Pearson tribune. (Pearson, Ga.) 191?-1955, May 02, 1919, Image 3

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    School Closing.
Last Friday was the occasion of j
school closing exercises at Sandy !
*lt was a lovely spring morning
and a large crowd of visitors pres
ent, quite a number attending from
Pearson, Cogdell and Homerville.
The morning was given over to
the pupils in their commencement
exercises. Those who attended'
compliment the teacher. M iss Me- j
lvinnon, and the pupils upon the
splendid rendition of this part of
the day's program. They pro
nounced Miss McKinnon unaccom
plished teacher.
A recess was taken for dinner j
and a most bountiful supply of
toothsome viands was spread upon
long tables; there was plenty for
ail and some to spare. The school
trustees, Messrs. P. M. Lang, \\ .
<). James and J. F. Kigln, assist
ed by the ladies, had charge of
serving the dinner, and they saw
that all visitors were well supplied
with something good to eat.
Thoughtful trustees!
After dinner the addresses for
the occasion, short and pithy, were
delivered by Messrs. Sankey Booth,
G. 11. Mingledorff, T. S. Winn, W.
< . Balm and I)r. Henry P. Smith.
All the addresses met the hearty
approval of the audience. l)r. 11.
P. Smith was specially felicitated,
as it was at Sandy Bottom he be
gan doing business for himself —
teaching school —paving the way
for his future professional career.
Ji is success has been much above
t he average.
The school dosing at Sandy
Bottom was a real enjoyable occa
sion and the visitors were all glad
they attended.
For Sale
My house and lot in Pearson.
Will accept all cash or will trade
for good farm land near in to
Pearson, accepting or paying the
difference in price if any.
Bii.i, Fivkahh.
G 4 Heed St. Wayeross, (la.
The Florida general conference
of the church of Jesus Christ of
Latter Day Saints w ill be held at
Utah cuhrch, near Axson, (la.,
Saturday and Sunday, May 10th
and lltli. Everyone invited.
Elders Burrows & Xibley.
Pension Money Ready.
The Pension money foi 191!) is
on hand and 1 am paying pensions.
Call and get your money, or send '
.some one to sign the Pay Poll for'
Pensioners living in Atkinson
county, in the part cut from ( of j
fee county, w ill be paid by the j
< Irdinary of that county this year.
This Api il 29th 1919.
W. P. Ward, Ordinary, Coffee
county, Ga.
beats burying them. Steve Hoov
er, Mt. Pleasant, lowa, writes,
"Commeeed feeding my herd of
about 100 hogs B. A. Thomas's
Hog Powder over two months ago.
Fifty were sick and off fed. Near
by herds had cholera. 1 did not
lose one —they are well and grow
ing fast." For sale by Pearson
Hardware Store, Pearson, Ga.
Millinery, Furniture, Stoves anti Ranges
Call at Wood Building in charge of Mrs. WADDELLE
For SIMPKINS Ideal Cotton Seed, Earliest of All Varities. Seed Peanuts.
General Line Hardware, Everything for Ford Cars.
See Pearson Hardware Store
Proprietor, at Brick Store.
Here’s Your Guano!
For the_ next thirty days
can fill orders for standard
brands of GUANO.
Order NOW.
| Tifton, -o- Georgia.
Literary Faculty Completed
Mr. Win. Smith, secretary of the
Pearson Board of Education, in
forms the Tribune that the faculty
in the literary department has
been completed by the election of
Miss Lilia Love to the vacant po
sition. The complete faculty is
composed of —
Miss Emily Curies, Berlin, prin
cipal and teacher of the ninth and
tenth grades.
Miss Cora Wade, Quitman,
seventh and eighth grades.
Miss Lilia Love, Kirkland, fifth
and sixth grades.
Miss Mattie Morris, Harmony
Grove, third and fourth grades.
Mrs. Mamie Booth, Pearson,
first and second grades.
Misses Curies and Wade will
handle their grades by subjects
rather than grades. They can ac
complish better work in that way.
There is but one place to fill —
M usic teacher.
The Board of education is to be
congratulated upon their selection
of a corps of teachers —all ladies.
There is no sound reason why a
faculty composed of ladies cannot
do satisfactory work.
Special Notice.
Elder Hiram Thomas, of Brox
ton, w ill preach a series of sermons
at. St. Marys Chapel, beginning
Friday before the second Sunday
instant. He will preach on Friday
night, and morning and night on
Saturday and Sunday —five ser
vices. Everybody is cordiall in
vited to hear him.
Special Notice.
Owing to the all day meeting at
Wesleys Chapel the Ist Sunday j
shall not be able to preach at
Sweetwater at the usual hour, but
will be there for a night service,
beginning at 8:00 p. in. Sun time.
