The Savannah daily times. (Savannah, Ga.) 188?-1???, December 24, 1884, Page 3, Image 3

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AMERICAN HUMOR. As Furnished by Our Exchanges. The Presidential Electors of Connecticut cast their ballots in ex-Lieutenant Governor Sumner’s silk hat, and he now talks of pre senting it to the New London Historical Society. Ella Wheeler Wilcox says she goes to sleep “drapedin a soft, luxurious gloom” The gloom is all right, Ella, but cold weather is coming on, and you had better guard against sickness by putting on two or three more glooms or a blanket. —Boston Post. Sitting Bull is now so far advanced, in aesthetics that he is brought to believe the napkin to be the basis of cividzation, and when he comes to the dinner table he care fully spreads his napkin on his chair and solemnly sits down on it. A young girl has just died in the asylum at Hamburg who possessed the peculiar gift > of changing the color of her hair according to the state of her mind. This, however, is nothing remarkable. Auburn hair often turns to a fiery red when the fair owner’s husband comes home late from the club.— Philadelphia Call. Mr. H. B. Russel, (Savannah, says : “Like every one living in the South during the summer months, I have been subject to ma larial fevers. Took Brown’s Iron Bitters as a preventative and found it a success, also rind it an excellent tonic.” An Exploded Boom. A long, lank, lean and chronic Anti-Potash Boom met the new, fat and saucy Atlanta Big Bold Boom on a hot, sultry day. “Who are you?’’ asked the B. B. B. Boom. “I am the old Anti-Potash Boom,” was the sad reply, as the perspiration rolled down, and it leaned heavily on the B. B. B. Boom “Don't lean on me,” said the B. B. Boom,” “I may look strong, but I am quite young only 11 months old, and am growing rapidly, and am mighty weak in the knees. 1 am doing the work which you have failed to do, although you ase 50 years old. You are old and tough and rich, and don’t require sup port. But what causes you to look so thin of late?” “Well, I hardly know,” replied the Anti- Potash Boom. “Myphysician tells that memy abilities have been over-rated, and that while trying to whip out all opposition by boast arid brag, that 1 have only proven my ina bility to cope with what he calls my supe riors. Old age is also creeping on me—having fought near 50 years before anyone knew I was living—and now I am unable to perform feats that others are doing. I am collapsed: my friends have turned against me and call w me names: and, oh, Lordy, how sick I become at the very sight of B. B. B. Hold my head while Idle.” ATl,anta, June 5,1884. Blood Bam Company: I take pleasure in making the following statement: For four years I have been a great sufferer from Malarial Blood Poison, and for six months have had Rheumatism to such an extent that I was forced to use crutches a por tion of the time, and could not raise my left, arm to my head. I used all the leading Blood Remedies of the day, besides the attention I of several first-class physicians, all withou benefit. I became quite feeble and emaciated, having very little appetite and poor digestion. Calling at your office one day, I secured two bottles of B. B. B. and commenced its use at once, and before one bottle had been used, I felt a most wonderful change. Two bottles have given me almost entire relief. Rheuma tism relieved and can use my arm as good as ever; cured the neuralgia in my head and all malarial poison is being rapidly relieved, and I feel better than I have for six years. To tell you the truth, I have never used such a won derful medicine in all my life, as the effects have been magical. It has acted as a splendid tonic, gave a good appetite and imparted quiet slumbers. I cheerfully recommend it as a quick remedy. W. P. MCDANIEL. THE greater portion being heavily wooded with Pine, Oak and Hickory, and the balance consisting of rich Rice, Cotton and Corn land, located about TWENTY MILES FROM SAVANNAH. Are offered for sale. The timber on this tract has never been “saw-milled” or “boxed,” and being of