Newspaper Page Text
(Etfy ants County
We have on baud fresh ear load
of mules. Adams, Sutton & Co.
666 has proven it will cure Ma
laria. Chills and Fever, Bilious Fe
ver, Colds and LaGrippe.
The editor lostsL2.oo in currency
Monday, four bills —two $5 and
two sl. Finder will please return
it to him.
Miss Mae James has gone for a
visit to her sister, Mrs. Will Sims,
at- Ray City. Mrs. Sims is report
ed as being ill.
Mr. Floyd Browning and family
have moved to West Florida where
he will manage a turpentine place
for a large corporation.
A letter from Elder 1). NT. Doug
lass states that lie is well and hap
py in his new Florida home, lie
says give his regards to all inquir
ing friends.
Mr. and Mrs. X. M. I‘afford are
to be congratulated on the arrival
of a fine baby boy at their home.
The mother and child are getting
along nicely.
Misses Emily and Mae Curls
and Cora Made spent the week
end with the former's parents near
Ravo, in Colquitt county. They
returned in Miss Emily's ear.
The Tribune learns from Post
master Smith that the December
receipts of the Pearson post office
was the largest in its history, and
they continue to climb upward.
Just arrived one car load of
mules. For sale by Adams, Set
ton & < ’o.
666 quickly relieves Colds and
LaGrippe, Consumption, Billions
ness, Loss of Appetite, Headaches.
Warden Dickerson added an
other recruit to his road gang-
Wednesday. The man. Hays,
murdered his wife and drew a life
sentence at his trial in Coffee su
perior court.
Mr. Folks Huxfonl, of Horner
vi I It*, was in the <il\ this wrek
assisting Clerk Sumner to catch up
with the volume of work upon
Clerks just before the sitting of a
term of court.
Atkinson superior court eon
venes on the fourth Monday in
staiil. It will be the fourth term
of court held in the new county,
and is expected to be a pretty
lively session.
Take my advertisement out,
says Mr. 11. C. Adams, I have my
black gilt. This is the Tribune
way. Everyone who has fried its
columns to recover est rayed or
stolen property says it carries the
Mr. and Mrs. Z. C. Tillman snd
children, of Fargo, were in the
city Monday and Tuesday. They
were here to complete moving to
Fargo; they did not carry all their
household goods there at the lirst
Come and buy a nice Tennesse
mule, have just arrived a fresh ear.
Adams Sutton & Go.
STRAYED —from my field one
red sow, large and fat. Marked —
hole and underbit in one ear, and
crop in th(‘ other. Reward for in
formation that will lead to her re
c.overy. Tii.den Smith.
A note from Miss Lillian V. Love
says she is delighted with her new
position at Fairfax. She is prin
cipal of the seiiool there; the work
is not so heavy and the remunera
tion greater. The
as the reasons why she resigned at
Pearson to accept the place at
It continues to be whispered
around that a drive is to be made
among Pearson Baptists to raise
the money to build a large and
handsome Baptist church, equip
ped with baptistry. Sunday School
rooms, etc. The rumors and wliis
perings Lave* not taken definite
shape as yet, but the Tribune ex
1 iccts that it will soon.
Pointer Dog, Liver.Sjiotted, an
swers to the name. "Mack." disap
peared Sunday Afternoon, 11th
January. Liberal reward for return
to E. K. Averitt, Morris Drug
Company. Pearson, Georgia.
Some miscreant, last Friday
night, broke open the United
States i Hist office and made an at
tempt. to brake the door open of
the Railroad depot, for the pur
pose of robbery. The burglar got
about a hundred dollars from the
post office. Both are crimes against
tiie United States' Jaws and, if the
party can be apprehended. Judge
Evans will lie apt to give him an
opportunity to repent at leisure.
Rub-My-Tism is a pewerful antiseptic;
it Kills the pcison caused from infected
cuts, cjres old sores, tetter, etc.
Red Bluff School Dots.
Mr. W.. 0. James made a trip to
I Wayeross last Sat urday, combining
business with pleasure.
Mr. Elias Deen has returned to
Douglas and school after spending
a few day's vacation with his par
Red Bluff school is progressing
nicely under the management of
Misses \ era Deen and Irene Min
Mr. Johnnie James, of this com
munity, is attending the Georgia
Normal school at Douglas. Suc
cess to him.
