Pearson tribune. (Pearson, Ga.) 191?-1955, December 02, 1921, Image 4
Purely Personal. Uev. O. B. Tally Ims been sent by the North Georgia conferencf tube pastor at \\ a.., viile, . Oconee county. Col. W. W. Banks an<! his Cor mander-in.chief, T. \V. Hardwii , and ot her polit ieian , an thanksgiving day at Tift on. Mr. W. 11. Alonciief Ini' m from Ilotnerville to Arcadia, Fh The Tribune will Jolniw him tb hi new home, and lie lias the editor' best wishes for )■ is success, lb was born and reared in Pearson. Mr K Kontz Bennett, son of United Slates District Attorney, •fohn VV. Bennett, has opened a law office on the fourth floor of Bunn buildiug at Way cross. He is a graduate of the law depart ment of Harvard University. .Judge R. G. Dickerson presided last week in Dodge superior court supplying for Judge Esc hoi Gra ham in cases where he was dis qualified, and his efforts to hold t he scales of justice evenly balane ed won for him the highest regard of attorneys and laymen. Marshal Koch, command er-in chief of the allied armies during the world war, will he exhibited in Atlanta on December 9th, for a period of just forty-five minutes. Pity he will be permitted to see the capital city of Georgia at all and learn of the unworthy history she is now making. Illustrated Short Stories. OUR HOME TOWN. Ip ABLY to bed, up at day break SBjAud off to work. Never a word from farmer or clerk There's lots of money for this little town And it can’t be beat For they have won the county seat. Wake up boys and arise from the loafers bench There’s no time for delay Get to work quick There’s only twelve hours in a day < >ur town must not be delayed We are going to make it One of Hie best made. The wealthy must not look cross.- ed eyed at the poor. They will he worth just, as much in heaven As the rich, if not more; If you be kind to everybody Whereever you may go You will he one in Heaven They will know'. Now don’t be selfish and look so wise Work with the town Although it strains your eyes. \\ e need co-operatoin and we must not wait To make this town one of the best in the State. By Carrie Ski it hr. it's beautiful. The lady hank clerk had Cffia completed her first week, fjjl and a friend asked her how I/ I s ' u> fik°d the work. mi "Oh, it's beautiful,"said the girl,‘Tin at a branch where nearly all the people we know have accounts and it’s so nice to see how little money some of your friends have in the bank. WILL AND WON'T. Old Mose was wrestling with a balky mule when a riajrj bystander asked nim: "Whv M ose, where's your f J will power!" "Mali will power is ali right," came the reply, "but, you ought to come out an’ see dis ani mal's won’t power.—Selected. The voters of Glyun county Wednesday of last week voted a bond issue of $175.00 to finance the building of a roadway from the mainland at Brunswick to St. Simons Island. This insures the completion of the work, a distance of four miles, at the earliest pos sible moment. 666 WUI break a Cold, Fever and Grippe quicker than anything we know, preventing pneumonia PUBLIC IS URGED TO HEED NATURES WARNING Thousands of people Suffer Permanent Loss of Health Because of Neglect—Nature Has Set the Danger Signals for Us and We Cannot Afford to Pass Unnoticed the Warning That She Gives Us. Good digestion means good healtab; bad digestion means bad health. A sound stomach is worth a hundred times its weight in gold. Probably eighty per cent of all diseasess originate in the digestive or gans. Dyspepsia, or what is more commonly known as indigestion, is not only one of the most prevalent, but it is ohe of the most difficult to treat of all present day diseases, and has for years ballled the skill of leading specialists everywhere. Stomach trouble is almost al ways followed by aeomplieation of diseases. One of the first being an overworked liver, with all the symptoms of biliousness, followed in turn with headaches, coated tongue, nausea, dizzy spells, pain in the back, palpitation of the heart and other distressing symp toms. Sooner or later the kidneys will become involved and that is just why these danger signals j should be heeded in time. A wise man puts out the fire before there is too much destruction; the same theory should apply to stomach trouble. Gas on the stomach means fer mentation instead of digestion; de cay, instead of nutrition for fer mentation produces poisons, which are absorbed by the blood, and which frequently bring on the con dition known as auto in toxjealion or self poisoning. This is also why we develop acidosis, which brings on so many complications such as rheumatism, hardening of the art eries, high blood pressure and oth er conditions, which may mean permanent loss of health. Acidosis is one of the main forerunners of Bright’s disease and diabetes, hence it evident that if we have stomach trouble, however slight, we are foolish indeed if we do not take prompt steps to correct it, If we are not lit as a fiddle in the morning; if we don't feel better than when we went to bed; if our breath is offensive; and we have that bad taste in the mouth; na ture has set the danger signals for us and we cannot afford to neglect the warning that she gives us. That is just why the demand for Tanlac, the great Stomachic, Sys teinic and Reconstructive tonic has broken all World’s records. The American people have learned UP-TO-DATE IQB PRINTING! We Have Pleased Others WE CAN PLEASE YOU. Now is the time to have your printing done for the Fall and Winter. Give us your Printing Now. We Use only the Best Materials. Our Printers Know the Printing Business. This Combination Warrants Satisfaction. Give the Tribune Your Printing? Address TRIBUNE, Pearson, Ga. TAX COLLECTOR’S ROUNDS. PLACE. DATE HOURS. Willaeooehee December it; Axson December 15 Pearson Decomber 1 7. is. to THOMAS MORRIS, SR., Tax Collector, Atkinson County, Ga’ FARM LOANS Made without delay at to 7 Per Cent. Interest. Loans on Improved City Property at 6 Per Cent. Come to see us L. A. HARSREAVES and H. L. LANKFORD. Pafford Building, Pearson, Georgia PEAKS*>N TRIBUNE, PEARSON. GEORGIA, DECEMBER 2. 