Pearson tribune. (Pearson, Ga.) 191?-1955, April 14, 1922, Image 4

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©, 1522, by McClure Newspaper Syndicate.
Connie had caught the “society hug”
—there was no doubt, about it, in
Joe’s mind. And she had caught it
from his own brother’s wife, which
made it a great deal worse. Every
evening when Joe came home, he was
forced to listen to Connie’s praises of
Martha—her ability to and em
broider her own gowns, run an apart
ment on 11—- street, attend whist Clubs,
entertain, and keep a maid—ail on her
husband's moderate salary.
“We're going to visit there this \yek
end, Joe,” said Connie, enthusiastical
ly, "so don’t make apy engagement
for tomorrow. Oh, dear, don’t you
think we could afford an apartment if
we sold this place?”
“We might if we wanted to mort-
salary for the rest of our
Jives,” said Joe, dryly.
“Oh, hubby! and you know What a
horror f have of debt.” Connie’s blue
eyes were reproachful.
“Well, we're going there for Satur
day anyhow. I think Martha’s awfully
clever and I’m going to try to be just
like her!"
Joe groaned, and betook himself to
The Saturday night dinner at his
brother Jim’s was apparently a suc
cess, though Joe did not seem to en
joy it. In the morning lie couldn’t
gel up. In terror Connie called a
doctor, who pronounced the trouble
pneumonia, forbade moving the pa
tient, and advised a trained nurse.
Martha was very gracious, plans
were made, the nurse engaged, and
Connie donned a bungalow apron, pre
pared for a long siege. Everything
went smoothly until Monday morning.
Missing Martha at the breakfast table,
Connie tapped on her bedroom door.
“I’m not going to get up this morn
ing,” her sister-in-law Informed her.
“Tell Mary I'll breakfast in bed.”
The doorbell rung, and Connie an
swered It. A dapper little man stood
in the hallway.
“Mrs. Barker?"
“I am from Leon's, the furrier's.
We want you should pay something on
this bill for a sable coat, or we will
start to sue you.”
“Oh—you mean the other Mrs. Mar
ker,” said Connie. “She’s sick in bed.”
“Well, I’ll call next week," he said,
and bowed himself away.
“Ice!” roared the ice man. "Twenty
cents, please. I urn ordered to collect
cash In this house, every time! Thank
Another man appeared In the door
way, as If by magic.
“Who are you?” demanded Connie.
“I’m the milkman" I’m collecting a
dollar a week on this old bill—she
said she'd pay It off that way.” Then
she turned to the cluttered kitchen
and addressed the untidy maid.
“Mary, how will the nurse and I
linve lunch If these dishes are not soon
“I don’t know, and I don't care," that
young person exploded. "When Mrs.
Barker’s here alone we don’t have
lunch. I’ve got the three lodgers'
rooms to look after ”
“Lodgers?" queried Cdnnte, bewild
“Sure.” explained Mary, and then
she added maliciously: “D'you think
she could live in a swell apartment if
somebody didn’t help her pay the
So this was how Martha managed!
An agonizing race to borrow from <
Peter to pay Paul, accompanied by
aching eyes and frazzled nerves. The
nurse, on the way to the kitchen for a
glass of milk, said:
“Your husband scents very much bet
ter today. Mrs. Barker—l don't think
you’ll need me tomorrow."
“Oh, impossible!”
“Well, we'll see what Dr. Kendall
says tonight.”
The doctor's verdict was a pleasant
“Humph!” he observed. “Very for
tunate young man. What we call an
'abortive case; clears up suddenly, for
apparently no reason. You can dismiss
your nurse, and take your husband
borne In a taxi tomorrow—if you
If she wished! She could hardly
wait titl they had gone to tell Joe how
glad she’d lie to get home and to hug
him, regardless of germ*.
“Connie,” he said, a little weakly,
from the bed. “I was talking to Jim
Saturday night, and tie says there’s an
apartment downstairs to rent if you
think we could manage——”
"Sot on your life! 4 ’ exploded his
wife, emphatically. “My tiny tint is
good enough for me! I’ve heard an ex
pression somewhere that just fits tills
place, Joe. It's this: 'Many a Queen
Anne front hides a Mary Ann hack.’
