Newspaper Page Text
■Sr~* r A, &
Cittt mttt (Eomttij
Miss C’leo Kirkland spent Mon
day afternoon in the country as
the guest of Miss Mae James.
Dr. Spencer A. Kirkland came
in Sunday morning for a visit to
his father, Hon. Jeff Kirkland, and
Mr. Edison I’afford is up from
Hopkins visiting his parents for
several days, lie seems to be en
joying his vacation.
Dr. .1. E. I’enland, of Waycross,
visited relatives and friends in
Pearson Sunday. lie attended
services at the Baptist church.
The regular monthly term of
the Justice Court for the 1130th
District, G. M., of Atkinson conn
ty, will be in session to morrow.
Members of the B. Y. P. (’. have
had school at the church during
the evenings of this week. They
were studying the constitution,
bylaws, rules and regulations of
the order.
Mr. It. A. Brinson, of Homer
ville, must have found an attrac
tion in Pearson, as his frequent
visit surely attest, that Atkin
son county farm isn’t everything
in his eye. However, he is always
Mr. P. B. Brown, of Atlanta, re
presenting the Hooper Holmes
Bureau, spent Tuesday in the city
looking after some business matters.
He made a pleasant call upon the
editor. He was delighted with
what ne saw in Pearson.
There was a hotly contested
game of Tennis at the High School
court Tuesday afternoon, the play
ers being Rev. T. M. Luke, Prof.
Sankey Booth and Cols. T. S. Winn
and G. 11. Mingledorff. The Tri
bune was unable to read the score.
The last of the Alkahest series
—the Dc Marco Aistrup Entertain
ers—will appeal- at the Pearson
High School auditorium to morrow
evening, 8 o’clock, in a musical
program of exceptional merit.
Don't fail to attend and enjoy the
music, the readings and the im
Pastor Christopher filled his
regular appointments at the Bap
tist Church Sunday, preaching
morning and evening. Both were
strong gospel sermons, and were
heard by large and attentive con
gregations. The morning subject
was: “What the death of Jesus
Christ means to the world.” The
text for the evening discourse was:
“He that believeth on the Son
hath everlasting life.” He analyz
ed fully what is repentance and
what is faith.
Mr. and Mrs. W. P. James had
for their guests Sunday a number
of their children and grand child
ren. They were Mr. B. T. James
and family of Eeliaton, Mr. C. A.
James and family of Willaeoochee,
Mr. G. W. James and family, Mr.
and Mrs. Joe Murray, Mr. and Mrs.
William Murray and Mr. Willis
James, who is now at home on a
ten days furlough from Camp
Jackson, S. C. it was a pleasant
day and the hosts enjoyed these
visits very much. Miss Mae and
Mr. Clarence —their two youngest
children—assisted in entertaining
the guests. It was a real pleasant
occasion to ail present.
Harmony Grove Items.
Good morning, Mr. Editor! Will |
you let me in a moment? 1 want
to tell some of the news from
Harmony Grove.
Say, Tishie, why are you and
Leslie looking so blue? Cheer up!
Miss Minnie Lou Wheeler was
at Sunday School Sunday after
Mr. M. D. Douthit has had a
phone put in his home. It sure is
a lot of company.
There was quite a large crowd
at the Sunday-School at Harmony
Grove last Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Thompson and
children dined at the home of Mr.
Henry Purvis Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. George Daniels
attended church services at Wes
ley Chanel last Sunday.
Mrs. M. D. Dout hit is quite sick,
but her many friends are hoping
she will soon be well again.
Mis--Edna Eedrick was at Sun
day School Sunday afternoon.
Glad to have you Miss Edna.
Come again.
Last Sunday was the regular
meeting day at Wesley Chapel. A
large crowd attended and enjoyed
the fine sermons.
Misses Blaunie Roberts, Mary
and Myrtle Newborn and Lillie
Bryant attended Sunday School
Sunday afternoon.
Mr. E. R. Douthit is surely
making his home look attractive,
lb- is a good home builder as well
as a successful farmer.
Most all the farmers around
here are set t ing out their tobacco
plants. Wish them all good luck
in growing, curing and selling this
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Kennedy
and children, and Mr. and Mrs. C.
T. Douthit dined with Mr. and
Mrs. E. R. Douthit after church
services Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. George Bookout
had for their guests Sunday after
noon Mr. and Mrs. Smith and child
ren. Both families are new neigh
bors, but we welcome them here.
Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Douthit, the
newly-weds, are keeping house now
and invite Mrs. Rodgers to bring
her folks to meet ing next, time and
save cooking dinner after getting
back home from church.