Misses < >llic Mae Sears and
Elizabeth Kirkland have just re
turned from a visit, to relatives
and friends at Millwood.
Mr. R. H. Dickerson and family
have moved to their home in Pear
son. They will be greatly missed
in this community. They are so
cheerful and helpful.
Miss Let ilia Pearson, on account
of sickness, was prevented from
starting her school, Evergreen,
when the other rural schools began
their spring sessions.
Mrs. A. L. Deen and son, Mr. \Y.
11. Deen, and Miss Gertrude Kirk
land made a pleasant visit among
relatives and friends near Douglas
last Saturday and Sunday.
M. J. A. llodges, daughter and
sou' Estelle and Bennie, made a
business trip to Douglas, last Fri
day and Saturday and report hav
ing had a most pleasant day.
East Saturday afternoon new
teachers were elected for the
Union Hill Surday-Sehool. The
school was very successful the past
year. The attendance and interest
manifested were encouraging.
Hope it will grow, and the interest
iin.aitcsted continue. Tile people
of the community don't, know how
to get along withoui a Sunday-
"Lonesomk Jones."
Hopkins News-Letter.
Glad to have the Tribune come.
The school lots started up after
two weeks suspension for the hoii
Elder Lacy E. Hoge preached in
the new Baptist church here last
Sunday. 11 was grand.
Mr, Guinns, wh ) has been con
lined to his tied for five or six
weeks with fever, is out again.
M s. it. A. I’affor.l has been
visiting in the Pearson and Axson
districts. She reports a scarcitj
of water in the wells for use.
Mr. Harris, the mill foreman,
had the misfortune of losing his
nice gold watch one day this week
b> dropping it in the log-pond at
the mill.
Mrs Rosa Belle Corbitt, after a
t hree weeks stay here, with her
fit her and mother, Mr. and Mrs.
R. A. Palford has returmd to her
home near A xson.
Atkinson Locals.
Mr. George Mills, of Pearson,
was a business visitor in Atkin
son Monday.
Mr. Jeff Williams, of Douglas,
is now in Atkinson and employed
by the Germain Saw Mill Company
as sawyer.
Mr. B. F. Breen, of Jesup, was
here Tuesday on business connect
ed with the "Germain Saw Mill
Miss Sal lie Lou Howard, of
Ludowici, is now principal of our
school. She is assisted by Miss
Agnes Middleton.
There has been considerable
moving around here since Christ
mas: Mr. J. W. Drury has pur
chased and moved the house
vacated by Dr. and Mrs. E. A.
Moody; Mr. S. F. Shepherd has
moved into the house vacated by
Mr. Drury; Mr. J. 11. Johnson and
family have moved to Wayeross;
Mr. C. W. Callihan has moved into
the house vacated by Mr. Johnson.
We are very sorry to chronicle
the death of our principal leat her.
Miss Lclia Wain right, who was
taken seriously ill Saturday after
Christmas, carried to the “King’s
Daughters” hospital in Wayeross
a few days later and underwent an
operation for appendieil is. The
operation proved fatal, as she liv
ed only one day afterwards. The
funeral was held at Smyrna church
Several minor accidents occurred
here last week; Mr. Ben Hunter
1 had one of his fingers mangled
Iwhih-I feeding a sausage mill; a
jcolored woman was accidentally
shot, wounding one of her legs; a
l’K Alt SON TRIBUNK PfiA !{S< UK, (JEOiIGiA, JAN l AUY Hi, 1920
Proceedings of Mass Meeting
Mr. J. M. Roberts, chairman of
the old Democratic' Executive
Committee called the Mass Meet
ing to order promptly at 12o’clock
on January 12th, 1920. Mr. Rob
erts was chosen chairman of the
meeting and the following gentle
men were named as a new Demo
cratic Executive Committee: J.
11. Haskins, J. M. Roberts and J.
B. Mills from the Willaeooehee
district. J. M. Pafford, Richard
Vickers and J. O. While from the
Pearson district. J. G. White, T.
P. Keaton and P. M. Lang of the
Axson district.
The meetiug was unanimously
in favor of an early Primary for
various reasons.
