Newspaper Page Text
Georgia-Florida Fair Program
The Georgia Florida Fair, open
ing Nov. 3rd, and continuing for
one week, is one of the greatest
shows that Valdosta has ever offer
ed to the people of this section.
Combining a great agricultural,
livestock, industrial display, a com
prehensive exhibit of women's
handiwork, canning clubs and
home economics, with the great
government exhibit, the show will
be on the most comprehensive
Added to these educational fea
tures is the great Johnny .1. .lone
Exposition Shows, with a list of
free attractions twice a day wins
to any amusement feature evci
given to t lie people.
A special feature lias been ai
ranged for each day, in addition t<
the regular feat iires. Tuesday wil
be W. O. W. Day, with a great
public parade of thousands of mem
hereof the Woodmen, prize drills
and various other contests, togeth
er with speeches from prominent
Wednesday will be Patriotic
Day, when an appropriate welcome
will be extended to the heroes who
went across the seas, and all of
South Georgia will do them honor.
Thursday will lie Governor's Day.
Governor S. .1. Catts, of Florida,
has accepted an invitation to be
present and make an address on
that day. Governor 1L M. Dorsey,
of Georgia, lias written that he will
be here if possible.
Friday will lie Educational Day,
when the students of the South
Georgia Normal College and their
friends, will join with the students
of the Valdosta schools and- the
schools of the county in making a
great day with appropriate exer
eises and speeches.
Saturday will be Farmers Day,
with a special program of an in
teresting and instructive nature
for their benefit, with speeches
by prominent people and lectures
from experts on agricultural lines.
There will be no increase in the
prices, fifty cents for adults and
twenty five cents for children.
Low excursion rates on all rail
roads and special parking arrange
ments for automobiles with aguar
antceof the safety of your machine;
Wednesday and Saturday will 1
be prize day. if you are present
and hold the lucky coupon at the
drawing you will receive a prize of
There will be ample transport a
tion facilities between the city
and the fair grounds at a guaran
teed rate established by the city
to protect the people.
Mr. Wooten Thinks Much of ZlßON;Because
It Mads Him His Old Self Again.
Sick people do not get milch out of life.
In order to enjoy your meals, to do your
work well, you must be strong and
Pale, weak, nervous people frequently
need iron to enrich their blood and to re
store vitality to their rystem, and a good
way to supply the iron is to follow the
example or Mr. Clayton Wooten, ot Scot
land, Ga., who used Ziron Iron Tonic and
has this to say about it:
"I have taken Ziron according to direct
ions and 1 can truthfully say that it is a
tine tonic, it hat done me all the good,
since I began taking It. I have gainedeight
pounds in weight and enjoy eating three
meals a day. I shall do an I can to re
commend Ziron.”
Try Zironl Your druggist sells Ziron
on a guarantee to refund vour money if
the first bottle fails to benefit. You can
not lose anything, but very likely will
jjain much, by getting a bottle of Ziron,
ZN t«
\bur.Blood Needs
Notice of Mortgage Sale.
OKOIU JlA —Atkin bo n County.
Under and by virtue of a power of sale con
tained In the mortgage executed py Benj. T.
Allen to Wilson A Bennett on the 19th day of
August. 1918, and recorded In the office of the
Superior Court of Coffee county, In Book of
Mortgages No, “29,” In folio *250, the under
signed will sell, on the first Tuesday In Nov
ember, at public tale, at the court house door
In said county, during the legal hours of sale,
to the highest bidder tor cash, the following
property, to-wit:
“Four vacant building lots of land, each 72x
I*s feet In dimensions, in the Lentord subdi
vision ot the City ot Pearson, and known as
lx)ts One (1), Two (*>, Seven t 7) and Eight 18)
In Block “B," in said subdivision, said Lots
bounded North by land of Mrs. J. L. Murray,
East by Crawford street. South by Georgia
avenue and West by Kirkland street, being a
fractional part of original land lot No. Fifteen
(15), In the Seventh Land District of Coffee
county—now Atkinson county.”