Mr. and Mrs E. P. Morris enter
tained their friends with a peanut
shelling last Saturday night. Also
had a plenty of nice candy to eat
after the peanuts were shelled.
Mr. Sam Douthit treated the party
to some splendid music. All pres
ent had a real nice time, and wish
their hosts will give another light
no nr: rts coruitt.
Quite to the sup rise of their
many friends Miss Beulah Roberts
and Mr. Homer Corbitt, both well
known young people of this com
munity, were quietly married last
Thursday afternoon. Immediate
ly after the ceremony they left for
a short honeymoon trip to Eitz
gerald. On their return they will
probably make their home at Kirk
land. We all wish for them long,
happy and prosperous lives,
Note: —The editor and many
friends of these young people wish
them bon voyage on the sea of
wedded life.
Card of Thanks.
We wish to extend our many
thank to the good people of Pear
son and community'for the kind
ness shown us during the illness
of our dear husband and father.
We did all kind hands could do
to restore him to health. But
“God’s will be done and not ours.”
We also desire to thank the Tri
bune Editor for the sweet memor
ies he expressed through his paper
Mrs. X. Corbett and Child
Mr. D. B. Manly, of Dalton, and
representing the Manly Jail Comp
any, was in the city Monday look
ing after the installation of the
Atkinson county jail.
County of Atkinson, Month of
March, 1921.
The Court of County Commis
sioners, sitting for county purpose s
April -llh, 1921, approved ami or
dered paid the following bills:
E I) Leggett $ 289.50
Pearson Banking Co 32.72
.1 A Holley, Supt 600.50
Standard Oil Co 13.05
Roan Corbitt, T. C 136.24
,1 A Holley, Supt 439.91
W L Kirkland 57.50
W M Smith, P M 1.03
.1 A Gray 71.53
Pearson Banking Co 3.00
.1 A Holley, Supt 278.85
Holley Construction Co.. 100.00
W II McDaniel 12.00
Culver A Kidd 431.27
Standard Oil Co 21.00
Albany Sand Co 29.48
F F Golian Co 272.81
I. A Hargreaves 100.00
Standard Oil Co • 22.40
11 F Sears 9.00
.1 A Holley, Supt 191.80
Daniel Mills 28.80
Henry O'Brien 18.00
Jim Cooke 3.00
David Weathers 18.00
J M Roberts 36.40
Jasper Mining 62.00
M ill Wright for Ada
Griffis 20.00
Harriet Carver 5.00
Florence Emerson 6.00
John Bennett 8.00
Archie Taff 10.00
John Banner 5.00
London Rhein 5.00
Willie Myers 5.00
Sal lie Royal 5.00
Juo. Sutton 5.00
Geo. Brown 5.00
Molly White 4.00
Luke Anderson 5.00
Morgan Anderson 5.00
Jane Goodman 5.00
Anderson Cooke 5.00
R II Dickerson 545.00
A FChristopher 35.00
A Corbitt 3.00
,1 M Gillis 40.00
L C Crosby 50.00
Gray and Peterson 35.28
Paulk —Gaskins Co 18.40
\V M Morris, Jr 1.80
11 J Sweat 27.79
E D Leggett 23.50
George Kirkland 42.00
Pearson Tribune 6.50
T II Mathews 5.30
J L Murray 6.05
Dan Metis 3.50
.1 M Meeks 4.10
John Morris 1.50
Woodward Lumber C 0... 19.90
Til ( lark 3.00
J M Pa (ford 34.00
Pearson Garage 28.40
M W Dixon 22.35
Total $ 4347.10
Attested: L. A. Hargreaves,
Approved: J. M. Roberts,
< hairman.
Notice to Teachers.
The annual examination for
teachers will be held in every coun
ty in the State —usually at the
court house —on July 29th and
30th, The reading course for the
renewal of professional and first
tirade certificates consist of the
Primary and General Elementary.
1. Manual for Georgia teachers,
can be had from the county super
intendenl, free.
2. Woofter’s Teaching in Rural
Schools (Southern School Book
Depository, 121 Auburn Ave., At
lanta, Ga„ SL2O).
3. Dresslar’s School Hygiene
1 Southern School Book Depository,
121 Auburn Ave., Atlanta, Gu..
High School and Supervisory.
1. Manual for Georgia Teachers,
from the county superintendent,
2. Rapier’s Consolidated Rural
School (Southern School Book De
pository. 121 Auburn Ave., Atlan
ta, Ga., $1.75).
