Newspaper Page Text
Blacksmith and Wheelwright
I do a General Line of Blacksmith and Wheelwright
Work. Also Work on Cars of all kinds.
All Work Guaranteed.
ROBERT SMITH, Proprietor.
I do all kinds of Shoe and Harness Repairing.
(ktiit attft County
Warden Dickerson and daugh
ter. Doris, made a business trip to
Douglas last Friday.
Hon. Jeff Kirkland and family
visited Douglas last Sunday and
attended divine services there.
666 quickly relieves Colds and
Latlrippe, Consumption, Billions
ness. Loss of Appetite, Headaches.
Mr. Folks Huxford, of Homer
ville, was in the city again this
week assisting Clerk Sumner to
catch up with his work.
Dr. •). B. S. Bliteh.of Brookfield,
was in the city Wednesday. He is
thinking of a change of location
from Brookfield to Beach.
Mrs. Alene Bennett, of Millwood,
and her niece, Miss Myrtle Wilson,
of Savannah, visited Pearson last
Tuesday and were the guest of
A. K. Burch is opening a new
stock of staple, fancy and green
groceries in the store, in the Ma
lone block, formerly occupied by
West & Son.
Mrs. 1.. L. Sutton has returned
from the hospital at Way cross.
After remaining there several days
she declined to undergo an opera
tion for her t roubles.
g Mr. and M rs. W. I. K i rkland
announces the marriage of their
daughter, Ada Lucille, to Mr. Sam
Kimbrough, of High Springs, Fla.,
February-4th, 1920.
Morris I’nssun has been over to
Milltown, looking the situation
over as a place for business. He
did business there several years
ago in partnership with David
M iuson.
Mr. J. C. McMillan and family
have moved to their new cottage
home and he says he is settled.
He becomes a near neighbor to the
editor. They moved last Monday
and Tuesday.
Masters Willie and Bennie
Browning Vent down to Bruns
wick last Sunday. Will came
back in the evening, but Bennie
will remain in Brunswick with his
brother, Thomas, who was recently
Dave Miuson lias opened his
grocery and feed store in the cor
ner store of the Malone Block,
lie is trying to get acquainted
with the demands of the trade,
it is "«omything new under the
Sun,” for I>avie.
Messrs. N. E. Harrell and W.
M. Corbitt say that they will
have their saw-miII, located with
in the city, in operation in a week
or two more, ft is to be operated
with the motive power in connec
tion with their ginnery.
If. W. and H. L. Woodard,
father and son, returned from the
Oketinokee swamp late Tuesday
night of last week. The Tribune
is quite sure “Kick” doesn't want
to return to the swamp any time
soon. He has enough of it for a
The Axson Naval Stores Com
pany is a new business down at
Axson. It is said to be a firm
composed of Messrs. W. W. & C.
K. Stewart and J. G. W hite. It
is stated they have some good tur
pentine timber and a fair opjxir
tunity to succeed, especially if the
market prices continue as at pre
One of Warden Dickerson's trus
ties —a colored man by the name
of Henry Smith who is five feet
and eight inches tali and weighs
about one hundred and thirty-five
pounds —skipped him Monday for
parts unknown. A reward of $35
will be paid for his capture and re
turn to the Atkinson County
Convict Camp, at I’earsoy.
Teacher's Institute.
It was conceded by all the
teachers of the rural schools of At-
present at the
Institute Saturday —and all were
present but three —that it was the
host the teachers of the county
have ever held.
The program of exercises as pub
lished were observed, save one
number assigned to Prof. Warren,
of W illaeoochee, who was not
Of special interest, was J’rof. 11.
M. McXeal’s third grade class in
A rit limet ie, of t he Sycamore school,
three miles north of Pearson.
These little fellows showed a fine
conception of fractions, including
decimal fractions, and denominate
numbers. This exhibition was ad
ditional to the program.
