Newspaper Page Text
Written by Mlks Luce tin Spivey, a Htudent at
Harmony (trove- wcho *l. Atklimon county.
On an \tiMmn (hi ( harlic Sic
jilicns ami liih siller, Mane, were
out walki ik lor rcc.i cai ion and cu
rayed in buildiii” future ou>;los.
They were deeply enyroised in
I heir mental fancies that they had
l i’aversed several nines. I he;
amused themsel vesyal lieriny man)
colored leaves and weaviny then
into baskets and bright, varicoloi
ed dresses and festoons.
They soon became lin'd ol : his
and began to wander about in tlx
beautiful forest.
Presently they discovered, dee|
in I lie forest and a short distance
in front of them, a dim path al
most covered will) straw and leave
and quickly decided to follow the
path and see whence it led.
They followed the tori ions pat h
through the bushes and entangling
vines, forgetful that they wore
miles from home and it was grow
ing late.
SuddenfV they came upon an old
hut, surrounded by a thick foliage
of trees and vines. The chimney
was tumbling down and the one
door was hanging on one hinge.
They dueided to take a peep in
and see how it looked. It was
awful dark and- a creeping sensa
lion passed over them.
Nevertheless, their curiosity led
them to thoroughly examine the
old house.
Charlie led the way, closely fol
lowed by Marie. On the old man
tel sat an old clock, a pair of spec
tacles snd an old pipe. In one
corner was an old tumbled down
bedstead. In another corner they
found an old trunk and some old
chairs were scattered about the
They had now come to the last
corner of the room. This corner
was piled with old newspapers,
bank books and other old books
and papers.
After carefully examining every
thing else in the room they began
a close scrutiny of the pile of old
Subscribe for I lie Tribune, your
home paper —$1.00 a year.
hello There!
My New Stock of
Ten most eligible Building Lots,
105x210 feet. They are offered
in the entire tract. Close in to the
business part of the city.
Also, Ten nice building lots in
Lenford Subdivision. Offered sin
gly or all together.
Terms, Cash. apply to
Pearson, - - - Georgia.
Patronize Tribune Advertisers.
They Want Your Trade and Will Treat You Right.
And Hurl In Sida Of Her Head. Is Bene
filed By The Use of ZIRON Iren Tonic.
After severe illness, overwork, worn
grief, accidents, etc., the greatest nee (
of the weakened system is a tonic th
gives quick, dependable strength. J
such cases, try ziron Iron Tonic.
Ziron is a pleasant medicine, havin
the strengthening effects of iron with
other valuable building ingredient
Read what Mrs. Emma Manus, of Las
cassa3, Tenn., says about it:
“1 was w eak and run-down, not abl
to do my work. My trouble was all i
the side of my head. 1 heard of Ziro
and got a bottle, and 1 am glad to say
has done me more good than anything
Ziron is a splendid tonic.”
Try Ziron. It may be just the medi
cine you need. Ziron contains no habi*
forming drugs. It is a safe, reliable tonk
good tor children, men and women.
Sold by druggists on a nioney-bac
ZN 12
\our Blood Needs
papers and a careful perusal of tli>
trash pile.
At last they found something of
interest. It was an old [taper yel
low from age, neatly folded in an
envelope. Charlie picked it up and
on the outside of the envelope w a
written: “Luck to the finder.”
lie quickly opened the envelope
and read the following:
“John Swain, was born in the
State of Kentucky, the year 184 b.
I moved to this state of Georgia,
in the year of 1888, I was never
married, and in some way, I was
separated from my k dispeople,
while very young, and have not
heard of them since. While very
young I began working hard in ;
coal mine, and in this way I have
saved million and millions of dol
lars, of late year's my health has
been failing fast, and I now feel
that my end is not far off. My
money is all hidden in this hut,
tile directions for finding it is writ
ten on another slip of paper in the
aatne envelope with (his History
of my life.”
Charlie quickly looked m the
envelope and found the small slip
Legal Advertisements.
Petition and Order fnr Bond Election.