The mass meeting adjourned
and the members of the new Com
mittee met in regular session and
chose lion. J. M. Palford, chair
man, J. G. White, secretary and
J. <). White, treasurer.
The committee adjourned to
meet again January 26th, 192 >. at,
which time the dateof the primary
will be act ami the assessment of
candidates fixed.
J. G. White. Secretary.
School Book Notice.
Notice is hereby given that I
have ail the regular school books
on hand in my ofliee.
I will be in my ofliee every Sat
urday and will be glad to deliver
the books on those days. As I am
handling the books for the county
1 cannot sell them unless the cash
accompanies the order.
S.vnkey Booth. C. S. S.
Lyceum Attraction.
The first number of tin* Lyceum
course which Pearson people eon
traded for lasi summer will up
pear at the school auditorium next
Saturday night, the 21th. It is a
most inauspicious date, but. the
people will have to make the best
of it. It is said to bo the best at
traction of the three booked to
appear here I his spring.
Rev. E. F. Morgan, presiding
elder of the Wayeross district, was
here Saturday and held the first
quarterly conference for the Pear
son charge. The pastor. Rev. W.
<'. Ralni, was taken ill Friday
night and was unable 1.0 be present,
at the conference. The result ol
Mr. Rahil's sickness was that there
were no preaching" services at, the
oil'llroh Sunday.
colored hoy stepped on a saw. at
the mill, resulting in (lie foot
being sawed open: Master Warren
Callihan, while trying to raise a
window, dropped il on his hand,
badly crushing one of his lingers.
“No Body.”
I'Ve >(< ;ss i otp'i 1 (( pels.
Harvard Graduate,""
Tu t iily yc.i i's f x |>elienee in treatment of all
Preventive treatment for Hog Cholera.
OITk-t ln Malone lltock
’ Attorney and Cot nsei.oj:,
Pearson, Georgia.
Ofliee in the Pafford Ruliding. *
Prompt attention given 1:o business In both
the State and Federal courts.
Attorney and Counselor,
Pearson. Georgia.
Will do ii general practice,
office up stairs in the Pafford building,front
room on the left hand side as you go up.
I>l ( 1 K E 1 is( >N &M IN (iU’JH) KV F
Office In the New Pafford Cuilding
Pearson,< leorota
Practice In all the Courts. State and Federal
Mr. Dickerson will be in office every Thurs
day unless other engagements prevent.
Offices In the Allen building,
Pearson, Georgia.
Will do a general practice in State and Fed
eral Courts.
Also mice. Absoluely prevents odors from
carcass. One package proves this. HAT
SNAP comes In cakes—No mixing with other
food. Guaranteed.
25c. Size (1 cake) enough for Pantry, Kitch
en or Collar.
50c. size (2 cakes for Chicken House, < oops
or smali buildings
SI.OO size oi .-ik enough for all farm and
out-buildings, storage buildings, or factory
buildings. Sold and guaranteed by
And Was Run-Down, Weak and
Nervous, Says Florida Lady,
five Bottles of Cardui
Made Her Well.
Kathleen, Fla.—Mrs. Dallas Prins,
of this place, Bays: “After the birth
of my last child...l got very much
n:n-do\vn and weakened, so much
that I could hardly do anything at
ail. I was so awfully nervous that
I could scarcely endure the least
noise. My condition was getting
worse all the time...
I knew I must have some relief or
I would soon be in the bed and in a
serious condition for 1 felt so badly
and was so nervous and weak I could
hardly live. My husband asked Dr.
about my taking Cardui. He
said, ‘lt’s a good medicine, and good
for that trouble', so be got me 5 bot
tles... After about the second bottle I
felt greatly improved.. .before taking
it my limbs and hands and arms
would go to sleep. After taking it,
however, this poor circulation disap
peared. My strength came back to
me and I was soon on the road to
health. After the use of about 5 bot
tles, I could do all my house-work
and attend to my six children be
You can feel safe In giving Carduf
a thorough trial for your troubles It
contains no harmful or habit-forming
drugs, but is composed of mild, vege
table, medicinal ingredients with no
bad after-effects. Thousands of women
have voluntarily written, telling of
the good Cardui lias done them. It i
should help you, too. Try it. E 74 !
ami mice—that's RAT SN AP, the old reliable
rodent, destroyer. Domex in cakes—no mix
ini; with other food. Your money back if It
23c size (I cake) eunuch for Pantry, Kitchen
or Cellar.