I’m going to take you home l “
Never Too Late to “Bob.”
The oldest inmates of the Daughters
of Israel home at .Newark, N. J„ a
woman of 110 years, has had her hair
bobbed. The management of the home,
says a Central News wire from New
York, were much upset when the old
lady requested that her style of hair
dressing should be made to accord
with the prevailing fashion. The mat
ter was gravely discussed, and as there
was nothing in the rules and regula
tions to the contrary they gave way
to granny's insistent demand that her
hair should be bobbed. “Just like the
other girls.” That done the happy cen
tenarian said; “I am only 110. and I
expect to break the record of my
grandmother, who lived to be 125.”
Baptist Church.
Preaching service every first and
third .Sundays in the month at
| 1 1 :30 a. in. and 8 p. in.
I Regular monthly confidence on
Monday evening follow ing the third
Sunday at 8:00 o’clock.
Bible school every Sunday, 3:30
P in.
Mid week prayer and praise ser
vice Thursday evenings at 3:00
I:. V. P. U. —Every Sunday even
ing at 7 o’clock.
W. M. S. Monday afternoon fol
lowing the third Sunday at 1:00
o’clock. Circle No. I meets on
Tuesday afternoon following the
second Sunday at 4 o’clock. Cir
cle No. 2 meets on Tuesday after
noon following the fourth Sunday
at S o’clock. ,
Methodist Church.
Preaching 2nd and 4th Sundays
at 11 a. in. and Bp. ,ni.
Prayer meeting every Wednes
day night 8 p. m.
. Sunday-School 3:30 p. m.
Junior League 2:30 pan. Sunday.
Intermediate League 7 j>. m.
Ladies Aid Wednesday after
2nd Sunday, I p. in.
Church Conference Monday after
2nd Sunday, 8 p. in.
Class meetings every Friday
For Sale —< )ld newspapers; good
to put under your carpet, to chink
up an open house in cold weather,
or to wrap up sugar cured hams or
bacon. At Tribune office, 25c a 100.
A Tonic
For Women
“I was hardly able to drag, I
was so weakened,” writes Mrs.
W. F. Ray, of Easley, S. C.
‘‘The doctortreated me for about
two months, still I didn’t get
any better. I had a large fam
ily and felt I surely must do
something to enable me to take
care of my little ones. I had
heard of
The Woman’s Tonic
“I decided to try it,’‘‘con
tinues Mrs. Ray ... ‘‘l took
eight bodies in a 11... 1 re
gained my strength and have
no more trouble with wo
manly weakness. 1 have ten
children and am able to do all
my housework and a lot out
doors ... 1 can sure recom
mend Cardui.”
Take Cardui today. It may
be just what yod need.
At all druggists.
£)R. B. S. MALONE,
Si! 'he
Office In Malone ISlock
General practice In all courts, state and
offices vt
Pearson. Homervllle and Mtlltown. Georgia
Attorney and Counselor,
Douglas, Georgia,
Office In the In ton Hank building.
Practice In State and Federal courts.
Attorney and Counselor,
Pearson, Georgia.
Office In the PatTord Building.
Prompt attention given to business In both
the state and Federal courts.
Oftlcv in thv New t’aflorA ItufidtnK
Pearson, Georgia
Practice in all the Courts. State and ■Federal |
Attorney' and Counselor,
Pearson, Georgia.
Will do a general practice.
Office up stairs in the PatTord building.front
room on the left hand side as you go up.
Offices In the Allen building,
Pearson, Georgia.
Will do a general practice in btate aud Fed j
It is the Safe and Reliable
Tonic Used by Physicians
for 30 Years.
