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ip^ar &m\ %ti\mnz
15.'J'. VLLBX. Editor.
M2inbe r 11th fiistrist Press Associate
Membar of the Georgia Press Assaciaiios
Subscription price. Sl.Ki.i year m advance.
Advertising rate arc- liberal and will lit
made known on appllec ion.
Kntercd at the Postoince In I’imnion, (Icorgln
A» mall matter ol the aecund das*.
They say they lintl it easier t<
.write J 921 than 1020. I! is funirt
what simple things some pcoph
use for buncombe.
That Mercer .Stewart noise in
Savannah is merely a "Tempest in
a Teapot." It needs no safetj
valve; it will blow over right quick
of its own accord.
Sad will be the parting on March
4tli when Hoke Smith bids good
bye to his friend, La Follottc, and
Georgia swaps him off for Tom
Watson, whom the Senate may
east out.
That "Tech State Industrial
Tour" was not a drawing card and
had to be postponed. The lies!
way to reaeli the people of Georgia
is by way of her excellent weekly
Some farmers are raising < >i<l
Ned because the price of wheat
has slumped; the consumer is raid
ing Cain because there is no slump
in the price of flour. J{oth are
really sad stories.
When William ,1. Harris and
Thomas E. Watson meet in the
United States senate chamber, will
they “speak as they pass by? I ’ol i
tics creates incongruities neither
peasant nor congenial.
The "Gold Brick” vendor haven’t
called on I’canon lately. If so, lie
or she, has not interviewed the
Tribune editor. I'liey are plying
their vocation by correspondence
and it makes a bulky mail.
Met a girl on the street who was
whistling, quoted to her the old
gag about the “Whistling woman
and the crowing hen.” “Oh,” says
she, “1 am that much of a boy."
How early they yearn for the lial)
its of men.
There is not a dry spot in all
Georgia. From the mountains to
the seaboard it is wet and getting
wetter. This governmental drain
age system is not operating as well
as expected. The boss ditchers
will now "spit on their hands” an
begin their work where they start
The order for the deportation of
Martens, according to the news
I wipers, lias touched the Nations
pulse in a tender spot. It is Hoi
shovio bosses instructed him to
withdraw all His fat contracts if
deportation is to be enforced. Mar
tons remains in America. Gold
wields a powerful! influence in the
The announcement that- Hard
ing's inaugural will consist of
privately taking the oath of office,
dispensing with the outside cere
monies, falls like a blizzard upon
those Republican flunkeys who de
sire to turn it into a celebration of
the great victory in November.
There will be *no inaugural ball,
and so forth.
Senator Hoke Smith lost the
best opportunity he ever had to
help the farmers of dear old “Jaw
jaw" when he was hobsnobbing
around with Watson and Hard
wick in the frantic effort to defeat
the Versailles treaty and league of
nations. It is generally admitted
if they had been ratified the farm
er's products would have found a
profitable market in Europe. Tne
farmers of the South are preparing
to take care of their industries
Judge Robert G. Dickerson held
'Rainer county's first superior court
this week in an improvised court
room. .There is considerable busi
ness on both the civil and criminal
dockets inherited from tb» old
counties. The Tribune man was
anxious to be present and join in
the congratulatory ceremony that
preceded the real business of the
court. It being stated that he
could not reach Milltown by auto
jnobile he gave up the trip.
The Tribune is in sympathy with
anything that has for its object the
inst illing right principles into the
boys of our country.
In the mad rush for the accumu
lation of wealth the 4 tod-given
icout masters have disappeared,
tnd their places have to be suppli
ed by a mechanical personage —
mine good, some bad and some in
-1 i fferenk
It is a sad day when parents
have lost interest in the proper
moulding of the characters of their
offspring. But that day is upon
the country. Too many children
are growing up upon the streets
and highways, acquiring habits of
idleness, frivolity, thriftlessness
and a general disregard for the
rights of others.
Viewing the situation with
alarm, the tremendous menace that
is threatening our social fabric and
even the American government
itself, leading men of the conn
try, have planned and are devel
oping a wholesome cheek upon
this tendency ol the boys of our
country, who have lost parental
guardianship and care, towards
anarchy and supreme selfishness.
Thus the organization of "The
Hoy Scouts of'America" have come
into existence, and it stands for
the protection of society and civil
government. The Tribune greatly
prefers the God-given authority
of parents to train children in the
way they should go, but if they
refuse to perform the service, if
accepts the "Hoy Scout” alterna
The principles inculcated by the
Scout Master are these: To be
trustworthy, to be loyal, to be
helpful, to be friendly, to be court
eous, to be kind, to be obedient, to
be cheerful, to be thrifty, to be
brave, to be clean, and to be rever
ent- A boy with these principles
thoroughly instilled into his mind
and heart is forever lost to Hoi .