For the purpose of paying a certain promis
sory note bearing date the 19th day of August,
1918, and payable the Ist day of April, 1919.
and made and executed by the said Benj. T.
Allen, said note being SBBO principal, stipulat
ing Interest from October Ist, 1917, at the rate
of eight percent, per annum, the total amount
due on said note being tSSO principal and S4O
Interest, together with the costs of this pro
ceeding as provided In said mortgage. A
conveyance will be executed to the purchaser
by the undersigned, as authorized In the said
mortgage. W l LSON A BEN N KTT.
This August 31st. 1919. Mortgagees.
Legal Advertisements.
Citation Letters Dismission Guardianship.
(Ib'A kHOIA —Atkinson County.
To ull whom It may concern: W. M. Fend
er, guardian of .John T)., Haywood and Mattie
lAte Fender, having applied to me to be dis
charged from such guardianship, let all per
sons concerned show cause before me at my
jffice In said county, on the first Monday In
November next, why such application for
discharge should not be granted.
Witness my official signature this the 6th
day of October, 1919.
J. Kohekth, Ordinary.
Citation for Letters of Guardianship.
J KOI tO IA —Atkin son County.
To all whom it may concern: J. S, Thomp
»n. having applied for Guardianship of the
iiaftfoiiH and property of .Joan, Harley, Pear
lie, Henry ( loon. Leona, Chester and Min
or* Leo Thump: on. minor children of Eu
enla Thompson, late of said County, deceas
ed. notice is given that said application will
be heard at my office, at 10:00 o’clock, A. M.,
on the first Monday In November next.
I'lils 6th day of (>ctober 1919.
J. Robkictm, Ordinary.
Citation for Letters oi Guardianship.
OKI)RG J A —Atkinson <lounty.
To all whom It may concern: Mrs. Effie
Moore, having applied for*< luardinnslilp of
the person and property of Elizabeth Moore,
minor child of Elisha Moore, late of said
County, deceased, notice Is given that said
application will he heard at my office, at 19:00
o’clock A. M., on the first Monday In Novem
ber next.
This 6th day of October, 1919.
J. Kobkktm, Ordinary.
Citation for Letters of Admintstration.
(J E< )RO lA —Atkinson County.
To all whom It may concern: Mrs. Francis
Williams having In proper form applied to
me for Permanent letters of Administration
on the estate of Lester Williams, late of said
County, this Is to cite all and singular the
creditors and next of kin of Lester Williams
to be and appear at my office within the time
allowed by law, and show cause. If any they
can, why permanent administration should
not be granted to Mrs. Francis Williams, on
Lester Williams* estate.
Witness my hand and official signature,
this 6th day of October, 1919.
J. Kobkhth, Ordinary.
Citation for Letters of Adminrstration.
OK( )RG I A—Atkinson County.
To all whom It may concern: John E.
Maine having In proper form applied to me
lor Permanent Letters of Administration on
the estate of Beadle Maine, late of said Coun
ty, this Is to cite all and singular the creditors
and next of kin of Beadle Maine to be and
appear at my office within the time allowed
hy law, and show cause, if any they can, why
permanent administration should not he
granted to John K. Maine on Beadle Maine’s
Witness my hand and official signature,
this oth day of October, 1919.
J. Koberth. ordinary.
Citation for Year's Support.
GEORGlA—Atkinson County.
To all whom It may concern: Notice Is
hereby given, that the appraisers appointed
to set apart and assign a year’s support to
Mrs. L. tStarling, the widow of L. (’. Starl
lug, deceased, and two minor children, have
filed their award, and unless good and sufll
dent cause is shown, the same will be made
the Judgment of the Court at the November
term, 1919, of the Court of ordinary.
This Bth day of October, 1919.
J, Kobkkth, Ordinary.
Citation for Year’s Support.
(:F.ORtH A—Atkinson County.
To all whom It may concern: Notice is
hereby given, that the appraisers appointed
to set apart and assign a year's support to
Joan. Harley, Pearlie, Henry, Cleon, Leona,
Chester and Minnie Lee Thompson, minor
children of Eugenia Thompson, have filed
their award, and unless good and suftlcient
cause Is shown, the same will be made the
judgment of the Court at the November term,
1919, of the Court of < irdlnary.