There are "new styles” even in
medicines. A new "fad” comes, is
popular for a while, and then fades
out of public view. A remedy
that, lias stood the test ftvr thirty
years must have remarkable merit
and cannot be called a "fad.” Such
is Guile’s I’epto Mangan. originat
ed by Dr. A. Gude over a quarler
century ago, which has helped
many thousands of people back to
(food 'health by improving the
blood. Pep to Mangan- is an iron
ionic. It contains iron in a special
form easily absorbed by the sys
tem. It |)uts color into the lips
and cheeks and aproves the entire
body by improving and enriching
Lheblood. It is sold by druggists
in both liquid and tablet form. If
you want to be well and strong and
look fine and healthy, take Glide's
Attendance officers in the schools
of Philadelphia, I’a., have reported
that more than 1,000 children stay
away from school on account of
poverty. Lack of shoes and cloth
,?§| A dams Won Fame
mi As a Financier
jSfi John Adams, second president of the @
i i United States, won fame as a financier s'
l\ / when he borrowed $2,000,0(10 from Mol* |
Ik ■ Me was a firm believer in banking.
Every man who hopes to be a success I
I % * \ in life has a bank account,
ft \ Make up your mind to place a certain | *
\ \ amount of your business profits or income I (V*
V7* fl in the bank. B >
We invite an inspection of our bunking Sr J
PV” J methods. -
Capital and Surplus, $55,000.
H. P. Smith, Pres. J. O. White, Vice-Pre*. H. P. Smith. J. O. \V t .
W. J. Tyler, Cash. L. D. Pearson, Ass’t Cash. H. F. Sears. D. J.
B. T. AUen, Attorney. Joe McDonald
This is to be a stirring year in the
events of Coijnty, State and Nation.
The people of Atkinson county will
want to keep up with them.
The Pearson Tribune will tarry all
important news and comment. You
can secure it by subscribing during
the month of April at
Call and have your name put on
the List for the year 1922.
Say, bring all of your
And have them made well and good as new. Best
materials used in all work.
Up Stairs, PAFFORD BUILDING, third room to Left.
Pencils and Matches.
Why is it that the average man
almost invariably looks up a lead
pencil or a box of matches as legi
timate prev, and why is it that the
fellow who is too honest to take a
thing in the world that doesn’t be
long to him thinks nothing of bor
rowing yoar pencil or your box of
matches and then, sticking the
same in his pocket, walks away as
though he had nothing but his own
property on his person.' "Lemine
take your pencil a minute.” That’s
the general request tint: usually
means farewell to your lead pci..-,
unless you stand right there
with your eye on the pencil and
your hand out to take it when the
borrower is through, lie wouldn’t
sneak it out of your pocket, and
lie is too honest to scheme around
for a way to get possession of it
without your knowing it. Then
why will the same honest man bor
row it and. nine times out.of ten.
walk away with it right undei
your very nose! Ever try to solve
the problem!—The Telfair Huter
ing is the greatest reason, and
eases have been reported where
children stay in bed to keep warm.
Notice ot Sale ot Land Under Decree.
GEORGIA —Atkinson County. %
Under and by virtue of the decree dated
March 20th, 1922. In the case of The Prudential
Insurance Company of America vs. William
B. Morris, Jr., in the United states Court for
the Southwestern Division of the Southern
District of Georgia. In Equity, the undersign
ed, as ConmilKsioner, will sell at public out
cry before the court house door in the county
of Atkinson, on the 6th , day of May. 1922, be
tween the legal hours of sale, to the highest
bidder for cash, the following described real
estate, situate and being In the county oFAt
klnson. State of Georgia, to-wit:
The following described land, situated
In the county of Atkinson, formerly Coffee,
and State of Georgia, to-wit: One hund
red twenty-two and one-half 122 l-2» acres
of lot of land number three hundred
eighty-eight in the Fifth District anti be
ing all the northeast quarter of said lot ot
Alyoone hu.idr t ninety <lf« acres of
lot of land number thr* c hundred forty
eight m the Ft. 1 I); .rlct of said « unity,
described a« follows: Bounded on tin
south and west by' original land lines of
said lot; east by lines midway between and
parallel the < i-t a,l ; w< st m i Inal land
lines: north by line parallel to anil at such
distance from the south original land line
as to contain one hundred and ninety
U9O; acres.
