Pearson tribune. (Pearson, Ga.) 191?-1955, July 26, 1918, Image 4
CHURCH DIRECTORY. PEARSON MISSIOHART BAPTIST CHURCH. E.Jer o. o. Williams, p*»tor Pn.ttchlm? vvvry tliiixl .d.inlay at 11 o'clock a slia-iy -School every Smday at 3 o'clock p. in. -i «>. Whl'i *•: ■ • »**' •* • M d week prater w?r\ (.* .:> Tlmrsdij evt-.. IIT,UV «. C. -k. <*•»! H.KI ;i‘.acll->rH IOIIOM rfi*» A cordial m Vital hm tended to all. <:* mi* ft ad woraii ;» '* __ ST. MUibW- •; gAi-iiii tIIBCCH EIJ«- J- .1. 7 *EN, PaKtor. Prewhln* « -ml s-'» • ''> <l-,y Imbue at II ./dock a n -if-, 7,, in. rillß hUICIj in l'MMll-,1 « ••111:. It" ■ #l ' 1 Corporate limit/ __ REFUGE PRIMITIVE MF’iiST CHURCH. EiJcr L. M. GUTHRIE. Pastor. lTi-acliliiit on own-.-« ml suinla> and Sat urrtav Ik-liii" at It o'fl'H' 1 a- ni. Tills ithuroh Is local ad at Hweetavator cn-il two mil. s ninth -,r I'ui'-ii,. A cordial wHci-n- I, vM'lor- UNION HILL CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH. Rev. D. J. PEARSON, Raptor. Preaching on every fourth Sunday and Sat urday Indore; at 11 o'clock a. in. Sunday-School every Sunday at •’> o'clock p. rn. This church Ik located near Ited Bluff creek. Jour miles southeast oJ Poarson. You will he welcome at all services. FREEWILL BAPTIST CHURCHES; <17,1 AS CIIUItfTI- I’riffwliln* every aeeond Hurnlay anil Saturday before In eaeh mntitli. at II o'clock, a. rn. \VM. WII.HiiN, Clerk. C. STAIII,I M*. Pastor OAK-GROVK cnrrtcu I'rciu.-hlne every fourth Sunday fit 11 o'clock, a. in. and Satur day lieloro at 1 o'clock, i». m. 11. SHIM A NS, Clerk. C. 1,. ST A It 1,1 SO. Pastor. PEARSON CHARGE METHODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH SOUTH. Rev. O. B. TALLY. Pastor in Chnrfir. Rev. G. P. PADKICK, Local Preacher. G. W. HADSOCK, Eahorter. PEA US' IN—l’renchliiK at 11 till) a. in. and 7.0" p. m. on the second and fourth Sunday .. Sunday-School every Sunday at p. m. Ilavld Kirkland, Supcrln I end cut. Mld-weel prayor-meeUnß on SVednesdays al 7:00 p. in. WKSGKY CIIAPKI. I’reachliiK on the first Sundays, 11:0(1 a. m. each day. Sunday school every Sunday. J. W. Rnberls. Supt. HWKCTWATKIt-Prewhlnc on the first Sundays at Dam p. 111. Sunday--School every Sunday, -left lllrkeUon, Supt. K IHKI .A Nil —Preach luff on second Sundays at 11:0(1 p. 111. Sunday School every Sunday. Mrs. C. W. Corbitt, Supt. SPltlNfl 11 l-’-A ll—Preaeiiliif: on third Sun days at 12®)in. and Saturday before al in:on a. 111. Sunday-School every Sunday. 11. W. Corbitt. Supt. HHIfiGKS CIIAPKI. -I'riaehtnc the third Sundays at 10:00 a. in. and Saturday bclon- al l'’:(inui. Sunday-School every Sunday. .1.1.. PafTord, supt. S \ 1,1-3M —ProachlnK on the fourth Sunda; - nt :WHi p. m. Will preach the llftli Sundays by request. < 'qi'd--'. DR. W. I- PRITCHI 1 1 DENTIST, (Corbitt Building, - ri: arson. <:» \. Okfick I>aym; Sat unlays nml Mondays, other days by appointment. Write or ’phone lor appointments In the country. 