Newspaper Page Text
{frarsmt STrilmtu*
Member 11th District Press Association
I!. T. ALIJCN, Editor.
Kntciv'l ut the I'ostofflce in Pearson. Georgia
Ah mull matter of the second clans.
Subscription price. £l.ooa ear in advance.
Advertising rates arc liberal and will h
made known on application.
f'opy for matter Intended for public;;!!"
must reach this ofllce n-.t later than Wedm
day afternoon to Insure insertion In tbe ci.
rent Issue.
All legal and political advertising payab'
In advance
Cards of thanks, obituaries, resolution
notices and all matter not strictly nc v i
be cha rged for at regular rates.
The right Is reserved to edit or re arrant
. No responsibility Is assumed for opinion
expressed by correspondents or contributors
The man or boy in South Poor
gia who wants a job eau get oneal
a fair remuneration. The most ol
them want jobs where they eau ex
change the least possible labor for
the most money.
(iov. Horsey has drawn a war
rant on a short term loan, amount
ing to $214,179, to pay September
salaries of teachers. The money
should now be in the treasuries of
the local boards of education.
Sunday, < >ctober26lh* American
time will be turned backward one
hour. It makes little difference
in the rural homes. The farmers
have fixed hours as unchangeable
as the laws of the Modes and
The l’ershing advice the Ameri
can Legion, that it steer dear of
partisian polities is good, but it
will be unheeded. Yon can no
more keep an American citizen
out of partisan politics than you
could lly to heaven on the back of
a gnat.
A majority of flic newspaper
editors and publishers of the Sev
with congressional district met in
Atlanta recently and organized
the Seventh District Press Assoei
ation. The meeting was enthusi
astic and the outlook good for a
healthy co-operative body.
Editor Hirsh berg, of the Marion
County Patriot, is trying to cn
lighten his readers in regard to
what John saw on the Isle of Pat
nios. Hut his expositions are
about as clear as mud or the Hook
of Revelation itself, lie thinks it
says something against the peace
treaty and the league of nations.
Jloke Smith gets another dig
under the fifth rib. Before he
can get his amendments to the
Peace treaty before the Senate
there comes a message from Geor
gia, from Cobb county, his next
door neighbors, commanding him
to vote for the peace treaty and
league of nations without change
or amendment . To him this is the
bitterest of irony. To be a public
servant and build air castles are
sorry jobs.
The Tribune made an egregious
error in the calculation connected
with its article “Vote for Bonds,"
and hasten to correct it. The tig
ures should have been S9OOO for
interest the first year and decrease
S2OO annually. It is provided that
S2OOO of the principal be paid an
nually. This would make the first
annual payment $5,000; the second.
$4,800; the third, $4,000, and so
on decreasing until the issue is
wiped out, thirty years from date.
However, this is better than pay
ing $25 per SI,OOO. as they are
having to pay in Candler county
for the same purpose.
It is told for a fact that theciti
zens of the town of Enterprise.
Coffee county, Ala., are erecting a
$3,000 monument to the Cotton
801 l Weevil, to be inscribed; “In
Profound Appreciation of the 801 l
Weevil and What it Has Done as
the Herald of Prosperity." The
sequel is that when the boll weevil
came Coffee county was raising sl.-
500,000 worth of cotton, whereas
they sre now raising $4,500,000
worth of peanuts and there are in
the county plenty of corn. hogs,
cattle and chickens which, under
the cotton regime, were almost en
tirely imported. The change lias
made them glad. “Experience is
a dear school, but there are many
people w ho can learn at no other.”
The latest from the white house
is that President Wilson is grow
ing si ronger but still confined to
his bed. Physicians agree that he
needs a complete rest.
A Tliouiasville mass meeting has
.jiven it out to Senator Jloke Smith
:hat they want an early ratifica
tion of the treaty of peace without
my amendmen s. 'ibis isabump
•r to Sinit h.
Mr. and -Mrs. E. P. (been, of
Way cross, aged 75 and 63 respect
ively, are dead. Mrs. (been died
Monday night and Mr. Green
Tuesday. The funeral and inter
ment yesterday in Lott cemetery.
