Newspaper Page Text
pear son (Tr ibnm
Mamba' 11th District Press Associatioi
]s. T. A LLKN. lid it or.
Entered at tlie Poslofficte in Pearson, Georgh.
As mall matter of t Jic second class.
Subicriptlon price, sL'jOa year In advance.
Advertising rates are liberal Riiti will b>
made kpown on application.
It lias boon given out and hand
<•(1 around the Eleventh emigres
isioual district, apparently einaiiat
jug from Way cross and St. Marys
1 hat Congressman Lankford is op
posed to the St. Marys St. Marks
canal project.
This is a misapprehension and
just what the dealers in this gossip,
expect to get out of retailing it
does not yet appear.
Congressman Lankford is as
frank about this matter as one
could possibly be, when he says he
favors the St. Marys-St. Marks
eanal provided congress will make
a sufficient appropriation to guar
antee a sea level canal.
The interest which ninety per
cent, of liis constituents have in
the canal is for drainage purposes,
which only a sea level canal would
He is frank enough to say t hat
lie is opposed to the construction
of a lock canal on the St. Marys-
St. Marks route, because it would
lie an ever present menace to the
farmers living contiguous to it, by
flooding their farms and forcing
them to abandon their homes.
The Oenuilgeo canal project is
secondary and will be supported
by Mr. Lankford only in the event
a sea-level canal cannot be had on
the St. Marys-St. Marks route.
The Tribune is not the official
spokesman of Congressman Lank
ford, but for the sake of fairness
to all concerned the editor takes
the liberty to publish these im
pressions gathered from him in a
conversation on the subject.
The statement in the papers that
“Road work begins soon” may be
considered and is sterotyped and
stale. The Tribune man had rath
er see than to hear of its begin
The teachers of Chatham county
have just received a boost in their
salaries. The Tribune congratu
lates them. It takes a lot of
money to keep them in the front
ranks of society.
Cairo, in Crady county, claims
to be the largest cane syrup market
in the world, and it now aspires to
be the largest pecan market in
Georgia. But she is going to find
Albany a strong competitor.
If W. J. Bryan is heeded the
peace treat y and league of nations,
warped with reservations and com
promise, will be ratified today.
And liis enemies think they have
President Wilson on their hips.
Grace Y. Worsley has been ap
pointed postmaster at Manor to
succeed 11. It. Cornelius. Ernest
1). ('ribb, who was appointed last
June, declined to serve; the pay
was too small for an able-bodied
working man.
The Savannah Alfamaha Bridge
Comptuiy has received notice from
Senator Harris that it has been
granted the permission by eliief
of army engineers to erect a bridge
across the Altamaha river at the
Upper Sister's Bluff site.
“The presidential year is the
time when public office and the
old inaidsoxhibit their similarity—
both seeking the man.” So says
the Savannah News. Mariah had
you thought about it! But, some
old maids create diversion by seek
ing to be men and it is a pity they
were adversely created.
industrial South Georgia is
growing at such a pace that one
grows di/.zy contemplating it. New
industries are springing up in every
nook and corner of the territory —
plants for canning vegetables, fruits
and berries, plants for curing meat
aud potatoes, plants for preparing
pecans and peanuts for the use of
Blacksmith and Wheelwright
I do a General Line of Blacksmith and Wheelwright
Wor t. Also Work on Cars of all kinds.
All Work Guaranteed.
ROBERT SMITH, Proprietor.
It gives the Tribune genuine
pleasure to state that plans and
means arc being devised to save
the Georgia and Florida railroad
from the junk pile. The news may
lie very assuring to the many peo
ple and industries depending on it
for transportation to and from
There seems to be $700,000
worth of Receiver's Certificates
outstanding. The plan, as pre
sented to the Augusta Chamber
of Commerce, is that certain inter
ests, not divulged, will care for
SIOO,OOO of these certificates pro
vided Hie peoblewill liquidate the
remaining $300,000.
The Chamber of Commerce
after considering the proposition,
decided to undertake the raising
of the $300,000.* It seems to be
confident that two thirds of the
amount can lie had in Augusta
and is quite sure the remaining
one third will be provided by the
cities aud towns along the line.
