Newspaper Page Text
Jftearsun <£rtlntnp
I!. T. ALLEN. Editor.
Msmbe' 11th District Press Associate
Mambsr of the Georgia Press Associate
Subscription price. 81.50 a year In advance.
A'lvertialnj rates «ri liberal anrl will
made known on application.
Filtered at the Poftoitlce In PeuiKon, Geor#r.
As mall matter ol the second china.
Boost in • can le overdone. I
can be worked until it become
not only monotonous but liidicious
The Tribune is opposed t(
government paternalism in till its
phases, it. is a sure road to govern
meat favoritism and abuses of au
“Winter lingers in the lap of
Spring.” and the weekly periodi
cal “cold wave” remains “on the
deck.” The farmers' smiles are
turned to hurtful grimaces.
The law of libel is a topic for
discussion in some Atlanta quar
ters. Libelous publications become
harmless when truth is left to com
bat the charges in tin* petition.
The Florida legislature is going
to investigate her (.'alts after they
have flown. And they are not the
kind that "come back.” Hut
Florida legislators are not differ
ent from those of other states.
The Houston, Tex., Post, critieis
Ing the Boston statement that the
“people need more philosophy,” re
marks: Philosophy, fiddlesticks!
■Where they are not needing more
clothes, or more vittles, they need
more sense."
Senator Thomas E. Watson, of
Georgia, couldn't refrain from rail
ing at ex President Wilson in his
maiden address in the Senate a
few days since. llis hatred must
lie of the most sordid variety, liis
vengeance insatiable. But a loop
aid cannot change his spots.
Congressman W. C. Lankford
has been assigned to membership
on the committees on railways and
canals, territories, industrial arti
cles and exposition —all of his for
mer assignments. Georgia mem
bers have all been well eared for in
the way of committee assignments.
Practice is said to make perfect,
but sometimes it does not. The
wedding ceremony had been re
hearsed several times, but the
groom got, the “I do" in the wrong
place. The minister asked if any
one knew of any lawful reason why
the marriage should not take place
and the groom said, "I do."
There are rumors of much legis
lation, local and otherwise, to be
enacted by the Georgia legislature
next summer. The solons would
do well, perhaps the best thing for
the general welfare of this com
monwealth, to go to Atlanta, bar
ness up Billy Hardwick for a two
year term, repeal a large propor
tion of tlie present general laws and
then return home to look after
their farms or other business de
manding their attention. The
country has two much law for the
good of the people. This thing of
trying to regulate everybody and
everything by law should cease.
It, has much to do with the unrest
among the people.
The peonage developments in
Georgia the past month or two has
created a demand for the repeal of
the statute known as the “Labor
Contract Law. Notwithstanding
the State nisi prius courts have
endeavored to “pull its teeth,” it
is still fruitful of peonage and in
justice, with victims from both ra
ces. It is almost similar and as
destructive of human rights as the
“Court Contract" freak in vogue
in the years following the civil
war, when convicts were farmed
out and released under contract
with the court convicting them to
any one who would pay the line
imposed. The terms of the eon
tract made it i>ossible for the con
vict to bo returned to prison unless
he danced to every whim of the
taskmaster, and his sentence ex
tended. It became so obnoxious
to right thinking men that public
opinion forced it into the discard.
The “Labor Contract Law” should
vow go into the junk pile.
Legal Advertisements*
Atkinson County Tax Sales.
GEORGIA —Atkinson County.
Will be Hold before the court house dooy
n said county at l't arson, Georgia, between
he legal hours of sale, on the first Tuesday
n May, the following described real estate,
*-\ led on and to be sold as the property of W.
i. Paulk, to satisfy a taf execution Issued by
otiii Corbitt, tax collector, for State, County
,nd School taxes for the year 1920. Viz: 122
nd one half acres, more or less, the same be
jk the .Southeast quarter of lot of land No.
4421 In the fifth land district of Atkinson
'ounty. Georgia.