Some of the best and most pro
minent men of the nation, includ
ing such men as W oodrow Wilson,
William 11. Taft and W illiam G.
Me Ad 00, are giving their time find
talent to this work with no hope
of reward beyond the saving of the
future generation from a situation
akin to savagery; to give the coun
try a citizenry who stand for the
triumph of truth and virtue, a
sturdy reverence for (toil and I In
laws of their country —a citizenry
in love with their free government
as planted by the fathers, patriotic
and redblooded Americans.
The Tribune sees the need of
such an organization in every-com
munity of Atkinson county. For
this reason, notwithstanding he
has his time amply occupied with
the cares of life, he has accepted
the chairmanship of Atkinson
county and will endeavor to per
feet the organization therein, as
soon as he becomes acquainted
with the work.
Atkinson county will be asso
eiated in a District Council with
the counties of Bacon, Charlton,
Clinch, Coffee, Fierce and W are,
of which Mr. C. C. Thomas, of
W ay cross is chairman.
The boyhood of our country,
conserved, prepared and equipped
for the duties of citizenship, is the
most valuable asset of the Nation,
an endurable bulwark against law
lessness in every form, a guarantee
of the perpetuation of our govern
ment and its free institution. And
how much we need the influence
and co-operation of the patriotic
and God-fearing people of our sev
eral communities in accomplishing
this gigantic task.
Prohibition is making a sturdy
race of the American people.
They can now stand up under
drinks that would have been fatal
years ago.
"In connection with the appoint
ment of a woman probat ion officer
in Decatur, the statement was
made that it was the first appoint
ment of the kind in this section.
Tift had a woman probation officer
four years ago. -find Lowndes and
we believe Colquitt and Brooks
had oue also. The work was or
ganized J>y Miss Agues McKenna
and so'long as it was under her
personal supervision it worked sat
isfaetorily,"says the Tiftou Gazette.
The state bank at. Shiloh, Ga.,
closed Wednesday, its cashier hav
ing disappeared with SIO,OOO of
its funds/
The fon owing Georgia postmast
ers have been commissioned: John
X. Allen, Edith; Grace Y. Strick
land, Manor; William P. Harrison,
Bethlehem; John W. Lancaster,
The Bradstreet Company has
opened a branch office at Valdosta,
which indicates the commercial
importance of that city. It will
be under the management of Mr.
C. W. McLendon, formerly of the
Albany office.
The mid-winter meeting of the
Georgia Prews Association will be
held m Macon next Monday, in
conflict with the meeting at Alma
of the Eleventh Restrict Associa
tion. Professional engagements
will prevent the Tribune being re
presented at Macon.
There are two prospective va
cancies on the bench of the Unit
ed States supreme eourt-vby the
retirement of Justices Day and
McKenna. In that event Hons.
Gbarle.s E. Hughes and William II
Taft will succeed them. Both arc
well equipped for these places.
The management of the Atlanta,
Birmingham and Atlantic Rail
road has announced a wage reduc
tion on February Ist, to affect
every employee of the road.
Whether the employes will resist
the cut is not definitely known,
but the consensus of opinion is
that they will, and that a walkout
will result.
The Dr. Allen sanitarium foi
lin' insane, near Millcdgoville, was
burned last Friday morning. The
more than two hundred patients
were removed from the building
without, injury. The loss
SIOO,OOO with a small insurance.
The buildings will be replaced as
quickly as possible. The patients
arc being eared for wherever suit
able apartments can be found.
Georgia S. S. Association.
Atlanta, Ga. —Dr. Henry Ed
ward Trade, Editor of Training
Publications of the American B;ip
list Public«itioii Society, Philadel
phia, has i ecu secured as a speak
er for the ieorgia Sunday School
Convention, which is to be held in
Macon, April 19, 20, 21. in pie
paring foi this convention, the
program committee have endeavor
ed to secure a number of the strong
est leaders in religions education
throughmr the United States.
Dr. Trade was founder and pres
ident for five years of the Kansas
City School of Religious Education,
recently known as the Trade
School. He left this work to take
up his present, position with the
editorial department of publica
tions of the American Baptist Pub
lication Society. I)r. Trade is
founder of Agogaand Amoua Bible
class movement. He has been a
high grade pioneer and producer
in the field of religious education.
Author of “The Teacher's School,”
“Teacher Training Essentials,"
"Sunday School Experience," and
other worth-while text-books. As
a writer and speaker he is unusual
ly virile, versatile, and of thoupht
compelling inliueiiee.
In addition to Dr. Trade, the
committee has secured Dr. William
A. Brown. Superintendent, depart
ment of Evangelism, International
Sunday School Association, Mrs.