The News has gone out from
sopertou that the young county
>f Treutlen will have to draft one
if'her citizens to represent her in
the legislature. Plenty of timber,
but nobody seems to want the
place. W’lial has become of Bill
I teuton?
It appears that at the sale Tues
day, at Brunswick, of the Pied
moilt and Georgia Coast railroad,
the junk dealers was a shade high
er than that of the syndicate who
propose to keep it as a going rail
road. It is strongly believed that
Judge Evans at the hearing to
morrow will confirm the bid of the
latter as the best bid. So mote it
Congressman Lankford's petition
on the canal question is not very
pleasing to the Southeast Georgian.
Mr. Lankford has given it out that
he is in favor of the most feasible
proposition. Bro. Trimble maybe
assured that his congressman can
be depended on to support the St.
Mtirys-St. Marks proposition as a
large majority of his constituents
favor it as the cheaper and most
favorable route.
'The Tribune concurs entirely
with Bra. Trimble, of the St. Ma
rys Georgian, in the following:
“When the school system of our
State was organized, this section of
our country was poverty stricken
as a result of the Civil W ar. The
teachers were told to go ahead and
teach the schools and at the end
of the year when the taxes were
collected they could expect their
pay. it has taken sixty years to
catch up the slack. No longer can
the South plead poverty, for she is
buying and paying millions for lux
iiries while many of her school
houses arc either dosed or given
over to those who should be going
to school themselves. The inconi
indent teacher turns out incompe
tent citizens; the evils of which is
rarely overcome in alter years."
Strayed from my field Thursday
one black horse mule. Reward if
returned toJ.C. Adams, Pearson.
< Strayed from my place a hound
puppy, about four months old.
While ring around neck, white on
breast, tan color on back. Re
ward if returned to E. A. New born,
eight miles north of Pearson on
Douglas road. 2t.
Atkinson Sheriffs Sale.
UKtiRRi v —Atkinson ('ounty.
Will be sold before the court house door of
Atkinson county, in IVarson, between tlu*
lewil hours of sale on the tirst Tuesday In
Novembet. 1919, to the highest bidder for cash,
the following property:
one house and lot In the town of Wlllacoo
chee. bounded north by landsof .1. K. Gaskins,
cast by lands of K. L. I'etqrson. south by lands
of \\\ l*. Cady and west by Uosiwick street.
Levied on and to be sold as the property of
Line Corbitt. Also, Lot oi Land No. 439. In
the Fifth land district of Atkinson county,
containing 490 acres, more or less. Levied
on and to be sold as the property of Dennis
Peterson. These levies made and the proper
ty to be sold to satisfy an execution issued
from Atkinson superior court in favor of
Valdosta Motor Company and against Mrs. s.
Sheppard and S. Sheppard as principals, and
I Age Corbitt and Dennis Peterson, as securi
ties on bond.
This October 6th 1919. K. l>. Leggett,
Sheriff A. C.
Atkinson Sheriff's Sale.
GEORGIA--Atkinson County.
W ill be sold before the court house door in
said county, in Pearson, between the legal
hours of sale' on the tirst Tuesday in Novem
ber next, to the highest bidder for cash, the
following property, to-wlt:
The Fast half of Lot of Land No. 344. in the
6th land district in Atkinson county, contain
ing 245 acres, more or less, bounded on the
north, east and south by original land lines,
and west by an agreed line.
Le vied on and to be sold as the property of
Laura Spivey to satisfy an execution issued
from Atkinson superior court, in favor of \V.
W. Stewart and against Laura and It. 1.
Spivey. This October Sth, 1919.
Sold subject to a deed to secure debt held
by Dickey A Martin.
K. D. Lkggktt, Sheritl A. C.
Legal Advertisements.
Citation Letters Dismission Guardianship.
< JEORGI A—Atkinson County.