,50c size (2 cakes) forChieken House, coops,
or small buildings.
sl. size (’> cakes* enough for all farm and
nut-buildings, storage buildings, or factory.
buildings. Sold and I luarantccd by /
F. E. MeNEAL /
Legal Advertisements.
Citation (or Letters of Administration.
' 1 K< >R<f 1 A—Atkinson < 'mmty.
To nil whom It may concern: Fisher V.
Fender ha\ ing in proper form applied to me
for permanent letters of administration on
Ihe ( state ol Sarah Fender, late oi said coun
ty. this is to (hie all and singu lar t he creditors
iiud next of kin of Sarah Fender to be ami ap
: >c*ii i" at my office with within tho time al-
I >wi d by law. and show muse. if any they
'■an, why permanent administration should
m i he .".ranted 1<» Fisher F. Fonder on Sarah
F‘ mlei ’s!e.
Witness fny hand and official signature,
1 iiis. ."*tli day of .lanmiry. 1920.
.1. \;i Rom u rs. <military.
Enteritis to tee People of Atkinson
Coontf iiis Best Wishes for a Happy
and Prosperous New Year,
He also extends his thanks for the consideration and
confidence bestowed upon him the many years he has
served with General Merchandise. He flatters himself
that his efforts have been appreciated by the people.
As we enter the New Year I beg to an
nounce that l will continue to serve the peo
ple with firstciass goods at Low* Prices.
Harrell Building, PEARSON, GEORGIA.
Legal Advertisements.
Petition to Sell Land for Reinvestment.
| < i F<)RGIA — Atkinson, County,
j After four weeks’ notice, pursuant to Sec
j tion 3065 of the Civil Code (1910). a petition, of
which a true and correct copy Is subjoined,
will be presented to the Honorable Robert G.
Dickerson, Judge of the Superior Court, at
chambers, Momervllle. Georgia, on the ‘2lst
day of February, 1920.
OFORGI A—Atinson County.
To the Honorable Robert G. Dickerson,.!udge
of the Superior Court of said county.
The petition of Mrs. Mamie McDonald shows:
That she is the guardian of Mary Lou Mc-
Donald. heretofore duly appointed as such
guardian in said county.
That she desires to sell for reinvestment at
private sale the following property, the same
being a portion of the property of her said
ward, to-wit: One-Eigiith (1-8) undivided
interest In the Mary McDonald estate, con
sisting of the following lands In the seventh
iT land district of said county: All of lots of
land numbers 40, 58 and of lot number 80 ex
cept a square tract of 50 acres lying In the
, southeast corner; nil of lot number 85 except
! 8 acres, more or less, in the northeast corner,
I and 25 acres, more or less, in the southwest
! corner, said- land in lot number 85 being
bounded on the north by the* right-of-way of
I the Atlantic Coast Line Railroad Company;
8 acres, more or less, In the southwest corner
of lot of land number 54. same being all of lot
5! south of said railroad, except 1 acre owned
by said railroad and 3 acres formerly owned
by A. IL Prescott.
Said property pays only about fifty to one
bun lred dollars per annum Income, which Is
only about two per cent, of its actual value,
and is ail ua'.od at a great and Inconvenient
distance from the residence of said ward, Pe
titioner desires to invest the proceeds of such
sale in other farm lands, nearer to, and better
suited to the use of said ward.
Pet itioner shows that notice of her Inten
tion to make this application has been pub
lished once a week for four weeks in Pearson
Tribune, the paper in which the county ad
vertisements are usually published, as re
quired by law. Mum. McDonald.
Subscribed and sw* to before me. this the
tilth day ol December 1920.
yr.KY M. Sl’MNKit. Clerk
Atkinson county, Ga.
CitationT6r Letters of Administration.
< i Ft )\y/\.\— Atkinson ('minty.
Tyffil whom it may concern: .fas. \V. Davis
huffing ill proper form applied to me for per
manent le tiers of administration outlie es
tate of M rs. F. M. I 'avis, late of said county,this
is to cite all and singular the creditors and
m \l ol kin of MrsF.M Davis to be and appear
at my office within the time allowed hy law,
and show cause. If any they can, why perma
nent administration should not be granted
to las. \Y. Davison Mrs F. M. Davis' estate.
