Pearson tribune. (Pearson, Ga.) 191?-1955, July 12, 1918, Image 3

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Mrs. Malinda Corbitt was colled
to Valdosta this week on account
of the serious illness of her sister.
Mrs. Preston Brooks and child
ren of Valdosta, are visiting her
cousin, Mrs. T. S. Corbett, this
The protracted meeting at Spring
head closed Sunday and the past
or, Rev. O. B. Talley, and his wife
returned to the city in the after
lion. Allen B. Spence, candidate
for Solicitor-General of the Way
cross judicial circuit, was here and
shaking hands with Pearson voters
Saturday afternoon.
Mr. G. E. McCormick, Jr., fore
man of the Tribune, spent Satur
day and Sunday with his parents
near llazelhurst, and looking after
some business affairs.
Miss Ethel Dean, a daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. (diver Dean of Doug
las, is visiting the family of Mr.
and Mrs. Winloch Kirkland.
Mrs. Kirkland is her aunt.
Miss Dona Kirkland, daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. Whid Kirkland of
near Leliaton, spent several days
last week in the city as the guest
of Mr. and Mrs. David Kirkland.
lion. Jeff Kirkland is spending
some days in Atlanta, combining
business with pleasure, lie will
look in upon both houses of the
legislature and renew the acquaint
ance of the members.
Prof. Sankey Booth has opened
a summer school at the Sycamore
school house, three miles north of
Pearson, He is expecting quite a
large normal class. He is all en
ergy and perservance.
A number of young people from
the city enjoyed a social party
and a melon cutting at the home
of Mr. and Mrs. Winloch Kirk
land, one and a half miles west of
the city, last Tuesday evening.
Rev. Geo. P. Padrick went to
Brunswick a few days ago to look
over a situation in the ship yards.
He liked it so well, he came back
to Pearson satisfied to await his
permanent job of rural mail
Miss Maude, daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. M. Corbitt, of Willacoo
ehee, and Mr. G. T. Clements, of
Adel, were united in marriage bust
Sunday at the residence of Rev.
Dan Roberts, who officiated. Both
are splendid young people.
The many friends of Mrs. If. L.
Lankford will be pleased to learn
‘that she withstood the operation,
she went to Atlanta to have made,
splendidly and is so far recovered
that she is expected home to-day
or tomorrow.
Mrs. X. M. Pafford of near Way
cross, who has been quite ill for
some time, has sufficiently recov
ered to come to Pearson to visit
her parents. Elder and Mrs. John
F. Smith. She will remain some
time until she fully recuperates
her strong! h.
Mrs. Jeff Kirkland, last Friday,
accompanied her sister, Mrs. Stokes
home to Savannah. From thence,
after a short visit, she goes on a
visit to relatives in California and
returning by way of Little Rock,
Ark., for a visit to Mrs. Lloyd
Kirkland, arriving at home early
in September.
A party from Pearson, including
X. E. Harrell, G. H. Mingledorff,
.1. O. White, Joe Corbett and XV.
M. Sumner, went to the fishery at
Mud Creek last Monday and
brought home plenty of fish, esti
mated at about two hundred
pounds. The Curry millpond,
which had been drained, was the
scene of the fishery.
A small size Bracelet found, on
street in Pearson. Owner can get
same by identifying property and
paying for this notice. Call at
Tribune office.
240 Pound Pigs.
With corn above 50 cts. hogs eat
their heads off very quickly. The
hog that takes two or three months
to get on full feed never brings you
a profit.
AVhen you are ready to put your
shoats on feed, begin with the B.
A. Thomas' Hog Medicine. Use
regularly and watch your shoats
round out into fat hogs in nine
months —hogs going well over 200
pounds and as high as 240 pounds.
Figure the average feeding and
you will see why the B. A. Thomas
medicine is a good investment.
Try feeding out your hogs on this
plan and if you are uot more than
pleased, we will refund the cost of
the medicine. Sold by Pearson
Hardware Store, Pearson, Ga.
Card of Thanks.
Editor Tribune:
Please allow us space to express
our heartfelt thanks to those who
were kind and generous to us dur
ing the sickness and death of our
dear mother. May God bless every
one who spake words of sympathy
and did acts of love in strewing
those sweet flowers on tin' grata.
They are now withered, but you
will ever be remembered by us all.
David M. Douglas,
for the family.
h Her Mother’s Home, Says This
Georgia Lady, Regarding Black-
Draught. Relief From Head
ache, Malaria, Chills, Etc.
Ringgold, Ga. — Mrs. Chas. Gaston,
of this place, writes: “l am a user
of Thedford’s Black-Draught; In fact,
It was one of our family medicines.