virgin growth is very valuable to either mill men or turpentine getters. The products of this land, which have amounted to 45 bushels of rice, a bale of cot ton and 40 bushels of corn to an acre, can be marketed at a minimum cost for freighting. S? EUD BI m TRAKSPORTATIOI The Improvements in the way of dwell ings, barns, rice mill and machinery are sub stantial and ample. There are advantages peculiar to this property which render it valuable for a Cattle Range, Turpentine Farm, Rice, Corn, Cotton or Fuel Plantation. One corner of the land is only one-fourth of a mile from Fleming Station, on the Savan nah, Florida and Western Railway. LIBERAL TERMS Will be given to a responsible person, or an exchange may be negotiated for city property or city or railroad bonds. Plats will be fur nished on application to C. 11. DORSETT, Real Estate Dealer, SAVANNAHGEORGIA. G-TJJXS -AND- r CITLIIKY. ROGERS’ and RUSSELL’S Fine Table Knives, Fine Carvers and Ste« Is, in Sets. A full line of Fine Pocket Knives. A lull line of Fine Scissors. largest stock of BREECH-L< )ADING Guns and. Hilles Ever offered in Savannah. 4®- For sale Low by PALMER BROS. 148 Congress and 151 St. Julian street. ■ M ISS GEORGIA HENDERSON. 21 Jones street, Savannah, says: Asa tonic I deem ■FP.rown’s Iron Bitters worthy of the highest j recommendations. THE SAVANN H D VILY UMS, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 24, M. STERNBERG, JICWE I. EIL When moving into my new Store I made very extensive purchases, and compliments have been showered upon me from all sides upon my Elegant and , Tasty Stock. I presumed that my stock'would have been ample for the Holiday Trade, but I was com pelled, owing to the appreciation I met with, to make continual additions to my stock, and yet my purchases poulft hardly keep apace with \ The Unprecedented Demand ! I have now made arrangements so rynple that I can assure n?y friends and the public that after to-day my stock will be again as complete in every respect as can only be found in the very best houses in the leading Northern cities. MY SPECIALTIES ARE Diamonds. and th? Most Celebrated and Reliab'e Makes of Gold Watches, and my Fancy Jewelry is not Wanting in Either Taste, Design or Workmandiip. NO FANCY PRICES ! Every Article Guaranteed as Represented. Mv unprecedented success is summed up in these few words. No matter how ignorant one may be as to the quality or value of Jewelry, he receives honest goods at honest prices. TUT. STERjVBERGr, 1,-? mo u'cirrov st. HOLIDAY GOODS I AT A. J. MILLER & Go’s Furniture and Carpet Emporium fins Parlor Sdh id broom bio I Mirror Door Wardrobes, Combination Dressing Cases, Chiffoniers, Fine Dining Room Pieces. Also, choice assortment of NOVELTIES upholstered in Leather, Plush, Silk and Ramie. BOUQUET STANDS, BRACKETS, &c. OIH CARPET DEP ARTMENT Is also filled with a choice assortment of goods suited to this purpose. C 111 DD REVS D EP A f JTMEXT. FINE DOLL CARRIAGES, BUREAUS, TABLES, CHAIRS, VELOCIPEDES, &c., &c. O-Do not fail to inspect our stock. A. J. MILLER Ac UO. CROWDS EVERY DM! Through our Mammoth Establishment, PLATSHEK’S, 138 BROUGHTON STREET. Seeking for Holiday Presents to suit the youngest child to the eldest person, for boys, girls gents’, ladies’ and in fact, to please everyone, we can do it and are still doing so. lhe public are loud in our praise, saying : “HOW CHEAP PLATSHEK SELLS HOLIDAY PRESENTS and there is truth in it, for there is no house in our city can show up the selection we have. Our assortment embraces the choicest goods from the famous marts of EUROPE, all of which were bought for CASH. This gives us every advantage to undersell all others. WE AKE HEAIJ(2IARrE!