Pearson tribune. (Pearson, Ga.) 191?-1955, April 08, 1921, Image 2
•jjtearsmt Sribmt? PUBLISHED WEEKLY. J>. T. ALL EX. Editor. Member 11th District Press Association Member of the Georgia Press Association Subscription price, $1.50a year In advance. Advertising rates are liberal and will be . made known on application. Entered at the Postofflce in Pearson. Georgia, Ah mail matter of the second class. Mr. N. E. Harrell spent the first of the week ;vt. Colon, <ia., looking after his sawmill interests down t here. It is an easy matter to raise wages, bnl to lower them may cost you the destruction of your properly. This is the spirit of Itolshevism. Our electric light man lias been putting us to bed at 10:•!<). Ardent swains are now on notice that he must go promptly at 10:00 o’clock. Now what do you think of that? Mr. Sam Smith has purchased from Mr. Jeff Kirkland a residence lot across Bullard street and front ing Mr. C. F. Murray’s new home, lie will soon commence the eree tion of a new and comfortable bungaloo residence. Heph/.ibah, one of the many orphanages of this State, had a representative here Wednesday soliciting alms for liis charge*. Our ever sympathetic citizen, Mr. .). <). White, donated a 55 gallon barrel of splendid Georgia cane syrup. Other citizens contributed to the cause, and no doubt the represent ative was satisfied with his day’s work. The Tribune is glad that a good start has been made in the organ ization of the County Marketing Association. There, should beat least one hundred members report ing to the secretary, (jy the 15th of April, what crops and how many acres of each crop they expect to market through the Association. Then let confidence abound among the members, all work together in harmony, and the result will be good to all concerned. Few people know how to exorcise thrift. The great majority folfibw the policy of spending all and too often more than they earn, taking no heed to the fact that the time is speedily coming their way when their earning capacity will be less ened and find them hopelessly in debt —a very unpleasant position to be in. In youth they waste their substance in riotous living and old age finds them in poverty and too often* —friendless. The old adage, “A wilful waste is al ways followed by a woeful want,” remains true. So many men lack real manhood and draw back from responsibility. They lack individuality, always depending on some one else. It is a pitiful sight to see a human be ing with trousers on who can’t walk up to an emergency like a man and be a real man. Govern ment paternalism is yearly round ing out a crop of just such men. When law makers pledge the gov eminent to look after the educa tion, the health and the general welfare of the boys and girls of the country it commits a dual crime against the people. It first robs the parents of their responsibility in the care and education of tlieir children: parents learn to wait for this paternalism and to be satisfi ed with what the government does for their sous and daughters. Sec ond it robs the boys and girls of their self-reliance, their self depend ence. From infancy a boy should Ik* made to shoulder some respon sibility and thus grow into real manhood, capable of initiating and working out the groat problems of life and industry, a full grown boy with a real man inside. A strong character like a great oak cannot be grown in a day. It is the growth of rigid training: it takes storms, cold, heat, wet and dry all togeth er to make a st rong oak and no real man was ever developed by soft methods. It is a mistaken kindness, and in fact cruelty, to rear a child without making him bear some real burdens. Saturday Night Tragedy. '1 here was peanut popping at the home of Mr. Charlton McClendon in the Mt. Zion community, At kinson county, last Saturday night. As is usual at such social and busi ness gatherings. quite a number of people were present. In the community lived a young man by the name of Robert Vining who, as the story comes to the Tribune, had been convicted of some offense in one of the courts of Coffee county and during some excitement in the court room, caused by the sounding of a fire alarm, he took “French” leave of Sheriff Tanner and had been at large ever since. A reward of SSO had been offer ed by tin; Coffee county authority and Sheriff Leggett, of Atkinson county, was requested to pick him up at llie first opportunity. Sheriff Leggett had a tip that Vining would probably be at tlx* peanut popping, and lie decided to make an effort, to apprehend and deliver him to the Sheriff of Coffee county. So, at a late hour, Sheriff Leg get put in his appearance at the peanut popping and, as soon as Vining saw him he ran out of the house into the dark, quickly fol lowed by the Sheriff who flashed a light upon him and soon one or more shots were fired. Vining ran again. The Sheriff’s flashlight was in some way put out of commis siou, and could not follow him. t illing ran in a different direc tion from what the Sheriff and the crowd thought and they failed