Also at the same time and place the follow-
n if described real estate, levied on and to be
add as the property of F. L. Griffis, to satisfy
i tax execution issued by Roan Corbitt, tax
jollector for State, County and School taxes
.or year 1920, viz: 122 and one half acres ol lot
if land No. (219) in the seventh district of At
xhwm County. Georgia. Same being and
lying in the Northeast corner of said land lot.
Also at the same time and place the follow
ing described real estate, levied on and to be
sold as the property of C. I'. Rrack, to satisfy
a tax execution issued by Roan Corbitt, tax
collector, for State, County and School taxes
for the year 1920, viz: 122 and one half acres
more or less of lot of land No. (105) In the
seventh land district of Atkinson County,
Georgia. The same being and lying in the
Northwest corner of said land lot.
Also at the same time and place the follow
ing described real estate, levied on and to be
sold as the property of Mrs. .1. \V. Tanner, to
satisfy a tax execution Issued by Roan Cor
bitt, tax collector for State. County and
School taxes for the year 1920, viz: 122 and
one half acres, more or less of lot of land No.
twenty-one <2l) In the seventh land district
of Atkinson County. Georgia. Same being
and lying in the Northeast comer of said lot
and comprising the Northeast quarter of said
land lot.
Also at the same time and place the follow
ing described real estate, levied on and to be
sold as the property of A. M. Corbitt, to satis
fy a tax execution Issued by Roan Cobltt, tax
collector for State. County and School taxes
for the year 1920, viz: 25 acres more or less of
lot of land No.(105) In the tenth land district
of Atkinson County, Georgia, bounded-as fol
lows: 25 acres In Southwest corner of said
lot of land bounded on the South and West
by orlgtntai land lines.
Also at the same time Anyplace the tallow
ing described real estate, levied on and to be
sold as the property of It. Morris, Jr,, to satis
fyatax execution Issued by Roan Corbitt,
tax collector, for Stat’e, County and School
taxes for year 1920, viz: 50 acres of lot of land
No. (389) In the fifth land district of Atkinson
County, Georgia, and bounded as follows:
Said 50 acres being and lying In the South
west corner of said land lot and Umnded on
I/he South and west In original Hues.
Also at the same time and place the follow
ing described real estate, lev led on and to be
sold as the property of Stewart Real estate
A I levelopment Company. To satisfy two 2
lax executions Issued by Roan Corbitt, tax
collector, for State, County and School taxes
for the year 1920, viz; Two hundred acres,
more or less, of lot of land No. 55 In the Sev
enth land district of Atkinson County. Geor
gia, and bounded as follows: Lying ami be
Ing In the Northern part of said land lot, and
bounded on North and Cast by lands of Lilia
Hrooker. on West by lands of Stewart Real
Cstate A Development Company, South by
Right-of-way of A. C. L. Railroads.
Also at the same time and place the follow
ing described real estate, levied on and to be
sold as the property of Thomas Spivey to sat
isfy a tax execution Issued by Roan Corbitt,
Tax Collector, for State, County and school
Taxes for year 1920 viz: 25 \cres of Lot of 1 .and
No. CUT) in the Sixth i.fl) District of Atkinson
Co., (in., and bounded as follows: On North A
West by original lines, said land lying and be
ing In the Northwest corner of said Lot of
I .amis.
Also at the same time and place the follow -
ing described Real estate, levied on and to be
sold as the pioperty of Laura Spivey to satis
fy a tax Rxecutlon Issued by Roan Corbitt.
Tax Collector, for State, County and School
Taxes for year 1920. viz.: 163 acres more or
less, of lot of land No. 0.145! in the 6th District
of Atkinson Co. Ga.. and described as follows:
Said tract bdlng one-third of said lot of hind,
and lying and being In the form of a parallel
ogram, on the Last side of said lot.