Col. T. S. Winn gave an elabor
at , clear and interesting discus
(‘ion of the Compulsory Education
law, under which parents of child
reu, between the ages of eight, uyd
fourteen, are required to send
them to school not less than six
months during the year, unless
they have completed the seventh
Hon. .1. Gordon Floyd. Superin
tendent of Schools of Co flee coun
ty, was present and made a most
interesting talk along the line of
the future prospects and progress
of the rural schools and their rein
lion to the education of the
These monthly institutes can
be made very valuable adjuncts to
the life of our people, if they can
be had to take personal interest in
The young men of the city stir
red up a little amusement as well
as excitement Wednesday just af
ter dinner. They conceived 1 In
idea of chasing a turkey. They
paid a quarter each to enter the
chase. They were then lined up,
the turkey turned loose and, at
one, two, three, the chase started,
amid the shouting and laughter of
the bystanders. .John MeNeal won
the first chase by catching the tur
key. The second was won by Lon
nie Pearson.
Mrs. J. W. t > verst reel, of Adel,
is in the city visiting her (laugh
ter, Mrs. II 11. Parker, and will lie
here several weeks. She was a
Miss Gaskin before marriage and
reared in this section.
Terrible Suffering From Headache,
Sideache, Bacliache, and Weak
ness, Relieved by Cardui,
Says This Texas Lady.
Gonzales, Tex.— Mrs. Minnie Phil
pot, of this place, writes: “Five years
ago I was taken with a pain in my
left side. It was right tinder my
left rib. It would commence with an
aching and extend up into my left
shoulder and on down into my back.
By that time the pain would be so
severe I would have to take to bed,
and suffered usually about three days
... I suffered this way for three years,
and got to he a mere skeleton and wa3
so weak I could hardly stand alone.
Was not able to go anywhere and had
to let my house work g0...1 suffered
awful with a pain in my back and I
had the headache all the time. I just
was unable to do a thing. My iifo
was a misery, my stomach got in an
awful condition, caused from taking
eojinuch medicine. I suffered so much
pain. I had just about given trp all
hopes of our getting anything to help
One day a Birthday Almanac wa3
thrown in my yard. Alter reading
Its testimonials I decided to try Car
dui, and am so thankful that I did,
for I began to improve when on the
second bottle...l am now a well
woman and feeling fine and the cure
has been permanent for it has been
two years since my awful bad health.
I will always praise and recommend
Cardui.” Try Cardui today, £ 78
Eirst Of All, Make Sure Your Blook is Red
and Rich—in Fighting Trim.
If You're Listless and Depressed Don't
Delay a Minute—Get a Good Tonic.
If you get the influenza, see a
doctor at once —but why get, it?
Isn’t, it worth while, instead, to
take every precaution now against
getting it?
Probably the. best and first thing
to do is to make sure you are in
good physical condition. During
an epidemic, almost, wherever you
go you are exposed to influenza.
As long as you are really well, the
red corpuscles of your blood fight
off and defeat disease germs. But
wlhmi you are tired and run down,
when you feel all right except that
you haven’t much energy or en
thusiasm. your blood is tired out
too, and you are an easy victim.
Pepto Maugan has become fam
ous as a builder of rich, vigotous
blood. It helps you up when you
are run down. It helps you avoid
illness. Or, it helps you recover, if
you realized your poor physical
coildition too late.
Physicians have been recom
mending’ Pepto Mangan for years,
in cases ot anemia (bloodlessness).
It is reliable, effective, and has a
record of over twenty-five years
success. Take no chances with a
run down condition. Get Pepto-
Mangau today. It is good health
Pepto Mangan is sold in liquid
and tablet form. There is no differ
ence in medical value. Take eith
er kind you prefer. But be sure
. on gc ; 1 lie genuine Pepto Mangan
—"Glide's.” The full name should
boon I he package. —Advertisement
Income Tax Return.