The plan is to purchase the Re
ceiver's Certificates, bearing inter
eat at the rate of 8 per cent, with
the road as first security, then re
organize the road and take it out
of the hands of the receivers. '1 he
directors are to be chosen from
among the purchaser of the certi
ficates, who will place skilled and
progressive railroad men in charge
of its operation.
The plan seems to be not only
feasible but a fine investment, and
the Tribune believes the Chamber
of Commerce will experience no
difficulty in raising the required
amount. The people of Ray City,
Nashville, Denton, I’valda, and
other live towns which have
sprung up along the line and de
pending on it for an outlet to the
business world, will doubtless
meet the proposition enthusi
If this plan succeeds, and the
Tribune thinks it will, the Geor
gia and Florida would become a
paying institution, and would
avert a disaster to the business
interests of South and South
eastern Georgia, the extent of
which cannot now be measured or
M. Clemeneeau, “Tiger,” will
succeed Poincaire as President of
the Republic of France. No bet
ter selection could be made.
GEt HUH A—Atkinson County.
To the qualified voters ol said county: No
tice Is hereby given that the Hoard ol roni
mlwAners ol Hoads and Revenues of Atkin
son county has called an election to be held
on Saturday. February twenty-first (21st*.
1920, at which will be submitted to the qual
ified voters ol said county the questions of
whether bonds shall be Issued by said Atkin
son county In the sum ol one hundred and
fifty thousand ($150,000.00) dollars, for the pur
pose of raising funds to acquire a site and
erect and equip a court house, and to acquire
a site and erect and equip a jail In and for the
said county, and to grade and pave roads in
said county, the said Ismds to be divided as
Bonds in the aggregate priinclpal sum ol
sixty thousand ($60,000,00) dollars, the pro
ceeds of which shall be applied alone to the
acquiring a site and erecting and equipping a
court house, said bonds to be known as
“Court House Bonds;” to be ol the denomin
ation of one thousand ($1,000.00) collars each;
to 1k j numbered from one tl) to sixty (60) In
clusive; the principal of said bonds to mature
and be paid as follows:
Two thousand ($2,000.00) dollars of said
bonds to mature on the fifteenth (15th) day of
I beg to announce to the public that I have moved
to the Sutton building, next door to the Pearson Tri
bune office, and am better prepared to serve you in
Cleaning, Dyeing, Mendine and Pressing your clothes
and make them look as good as new clothes.
Yours to serve you promptly,
29-1 m. LEWIS SPEED.
December, nineteen hundred and twenty
(1920), and two thousand ($2,000.00) dollar* to
mature on the fifteenth (15th) day of Decom
ber of each year thereafter, to and including
the year nineteen hundred and forty-nine
(1949;. ho that all of HaJd bonds shall mature
and be fully paid off within thirty (30( years
from their date of Issue;
Bonds In the aggregate principal sum of fif
teen thousand ($15,000.00) dollars, the proceeds
of which Khali be applied alone to acquiring a
site and erecting and equipping a jail, said
bonds to he known as "Jail Hons”; to be of
the denomination of five hundred ($500.00)
dollars each: to be numbered from one (1) to
thirty (30; inclusive; and the principal of said
bonds to mature and l>e paid as follows:
T’ive hundred ($500.00) dollars of said
bonds to mature on the fifteenth (15th) day of
December, nineteen hundred and twenty
(1920), ami five hundred [ssoo.oo] dollars to
mature on the ( 15th) day of December of each
year thereafter to and Including the year
nineteen hundred and forty-nine (1949). so
that all of said bonds shall mature and be ful
ly paid off within thirty [3o] years from their
date of issue.