Also in my mother’s home, when I
was a child. When any of us child
ren complained of headache, usually
caused by constipation, she gave us
a dose of Black-Draught, which would
rectify the trouble. Often in the
Spring, we would have malaria and
chills, or troubles of this kind, we
would take Black-Draught pretty reg
ular until the liver acted well, and
we would soon be up and around
again. We would not be without it,
for it certainly has saved us lots of
doctor bills. Just a dose of Black-
Draught when not so well saves a
lot of days In bed.”
Thedford's Black-Draught has been
In use for many years In the treat
ment of stomach, liver and bowel
troubles, and the popularity which it
now enjoys Is proof of its merit.
If your liver Is not doing Its duty,
you will suffer from ouch disagree
able symptoms as headache, bilious
ness, constipation, indigestion, etc.,
and unless something 13 done, Ferlous
trouble may result.
Thedford's Blaek-Draught has been
found a valuable remedy for these
troubles. It is purely vegetable, and
acts in a prompt and natural way,
Tegulatlng the liver to Its proper
functions and cleansing the bowels of
Impurities. Try it. Insist on Thed
ford’s. the original and genuine. E 73)
Political Announcements
For Judge of the Superior Courts of the
Waycross Judicial Circuit
To the Voters of the Waycross Judicial Circuit:
I hereby announce my candidacy for the
Democratic nomination um J udgeof the Supe
rior t'ourts of the Waycross Judicial Circuit,
subject to the Democratic primary to be held
on September 11. HUH.
Throughout the part of the term I have
served as .Judge. I have endeavored to the
best of my ability to discharge my duties
faithfully and without being influenced by
favor or affection lor or bias or prejudice
atalnst any party and, if the voters of the cir
cuit after considering my record, decide that
I am entitled to re-election for a second term.
1 shall be deeply grateful to them.
I wish to take advantage of this opportunity
to express to the clttv.ens of the circuit my
slncerest thanks lor the loyal support l have
been given in the discharge of my duties and
the ail ministration of the law.
Soliciting your influence and suppert,
which will be greatly appreciated by me, I
am Cordially yours,
For Solicitor General of the Waycross
Judicial Circuit.
To the Voter* end Citizens of the Waycross
Judicial Circuit:
I announce myself as a candidate for Solici
tor General of the Waycross .Judicial Circuit,
subject to the Demobratlc Primary to be held
the 11th day of September next.
I solicit the support and Influence of every
citizen of the Circuit and I pledge, if elected,
to perform the duties of the office to the very
best of my skill and ability, always looking
forward to an honest administration of the
law and giving to each one charged wjth
Crimea fair, impartial and speedy trial.
Having been Solicitor of the city Court of
Waycross for more than nine years, I feel that
the experience gained in that office will be of
great assistance to me In rendering the State
of Georgia valuable service in this important
office, Respectfully,
For Solicitor-General Waycross Circuit.
To the Voters of Coffee County:
I hereby announce myself as a candidate
for Solicitor-General of the Waycross Judicial
Circuit, subject to the Democratic Primary
to be held on the Jltli day of September next,
and respectfully solicit the hearty support
and influence of every citizen of the county.
If nominated and elected I pledge myself to
perform the duties of the office to the very
best of my abllit.y looking always to the
just and impartial enforcement of our laws,
and to give every man a square deal without
regard to his station in life.
1 have lived in your county for twenty
years, and have served you as Solicitor of the
City Court and also as Judge of the same
court, and thus you know my ability and fit
ness to perform the duties of the office.
It has been one of my greatest ambitions to
fill this office, and 1 would especially appreci
ate the getting of every vote in this county
where I have lived tliese years and am trying
to rear my family.
Thanking you in advance for any favors
you may show me or any interest you may
take in my behalf, I am Yours truly,
For Ordinary of Atkinson County.
To the People: I am saying to the people
of Atkinson county that I appreciate any con
fidence they may have In my ability to han
dle the affairs of the county as Ordinary of
same. Being familiar with every section of
the territory, would know and fully under
stand their needs. Should It be the pleasure
of the voters to entrust me with the responsi
bility of the office, it would be my purpose
and pleasure to administer the same with
equal regularity to all sections. Further. I
would feel willing to make some sacrifices to
advance the best interests of our section.
Yours to serve, Jesse M. Pafford.
■'■«}' -M*V.
■\ \ §1 . ‘iiyill #%'P^ift?P : i :
Candidate for Solicitor-General, Waycross Judicial Circuit.
Col. Alien B. Spence, the ninth
child of a family of t wenty-one, son
of Moses W. Spence, originally of
Appling county, Georgia, and a
nephew of Major John M. Spence,
originally of Coffee county, xvas
born in Appling county.