Editor Tribune:
I will be in Pearson on February
l!)th, 1920, for the purpose of re
ceiving the 1919 Income Tax Ko
lurn. Kindly give this as much
publicity as possible, through your
paper, as this service is being reu
dered the taxpayers of Atkinson
oouilty for their benefit and con
venience. Respectfully,
A. E. Adams, Deputy Collector.
Wanted Each Week.
.Several pork hogs, weighing' 40
to 70 pounds each. See M. X.
.1 <>IIXSTON. Pearson, Ga.
Rub My Tism is a great pain killer. It
relieves pains and soreness caused by
Rheumatism, Neuralgia, Sprains, etc.
Tax Receiver’s Notice.
11 K< )Hf II A—AtkliiMon < ‘ounty.
I will be at the following places for the pur
pose of receiving State and ('ounty Tux Ite
t urns for the year 1920:
Will woochkk—February 21st, March 11th
and April 15th, at to a. in.
IU umon—February 20th, March Kith and
April 17th, 10 a. in.
A xson—February 19th. March 12th and
April 18th, 10 a. in.
11. W. romHIT. Tax Receiver A. C.
Legal Advertisements.
Petition to Sell Land for Reinvestment.
<. IHP i I A—At kiuson ('ounty.
After lour weeks’ notice, pursuant to Sec
tion 11085 of the < ’lv 11 < 'ode < 1910). a petition, of
which a true and correct copy Is subjoined,
will he presented to the Honorable Robert G,
Ulekerson, Judge of the Superior Court, at
< hambers, Homervllle. Georgia, onthe2lst
day of February, 1920.
(i K< )R(il A—Atinsond ’ounty.
To the Honorable Robert G. Dickerson, J udge
of the Superior < 'ourt of said county.
The petition of Mrs. Mamie McDonald shows:
That she Is the guardian of Mary fxju Mc-
Donald and Kddiei'leo McDonald, heretofore
duly appointed such guardian In said county.
That she desires to sell for reinvestment at
private sate the following property, the same
! being a portion of the property of her said
ward, to-wlt: Onk-Kjohth (1-8; undivided
| inti rest In the Mary McDonald estate, con
sisting of the following lands in the seventh
7 land district of said county: All of lots of
land numbers 40, 58 and of lot number 88 ex
cept a square tract of 50 acres lying in the
southeast corner: all of lot number 85 except
I 8 acres, more or less, in the northeast corner,
and 25 acres, more or less, in the southwest
■ corner, said land in Ujt number 85 being
| bounded on the north by the right-of-way of
I the Atlantic <’oast Dine Railroad Company;
| 8 acres, more or less, in the southwest corner
!of lot of land number 54, same being all of lot
54 south of said railroad, except I acre owned
|by said railroad and 3 acres formerly owned
t by A. 11. Prescott.
Said property pays only about fifty to one
| hundred dollars per annum income, which is
i only about two per cent, of its actual value,
and is situated at a great and inconvenient
distance from the residence of said ward. Pe
titioner desires to invest the proceeds of such
sale in other farm laiids. nearer to, and better
suited to the use of said ward.
Petitioner shows that notice of her inten
tion to make this application has been pub
lished once a week for four weeks in Pearson
Tribune, the paper in which the county ad
vertisements are usually published, as re
| 'iHired by law. Mils. Mamie McDonald.
Subscribed and sworn to before me, this the
! Kith day of December, 1920.
Wiley M. Sumner. Clerk
Superior Court Atkinson county, Ga.
Legal Advertisements.
Letting at Public Outcry Contract For
Building Court House and Jail.
GK<)R< !I A—Atkinson (’ounty,
By the Hoard of founty Commissioners of
Roads and Revenues of said County.
Notice is given that on the Bth day of March,
1920, at public outcry before Hu* door of the
court house Cl. e. the building which the Su
perior Court is held in said county' there will
be let to the lowest bidder (subject to the
right of rejection therein reserved and sub
ject to the terms hereinafter specltied' the
contract for the erection of a court house and
jail for said county, on R#- lot which will be
designated as the courthouse site.
