Pearson tribune. (Pearson, Ga.) 191?-1955, April 15, 1921, Image 2

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    |tearsmt ©rilnms
I!. T. AU.KV Editor.
f'isnibe' 1lt!i District Press Associate
Member of the Georgia Press Associate
SubicrljiOon price. vo.'ir in advance.
Ailvi-rlWlnsr Hites arc liberal an.l will I
nuvle known on application.
Muter.*! i.t the I‘ost > lice In IVuiwm. in >ru
Ah umil.uiattf r ol tfie kpcoik! fliiHH.
Mr. and W rs. Tincr L. (’orbil
announce the birth of a son. Moth
er and bsibv trollinir nlonur finely.
Col. J. N. McDonald and Mr.
Frank Appleby, of Douglas, wen
business visitors (o Pearson Thurs
day. Clad to see the boys.* .
Every member of the family re
quires nearly 1,100 meals annual I v
How many of these are coming
from the home garden this year?
Congress met in extra session
Monday with the Republican party
dominating the business, and ap
parently with no decided goal in
front of them. They are in the
midst of an immense tangle.
With President Harding unde
cided as to his polieies he proves
himself as niueli of unknown
quanity as was President Wilson.
Unexpected lie is giving Wilson’s
policies the “benefit of the doubt’'
and adopting them as sound.
Lawlessness is running riot all
over HouLli Ceorgia. The destruc
tion of dipping vats with dynamite
is going on in nearly every county.
There is no question about it —tin
olliecrs of the law must hunt out
and bring to justice this lawless
element; they must be taught to
respect the law.
The Rlaelishear Times is quoted:
“That spring has actually sprung
is evidence everywhere one goes
down here in Cod’s country. And
the new verdure of spring is in
more refreshing to the eye or more
beautiful altogether in any dime
than in South Georgia.’’ But since
the cold wave that swooped down
from Alaska Sunday night Editor
Shepard is ready Lo admit that
“Winter lingered in the lap ol
The six girls who composed the
Domestic Science class at the Pear
son colored school, Tuesday, pre
pared and served diuilcr for several
invited white guests, i. e., Mr. J.
G. White, county school superi u
tcudent, Dr. 11. P. Smith, of the
City board of education, Elder L.
M. Guthrie, Mr. Elias Roberts and
the Tribune editor. The guests
prouounced the dinner par excel
lenee. Prof. Brown’s daughter, the
teacher, has excelled along this
line, lu fact all concerned desire
that they have charge of the school
next year.
Georgia needs to remain just as
she is—the one amt only Georgia
in the Union. She has a past, a
present and a future that dosen’t
deserve the fate of division. II
nothing w ill satisfy Floridians but
to divide that state in twain, let
them do so —do the sensible tiling
of creating East Florida and West
Florida, and stop their bickering.
The talk of making a new State of
parts of Georgia and Florida, re
calls a statement made to the Trib
une editor by a geutleman, who
was a member of the Orr-Whitney
party who surveyed and settled
the Georgia Florida boundary dis
pute in 1850, that Whitney was a
professional civil engineer and that
Orr was not, and from this fact the
survey resulted in Georgia losing
some of her territory to Florida.
The Tribune would like for this
last territory to be restored to
Georgia but not for the purpose of
creating a new State.
1 beg to say to the citizens of
Pearson and vicinity that 1 have
purchased the Carl Murray goods
and am receiving a fresh and up
to-date Stock of Groceries. 1 am
opening them in the Maucil build
iug, formerly occupied by Mr.
Murray. 1 solicit your patronage
and guarantee prompt and court
eous treatment.
Yours to serve, J- E. Dee.
Legal Advertisements.
Atkinson County Tax Sales.
< IM>llUl.V—Atkinson County.
Will be Hold before the coirft house d<K>r
n Kald county at Pearson, Georgia, between
he legal hours of sale, on the find. Tuesday
n May, the following described real estate,
■vied on and to be sold as the property of W.
i. Paulk, to satisfy a tax execution isfiued by
loan Corbitt, Lax collector, for State, County
ml School taxes for the year 1920. Viz: 122
nd one half acres, more or less, the name by
.UK the Southeast quarter of lot of land No.
142:- in the fifth land district ol Atkinson
ounty, Georgia.
Also at the same time and place the follow
ing described real estate, levied on and to be
dd as the property of E. I*. Griffis. to satisfy
» tax execution* issued by Roan Corbitt, tax
collector for State. County and.. School taxes
ior year 1920, viz; 122 and one hall acres of lot
d land No. (219; in the seventh district of At
slugon County. Georgia. Same being and
lying in tiie Northeast corner of said land lot.
