Pearson tribune. (Pearson, Ga.) 191?-1955, October 07, 1921, Image 4
Methodist Church Directory. The following is a schedule of services on the Pearson circuit. Methodist Episcopal < lunch South. I’KARSON —2nd and 4th Sundays. 12:00 arid 8:00 p. in. Sunday School :1:30 p. in. Prayer meeting Wednesday 8:00 p. in. New Providence —2nd and 4th Sundays 3:30 p in. Sunday-School 2:30 p. in. Web lev ('haj'EE—lst Sumla; 11:30 a. in. and Saturday night be fore 7:30 p. in. Sunday School 3:00 l>. in. Sweetwater —Ist Sunday 3:30 p. in. and 7:30 p. in. Sunday School 2:30 p. in. Live Oak —3rd Sunday 11:30 a. in. Sunday-School 3:00 p. m. Kirkland —3rd Sunday 3:30 p. in. and 7;30 p. in. Sunday School 2:30 p. rn. All of these services “Pain or Shine” without the ringing of any bells. Public cordially invited. T. M. Luke. Pastor. Marketing Georgia products and advertising them to the world should command the attention of Georgians every day in the year. We have plenty to eat, but the outside world does not know about it. —Valdosta Times. WEAK, NERVOUS, ALL RUN-DOWN Missouri Lady Suffered Until She Tried Cardui.—Says “Result Was Surprising.”—Got Along Fine, Became Normal and Healthy, j Springfield Mo.—“My back wpa *o weak I could hardly stand up, and I would have bearing-down pains and was not well at any time," says Mrs. D. V. Williams, wife of a well-known farmer on Route 6, this placo. "I kept getting headaches and having to go to bed,” continues Mrs. Williams describing the troubles from which she obtained relief through the use of Cardui. “My husband, having heard of Cardui, proposed getting It for me. “I saw after taking some Cardui .. . that I was improving. The result iwas surprising. I felt like a different person. “Later I suffered from weakness and weak back, null felt all run down. I did not rest well at night, I was so nervous and cross. My husband said he would get me some Cardui, which ho did. It strengthened me . . . My doctor said I got along fine. I was in good healthy condition. I cannot cay too much for it." Thousands of women have suffered as Mrs. Williams describes, until they found relief from the use of Cardui. Since it has helped so many, you should not hesitate to try Cardui If troubled with womanly ailments. For sale everywhere. E. 83 ' fisSoutheastern fkmi If'P’j- Races The Fair Pre-eminent in Exclusive Features GRAND CIRCUIT RACES Representing the top-notch turf performers of the world. WORLDS CHAMPIONSHIP AUTOMOBILE RACES With'the most daring Dirt Track Drivers and the Fastest Cars in the World. SPECTACULAR FREE ACT PROGRAM Every Uig and Novel Free Act worth while. WORTHAM'S WORLDS BEST SHOWS On their first trip to the South will bring the greatest aggregation of midway attractions and amusement devices the show world affords, which, combined with Lakewood’s permanent attractions, will make the greatest Midway at an}- Fair in the World! GEORGEOUS PYROTECHNIC DISPLAYS! Wonderful pyrotechnic program prepared and iV" fired by special artists. BE SURE TO SEE THE BIG OSTRICH FARM EXHIBIT. REDUCED RATES ON ALL RAILWAYS. Admission. 50c: Children. 25c. SCHOOL DAY 15c to ail attending a public or private school when accompanied bv Special Ticket, which will be furnished free to all teachers. Write for Free Premium List or Special Information to R. M. STRIPLIN. Secretary. Atlanta. H. G. HASTINGS. Pres. R, M. STRIPLIN. Sec. / , • \ l j j /1 On Sound Basis After the War Soon after the civil war President Grant put this country on a sound financial basis. On his recommendation congress passed an act ‘‘to strengthen public credit,” and specie payments were later resumed. These are prosperous days in this land, and wise people are banking their surplus cash. Bank your money today and be pre pared for any eventuality. PEARSON BANKING COMPANY Capital and Surplus, $55,000. PEARSON, - GEORGIA. OFFICERS: DIRECTORS: H. P. Smith, Pre*. H. P. Smith. J. O. White, Vice-Pres. J. O. White. W. J. Tyler, Cash. H. F. Sears. L. D. Pearson, Ass’t Cash. D. J. Pearson. B. T. Allen, Attorney. Joe McDonald FARM LOANS Made without delay at 52 to 7 Per Cent. Interest. Loans on Improved City Property at 6 Per Cent < -onu* to see us L. A. HARGREAVES and