The said contract shall call lor the const ruc
tion of a courthouse, to contain offices for all
necessary county officials, court rooms, wit
ness rooms and appurtenances thereto, to be
built of brick, hollow tile and concrete frame
with stone trimmings, state roof and
Ized iron tower, with provision for lp.-a.ting,
by heating system, all as shown more com
pletely tn detail by the plans and specifica
tions which have been prepared therefor by
.1. .1. Haldwin. Architect, copies of which have
been deposited and are on lilt* open to public
inspection in the office ot said Hoard of Coun
ty Commlssloners and In the office of said
Architect, and reference for full and complete
details Is had to said plans and specifications.
All labor and materials of every kind Is to
be furnished by the contractor for the com
plete construction of said courthouse In ac
cordance with said plans and .specifications.
Work Is to begin on said courthouse by April
12,1920, and the same Is to be completed on or
before December 3lst, 1920.
As a part of the contracts the contractor
shall agree that the amount specltied In his
bid shall be a maximum, and that If the cost
of t,he labor and material entering into the
building, plus a profit of 10 per cent, thereon,
shall be less than the amount of his hid, that
the bounty of Atkinson shall not be called up
on Ui imy a greater amount than the cost of
the labor and material plus such protit of 10
per cent, to the contractor.
Terms ana of Payment fok the
Same shall i*k an Follows:
Hy the 10th of each month there shall be
paid to the Contractor by the County 85 per
cent, of the cost of the labor and material, in
cluding the 10 per cent, profit mentioned
above, which shall have been employed in the
construction of the building, during the pre
ceedlng month, to he paid upon the estimates
of the Contractor to he approved by the Arch
itect In charge, unless and until the payments
so made equal as much as 85 per cent, of the
maximum contract price as mentioned above:
and the remaining 15 per cent, of the value of
the labor and material and of the ill per cent,
profit (not to exceed the maximum contract
price as mentioned above) shall he paid when
said building Is and filially accept,
ed by sitld Architect and said Commissione rs.
The bidder whose bid at the letting appears
to he the lowest bid shall immediately upon
the same being knocked off to him deposit
with said County Commissioners, In cash or
eertilied check, payable to Jeff Kirkland, Da
vid Weathers and J. M. Roberts, County
i< 'ommlssloners as aforesaid, or their succes
sors In office, t ho sum of 82,500.00 as a guaran
tee that he will enter Into a contract with
said county according to lhe terms of his said
hid within thirty days from the acceptance
thereof hy said Commissioners and give the
bond and security in double the sum of the
contract price for the faithful performance of
said contract as well as the bond required b.\
law in such eases: and upon his failure so to
do, said check is to he retained hy said Coun
ty Commissioners as liquidated damages. Il
the person to whom the said contract is
knocked off as the lowest bidder falls to imme
diately make said deposit Ills hid w ill he In»-
juediutcly rejected and the bidding continue
fn disregard of such bid.
The said Hoard of County Commissioners
reserve the right to reject any and all bids. Il
a hid Is rejected the deposit ol such bidder
will he refunded.
Persons desiring copies of said plans and
specificationscton procure the same from the
County Commissioners or llic Architect U\
depositing .*25.00 t lie ref or.
rills the 2nd day of February, 1920.
Attest: K. A. II aip; it eaves,
< Jerk oft 'ounty Hoard of < Commissioners
Citation for Letters of Administration.
c ;i«;OR< il A—Atkinson County.
To ali whom it may concern: lllrnm Man
cll, J r.. having in proper form applied to me
(or permanent letters of administration mi
the estate of Ilham Mancii, Sr., late of said
county, this Is to cite all and singular the
creditors and next of kin <>l Hiram Mancii. Sr.
to be and appear at my office within i lie time
allowed by law. and show cause, II any they
can. why permanent adminlslrat lon shodld
not he granted to lllrnm, Jr., ■on Hi
ram Mancii, Sr’s estate.