to locate him until next morning he was found in the rear of the little field, in which the home was en closed, dead. A bullet from the sheriff's pistol pierced the left breast, near the throat and ranged downward and came out on the right side of the spinal column. Sheriff Leggett was arrested Monday afternoon and lodged in the Coffee county jail. He at once demanded a commitment trial, which was set for Wednesday, but the Solictor-General being busy in Clinch superior court the trial was postponed until next Tuesday, April 12th. The Tribune gives only the bare facts of the killing, the arrest and demand for trial, expressing no opinion, as it has no desire to prej udice the cause of either side of the deplorable affair until the evi dence becomes a matter of record at the commitment. More Food and Greater Prosperity Dear Editor: —The Atlanta Jour nal states that a northern tourist, while stoppiug in Greenville, S. on his return trip from Florida, was asked how so many farmers from the north could afford to make such trips. His reply was: "We sell our hay, corn and oats to you cotton farmers, and we grow our own foodstuffs.” I)o you catch the ideal We, as southern farmers have been de pending upon cotton and it has “stuck” us. The northern farm ers have been raising their own foodstuffs and they have prospered. While the northern farmers are touring Florida and other points, enlarging their vision and having a grand time, we are at home with our pencil and paper figuring the loss on our last year’s crop of cot ton. Farmers, the time has come and is now here, when we must not de pend upon cotton alone, but a vari ety of crops; foodstuffs such as corn, hay and oats, all the north ern farmers can raise, aud then turn tables and ship to them Geor gia cane syrup and sweet potatoes; something they cannot raise, but would be glad to buy if we would only rais» them. V hen we quit depending upon cotton, plant foodstuffs, co-operate, work together aud sell together, .southern farmers will be able to take a vacation in tlieir “Tin Liz Acs . and every southern farmer's home will be a wiuter resort with in itself. Surely, when the world is crying for food, a superabundance cannot bo raised. c. M. J. PEARSON TRIBUNE. PEARSON. GEORGIA. APRIL 8. 1921 Legal Advertisements. Atkinson County Tax Sales. GEOR(iFA—Atkinson County. Will bo sold before the court house door in Bald counts; at Pearson, Georgia, between the legal hours of sale, on the first Tuesday In May, the following described real estate, levied on and to be sold as the property of W. 11. Paulk, to satisfy a tax execution Issued by Hoan Corbitt, tax collector, for State, County and School taxes for the year 1920. Viz: 122 and one half acres, more or less, the same be ing the Southeast quarter of lot of land No. f 442) In the fifth land district of Atkinson County, Georgia. Also at the same time and place the follow ing described real estate, levied on and to be sold as the property of K. L. Griffis, to satisfy a tax execution Issued by Hoan < ’orbitt, tax collector for State, County and School taxes for year 1920, viz: 122 and one half acres of lot of land No. (219; In the seventh district of At kinson County. Georgia. Same being and lying In the Northeast corner of said land lot. Also at the same time and place the follow ing described real estate, levied on and to he sold as the property of ('. F. I track, to satisfy a tax execution Issued by Hoan Corbitt, tax collector, for State. ( 'ounty and School taxes for the year 1920, viz: 122 and one half acres more or less of lot of land No. (165) in the seventh land district of Atkinson County, Georgia. The same being and lying In the Northwest corner of said land lot. Also at the same time and place the follow ing described real estate, levied on and to be sold as the property of Mrs. J. W. Tanner, to satisfy a tax execution Issued by Hoan Cor bitt, tax collector for State, County and School taxes for the year 1920, viz: 122 and one half acres, more or less of lot of land No. twenty-one (21; In the seventh land district of Atkinson County, Georgia. Same beiug and lying In the Northeast corner of said lot and comprising the Northeast quarter of said land lot. Also at the t ime time and place the follow ing described real estate, levied on and to be sold as the property of A. M. Corbitt, to satis fy a tax execution issued by Hoan (’obltt, tax collector for State, Comity and School taxes for the year 1920, viz: 25 acres more or less of lot of land No. 165) in the tenth land district of Atkinson County, Georgia, Ihj muted as fol lows: 25 acres In Southwest corner of said lot of land bounded on the South and West by orlglnin) land lines. Also at the same time and place the lollow ing described real estate, levied on and to be sold as the property of B. Morris. Jr., to satis fy a tax execution Issued by Hoan Corbitt, tax collector, for State. County and School taxes for year 1920, viz: 50 acres of lot of land No. 0189) In the fifth land district of Atkinson County, Georgia, and