Also at the same time and place the follow
ing described real estate, levied on and to be
sold as the property of F. M. Patrick to satis
fyatax execution issued by Roan Corbitt,
Tax Collector, for State, County and School
Taxes, for year 1920. viz: 90 acres more* or less
of lot of land No. fifty-two (52) In the seventh
District of Atkinson Co., Ga.. said land lying
and being In the Southwest corner of said
land lot the North line of said tH) acres being
the North edge of the swamp of Red HlufT
Also at the same time and place the follow
ing described real estate, levied on and to be
sold as the property of Wash Davis, to satisfy
a lax execution Issued by Roan Corbitt, Tax
Collector, for State, County and School Taxes
(or the year 1920. vlz : 50 acres more or less of
tat of land CUT) In the tith District of Atkin
son Co., Ga., and bounded as follows: On
North by lands of T. C. Spivey: on the Last
by lands of T. F. Spivey; On the South by
lands of H. F. Spivey: On West by lands of
Laura Spivey and original line of said land
lot. sanu being located In the Southwest
corner ol said lot.
Also at the same time and place the follow
ing described real estate, levied on and to be
sold as the property of .1. W. Stewart, agent,
to satisfy a tax execution Issued by Roan Cor
bitt. Tax Collector lor state. County and
School taxes for year 1920. viz: 63 acres more
or less of lot of land No. (168' in the sixth Dis
trict of Atkinsou Co.. Ga.. and bounded as
tallows: On the West by lands of T. W. Thomp
son. on the South by lands of Wheeler and
Osborn, on Hast by lands of Osborn, on
North by lands of J. W. Stewart, agent, and
Kual Hrooker.
Also at the same time and place the follow
ing described real estate, levied on and to be
sold as the property of N. F. Harrell and wife,
to satisfy a tax execution issued by Roan Cor
bitt, Tax Collector, for state. County taxes
tor the year 1920, viz. 1-2 undivided Interest
in town block No. (74) according to the T. Ik
Marshall plat and survey. Rounded on North
by Crosby St., Hast by Church st.. South by
Corbitt St., West by Main St. Said land In
cluding one \ V acre more or less, said land
lying and being In the town ol Pearson. Ga
Also at the same time and place the follow
ing described real estate, levied on and to be
sold as the property of Pearson Gin Co., to
satisfy a tax execution issued by Roan Cor
bitt, Tax Collector, for state. County and
School taxes for year 1920. viz. One (1) acre
more or less lying and being in the tow n of
Pearson, Ga.. and described as town block
No. 74> seventy-four according to the T. H.
Marshall plat and survey, and bounded on
North by Crosby St., Fast by Church St.,
South by Corbitt St.. West by Main Street.
Also at the time &nd place the TolldW
ln*» ttescrHjH real estate levied on And to be
sold as the property of .1. T. and Mattie W.
Warren, to satisfy a tax execution issued by
Roan Corbitt, Tax Collector, for State, Coun
ty and School taxes for year 1920, viz: 50 acres
oflot of land No. (382) In the filth land Dls
of Atkinson Co.. Ga., and bounded as follows:
Said land being and lying in the Southeast
corner of said lot ol land and lying and being
In the form of a square.
Also at the same time and place the follow
ing described real estate levied on and to be
sold as the property of Win. and Lucy Guth
rie, to satisfy a La* execution issiud by Roan
Corbitt, Tax Collector, for State, County and
School taxes for year 1920, viz: 34 acres more
or less of lot of land No. (66) in the sixth land
District of'Atkinson Co., Ga. Rounded as
follows: North by lands of Henry McGovern,
Rant by lands of Lucy Guthrie, South and
West by lands of Mrs. A. Anderson.
Also at the same time and place the follow
ing described real estate, levied on and to be
sold as the property of Lacy L. Sutton, to sat
isfy a tax ejecution Issued by Roan Corbitt.
Tax Collector, for State, County and School
taxps for the year 1920, viz: 122 1-2 acres more
ofTess of lot of laud No. fourteen G - In the
seventh 7th> land District of Atkinson Co..