H. L. LANKFORD, Pafford Building, Pu.arkon, Gkokuia. NEW FALL AND WINTER MILLINERY. We call special attention to our new arrivals in seasonable Millinery, and cordially invite the lady readers of the Tribune to call and Examine our stock. GARRETT & DOUGLASS. Next door to N. E. Harrell, Pearson, - Georgia. NATIONAL HOG AND CATTLE SHOW Through co-operation with the Southern Cattle men’s Association and the Southern Swine Growers' Association, the Southeastern Fair will again feature the National Hog and Cattle Show, assuring the greatest assembly of pure bred Cattle and Swine ever exhibited in the I'nited States. INTERNATIONAL CLUB STOCK JUDGING CON TEST Which created so much attention last year from all parts of the world, will again be an exclusive feature of the Southeastern Fair. MAMMOTH EXHIBITS OF AGRICULTURE AND HORTICULTURE Bovs' and. Girls’ Club exhibits will be staged on a greater scale than ever before. UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT EXHIBITS A comprehensive display of War and Navy Fea tures. PEARSON TiI]BUNK, PEARSON, GEORGIA. OCTOBER 7. 1321 Baptists and Methodists Lead at the University. Students of tbe Baptist denomi nation are most numerous at the University of Georgia, and they are closely seconded by those of Methodist church rnenbership, ac cording to a report made by T. W. Reed, registrar of tbe University, after the enrollment of the lirst thousand students September 28. Of tbe first thousand men and wo men registered, 323 were members of the Baptist church and 102 ex pressed preference for the Baptist church although not members of the denomination. The Methodist church has sent 252 men to the University of Geor gia, and 14 others stated that they preferred that denomination. Nine ty-four Presbyterians are enrolled, Hi Catholics, 44 Episcopalians, 23 Christians. 29 members of Jewish Synagogues, and there is a scatter ing representation from the Con gregational, Lutheran, Universal ist, Unitarian, Reformed and Christian Science churches. More than ninety per cent of tbe students are either church mem bers or express preference for the services of some particular denom ination. This is in accord with I lie statistics of the past few years, which have shown church member ship for 85 per cent of tin* student body. So large is the enrollment of Baptists that the denomination lias considered establishing a student pastor on the campus. All the churches of Athens make a special effort to care for the Uni versity student body, providing special classes and organizations for the college men and women. Ministers of all denominations were in official attendance at the opening exercises of the University to extend the students a welcome. The registration of the first thousand students was completed sooner in the week than has usual ly been the ease, it indicates that the student body this year will number about 1500, an increase of several hundred over last year. Catarrhal Deafness Cannot Be Cured by local applications, as they cannot reach the diseased portion of the car. Catarrhal Deafness requires constitu tional treatment. HAId/S CATARRH MEDICINE is a constitutional remedy. Catarrhal Deafness is caused by an in flamed condition of the mucous lining of the Eustachian Tube. When this tube is inflamed you have a rumbling sound or Imperfect hearing, and when it is entire ly closed Deafness Is the result. Unless the inflammation can be reduced, your hearing may be destroyed forever. HALIVB CATARRH MEDICINE acts through the blood on the mucous sur fa» s of tlie system, thus reducing the in flammation and restoring normal condi tions. Circulars free. All Druggists. F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, Ohio. Professions 1 Gcp'ds. RUFUS A. MOORE, Attorney vnp Counselor, Douglas, Georgia, Office In the Union llank build Ink. Practice in State and Federal courts. DR. ROBER T ('. \\ ALKER, 1 xtern vi Medicixe. Diseases of Chest and Stomach \V vvo robs, - Georgia. DR. B. S. MALONE, Dentist Office In Malone Block PEARSON. GA WALTER T. DICKERSON. Attorney and Counselor at Law. Pearson and Homrrvim.k. c;a. Will be in Pearson every Thursday and can be found at the Clerks Office. Will practice