Maud J. Baldwin, Superintendent.
Childeru's Division of the Inter
national Sunday Sehool Associa
tion. l)r. George R. Stuart, pastor
of the F’irst Methodist Church,
Birmingham, Ala., Myron C. Set
tle, General Superintendent of the
Kansas City Sunday Sehool Asso
ciation. aud Mrs. M. M. Hughes.
Elementary Superintendent of the
Conference Sunday Sehool Board
North Alabama Methodist Episco
pal Church South.
With this great array of out of
State specialists, and the large
number of Georgia leaders who
will have part on the program, it
is expected that the coming State
Convention will be the best ever
held iu the State.
A Record and
The report of the officers at the annual meeting
was a record showing that this institution is meet
ing the banking needs of all patrons and friends.
But records are made to break. So for 1921 we
pledge a greater and better service based on wider
experience, broader knowledge and expanding use
fulness to the community.
We wish our patrons and friends a New Year
made happy by a realization of cherished hopes.
We want the account and companionship of new
and congenial customers. Come with us and your
patronage will prove mutually helpful.
Pearson Banking Company,
Rear of R. R. Depot,
We are prepared to do all classes of Repair
Work wagons, buggies, log carts, automobiles—
promptly and guarantee satisfaction..
Use the Acetylene Process and can weld cop
per, brass, cast iron, steel, aluminum.
Entrust us with your work and we will give
you entire satisfaction.
Start the New Year Right!
Quick and Convenient Schedules
"Through the Land of Opportunity"
II S 7 5 M *4 4
Dally ExKu Dally Dally ' 4,s - Daily Daii I \Su Dali
PM PM AM AM (Eastern Titut PM I’M \\l I’M
-.15 I.v Vugusta >c. oDia.' \r 12.10
- . Dv ».l ■ 9:3ft
/id . ... '.ui v: Yr. it mi lilt. /• < 45
..... 10:56 M \r Mui \ ill.
. • .11:8b 72 A t . S\\ alnslwiro l.\ i
4:40 10:00 0 1.v... Millt n \r 4:_v . 835 a m
*4:13 11:33 32 I.v si 111 morn. * \r 2:47 . 8112
7:20 12:40 53 Ar VRlalia. l.v /> • 7:05
83) 3:15' IHO l.v .Douglas \r 112 H 7:2.
23 12:55 18:05 229 Ar Moultrie l.v 7:2 > i 2 . 22
... KxSu 7:25 l.v .... .Moultrie \r 12:55 1 \Su
PM 9:50 4:40 195 l.v . Nashvilh Ar * • \ M
- b (4:20
i Daily Except Sunday
General Manager. Gen. Pass. Agent
I beg to announce to the public that I have moved
to the Sutton building, where I'have larger quarters,
and am better prepared to serve you ;n Cleaning,
Dyeing, Mending and Pressing your clothes and mak
ing them look as good as new clothes. I endeavor to
give entire satisfaction to my customers.
Yours to serve you promptly,
29-im. Lewis speed.
Say, bring all of your
And have them made well and good as new. Best
materials used in all work.
Petition for incorporation.
STATE OF GEORGlA—Atkinson County.
To the Superior Court of said County.
The petition of .J. K. Gaskins, and B. G. Ober
ry, of Atkinson county, and William Car
ver, M. F. Brice and E. G. ’Manner, of Coffee
county, respectfully shows:
They desire for themselves, their associates
and successors, to be incorparated under the
laws of Georgia, under the style and name of
The capital stock of said corporation shall
be Fifty Thousand >$50,000.00) Dollars, divided
into five hundred 1500) shares of common
stock of the par value of One Hundred ($100.00)
Dollars per share, with the privilege of in
i creasing or decreasing the same as herelnaf
| ter provided.
Twenty-seven Thousand ($27,000.00) Dollars,
and over Fifty (50) per cent., of said capital
stock, has already been paid In. in cash and
property at a iair and agreed valuation.
The term for which petitioners desire to be
incorporated is twenty (20) years, with the
I privilege to said corporation of renewing the
I charter beyond that time by a majority vote
• f all the then outstanding stock and with
like privilege to said corporation of discon
tinuing. liquidating and winding up its said
business and affairs at any time upon a ma
jority vote oi all the then outstanding stock:
and petitioners desire that said corporation
may have the power and authority to apply
f r and accept amendments to its charter in
either form or substance at any time, upon a
majority vote of all the then outstanding
Petitioners ask that said corporation he au
thorized to receive In payment of stock sub
scriptions not only cash but also such real
or personal property at a fair and reasonable
\ aluation, as may be necessary or useful In
the operation of said business, or as to the
corporation may seem mete and prope.