Ga., said land lying and being In the North
east corner of said lot of land. The same be
Northeast quarter of said lot.
Also at the same time and place the follow
ing described real estate, levied on and to be
sold as the property of Maud Grey Stewart,
to stalsfy a tax execution issued by Roan
Corbitt, Tax Collector, for State, ( 'ounty and
School taxes for year 1920, viz. 50 acres ol lot
of land No. <B3 l in the (7th) land District of
Atkinson Co., Ga., bounded as follows: On
North by original line, on West by original
line. Said land lying and being in the North
west corner of said land lot. 1
Also at the same time and place the follow
ing described real estate, levied on and to be
sold as the property of B. L. Vickers, to satisfy
a tax execution issued by Roan Gor blit, tax
collector for State. County and School taxes
for the year 1920. viz: 122 and 1-2 acres more
or less, of tat of land No. (30) In the Sixth
land District of Atkinson County, Georgia,
and bounded as follows: On the North and
Fast by original lines, said land lying and be
ing In the Northeast corner of said land lot
and has the form of a square.
Also at the same time and place the follow
ing described real estate: levied on and to Ik
sold as the property of < 5. W. Sizemore A Son.
T‘> satisfy a tax execution issued by Roan
Corbitt tax collector for State. County and
School taxes for the rear 1920. viz: 122 and I*2
acres more or less, of lot of land No. 25. in the
Tenth land district of Atkinson County,
Georgia. Said land lying and being the North
east corner of said land lot. Comprising one
quarter of said lot.
Also at the same time and place the follow
ing described real estate levied on and to be
sold as tiie property of Dennis P. Peterson, to
satisfy a tax execution issued by Roan Cor
bitt tax collector for state, county and School
taxes for the year 1920, viz: 50 acres of lot of
land No. (436) In the Fifth land district of At
kinson county, Georgia, and bounded as fol
lows. on the North and Fast by original lines,
said land lying and being In the Northeast
corner of said land lot and having the form
of a square.
A Iso at the same time and place the follow -
ing described real estate levied on and to be
sold as the property of .Jasper Pearson, Agent,
to satisfy a tax exucutlon Issued by Roan
Corbitt tax collector for state, county and
School taxes for the year 1920. via: 1-2 acre
more or less In the town of P< arson. Georgia,
bounded as tallow s; On Fast by Main St.,
on West by King St., on South by Alley and
lands of c. F. Fulmorc. on North by Alley and
lands of F. F. Me. Neal.
Also at the same time and place the follow
Inc described real estate levied on and to be
sold as the sroperty of Joe c. Paulk, to satisfy
a tax execution Issued by Roan Corbitt tax
collector for State, county and School taxes
for the year 1920, viz: 50 acres of lot of land
No. (490) In the Fifth land district of Atkin
son county, Georgia, and bounded, as follows:
<ui the North by lands of J. T. Paulk, on
West by lands ofJ.S. Paulk,said land having
the form of a square.
Also at same time and place the follow Ing
described real estate levied on and to be
sold as the property of Mrs. Nancy Malnor.
to satisfy a tax execution Issued by Roan
eorbltt tax collector of Atkinson county.
Georgia, for State, county and School taxes
for the.year 1920. viz; 145 acres more or less of
lot of land No. (160' In the Tenth land district
<d Atkinson county, Georgia, and bounded as
follow s: On North by land of .1. 11. llaskins.
Fast by lands of Caroline Register, South by
lands of G. I . Mccranle. Sr., West by lands of
David Fender, estate.
F. D. Leugktt, Sheriff, A. c.
Marketing Georgia Cotton.
Atlanta, April 20 —The Geor
gia Department of Agriculture
proposes to put its force and influ
ence back of the .organization of
the cotton growers of the state in
to the Georgia Cotton Growers Co
operative Association, the outcome
of the enthusiastic meeting held in
Atlanta last Tuesday, at which ilie
Sapird or California plan was ad
opted for the marketing of Geor
gia's cotton crop.
