Newspaper Page Text
666 cures Chills and Fever.
Miss Mae James is at home from
Ftzgerald for an indefinite staj T .
Mr. Luther Garrett, of Florida,
is visiting his step mother, Mrs. J.
J. Garrett of Pearson.
666 cures Bilious Fever.
Mrs. W. H. Waddelle’s illness has
become serious and her husband,
relatives and friends are anxious
about her condition.
The canteen department of the
local Bed Cross sold ice cream on
the streets Saturday to meet the
expenses of the rally.
666 cures Malarial Fever.
Mr. Z. C. Tillman came up from
his saw mill in Echols county and
spent Sunday with his family. Zeb
reports the lumber business as
fairly good.
Last Saturday was the regular
justice court day for the 1130th
militia district. There was noth
of interest before the court worthy
of mention.
Mr. Chas. Corbett has returned
to Willacoochec and the employ
rnent of his brother, Aaron. This
leaves the Pearson Pharmacy
wthout a clerk.
Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Vann, of
Way cross, were last week end
visitors in Pearson, and guests of
her mother and sister, Mrs. James
and Airs. Malone.
11. M. McNeal returned Tuesday
night to the aviation camp at
Parkfield, near Memphis, Tenn.
He is connected with the Quarter
master’s Department.
Afonday was Jewish new year
and was duly observed in Pearson
by Alessrs. lsidor Passon and A.
Cohen and their families. The
Jewish “Day of Atonement.’,
666 cures by removing the cause.
It wouldn’t be a bad idea for the
city fathers to take hand in seeing
that the high school auditorium
gets a new lighting system. The
old Ascetylene system has practi
ally played out.
Hon. D. S. Wall was a pleasant
caller at the Tribune office during
the week. He says he will not be
a candidate for tax collector in the
new county of Atkinson, but at the
proper time will announce as a
candidate for tax receiver.
666 contains no alcohol, arsnic,
nor other poisonous drugs. 101
All's. Geo. E. McCormick, Jr.,
accompanied by a sister and two
brothers, the Messrs. Turner, of
Chula, Ga., was in the city Monday
afternoon. She reports her hus
band, a former attachee of the Tri
bune, as improving mentally and
The Tribune acknowledges a
jleasant visit Afonday morning
from Airs. W. H. liobinson, the
talented editress of the Charlton
County Herald, Folkston, and
children. They had motored up to
Willacoochee to spend the week
end with relatives, and were home
ward bound.
Aliss Fannie Littleton, who is
now teaching in Willacoochee, was
a weekend visitor to Pearson and
a guest of Airs, J. Al. Alecks. The
children here, who were associated
with her the past two years, were
truly glad to see her, and hope she
will come often.
Oliver Deen, proprietor of the
Pearson Pharmacy, was here sev
eral days the past week. He is
complaining of the scarcity of drug
clerks. He has no one at the Pear
son Pharmacy to fill prescriptions,
and says it is almost impossible to
get anyone for the position.
A number of gentlemen from
Willacoochee was in the city Mon
day afternoon, among them Alessrs,
E. L. Afoore and J. O. Sirmans.
They had to return home on the
7:18 train, and were disappointed
in not hearing the address of Hon.
Royal Daniel, of the Red Cross.
Fifth Sunday Meeting.
The Fifth Sunday meeting of
the Smyrna Association will con
vene at New Harmony Grove
church, beginning on Friday, the
28th, at 7 p. m.
Devotional exercises led by G.
W. Daniels.
7:30, preaching by 11. M. Alecks.
Saturday Morning.
9:30, devotional exercises led by
D. Al. Douglass.
10:00, Lord’s Supper, as taught
by the Bible. H. Al. Alecks.
10:30, Foundation and History
of our Faith, by John F. Smith.
11:15, preaching by Bro. Clifton,
of Alma.
12:15, Dinner.
Saturday Afternoon.
2;00, Predestination and Elec
tion. by Brethren Bugg, West and
2: 45, Duty of the Church, by A.
S. Al inchew.
3:30, Adjournment.
7:00, Devotional services led by
S. G. Taylor.
Sunday Morning.
9:30, Devotional services led by
D. W. Henderson.
10:00, Sabbath-School Interest,
by G. Tom West.
10:30, Question Box opened.
11:00, Preaching by J. D. Poin
dexter and an offering taken.
Train will be met at Vicker’s
crossing Saturday morning and
Sunday morning.
A delegation from every church
in the Association is expected.
For Sale.
One second - hand McCormick
Mowing Machine and Rake; all in
good shape. Also one good two
horse wagon. If you want to buy
apply to L. L. Sutton.
Judge Lankford Thanks the
People of His District.
To the People of the Eleventh Con
gressional District of Georgia:
1 am one of the most happy of
men and yet one of the most hum
1 owe a debt of gratitude to the
people of my district which can
only be paid by everlasting, persis
tent, never ceasing effort, on my
part, to do and be all that my
dearest friends expect of me.
1 shall never cease to sincerely
thank my friends for their loyal
support, and 1 shall never forget
that true gratitude can only be
shown by true service to my Dis
trict and Nation.