Bonds in the aggregate principal sum ol
seventy-five thousand [575,000.00] dollars, the
proceeds of which shall be Applied alone to
grading and paving roods In said county, said
bonds to be known as "Hoad Bonds"; sixty
[6o] of said Ismds to be of the denomination of
one thousand [sl,ooo.oo] dollars each, and
thirty (30] of said bonds to be of denouilna
tion nl live hundred [3500.00] dollars each; to
be numbered from one[l]to[9o] Inclusive, and
the principal of said bonds to mature and be
paid as follows:
Twenty-five hundred [12500.00] dollars on
the fifteenth [ 15th j day of December, nineteen
hundred and twenty [1920], and twenty-five
hundred [52500.00] dollars on the fifteenth
(r>th) day of December of each year thereaf
ter, to and including the year nineteen hun
dred and forty-nine [1949], so that all of said
bonds shall mature and he fully paid off with
in thirty [3o] years from their date of Issue.
All of said bonds shall bear date ns ol March
fifteenth (15th], nineteen hundred and twenty
[1920]; shall bear interest from date at tin
rate of five [s] per centum per annum, paya
ble semi-annually on the fifteenth (15th) days
of .1 line and December of each year, except in
terest lor the first nine (9] months after date,
which shall In- payable on December 15th.
1920, according to coupons to be attached to
said bonds, both principal and Interest to be
payable in gold coin of the t utted States ol
A nierica at some financial institution In the
city of New York, ami State of New York, the
first coupon on each bond to represent the in
terest for nine [9l months.
Those desiring to vote in favor of the Issu
ance of said Court House Bonds shall do so by
casting ballots having written or printed
thereon the words “For Court House Bonds",
and those desiring to vote against the Issu
ance of said Court House Bonds shall do so by
casting ballots having written or printed
t hereon the words "Against Court I (oust
Those desiring to vote In favor of the Issu
ance of said Jail Bonds shall do so by casting
ballots having written or printed thereon the
words "For Jail Bonds"; and those desiring
to vote against the Issuance of said Jail
Bonds shall do so by casting ballots having
written or printed thereon the words "Against
Jail Bonds."
Those desiring to vote In favor of the issu
ance of said Hoad Bonds Nhali do so by casting
ballots having written or printed thereon th<
words "For Hoad Bonds"; and those desiring
to vote against the issuance ol said Road
Bonds shall do so by casting ballots having
written or printed thereon the words "Against
Hoad Bonds."
The polls will be open at all voting or elec
tion precincts within the limits of the County
of Atkinson, for voting at said election.
This the sth day of January. 1920.
Board of Commissioners of Hoads and Heve
nues of Atkinson County, Georgia.
Board of Comniistloners of Hoads and ltevc
nues of Atkinson County, Georgia.
Notice to the Registered Qualified Voters of the
City of Pearson, Georgia:
You are hereby notified that on the 28th day
of February, 1920, an election will be held In
said C.ty, at which will be submitted to the
qualified voters, for their determination, the
questions whether bonds shall be Issued by
said City in the aggregate sum of thirty thou
sand ($30.000.00] dollars, principal to be divid
ed as follows:
Bonds in the aggregate principal sum of ten
thousand ($10,000.00) dollars for the puriioseol
providing funds in that amount with which
to purchase, equip and establish a system of
Electric Lights In said City, to be designated
aud known as "Electric Light Bonds."
Bonds In the aggregate principal sum of
twenty thousand [520,000,00] dollars, for the
purpose of providing funds in that amount
with which to purchase, equip ami establish
a system of Water Works lor said City, to be
designated and known as "Water Works
i Bonds."
Said Electric Light Bonds shall be number
ed from one [l] to ten [lo] Inclusive, and said
Water Works Bonds shall be numbered from
Wanted This Week !
To load car Potatoes, 7 5c Per Bushel
To load car Syrup, 90c Per Gallon.
To load car Com, $1.35 Per Bushel.
To Buy Peanuts, SIBO Per Ton.
To Sell You Some Cotton Seed:
Early King, Simpkins, Half and Half. $2.50 per bushel; Cleveland. Toole's. Cook s. >3.00 per bushel;
Hundred Day Velvet Beans, $2.75 per bushel; Peas, any variety. >5.00 per bushel; Peanuts, lowest
market prices; Springfieled Sprayers for weevils. $20.00 each; Calcium Arsenate, lowest market
price. Buy your seed now, they will be much higher when you plant.