<S I\)R TOYS! TOYS! TOYS I TOYS. Dresden Ware, Plush Work Boxes, Japan Ware, Bohemian Glassware, Plush boxes of all Kinds, Toilet Cases, Bisque Goods, Plush odor Stands, Mamcure Sets, Vienna Glassware, Plush fancy Articles, Albums of all Kinds, Chinaware, Phish Mirrors, Fancy Work Baskets, Etc., Etc., Etc. Etc., Etc., Etc. Etc., Etc., Etc. AND A MILLION OTHER SUITABLE PRESENTS. only to be found in our establishment. Special Notice Oar Annual Grist. for every 85 worth of goods purchased are entitled to a chance on the Large Fancy Dressed French Bisque Doll. HOLIDAY GOODS I WILL SELL MY GOODS AS LOW AS THE LOWEST, NOT EXCEPTING PEOPLE who offer to sell at COST. Come and see me and be CONVINCED. Bargains in Diamonds Gold and Silver Watches, Gold Jewelry, '"'T WM Ladies’ Bar Pins, Ear Rings, Gold Pens and Pencils, Gold and Silver Headed Canes, F Gold Spectacles. ri All at the lowest prlceß. Great inducements in Silver Platedware —A T A- Iri. DESBOUILLONS, No. 31 Bull Street. No. 1 Is .SOLID IBK. ROLLED GOLD LADIES’ RING, wt with HySgigSlaf&A AS EBBfcgS-X the finest Solitaire French Diamond, which cannot 1.-e told from a VvJ JPNMBNBMBNMBeMSI genuine stone except by experts, and then only upon close inspcc- wSSSQHnBafifInSW Itfon. For all d™t)OSo3 It la a« durable and showy as a SXOO Ring, and will never change color or lose its bril-H liancy. ■■■NNI No. ** isa P a > r °f SOLID 18 K. ROLLED GOLD EARRINGS,. net with the same rare Diamonds as K No, hCTorwhich they are a perfect match. They are exact duplicates of the finest gems—the setting is unique, and H the design the latest style. They would make a beautiful present, and any Lady may be proud to wear them No. 3 is a SOLID 18 K. ROLLED GOLD PLAIN RING- rich and massive, and warranted towear for years— | No. is a REAL STONE SOLID 18 K. ROLLED GOLD SEAL RING of elegant pattern and new oval top design. N0<.3&4 I are suitable for either Lady or Gent. No single piece I Ike the four articles of Jewelry named 9 could be purchased at any store for less than $3. Wo sacrifice these goods to introj*ce fl others, and wecould not afford to misrepresent them or sell a poor article.■HHY OU R CHOICE FOR SI.OO. 2 Send the price of one or more of the articles you desire by mail. Registered Letter or I’. O. Order, together with your ■ address written plainly. If you want a Ring, enclose with your order a narrow strip of paper, the ends of which just meets around the finger desired to fit. EM TO PHEVENT MISTAKES, cut out the illustration of the articles H desired in this advertisement, and send them with your order. All orders carefully packed and sent by mail the same ■ day ns received. ORDER AT ONCE, as we shall only sell a limited number at this low price. 41 above Jewelry is absolutely NEW, and cannot bp purchased at the Stores, kl A'ESI After it is introduced, we w ill not sell any article named for less than from $3 to §5, ADDRESS Mr ' PARK M’F’G CO., Btgb ’ --4 239 Broadway, WMM g york. CARPETS & FURNITURE AT — EMIL A. SCHWARZ. RUGS! JUTA-TSP Special Inducemnt to Buyers. Having replenished my extensive stock of CARPETS by the addition of the LATEST PATTERNS, I am prepared to offer SPECIAL BARGAINS in that department. Goods at a Lower Figure than ever sold in Savannah. RUGS MATS. A full assortment of Smyrna goods in Oriental and Persian designs and colorings at ower price than the common Tapestry and Velvet goods. COVERIJXTGrS. In Coverings we have the last shades of Silk, Blushed and Sateens. Also Cretons, Beps and Turkomams for Portiers. OXXji CLiOTIIS. English and American sheet OU Cloths and American goods from 1 to 2% yards wide. Antique Lace Curtains and Window Shades. Special designs, which must be seen to be appreciated. FUmtfITTTRE. Having made special arrangements with some of the leading Furniture Manufacturing Companies, we are prepared to offer the finest assortment of FURNITTRE, at such a low figure that it will certainly be an inducement for you to refurnish. We do not publish prices as that only misleads. Call andlook at the goods, andyou will see that the facts are as stated EMIL A. SCHWARZ, Entrance 127 Broughton street. 