As congressman I shall devote
all of my time and all that I am to
a faithful performance of my duty.
And will, God being my helper,
find Jhe right and fight for it.
Obediently yours,
W. C. Lankford.
Special Notice.
There is at my place an estray
sow. Yellow colored, marked up
per square and swallow fork in one
ear and swallow fork in tne other.
She has been at my place about
four months and taken the run of
the fields. The owner can get her
by paying for this notice and the
expense of feeding and keeping her
in the field.
Willie Neugent.
Baptist Missionary Union.
The regular monthly meeting of
the Baptist Woman’s Alissionary
Union met at the church Alonday
Among other business transacted
was the election of officers for the
next year, viz:
Airs. Jeff Kirkland, President.
Airs. J. O. AVhite, Vice-President.
Airs. David Lirkland, corres
ponding secretary.
Airs. L. L. Sutton, Recording
Aliss Eugenia Allen, Treasurer.
Airs, J. B. AV hite, Leader Sun
beam Society,
Timely Notice.
After October Ist subscriptions
to the Tribune must be paid for in
advance. This is the ruling of the
War Activities Board and we have
to abide by the ruling.
Hon. Royal Daniel Addresses
Pearson Red Cross.
Atkinson County Chapter A. R.
C. is a verity!
Pearson has won a most splendid
victory over herself. Stubborn in
difference gets no where, while
pluck, energy and intelligent per
severance takes the victory.
The coming of Hon. Royal Dan
iel, representative of the Southern
Division with headquarters at At
lanta, marks a new era in Pearson
Red Cross circles.
After preliminary exercises of
patriotic songs, prayer and a
thoughtful welcome address by
Elder G. Tom West, Mr. Daniel
was introduced by Editor B. T.
Allen, and he proceeded in his own
quiet, persuasive, way to tell the
people something of the horrors of
the war, illustrating by incidents
coming under his personal observa
tion, and impressing his hearers
with the solemn obligation they
are under to the soldier boys in
the trenches, who are making the
supreme sacrifice for liberty and
the rights of humanity. The
lessons were simple, well developed
and made so plain, they were easily
learned by those who heard the
pathetic message.
“This is a time,” said Air. Daniel,
“that calls upon all the people for
strenuous sacrifice, self-abnegation,
and the observance of the Golden
Rule.” From France, Belgium,
Italy —every where in Europe
—comes the appeals of wretched
and starving people for succor.
Thousands upon thousands are
homeless, poorly clad, with the
prospects of freezing this winter
unless Americans provide them
clothing as well as food.
What a wonderful opportunity
for a display of that Christian
charity of which the Master and
the sacred writers have told us a
bout in the Book. Oh, Americans,
who live in a land of plenty and
comfort, wake up to the magnitude
of your responsibilities to (lie sick
and wounded, falling thick and
fast, along the battle front in
France, in Italy, in Albania, in
Macedonia, and even in Russia.
Are you going to shut up the bow
els of your compassion against
those who are giving their all to
bring liberty and lasting peace to
the nations of the earth! When the
boys, who have gone out from a
mong* us, come marching home
with the songs of victory-of liberty
and the right of civilization to
survive—on their lips will you be
ready to meet them and feel that
you did your “bit” in helping to
bring them back?
These are some of the salient
points made in Air. Daniel’s ad
dress. He did not speak long, as
he was tired and hungry —having
traveled all day, speaking and in
structing the official members as
to the great needs of the hour, and
the necessity of a perfect organiza
He was entertained while here at
Hotel Malone by Dr. and Mrs.
Tuesday morning, after breakfast,
the executive committee of the
temporary organization met him at
the hotel and, in view of the per
manent organization, he gave
minute instructions as to the work,
the necessity of thorough organiza
tion, and perfect harmony and
fidelity among the members.
He also spoke of some necessary
changes being made as to the or
ganization. It has been arranged
for the membership year to coin
cide with our calendar year; the
fiscal year to begin July Ist and
end June 30, the executive year to
begin with October Ist. These
changes were made to conserve
man-power and to simplify the
business of the organization.
It was probable that the organ
ization would be taken over by the
government to save it from the
greod of the profiteer, the great
enemy of the organization.
Mr. Daniels was pleased with the
enthusiasm of the people to do their
“bit” in this world crisis, their
unanimity and preparedness to
work when they find something
they can do.
His visit to Pearson was a bene
diction to her people.
Spence Thanks People.
To the people and voters of Coffee
I desire to express my most sin
cere thanks for the loyal support
given me in my recent campaign
for the office of Solicitor-General
of the Waycross Judicial Circuit.
I shall give my faithful and untir
ing service in discharging the du
ties of the office.
A ery truly yours,
Allen B. Spence.
Piano. Twelve half-hour lessons
a month, $3.00.
Eugenia Allen.
Don’t forget to vote tomorrow
and help Coffee county get rid of
one of her city courts. It will be
a great favor to Coffee county for
you to vote it. out of existence.
Nearly every one of our boys
who could saw to a scribe and
drive a nail went to Brnmswiek
last Monday morning to help build
the government Picric Acid plant.
