Pearson tribune. (Pearson, Ga.) 191?-1955, December 24, 1920, Image 2
|Jtw£on Zvvmm PUBLISHED WEEKLY. I?. T. ALLEN. I'Mitor. Kdiiibe' llt’i District Press Association ftteiritoftH t!w Ga-ji -ia Press Association Subsn'fptto/j prli'o, vl.r,(in . f -.v.v in advance. A'tlveft-taincf rates five 1!V ral n i l \v!f! be made known on appHca ion. 1 .uiui. i atlhe i'•■>sto;!iec* in L'cmphou, Georgia Ah mull matter of if* • xecortd clam:. MERRY CHRISTMAS. The people of Atkinson Cuuulj are approaching the holiday sciLson very (pjietly and soberly. Their experiences for the past year have been such as tend to mollify and tone them down to a paee more in keeping with the sit nation and gem# al business affairs. The year, 15)20, now fast approach jrig its end, has not been a very propitious one for those engaged in auy line of business —and especially is this true of the farmer; the ex cessive rain in the win ter and spring militated against his properly seed ing ami cultivating his crops, and forced a short harvest. Then the shrinkage of prices came and stop ped the demand for farm products. So the close of the year finds every body waiting and watching to see what is to be the end of the trans ition. With all the untoward events of the year the people of Atkinson county hav# noL lost courage. They have always found a way out of their difficulties with little or no damage, and are quietly work ing and waiting for a satisfactory adjustment. Creditors are waiting with all patience, and every finan- cial forces are assisting in restoring confidence and saving the people from disaster. lienee, The Tribune can say, un hesitatingly, that the close of (lie year, 15)20, finds Atkinson county people in a cheerful mood, ready to enjoy the Yulelide festivities joyfully and can sing with the angels —"Glory to Cod in the high est, peace on earth and good will to men.” The Tribune has had a fairly successful year in 15)20. It is true, owing to the high cost of material and‘labor, the profits have been short, as is true with all other lines of business. Prices had to be boosted for subscriptions, ad vertising and job printing in order to break even with the situation. That is all now in the past aqd the Tribune is in a splendid humor to bid its patrons, one and all, a Merry Christinas. May they all enjoy the season with sanity and to the fullest extent. Tom Hardwick's Bolslievic friend, Martens, has been ordered deported from America by com missioner of agriculture, Wilson. l)o Georgians feel honored with Hardwick as their Governor.’ Nay, verily. “A sad contemplation,” says sen alor Walsh, “that the United Slates' wallet is as flat as a pancake just now and the rest of the world is setting up in the poor house. The staid old Senator grows more facetious as he grows older. You may have been (lie victim of misplaced confidence at some period in your life, but that is no reason you should be a grouch and destroy your confidence in your fellowsand your institutions, .lust at this time a display of this lack of confidence can put every bank in Georgia out of business, because none of them are in posit ion to pay their depositors on call. They may liavtigill edge and ample security for every loan made and be perfectly solvent; still they can't collect out standing loans just at this time al though they may be past due, and place themselves in position to withstand a run for their money by depositors. This was true of the Berrien County Bank, The .lesup Banking Company, The Citi zens Bank of Oeilla. and others that had to pass through, a most rigid inspection by representatives of the State Banking Department. The depositors of these banks have illustrated by their action t he great damage they can do by being hasty and unwise. Their money was just as safe in