The Savannah daily times. (Savannah, Ga.) 188?-1???, May 22, 1886, Page 3, Image 3
NEW CINCINNATI COURT HOUSE. It is Planned, but When Will It Be Finished 7 Two years ago this spring the people of Cincinnati had an impression that justice had not been done in a murder trial A col ored murderer was sentenced to imprison ment instead of to be hanged. Thereupon the indignant populace proceeded to wreak vengeance, not on the judges who bossed the trial, or the jury who let the prisoner off, or yet on the lawyers whose eloquence magne tized the jury, but on the magnificent Hamil ton county court house. They riddled it and set it on fire. The fire destroyed the finest law library west of the Atlantic states. The damage done was almost incalculable. A vast amount had to be added to the tnx list of the county, and the citizens will hate to go down into their pockets and pay it. It was a jolly sort of vengeance that. fafWriC BD liSßwOl NEW COURT HOUSE A splendid new court house will rise, phoenix-like from the ashes of the old one, to the tune of about $1,000,000 or more. The judges, jury, and lawyers are living still and in good health. The new building is not like the old one outwardly. That had the roof all upon the level, and had Greek columns in front. The new one will have offsets and hitches in the roof, to conform more to the requirment* of modern high art Half the building is seen in the illustration. Conveying an Idea of Size. A naturalist who has bestowed attention upon the sea and its inhabitants says that he has observed whole shoals of herring, “in their anxiety to escape when pursued by whales, piled up above the surface of the sea to a height of from thr?e to six feet On one occasion the fish formed a mass even with the top of the mast of a fishing boat, namely, about fifteen feet, and had part of this mass fallen into the boat it would doubtless have «unk.” There is on record another curious description intended to convey an idea of size, namely, that of “a pumpkin so big thiU eight men could stand around it.” REPRESENTATIVE JOHN J. O’NEILL, Chairman of the Labor Committee of the House of Representatives. JOHN X O’NEILL. A valiant champion of the cause of the workingman is John J. O’Neill, the St Louis congressman. He is chairman of the very important committee of labor of the house of representatives. Just now he has his hands full in investigating the causes of the recent labor troubles throughout the coun try and principally in his own city. Mr. O’Neill was a St Louis boy, and will be 40 years old on June 25. He received a common school education, and was in the civil service of the government during the war, after which he was engaged in manu facturing pursuits. For the indomitable energy, perseverance and pluck which is shown so well in his portrait he was elected to the legislature of Missouri in 1872, and was twice re-elected. The workingmen’s party nominated him for congress in 1878, but he withdrew from the fear of injuring their cause through the risk of defeat He was elected to the Forty-eighth congress as a Democrat, and immediately received a place on the labor committee, of which hs became the bead on his election to the pres ent congress. The scent of whisky on the breath can be subdued by smearing asafoetida on the moustache. If you make a habit of keeping live mice in your pockets, your loose change will be comparatively safe from ycu- enterprising wife. If you take a small stepladder with you into the theatre it will be very serviceable when the stage is barricaded from view by a big hat. Freckles can be removed from the face with sandpaper. —Life. “Out, Damned Spot!” The best way to clean a chromo, Ethel, is to lay it to soak in turpentine over night, and then hang it before an open fire to dry. Hang it close, Ethel, hang it close. Push on. corner under the grate a couple of inches.