Stafce of < leorgla—< ounty of Atkinson:
At a meeting of the Hoard of County Com
mlsHioners of roods and revenues of the
county of Atkinson duly adjourned from re
gular Sentem her term. 1919, and’held in the
ordinary's office in said county, this the 23d
flay of September, 1915), it was by a majority
vote of said commissioners ordered that the
lie-solution and Notice of Bond Election, as
passed at the meeting of said Commissioners
on September 2d, 1919, be rescinded and is
hereby revoked on account of a typographi
cal error appearing in the said notice as pub
lished: Therefore, It is ordered, that the fol
lowing order be spread upon the minutes of
said ( ommissloners:
Whereas .supervision and jurisdiction of
tlit public roads and buildings of said county
Is by law vested in the said Board of Commis
si'mors of Hoads and Hevenues; and whereas
11 < interest of the County of Atkinson requires
a bond Issue of sixty thousand ?<-
dollars, of which fifty-thousand (>50,000) dol
lars shall be applied to the building and
equipping of a court-house for said county,
and ten-thousand (£10.000) dollars shall he ap
plied to the building and equipping a jail for
said county; therefore It Is ordained that an
election be'called, and held for the purpose
of submitting to the qualified voters of said
county, the question whether bonds lathe
sum and lor the purpose above set out. shall
be isseucxl and sold; said t lection shall be held
on the 20th, day of December, 1915), under the
rules and regulations governing county elec
That notice of said election be pub
lished in the Rearson Tribune, the paper in
which the Sheriff’s advertisements for sale
for the county are published for a period of
thirty days next preceding said election,
which notice shall he as follows;
Notice to the qualified voters of the county of
Atkinson, of an election to authorize the issuance
oi $60,000 Bonds, of which $50,000 shall be
applied to the building and equipping a court
house and SIO,OOO &hall be applied to the
building and equipping a jail in said county.
In accordance with a resolution of the
Board of Commissioners of roads and reve
lines of Atkinson county passed September
2d, 1919. Notice is hereby given to the quali
fied voters of said county that an election
will be held in the said county of Atkinson,
on the 20th day of December, 1919. Said elec
tion will be held under the provisions of sec
tions 140-41 -42-4:1 volume 1 Code of Georgia, to
determine the question whethe r bonds shall
be Issued by said county of Atkinson In the
sum of Sixty thousand ($68,000) dollars prin
cipal for the purpose of building and equipp
ing a court-house and jail, of which ¥50,000 of
said Issue shall be applied to the building and
equipping a court-house for said county
and SIO,OOO of said issue shall be applied to the
building and equipping a jail for said county.
Said court-house and jail bonds to be de
nominations of SI,OOO each, numbering from
one (1) to sixty (60) Inclusive: all to be issued
and bear date within a reasonable time after
their validation, and to draw interest at the
rate of live per centum per annum, said in
terest to be paid annually, and the principal
of said bonds to fall due and be paid as fol
*2,000 on the 15th day of Dec. 1920
$2,000 on the 15th day of Dec. 1921
£2,000 on the 15th day of Dec. 1922
£2,000 on the 15th day of Dec. 1923
#2,000 on the 15th day of Dec. 1924 ,
*2,000 on the i:>tn day id Dec. 1925
#2.000 on the 15th day of Dec. 1926
#2.0000n the loth day of Dec, 15)27
*2,000 on the 15th day of Dec. 1928
$2,000 on the 15th day of Dec. 1929
*2,000 on the 15th day of Dee. 1930
$2.000 on the Kith day t>f D.-c. 1931
#2.000 on the 15th day of Dec. 1952
*2,000 on the 15th day of Dee. 1933
#2.000 on the 15th day of Dec. 1934
#2.000 on the 15th day of Dec. 1935
#2,000 on the 15th day of Dee. 1936
£2,000 on the 15th day of Dec. 19:57
*2,000 on the 15th day of Dec. ITEM
*2,000 on the 15th day of Dec. 1939
*2,000 on the 15th day of Dec. isflo
*2,000 oil the 15th day of Dec. 1941
¥2,000 on the 15th day of Dec. 15142
*2,000 on the 15th day of Dec. 1943
*2.000 on the 15th day of Dec. 1944
¥2,000 on the 15th day of Dec. 19|.»