Also 7 acres of lot of laild No. 389 in the
sth district of said county, described as
follows: Beginning at the northwest cor
ner of said lot and thence running east
along the north original land line 210
yards, more or less, then south 160 yards,
more or less, then west 210 yards. ?hore or
less, to the west original land line: thence
north along the west original la line IfiO
yards, more or less, to the point of begin
n ing.
Also tha* tract or parcel of land describ
ed as follows: Beginning at a point on the
w est original land line of lot of land No.
in the sth District of said county,
where Youngblood Branch intersects said
line, and running the west original land
line to the Intersection of said land line by
an old tram road; thence in an eastward
direction along said tram road to t he point
where a branch Intersects said road,
thence east along the run of said branch
to the east original land line of said lot;
thence north along the east original land
lib< of said lot to the northeast corner of
said lot; thence west along the north or
iginal land line of said lot to where said
line intersects Youngblood branch, thence
southvn stwardly along the run of Young
blood Branch to the west original land
line, the ,polnt of beginning. Said tract
containing 81 acres, more or Jess.
All four of said Dar ts containing In the ag
gregate f tr hundred lorn acres, more or less.
All timber situated up. n said lands, which
Is suitable tor sawmill and turpentine pur
poses are hereby excepted.
.Said lands u ;ll he sold in gross, subject to
eonfti math >;t of the court as provided for in
•said decree, for the purpose of pay ing the In
debtedness .{ B. Morris, Jr., to The
Prudential In.-u ranee Company of America,
said Ihdebtedm consisting of $1500.00 prin
cipal. *828.48 Interest to March 20th, 1922, $532.-
84 attorney’s fees, .inti Interest on said prin
cipal sum to date of confirmation of sale as
set out in said decree, together with the
costs of court in this hehah. The purchase!
will be required to deposit 10 per cent of Ills
bid at the tint, of sale, and the balance to be
paid upon confirmation.' hi lhe event said
sale Is not confirmed. Die deposit, will be re
d b • n<< ' t without deduc
tion. This 3rd day of \pril, 19*22.
Atkinson County Sheriffs Sale,
J GKOltGlA—Atkinson Bounty.
Will b* sold, on the first Tuesday In May
next, at public outcry at the court house
iu -..i • ill.;, t. -.1 m..u\s ot sale,
to the highest bidder for cash. < ertalu proper
ty, to wit: Ten acres, more or less; of lot of
land No. 488 in the 51 li district* of said state
and county, bound as follows, north by lands
ot George lout*, or road, east by lands of Peg
gy Thomas, south by lands of the estate of
Aaron Moore, wes* by lands of D. K. Gaskins,
it being the place where (Jeorgt William*, Sr.,
‘ ■ •; 11
I 'landing ■ :i2« v h M by Die Han': of Willa
*4 •■' 1
Said prom rty F .kd on by B. H. shaw. (fc.
c.i and turned ov-r 1 - me as property oi
George Williams to s:Ul*fy an execution Issu
ed from trn ustici - « ourt of the 1926th district
• d bald county in favor of « orbltt Brothers
and ai&iinst the said George Williams: said
property being In possession of George Wil
liams, and he as tenant in possession given
notice in writing. This the6th day of April,
1*122. !.. D. LEGGETT. Sheriff
Citation tor Letters ai Administration.
To all whom it may concern: Minder Miller
having in proper form applied tome for Per"
mam nt Letters of Administration ou the es
tate of Wii-iam M lHer. c01..’ late ol said coun
ty. this is to cite all and singular the credit
ors and next of kin of William Miller to be
and appear at my office within the time al
lowed by law. and show cause. If any they
can, why permanent administration should
not be granted to Minder Miller ou William
Miller’s estate.
Witness my hand official signature, this the
“3rd day of April. 192*2.
.1. Weslky Robkb*lm. Ordinary.