in all courts state and Federal. LEON A. HARGREAVES. Attorney and Counselor, Pearson. Georgia. office in the Pafford Building. Prompt attention given to business in both the State and Federal courts. TALMADGE S. WINN. Attorney and Counselor, Pearson, Georgia. Will do a genera) practice. Office up stairs in the Pafford build lug.front room on the left hand side as you go up. GEO. If. MINGI.EDORFF. ATTORNEY AND COUNSELOR, fhee in the New Pafford Building Pearson. Georgia Practice in all the Courts. State and Federal RENJ. T. ALLEN ATTORNEY AND COUNSELOR Offices In the Allen building. Pearson. Georgia. Will do a general practice in State and Fed era! Courts. TAX COLLECTOR’S ROUNDS. PLACE. DATE HOURS. Willacoochce < >ctober 6 From 10 a. in. to 2 p. in. Kirkland October 6 From 3 p. m. to 4 p. m. Axson October 7 From 10 a. m. to 2 p. m. Pearson October 8 Willacoochce November 12. Tanner A Gillis’s Still... November 10 From 10 a. in. to 12 in. Axson November 10 From 1 p. m. to 4 p. in. Pearson November 11 Kirkland November 12 From 8 a, m. to 9 a. in. H. W. Corbitt's November 15 From 8 a. in. to 12 in. New Bethel November 15 From 2 p. m. to 3 p. m. Thompson's November 10 From 9 a. m. to 11 a. m. Liberty Schoolbouse November 16 From 1 p. m. to 2 p. m. Arnie Shoolhouse November 16 From 4 p. m. Harmony G've Se’ihouse November 1 7 From 8 a. m. to 12 in. •St. Ilia Park Sch'lhouse November 17 From 2 p. in. to 4 p. m. Ozias Schoolhouse November 18 From 10 a. in. to I p. m. Willacoochce December 16 Axson December 15 Pearson Decomber 17, 18, 19; THOMAS MORRIS, SR., Tax Collector, Atkinson County, Ga‘ GEORGIA & FLORIDA RAILWAY. Passenger Train Schedules “THROUGH THE LAND OF OPPORTUNITY.” 3 r > 2 4 1 ■ 11. I’Hilr Ex. sun. Killy i Eastern Time.) :? 00 p m k («i a m I.v Augusta Ar 10 :to a m 605 p m 4 40 if 2 • Keyaviiie 8 50 4 40 T- }'> D m Ytdaila i 40 I 55 llazlehurst 12 28 oil Douglas 11 20 a m - •*» WHlaeoochee 10 32 ■ ; P ni Ar Valdosta I.v 8 45 a m ■> W |i in i.v Valdosta (GSAF.i Ar 12 05 a m o 50 p m \r Jacksonville Ia 8 20 i> rn U ,t: > P »u Lv Valdosta Ar 8 30 a m 12 So a m Ar Madison I.v fi :to a m 14 2. 4 1 44 2 I 14 sun. only Ex. sun. lx. Sun. Tcnnfllc Branch Kx. Sun. F.x. Sun. * Sun. only. Mixed. Mixed. 800 a m :> Hi p m Buo ain Lv Augusta Ar 6 O', p»» lu :io a m 6 (ft p m •' 30 a m ( 10 » ■‘lO a in Lv Keysvtlle Ar 6 .15 p m 845 510 p m 12 01 pin 7 :k< ioj pni Ar lennllle Lv 250 p m bona ni 250 p m Hally Pally Milk-n Branch pally Dally la I* in 7 in a m I.v VuciiHia Toliiai \r U m p m i 8 :Ki p in 4 »> »'-'a Ar Ml lien (Colliai I.v In 00 6 mi 4 411 ll.y. I.v Milieu (G .V- FI Ar 11 Ztl 4 21l « oh ‘U 28 i.v Mtuimore i.v 7 m 47 7 16 It :» P 111 Ar Vtdalla I.v H 5a a ni 1 4ii p m 81 :t( :I2 mi Sunday Monday Tuck, Thur Braxton Branch Ttren Thur Sunday Monday W'eil'sd'y Friday Saturday. Saturday Wed. Friday 1 p rn. Lv lie lee Ar 1 05 p m 1 10 p m 2 15 Braxton 12 40 12 35 p m 1 45 255 Ar Douglas Lv 12 00 rn 12 00 in lx. sTindav Snn.'nnl.v Moultrie Branch ! Sun. mrl.v Fx. Sund’y 10 (ft a in 10 05 a in !.\ Nashville Ar 4 10pm i 5 to p m it) ai io r,i Sparks :w 4 3o .11 10 10 58 Adel 20 4 15 12 l’” 1 d m 12 10 p m Ar Moultrie Lv 2 00 j> hi 2 15 p m. J. A. STRFYER, D. F KIRKPATRICK Traffic Manager. General Passenger Agent. PEARSON SHOE HOSPITAL Say, bring all of your OLD SICK SHOES And have them made well and good as new. Best materials used in all work. In MALONE BLOCK second door from South corner. INSURANCE! Is Your Premises Insured against Fire, Lightning and Tornade? If not, See HARGREAVES & TYLER, Pearson, Ga. ** They Represent Firstclass Companies, jt LEGAL BLANKS. The Tribune has in stock for sale— State Warrants, Justice Court Summonses, Justice Court Executions, Justice Court Witness Subpoenas, Warranty Deeds Quit Claim Deeds, Bond for Title, Attachment, Affidavit and Bond, Garnishment, Affidavit and Bond. Garnishment Summonses, Claim Affidavit and Bond, Others will be published and kept in stock as opportunity offers. PRICES REASONABLE. Send orders to Tribune, Pearson, Ga. EAGLE “MlKADo”>^^^^^ No. 174 For Sale at your Dealer Made in (ire grade* ASK FOR THE YELLOW PENCIL WITH THE RED BAND EAGLE MIKADO EAGLE PENCIL COMPANY, NEW YORK