*2,0000n the I&th day of Dec. 1946
*2,000 on the 15th day of Dec. 1947
*2,000 on the 15th day of Dec. 194*
*2,000 oil the 15th day of Di e. 15149
When all said bonds shall be fully paid off.
the principal and Interest of said bonds shall
be payable In gold coin of the railed States
of America Of the present standard wcjiiht
and line ness at some financial Institution in
the City of New York, or such other pku « as
may be agreed upon in w riting by the pur
chasers of said bonds and the county of At
Those desiring to vote for said court-house
and jail bonds shall have written or printed
mi their ballots “Dot Court-Mouse and I all
Bonds,” and those desiring to vote against
said Court-house ami Jail bonds, shall have
written or printed on their ballots ‘' A-.ainst
Court-House and Jail Bi nds.”
9 ci i Kikki.anp. Chairman of the Board.
Attested. DavkWi vtakks. Commissioner.
WII.K\ M. SniNKH. Clerk of the Board ol
Commissioners of Hoads and Hevenues.
of yellow paper. ' >ll it was writ
ten: "In the left hand corner of
I he hearth under the third layer of
brick in the far corner a treasure
is hidden.”
Charlie shouted for joy and
Marie came running; to his side; lie
showed her the letter and the) at
once set to work to find the treas
ure. Marie ran out of doors, and
found an old shovel. They set to
work digging away the bricks and
cement. It was a hard job, but
they were thinking about the
treasure that they were soon to
find. At last they struck some
thing hard and Charlie said,
"Marie we have found it.” They
now dug with all their might
and discovered auold pot. Charlie
quickly pulled the pot out and.
Oh! what a sight met their eyes:
A great mass of shining gold.
They divided it and set out for
home. When they reached home
it was after dark, and they found
their parents awfully worried
I about them, but they were happy
in the thought that they were very
I wealthy.
n c
J i SZsm nHt\i\rj a a
The I w Mie-Giving End -
Money-Saving Store in Pearson
T H undreds of customers have already
taken advantage of the great saving
t goods bought in this selling event
v entire stock, for the entire year,
- at he greatest
j Offered Anywhere.
I have just received a nice line of
Come and see them and get my -prices before buying elsewhere.
I have also a nice line of Furniture,such as Dressers Washstands. Buffets, Kitch
en Safes, Chairs, etc. Anything you need in Dry-Goods, Shoes, Hats, and Notions.
Also a good 1 nt cl Staph Groceries
More Goods for Less Money at
When A Soldier
i ' i Plans A fformeT
.. Jj - \ \7OU boys who have “put over”
y* ** JL the big job know the value of
good equipment in producing
y JJ results, and saving time and labor.
.ber this fact when you buy
HSar ~ ~"S\ home equipment.
CIM i \ A large part of a housewife’s time is spent
[ >10: v ,: : nj J" 4 in the kitchen, where she works to produce
} remits that will make you happy at
- ; -aiHIJBL times. It is therefore up to you to give her
l j the best kitchen equipment a range that
will give the best cooking results at a mini-
: i \ take the drudgery T out of kitchen work, be
**>=* A \ cause they' are dependable and have so many
\ exclusive features for saving time and labor.
»\\ 'J/ ; Cleanliness—Convenience
IMP JL V~ Durability
ij | that is the secret of Princess Ranges in a nut-’
I shell. Thousands of happy housewives are
w now satisfied users. Be sure to examine the
Wf Princess before buying a range. Write
f for our free, illustrated catalog and name
I * f \ of nearest Princess agent. -
\ Wiliacoochee, Georgia.
- v - 41
- 'll I iiiYTT - ill "ini I *!■! I ■ n rim ■ ■■■■- I 1111 ■! |„
Made without delay at 5i to 7 Her
Cent. Interest.
Raffoni lbiilding. Ekaksox. Georgia.
Guardnn’s Petition for Leave to Sell Land
GF.ORG lA —Atkinson County.
Notice is hereby given that the undersiened
guardian of the person and property of Etna
Chambliss, a minor, has applied to the Ordin
ary of said county, for leave to sell the land
betoi.srine r>> said minor for the purpose of
her support and education, said application
■vi . be heard at the regular terra of the Court
of Ordinary . -.aid county to be held on the
first Monday in November, 1919.
This the 2nd day of <)ctober. 1919.
I. G, CHAMBLISS. Guardian.
Few thiuir.- are impossible to
j skill and industry.
I It is never too late to learn.