1 <ioor from Bnll. SOUTHERN COPPER WORKS Savaimali, <3ra. 9 McMILLAN BROS., Proprietors. We beg to inform those in want of anything in the way of Copper ware, that we are stocked with all sizes and thickness of Sheet Copper, Copper Circles, Rivets and Bolt Copper, and are prepared with a full force of experineced workmen to manufacture anything that is wanted in our line. Candy Pans, Steam and Water Piping, Soda Fountains, Copper Kettles and Boilers, made, lined and repaired at short notice—seamless as usual. Turpentine Stills a Specialty Highest Cash Price paid for Old Copper, Lead and Brass. Corner Pricp and Liber-tv Street FJKST CEA.SS STOCK A T TL.O-’W" A T W. J. Lindsay’s Carpst and Hsu Emporium, 169 AND 171 BROUGHTON STREET. Lace Curtains from. to I’er Pair Body and Tapestry Brussels Carpet at almost any Price. Ingrain and Hemp Carpets always on hand. Fringes, Felts, Canton Flannels, Raw Silks, Ramie and Jute Goods in numberless designs. Window Shades by the Gross, the Neatest and Newest Patterns Always in Stock. Pole and Adjustable Cornices, Symrna Rugs and Mats, Oil Cloths to suit the Rich and Poor. A new lot of Imported CRELONNES with figures on them, just arrived. We mean business, and will sell LOW DOWN. Competent workmen. Satisfaction guaranteed. CALL EARLY, ON W. J. UNDSAY. Ml CUKIOSITES! John S. Hollers A Co.’s CELEBRATED CUTLERY AT Macher’s Jewelry Store IIP BROUGHTON STREET EVERYBODY WANTS TO KNOW WHY A. KATuIv & SON, are selling their Clothing so cheap? Simply because they bought that Immense wholesale stock of Clothing of this season’s manufacture, for lb, Boys, W ml Children’s fa ta I. M and in order to reduce same, they are giving their patrons and the public generally the benefit of low prices, guaranteeing all goods as represented, or REF UNI) IN(r THE >1 ON E Y OTV all unsatisfactory purchases—providing the goods are returned uninjured, within TEN DAYS after purchase. Their stock is still well assorted, and they would advise all who are in need of (not cheap clothing) but CLOTIILX; CHEAT*. Give them a call before purchasing elsewhere. Remember the stand of A. 3J" A. Xi 3K. «so SOW, THE ONE PRICE CLOTHIERSAND FURNISHERS, Successors to I. L. Falk & To. Corner Congress, Whitaker and St. Julian streets. PBOVIStONS AND GROCERIES, tram mi i A FINE MIXTURE IN 5 lb. Boxes for SI.OO. —ALSO— CRYSTALIZED FRUITS, CHOCOLATES, CARAMELS, BONBONS, MARSHMALLOWS, And a large line of Choice Confections, at A. M. & C. W. WEST. IXeAV (roods. DEHESA RAISINS, LONDON LAYER RAISINS, SULTANA RAISINS (Seedless), LOOSE MUSCATEL RAISINS, LEGHORN CITHON, NEW CURRANTS, DRIED FIGS, PLUM PUDDING, EVAPORATED PEACHES, EVAPORATED APPLES, TABLE AND COOKING PRUNES F. L. GHEOHGFK’S, Cor. State and Whitaker streets. FIREWORKS ROMAN CANDLES, ;SKY ROCKETS, VERTICLE WHEELS MINES, FLOWER POTS, FIRE CRACKERS, CANNON CRACKERS, ETC. —AT— BRANCH & COOPER’S. At A. DOYLE’S. Quinces for Preserving. Green Hoot Ginger. 1 lot fine Fulton Mark’t Beet Fresh Cabbages. No. 1 Ham at 15c. “ Strip Bacon at 13c. P. g’s Head at 6c. Pig’s Feet in half barrels. Hebron Beauty Potatoes, The finest Table Potatoes in the world. 2 boxes string Garlic. V. doyijc. Choice Family Groceries FOR THE II OIJ I I) A Y FRESH NUTS, FRESH CRACKERS, ZNative AVines. The Original Budweiser and Anhauser Bot tle Beer. Fresh Candies, Wilson’s Crackers, Canned goods of every description. Goods delivered free in all parts of the city. Give me a call. Y. S. S r ri7l>Eß, Corner of Drayton and Perry streets. K iota mi Fd:. THE TENNESSEE ra ra mi depot CONSIGNMENTS RECEIVED DAILY. • Fruits nml N’e-jetables t ALWAYS ON HAND. Corner St. Julian street and Marketsquare PRICES REASONABLE. Christmas LaFAR’S. GENTLEMEN’S DRESSING GOWNS, GENTLEMEN’S SMOKING JACKETS, Handsome Patterns Silk Handkerch’fs FINE KID GLOVES, New Satin Scarfs and Ties, Fancy Walking Canes, Opera Glasses. LEATHER DRESSING CASES- English make. SHAVING SETS, Valises and Satchels ALL WOOL UNDERSHIRTS, CAMELS HAIR UNDERSUITS. ’ BUGGY ROBES, WATERPROOF COATS— English style, cloth on one side, j^Advthing needed by gentlemen AT LaFAR’S, 23 Bull street, FTTLST- CL ASS GREEN GROCERY, 15. W. TBDDER PROPRIETOR, Corner Habersham and Charlton Sts. Always on Hand the Freshest and Choicest MEATS, POULTRY AND VEGETABLES FINE VEAL AND MUTTON, COUNTRY AND YARD EGGS FRUITS OF ALL KINDS IN SEASON. «®“A11 orders promptly attended to, and Goods Delivered Free in all parts of the city Your patronage respectfully solicited.*®* 3