bounded as follows: Said 50 acres being and lying In the South west corner of said land lot and bounded on the South and west bv original lines. A Ist) at the same time and place the follow ing described real estate, levied on and to be sold as the property of Stewart Heal Estate A Development Company. To satisfy two (2) tax executions issued by Hoan (’orbitt, tax collector, for State. County and School taxes for the year 1920, viz: Two hundred acres, more or less, of lot of land No. 55 in the Se\ enth land district of Atkinson County, Geor gia. and hounded as follows: Lying and l>e- Ing In the Northern part of said land lot, and bounded on North and Fast by lands of Lilia Hrooker, on West by lands of Stewart Heal Estate A Development Company, South by Right-of-way of A. C. L. Railroads. Also at the same time and place the follow ing described real estate, levied on and to be sold as the property of'rhomas Spivey to sat lsfy a tax execution Issued by Hoan Corbitt, Tax Collector, for State. County and School Taxes for year 1920 viz: 25 Acres of Lot of Land No. (347 i in the Sixth (6> District of Atkinson Co., (la., and bounded as follows: <m North A West by original lines, said land lying aud be ing In the Northwest corner of said Lot of Lands. Also at the Name time and place the follow ing described Heal Estate, levied on aud to be sold as the pn-perty of Laura Spivey to satis fy a tax Execution Issued by Hoan Corbitt. Fax Collector, for state. County and School Taxes lor year 1920. viz: 163 acres more or less, of lot of land No. (1445) In the Oth District of Atkinson Co. Gn.. and described as follows: Said tract boing one-third of said lot of land, and lying and being In the form of a parallel ogram, on the East side of said lot. Also at the same time and place the follow ing described real estate, levied on and to be sold as the property of E. M. Patrick to satis fy a tax execution issued by Hoan (’orbitt. Tax Collector, for State. County and School Taxes, for year 1920. viz: 90 acres more or less of lot of land No. fifty-tw o •vj in the seventh District of Atkinson Co., Ga.. said land lying ami being in the Southwest corner of said land lot the North line of said 90 acres being the North edge of the swamp of Hed Bluff Creek, Also at the same time and place the follow ing described real estate, levied on and to be sold as the property of Wash Davis, to satisfy a tax execution issued by Hoan Corbitt, Tax Collector, for state. County and School Taxes for the year 1920. viz-' 50 acres more or less of lot of land CA47; in the 6th District of Atkin son Co., Ga., and bounded as follows: On North by lands of T. F. Spivey: on the East by lands of T. 1\ Spivey; on the South by lands of B. F. Spivey: On West by lands of Laura Spivey and original line of said land lot. Same being located In the Southwest corner of said lot. Also at the ame time and place the follow ing described real estate, levied on and to be sold as the property of J. W. Stewart, agent, to satisfy a tax execution issued by Hoan Cor bitt, Tax Collector for State. County and School taxes for year 1920. viz: 63 acres more or less of lot of land No. (168 In the sixth Dis trict of Atkinsou Co., Ga., and bounded as follow s: On the West by lands of T. W. Thomp son, on the South by lands of Wheeler and Osborn, on East by lands of Osborn, on North by lands of J. W. Stewart, agent, and Eual Hrooker. Also at the same time and place the follow - ing described real estate, levied on and to be sold as the property of N. E. Harrell and wife, to satisfy a tax execution issued by Hoan Cor bitt. Tax Collector, for State, County taxes for the year 1920. viz. 1-2 undivided interest in town block No. tT-D according to the T. B. Marshall plat and survey. Bounded on North by Crosby St.. East by Church St., South by Corbitt st.. West by Main St. Said land in cluding one (1) acre more or less. Said land lying and being in the town of Pearson. Ga' Also at the same time and place the follow ing described real estate, levied on and to be sold as the property of Pearson Gin Co., to satisfy a tax execution issued by Hoan Cor bitt. Tax Collector, for state. County and School taxes for year 1920, viz. One 0 acre more or less lying and being In the town of Pearson, Ga.. and described as town block No. G 4 seventy-four according to the T. B. Marshall plat and survey, and bounded on North by Crosby St.. East by Church st.. South by Corbitt st.. West by Main street. Also at the same time and place the follow ing described real estate levied on and to be sold as the property of J. T. and Mattie W. Warren, to satisfy a tax execution issued by Roan Corbitt, Tax Collector, lor State, Coun ty and School taxes for year 1920, viz: 50 acres of lot of land No. (382) In the fifth land Dis of Atkinson Co., Ga.. and bounded as follows; Said land being and lying in the Southeast corner of said lot of land and lying and being In the form of a square. Also at the same time and place the follow ing described real estate, levied on and to be sold as the property