Atkinson County Sheriff Sale.
i Will t.» sold bi tic the court house door of
I said county, at Rearson, between the legal
| hours Ot Slit .m tin- first Tuesday in May.
j * >ne bay ti >rse. named Dick, about ten year?
| old. weighing about ore thousand pounds—
! t*ing the horse formerly owned by Dick
Griffin. \lvi tight head of stock caltle.
| marked ' allow fork and underbit In one ear
i and s, lit u: : : : . tin :>t r*ar. Said
[cattle rauLine about Defendants home in
: Atkinson < uus. Levied on and to be sold
as the propel ' ' Thomas Spivey and Laura
spivey * .-atisfy a mart tiagc execution issued
from Atkinson *- iperior court in favor of the
ritb ens Bank of Douglas. This the 6th day
v i April. 1:'22. 1 I>. t.: • • HTT -herltf A. C.
Atkinson County Sheriff Sale.
«IKfiRG l A —Atkinson County.
Will be sold before the court house door In
?aid county, at Pearson, between the legal
hours of sale on the first Tuesday In May,
One Fort! Touring car. motor number 459628:
also ten head of stock cattle, marked swallow
fork and underbit in one ear and split and
underbit in the other ear. said cattle ranging
in and around the farm of Mrs. Irwin Spivey,
four miles north of Ax son. Levied on and to
be sold a- the property of Ira Bennett to sat
isfy a mortgage execution issued from Atkin
son superior r-mrt in favor o. J. W. Arnold.
This the 6th day of April 1922.
E. D. LEGGE IT. Sheriff A. C.
Atkinson County Tax Sales.
GEORGIA —Atkinson County*.
Will be sold before the Court House door
in said county and state, at Pearson. Georgia,
on the First Tuesday In May, 1922, between
the legal hours of sale. 190 acres, more or
less, of lot of land No. 348 in the sth Land dis
trict of Atkinson county, Georgia, described
as follows: Bounded on south and west by
original land lines of said lot. east by lines
midway between and parallel to the east and
wesriand lines of said lot, north by line par
allel to and at such distance from the south
original land line as' to contain one hundred
and ninety acres. Levied on and lo be sold
as the property of W. fl. Morris. Jr./to satisfy
an execution issued by Thomas Morris, Sr.,
tax collector, for State. County and school
Taxes for the year 192 k owner notified in
writing, this the sth day ol April. 1922.
J. W. fl orris. Special deputy Sheriff A. C.
Also at the same time ami plrne 15 acres,
more or less, of lot of Land No. 119 in the 7th
Land district of \_tkisc . ; mumy. Georgia,
said tract lying and being m Die northwest
corner ol said lot of land. Lefn-d on to be
sold as the property of Abide John.sou to sat
isfy an execution Issued by Thomas Morris,
Sr., tax collector, forstat:-. Count:/ and School
taxes for the year I'.ui. Owner pointed la
writing, this the sth day of April, 1922.
W. Morris, Special deputy sheriff A. C.
Also at the same time and place 100 acres,
more or less, of lot of Land No. 70 in the sth
Land District of Atkinson counts - . Georgia,
'bounded as follows: North by original line
east and south by lands of F. L. Peterson,
west by original line in the form of a square.
Levied on and to be sold as the property of K.
L. Peterson to satisfy an execution Issued by
Thomas Morris. Sr., tax collector, for state,
County and School taxes for the year 1921,
• >wner notified in writing, tins the sth day of
April. 1922.
J, W. Morris, Special deputy sheriff A. C.
Also at the same time and place 200 acres,
more or less, of lot of Land No. 210 in the 10th
Land district of Atkinson county, Georgia,
bounded as follows: North by lands of Hend
erson Lumber Oo„ and.J. 11. Haskins, west by
lands of Lacy Lee, south by lands of J. FL
Haskins and Mack Simians. Fast by lands of
i. H. Haskins. Levied on and to be sold as
the property of the Henderson Lumber Co.
to satisfy an execution Issued by Thomas
Morris. Sr., tax colic*’tor, for state. County
and School taxes for the yt;:r i92t. Owner
notified in writing, this the sth day of April.
.1. W. Morris, special deputy sheriff \. C.