—• Burdette, in Brooklyn Eagle. Biliousness Is very prevalent at this season, the symp toms being bitter taste, offensive breath, coated tongue, sick headache, drowsiness, dizziness, loss of appetite. If this condition is allowed to continue, serions consequences may result. By promptly taking Hood’s Sarsaparilla, a fever may be avoided or pre mature death prevented. It is a positive cure for biliousness. Sold by all druggists. STARTLING BUT TRUE. Wills Point, Texas, December 1, 1885. —After suffering for more than three vears with disease of the throat and lungs, I got so low last spring I was entirely un able to do anything, and my cough was so bad I scarcely slept any at night. My Druggist, Mr. H. F. Goodnight, sent me a trial bottle of DR. BOSANKO’S COUGH AND LUNG SYRUP. I found relief, and after using six SI,OO bottles, I was entirely cured. J. M. WELDEN. Sold by E. J. Kieffer, Solomons & Co, O. Butler and Lipp man Bros. THE 3 SAVANNAH DAILY TIMES. SATURDAY. MAY 22, ISS6 I ■ ; wow ! CINCINNATI. 0T , BREWERS -OF- ; Genuine Lager Beer. • THE WORLD-RENOWNED BRANDS CA PI TAL' I I AND— I 66 INonpai’eil. ” SEASONABLE GOODS F. GUTMAN, 141 BROUGHTON STREET. Children’s Gauze Vests, low and high neck and short sleeves. Ladies’ Gauze Vests, low neck and si ort sleeves. Gent*’ Gauze and Balbriggan Underwear. Gents’ White and Colored Lawn Ties, 10c Per Doz n. Children’s White, Black and Colored Half Socks, sizes 4 to 7, Ladies' Balbriggan Fancy Silk and Lisle Thread Hose. Gents’ Balbriggan Fancy Silk and Lisle Thread Socks. Ladies' mid. Cliildren’s Jersej s. Ladies’ White Embroidered Handkerchiefs at 25c and upwards. Lj dies’ Colored Embroidered Handkerchiefs at 25c and upwards. Ge.Us’ Fancy Border Handkerchiefs at lUc and upwards. 25 d Children’s All Linen Colored Bordered Handkerchiefs, Bc, worth 15c. Ladles’ Black, White and Colored Bilk Gloves and Mitts Ladies’ Black and Colored Lisle Thread Gloves. Children’s Colored Silk Gloves and Mitts. Our Ne w Fans Received. C. P. A. Da Sirene Corsets, white and colors. Thompson’s Glove-Fitting Corsets. French Woven Corsets. R. &G. Corsets NEW LINES OF CHILDRbN’rt MULL CAPS at 25c and upwards. Satin Ribbons, Sash Ribbons. Gross Grain Ribbons. LADIES’CAMBRIC AM) MUSLIN UNDERWEAR. Dressing Shcques a d < 'orset Covers An elegant asbortment of PLAIN AND FANCY PARASOLS. The largest assortment in ifae city of Swiss and Nainsook Embroideries from one-eighth of an inch to forty-five inches deep. Escuriel Laces, Oriental Laces, in tan, cream and white. Black Spanish Guimoure Laces, two inches to forty-five inches deep. Real and Imitation ValencienesLaces. India Linens, Persian Mulls, Linen Lawns,French Nainsook. AN IMMENSE ASSORTMENT OF COLORED EM BROIDERIES. New styles in Ladies’ Linen Colored Collars and Cuffs. Canvas Belts. Hand Bags, Leather Belts. JET FRINGES, CHENILLE FRINGES, MOURNING FRINGES. Beaded Passementeries from 25c to S3O a yard. Children’s Lace and Linen Collars. An Immense assortment <»f large and small Buttons. The only place keeping the genuine CETEMERI KID GLOVES. Special Sale for This Week Only. 25 dozen Children’s Ribbed Lisle Thread Hose in black, navy blue, garnet and brown, sizes 6-8-2, at 35c a