3. All the children of All the
People (Southern School Book De
pository, 121 Auburn Ave., Atlan
ta, Ga., $.05).
The completion of three profes
sional courses at any six weeks’
standard summer school will also
renew these certificates for three
The State Teachers’ Association
will meet in Atlanta on Thursday,
Friday and Saturday, May 5,6, 7.
Other organizations will gather
here for conference on the two
days preceding. Almost the whole
week will be taken up with these
earnest assemblies gathered togeth
er for the purpose of improving our
educational work. Board members,
superint ndents and teachers are
expected to be represented making
the largest meeting Over assembled
SOttnnri cigarettes
for 10c from
one sack of
(jsto) oyr*-**
For the information of those
who have read an article sent out
from Atlanta to the press of the
State, over the signature of E. X.
Huff, assailing the integrity of the
members of the Railroad Commis
sion of Georgia, also the public
utilities of the State; and so that
the public may draw its own con
elusions as to the reliability and re
sponsibility of L. X. Huff, below is
republished a card which originally
appeared in the Atlanta Journal.
The absence of Eloyd Woodward
from Atlanta at this time is unfor
tunate for the advocates of Munic
ipal Ownership. He would proba
bly also advocate the abolition of
the Criminal Courts as well as the
Railroad Commission:
Jail. 26th, 1921.
The Atlanta Journal,
“In your issue of January 16th
you published a card from Dr. L.
X. Huff about the recent gas rate
hearing before the Railroad Com
mission of < leorgia.
“Any one who was present at
this hearing would not recognize
the case from Dr. Hull's newspaper
presentation of it. Asa matter of
fact, if was perfectly plain to all
those present that licit her I,'r. Hull
nor his lawyers had any under
standing of the case, and his card
t l ies still flirt her to fool flic people
of the State. Hull didn’t put up
any witnesses, but the questions
his lawyers asked tin Company's
witnesses displayed such a total
ignorance of the subject mailer as
to make Dr. Huff the butt for the
ridiculc of I he audience.
“1 am surprised to see Dr. Huff
in tiis card, making ‘pretensions of
public decency.’ Probably he
thinks that the people of this town
have forgotten his criminal and
other court record in Atlanta.
Why doesn't he tell them about a
suit that J. Kahn brought against
him in the Superior Court of Kul
ton County in August, 1919. Kahn
accused Huff with conspiring with
Hofised and another party, to dc
fraud him in a gambling game;
that in pursuance of this conspira
cy they invited him to a room in
the Princeton Hotel on Augusl
29th, 191.9, and gave him a drink
of liquor, which he alleges had
been drugged, aud—that he was
made drunk and sick and mentally
irresponsible; that while he was in
this condition they got him to join
in a game of craps and took all the
money he had: that L. N. Huff got
about $200.00 of his money. L. N.
Huff was found guilty in the Crim
inal Court of Atlanta and fined
$250.00 for his part of the crap
game, and in addition to that L. N.
Huff (laid J. Kahn the sum of
$200.00 in settlement of the suit
above mentioned, which was the
full amount Kahn claimed that
Huff got away from him. On this
record I don't think that Dr. i>. X.
Huff has any license to talk about
public decency, for certainly he
doesn't know what it is.
“Yours very truly,
—Advertisement. “Chairman.”
in the State of people connected
with her educational interest.
The colored teachers will hold
their annual meeting in Atlanta at
Big Bethel A. M. E. Church on
May slh and 6th. The colored
teachers should be encouraged to
The president. Miss Katherine
Dozier, of Gainesville, is having
the program printed and will have
them distributed within a few
The railroads have given reduced
rates for Educational Week. Round
Trip Identification Certificates will
be furnished you through your Su
Come Around and inspect My Line
and Get My Prices on
Organdies, Mercerized Ginghams, Satins, Etc.
In Mohairs and Tropical Worsteds.
Ladies’, Men’s and Misses Slippers.
Yours to serve, H. L. LANKFORD.
New Spring and Summer Millinery is arriving, and
the ladies of this section are invited to inspect them
before making their purchases.
I will carry a line of ladies ready-to-wear goods
—including Coat suits, Shirt-Waists, Skirts and Dress
es. Also Nemo Corsets, the latest fad in that line of
goods. Call next door to HL. Lankford.
Administrator’s Sale.
<; K< >ll(«I A—Atkinson County.