To all whom It may concern: W. M. Fend
er, guardian of John I)., Haywood and Mattie
Lee Fender, having applied to me to be dis
charged from such guardianship, let all per
sons concerned show cause before me at my
ofiice In said county, on the first Monday in
November next, why such application for
discharge should not be granted.
Witness my official signature this the 6th
day of October 1919.
.J. Roberts. Ordinary.
Citation for Letters of Guardianship.
() I A >U< if A—Atkinson < 'ounty.
To all whom it may concern: J. S. Thomp
son, having applied for Guardianship of the
persons and property of Joan. Harley. Pear
lie, Henry, Cleon. Leona. < hester and Min
nie Lee Thompson, minor children of Eu
genia Thompson, late of said ('ounty, deceas
ed. notice Ik given that said application will
be heard at my office, at inrftO o’clock A. M.,
on the first Monday in November next.
This 6th day of October 1919.
J. Wehlky Roberts. Ordinary.
Citation for Letters of Guardianship.
(i I:oKG I A—Atkinson ( ounty.
To all whom It may concern: Mrs. Effle
Moore, having applied for Guardianship of
the person and property of Elizabeth Moore,
minor child of Elisha Moore, late of said
County, deceased, notice is given that said
application will he heard at my office, at 10:00
o'clock A. M., on the first Monday In Novem
ber next.
This 6th day of < )ctoller, 1919.
J. Wkhlky Roberts, Ordinary.
Citation for Letters of Administration.
< iE<)UGfA—Atkinson County.
To all whom it may concern: Mrs. Francis
Williams having in proper form applied to
me for Permanent Letters of Administration
on the estjite of Lester Williams. late of said
t ounty. this is to cite all and singular the
creditors and next of kin of Lester Williams
to be and appear at my office within the time
allowed by law. and show cause, II any they
can, why permanent administration should
not be granted to Mrs. Francis Williams, on
I .ester Williams’ ( stale. %
Witness my hand and official signature,
this flth day of < ictober, 1919.
.1. Wkm lev Kohkrtm, Ordinary.
Citation for Letters of Adminrstration.
< i Eoß< i I A—• Atkinson ('ounty.
To all whom It may concern: lohn E.
Maine having In proper form applied to me
for Permanent Letters of Adininlstratsou on
the estate of Beadle Maine. late of said Coun
ty, this is to cite all and singular the creditors
and next of kin of Beadle Maine to lx* and
appear at my office within the time allowed
by law. and show cause, if any they can, why
permanent administration should not be
granted to John Hi. Maine on Beadle Maine's
Witness my hand and official signature,
this 6th day of < ictober, 1919.
J. Wkhlky Roberts. Ordinary.
Citation for Year's Support.
< J E< )R< li A—Atkinson < 'ounty.
To all whom It may concern: Notice Ik
hereby given, that the appraisers appointed
to set apart and assign a year's support to
Mrs. L. c. Starling, the widow of L. C. starl
ing. deceased, and two minor children, have
filed their award, and unless good and suffi
cient cause Is shown, the same will be made
the judgment of the Court at the November
term, 1919, of the < 'ourt of»>rdinary.
Tills 6th day of < ictobsr, 1919.
J. Wksi.ey Rohkkth, ordinary.
Citation tor Year’s Support.
(t L< >lt< i I A—Atkinson ( 'ounty
To all whom It may concern: Notice is
hereby given, that the appraisers appointed
to set apart and assign a year’s support to
Joan. Harley. Pea rile, Henry. Cleon, Leona,
cheater and Minnie Lee Thompson, minor
children of Euceulu Thompson, ha\ c filed
their award, and unless good and sufficient
cause la shown, the same will be made the
judgment of the Court at the November term,
1919, of the Court of (irdinary.
This 6th day of' >ctuber 1919.
J. Ko incurs, Ordinary.
Citation for Leave to Sell Land.
OKORf • I A—Atkinson ( ounty.