these banks as it could have been anywhere. Harmony Grove New*. Miss Edna Fredrick ie spending the holidays with Miss Estelle Morris. Miss Beulah Roberts will spend the holidays with friends at Brox. tou. Many good wishes to the Editor and readers of the Tribune for a deny (Tiristmas and a happy New Year. BATTEN-DO UTHIT. Miss Melissa Batten and Mr. Clinton Talmadge Douthit were married at the borne of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Batten, Sunday morning at 10 o’clock. Rev. Tom Matthews performed the ceremony in the presence of the im mediate families and a few friends The bride is a lovely young wo man who numbers her friends by the scores. The groom is a success ful young farmer aud since moving into this county have made scores of friends among the young people. Mr. and Mrs. Douthit have the best wishes of their many friends for a bright and happy future. Mr. and Mrs. M. D. Douthit en tertained at a six o'clock dinner Sunday night in honor of the wed ding party —Mr. and Mrs. C. T. Douthit. Covers were laid for sev- en. The (aide was decorated in red and green. A delightful menu was served by Mrs. Douthit assist ed by Mrs. Thomas Kennedy. Those seated at the bride's table were Mr. M. D. Doutbil, Mr. and Mrs. C. T. Douthit, Mr. Earl 1 tout hit aud Miss Mary Anne Kennedy, Mr. Leslie Rogers and Miss Lctitia Batten. Others present were Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Rogers. Mr. and Mrs. ,f. M. Batten, Mr. and Mrs. Pasco Morris, Misses Estelle Morris and Edna Fredrick. Stranger. Harmony Grove Dot*. Here 1 come again ! Miss Edna Fedrtek is at home now for her Christmas vacation. Mr. M. W, Wheeler made a bus iness trip to Douglas last Wednes day- Mr. and Mrs. Rind McKinnon spent Saturday night at the home of Mr. John W. Stewart. Mrs. ,f. C. Smith and children, of Kiln, Mississippi, is visiting her mother, Mrs. J. T. Wheeler. The musical entertainment at Mr. Monroe Carver's was enjoyed* l>y all those who were present. The dance at Mr. Bond Davis's Wednesday night was enjoyed by a lai •ge crowd. Give us another Mr. I )avis. Mrs. S. 1). Sturgis and little girl are visiting at tin- home of her mother, Mrs. John W. Stewart and family. Mr. and Mrs. I„ !>. \bell, of near Kirkland, were pleasant visitors Saturday and Sunday at the home of Mr. aud Mrs. M. W. Wheeler. Miss Lena Stewart called to see Miss Minnie Lou Wheeler lasi Sun day and she was gone. Como again Lena, and she will be at home. Mr. Walter Shepard, of Enigma, Ga., called by to see Miss Minnie Lou Wheeler Thursday afternoon, on his way to South Carolina, where he will make his home the coming year. Mr. John W. Stewart made up his sirup at Mr. John Vickers the past week. Miss Minnie Lou and Mr. Tom Wheeler called over dur ing the time and enjoyed them selves very much. A wedding of much interest was that of Miss Melissa Batten and Mr. Clinton Douthit last Sunday morning at 9:30 o'clock. We hope for them a pleasant married life and they have our best wishes and sincere friendship. We are very sorry to hear of the serious illness of Mr. Norman SDef ile r, who is in the Valdosta hospi tal to undergo an operation for ap pendicitis but we learn he iv im proving some and hope he will soon be at home with us again. There was a very large crowd to take dinner at the home of Miss y BAR RON TRIBUNE. PEARSON, GEORGIA, DECEMBER 24. 1020 °\ A FEW SUGGESTIONS. ? Gold Filled from SI.OO to 35.00 \ '&r\ * I > Sterling Silver fren, $2.00 to $2.25. && arf Pins in Gold aad Gold Filled. Bslt Buckles in j a f I Silver. $4.00 stone rings, — to mm b :™ ncs . WWm i“ S _ B l !t __ v $825.00. bar"P,NS, KHU . j> ■ ‘ CmhsMm* fc&jjggjf ! Msi And a Large Selection of all Kinds. - v c • '3a- j 1 - *——— Gold and Gold-Killed—All Pru-i-j. fbjf . r- jj-jMw . erne 1 ‘ My Headquarters Sets, Etc. . 