This 6th day of October, 1919.
J. Kokkkts, Ordinary.
Citation for Leave to Sell Land.
GEORGlA—Atkinson County.
To all whom It may concern: Notice Is
hereby Riven that.!. S. Thompson as the Ad
min IstraUfr of the estate of Eugenia Thomp
son, having applied to me by petition for
leave to sell all the real estate of said estate,
ami that an order was made thereon at the
October term, 1919, for citation, and that cita
tion Issue: nil the heirs at law and creditors
of the said Eugenia Thompson, deceased, will
take notice that I will pass upon said applica
tlon at the November term, next, 1919 of the
court of Ordinary of Atkinson county, Geor
gia; and that unless cause is shown to the
contrary, at said time said leave will In
K ranted.
This 6th day of October 1919.
J. Kuukrth. Ordinary.
Citation for Leave to Sell Land.
GEORGlA—Atkinson County.
To all whom It may concern: Notice Is
hereby given that Mrs C. I* Starling, as Ad
ministrator of the estate of Mr. l\ 1.. starl
ing, having applied to me by petition for
leave to sell all the real estate of said estate,
and that an order was made thereon at the
October term 1919 for citation, and that cita
tion Issue: all the heirs at law and creditors
of the said Mrs. C. L. Starling, deceased, will
take notice that I will pass upon said appli
cation at the November term 1919, next, of
the Court of ordinary of Atkinson county,
Georgia: and that unless cause Is shown to
the contrary, at said time said leave will be
This 6th day of October, 1919.
.1. Wkslky Roberts, Ordinary.
Citation for Leave to Sell Lands.
GKO.RO 1 A—Atkinson County.
To all whom it may concern: Notice is
hereby given that M. J. Guest, Administrator
l>e Bonis Non as the administrator of the
estate of F. M. Guest, having applied tome
by petition for leave to sell all the real estate
of said estate, and that an order was made
thereon at the October term 1919 for citation,
and that citation issue: all the heirs at law
and creditors of the said F. M. Guest, deceas
ed. will take notice that 1 will pass upon said
application at the November term next. 1919.
of the Court of Ordinary of Atkinson county,
Georgia: and that unless cause is shown to
the contrary, at said time said leave will be
This 6th day of October. 1919.
J. Wkslky Uobkkts, Ordinary.
Legal Advertisements.
Petition and Order for Bond Election.
State of eorgla—County of Atkinson:
At a meeting of the Board of County Com
missioners of roads and revenues of the
county of Atkinson duly adjourned from re
gular September term, 1919, and held In the
Ordinary’s office In said county, this the 23d
day of September, 1919, It was by a majority
vote of said commissioners ordered that the
Resolution and Notice of Bond Election, as
passed at the meeting of said Commissioners
on September 2d, 1919, be rescinded and Is
hereby revoked on account of a typographi
cal error appearing in the said notice as pub
lished: Therefore, Ills ordered, that the fol
lowing order be spread upon the minutes of
said < ’ommissloriers:
Whereas supervision and jurisdiction of
the public roads and buildings of said county
is by law vested in the said Board of Commis
sioners of Roads and Revenues: and whereas
the interest of the County of Atkinson requires
a bond Issue of sixty-thousand ($60,000)
dollars, of which fifty-thousand ($50,000) dol
lars shall be applied to the building and
equipping of a court-house for said county,
and ten-thousand ($10,000) dollars shall be ap
plied to the bunding and equipping a jail for
said county; therefore Jt Is ordained that an
election be called, and held lor the purpose
of submitting to the qualified voters of said
county, the question whether bonds in the
sum and lor the purpose above set out, shall
bt lsseued and sold; said election shall be held
on the 20th, day of December, 1919, under the
rules and regulations governing county elec
That notice of said election he pub
lished in the Pearson Tribune, the paper in
which the Sheriff’s advertisements for sale
for the county are published for a period of
thirty days next preceding said election,
which notice shall be as follows:
Notice to the qualified voter* of the county of
A tkinson, of an election to authorize the issuance
oi $60,000 Bonds, of which $50,000 shall be
applied to the building and equipping a court
house and SIO,OOO shall be applied to the
building and equipping a jail in said county.