While he was yet quite a small
boy bis mother died, leaving her
husband and a house full of little
children. On account of this sor
row, his father broke up house
keeping. Col. Spence then, with
four of the children, left Wayne
county, where they had previously
been living, and started out for
Pierce county, their mode of con
veyance being an Ox Team and
rail body cart, it taking two days
and nights to make t he journey; the
last night of the journey they were
compelled to camp at Altman Fer
ry, on account, of t heir being caught
behind a swollen river, the oldest
one of the children along being
fourl een.
Col. Spence then remained in
Pierce county until he was about
fourteen, at which time, he. with
James R. Thomas, set out, both
barefooted, for Blaekshear, and.
t,hence on to Waresboro, Georgia.
Hence he worked on a farm until
he was about twenty-one years
old. The last two years of this
he went to school what time lie
could spare from his work; but in
tile mornings and evenings and
Sat urdays he was found ploughing
in the field, and by the sweat of
his brow earned his board. At,
night lie would cut, cord-wood in.
order to obtain the money with
which to pay his tuit ion in school.
There after, he was offered a po
sition on a turpentine farm at a
Statement ok the Condition of the
Located at Pearson, Ga., at the ( of business June 29t,h, H)18.
Demand l/»:ins ? 4,450.00
Time Loans 100.102.:>!>
Overdrafts, unsecured 1,304.4 a
Banking House 1,985.75
Furniture and Fixtures 3,409,62
Due from Banks and Bankers in
this State 10,129.48
Due from Banks and Bankers in
other Slates 11,389.28
Currency 1,063.00
Hold 110.00
Silver. Nickels, ete 284.87
Other resources Itemized) 1.250.00
TOT AI $206,078.82 i: OF gko KOI A— coffee County.
Before me came W. M. Sumner. Cashier of Pearson Banking Company, who being duly
sworn, says that the above and foregoing statement is a true condition of said bank, as
shown by the books of file in said bank. \v. m. SUMNHR.
Sworn to and subscribed before me, this 9th day of July. 1118.
li. T. ALLKN, Notary Public Coffee County, Georgia.
When in need of Blacksmith work —Repairing of all kinds,
bring your troubles to me —I am the doctor.
M e also do first-class \\ heel work —make a new wheel out
of an old one. Satisfaction guaranteed. Your patronage solicited
-,.M .....
Adams’ old stand : Pearson, Ga.
salary of $25.00 per month; this
lie accepted and worked at this
trade for six years. At the age of
twenty-six he married Miss Mina
Furlong of Ware county, and to
them were born five children. So
eager was he to take a law course,
when he was about twenty-seven
years old, he, with his wife and
child moved to Macon, Georgia,
and he there entered the Law
Department of Mercer University.
Col. Spence graduated from the
Law Department of this Insti
tution in 1902. He at once began
the practice of law and located at
Willacooeliee, Georgia. In 19011
he moved to Waycross, Georgia,
where he continued the general
practice of law, and in which pro
fession he has made a success.
In 1907 he entered tho race for
Solicitor of the Gity Court of
Waycross, he made an enviable re
putation as a prosecuting officer,
always vigorous and fearless, yet
at the same time, honest and fair
towards those whom he was called
on to prosecute.
lias for the past thirty-five
years resided in Ware, Bierce and
Coffee counties; been actively en
gaged in the general practice of
law in all the courts for over six
teen years; is a man whose word is
as good as his bond; his character
above reproach; strictly temperate,
ambitious, industrious and a man
of exemplary habits, who would
fill the office of Solicitor General
with credit and distinction, both
to himself and our Circuit.
i.ia mumics
< ’apital Stock Paid In S 30,000.00
Surplus Fund 5 000,00
Undivided Profits, less Current
Expenses, Interest and 'faxes Paid.. 9,750.01
I ndivldual I >epositß Subject tot ‘heck 72.512.05
Time (’ertlficates 61,444.92
Cashier's Checks 1,371.24
Bills payable, including time certifi
cates, representing borrowed money 25.000.00
T( )TA L £205,078.82
Passon’s Department Store
I. PASSON, Proprietor
I have a full line of Dry Goods,
Clothing, Shoes and Hats, bought at the
old prices, which I am offering for quick
sale at 30 per cent, less than they can
be bought elsewhere. _____
I bought this stock six months ago;
the same goods cannot be bought at
wholesale for the prices I am offering
them at retails _____
Come in and see this line of goods.
It will cost you nothing to look at them.
Pafford Bldg., - Pearson, Ga.
A real investment
on which you realize
jgx full value in mileage
mil an d Fisk Service,
with an initial price
that is attractive.
for sale by
Pearson Hardware Store
Service Rendered Day or Night
Accessories Carried in Stock
First-class Mechanics—ail work guaranteed
Your patronage is solicited
Telephone 57 - Pearson, Ga.