Witness my and official signature,
tills, 2nd day of February, 1920.
J. Wesley Roberts, ordinary.
Citation for Letters ot Administration.
i i KOI {(; IA —Atkinson County.
To all whom it may concern: If. Mancii, Jr*
.having In proper form applied to me for per
manent letters of administration, de bonis
non, on tin; estate of Klixabcth Mancii, late of
said county, this Is to cite all and singular the
creditors and next of kin of Kli/.nbclh Mancii
to be and appear at my office within the time
allowed by law, and show cause. If any they
can. why permanent adminlstrat lon, de bonis
non, should not be granted to Hiram Mancii,
Jr., on Kli/.abeth Mancll’s estate.
Witness my hand and official signature,
this the 2nd day of February. 192(1.
J. Wesley Robert*. Ordinary.
Citation for Letters of Administration.
GKO RG f A —A tk 11 i son Count y.
Notice is hereby given to all persons con
cerned, that on the 4th day of Ny vein her, 1918.
Jake Crosby, late of what is now Atkinson
county, Georgia, departed tills life intestate,
and no person has applied for administration
on the estate of said Jake Crosby In said state
or is likely to apply, that administration will
be vested In the Clerk of the Superior Court
of said county, or some other fit and proper
person, afteFthe legal publication of this cit
ation, unless valid objections are made to his
Given under my hand and official signa
ture, this the 2d day of February, 1920.
J. Wesley Roberts. Ordinary.
Stray Dog.
One black and white spotted
young setter dost has taken up at
my place. Owner can get him by
paying reward. J. B. Bridgman,
Kirkland, Oa.
Cegal Advertisements.
< :k< >UG i A—Atkinson County.
To the qualified voters of said county: No
tice is hereby given thjßJJie Hoard of Com
missioners of Roads and Revenues of Atkin
son county has called an election to be held
on Saturday, February twenty-first (21st),
1920, at which will be submitted to the qual
ified voters of said county tlitr questions of
whether bonds shall tie issued by said Atkin
son county in the sum ol one hundred and
fifty thousand (8150,000.00) dollars, for the pur
pose of raising funds to acquire a site and
erect and equip a court house, and to acquire
d site and erect and equip a jail in and for the
said county, and to grade and pave roads in
said county, the said bonds to lie divided as
Ronds in the aggregate primclpal sum of
sixty thousand <380,000.00) dollars, the pro
ceeds of which shall be applied alone to the
acquiring a site and erecting and (‘quipping a
court house, I>aid bonds to he known as
“Court House Ronds:” to be of the denomin
ation of one thousand (81.000.U0) collars each;
to be numbered from one (l) to sixty ((«)) in
clusive: tile'principal of said bonds to mature
and be paid as follows: \
Two** thousand <*2,000.00) dollars of said
bonds to mature on the fifteenth (l&th) day of
December, nineteen hundred and twenty
(1920), and two thousand (*2,000.00) dollars to
mature on the fifteenth (15t.1i) day of Decom
ber of each year t hereafter, to and including
the year nineteen hundred and forty-nine
(1949), so that all of said bonds shall mature
and lie fully paid off within thirty i'll < years
from their date of Issue:
Rond.; in the aggregate principal sum of fif
teen thousand (815.000.00) dollars, the proceeds
of which shall be applied alone to acquiring a
sitq and erecting and equipping a Jail, said
bonds to he known as "Jail. Hons”: to be of
the denomination of live hundred (*500.00)
dollars each: to be numbered from one (1) to
thirty (J(H inclusive: and the principal of said
bonds to mature and be paid as follows:
Five hundred (8500.00) dollars of said
bonds to mature on the fifteenth (15th) day of
December, nineteen hundred and twenty
(1920), and live hundred 1*500.00] dollars to
mature on the 1 15th' day of December of each
year thereafter to and including the year
nineteen hundred and forty-nine (1949). so
that all of said bonds shall mature and be ful
ly paid off within thirty 'HOi years from their
date of issue.