fn accordance with a resolution of the
Board of Commissioners of roads and reve
nues of Atkinson county passed September
2d, 1919. Notice Is hereby given to the quali
fied voters of said county that an election
will be held in the said county of Atkinson,
on the 20th day of December. 1919. Said elec
tion will be held under the provisions of sec
tions 440-41-42-43 volume 1 (’ode of <leorgla, to
determine the question whether bonds shall
be issued by said county of A tkinson In the
sum of Sixty-thousand ($60,000) dollars prin
cipal for the purpose of building and equipp
ing a court-house and Jail, of which $50,000 of
said Issue shall be applied to the building and
equipping a court-house lor said county
and SIO,OOO of said Ifftrae shall be applied to the
building and equipping a jail for said county.
Said court-house and jail bonds to be de
nominations of sl,ol*o each, numbering from
one (1) to sixty (60) Inclusive: all to be Issued
and bear date within a reasonable time after
their validation, and to draw Interest at the
rate of five per centum per annum, said In
ti rest to be paid annually, and the principal
of said bonds to fail duo and be paid as fol
92.000 on the 15th day of Dec. 1920
92,000 on the ir>th day of Dee. 1921
92.000 on the 15th day of Dec. 1922
92,000 on the 15th day of Dec. 1923
92,1)00 on the 15th day of Dec. 1924
92,000 on the 16tn day of Dec. 1925
c-. --on the 15th day of Dec. 1926
92.000 on the 15th day of Dec. 1927
92,000 on the 15th day of Dec. 1928
92,0000 n tlm 15th day of Dec. 1929
92,000 on the 15th day of Dec. 1930
92,000 on the 15th day of Dec. 1931
92,000 on the 15th day of Dec. 1932
92,U0Uoii the 15th day of Dec. 1933
$2,000 on the 15th day of Dec. 1934
$2,000 on the 15th day of Dec. 1985
92,000 on the 15th day of Dec. 1936
92,000 on the 15th day of Dec. 1937
92,000 on the 15th day of Dec. 1938
92,000 on the 15th day of Dec. 1939
92,000 on the 15th day of Dec. 1940
92,000 on the 15th day of Dec. 1941
$2,000 on the 15th day of Dec. 1942
92,000 on the 15th day of Dec. 1943
92,000 on the 15th day of Dec. 1944
92,000 on the 15th day of Dec. 1945
92,0000 n the 15th day of Dec. 1946
92,000 on the 15th day of Dec. 1947
92,000 on the 15th day of Dec. 1948
92,000 on the 15th day of Dec. 1949
When all said bonds shall In* fully paid off,
the principal and Interest of said bonds shall
be payable In gold coin of the United States
of America of the present standard weight
and fineness at some financial Institution In
the City of New York, or such other place as
may be agreed upon In writing by the pur
chasers of said bonds and the county of At
Those desiring to vote for said court-house
and jail bonds shall have written or printed
on their ballots “For Court-House and .tail
Bonds," and those desiring to vote against
said Court-house and Jail bonds, shall have
written or printed on their ballots “Against
Court-House and Jail Bonds."
Jkfk Kirkland, Chairman of the Board.
Attested. Dave Wkatakrs, Commissioner. M. Si'MNER. Clerk of the Board of
Commissioners of Roads and Revenues.
Administrator’s Sale.
<;KORGI A—Atkinson County.