Witness my hand and official signature,
this the sth day of January, 1920.
J. Wkslkx ordinary.
Citation for Dismission Administration.
(!F( >R(iI A—Atkinson County.
Whereas, Mrs. Polly Ann Pearson Deen,
\dmlnlstratrix of Dave Pearson's estate, rep
resents to the Court In his petition, duly filed
and entered on record, that she lias fully ad
ministered Dave IN arson's estate:
'l’hls is, ft hen fore, to cite all persons con
cerned, kindred and creditors, to show cause.
Il any they can. why said Administratrix
should not lie discharged from her adminis
tration, and receive Letters of Dismission on
the lirst Monday In February, 1920.
J. Wksi.fy Rohekts, Ordinary.
Legal Advertisements
Petition to Sell Land for Reinvestment.
< lEOIIGIA —Atkinson ((ounty.
After four weeks’ notice, pursuant to Sec
tion 3065 of the Civil Code (1910), a petition, of
which a true and correct copy is subjoined,
will be presented to the Honorable It. G.Dick
erson, Judge of the Superior Court, at Cham
bers, Homerville, Georgia, on the 21st day of
February, 1920. O. O. PARKER.
GEORGIA —Atkinson County.
To the Honorable R. G. Dickerson, Judge of
the Superior Court of said county:
The petition of G. G. Parker shows:
That he is the guardian of Louise and G. G.
Parker, Jr., having been heretofore duly ap
pointed as such guardian.
That he desires to sell for reinvestment at
private sale the following property, the same
being a portion of the property of his said
wards, to-wit: One-Si.xtkknth (1-16) undivi
ded Interest In the Mary McDonald estate,
consisting of the following lands in the Sev
enth (7) land district of said county: All of
lots of land numbers 40, 55. and all of lot num
ber 80 except a square tract of 50 acres lying
In the southeast corner; all of lot number 85
except 8 acres, more or less, in the northeast
corner, and 25 acres, more or less, in the
southwest corner, said land in lot number 85
being bound on the north by the right-of-way
of the Atlantic Coast Line Railroad Company;
8 acres, more or less. In the southwest corner
of lot number 54. the same being all of lot 54
south of said railroad, except I acre owned by
said railroad and 3 acres formerly owned by
A. It. Prescott.
Said property pays only about fifty dollars
per annum Income, which is aeout two per
cent, of its actual value, and Is situated at a
great and inconvenient distance from the
residence of said wards. Petitioner desires to
invest the proceeds of such sale in other farm
lands, nearer to and better suited to the use
af said wards.
Petitioner shows that notice of hiN Inten
tion to make this application has been pub
lished once a week for four weeks in Pearson
Tribune, the paper in which county adver
tisements are usually published, as required
bylaw. G. G. Parker.
Subscribed and sworn to before me. this the
20th day of December, 1919.
Wiley M. Sumner, Clerk
Superior Court. Atkinson county, Ga.
Administrator's Sale.
< 5 FOR( jIA —A t klnson (’ounty.
Cnder and by;vlrtue of an order of the Court
of Ordinary of Atkinson county, granted at
the January Term, 1920, will he sold before the
court house door in sold county, at Pearson,
between the legal hours of sale, on the first
Tuesday In February, 1920, to the highest bid
der for cash, the following property, to-wit:
One hundred and forty-five (145) acres, more
or less, of lot of land number one hundred
and sixty (160), in the tenth (10) land dlsti let
of Atkinson county, hounded north, east and
south by the original land lines and on the
west hy an agreed line and Fereby Fender,
and Includes all the land on said lot east of
.said agreed Rue except fifty (50) acres In the
southeast corner thereof, the same being In a
square. Also two (2) acres in the southwest
corner of lot of land number one hundred and
sixty-one (161), In said district, and bounded
north and east by lands of Talley Hal! south
and west by the original land lines. \lso an
undivided one-sixth Interest in said fitly 'SO)
acres, lying in a square in the southeast cor
nel’ol said lot hundred and sixty (l(!o). Sold
lor the purpose ol paying debts and distribu
tion among the heirs of David Fender, late of
said county deceased. This tlTeOthdny of Jan
uary, 1920. FMlircit F. Fkndku.
William Fkndku, Adm'rs.