Ronds in the aggregate principal sum of
seventy-live thousand ($75,000.00] dollars, the
proceeds of which shall be applied alone to
grading and paving roads tn said county, said
bonds t" ' < k v i as “Hoad Ronds”: sixty
[Bo] of said bonds to he of the denomination of
one thousand 1*1.000.00] dollars each, and
thirty [JOI of Bald bonds to be of denomina
tion of five hundred |-*500.00] dollars each: to
be numbered from one [t]to[9o] inclusive, and
the principal of said bonds Lo mature and ho
paid as follows:
Twenty-five hundred [52500.00] dollars on
t lie* fifteenth 115th] day ol December, nineteen
hundred and twenty [1920], and twenty-five
hundred [.*2500.00] dollars on the fifteenth
I 15th] day of December of each your thereaf
ter, t<> and Including the year nineteen hun
dred and forty-nine [ 1949], so that all of said
bonds shall mature and he fully paid off with
in thirty |;«>i years from their date of Issue.
AII of said bonds shall bear date ns of March
fifteenth j 15th |. nineteen hundred and twenty
11920]; shall bear interest from date at the
rate of five [s] per centum per annum, paya
ble semi annually on the fifteenth Doth) days
of .1 une and I >eccinher of each year, except in
n-rest for the first nine [9] months alter date,
\: 1 Hell shall be payable on December 15th.
1920, according to coupons lo he attached to
said bonds, both principal and interest to he
payable In gold coin of the United states ol
A mericu at some financial institution in the
< ity of Nt/w York, and State <»f New 5 oi k, the
first coupon on each bond to represent the In
terest for nine |9j months.
Those desiring lo vote In favor of the issu
anee of said < 'ourt House Rondssliaildo so by
easting ballots having written or printed
I hereon t he words “For < 'ourt House Ronds”;
and those desiring to vote against the issu
ance of said < 'ourt I louse Ronds shall do so by
easting ballots having written or printed
thereon flic words “Against Court House
l tonds.”
J hose desiring to vote In favor of the issu
ance of said Jail Ronds shall do so hy casting
uallots having written or printed thereon the
words “For Jail Ronds”; and those desiring
to vote against the issuance of said Jail
Ronds shall do so by casting ballots having
written or printed thereon the words "Against
Jail Ronds.”
Those desiring to vote In favor of the issu
ance of said Road Ronds shall do so hy casting
ballots having written.or planted thereon the
words "For Road Ronds”: and those desiring
to vote against the issuance of said Road
Ronds shall do so by casting ballots having
written or printed thereon Die words "Against
Road Ronds.”
'The polls will be open-fit all voting or elec
tion precincts within the limits of the < ’ounty
oi Atkinson, for voting at said election.
Tills the stii day of January. 1920.
JKFF KlltK RAN I). Chairman.
DA VK \V K A'i 11 KRS.
Hoard of Commissioners of Jtoads and Reve
nues of Atkinsofr County, Georgia.
Hoard of CommlKtloners of Roads and Reve
nues of Atkinson < ’ouniy, < Jeorgia.
Administrator's Sale.
< ;K< )RG I A—-A tk inson County.
Under and by virtue of an oyder of the <-ourt
of ordinary of Coffee county, granted at Che
February Term, 1920, will lie sold before the
court house* door 111 said county, at Pearson,
between the legal hours of sale, on the first
Tuesday In March, 192;., to the highest bid
der for cash, the following property, to-wit:
Five 'sj acres, more or less, of Rot of
No. Fifteen (15T. In th< Seventh ( T) Rand Dis
trict of Atkinson county, hounded North by
publld road. Last by l;md of R. R, Sutton and
South and West by or.ginal land lines. Also
thirty '><)) acres, more or less, of Rot of Rand
Mo. Fifteen < 15/, in the Seventh (7) Rand Dis
trict of Atkinson county*Georpia, hounded
North hy Land ; .'.ii.s. \v. T. Dickerson and
original land line. Fast by land of Jessie A.
