Pearson tribune. (Pearson, Ga.) 191?-1955, November 05, 1920, Image 3
LOOK, WHOJS HERE ? The Stroud Electric Company WAYCROSS, GEORGIA, Is doing House Wiring in Pearson. See our agent, Mr. B. T. Allen, at the Tribune office, for prices. WE CARRY A Complete Stock of Electric Fixtures AND IRONS. Cthf unit County Rev. W. W. Webb, of Hahira, representing the Peanut Grower’s Association, was in the city Tues day and Wednesday. Rub-My-Tism is a powerful anti septic: it kills the poison caused from infected cuts, cures old sores, tetter, etc. Miss Eugenia Allen spent the past week with relatives and friends at Valdosta and Madison, l'la., and enjoyed her visit very much. The school teachers will all spend next week at their respective homes, enjoying the comradeship of relatives and friends. They had to vacate during Atkinson super ior court. The latest bulletin for the Cen sus Bureau, Department of the In terior, gives a comparative state nient of the number of bales of cotton ginned in Atkinson county at the date of October 25, 1920, at 091 bales as against -197 in 1919. Mr. W. W. Browning has side stepped the “Art Preservative” for a more agreeable (t) task of being a private secretary at a Dry Goods Emporium. His former coufereres w ish he may continue to be pleased with the new situa tion. Mr. Leon Summerlin, of Sanford, Fla., was in the city Tuesday look ing after his interest in the estate of his grandmother, Mrs. Elizabeth Kirkland. The realty belonging to the estate was being sold by the administrators, Jeff and S. T. Kirk land. Burglars entered the store of Mr. X. E. Harrell Tuesday night and helped t hemselves to his stock of goods. The parties engaged in the loot had a ear in which to car ry off their booty. Mr. Harrell misses from $75 to SIOO worth of merchandise. Misses Etta White and Edna Meeks returned to Valdosta Mon day to resume their studies at the South Georgia State Normal Col lege. They enjoyed' their stay at home among relatives and friends. To them it will seem a long time until Christinas, when they can come home again. The "Box Social” at the Red Bluff school house will be tomor row Saturday) nigbt instead of tonight, as published last week. The Tribune regrets its error in the time; however, be on hand to morrow nigbt at the Red Bluff school bouse. Madam Goodcheer will be present and. pleased to meet you. Pearson High School will have a vacation next week, having to suspend and turn the building over to Judge Dickerson and bis Atkinson superior court. The sus pension is a drawback to the school,"and everybody concerned will be glad when the court busi ness can be transacted at the per manent court bouse. Mr. Levi Mancil was in the city Tuesday. He is located near Lake Monroe. Fla. Lake Monroe, the town’s namesake, is a part of the St, John river and is practically the head of navigation of that wonderful stream which flows north for an outlet into the At lantic ocean. Levi has turned to truc k farming and seems to be sat isfied with his new' surroundings. He is interested in the closing up of his mother's estate. Sunday-School Convention. The Atkinson County Sunday School Association held a District Quarterly meeting in the School building at Axson last Sunday. Owing to funeral exercises in the morning it, was late when the convention was called to order. Hon. John D. Paulk, president of the County Association, presided. As the preliminary exercises had been concluded, the meeting took a recess for the noon repast —a splendid basket dinner served on the ground. The afternoon session was speci ally interesting. The program was taken up and as many of the topics discussed as possible in the short time of the session. The splendid addresses of Cols. G. 11. Minglcdorlf and T. S. Winn have met with the most favorable com meat. The people of Axson generally are pleased wit h the meeting and it is expected that great, good w ill grow out of it. There is no church or Sunday-School at \xsou now. but some of the citizens have been awakened to the necessity of doing something for the honor and glory of God and the eternal welfare of the people, old and young, of that community. An earnest effort will be made to organizc’amd conduct a Sunday School there, using the school-house until a church build ing