W. C. Kahn, Pastor.
Picture Show at Pearson.
The time has come when every
| tow n and city of any size or im
portance has its moving picture
I theatre. Pearson has one now, lo
catcil in the Malone Block, under
! i lie management of Mr. E. J. Sears.
| The Tribune stands for good
morals and decency and, since a
j movie is to be given a try out in
\ Pearson, it trusts that the manage
1 1 lient will be careful to give the
i people only the most approved
service—using only those films
that will be elevating, which will
appeal to the highest moral senses
| of those who patronize it.
Mr. Sears informs the Tribune
! that he will give two sets of reels
a week, Tuesday and Saturday
; nights, and assures the public that
; only the best pictures will be
|handled by him.
(£x tij mtit County
It is reported that an United
States w ar tank will be in Pearson
to-day to boost the Victory Loan.
666 quickly relieves Constipation,
Biliousness, Loss of Appetite and Head
aches, due to Torpid Liver.
Mr. J. Lee Bullard is at the
Kings Daughters' hospital, May
cross, where he underwent an ope
ration for an abscess on the lungs.
He is doing well.
Mr. Grover C. Allen, of Bruns
wick, was a visitor lo Pearson last
Sunday and a most w elcome guest
at the home of his uncle —the edi
tor of the Tribune.
Mr. and Mrs. Emory Seasholtz
and children, of near Wayen .s,
spent the week-end in Pearson and
vicinity, visiting her parents and
other relatives and friends.
Rub My-Tism is a paweiiul antiseptic;
it kills the poison caused from infected
cuts, cures old sores, tetter, etc.
The fishing season is at hand
and it is not unusual to see the
disciples of Izaak Walton wending
their way to the fishing preserves
to make a try out at the "finned
The body of Mr. Beverly, the
blind man and father of Mrs. Jesse
Harden, was shipped to Fairfax for
burial Sunday afternoon, lie died
here, at the home of his daughter,
Saturday evening.
Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Fiveash, of
Wayeross, spent Monday in the
city. They are offering their little
bungalow for sale for cash, or w ill
exchange it for farm land close in.
See Ad vcrtjsement.
Messrs. B. G. Obcrry and E. I!.
Smith, of Willacoochee, were in
the city Wednesday afternoon.
'l'iiey came to talk over the Liber
ty Loan situation with Dr. 11. I’.
Smith, the county chairman.
Messrs. C. H.Smith, D.C.Odum
and J. S. Martin came up from
Brunswick Saturday morning and
spent the week-end with their
families. Mr. Smith moved he
family to Brunswick 11 A v.c.-!
Rub My-Tism is a great pain kiiicr.
It relieves pain and soreness eused by
Rheumatism, Neuralgia, Sprains, etc.
A number of horses,bought from
the government at Macon, passed
through Pearson Monday morning
en route to Cogdell. 'They seemed
to be pretty fair animals for farm
work or stock driving. Two or
three of them were high spirited.
Messrs. Henry Corbitt and Sam
Smith are shipping goats to New
York at the rate of two crates a
day, and they say it will take tin
til Christmas to rid this section of
its goats. Verily, the. Pearson
.goats seem to be as numerous as
ever they were.
We are proud of the confidence doc
tors, druggists and the puhli; have in
666 Chill and Fever Tonic.
Mr. Laughbaum, of Oklahoma,
lectured at the School auditorium
Tuesday evening. Subject: “World
wide prohibition; or, Making I)e
inocracy Safe for the World." He
was not as forceful a speaker as
was expected. He had nothing
new on the subject to present,
except that he wanted everybody
to join the Anti-Saloon League and
contribute their time and money
to its success.
666 has proven it will cure Mala
ria, Chills and Fever,Bilious Fever,
Colds and LaGrippe. It kills 1 In
germs that cause the fever. Fine
Miss Nannie Littleton, a former
teacher in Pearson high school but
now teaching in the Tifton high
school, spent Sunday evening and
Monday with friends in Pearson.
It was pleasing to witness the dem
onstration of her former pupils, ex
pressive of their love for her, when
she alighted from the train. She
is a faithful and successful teacher
and the community t hat has her
services is most fortunate.
666 has more-imitations than any
other Chill and Fever Tonic on the
market, but no one wants imita
tions in medicine. They arc dan
Liberty Loan Apportionment
As the Tribune reported last
week Atkinson county has been
assessed for the Fifth Liberty Loan
$44,100. During the past week
the Executive Committee met and
subdivided this amount among the
School districts as equitably as
possible according to their judg
ment. This appointment is as fol
Pearson, 810,000.