You Save Money on Everything You Buy from Me.
RALPH W. GRIFFIN, Douglas. Ga.
leven (ll) to thirty (30) Inclusive.
All of said bonds shall bear date of March
2nd, nineteen hundred and twenty [1920], and
shall be In denomination of one thousand
($1,000.00) dollars each, ami shall bear interest
at the rate ol five (5) per centum per annum,
payable semi-annually on the first days of
March and September in each year; and the
principal of said Electric Light Bonds shall
become due and payable as follows:
SIOOO on the first day of March, 1921.
SIOOO on the first day of March, 1922.
SIOOO on the first day of March, 1923.
SIOOO on the first day of March, 1924.
SIOOO on the first day of March, 1925.
SIOOO on the first day of March, 1926.
SIOOO on the first day of March, 1927.
SIOOO on the first day of March, 1928.
SIOOO on the first day of March, 1929.
SIOOO on the first day of-March, 1930.
The principal of said Water Works Bonds
shall become due ami payable as follows:
SIOOO on the first day of March. 1931.
SIOOO on the first day of March, 1932.
SIOOO on tne first day of March. 1933.
SIOOO on the first day of March. 1934.
SIOOO on the first day of March, 1935.
SIOOO on the first day of March, 1936.
SIOOO on the first day of March, 1937.
SIOOO on the first day of March, 1938.
SIOOO on the first day of March, 1939.
SIOOO on the first day of March, 1940.
SIOOO on the first day of March, 1941.
SIOOO on the first day of March, 1942.
SIOOO on the first day of March. 1943.
SIOOO on the first day of March. 1944.
SIOOO on the first day of March, 1945.
SIOOO on the first day of March. 1946.
SIOOO on the first day of March. 1947.
SIOOO on the first day of March, 1948.
SIOOO on the first day of March, 1949.
SIOOO on the first day of March, 1950,
So that all of said bonds shall mature and la
(ully paid off within thirty (30) years from
their date of issue.
The principal and Interest of said bomb
shall be payable In gold coin of the Fulled
states of America of tin; present standard of
weight and fineness, at some financial insti
tution in the city of New York, and State of
New York.
Those desiring to vote for said Electric
Light Bonds shall do so by casting ballots
having written or printed thereon the words
For Electric Light Bonds," and those deslr
ing to vote against said Electric Light Bonds
diall do so by casting ballots having written
>r printed thereon the words "Against Elec
tric Light Bonds."
Those desiring to vote for said Water Works
Bonds shall do so by casting ballots ha\ ing
vritten or printed thereon the words "Foi
Water Works Bonds." ami those desiring to
cote against said Water Works Bonds shall
lo so by casting ballots having written or
printed thereon the words " Vgalnst Witte?
Works Bonds."
The place of holding said election shall be
it the Justice Court house, in Pearson, Geor
gia, and the polls will be open from 6 o’clock
«. m. until 6 o’clock p. in.
All persons duly registered in accorndact
A’lth the Ordinances of said City of Pearson,
ind otherwise qualified to vote, shall 1h
1 Uglified to vote, in this election, and only
those registered and qualified will be allowed
:o vote.
Said election will lie held under the same
rules and regulations as govern elections for
tflicers in said County.
Jkff Kirkland. Mayor, of the City <
Pearson. < icorgla.
O. H. Mingi.kdokff, Clerk of the City of
Pearson. Georgia.
Got the Other Place.
A practical Joker called up the tele
phone operator aud said: “Hello,
Central. Give me heaven/* but that
tent what she gave him. —Youngstown
Produce Finer Linen Yarn.
Using a chemical process, a Moscow
engineer claims to have produced u
finpr linen yarn than the finest spun,
at low cost.
GPasson’s Department Stereo
Clothing, Shoes 2nd Hats at 50 per cent.
on the Dollar and Upward.
Have 3,500 Pairs of Shoes now on Hand
All Domestics from 3c to 5c a yard less than can be bought elsewhere.