can be erected. The building that was erected for tin 1 purpose of a Methodist church has been sold to Mr. J. 11. King who says he will convert it into a residence. A new church will be built under the auspices of a number of Mis sionary Baptists residing in that community, aided by interested friends. Legal Sales Day. Last Tuesday was a busy day around the court house door, where the legal sales vjere being made. The sales were by Administrators in the effort to close up the ('states of the dead. Mr. Hiram Mancil, as Adminis trator of the estate of his mother. Mrs. Elizabeth Mancil, sold the realty to Mrs. Missouri McDonald for the sum of $1,500. The prop erty was know n as the home place of the late Hiram Mancil, Sr. The real estate belonging t o the late Mrs. Elizabeth Kirkland was sold by the Administrators, Messrs. Jeff and S. T. Kirkland. Then' were several thousand acre.-em braced in this sale. The estate was free from debt, and most of the property was bid in for the heirs; one lot of 490 acres was bid in by Mr. M. M. Widdens. It lays in the Roundabout swamp, and valuable only for the timber. The entire sale amounted to $25,855. 666 has more imitations than any other CHILL AND FEVER TONIC on the market, but no one wants imitations They are dangerous tilings In the medi cine line— Adv. Mr. Lupo, of Douglas, a profes sional house mover, is in the city engaged in moving the Douglass old residence, in the eastern sub urbs of the city, now owned by- Mr. William Smith, back one hun dred or more feet from the railroad right-of-way. It is Mr. Smith's purpose to remodel, thoroughly re pair and repaint the old building, which is in a fine state of preserv ation. He also intends to beauti fy and build up the place for a fu ture home for himself and family. PEARSON TRIBUNE. PEARSON, GEORGIA, NOVEMBER 5, 1920 Quarterly Conference. The fourth quarterly conference of the Pearson charge will convene at Pearson Methodist church on Saturdaj November 13th, 1920. Preaching by Rev. E. F. Morgan at 11:00 o'clock a. m. Dinner on the ground, quarterly conference at 2:30 p. m. All official members of the charge are urged to be pres ent. Come bring your baskets and lets spend the day in interest of God’s Kingdom. W. C. Rahn, Pastor. Marriage Licenses. During the past month the mat rimonial market was not brisk as to w hite people, as only one license was issued during the month, ac cording to the record, for the mar riage of w hite people —Willie Har rell and Elizabeth Anderson. However, the matrimonial idea was rather strong among the color ed folks. Licenses were issued for marriage of the following couples: Ellick Williams and Dbcinda Green, Steve Smith and Mary Thomas. Will Williams and Rena Jones. Ralph Young and Ada Coffee, Frank Johnson and Bettie Thomas. Early Morning Blaze. Last Sunday morning, just before daylight, an alarm of fire was sounded and investigation disclos ed that the fiend was rapidly will ing out the residence of Judge George W. Sweat. The origin on the fire unknown; the family were all asleep and luckily escaped without injury. The building and contents were a total loss. It, is understood there is a policy of insurance of a small amount. Mr. Sweat will not, re build as he expects to move to Florida the first of tiie year. The lire occurred at an hour when everybody were wrapped in sleep, and many of the citizens knew nothing of the fire until told about it after breakfast time. Only a few of the near neighbors ans wercil t he alarm. More Elections. The year, 1920, has surely been a year of elections and the end is not, yet. On the first Saturday in De cember the people must elect a Justice of the Peace and two cons table- in every Militia District in Georgia, lathe 1130th, or Pear s<m, district, the election of a suc cessor to Judge George W. Sweat, who will soon move to Florida. There is a vacancy in the office of Justice of tlie Peace in Ihe 1026th, or Willacoochec, district. Two constables should be elected in all t li i ce of i he (list riots —Axson, Pear son and Wiliaeoocliee. Thou on the second Tuesday in December the city of Pearson will will elect three eouneilmen in place of those whose time expire. The city of Wiliaeoocliee will hold her municipal election on the first Saturday following the