A Iso at the rift me time and place the follow
ng described real estate, levied on and to be
fold as the property of < . F. Brack, to satisfy
i tax execution issued by Roan Corbitt, tax
■ollector, for State, (bounty and School taxes
or t)fb year 1920, viz: 122 and one half ac/es
more or less of lot of land No. (165) In the
seventh land district of Atkinson County.
Georgia. The same being and lying In the
Southwest corner of sahHftnd lot.
Also at the same time and place the follow
ing described real estate, levied on and to be
sold as the property of Mrs. .1. W. Tanner, to
satisfy a tax execution Issued by itoan Cor
bitt, tax'collector for Slate, County ,and
School taxes for the year 1920, viz: 122 and
one half acres, more or less of lot of land No.
twenty one (21) In the seventh land district
of Atkinson County, Georgia. Same being
and lying In the Northeast corner of said lot
and comprising the Northeast quarter of said
land lot.
Also at the same time and place the follow
ing described real estate, levied on and to be
sold as the property of A. M. Corbitt, to satis
fy a tax execution Issued by Roan Cobitt, tax
collector for .Stale, County and School taxes
for the year 1920, viz: 25 a crus more or less of
lot of land No. (105) in the tenth laud district
of Atkinson County, Georgia, bounded as fol
lows; 25 acres In Southwest corner of said
lot of land bounded on the South amLWest
by origintnl land lines. *
Also at the same time and place tin: Pillow
ing described real estate, levied On and to be
sold as the property of It. Morris. Jr., to satis
fy a tax execution Issued by Roan Corbitt,
lax collector, for State, County and School
taxes for year 1920, viz: 50 acres of lot of land
No. (389} in the fifth land district ol Atkinson
County. Georgia, and bounded us follows:
Said 50 acres being and lying In the South
west corner of said land lot and tajunded on
the South and west bv original lines.
Also at the same time and place the follow
log described real estate, levied on and to be
sold as the property of Stewart Ileal Estate
A Development Company. To satisfy two (2*
tax executions Issued by Roan Corbitt, tax
f.Ol lector, for State, County and School taxi s
for the year 1920, viz: Two hundred acres,
more or less, of .hit of land No. 55 in the Sev
enth land district of Atkinson County, Geor
gia, and bounded as follows: Dying and he
liig In the Northern part of said land lot, aad
bounded on s»orth and East by lands of l.illa
itrooke'r. on West by lands of Stewart Real
Estate A Development Company, South by
Right-of-way ol A. C. D. Railroads.
Also at the same time and place the follow
ing described real estate, levied on and to be
sold as the property of Thomas Spivey to sat
isfy a tax execution Issued by Roan Corbitt,
lax Collec tor, for state. Comity and School
l uxes for year 1920 viz: 25 Acres of Dot of Land
No, (347) in the Sixth (61 District of Atkinson
Co., (la., and bounded as follows: on North iV
West by original lines, said lanchly lag and be
ing In the Northwest corner of said Dot ol
I .amis.
Also at the same time and place the follow
ing described Real Estate, levied on and to he
sold as the pioperty of Daura Spivey to satis
f.v a tax Execution Issued by lloan Corbitt.
Tax Collector, for State, County and School
Taxes for year 1920. viz: 163 acre s more or
less, of lot of land No. 0145) 111 the 6th District
ol Atkinson Co. (>m, and described as follows:
said tract b dug one third ol said lot ol land,
and lying and being In the form of a paralle l
ogratn. 4>n the East aide of said lot.
Also at the same t ime and place the follow
ing described real estate, levied on and to bt
sold as the property of F. M. Patrick to satis
fy a tax execution issued by Roan Corbitt,
lax Collector, for Slate, (.’ounty and School
Taxes, for year 1920. viz: ski acres more or less
of lot of land No, fifty-two (52) In the seventh
District of Atkinson Co., Ga.. said land lying
and being in the Southwest corner of s.vbl
land lot the North line of said 90 acres being
the North edge ol the swamp of Red Bluff
Also at the same time and place the follow*
lug described real estate, lev led on and to be
sold as the property of Wash Davis, to satisfy
a tax execution issued by Roan Corbitt. Tax
Collector, for state. County and School 'Paxes
for the year 1920. viz* 50 acres more or less of
lot of land (347) in the 6th District of Atkin
son Co., Ga., and bounded as follows: On
North by lands of T. l\Spivey; on the East
by lands of T. F. Spivey; On the South by
lands of It. F. Spivey: On West by lands of
Daura Spivey and original line of said land
lot. Same being located lu the Southwest
corner of said lot.