Come Round, it will co3t you nothing to see these great bargains.
District Conference.
The Wayoross Dittrirt Confer
ence, Methodist Episcopal Church,
South, is in session at Wayoross.
Bishop Warred A. Candler is pres
ent and presiding over the session.
His theme at the meeting is the
need of a genuine religious revival,
not one of these namby-pamby hip
hurrah sort that stirs the emotions
only and goes no farther.
For Sheriff Atkinson County.
To the citizens of Atkinson coun
ty: lam a eondidate for re elec
tion to the office of Sheriff of At
kinson County, subject to the dem
ocratic primary to he called later.
I am very grateful to you for all
the favors you have shown me
iii the past and 1 most earnestly
solicit your support for a second
term. Very truly yours,
E. I>. Leggett.
For Tax Receiver.
To the voters of Atkinson County:
1 hereby announce m.\ candidacy
for re-election as Tax Receiver of
jvour county, subject to the I )e
--mocralic primary. I desire the
office for a full term, think 1 am
entitled to this recognition. You
gave iih' the office at the inception
of our new county, and I have had
to go to much expense to get its
tax department in proper shape.
Whether 1 have succeeded you
are the judges; I did my very best
and flatter myself I have done
much in that direction. A full
term will satisfy me in the way of
office-holding and I earnestly soli
cit your support this time.
H. W. Cortiitt.
For Tax Receiver.
So the voters of Atkinson county;
I hereby announce myself a can
didate for Tax Receiver, subject
to the democratic primary election.
I solicit your support, and any
thing you do in my behalf will be
appreciated. If elected I will per
form the duties of the office, in
which I have had some experience,
to the best of my ability.
C. K. Griffis.
For Tax Collector.
To the Voters of Atkinson county:
1 hereby announce my candidacy
for re-election to the office of Tax
Collector of Atkinson count} sub
ject to the democratic primary. I
have tried to serve all the people
during my incumbency in the office
with courtesy and consideration,
i thank you for your past confi
dence and trust you will elect me
for another term.
Very respectfully.
33-tp. Rowan Corbitt.
For Tax Collector.
To the people of Atkinson county,
I take this method of announc
ing my candidacy for the office of
Tax Collector of Atkinson County.
Your vote and your assistance
will be highly appreciated
Lewis Flanders.
For School Superintendent.
To the voters of the new County
of Atkinson:
I hereby announce myself a
candidate for Superintendent of
Schools, and as I am engaged at
this time in teaching at Axson, Ga.,
I will not be able to see and talk
with all the voters personally in
thecounty, therefore, J take this
method in soliciting your vote and
support at the primary, to be held
ou the day appointed by the De
mocratic Executive Committee.
1 promise if elected to that im
portant office to serve the people
in all seel ions of the county, with
equal rights to all and special
privilege to none, and at the least,
possible legitimate cost to the tax
payers of our young county.
1 further state and promise that
in asking the good people of this
county to elect me lo this office,
1 have no desire whatever to set
up any methods or doctrines, in
the public school of the county
except those recommended and
taught by our worthy State Super
intendent of Schools, Mr. Brittain,
and the other leading educators of
our State.
I wish also to state further that
I am a graduate from the Georgia
Normal College and Business Ins
titute of Douglas, Georgia, and
Isold a first grade license for teach
ing in the public schools of the
Slat)*, and have been teaching
more or less for the past 18 years.
Thanking one aud all in advance
for yoni- votes and support and
promising again, if elected,to serve
the people in all sections of the
county alike.
1 am your friend for better
J. G. White, Axson, Ga.
so do mice, once they cat HAT-SNAP. And
they leave JK* odor behind. Don’t take our
word fur It—try a package. Cats and dogs
won t tone'h it. Hats pass up all food to get
KAT-SN A l*. Three sizes.
25c. size ! ! cake' enough for Pantry. Hitch
en or Cellar.
50c. size 2 cases) for chicken house, coops
or small buildings.
$L size «5 cakes* enough for all farm and
out-buildings, storage bujldings, or factory
buildings. Sold and guaranteed by *