The daily gazette. (Barnesville, GA.) 188?-18??, March 15, 1884, Image 1

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City Notes, Sheaiff Bussey made a dash into Upson yesterday. Mrs. L. X. Rogers has been quite ill for two or three days. Miss Susie Dupree is visiting her sister at Towaliga Ga. Mr. S. F. Horne is building a nice residence near Barnesville. Dr. W. M. Bullard and family pas sed up the road yesterday morning. Master Calhoun Blackburn has been quite ill for several days with cold. Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Brown returned yesterday from their trip to Florida. Col. S. J. Hale of Milner is in atten dance oir Butts superior court tiiis week. Two or three dangerous cases of pneu monia among llie colored people of this vicinity. Mrs. Mitt Morris of Atlanta was in tlie hall yesterday afternoon taking in the exhibition. ' The merchants of Barnesville have bought more largely of spring goods this season than usual. ■Weave indebted to lion. J. ll.jßlount and Hon. Thomas Hardeman for some excellent public documents. Sessions of the mayors court in Bar nesville now are about as scarce as lien teeth. It is unnecessary that we should say more. “Beyond the Blues sea” was the lit tle song that dropped iuto our sanctum yesterday, published by D. P. Faulds, Louisville, Ky. Mrs. William Snipes who lias been stopping with her Uncle, lion Alvis .Stafford left yesterday morning for her home in Upson. The Weather prophets now predict fair weatlier.{JThey say after a protract ed spell of cold wet weather we always have warm fair weather. Butts county cows are afflicted with a disease known as which is taking many of them to their long home It is especially fatal to milch cows. A Griffin correspondent endeavors to throw Van McKibben of Butts off the senatorial track by threatening to beat him with a Spakliug independent if he should be nominated. Mr. W- H. 11. Bush one of the best farmers in Georgia liH'l a wagon load of sugar cane in town yesterday whicli he brought from his place in Upson to plant at the Monroe or home place. A reunion of the Forty second I’egi ment of Georgia is in contemplation. July 22 is the dale proposed, it be ing just twenty years after the regi ments gallant fighting in the trenches around Atlanta. In a previous issue we estimated the guano sold here since Christmas at S4O per ton on an average. One of our warehousemen informs us that we are too high, and that the average would be about thirty three dollars. Mr. A. C- Wellons littlehoys c caught fire yesterday morning and burned very sharply. He was'saved by his mother tearing the burning gar ments from liis body. Iler hands were badly burned. We are promised a liberal support, if we will continue''the publication of the Daily Gazette. Several of our business men-have appealed to us per sonally to continue it. We will canvass the matter a little before determining to do so. Dr. Wrn. 11. Mclntosh closed yester terday his institute for colored minis ters and deacons. He had about forty in attendance and is much pleased with his visit here. We trust that much good may result from his work. He leaves this morning. Messrs J. T. Hunt & Cos have had their fertilizer mixture analyzed by the state chemist H. C. White. He writes them that their fertilizer is a “very excellent hi;gh grade amtnoniated ar ticle.’ ’“lts constituents,” says lie are of the very bast quality and its me chanical condition perfect. Monday afternoon Mr. Bob Smoot and wife arrived at Barajjsville from Texas. They were on their way to Up son comity from whence they went to Texas some months ago. They are prepared to convert any one against Texas, and have returned to make Georgia their last resting place. THE DAILY GAZETTE. Pike Superior Court. The April term of Bike Superior court will soon be on us. In accor dance with our custom we publish the list of cases set for the first three days. Cotton Seed Meal. As many of our readers have not been accustomed to feeding cotton seed nieal to their cows and other stock, a word on this subject may be of interest. The town cow comes in for a liberal share of cotton seed meal. We are not able to say whether far mers generally willfeed much to them since they may have enough home raised food. It will not be amiss how ever to give them meal. J t is best, in feeding cotton seed meal, to mix it with the meal and give it iu in a small quail tit y at a time;one quart is enough at one feed, mixed with the other feed. All sorts of fine faed are given more economically when mixed with cut hay or corn fodder, wetted, Cotton seed meal should not be given to a calf. It is too rich and