of Mrs. H. I). Glllls, to satisfy a tax execution issued bv Hoan Cor bitt, Tax Collector, for State. County and School taxes for year 1920. viz: 25 acres of lot of land No. (10) ten In the seventh (7; District of Atkinson Co., Ga.. and bounded as follows: Said land lying and being in the Southeast corner of said land lot, and bounded on South and Hast by original lines. Also at the same time and place the follow - ing described real estate levied on and to be sold as the property of Wm. and Lucy Guth rie. to satisfy a tax execution Issued by Hoan Corbitt, Tax Collector, for State, County and School taxes for year 1920, viz: 34 acres more or less of lot of land No. (86) In the sixth land District of Atkinson Co., Ga. Bounded as follows: North by lands of Henry McGovern, East by lands of Lucy Guthrie, South and West by lands of Mrs. A. Anderson. Also at the same time and place the follow ing described real estate, levied on and to be sold as the property of l*ey L. Sutton, to sat isfy a tax execution issued by Hoan Corbitt, Tax Collector, for State, County and School taxes for the year 1920, viz: 122 1-2 acres more or less of lot of land No. fourteen H In the seventh (7th; land District of Atkinson Co., Ga.. said land lying and being in the North east corner of said lot of land. The same be Northeast quarter of said lot. Also at the same time and place the follow ing described real estate, levied on and to be sold as the property of Maud Grey Stew art. to stalsfy a tax execution issued by Hoan ('orbitt, Tax Collector, for state. County and School taxes for year 1920. viz. 50 acres of lot of land No. (83) In the (7th; land District of Atkinson Co.. Ga.. bounded as follows: Gn North by original line, on West by original line. Said land lying and being In the North west corner of said land lot. Also at the same time and place the follow - ing described real estate, levied on and to be sold as the property of B. L. Vickers, to satisfy a tax execution issued by Hoan Corbitt, tax collector for State. County and School taxes for the year 1920, viz: 122 and 1-2 acres more or less, of lot of land No. (30) in the Sixth land District of Atkinson County, Georgia, and bounded as follow s: On the North and Last by original lines, said land lying and be ing In the Northeast corner of said land lot and has the form of a square. Also at the same time and place the follow - ing described real estate, levied on and to be sold as the property of G. W. Sizemore A Son. To satisfy a tax execution issued by Hoan ( orbjtt tax collector for State, (.'ounty ami School taxes for the rear 1920. viz: 122 and I*2 acres more or less, of lot of land No, 25, In the Tenth land district of Atkinson County. Georgia. Said land lying and being the North east corner of said land lot.’ Comprising one quarter of said lot. Also at the same time aud place the follow ing described real estate levied on and to be sold as the property of Dennis I*. Peterson, to satisfy a tax execution Issued by Hoan Cor bitt tax collector for state, county and School taxes for the year 1920, viz: 50 acres of lot of land No. 1 436) In the Fifth land district of At kinson county. Georgia, and bounded as fol low*. on the North and East by original lines, said land lying and being in the Northeast corner of said land lot and having the form of a square. Also at the same time and place the follow - ing described real estate levied on and to I* sold as the property of Jasper Pearson. Agent, to satisfy a tax exucution issued by Hoan Corbitt tax collector for state, county and School taxes for the year 1920. viz: 1-2 acre more or less In the town of Pearson. < ieorgla. bounded as follow s: On East by Main St., on West by King St., on South by Alley and lands of c. E. Fuimore, on North by Alley and lauds of F. E. MrNeal. Also at the same time and place the follow ing described real estate levied on and to be sold as the sroperty of Joe Paulk, to satisfy a tax execution issued by Roan < orbitt tax collector for State, county and School taxes for the year 1920, viz: 50 acres of lot of land No. *4Bo' In the Fifth land district of Atkin son county. Georgia, and bounded as follows: on the North by lands of J. T. Paulk, on West by lands of J. s. Paulk, said land having the form of a square. Also at same time and place the follow ing described real estate levied on and to bt sold as the property of Mrs. Nancy Mainor. to satisfy a tax execution Issued by Hoan ('orbitt tax collector of Atkinson county, Georgia, for State, county and School taxes for the year 1920, viz: 145 acres more or less of lot of land No. (160) In the Tenth land district of Atkinson county, Georgia, and bounded as follows: On North by land of J. If. Haskins, Hast by lands of Caroline Register, South by lands of G. F. Mccranie, Sr., West by lands of David Fender, estate. E. I>. I.kc.uktt, Sheriff. A. C. Tiie average country newspaper may be full of optimism, courage, faith and high ideals, but it is scarce on advertising. Too many business men either have no deli uite purpose