Willacoochee, SIO,OOO.
Axson, $3,000.
Eureka, SSOO.
Fussell, SSOO.
Sycamore, SSOO.
Tern iterance, SSOO.
Sunny-Side, SI,OOO.
Inman, $2,000.
Kirkland, SI,OOO.
Leliaton, $2,000.
Mt. Zion, SSOO.
l’ineviev, SSOO.
Live Oak, SI,OOO.
Bradwell, SSOO.
Sandy Bottom, SI,OOO.
Aruie, $2,000.
Harmony Grove, $2,000.
White. SSOO.
Tillman, SSOO.
Plain V iew, SI,OOO.
Bed Bluff, SI,OOO.
Sal ilia Park, SI,OOO.
The Victory Liberty notes will
be dated May 20th, and payments
w ill be required as follows: Ton
per cent with application on or be
fore May 10th; ten percent. July
I.sth; twenty per cent. August
121 h, twenty percent. September
9th, twenty per cent. October 71 h;
twenty per cent. November lltli,
w ith accrued interest on deferred
Payment in full can be made on
May 20th —the ten per cent, re
quired with application having;
been duly paid on or by May 10th.
Payments may also
be completed on any installment
date with accrued interest, but no
completion of payment can be
made except on installment dates.
'The Tribune is aware that our
people are pressed for money,
many of them have not sold their
cotton; it realizes that they have
had to pay an unusually heavy
State unci county tax, some of iI
unjust, or go into litigation; it
understands that they are being
,-aI led upon for contributions for
all sorts of projects, good, bad and
indifferent, until their sense of
discrimination has practically fail
ed them, and they are sick, sore
and tired of it all.
Let the Tribune venture a bit
of advice: Subscribe for this
“Victory Loan,” push it over the
top and get it behind you as quick
ly as possible; cut out the balance
of the calls until you can catch
breath. There is no way of cir
cumventing this loan; it must go
into the United Slates treasury
either by this loan or by direct
taxation. Then why hesitate?
Let's raise our quota, and do it
< )nc five passenger Ford car, for
sale. Price $235.00.
W. ('. Kahn,
Pearson, Ga,
ZIRGN Iron ionic Proved The Right Remedy
For Thi3 And Other Troubles.
“Sometime back”, writes W. T. Pal
mer, of Soperton, Ga., “I was In a run
down state. My nerves were all torn
to pieces. It was an effort for me to
do my work. I did not rest well at
nights. I felt tired when morning
came, and didn’t feel like starting the
day. My skin was muddy. My appe
tite was poor. I felt very much in
need of a tonic. I thought It was the
lack of Iron and decided to try Ziron,
as I heard there was no better tonic
made. I began taking it and can safe
ly and gladly say It did me a world of
good. Ziron Is a good all-around tonic
for young and old, and makes one feel
that life is wortn living.”
Ziron is an iron tonic which gives
quick, dependable strength. You need
It to put rich, red. Iron-medicated
blood Into your blood vessels, to steady
your nerves, put fresh color Into your
cheeks and brightness Into your eyes.
Your druggist sells Ziron on a guar
antee-, Bee him today. ZN-8
>bur Blood Needs’
■ffur nncmM iwnor
I nt KUO I Ull \ I UHL
A. COHEN, Proprietor.
Spring and Summer
Also a large, well selected and sea
sonable stock of
Everythin-; in the line of Ready-to-Wear Goods.
You are respectfully invited to call ami examine this stock
before macing your purchases, Will be pleased to show it
to you. When in the city make your headquarters at
xliave l on Tried 1 uxedo in the New
V/ *
t 4 >
It is the mott sxijnfc umorotion * ,
of many years ?.n t.-makinjj to- Jr • ' 1
bacco packages. Sea:..hers are .jst
delighted wc ,>. r.Vi.iy aJ- ii*
vantages. It .. -JHiL, $
V. * j^/
ii '9f'-as®UnM*
\W£ “Yonr Nose
i Knows” 4
Finest £:.---»rley foFacco
Mdiow-L ge ,1 till perfect
"f* ft i&Ui of Chocolate:
wL The Perfect Tobacco for Pipe and Cigarette
.* .. _ /T Guaranteed by
* 7ihA/
On Farm Lands at a Low Rate of Interest.
us before contracting DICKERSON & MIhCLtOBRIF,
elsewhere. Pearson, Georgia.
New lap of Atkinson County.
At my own expense I have compiled a map of Atkin
son county and, in order to recover at least a part of the
cost, will send you a copy for $5.00, Am having only a
few printed and you should act NOW.
Patronize Tribune Advertisers.