Air. Dan Henderson is at home
from South Carolina for the pur
pose of gathering his crop. He
will be here a week or two and re
turn to South Carolina where he is
employed as book and time keeper
at a big saw mill.
Airs. Jeff Kirkland arrived at
home this morning from her west
era trip. She has two sisters liv
ing in California, whom she visited.
No doubt she had a most delight
ful trip, and saw many things that
were pleasing and instructive, as
well as exciting.
Air. Laurie l’rdrick returned to
Meridien College, Aleridien, Aliss.,
to resume his studies' at that in
stitution. He was accompanied by
Master Duvon Corbitt, who will
enter school there. Aliss Charlotte
Riclcetson, will go to Aleridien
next Tuesday to enter school.
666 cures Headaches,Biliousness,
Loss of Appetite, or that tired ach
ing feeling, due to Malaria or
Colds. Fine Tonic.
The baby girl of Rev. and Mrs.
Geo. P. Padriek was severly burn
ed with some kind of acid a few
days ago. The two children were
playing together, the older one,
Francis, got hold of the bottle of
acid and poured some of its con
tents on her sister, with the result
It is possible the Methodist con
gregation will not have its regular
protracted meeting this year. The
membership of the church doesn’t
seem to be in the spirit for one.
The burdens of the war and the
struggle for a livelihood are too
depressing to awake spiritual en
thusiasm of the demonstrative
Officers of the law captured one
of the most consummate forgers
ever in this section. He can imi
tate almost any handwriting.
Parker Hardware and Furniture
cashed one of his checks to which
he had forged the name of G. W.
James; lsidor Passon caught one
with T. 11. Mathews' name assign
ed to it. Both were bound over
to the superior court.
Elder O. O. Williams filled his
regular monthly appointment with
the Pearson Baptist church last
Sunday. He gave the church no
tice to look out for another pastor
as he would be unable to serve
them another year. He lives at
Vidalia ond says it is too far and
inconvenient for him to meet a
monthly appointment here.
FOR SALE. —A number of shoats
just right for fattening purposes.
Can be seen at my place.
2t. J. AL Al ulus.
Political Announcements
For Ordinary of Atkinson County.
To the People: I am saying to the people
of Atkinson county that T appreciate any con
fidence they may have In my ability to han
dle the affairs of the county as Ordinary of
same, Being familiar with every section of
the territory, would know and fully under
stand their needs. Should it be the pleasure
of the voters to entrust me with the responsi
bility of the office, it would be my purpose
and pleasure to administer the same with
equal regularity to all sections. Further, I
would feel willing to make some sacrifices to
advance the best Interests of our section.
Yours to serve Tehsjb M. Pafford.
Millinery Opening!
The ladies of Pearson and surrounding coun
try are cordially invited to call and examine the
handsome stock of Millinery we have to offer
Garrett & Douglass,
At 5 1-2 Per Cent, interest.
Apply to L. A. HARGREAVES,
Bring your Deeds with you. Pearson, Georgia.
A. COHEN, Proprietor.
THIS SI ORE carries a large and well selected
** t,* 4 STOCK OF v*
Everething in the line of Ready-to-Wear Goods.
Have in Stock Now a Special Line of Men’s Suit 3.
You are respectfully invited to call and examine this stock
before making your purchases, Will be pleased to show it
to you. When in the city make your headquarters at
Coffee County Food Administration,
Price List Revised August Ist, 1018
Cash and Garry Charge and Deliver
Wheat Flour, 24 pound sack $1.75 $1.85
Wheat Flour, 12 pound sack 90 .95
Wheat Flour, broken quantities, pr pound.o7 1-2 .08
Corn meal, per pound 05 1-2 .09
Hominy Grits, per pound 07 .07 1-1
Oat Meal 15 .17
Rice, Standard 12 .12 1-2
Irish Potatoes 04 .05
White and Navy Beans, 20 .22
< Inions 07 .08
Tomatoes, No. 2. Standard 15 ,\1
Salmon, Pink Alaska 25 .27
Salmon, Red Alaska 35 .36
Evaporated Milk, 6 oz 07 1-2 .08
Evaporated Milk, 16 oz 15 .16
Butter, 1 pound Prints •. 69 .62
Eggs, Country 40 .55
Cheese 35 .36
Lard, Compound 28 .29
Wesson <)iJ, small 45 .47
White Bacon, Bellies 35 ,;i(j
Smoked Bacon, 35 .36
1 lams. Premium 38 .39
Breakfast Bacon, sliced 60 .65
Sugar, per pound 10 .10
Coffee, green, per pound .20 .22
Tea, per pound *. 1.00 1.00
Wheat Bread, 16 oz. loaf 10 .10
Canned Corn, No. 2. per can 20 .21
Canned Peas, No. 2, per can 20 .21
Alilk (bottled) per quart 15 .15
Round Steak, per pound 30 .30
Hens, year old or more, per head 1.00 1.00
Fish, fresh mullet, good quality, pr pound .15 ,T 5
Prunes, medium size, per pound 20 .21
Raisins, seeded, 16 ounce package 20 21
Food Administrator, Coffee County.
Be sure to subscribe for the Tribue before October 1.