pair, worth 50c. F. C3rTJTKZEA.IXr, SASH, BLINDS, DOORS, Wen Marias, Wurttisg, Ceiling, lbs, hs, And all Styles of Church and School Finish and Furniture in Cypress, Pine, Oak Ash or Walnut, Mouldings, Newels, Door & Window Frames, Office Trailing-®. Desks, Etc. With our own Saw Mills and runtrolling the product from the stump to the consumer's bands, gives us advantages that few possess. We have one and a half million feet of cypress on sticks, and two of Sturtevant's Dry Kilns, each 22x100 feet long, which insure thoroughly seasoned stock at all ti.ues. TO m MM M. S HALL’S BALSAM'S Cures Consumption, Colds, Pneumo nia, Influenza, Bronchial, Difficulties, Bronchitis, Hoarseness, Asthma, Croup, Whooping Cough, and all Diseases of the Breathing Organs. It soothes and heals the Membrane of the Lungs, inflamed and poisoned by the disease, and prevents the night sweats and the tightness across the chest which accompany it. CON SUMPTION is not an incurable mal ady. HALL’S BALSAM will cure you, even though professional aid fails. Your system is now more susceptible to the benefits of a reliable medicine than at any other season. Take Hood’s Sarsaparilla. Meerschaum segar holders and pipes greatly reduced at E. L. Byck’s. CfUUFIDFR Pprito 2 -wwfflß S- 1 - ’ sS W fe ■ ■' ’ 1 1 \ im^LNCIN N AT!,O■ VS.A. I NOW THE MOSi MODERN AND ONE OF THE MOST EXTENSIVE BREW ERIES IN THE COUNTRY. J. C. TOSHACH & CO., Wholesale Dealers Ar Bottlers of tlie Renowned Nonpareil Beer. NO. 43 BAA STRUTT. Ctt*' TELEPHONE NO. 300. SAVANNAH GEORGIA. BFor tok OR I Son tat H* in all forms and stages, the sure- BSTand QUICK EST Remedy known. PuKE LT Vegetable Entirely harm less. Requires no lustrument. Miss Lucy . Cook, Oconee county, Ga., says : “One bottle ot Certain Catarrh Cure completely cured me of a severe case of Catarrh from which I suffered five years.” Dr. O B. Howe, Athens,Ga., says: “Certain Catarrh Cure cured me of a severe B»re Throat, and I cheerfully endorse it.” Price JI; 6 bottles *5. Where no druggist sells It we will ship and pay charges. 3 C. CO., ATHENS, GA. Sold in Savannah by SOLOMONS* CO,an LIPPMAN BROS Testimonials, etc., fur xnished Light Spring Wagons. We have a complete assortment of Light Express, Grocery and Farm Wagons that we are selling at greatly reduced prices Call and examine our stock, we will take pleasure in showing you tnrough our warehouses. SALOMON COHEN. KROUSKOFF’S Mammoth-Millinery-House. EARLY SPRING OPENING of immense If ne«= in Children's Straw School Hats in all the new spring styles. Ladies* Hats, new Howers, and Nlontiires lor evening wear. Kull line ol new Beads. The Inrjsest stock of new Millinery Goods ever opened south ol’New York. Also the first lot ol the laiy kstik: or, Pateai Smog Vol We still continue to sell our very fine all silu Satin Ribbons Nos. 7 at 10c., 9 at 12 1.2 c., 12 at 15c, s. k:rousk.o]pf 157 Broughton Street. i Gentlemen Attention [ We devote this week’s advertisement to yon especially. We know that we ■ can benefit yon, and we shall endeavor to make it a mutual good thing for I you and us. All we ask of you is to read what we have to say, and to call on I us and satisfy yourselves. [ $Q SO , Will buy of us a GENT'S CALF SHOE, made up in the following styles: London Toe Con gress, French Toe Congress, London Toe Button, London Toe Bals, French Toe Bals—all solid counters and solid outer and inner solei—warranted to be equal to any shoes sold at from S 3 0 38.60. Collat Bros, $3.00 7. WARRANTED e 4 OUR THREE DOLLAR GENT'S CALFSKIN SHOE Is equal to