Sutton, South hy land of R. li. Sutton and on
the West by original laud tine. Sold as the
property of the estate of J. S, Roberts, late of
said county, deceased, for the maintenance
and education of the minor children of said
J. S. Roberts,
J. Wesley Roberts, Administrator.
Citation for Letters of Guardianship.
< :K< >R<44A —Atkinson County.
To all whom it may concern: Jennie L. Gas
kin having applied for Guardianship of the
person and property of benjamin F. Summer
lin. Jr.. Runatic, child of Benjamin F. Sum
merlin. Sr., of said county, notice is given
that said aplication will be heard at my office
at 10 o'clock, a. m., on the first Monday in
March next. 'This February 2nd, 1920.
J. Wesley Roberts, ordinary.
Legal Advertisements
Petition to Sell Land for Reinvestment.
< i K( )ltG IA —A tkiuson County.
After four Peeks’ notice, pursuant to Sec
tion 3005 of tin- Civil Code (1910). a petition, of
which a true and correct copy Is subjoined,
will be presented to the Honorable R. G.Dick
erson, Judge of tU<• Superior Court, at Cham
bers, Homervllle, Georgia, on the 2lstdayof
February, 1920. <p.\ i>i< KR.
< I K(>RG l A —Atkinson < ’ounty.
To the Honorable R. G. Dickerson, Judge of
the Superior < ’ourt of said county:
The petition of G. (!. Parker shows:
That he is the guardian of Koufse and G. G.
Parker, Jr., having been heretofore duly ap
pointed as such guardian.
That he desires to sell for reinvestment at
private sale the following property, the same
being a portion of the property of his said
wards, to-wit: Onk-Sixteentii d-i(») undivi
ded interest in the Mary He Donald estate,
consisting of the following lands in the Sev
enth (7) laud district of said county: All of
lots of land numbers* 10. r,:,. * in d all of lot num
ber 80 except a square tract of 50 acres lying
in the southeast corner: all of lot number 85
except 8 acres, more or less, in the northeast
corner, and 25 acres, more or less. In the
southwest corner, said land in lot number 85
being bound on the north by the right-of-way
of the At lant ie (‘oast Une I tail road i ’ompany;
8 acres, more or loss, in the southwest corner
of lot 'number 54, the same being all of lot 54
south of said railroad, except 1 acre owned by
said railroad and 3 acres formerly owned by
A. R. Prescott.
Said property pays only about fifty dollars
per annum Income, which is aeout two per
cent, of Its actual value, and is situated at a
great and Inconvenient distance from the
residence of said wards. Petitioner desires to
invest the proceeds of such sale in other farm
lands, nearer to and better suited to the use
af said wards.
Petitioner shows that notice of It Rs inten
tion to make this application lias been pub
lished once a week for four weeks in Pearson
I rlhune, the paper tn which 'County adver
tisements are usually published, as ret mired
by law. G. < i. Paukkb.
Subscribed and sworn to before me. this the
20th day of December, 1919.
Wiley M. Si mn kr. ( Jerk
Superior Court. Atkinson county. < la.