second Monday in December. Wiiiaeoo eliee w ill elect entirely new Mayor and council and also members of Lhe Board of Education. STRAY ED —One black and white spoiled gilt about a year old. Marked crap and split in both ears. Return to Carey Me- Neal, and I will satisfy you for your trouble. GET MORE BUTTER. Mrs. Hattie Meeee of Glenn, Mis souri, says: ”1 was not making enough butter from my cow's milk production for a family of two. After using Dr. LcGear’s Slock Powders a short time, she gave a half gallon more milk a day, and a pound of butter a day. Dr. LeGear’s Stock Powders give to milk cows just what is needed to keep the digestive organs in proper condition, so that they get the most possible good from their feed. Give equally wonderful re sults when used for horses, hogs, and sheep, because fliey are a ton ic, appetizer and worm expeller. It matters not what ailment you may have among your stock or poultry, it will pay you to get the proper Dr. LeGear’s Remedy from your dealer. They are the Doctor’s personal prescriptions, compounded during his 28 years of Veterinary Practice and Expert Poultry Breed ing. They must satisfy you. of your dealer will refund your mon ey. —Advertisement. Hopkins News-Letter. Mrs. D. J. Pearson of near Pear son, spent the week-end here with her daughter, Mrs. Geo. Bazemore. Mr. Otto Friday has resigned as paymaster of the Twin Tree Lum ber Company and accepted a posi tion at Bartow, Fla. Mrs. J. W. Pearson and children of Atkinson county visited Hop kins Saturday and Sunday, guests of her mother, Mrs. R. A. Pafford. Elder Strickland, a youn Mis sionary Baptist preacher, of Way cross, filled his regular appoint ment, here last Sunday and Sunday night. Hopkins has bad several new families to move in recently, and they seem to be fine folks. Some of them attend church and Sunday school. Misses Clara Moore and Gather ino Wheeler, who are attending college at Valdosta, visited home folks here last week. The girls say flie school is fine but the boys are exceedingly scarce. On account of the decrease in prices of lumber the Tw in Tree Lumber Company lias been forced to lay off a good many men. We hope all of them will find good jobs somewhere and do well. The Hopkins school, with Misses Carter and Singletary as teachers, s doing excellent work. There is also an interesting Sunday school here with Mr. R. A. Pafford for superintendent. Prayer meeting every Sunday night. Dr. Armisted had a task (with Edison Pafford to assist him) sew ing up the gashes made by a razor on the anatomy of a Negro man. Sunday morning. Edison says he doesn’t, particularly like surgical work, but I guess he will get more acquainted with it, it he slays in Hopkins any length of time. Edison Pafford, of Jones' Island, where he was cheeking time for the Twin-Tree Lumber Company, has accepted a position with the Armisted Drug Company and mak ing his home with Mrs. It. A. Pal ford. Edison likes the change and Hopkins’ folks likes him and are pleased to have him as a citizen. Joe Pafford left the Armisted Drug Company at Hopkins to ae cept the position of salesman for the Young Robertson Drug Com patty at Way cross. He is making his home Avith the Misses Pafford. daughters of Rev. and Mrs. E. M. I’alford, who have been left alone by the death of their parents, tin mother dying two months ago. Rux. 666 quickly relieves Constipa tion, Biliousness. Loss of Appetite and Headaches, due to Torpid Liv er. —Adv. Arnie Locals. Mr. Son Lot made a business trip to Douglas last Tuesday. Miss Emma McGovern is on the sick list. Her friends wish for her a speedy recovery. Mrs. 11. M. Spivey and (laughter, Lucy, attended to business in Pear son last Saturday, and enjoyed the trip very much. Mr. and Mrs. Owen Spivey, of Douglas, were welcome visitors at home of Mr. If. M. Spivey last Sunday afternoon. Two young gentlemen visited the same young lady Sunday even ing. The young lady would have preferred a smaller audience. Arnie school continues to grow in the number of pupils in attend anee. An increased interest is be ing manifested by all concerned. Mr. Barney McGovern has re turned home from Moultrie, and bis many friends are very glad to have him back in the community. A crowd from this community attended the Georgia-Florida