indigesti ble. Bran and corn meal are better. All sorts of meal are more profitably fed to any any animal when ground a fine as possible. vV Congratulation. Our worthy contemporary the Macon Telegraphed and Messenger yesterday contained the following j “The Barnesville daily Gazette is iu hand. As it comes without announce ment, we are unable to tell whether or not the daily issue will be kept up, If it is to be issued daily hereafter, we congratulate our contemporary. ” Since issuing the first copy. Wed nesday, a number of our citizens have warmly urged continuance. Our in tention in publishing the daily this week was to help the firemen in their fair and festival. We will at once 'can vass the community and if we can get a sufficient number of names as subscri bers, we will resume publication and continue the daily and- weekly. Those of our citizens who feel an finterest in thejprogress and prosperity of J Barnes-: vill have an interest in this matter and we must find out whether there is .suffi cient desire for the daily before we can assure our contemporary whether it will he continued. We thank you how ever for the compliment bestowed in the congratulation. Su.ici<le. The many friends of Col. S, D. Irvin who moved from Milner to Atlanta, but a few months since will sympath ize very greatly with him in his present affliction, A special telegram to the Macon Telegraph of the 14tli inst has the following: Albany, Ga., March 13.—Our town was stalled about 2, o’clock by the re. port that Mr. S. D. Irvin, Jr., son of Col. Irvin, of At lam a, was found dead in a fodder loft cn the north side of Cook and Irvin’s warehouse, in this city. Mr. Irvin was found lying on his back, his feet doubled under him, and a pistol lying across his breast liis overcoat, dress coat and vest were open, and it is presumed he held them back and placing the pistol over his heart fired, as none of the garments mentioned were perforated by the Bul let. The ball entered about half an inch above the left nipple, and ranged upward through the heart. No cause is assigned for the rash, r act, but the general supposition is that the deceased was laboring under a fit of,mental aber ration. He was a member of the ware house firm of Cook & Irvin, and was beloved and esteemed by all who knew him, The coroners jury rendered a verdict that the deceased came to his deatli by a pistol shot wound through the heart by his own hands. Memphis Tenn, 21st Dec. 1572. John T. Hunt Ear/., President: Dear Sir— Your letter informing me of the honor conferred on me by the Fire Company of Barnesville has been received. Please make my grace ful acknowledgements and as sure the members of the compa ny th at their kind consideration is highly appreciated. I hope at some future time that it may be permitted me to give further expression of the regard with which I am gentlemen of the Jeff Davis Fire company. Respectfully and Faithfully Yours, Jefferson Davis. The above is the reply of Mr. Davis to the letter informing him of the adop tion of his name by„the company. Barnesville, Ga., March 15, 1884. FAIR AND FESTIVAL. BY JEFF DAVIS FIKE COMP’Y. Grand Success and Everybody In Barnesville Happy. According to the prearranged pro gramme the Fair was to have closed last night. There were many things yet unsold, and among them some of the most costly and highly appreciat ed. The hall was soon crowded to its utmost capacity, and a babel of tongues clattered away till near the we sma’ hours. It was the Thomaston night, and we are pleased to note that quite a handsome delegation put in their ap pearance. Gordon Institute turned out en masse to enjoy the crowded hall and see the sights. We have never seen in any public en terprise more constant, laborious ef forts, bewitching appeals and zealous determination than the ladies of the several committees displayed through the entire week. Beginning Monday morning they arranged in Chesterfield taste and oriental beauty the counters foi vending their wares. Night and day throughout the week have their hearts aDdhands been given to the suc cess of the enter ; is: We can specify no one, but al! uve given the week to converting t .u various donations which have been contributed into money. So far as we have been able to get the names of the donors and their contribu tions the Gazette has given them to the public. If any have been omitted it has been because we knew not of them. “Come again,” say the young ladies of the Oyster table. Col. J. J. Rogers last night generous ly donated the firemen a half car load of lumber for the engine house. A grand raid was made on the cigar table night before last after our repor ter left the ini! and the entire stock was sold. We approached Miss Belle Mitchell for consolation last night and she shrunk back with the unexpected utter ance, “Don't ask me to take a chance.’ A special attraction at the hall last night was the music by the string band. The French harp accompani ment gave it a mellow sweetness sur passed only by angel sighs. We were requested last night to state that the ladies from the country around were very desirous of attending the fair, but could not on account of the rains. Among the active workers for the firemen at the hall every night has been Mr. li. B. Goodwyn. lie has been quite enterprising and liberal both in exertion and with his money. Mr. T. B. Lyon lias been on the alert for every stray dollar for the firemen. He has assaulted the pocket book of eve. ry drummer who has been in town this week every time bringing the kale seed. The receipts last night were very good,but might have been better but for the immense crowd. Tlie committee seeing that the article could not possi bly be disposed of, decided to adjourn to Tuesday night, when everything will be sold. Sweet is the remembrance of friends. When we left tlie hall and dropped in to the sanctum to record the results of the night, we found a treat from Mr and Mrs. C. W. Brown, in the shape of delicious Florida fruits and (lowers. Thanks for the delicious midnight re past. Demorests Magazine for April is a highly entertaining and instructive number. The articles are varied and of an interesting nature; among which may be mentioned,“How we live in New York —the charities of a great city,” by Jennie June; “Two sides of the Question;’’“The Diamoud Pendent,” and tlie admirable serial “The Shores of Nothing.’’ The various departments contain much that is useful, and tlie il lustrations add considerably to tlie in t crest "of the magazine. Tlie frontispiece of this number is a beautiful engrav ing , “A Farewell Token. O ut m Arizona, Hon. A. W. Sheldon, Associate Jus tice, Supreme Bench of Arizona Terri tory, writes as follows: “It affords me great pleasure (osay, from my personal observation, and you know the scope of such lias been very extended, that St. J acobs Oil is the great and wonder ful conqueror of pain, the sovereign cure for all bodily aches and pains, and I cheerfully bear this testimony.” (Pike Superior Court. A CRIL TERM—MONDAY’S CALENDAR. A J Hinton, Ordinary, Ac., for use of D W Trammel, Sarah Scheusler vs John Knight. Speer & Stewart, plaintiff vs J L Gresham, defendant, C N Gresham. T J Blassingame, Ordinary, &c, for use A J Capel and wife vs G B M Blount, admr, Adam Simmons, John T Hall, security. The State vs Thos Jenkins, principal Brown Jenkins, Burl Jenkins, E H Bloodworth, securities. The State vs G F Young, principal, John Knight, security. i'ho State vs Calvin Knight, princi pal, John Knight, security. The State vs Green Huguley, princi pal, Mundy Fryer, security. Griffin Banking Cos vs J A Williams, Mrs C A Williams. A J Well maker vs W C Blalock. J M Brooks vs J L Park. It II J Garland vs Mrs B A Head. Matilda M Brooks vs J W Kent. J O and Lizzie Ford vs L C Holmes, et al. Duck & Cos vs W D Willis. Smith & Alexander, plaintiffs vs A I) Riggins, defendant, A D Riggins, trustee and claimant. Tuesday’s calender. Tlt Riviere, A J WelLnaker, Prop vs J It Bush. A J White, plaintiff vs D M Mat thews, defendant, J L Lasseter, L C. Martha E Brown vs John F Bussey, T J Bussey. Miss Folly Howell vs J A Fincher. Barnesville Iron Works, W R Mur pliey and T I) Dewberry vs A J White. Minnie C Holmes, et al vs ,J y and Lizzie Ford. John E Gardner vs W It Murphey. B A Howe vs B G Rivers. J G Smith vs Bloodworth tnd Mc- Dowell. John T Chambers vs J W B Reid. G L Summers vs J G Smith. J B Lee, plaintiff, vs Emeline Hale, defendant, Emeline Hale, claimant. C It Wilson,plaintiff, vs A J Pryor, defendant, Mary A Pryor, claimant. Reid & Caldwell vs Mrs. F M Jackson defendant, Stephen Jackson, claimant. Wednesday’s calendar. Jack & Holland vs Howard Bros. Howard Bros vs Sam Mabry, def’t, Edy Mabry, claimant. 