Notice to the Registered Qualified Voters of the
City of Pearson, Georgia:
You are hereby noticed that on the 28ih day
of February, 1920, an election will he held in
said City, at which will he submitted to tho
qualified voters, for their determination, tin?
questions whether bonds shall be issued by
said City in the aggregate sum of thirty thou
sand (*30.000.00] dollars, principal to be divid
ed as follows:
Ronds In the aggregate principal sum of ten
thousand ]*10,000.00! dollars for the purposed!
providing funds in that amount with which
to purchase, equip and ,establish a system of
Kleetrlc Rights in said < ity. to he designated*
and known as "Kleetrlc Right. Ronds,"
Ronds in the aggregate principal sum of
twenty thousand [520,000.00] dollars, for the
purpose of providing funds hi that, amount
with which to purchase, equip and establish
a system of [Water Works for said City, to ho
designated and known as “Water Works
Said Kleetrlc Right Ronds shall he number
ed from one 111 to ten | 10] inclusive, and said
Water Works Bonds shall bf* numbered from
leven (111 to thirty [3o] Inclusive.
AH of said bonds shall hear date of March
2nd, nineteen hundred and twenty (1920], and
shall he in denomination of one thousand
|>'1,000.00) dollars each, and shall bear Interest
at the rate ol five <sj per centum per annum,
payable sclni-annualiy on the first days of
March and September In each year; and the
principal of said Kleetrlc Right Ronds shall
become due and payable as follows:
SIOOO on the first day of March, 1921.
31000 on the first day of March, 1922.
SIOOO on the first day of March, 1923.
3100 ft on the first da.v of March, 1924.
SIOOO on the first day of March, 1925.
*IOOO on t he first day of March, 1920.
31000 on the first day of March, 1927.
31000 on the first dny/ot March, 1928.
*IOOO on the first daj/of March, 1929.
*IOOO on the lirst day of March, 1930.
Tlx principal of: aid Water Works Ronds
shall become due and payable as follows:
*IOOO on the first day of March, 1931.
SIOOO on Die lirst day of March, 1932.
SIOOO on Die first day of March, 1933.
SIOOO on the first day of March, 1934.
>lj:oo on the lirst day of March, 1935.
*IOOO on tlip first day of March, 1930.
*4OOO on the lirst day of March, UtlT.
*IOOO on the first (lay of March, 1938.
31000 on Die first day of March, 1939.
*IOOO on Die first day of March, 1940.
*IOOO on the lirst day of March, 1941.
*IOOO on the lirst day of March, 1942.
*looo on the first day of March, 1943.
SIOOO on the first day of March. 1944.
*tooo on the first day of March, 1945,
*3OOO on the first day of March, 19411,
SIOOO on the first day of March, 1917,
SIOOO on Die first day of March, 1948.
*IOOO on the lirst day of March, 1949.
*IOOO on the first day of March, 1950,
So that all of said bonds shall mature and bo
fully paid off within thirty (30) years from
their date of Issue,
The principal and interest of said bonds
shall be payable in gold coin of the United
states of America of the present standard of
weight and fineness, at some financial Insti
tution in the city of New York, and State of
New York.
Those desiring to vote for said Kleetrlc
Uent Ronds shall do so by casting ha!lota
having written or printed thereon the words
"For Kleetrlc Right Ronds,” and those deslr
lug to vote against said Electric Right Ronds
shall do so by casting ballots having written
or printed thereon the w ords "A gainst Klec
tiie Right Ronds.”
Those desiring to vote for said Water Works
Ronds shall do so by casting ballots having
written or printed thereon the words “For
Water Works Ronds.”| and those desiring to
vote against said Water Works Ronds shall
do so by easting ballots having written or
printed thereon the words “Against Water
works Ronds.”
The place of holding said election shall be
at the Justice Court house, in Pearson. Geor
gia, and the polls will he open from 0 o’clock
a. m. until ({o’cloc k p. tu.
All persons duly registered In accorndace
with the Ordinances of said City of Pearson,
and otherwise qualified to vote, shall be
qualified to vote. In tills election, and only
those registered and qualified will be allow ed
to vote.
Said election wiH be held under the same
rules and regulations as govern elections for
officers In said County.
J*:ke Kirkland, Mayor,' of the (’ity o
Pearson, Georgia.
g. il. minolkoouee. Clerk of the City ol
earsoiL Georgia.