for the new year or lefuse to back up their convictions by advertising in the home paper. It is a significant fact that during the dull periods the mail order houses go after the business harder than ever. —Washington News-Re porter, Judge R. G. Dickerson set the boys a new pace at the recent term of Berrien superior court by plac ing fines, for violations of the pro hibition laws, on Lott Garrett of $500; J. \V. Nix SSOO or twelve months, and J. W. McMillan $750. These men will now “sit up and take notice." Citizens of Colquitt county charge the county policemen with autocracy in the administration of their offices aud will ask the grand jury to abolish them. They claim that the officers are arbitrary in making arrests and searches in prohibition eases, and are careless in matters of personal liberty. PEARSON GENERAL REPAIR SHOP! Rear of R. R. Depot, PEARSON, - GEORGIA We do all kinds of Blacksmith work, Acetylene welding and Repair all kinds of Farming Implements, Automobiles Gas and Steam Engines, Boilers or l motors, or anything else you have to repafr. No job too small or any large cuouah. We guarantee all work. See Us before 3'ou have Your Plumbing done. We can Save you Money. FARM LOANS Made without delay at 5* to 7 Per Cent. Interest. Loans on Improved City Property at 6 Per Cent. Come to see us L. A. HARGREAVES and H. L. LANKFORD, I’afford Building, Pearson, Georgia. Auto Races at Lakewood Park. Atlanta's Lakewood Park offiei als are planning one of the biggest sporting events ever held south of the Mason and Di.xson Line as an opening feature for their 1(121 Park season scheduled for Saturday, April 16th. Automobile racing lias proven one of the biggest drawing cards as a single attraction at tlie South eastern Fair and has also proven its ability to draw thousands of speculators at the independent spring races which have been held annually for the past four years during the opening week of the Park. This year the Automobile lace program has been scheduled for the opening day and since the first of February negotiations have been underway to secure for the curtain raiser the greatest field of famous ears and drivers that lias ever started over the Lakewood track or any other track in the South east. Four thousand dollars has been hung up for the one day of racing and already promises have been secured from the owners of at least six fast mounts that wintered in the south and no less than six or eight entries will be shipped from the north to compete for the pool ed purses of Atlanta, Savannah, Birmingham, Ala., Dallas, Texas. Shreveport and New Orleans. La., Nashville and Memphis. Teun.. Kansas City, Mo., which will total over :$5,000.00. One of the extra features of the race program is local a event over a ten mile distance which is open only to Georgia owned ears and Georgia drivers which bids fair to rival in interest the professional races and it is planned to award the State championship to the winner of the event. Inquiries have beeu received for entry blanks to this event from all over the state of Georgia and the officials EAGLE No. 174 For Sale at your Dealer Made in five grade. ASK FOR THE YELLOW PENCIL WITH THE RED BAND £’ ;i-£ mikado EAGLE PENCIL COMPANY, NEW YORK INSURANCE! Is Your Premises Insured against Fire, Lightning and Tornade? If not, See HARGREAVES & TYLER, Pearson, Ga. ** They Represent Firstclass Companies. For Sale— Three bushels of good Short Cotton Seed. See J. It. MoNeal for prices. for Sale —-Automobile in first class condition, cheap. See J. R. Floyd, Hotel Malone. CITY CAFE. Next door to the Pearson Gar age. The place to get quick meals, eig iretles. cigars and tobaccos. 1. M. ALLEN. Proprietor. A ride over the Tift county roads on these pleasant afternoons is a delight. After going over them, the thought is often expressed: 'We don’t need paved roads witli Nelson to keep up these,” and that is about right. Ile lias |he other roads iu l ift on each side of the National Highway in better eou tlian that road, although itisState maintained. About the finest speci men we have seen of Class A sand clay road is the one recently re built from Tifton to Lennon bridge. It is not only smooth as a yard, but well ballasted and scientific ally graded to stand the most wear. \\ e knew* l ift county was lucky when it secured Mr. Nelson, but we didn't fully realize how* lucky until we saw his work here. —Tif- ton Gazette. will be forced to use the three heat plan of racing to take care of tlio many entries as the contest board sanctioning the races has limited the number of starters to six iu this event, in which ease the first three to finish in each of the quali fying heats w ill be eligible to start in tin* final. The Valdosta Moultrie & West ern railroad will go on the block to morrow, by virture of an order from Judge B. D. Evans, of the United States District Court for the Southern District of Georgia. The general opinion is that under no circumstances will be junked. Ihe citizens of Valdosta will do their very best to prevent such result.