To all whom It may < >neern: Notice is
hereby given that J. s. Thompson as the \d
mlnlstrator of the estate of Eugenia Thomp
son, l\a\ ing applied to me by petition for
leave to sell all the real estate of said estate,
and that an order was made thrreon at the
October term, 1919 for citation, and that cita
tion Issue: all the heirs at law and creditors
of the said Eugenia Thompson, deceased, will
take notice that l will pass upon said applica
tion at the November term, next, 1919 of the
court of Ordinary of Atkinson county, Geor
gia: and that unless cause is shown to the
contrary, at said time said leave will be
This 6th day of October 1919.
I. Wksi fy Rom kts. Ordinary.
Citation for Leave to Sell Land.
itEORi ; l A—Atkins.m County.
To all whom it may concern: Notice is
hereby given that Mrs c. 1,. Starling, as Ad
ministrator of the estate of Mrs. c. L. starl
ing. having applied to me by petition for
leave to sell all the real estate of said estate,
and that an order was made thereon at the
October term 1919 for citation, and that cita
tion Issue: all the heirs at law and creditors
cf the said Mrs. C. L. starling, deceased, will
take notice that I will pass upon said appli
cation at the Novein Her term 1919, next, of
the Court of Ordinary of Atkinson county.
Georgia: and that unless cause is shown to
the contrary, at said time said leave will be
This 6th day of October .919.
1 We-i ky Roberts. Ordinary.
Citation for Leave, to Sell Lands.
OKOKOI A—Atkinson County.
To all whom It may concern: Notice Ik
hereby given that M. J. Guest, Administrator
Delimits Non as the administrator ol the
estate ot K. XI. tinest. having applied tome
h.v petition lor leave to sell all the real estate
ol said estate, and that an order was made
thereon at the October term ISI9 lor citation,
and that citation Issue; all the heirs at law
and creditors ol the said F. XI. c.uest. deceas
ed. will take notice that I will pass upon safd
application at the November term next. 19!9.
ol the Court ol Ordinary ol Atkinson county.
Oeorgla: and that unless cause is shown to
the contrary, at said time said leave will be
I This rtth day ol October 1919.
.1. \\ sslsv lioßutTs, Ordinary,
CPasson’s Department Stereo
Clothing, Shoe* and Hats at 50 per cent.
on ttic Dollar and Upward.
Have 3,500 Pairs of Shoes now on Hand
All Domestics from 3c to 5c a yard less than can be bough: elsewhere.
Come Round, it will cost you nothing to see these great bargains.
Administrator’s Sale.
1 > E< >R<il.\ —Atkinson County.
Ruder and by virtue of an order granted by
the Court of Ordinary of Clinch county Geor
gia, at the October term of said ( ourt. on the
first Monday In October. 1919. will be sold be*
fore the Court House door In Pearson. Ga.
on the first Tuesday in November next 1919,
between the Legal hours of sale. t-» tin Inch
est bidder for cash, the following property,
Lot ol land No. 226. In the Seventh land
District of Atkinson county. Georgia. \II of
said land being sold as the real estate of Mrs.
Florida May. deceased. And to be sold for
the purpose of paying thedebts. and distribu
tion among the Heirs.
This 6th day of < Iclober 1919.
J. B. May. Administrator of the estate of
Florida May. Deceased.
Administrator’s Sale.
UEOR< 11 A —Atkinson i 'ounty.
I ruler and by virtue of an order granted by
W. V. Musgrove. Ordinary of Clinch county.
Georgia, on the 6th day ol October. 1919. giving
leave to sell the hereinafter des« rin< «1 . tnd
notice is hereby given that the undersigned
Administrator will sell before the court bo o.
door In Pearson. Georgia, within the le. il
hours of sale, on the first I , u .: ~ | n w>\ , ~,
her, 1919, to the highest and fi, A bidder f- r
cash, the following described pr- nm rfv to •. if
All of lots of land numbers 212 and 293 In the
10th land district of Atkinson county. Geor
gia, each containing 490 acres. m<m or less.
Also 288 acres, more or less, of lot of land
number 211. In the 10th laid district oi said
county, the same being bounded as follows:
On the North and South by the original land
lines and on the East by lands of G. \V. Had
sock, and on the West by lands oft .1. B.