any FOUR DOLLAR SHOE in the city. They are made by one of the most particular manulacturers in.the coun try, who exercise the greatest care to make every pair perfect. NVe Ouar-antee Each Hair to Give Perfect Satisfaction. We are not trying to make a run on these shoes, we simply Inform you that we have.the BEST goods for the LEAST MONEY. COLLAT BROS., 140 BROUGHTON STREET. Old Staten Island Dyeing ESTABLISHMENT, D 8 Duane St., - - New York. WE HAVE BEEN APPOINTED RECEIVING AGENTS FOR THIS OLD RELIABLE CONCERN. XuIINI)S4Y &- MOrtGtzAN. 169 and IT I Broughton St. JUST ARRIVED. THE CHOICEST STOCK OF JX/I ATTITVG South of Baltimore. Commence early and get everything In readiness for the CHATHAMB CENTENNIAL. Big Drop in Parlor and Bed Room Suites. MORGAA. WE DO GOOD Hone taiag Ji tilssamg CHEAP. BENNETT & COLE, President St, bet Whitaker & Barnvrd &A6ERBEERgI i iQIBy [ FOSS-SCHNEIDER BREWINC COMPANY. BOTTLERS —OF— Genuine Lager Beer. j THE WORLD-RENOWNED BRANDS —AND— “■Bfonpareil.” I 25 and 4 I WOODEN MEASURES, -ONLY AT The Dime Store, l 86 Whitaker; street. Printing. ESTABLISHEDIBSO M Printing, Book Biiibg In the very BESTMANNER, and by compe tent workmen. ACCOUNT BOOKS For Banks, Merchants, Rail reads, ships and Courts and Corporationa, MAJDS TO ORDER ONLY of the best material an 4 workmanship. Having had over fifty years experience 1* the business with a reputation extending over a large portion of the country, I am warranted iu guaranteeing, W Wi » Fair Fhces! Papers and other materials in full supply from mills (direct)and first hands. Order’s for anything, however SMALL OR LARGE, will have prompt attention, and will be made satisfactory in every particular. GEO. N. NICHOLS, 93 1-2 BAY STREET. ——— : northern UUnts. O’T" EA.T TBEBEST BCSTOIJ ui JilT’Ml MEiIJ Where the cost i« very little more than yea are paying for Tough Beef. I receive by every eteamer the very Bed Beef from above markets, Fresh and Corned. -ALSO- MUTTON, VEAL, SPRING LAMB, HALIBUT, FRESH MACKEREL, LOBSTERS —AND— BOSTON AND BALTIMORE MEATS, And the Finest Native Meats. FREE DE* LIVERY to any pars of the city. Stalls 67 and 68 Cviiy JUartiet 11. Logan. New Thing’s at A. J. MILLER & CO’S FURNITURE AND 5ii?ET IMBM I —Elegant Line of— Damask Nlattingxs-. Window Shades in Latest Styles. Chi ice Line of Antique Oak ruroiturc. Also full stock of BABY CARRIAGES, REFRIGERATORS, RATTAN CHAIRS and LOUNGES, MOSQUITO NETO and FRAMES. Sole agents for SOUTH CAROLINA BENT WOOD FURNITURE. These goode took gold medal over all other makes at the New Orleans World’s Exposition. A. .L MILLER & CO. ADVERTISERS can learn the exact cost of any proposed line of advertising in American papers by addressing Geo. P. Rowell & Co., Newspaper Advertising Bureau, IO Spruce St., New York. Send lOcte. for 100-Page Pamphle* BLUE GRASS Condition Powder, FOR HORSES AND CATTLE, Will cure Coughs, Inflamed Lungs, Distenft* pers, Kidney aud Bladder troubles, Heaves, Roughness of Skin, etc. For sale -AT- Strong’s Dyvig- Store, AT 25c. PER POUND PACKAGE. G.M.HEIDT&Ca Manufacturers’ agents, and wholesale dealers in BASE BALL AND Geaeial Sporting Goods, SEXUAL POWER. Positively and Permanently Restored In 2 to 10 days: effects in 24 hours; almost Immediate relief. No nauseating drugs, minerals, pills or poisons, but the delicious MEXICAN CONFECTION, composed of fruits, herbs and plants. The most powerful tonic known. Restores the Vigor, and Health ot youth, Sealed book fret,, 'wing full particu lars. Address SAN MATEC MED. CO., P.O box 481, St. Louis, Mo. 3