Also at the same time and place the follow
lag described real estate, levied on and to be
sold as the property ol J. W. Stewart, agent,
to satisfy a tax execution Issued by Roan Cor
bitt, Tax Collector for State, County and
School taxes for year 1920, viz: (it acres more
or less of lot of land No. (168) in the sixth Dis
trict of Atklnsou Co., Ga., and bounded as
follows: On the West by landsof T. \V. Thomp
son, on the South by lands of Wheeler and
Osborn, on East by lands of Osborn, on
North by lands of J. \V. Stewart, agent, and
Eual Brooker.
Also at the same time and place the follow
ing described real estate, levied on and to be
sold as the property ol N. E. Harrell and wife,
to satisfy a tax execution issued by Roan Cor
bitt. Tax Collector, for -State. County taxes
for the year 1920, viz. 1-2 undivided interest
In town block No. (74) according to the T. R.
Marshall plat and survey. Bounded on North
by Crosby st., East by church St.. South by
Corbitt st.. West by Main st. Said land In
cluding one (D acre more or less. Said land
lying and being in the town ol Pearson, Ga‘
Also at the same time and place the follow
ing described real estate, levied on and to be
sold as the property of Pearson Gin Co., to
satisfy a tax execution issued by Roan Cor
bitt, Pax Collector, for State, County and
taxes for year 192(1. viz. One (D acre
more or less lying and being in the town ol
Pearson, Ga.. and described as town block
No. ‘74) seventy-four according to the T. B.
Marshall plat and survey, and bounded on
North by Crosby St.. East by Church St..
>outh by Corbitt st.. West by Main street.
.Also at the same time and place the follow
ing described real estate levied on and to be
sold as the property of J. T. and Mattie W.
NVarren, to satisfy a tax execution Issued by
Roan Corbitt. Tax Collector, for State, Coun
ty and School taxes for year 1920, viz: 50 acres
of lot of land No. (382) in the fifth land Dis
of Atkinson Co.. Ga.. and bounded as follows:
Said land being and lying In the Southeast
corner of said lot of land and lying and being
in the form of a square.
Also at the same time and place the follow
ing described real estate levied on and to be
sold as the property of Wm. and Lucy Guth
rie, to satisfy a tax execution Issued by Itoan
< orbitt, Tax. Collector, for State, County and
School taxes for year 1920, viz; 34 acres more
or less of lot of land No. (66) in the sixth land
District of A tkinson Co., Ga. Bounded as
follows: North by lands of Henry McGovern.
East by lands of Lucy Guthrie, South and
West by lands of Mrs. A. Anderson.
Also at the Same time and place the follow
ing described real estate, levied on and to be
sold as the property of Lacy D. Sutton, to sat
isfy a tax execution issued by Roan Corbitt.
Pax Collector, for State, County and School
taxes for the year 1920, viz: 122 1-2 acres more
or less of lot of land No. fourteen (14) in the,
seventh (7th) land District of Atkinson Co.,
Ga.. said lain! lying and being in the N<#rth
east corner of said lot of laud. The saint) be
Northeast quarter of said lot.
Also at the same time and place the follow
ing described real on aud to be
sold as the property of Maud Grey Stew art,
to stalsfy a tax execution Issued by Roan
i ’orbitt. Tax Collector, for state. County and
School taxes for year 1920, viz. 50 acres of lot
of land No. (83; in the (7th) land District of
Atkinson Co.. Ga.. bounded as follows: On
North by original line, on West by original
Line. Said land lying and being in the North
west corner of said land lot.
Also at the Name time and place the follow
ing described real estate, levied on and to be
sold as the property of B. L. Vickers, to satisfy
a tax execution issued by Roan Corbitt, tax
collector for state. County and School taxes
for the year 1920, viz: 122 and 1-2 acre# more
or less, of lot of land No, (HO) in the Sixth
land District of Atkinson County, Georgia,
and bounded as follows: On the North and
East by original lines, said land lying and be
ing In the Northeast corner of said land lot
and has the form of a square.
TTlso at the same time and place the follow
ing described real estate, levied on and to be
sold as the property of G. W. Sizemore & Son.
To satisfy a tax execution Issued by Roan
< *£rbitt tax collector for State, County and
School taxes for the rear 1920, viz: 122 and 1-2
acres more or less, of lot of land No. 25, In the
Tenth land district of Atkinson County.
Georgia. Said land lying and being theXorth
east corner of wild land lot. Comprising one
quarter of said lot.