While this is a statewide organ
ization, Commissioner J. J. Brown
states it is to be carried at ouee to
the individual cotton growers in
each county, through their own
leaders, and every grower in the
state will be urged and given op
portunity to come in and lend his
assistance to what promises to be
the most successful marketing
movement ever undertaken in the
"It is the purpose of the Assoei
ciation to have 300,000 bales and
more signed up by July Ist,'' Com
missioner Brown said, “in order
that there may be no delay, and
that the association will be in po
sition to take care of this year's
"The cotton growers of Georgia
and the south have suffered more
than enough already, and they re
ali/.e their marketing plan cannot
be put into effect 100 quickly. We
Emblem of Satisfaction J V / X A Enibno'Sat-Jtctm
T'HESE two telegrams, one from
the far East, the other from the
far West, are typical of the many
telegrams which are being received
from every section of the country
asking for immediate shipment
of Buick cars and for an increase
in dealers allotments.
actual dcmonslfatwi
N« tort K T F.s 24th 1921 shortage of Buick cars
Duiok Motor Co Flint Mioh an d desire to in-
We nr* Bending complete list of orders for shipnent to dealer* I sure Spring deliveries
and to How York cohering 736 autoa»bil*s. Of theso orders 625 , i i» i
ere dlreot shipments to dealers and 111 are absolutely required D} tllC 1 111 ITlCulilte pitlC
ln New York to take ear# of orders In our files, delivery of in O' of orders
which le already pressing us. Please don't get the idea that «
these 111 ears for Rew York will add to our stock here. Wo will
here shortage of oars on all models within the next three weeks.
Our Uaroh requirements will take all the ©are that we are orderly
free v«w ren and wipe out our warehouse stock as well. You
still owe us 61 models on our February aohedule for direct ahipoent
to Hew York. Those are required to take oare of orders in
addition to Mar oh aohedule. We estimate our requirements for WlfUFl^Slkl
April will be upwards of 1000 oars.
Buiok’ - Hcnr Tork brmnoh j*E§£RAM_
San Francisco Cal Feb 22 1821
A goad indication of the demand
for Bunk on the Atlantic Coast.
This tilt gram litmonstratfs
Buick popularity on the Pacific
One round extension oak dining
One oak rocker.
One iron bedstead, mattress and
One baby bed.
()ne No. 8 stove.
One Mahogany library table.
At Bargain Prices.
See Mrs. 1. M. Allen.
Petition for the Removal of Disabilities.
GEORGlA—Atkinson (’ounty.
Tom Hardin vs, Madie Hardin— Libel for
Divorce In Atkinson Superior Court-, June
Term. 1921.
The verdict of total divorce granted at the
January Term, 192 L. of the Superior Court of
said County.
Notice is hereby given to all concerned that
on the 11th day tii April. 1921, I filed with the
clerk of the Superior court of said county my
petition, addressed to said court, returnable
to the next term thereof, to be held on the
4th Monday In June. 1921. for the removal ol
the disabilities resting upon me under the
verdict in the above stated case by reason of
my Intermarriage with Madie Hardin, which
application will be heard at the June Term,
1921, of said court which commences on the
fourth Monday in June. 1921.
Tom Hardin.
“Cold in the Head”
Is an acute attack of Nasal Catarrh.
Those subject to frequent “colds in
the head" will find that the use of
build up the System, cleanse the Blood
and render them less liable to colds.
Repeated attacks of Acute Catarrh
may lead to Chronic Catarrh.
taken internally and acts through the
Blood on the Mucous Surfaces of the
System, thus reducing the Inflamma
tion and restoring normal conditions.
Ail druggists. Circulars free.
F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo. Ohio.
already have assurances of co-oper
ation through similar organizations
in other cotton growing states, and
1 feel that the whole south is go
ing to put itself iu readiness to
take care of the marketing of the
entire 1921 crop.