Fair, at Valdosta, and was great ly pleas ed. They pronounced it “Simply Grand.” Messrs. Dewey IjOtl and Hoke O'Steen came over to Sunday- School last Sunday afternoon but, did not tarry long. "Come again boys when you haven’t so long to stay.” Pick-A-800. GIFTS FOR ALL (TOONS CHRISTMAS Is nearly here and if you want the cream of selec tions you must SHOP EARLY. A few suggestions IN JEWELRY; WATCHES, WATCH CHAINS, BROOCHES, LAVLIERRIES, CUFF BUTTONS, PEARL NECKLACES, STICK PINS, CAMEO GOODS, RINGS, KNIVES. Our stock is very complete and we will putari le any article you may select and make a payment ca. MAIL ORDERS AND CORRESPONDENCE SGLICiia MOOR’S JEWELRY STORE, The Gift Store, TIFTON, Phone 250 GEORGIA. New Bethel. Mr. and Mrs. N. A. Corbitt were Welcome visitors at the home of Mr. F. F. Fender iust: Sunday. Miss Lizzie Summerlin, of Sunny- Side. spent last week with her un de, Mr. Doll Clement, in this com m unity. Mr. John Williams and family, of mar Millwood, visited relatives in this community last, Friday, Saturday and Sunday. Mr. Grover Kirkland and Misses Betsy Moore and Jessie Newborn, of Sunny-Side, were guests at, the home of Mr. Dan Fussell last Sun day. Miss Bessie Kigbt., of this com munity, visited her parents, who live near Douglas, Georgia, last, Saturday and Sunday. They were pleased at her homecoming. Mr. XV. T. Fussell, who lives a short distance south of New Bethel, while out hunting last week killed a monster rattlesnake, that had twenty-two rattles. Mr. Fussell had stepped over the big reptile beiore lie saw it. lie was lucky not, to have been bitten. Miss Lora Fussell entertained the young folks of this community with a social party last, Saturday night. Among (hose pre-sent were Misses Betsy Moore, Jessie New ATTENTION LADIES! We are now receiving a splendid assortment of FALL AND WINTER MILLINERY And ;. it the Ladies of Pearson and Atkinson county are invited to call and examine our Line, of Goods. V/e can give you good values for your money. GARRETT & DOUGLASS 4 Next door to N. E. Harrell, PEARSON, GEORGIA. MONEY TO LOAN On Farm Lands at a Low Rate of Interest. jjMß*’See us before contracting DICKERSON £ MMGIEOGRFF, tijr™ V elsewhere. Pearson, Georgia. T° THE PUBLIC! S beg to announce to the public that I have moved to the Sutton building, where I have larger quarters, and am better prepared to serve you in Cleaning, Dyeing, Mending and Pressing your clothes and mak ing them look as good as new clothes. I endeavor to give entire satisfaction to my customers. Yours to serve you promptly, 29-1 m. LEWIS SPEED. PEARSON SHOE HOSPITAL Say, bring all of your OLD SICK SHOES And have them made well and good as new. Best materials used in all work. SHOP IN REAR. COX BARBER SHOP. Order Adjcurning Superior Court. Georgia-—Atkinson county. The regular term of Atkinson superior court, to convene in revuiar session on the fourth Monday in October, 1920, is. upon order <>i Hie Court, hcnb.v adjourned until the second Monday in November. 1920, this action being taken and order passed oil ac count of t-lu criminal term of ( .»UY .superior court being: In session on the fourth Monday in October, thereby conflictlug; wit It Atkinson superior court, for the reason that: various members of the bar of Colin county are Inter • e.-ited In litigation In Atkinson superior court. Let this order be spread upon the Minutes of the (Jourt. K. (l. Dickerson,'e Superior Courts, A tapaha Circuit. This (K’tober 15 1920. Hotice cf Dissolution. Georg i a—-Atkinson ■County. We. as partners in the practice of law, have this day agreed mutually to dissolve said partnership, G. 11. Minirledortf prnoticing; for himself and W. T. Dickerson practicing: for himself. Clients tan employ either, but wiihoul partnership obligations as we are part ners no longer. DICKERSON A- M!Ni;LKI)OmO'\ G6S cures Malaria, Chilis and Fever, Bhiils and Fever, Colds add LaCJippe. It kills the parasite that taiiscs the fever. IT IS A SPLENDID LAXATIVE AND GENER AL TONIS—Adv. born, Dainoy Simians, Jessie Cor bitt, and Lizzie Summerlin, and Messrs. Henry Tanner, Algerine and Jim Suuunetlin, Grover Kirk land, Sou Corbitt, Bailey Kirkland, Cleaman Simians, Boy and Fulton Fender, Carroll Register, Henry Thomas, Silas White, Joe Mancil and Avenor i touglass.