1 Tnm !"' ,t ' 1,01,1,J bl jt'on *°r you to Choo*e from. -«* ‘ BOOKS: Popular priced fiction by Popular Authors, at the Pm hi. price of >1 p.-i -,, r y Fr boys [ and nil is of all Moor’s Jewelry Store * Tilton. Georgia. ! ■ * TOSt'Wt V. .. .A- -•- »irw ■ ■—■■■mi 11 . - - - F.-'i-ellc Morris In* •iund.'.y. Those present wCrc Misses Blamiie and Pearl Roberts. Daisy Brooker, Eu ntha and Minnie Purvis. Alice and Matilda Carver and Minnie Lon Wheeler, aud Messrs. Riley Joyce, Luejus Guthrie, Net h Thompson, Reason Morris, William Metis aud Parley Summerlin. Two Bi.Ce Eves. New Bethel. The people of this community are busy killing hogs. Miss Lora Fussell invited the young folks to a sing at her home Sunday afternoon. Only a few at tended. » Miss Painy Simians and Mr. Jim Summerlin having, "agreed to discharge," W. M. may now come hack and get his place, lio-110. Last Friday night Misses Ben lah and Willie Mae White enter taint'd the young people with a candy pulling. Those present were Misses Lora Fussell, Putney Sir mans, Jineoy Wood, Tbetus Mam-il and Bessie Kignt, and Messrs. Kjlas White, Afgeruie Summerlin, Homer Corbitt, Elisha Moore. Floyd Corbitt. Jeff Sutton, Jim Summerlin. Bill Corbitt, June ! Daughter}’ and John Cook. Hope Beulah an 1 Willie will give us an other entertainment soon. The court house force have gone away to spend Christmas, to Jack sonville, Fla., aud other places. Wish them a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. INSURANCE! Is Your Premises Insured against Fire, Lightning and Tornano? If not, See HARGREAVES & TYLER, Pearson, Ga. They Represent Firstclass Companies. WINTER RESORT FARES Season 1920-21. Winter excursion tickets on sale to winter resorts in the Southeast aed to resorts in Arizona and Texas daily October 1, 11)20, to April 30, 11)20, inclusive; final return limit May 21. 15)21. Stop-overs allowed at all stations on either going or return trip, or both, within the final limit of ticket, upon application to eon due lor. For full information as to rates, schedules, etc., apply to nearest Agent or Passenger Representative. Central of Geuri.ia Railway F. J. ROBINSON. General Passenger Agent. Congresswoman Alice Robertson, who owns a restaurant down in Kansas, is selected to be the thorn in Lilt ilosh of Flic Speaker of the House and it is stated that wheu siie rises and lifts her stentorian voice and shouts “Mr. Speaker,” there will be an ague and a chat tering of teeth in the chair just be hind the desk. If the State of Georgia is to con tinue to tax the people to maintain normal schools for the training of school teachers, some method should be provided whereby there will be some assurance that the pupils from these normal schools will teach school not less than five years immediately following their graduation. It is an imposition uixm the tax payers to have to bear this burden without a guarantee of reciprocity. Something you don't have to run down to catch —a cold. r . .-ais&mM,nemumsm COME TO LANKFORD'S Dry-Goods, Ladies and Gents’ Furnishings. 35c Cheviots is now 20c a yard. 35c a d 45c Ginghams is now 20c a yard. EVERYTHING AT A LOW PRICE. THE CUT PRICE SWORD Has Cut Them All Down. LOOK, WHO JS HERE ? The Stroud Electric Company WAYCROSSj GEORGIA, Is doing House Wiring in Pearson. See our agent, Mr. E. F. Alien, at tne 1 ribune office, for prices. We carry a complete line of Electrical Fixtures and Irons. We are also prepared to do Firstclass Plumbing. ATTENTION LADIES! We are now receiving a splendid assortment of FALL AND WINTER MILLINERY And all the Ladies of Pearson and Atkinson county are invited to calf and examine our Line of Goods. We can give you good values for your money. GARRETT & DOUGLASS* Nest m-.r toy. E. Harrell, PEA RSOX, GE( )RGIA.