Herndon, said propen* bem. M»Ui iv>r tin
purpose <»f paying the; debts anA for disiribu
tion among the heirs of said deceased. Thl*
October 6th. 1919.
Ad ill T Estate of J. J. Richardson, deceased-
Administrator s Sale.
»IKORi H A—Atkinson County.
Cndci and b> v irtue of an order granted by
the Honorable Court of Ordinary of Ntkinfron
county at the Augurt Tt nn, 19, will U sold
before tin court house door ut said county. tt
i arson, be tween Hie h il hours of sale on
the first Tuesday in November id \t. th< fol
lowing land belonging to the estate of Thomas
Paulk, late of said county deceased, for the
purpose of distribution among t*u heirs oi
said estate; Fifty-live acres, more or ». s*. oi
Lot of Land N« . >l. in the Fifth ’ »nd Bi-in :
d originally Irwin hut ? • AC nUm couip >
bounded on the Fast by a public ad,
d.v the Sallle Yawn branefi. U - by a
line and lands of E. E. Luke V > h h; i c
•rlglnal land line. Also Tw- iinadre-d au* 1
Eighty-Five acres, more or le->. of Lot of fan-.
No m ill the Fifth Land Bit;Get • f original
iy Irwin but now Atkinson ( > u> (-"orgia
bounded on 1 lie. N -C ::h an.!
Douglas public road, on the >• nth, tv usd
North by t he origtnallland lira Terms madi
known on the day of sale. This < ictober 1. 1919
John M. PACLK. Administrator
Guardian's Petition ior Laavs U Sell.
sTATK OF GLOKGI V—Atkinson County,
After four w. eks notice pursuant to s» cth -n
JfXv» rtf the civil code of Georgia, the under
signed, as guardian of the property and pvr
son of A vie Peterson, a minor w.-od. win make
application to the Honorable Robert g. Dir k
erson. Judge of the Maunha , , . ( Saf circuit
including the county »•: Atkir.son. in which
both said ward and guardian reside and In
which county the hereinafter d* seril»fcd proj>-
erty lies, at ( hambers on the 18th lay of (>cto
ber, 1919. next, at Homerville, 'a, for leave
to sell at private sale for the purpose of re
investment, certain real estate bekmglm. to
said Vvie Pet« * - -n, minor u•: 1 f the nd r
slgned. said real t state Is described as
A one-eighth undivided interest in a . ; to
the following lands in the 10th district of orig
inally « offee now Atkinson eom.*v. • •« r
sia, described as follows:
480 acres, more or less, of Lot of Laud No.
116. being all of said lot except id aery* in tlw
southeast corner thereof.
4tv*» acres, more or less, of Lot of Land No.
119, being all of said lot except 26 acres previ
ously sold off In the northeast portion ei said
lot of land.
:t9O acres, more or loss, of Lot of Land No.
159. being all of said lot except '<** acres ;n Hu
northwest corner of said lot • land.
Also, the north hah »>f i. >t ->i 1 mu t NC ;\s
containing 245 aei\ s, mote cr U ss.
The above described property o. Gig all
land in said lots owned by i-e:uus baulk, sr..
at the time of his death.
i-eave to sell the above described ontn-i :hth
in and t< said lands is sought for the purj.av*
of reinvesting the proceeds of the sale ther- >i
in other farm lands in Coffee county. Georgia,
or Atkinson county. Georgia, of such kind j
and area as will In- most advantage' is t tlu
estate of said ward, and because the re i> <
income from said lands sought to « •as
aforesaid, same lx ing wild land ui u. which
thereon by law by said ward’s estate, and said i
ward's estate will be best subserved by a saU
of said property and re-investment of the pro
ceeds of said sale be made as provided f r bj
law. and where a revenue commensurate
with the value can lx* had.
This the 17th day of September. '
Guardian forAvte Peterson, a minor.
It. J. CORN ELI I S, Attorney for «luardian. ,
Notice of Mortgage Sale.
GEOItOrA —Atkinson County.