1)R. HISNUY I*. SMITH PEARSON, (I EOHCi 1A Office in Post Office Butldlnc DICKKRSOX X MINGLEDOIiFF ATTORNEYS AND COU NSI'.I.OUS Office In the Now Pnffor.l llnlldtnr Pi!, ARSON. GEORGIA Practice In atlthe Courts, stati and I , loral Mr. Illekersoo will be In little' every i'liurs day unless other envaireinents pre\ ent. 1)R. H. S. MALONE, iILLL— ; Otliee lit Malone Block PEARSON, GA. REN.I. T. AEI.EN ATTORNEY \ Nil COUNSELOR Ofliees In the Allen bulldlny, Pearson. Georgia. Will do a general practice In Slate and Fed eral Courts. Found. A small size Bracelet found, on street in IVarson. Owner can get same by identifying properly and paying for this notice. Call at M'k i m n e office. Used 40 Years CARDUI The Woman's Tonic Sold Everywhere ms JULY 1918 [STLK. IvfOX. | THE. VED. [ THU, f FUJI. <*AK xTT~2~ ?iEls[6 ?18 3 10111213 M 15161718 ]9 20 222324252627 28 29 30,31r f ~ r Y PEARSON’S NEWSPAPER Subscribe for and advertise in —PEARSON TRIBUNE— OEWHHi SUBSCRIPTION PRICE SI.OO PER ANNUM !®|r“ lias a large and increasing circulation in the counties of Clinch, Coffee and Ware. Best results can he obtained by patronizing its advertising columns. It is a paper you’ll read. It gives the news. Address all inquiries to B. T. ALLEN, - Pearson, Ga. GEORGIA & FLORIDA RAILWAY Schedule Effective July Ist, 1918 l'raius leave YVlllneoochee for Douglas. Hazle hurst. Vldalla. stillmorc. Garfield, Milieu, Swalnsboro. Midvillo. Keysvllle, Augusta ad intermediate points. Trains leave Wlliacoochee for Nashville. Adel, Sparks. Moultrie. Valdosta, Madison, Fla., and Intermediate points. T. E. HARRIS, G. P. Agent, C. W. GREENE, Agt, Augusta, Ga. Willaco*cb««, Ga. Georgia Southern & Florida Ry. EFFECTIVE MAY 12TH, 1918. TRAINS LEAVE TIFTON:~ 7:25 a. m. —F or Macon, connecting for points North. 12:25 p. m. —l-’or .Macon, connecting for points North. 12:55 a. m. —For Macon, through train for Atlanta, Cincinnati, Chicago. “The Southland.” 1:10 a. m. — For .Macon, through train for Atlanta, Nashville, Chicago. “Dixie Flyer.” 6:17 a. m. —Local for Valdosta. 3:30 p, m. —For Valdosta, Jacksonville and Palatka. 4:40 a. m. —For Valdosta, Jacksonville and Palatka. Shown as information to the public, not guaranteed. •T• " . .1 A M ISON, C. B. RHODES, Agent Pass, t raffic Department, General Passenger Agent, MACON, - - GEORGIA. PKAItSON TMimjNJC, CJSAkMOk, OEOKOIA, JULY 20, 101 H No. 4 Daily 9:35 a. in No. 6 Daily ex. Sunday..tisOS p. m No. 5 Daily 3:26 p. m No. 7 Daily ex. Suuday..7:47 a. m 30 DAY SALE 30 SALE STARTS Monday, July 15th, Lasting until August 15th t , Iwill offer my entire stock of mer chandise-consisting of DRY GOODS, Shoes, Clothing, Furniture Etc. at greatly reduced prices—prices th*t will suit you. This is a great opportunity knocking at your door, Don’t miss it—come and bring your family i i i Clothing Large assortment of Mens’ and Boys’ Clothing to go - • j Ranges 1 have a few Princess RANGES- •very cheap. Call and have us show you these Stove* while they last N. I HARRELL, HARRELL BLD’G. : PEARSON, GA.