"The Atlanta meeting was a well
attended and most enthusiastic
one. I cannot too-strongly express
my appreciation of the splendid
attendance and the fine spirit that
was shown. Mr. Sapiro sot his
plan very clearly before the meet
mg and it was cordially approved
They prove in a most conclusive
manner the demand for Buick cars
—a demand which is particularly
gratifying now w hen motor car
values are being scrutinized as
never before and when final sales
are consummated upon the basis
of greater relative values and
Buiok Metor Co
Flint kioh
Our Itoroh roqulrooonte including Jobe ordered for February per our wire
eorentoenth are San Francisco forty model forty fours fifty model forty firoa
twenty model forty sever,s twenty model forty eights fire model fifties Los
Angeles fifty model forty fours one hundred sorority five model forty fires
thirty fire model forty Kerens thirty fire model forty eights fire model
fifties San Pafael California 1 model forty four four model forty first
Klasmth Falls Oregon one model forty four four model forty fires total four
hundred and forty fire Try to rush closed Jobe Adriso when all ears ordered
by McMillan were shippod
Bernard Auto Co*
1 beg to say to the citizens of
Pearson and vicinity that 1 have
[purchased tlx 1 Carl Murray goods
and am receiving a fresh and up
to-date Stock of Groceries. 1 am
opening them in the Mancil build
ing, formerly occupied by Mr.
Murray, i solicit your patronage
and guarantee prompt and court
eous treatment.
Yours to serve, J. E. Lee.
by all present. Many pledges
were signed right in the meeting,
and there appeared to be no doubt
that the 300,000 bales minimum
would be signed up even before
July Ist.
“There is no doubt in mv mint!
that we tire moving in the right
direction, and that the cotton
growers are going to win out.”
EAGLE No. 174
For Sale at your D.-aicr ]VS»ce in fve
Travel and Ship via
Quick and Convenient Schedules “THROUGH THE LAND OF OPPORTUNITY.’’
Ex'sun DaUr U "‘ >ly MUes Dalir Patty Dally Dally
Ex. Sun.
0 . (Eastern Time
mOO pm... ft.-'Gara 0 Augusta, tia. £lO pm 11:10 am
Augusta »c. of Ga. * i*"innm
M "" m Kcyavtlle Hem'. Mura
4-40 p m 1«» m J i nlth fcitiTm
lte»a m ofi MMvSfa '
- • 1135 am 72 Swahiflbon,
- ® M i lien 3:25 n m T or, n m
34 Stlltroore ? : 48nra
i im vtrtaHa UXpM %«. m ]
.‘, w, 111 T®?» 1* Hazlehurst 12:28 u m B:S' n m
. B:.«jam -I:l,am 160 tH>u«la. 1130 p m 7:25 p m am 1,, Wiiiacoocbee 10242 pm 6A> pni
I*:*’ a _i" 4-40 arn life Nashville 9:iio pin 5i5 p m
IlSniS 2® Nashville 9£opra TIT
,• }}2» “ •>"« » m ® ' atdosta 8:45 p m 4:30 p m
p }i^* a m 223 Valdosta 4-« t» ,u
" - ' - -" . Mai'-m. Fia. ■ JUS p m Tab am ITTT
I Daily except Sunday.
General Manner. General Pewenger Agent
Season 1920-21.
Winter excursion tickets on sale
to winter resorts in the Southeast
aed to resorts in Arizona and Texas
daily October 1. 11)20, to April 30,
I 1920, inclusive; final return limit
! May 31. 1921.
Stop overs allowed at all stations
jon either going or return trip, or
j both, within the final limit of
ticket, upon application to con
l doctor.
For full information as to rates,
' schedules, etc., apply to nearest
Agent or Passenger Representative.
Central of Georgia Railway
General Passenger Agent.
Misses Edwitia and Marie Wil
son of Adel, Ga., Were visitors in
Milltown last week. They are
granddaughters of Lion. Jeff Kirk
land of Pearson.