I ’nder and by virtue of a power of sale* con
tained in the mortgage executed py Benj. T.
Aifen to VVilson A Bennett on the 19th day of
A i.gust. 1918. and recorded In the ofiice of the
S-. perior Court pit ’offee county. In Book of
Mortgages No. "29." in folio 250, the under
siv ued will sell, on the first Tuesday in Nov
el ix r. at public sale, at the court house door
In said county, during the legal hours of sale,
to* he hi !i -t bidder for cash, the following
p« •pertv. t » wit:
Four v acant building lots of land, each72x
12'-feet In dimensions, in the Lenford subdi
vision of the City ol Pearson, and known as
L< jsUne ‘.D, Two 2*. Seven (7) and Eight {tt)
in Block "It," in said subdivision, said
b< mded North by land of Mrs. J. L. Murray.
E . tby (/rawford street. South by Georgia
av t ime and Wt-M by Kirkland snvet, !*elng a
fractional part at original land lot No. Fifteen
i Uti. In the Seventh Land District of Coffee
county now UklnE-m count
or the pur;><-ic of paying a vt-Ao [.tromis*
S' ry note bert < ing date e 19th day of A ugust.
1 8, e ! pay: b e the t day i April, 1919,
a d made and executed by the said Benj. I .
len, said note be ing ?2 ~i) principal, stipulnl
i Interest from October Ist. 1917. at the rate
< eight per Ci ut. ix-r annum, the total a count
d eon said note being 82fiO principal and 840
i crest, together with the costs ofthlspro
« ding as provided in said mortgage. A
»■ :>o '. am * w iii lx executed to the. fmrehaser
il! or: \V\ j,s< in'a UENnTtT.
1 EN.L f r. A LLLN
Offices in the Allen building,
Learson, (ifort;ia.
A iii •' •v.n.-iai practice m state and Fed
t u Court*.
Tax Collector's First Round.
Willacoochee, October 9th, 1919.
Pearson, October 11th, “
Axson October 10th, “
Coibtti.;', /. . n County, Georgia.
jBBgiZ __ • 7ho Complete Electric
1 eight and Power Plant.
i.i-lit at tin- looi-li >f i button—bright, clean, safe—
no wondi ;' Delco-Light ns.-js arc r-nthusiastic.
It I'lavitl.-s | low - t to | > iiinp water, to operate the chum
; > "-'hina m.icbine, sewing machine, fans
aim other light machinery.
It brings i he comforts and conveniences of the city to
t he tanner s home. »
A: the same time; it saves s>. much time and labor that
tt aetnally pays for itself in a short tifne.
IsLean Electric Company,
b. rs. muoLj
Do all Kinds of Brick Work.
——— StiU and Boiler Settin s-
On Farm Lands at a Low Rate of Interest.
PF* See u ; contracting DICKERSON i MINGLEDORFF
elsewhere. _ ’
Fearson, Georgia.
Come to South Georgia the
Garden Spot of the World.
175 acres of land with a two
horse farm, four miles north of
I arson. 75 acres with a Un -
horse farm. 80 acres with a Two
hoi-si- farm ! and :1 4 miles from
1 rson.
Ten resident lots in Pearson
7 acres of farm land or resident
lots. One good wooden Store and
stock of Goods. 4 mules and two
horsi-s. ::<( head of good cattle: to
li--ad of hogs, same in good order
now. Also some good brood sows.
vo horse wagons 1 one horse
wuc 'ii i McCormick mowing ma
chine . .ml rake, 1 t red a way harrow
2-dis harrows and other farming
Will m-1I above mentioned prop
i rt v all in 1-ulk with half cash am
half on good terms with good
securities, or will sell in separate
lots or parcels on same terms, all
except small amounts, for hogs
and cows and farming tools would
be all cash or good Bankable notes
that would >ring the cash.
Also one good l-’ord Car will sell
for half cash and half in Bankable
For further information call, or
write 1 . H. MoXcal, Pearson, Ga
* ~.: r
Pearson, Georgia.