Ciulcr and by virtue of an order of the
Court of Ordinary, granted at the February
Term. 15)21, will bo sold before the court, house
door of said county, at Pearson, between the
lawful hours of sale, on the first Tuesday in
May next, the following real estate as the
property of Thomas McDonald, Sr., late of
Atkinson county, deceased, viz:
Twelve (12) ac res of lot of land No. Four
hundred and thirty-two in the sth land dis
trict of Atkinson county, (leorgia, hounded
mi the west by lands of K. I). Beverly, on the
m>rth by lands of E. I>. Beverly and others
and on the south and east by the originlal
land lines. Also two hundred and forty-five
•res of lot of land No. Four hundred and
thirty-three. 111 the fifth land district of At
kinson county. Georgia, the same being the
south half of said lot of land. Sale made for
the purpose of paying debts and distribution.
Terms made known on day of sale.
This the Itli day of April, 1921.
Nania McDonald, Administrator.
Thedford’s Black-Draught Highly
Recommended by a Tennessee
Grocer for Troubles Re*
suiting from Torpid
East Nashville, Tenn.— The effic
iency of Thedford’s Black-Draught, the
genuine, herb, liver medicine, la
vouched for by Mr. W. N. Parsons, a
grocer of this city. “It is without
uoubt the best liver medicine, and I
don’t believe I could get along without
it. I take it for sour stomach, head
ache, bad liver, indigestion, and all
other troubles that are the result of
a torpid liver.
“I have known and used It for years,
and can and do highly recommend it
to every one. I won’t go to bed with
out it in the house. It will do all it
claims to do. I can’t say enough for
Many other men and women through
out the country have found Black-
Draught just as Mr Parsons describes
—valuable in regulating the liver to
its normal functions, and in cleansing
the bowels of impurities.
Thedford’s Black-Draught liver medi
-tne Is the original and only genuine.
Accept no imitations or substitutes.
Always ask for Thedford’s. g, gj
We call special attention to our new arrivals in
seasonable Millinery, and cordially invite the lady
readers of the Tribune to call and Examine our
Next door to N. E. Harrell,
Pearson, - Georgia.
Say, bring all of your
And have them made well and good as new. Best
materials used in all work.
In MALONE BLOCK second door from South corner.
One Cent a Word.
For Sale —Anyone wanting to
buy some nice resident property
on Main Street, in l’earson, Geor
gia, write Mrs. L. Mancil, Lake
Monroe, Fla., for terms and prices.
Strayed. —One Milch cow three
weeks ago. Site is white with large
brindle pides, butt headed, un
marked. Any information will bo
appreciated. R. O. Roberts
For Sale. —Half million Yellow
Prior Tobacco plants. Delivery
April Ist. Price $3 per thousand.
F. M. Patrick, Axson, Ga.
Attention Kodakers! —Let me
print your gictures. Prices reason
able and good work. Send me your
lilms by mail or leave at McNeal
Drug Store.
H. M. MoNkai., Pearson, Ga.
Potato Plants— Have for sale
Porto Rica sweet potato plants at,
$1.40 per 4000. Delivery after
March loth. Cash must accomp
any all orders. John Purvis Rt. I
Pearson, Ga.
“Cold iU the Head”
is an acute attack of Nasal Catarrh.
Those subject to frequent “colds in
the head” will find that the use of
build up the System, cleanse the Blood
and render them less liable to colds.
Repeated attacks of Acute Catarrh
may lead to Chronic Catarrh.
taken internally and acts through the
Blood on the Mucous Surfaces of the
System, thus reducing the inflamma
tion and restoring normal conditions.
All druggists. Circulars free.
F. J. Cheney & Co.. Toledo, Ohio.
Petition far Divorce.
R. 11. Tuowkli, vs Kansas (Mims) Trowklt.
In At kinson Superior ('ourt .June
Term, 1921.
To the Defendant Kansas (Minims) Trowel 1:
It. 11. Trowell, having Hied his petition for
divorce against Kansas (Miming) T rowell, in
this court, returnable to the June Term. 1921,
and it being made to appear that Kansas
(Minis) Trowell is a non-resident of said State
and county, and an order having been made
for service on her by publication, this there
fore, is to notify you, Kansas(Mimms) Trowell
to be and appear at the next term of the Su
perior <.'ourt of said county of Atkinson to bo
held on the fourth Monday in June, 1921,
then and there to answer to the complaint.
Witness the llon. It. G. Dm kkkso.n. Judge
of the Superior court, this J 1 day of March,
Wiley M. Si mnkr, Clerk.
<i. 11. MiNGLF.nouKF. Attorney.