Also at t ile saint; time and piaee 5.8 acres,
more or less, of lot of Land No. 74 in the 6th
14ind district of Atkinson county, Georgia,
described as follows: Beginning at the .south
western corner of said lot running the. south
original line, north 89 degrees, east 7(54 feet 2
degrees east 50 feet to a branch thence up said
branch north 15 degrees, east 1000 feet to a
point in said branch thence up wild branch
north 12 degrees west 1000 ft j thence up said
branch north 2 degrees east to Wildcat bay
thence In a westerly direction a! .ng Wildcat
bay to the west original line, of said lot a
point 2685 feet north of fin* southwest corner
ihence along said < stern original line south
! degree east 2085 feet to the southwest corner
of said lot and polufof beginning. Ii \ led on
and to be sold as the prop, rly of Isaac Lott to
satisfy an execution Issued by Thomas Morris
Sr., lax collector for state t ounty amt School
taxes for the year 1921. Owner notified in
writing, this the sth day of April. 1922.
J. W. Morris, special deputy sheriff A. (’.
Also at the same time and place 490 acres,
more or less.-of lot of Land No. 482 in the 6th
Land district et Atkinson county. Georgia,
being all of said lot. Levied on and to be sold
as the property of B. A. and J. F. Bennett to
satisfy nn execution issued by Thomas Mor
ris. Sr., tax collector, for Slate, County and
School taxes for the year*l92l. Owner notified
in writing, this the sth day of April. 1922.
J. W. Morris, Special deputy sheriff A. (’.
Also at the same time and place 10 acres,
more or less, of lot of land No. 18 in the 7th
Land district of Atkinson county. Georgia,
hounded as follows: South and east by lands
of Jeff Kirkland, west by lands of Henly
Brown, north by original land line. U vied
.on and to be sold as the propert of Z. O. Till
man t « satisfy an execution t*smd by Thom
as Morris, i collect* ; foi t t’ounty and
School lux< 8 : the >«-.!• < e.vne. notified
* a the same , . 5 acres,
! more less, of tot A! lain No, l/o m the 7th
I I-and district of Atkinson county, -Georgia,
described as follows: <in the lands
|of H k i. r kland, s .**•* i h and east by lands
lot-sandy Johnson, wjst by lands of < harity
Johnson. Levied on and to Ik-sold as the
property of sandy Johnson to satisfy an ex
ecution issued by Thomas Morris, Sr., tax
collector, for State, County and School taxes
for the year 1921. Owner notified In writing,
this the sth day of tpril. 1922.
J- W. Morris, special deputy sheriff A. r.
Also at the name time and place 55 acres,
more or less, ol lot of Land No. dfil in the sth
Land dtstcict of Atkinson county. Georgia,
bounded north by original line of said lot.
east by old Coffee road or land of Otis Ihiulk.
south by Sal lie Yawn Branch and lauds of K.
F. Luke and west by the original line. Levi
ed on and to be sold as the property of Juhu
M. Paulk to satisfy an execution issued by
Thomas Morris, .Sr.. Tax collector, lor State,
County and School taxes for the year 1921.
| Owner notified in writing, this the sth day of
April. 1922.
J. W. Morris, Special deputy sheriff A. C.
Citation for tetters ot Administration.
d EORGI A—A tk I nson County.
To all whom it may concern: Luthur J.
Crawford having In proper iorra applied to
me lor Permanent Letters of Administration
.on the estate of Florence Craw lord, late of
said county, this is to cite ail and singular
the creditors and next of kin of Florence
Crawford to be and appear at my office jrith
in the time allowed by law. and show cause,
if any they can. why permanent U tters of ad
ministration should not be granted to Luther
J. Crawford on Florence <Tawfard estate.
Witness my hand and official signature,
this 3rd day of April. 1922.
J. Wksi.ey Roberts. Ordinary.
Citation for Letters af Administration.
GEORCHA. —Atkinson County
eerned. that ou the 19 day ->f February 1921,
H. A. Corbitt, late ol Atkinson county, de
parted this life Intestate, and no person has
applied for administration upon the estate of
said deceased in this state, or is likely to ap
ply: that administration will be vested lr» the
Clerk of the Superior Court oi said county or
some other fit and proper person, after the
publication of this citation, and on the First
Tuesday in May 1922, unless valid objection is
made to his appointment.
Given under my hand and official signature
this the 3rd, day of April ur22.
J. Wesley Roberts.
MrdLaary of Atkinson County