1921 that it probably provides thesur est, safest, and quickest remedy for all such troubles, and millions upon millions have taken it with the most astonishing and gratify ing results. Tens of thousands of men and women of all ages and in all walks of life afflicted wilb stomach, liver and kidney disorders, some of them of long standing, as well as thous amis of weak, thin, nervous men and women apparently on the verge of collapse have testified publicly that they have been fully restored to their normal health, strength and weight by its use. Still others who seemed fairly well, yet who suffered with indigestion, headaches, shortness of breath, dizzy spells, sour, gassy stomach aches, coated tongues, foi. :ess of breath, constipation, bad complex ion, loss of appetite, sleeplessness at night and terribly dejected, de pressed feelings state that they have been entirely relieved of these distressing symptoms and re stored to health and happiness by Tanlac. NOTE: Tanlac Vegetable Pills are an essential and vitality im portant part of the Tanlac Treat ment wherever constipation is present. You connot hope to get satisfac tory results from the Tanlac Treat ment without first establishing a free and regular movement of the bowel Is. It stands to reason that no treatment can do the greatest amount of good when you are suffering from constipation or bil iousness. or when your system is clogged up with waste products and poisons. Tanlac and Tanlac Vegetable Pills are sold by druggist every where. —Advertisement. GIRLS, BOYS, Do you want to EARN Some Christmas Money? Here is the Way you Can do so! For every dollar in cash you turn in to the Tribune on Subscriptions you will receive 25c. You may accept $1 for an annual subscription, up to and including the 20th of December. Bring in your list of subscribers with the money and we will make the division in accordance with this agreement. Go to work soliciting subscriptions from fath er, mother, sister, brother, uncles, aunts, or any of your friends and report to this office Decem ber 20th. The Tribune makes this offer to give the girls and boys an opportunity to earn their own money with which to have a good time Christ mas. It is now up to the parents and friends of the young folks to help them make merry on Michaelmas Day. Pearson Tribune. ry**V^r y’-Tryisyrry lyryt-y y 1857—GROVER j /^t^LEVELANb- 1906 Banked First Sixty Dollars The first money Grover Cleveland ever earned was from his uncle. Lewis F. Allen. He got sixty dollars for six weeks’ work helping to compile a book. He banked the money in Buffalo, N. Y. Did you bank the first money you earned ? Are you banking your money now? See us today about opening an account. Banking of all kinds. PEARSON BANKING COMPANY Capital and Surolus, $55,000. PEARSON, - GEORGIA. OFFICERS: DIRECTORS: H. P. Smith, Pres. .O. White, Vice-Pres. H. P. Smith. . O. White. W. J. Tyler, Cash. L. D. Pearson, Ass’t Cash. H. F. Sears. D. J. Pearson. B. T. Allen, Attorney. Joe McDonald No. 174 KihmaL; ■ or For Sole at your Dealer Made in five trade* ASK FOR THE YELLOW PENCIL WITH THE RED BAND EACLE MiKADO EAGLE PENCIL COMPANY, NEW YORK INSURANCE! Is Your Premises Insured against Fire, Lightning and Tornado? If not, See HARGREAVES & TYLER, Pearson, Ga. yt, They Represent Firstclass Companies. I’tfofcssioiiql Gqi<ds. j RUFUS A. MOORE. Attorney and Counselor, Douglas, Georgia, ('flirt- In the Union Hank building. Practice in Slate and Federal courts. j DR. HUBERT U. 'WALKER, Internal Medic ink. Diseases of ( best and Stomach W a across, - Georgia. DR. R. S. MALONE, Dentist Office in Malone Block I’EARSON, GA WALTER T. DICKERSON. Attorney and Counselor at Law, PKAKSON AMI, GA. W ill la- in Pearson every Thursday and can be found at the Clerks Office. Will practice in all courts state and Federal. LEON A. HARGREAVES, Attorney and Counselor, Pearson, Georgia. Office In the Pafford Building. Prompt attention given to business in both the state and Federal courts. TALMADGE S. WINN, Attorney and Counselor, Pearson, Georgia. "’HI d f > a general practice. * Ul> stairs In the Pafford buildlog./ront room «m the left hand side as you go up. GEO. 11. MJNGLEDOKFF, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELOR. < hfice in the New Pafford Building Pearson. Oi iLN.I, T. ALLEN ATTORNEY AND OOt N Office? in the Allen buii. I’EARSON. tIEOKGIA Win do a seener.* i Dm. ; ice in st.-lit eral Courts “Cold in the Head” is an acute attack of Nasal Catarrh. Those subject to frequent “colds in the head” will find that the use or HALL S catarrh medicine Will build up the System, cleanse the Blood and render them less liable to colds Repeated attacks of Acute Catarrh may lead to Chronic C- tarrh HALL’S CATARRH MEDICINE is taken internally and acts through the B!ood on the Mucous Surfaces of the System, thus reducing the inflamma twn and restoring normal conditions All druggists. Circulars free F. J. Cheney A Co.. Toledo, Ohio