br sold before the court house in i ▼ the the City of Darien, county of I Mdntosh between the usual hours of sale the I one halt of a Bay Mare, levied on as the pro-j perty of the late James Pearce to satisfy an execution in hvor of John tnglis, for the ben- ! efit of Young S. Pickard security tor the late James Peirce. J S PAGE, s. m. c. feb. 20—34 Sheriff’s Sale. On the firs dues day in MAY next, \%Jf\ I.L be sdd before tbe court house in wJ the City of Darien, County ofM‘ln-1 tosh, between He usual hours of sale, the j following slaves: Perth, Big San, Juno, .Tim, Little Sam, j Nancy, Ally, Bolen, Mary, lulv, Peggy, An-; drew, Phillis, Bt sey, Binder, Monday, Lon don, Glasgow, Levied on as the property j ot the late James H. Giekie to satisfy an ex- j ecution on foreclosure of a mortgage in fa vor ot Adam Tunno. - J S PAGE, s m c. feb 20—34 SOUTHERN. ?SXXOWPIZ3 LUMBER. ) cJROi’OS |i- will |, c received tmtill the I ■4a 15th March next, for the simply at Eon Ada ns, Newport Harbor R. 1. of the It'll w ing; Southern Yellow Pine Limber. Viz. Is’ of sawed limber, 32 pieces, each 31 feet long, 12 by 12 inches,l 46 do. each 20. do do. do. ! 2d, —ot sawed joists, 64 pieces, each 31 feet long, 12 by 6 inches, i 64 do. each 23 do. do. ‘do. do. j 321 do. each 21 do. do, do. do. j 86 do. each 18 $ do. do, do. do. j 111 do. each 12 do. do. do. do. 3d, — of planks, 3 inches thick, &12 inches j wide. 15,000 Superficial feet, or 45,000 feet, inch measure. Each plank being 30 h feet long,—or, half the number of planks being 20 feet, & half, 10 § feet long,—or, half, 18 A feet, & half,! 12 feet long;—or half, 16 j leet, k half. 14 j feet long. 4th, of flooring planks, 1 } inch thick, & 6 inches wide, 50,000 feet, inch measure. In equal, or assorted lengths, not I‘essthan 18 leet. Every piece of the above lumber must be of the best quality, as to strength and durability!—ot full dimensions, and per fectly lien from sap, shakes, cracks, splits, and from knots that are loose, decaved, or more than jof an inch in diameter. No piece will be received that contains rnanv knots, although they may be small and sound. sth, or CLEAR flooring planks, 1 $ inch thick, and 6 inches wide; —best quality. 13.000 feet,inch measure. In equal, or assorted lengths, not less than J 18 feet. The delivery to commence early in the i Summer, and be completed by the Ist- of ! September 1835. Payment will be made, if required, on each cargo duly inspected and received. All communications touching this subject, will be addressed to the Subscriber. JOS-G TOTTEN, Lt. Col. ? Eng’rs. Brevet Col. $ Fort Adams, Newport Harbor, R. I. 7 Jan. 17.1835. S Georgia —M‘lhtosh County. WHEREAS John Af Clure applies for Letters of administration on the Es tate of William Jkl’ Clare, junr. deceased. These are therefore to cite and admonish all and singular the kindred and creditors of said deceased to be and appear at my office within the time prescibed by law, to shew cause if any exist, why said letters should not be granted. Given under my ham at Darien this fourth day ol February, 1835. HW PROUDFOOT, c co feb 5-31 \o. *> / > E.veaitive < ft Miltedgeville, March 14, 1855 The execution ot ihe act of Congress, of 30th June, 1834, providing lor tbe payment of tbe claims of the citizens of Georgia, and to carry into effect the Fourth Article t fi he Treaty of Bth January, 1821, with the Creek Indians, having been committed by the Pre sident of the United States, to tlie judge ment and discretion of the Governor of Georgia, the final adjustment; and the bal ance of the two hundred and fifty thousand dollars, appropriated for that purpose, (a mountmg to one hundred & forty one thou sand and fitly-five dollars and ninety one cents) having been received trorn the I reas ury ot ‘.lie United States, and deposited in the Central Bank of Georgia . and the pa pers in relation to said claims having been received at this department, 11 is therefore ORDERED, that public notice be given wll limit delay, in all the newspapers ot this State, accompanied by a publication ot the Act of Congress referred to, notifying all who may be concerned, of the aforesaid arrangement, and requesting all claimants, and their representatives, who have not heretofore presented their claims, as well as those who may have any additional proof or explanation to offer in support of claims al ready presented, and provided tor by the Act of Congress, to,present ihe same to this Department, with all practicable despatch, as no claimant can receive his proportion of the appropiatior., until the whole of the claims shall have been adjusted, in terms of the late Act of Congress. By order of the Governor, K. A GREENE, Sec. Ex. Dep. AN ACT to carry into full effect the fourth article of the treaty of the eighth <9 Janu ary, eighteen hundred and tw'enty-one, with the Creek nation of Indians, so far as to the claims of citizens ot Georgia agtunst said Indians, prior to eighteen hundred Sc two. (Sf.c. I.] lie it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the President of the United States be, and lie/ is hereby, authorized to cause to be adjusted and paid to full indemnity, out of’ any money in the Treasury not otherwise appropriated, all claims of citizens ot the Slate ot Georgia, under the fourth article of the treaty of the eighth January, eighteen hundred and twen ty-one, between tbe United States and the Creek nation of Indians, which have not been heretofore adjusted and paid, on the following principles ; all claims which have not been heretofore adjusted and paid fouu -1 ded upon the capture and detention, or de struction of property by said Indians, prior , to the passage of the act regulating inter course with Indian tribes, if satisfactorily established, shall be allowed and paid. Sec. 2- And be it further enacted. That there shall be an interest of six per cent, per annum allowed and paid on the amount ot all claims which have been or may be adjusted and established under ihe provisions of the aforesaid treaty, to be calculated from the date of the origin of the claims, respectively up to the date of the adjustment and estab. lishment of said claims respectively. Pro• videdhowever, That the amount which may be allowed under the provisions of this act as interest be calculated on the amount ot” the value of the property so taken or des troyed : the amount of the principal ot each claim to be determined by the value of the property for which it was and is made, at the time said property was so taken or des troyed : And provided, ahg, That the ag gregate amount of the claims which have been, and hereafter may be, paid, shall not ; exceed the sum of two hundred and fifty thousand dollars.. j Sec. 3. And be it further enacted, Thai if) ! on the adjustment of the aforesaid claims, the amount which may be found due, and the amount already paid, with the interest to be calculated as aforesaid, shall exceed the sum of two hundred and fifty thousand dol lars, the President be and he is hereby, au thorized to cause a fair and equal distribu tion of the unexpended balance of the said two hundred and fifty thousand dollars to be made among the claimants, in proportion to the amount which may have been, or shall be, found due to them, respectively : Provi ded, That the principal of the respective claims shall be first paid. Approved June 30, 1834. march 26—a—38 Lightwood* ! FIAHE subset ibr w ishes to contract for th®. I delivery 10 lorn at Doboy Island, and at this place, a quantity ofl.ightwood—per sons disposed to contract will please make proposals at an early period. JOHN T. ROWLAND, AgefU. jan 26—ts—30