The object of the said proposed corporation
is pecuniary gain and profit for its stock
The particular business to be carried on by
said corporation is the manufacturing and
selling of all or any articles which can be
manufactured from trees, timber, wood or
other products, and to that end, to own. con
struct, acquire, maintain, operate and con
duct any number of sawmills, shingle mills,
planing mills, dry kilns, skidders, tram roads,
franchises or other kinds of roads: such ma
chinery. appliances, vehicles, and other
things needful, necessary or desirable in or
about said business: to buy, acquire, own,
hold, lease, sell and dispose of real estate,
timber, logs, trees, wood either manufactured
«>r not manufactured: or such other property
as said corporation may deem necessary or
desirable: to operate in connection therewith
such mercantile business as it may deem
pi- .per; to engage in and operate either at its
principal office or elsewhere in Georgia or in
ny other States, lumber yards or brokerage
business for the purpose of buying and selling
manufactured lumber, timber, erosstles, logs,
trees, poles or any and all other classes and
kinds of timber and property which the'eor
:• nation may desire to engage In, also to en
a.’e in and conduct all other kinds and
lasses nf business whatsoever, whether spe
' fin ally stated herein or not, which similar
eorporatlons under the laws of Georgia are
. Mi■ to engage in conduct or operate,
:md generally to do any and all other things
whatsover. which are authorized by the laws
oi Georgia by similar corporations; the right
: > buy aud soil Us own stock, and hold the
stock so purchased, either as treasury stock
or to cancel and retire the same; to contract
aud be contracted with, to create indebted
iu st and issue bonds and other obligations
and to secure the same by mortgage, deed of
trust, loan deed, or other liens on its own
property; Including the right of transfer and
conveyance of Its franchise, and the right to
acquire and lease personal property of all de
'criptions whatsoever: the right to sue and
be sued: to plead and to be Impleaded; to
have and use a common seal; the right to
adopt any and all necessary rules, regulations
and by-laws for conducting its business: the
r ight to apply for and carry insurance, either
indemnity, accident, fire or other kinds, for
and in behalf of its property, agents, officers
or employees, the right to own and operate
all necessary tram roads in the conduct of its
business, with the privilege of leasing, hold
ing purchasing or owning any and all neces
sary locomotives, steel or iron rails, cars,
t nicks and all other equipment needful in the
conduct of its business; and generally to have
mil power and authority to do any and ail
■ ther things which may be necessary or lncl-
It nt to the carrying on of all business specifi
cally set forth above, or which it may herein
after engage in; with the right to establish,
own. maintain and operate branch businesses
r offices, within the state of Georgia or any
other state of the United States.
Petitioners desire the privilege of Increas
‘:itr the capital stock of said corporation from
umc to time, at any regular or call meeting
>f the stockholders by a majority vote of all
the then outstanding stock to an amount not
' M'etrdlng Two Hundred Thousand ($200,000.00)
Dollars, and in like manner to reduce the
capital stock from time to time upon a like
majority vote all the then outstanding stock
to an amount not less than Twenty-five Thou
•vind '-S25.000.00) Dollars, and cancel and retire
same, or hold the stock in the treasury to be
released from time to time by a like majority
vote of all the then outstanding stock.
The principal office and place of business of
-aid corp oration is to be in the town of Wllla
coochee, Atkinson county, Georgia.
Whkuefore, Petitioners pray that they
may be made a body corporate under the
uan r and style of “WiHacoochee Lumber Com
pany/’ with the foregoing powers ami privi
leges and all other powers and privileges ex
tended to or are usual with like corporations
under the laws of this State.
This the 10th day of January. 1921.
Attorney for Petitioners.
Filed in office, this the 12th day of January.
Wiley M. Sumner,
Clerk Superior C-ourt Atkinson county, Ga.
Cicrlt s Certificate of Filing.
STATE Of GEORGIA —Atkinson County.
L T i,e / Sul »ner, Clerk of the Superior
ourt of Atkinson county. Georgia, hereby
the foregoing Is a true and correct
, of tht ; application for charter, filed by
petitioners in the above styled matter, as the
appears of liie in this office.
1 his the 12th day of January, 1921.
~, . .. WILEY M. SUMNER,
( lers superior Court, Atkinson county. Ga.
Official Newspaper.
GKQRGIA— Atkinson County.
To whom it may concent: The underslen
e., hotels-, irdinary. sheriff and ( ?,erkF
‘ L ‘the Pearson Tribune a
newspaper I'ub'ished In Pearson, Oeorela to
lx- the official newspaper ol said eonnty dur-
Ine our ensuintr term of office. J Ur
J. Wesley Roberts. Ordinary
I, EY \ ( - S <'MNKH. Clerk.
n-4t. D. Leugett, Sheriff,