1! II Cook vs W E Coleman, def’t, T C Coleman, claimant. •T M Akin vs Robt Johnson, def’t, Margaret Johnson, claimant. A J White vs Glasco Mitchell. A J White vs Glasco Mitchell. J A Butts, admr, &c, vs David Trice. W P Bussey, sheriff vs W R Mur phey & Cos, Simeon Perdue. A J Coats vs J E F Matthews, admr. A H McCollough, et al vs W M Ken drick. Jas B Fields vs Central R R and B’k’gCo. Stafford, Blalock & Cos vs J C Jim merson, deft, Emma Jimmerson claimant. T B Lyon & Kennedy vs J A Jimmer son, def’t, Emma Jimmerson. claimant. Charles K Reeves, plaintiff, vs John B Whitcomb, defendant, C P Beeks, claimant. It now appears that the dynamite fiend is prospering on American soil, Recently an attempt to blow up simul taneously three of the most important railroad stations in London, glnvesti gation shows that tlie plot originated in America. The English press are clamorous for action on the part of our government in regard to tlie matter. There are reports of a call for a con vention to be held consisting of all men in favor of tariff reform, civil service reform, and no more silver coinage !to organize anew Liberal party and nom inate a President and vice President. It will amount to about as much as the other movements to start liberal parties have done. Dll. HOILTS DYSPEPTIC ELIXIR. The only remedy known that will cure dyspepsia or indigestion, chronic liver disease, constipation, and asthma when complicated with indigestion. Read what Mr. W. A: Wright says; COMPTROLER GENERALS’ OFFICE ) Atlanta, Ga., July, 9 1883. ) Dr. Holt:—I am pleased to report that I have been entirely cured of indiges tion by your dyspeptic Elixir. Had tried almost every known remedy with out tlie slighest effect. I suffered sev - eral years. Have had no return of it for the past three. For sale by J. W. Hightower. Georgia Sunday School Association The Georgia State Sunday School As sociation will hold its eleventh Annua session at Columbus, Ga., Wednesday Thursday and Friday April 23rd, 24th and 25th, 1884. The Constitution of the Association says: “The Association shall be com posed of one delegate for every three hundred members of Sunday Schools composing the County Association, and in counties where no Association exists two delegates for every Representative to which the county is entitled iu (ho General Assembly of the State. In counties where no Association exists tlie delegates will be appointee’ by the Superintendent and secretary of the District in which the counties are located, and it;is earnestly desired that in all cases tlie limit of representation be strictly adhered to; and only those actively engaged,in the Sunday school work be sent as representatives. Arrangements will be made with the ; lions railroads to carry delegates at °ociuced rates. fil'd?reparations are in active progress at Columbus to entertain the delegates with that genial hospitality for which the people of that good city are noted, and altogether, the meeting promises to be one of the mosi, interesting ever held by the State Association. The officers of tlie Association, in eluding all the District Superintendent and Secretaries as far as practicable, will be expected to attend as members of the Convention. If you want a good drink try Mc- Brayer or Old Baker Whiskies, at the Exchange Saloou. next door to Stafford Blalock & Co.’s Warehouse. FOR SALE! One fine young horse, gentle and al right. Cheap for cash-or good note. mar 14-1 m C. H. WIIITE. Call at the jewelry store of O. S. Hig gins and see the elegant display of La dies and gents Gold and Silver watches just received and on sale, also the new and novel 24 hour time watch suit able to the new time adopted. The show cases are sparkling with new goods all through for the Fireman’s Fair week trade. Jeans at cost at Middlebrooks & Graddick. Water ground meal at Middlebrooks & Graddick. Winter prints at cost at Middlebrook & Graddick. Call at Middlebrooks & Graddick,and get a good smoke. Best line of tobacco at Middlebrooks & Graddick. Spanish cheroots at Middlebrooks & Graddick. All kinds canned goods at Middle brooks & Graddick. Fruits of all kinds at \ B. Lyon, Rbuy and sell mules and horses. Have just received a lot of tine mules and some good horses. Call to see me. T. B. Lyon. Nice fresh pork sausage can be had at J. L. Kennedy’s at all times. © Mann Has received his new stock of Easter Cards and fancy goods, School Books and School supplies■ Poems, Hovels, Histories, Bibles, Hymn Books, Music Books and religions works. Fami ly bibles a speciality. Musi cal Instruments, vases, chv na goods, toys, lamps, Sgc fyc Brags and. Patent Medi cines and toilet goods, Gold Pens and. pencils from Ler ry Fairchild,(the best goods made.) Confectionery and nuts■ The one price house and everything at Macon and Atlanta prices. Picture Frames and, cornice a spec ialty. Wholesale agent for D. M. Ferry 8> Co’s Garden and Flower seeds. Want of (Faith. If .1 W Hightower the druggist, does not succeed, it is not for the want of faith. He has such faith in Dr. Bosan ko’s cough and lung Syrup as a remedy for Coughs, Colds, Consumption and Lung Affections, that he will give a bottle free to each and every one who is in need of a medicine of this kind.