Under and by virtue of an order granted by
the Honorable Court of Ordinary of Atkinson
county at the Augurt Term. 1919, will he sold
before the court house door of said county, at
Pearson, between the legal hours of sale on
the first Tuesday in November next, the fol
lowing land belonging to the estate of Thomas
Paulk, late of said county deceased, for the
purpose of distribution among the heirs oi
said estate: Fifty-five acres, more or less, of
Lot of Land No. 381, In the Fifth land District
of originally Irwin but now Atktnton county
bounded on the Hast by a public road. South
by the Sallie Yawn branch. West by agreed
line and lands ol K. K. Luke. North by the
original land line. Also Two Hundred and
Kighty-Five acres, more or less, of Ixit of Land
No 356, in the Fifth Land District of original
ly Irwin but now Atkinson county. Georgia
bounded on the East by the Nashville and
Douglas public road, on the South. West and
North by the orlginalfland lines. Terms made
known on the day of sale. This October 1,1919
JOHN M. PAULK. Administrator,
Guardian's Petition for Leave to Sell Land
GEORGlA—Atkinson County.
Notice is hereby given that the undersigned
guardian of the person and property of Etna
Chambliss, a minor, has applied to the Ordin
ary of said county, for leave to sell the land
belonging to said minor for the purpose of
her support and education. Said application
will be heard at the regular term of the Court
of Ordinary of said county to be held on the j
first Monday in November, 1919.
This the 2nd day of October. 1919.
I. G. CHAMBLISS, Guardian.
Harvard Graduate,
Twenty years experience In treatment of all
Preventive treatment for Hog Cholera.
Tel. No. 23, Willacoochke, Georgia.
Office In Malone Block
Attorney and Counselor,
Pearson, Georgia.
Office In the PafTord Building.
Prompt attention given to business In both
the State and Federal courts.
Attorney and Counselor
Office in PafTord Building,
Pearson, Georgia.
Will do a general practice in all the Courts,
State and Federal.
Attorney and Counselor,
Pearson, Georgia.
Will do a general practice,
located for the present in the Alien build
ing with Mr. B. T. Allen.
office In the New Pafford Hulldlnt;
Pearson, Georgia
Practice In all the Courts. State and Federal
Mr. Dickerson will be in office every Thurs
day unless other engagements prevent.
Offices In the Allen building,
Pearson, Georgia.
Will do a general practice In State and Fed
eral Courts.
Atkinson Sheriff's Sale.
Georgia— Atkinson County.
Will be sold before the court house door of
Atkinson county, in Pearson, between the
legal hours of sale on the first Tuesday in
November, 1919, tothehighest bidder for cash,
the following property:
One house and Jot In the town of Wiilacoo
chee, bounded north by lands of J. K. Gaskins,
east by lands of E. L. Peterson, south by lands
of W. P. Cady and west by Host wick street,
i evled on and to be sold as the property of
Lige Corbitt. Also, Ixit ol Land No. 439. in
the Fifth land district of Atkinson county,
containing 490 acres, more or less. Levied
.on and to be sold as the property of Dennis
I'eterson. These levies made and the proper
ty to be sold to satisfy an execution issued
from Atkinson superior court in favor of
V aldosta Motor Company and against Mrs. 8.
■Sheppard and S. Sheppard as principals, and
Lige Corbitt and Dennis Peterson, sus securi
ties on bond.
This October ttth 1919. K. D. Lkggktt.
Sheriff A. C.
Subscribe for the Tribune, your
home paper —$1.00 a year.
The Real Value-Giving and
Money-Saving Store in Pearson
T Hundreds of customers have already
taken advantage of the great saving
on goods bought in this selling event
of my entire stock, for the entire year,
| at the greatest
Offered Anywhere.
I have just received a nice line of
Come and see them and get my prices before buying elsewhere.
I have also a nice line of Furniture, such as Dressers, Washstands. Buffets, Kitch
en Safes, Chairs, etc. Anything you need in Dry-Goods, Shoes, Hats, and Notions.
Also a good line of Staple Groceries.
More Goods for Less Money at
Hello There!
My New Stock of
Ten most eligible Building Lots,
105x210 feet. They are offered
in the entire tract. Close in to the
business part of the city.
Also, Ten nice building lots in
Lenford Subdivision. Offered sin
gly or all together.
Terms, Cash. apply to
Pearson, - - - Georgia.
6 per ct. FARM LOANS 6 per ct.
Made in amounts of SSOO to $50,000*
Big Loans my Specialty.
See, write or wire
Bunn Building. Waycross, Georgia.