Also at the same time and place the follow
ing described real estate levied on and tube
«old as the property of Dennis P. Peterson, to
satisfy a tax execution Issued by Roan Cor
bill tax collector for State. County am! School
taxes for the year 19*20, viz: 50 acres of lot of
land No, (436) in the Filth land district of At
kinson county, Georgia, and bounded as fol
lows, on the North a Wit (Cast by original lines,
said land lying and being in the Northeast
corner of said land lot and having the form
of a square.
A Iso at the same time and place the follow
ing described real estate levied on and to be
sold as the property of .Jasper Pearson, Agent,
to satisfy a tax exucutlon Issued by Roan
Corbitt tax collector for State, county and
School taxes for the year 1920. viz: 1-2 acre
more or less in the town of Pearson, Georgia,
bounded as follows: On East by Alain St.,
on West by King St., on South by Alley and
lands of c. E. Eulmore, on North by Alley and
lands of F. E. McNeal.
Also at the same time and place the follow
ing described real estate levied on and tola
sold as the sroperty of Joe c. Paulk, to satisfy
n tax execution issued by Roan corbitt tax
collector for state. County and School taxes
for the year 192(1, viz: 50 acres of lot of land
No. (480) In the Fifth land district of Atkin
son county, Georgia, and bounded as follows;
on the North by lands of .1. T. Paulk, on
West by landsof J.S. Paulk, said land having
the form of a square.
Also at same time and place the following
described real estate levied on and to be
sold aa the property of Mrs. Nancy Mainor,
to satisfy a tax execution Issued by Roan
corbitt tax collector of Atkinson county.
Georgia, for State, county and School taxes
for the year 1920, viz; 145 acres more or less «>l
lot of land No. (160) In the Tenth land district
of Atkinson county, Georgia, and bounded as
follows: Gn North by land of J. ID Haskins,
East by lands of Caroline Register. South by
lands ol«1. F. Mccranie, Sr., West by lands of
David Fender, estate.
E. 1). Lkuuett. Sheriff. A. C.
“Cold in the Head”
is nn acute attack of Nasal Catarrh.
Those subject to frequent “colds in
the head” will find that the use of
build up the System, cleanse the Blood
and render them less liable to colds.
Repeated attacks of Acute Catarrh
may lend to Chronic Catarrh.
taken internally and acts through the
Blood on the Mucous Surfaces of the
System, thus reducing the inflamma
tion and restoring norma! conditions.
All druggists. Circulars free.
F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, Ohio.
Season 1920-21.
Winter excursion tickets on sale
to winter resorts in the Southeast
aed to resorts in Arizona and Texas
daily October 1,1920. to April 30.
1920, inclusive; final return limit
May 31, 1921.
Stop overs allowed at all stations
on either going or return trip, or
both, within the final limit of
ticket, upon application to con
For full information as to rates,
schedules, etc., apply to nearest
Agent or Passenger Representative.
Central of Georgia Railway
General Passenger Agent.
There is no general rale regard- j
mg the depth of planting, as did- j
erent soil- necessitate different!
practices. The smaller the seeds
the shallower the covering should |
be as a rule. In heavy soils the j
covering should be lighter than in
light soils. 1
April 18-23.
The Merchants of Way cross Invite the
People from All Sections of Southeast Geor
gia, and Especially from the Counties Ad
joining, to Come to Waycross During the
Week of April 18th to 23rd and Avail
Themselves of the Great Trade Opportuni
ties which will be Offered by Them.
TheShriner’s Industrial Exposition
Will open Monday, April 18th, and continue
Through the Entire Week Featuring
The Largest, Cleanest and Most Up-to-date
Amusement Organization in America.
Enjoy the Exposition, the Carnival, and take advantage
of the Trade Opportunities we offer.
Hereford Morgan Hardw’e Company
Electrical Supplies.
Smitii-Giiison Hardware Company
Chickens and Eggs.
Dry-Goods and Ready-to-wear.
P. N. Hailey Hardware Company
Dry-Goods and Ready-to-wear.
“ “w. d. o’qOinn
Clothing and Men’s Furnishings.
Dry-Goods and Ready-to-wear.
Ladies’ Haberdashery
Walkker-Kood Furniture Company
Mens’ and Ladies’ Ready-to-wear
Bennett Brothers
Willard Battery Service Station.
Jewelry and Mens’ Furnishings.
Watt Hardware Company
Coffee, Tea and Sprices.
The Photographs Company
The Jeweler.
J. 0. Linville
L. R. white & Company
J 5. McRAE
Clothing and Men’s Furnishings.
Automobile Tires and Supplies.