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Satiiia Lodge No. 163, F. & A. M„
WSjkM, Regular comnuiuica
tlons ol this Lodge will
be on the 2nd and 4th
Tuesday evenings in
each month, ut 7:0()
C. W. JAMES, Secty. W. J. TYLER, W. M.
Cttg anti County
The Tribune regrets to learn of
the serious illness of Mrs. Lewis
Sears. Hopes she will soon recover.
Clarence Summerlin, who is with
the Georgia National Bank at A 1
bauy, is spending his vacation with
his parents and other relatives and
friends in this section.
Dr. E. K. Avriett went to Jack
sonville, Fla., for a physical exami
nation at the Military Hospital,
Monday. He is entitled to this ser
vice from the government.
Mr. and Mrs. K. L. Griffis and
daughter, Willard, of Waycross,
spent the week-end in Pearson,
guests of relatives aud friends,
who were glad to meet them again.
Stacy McNeal, who has been
here visiting his parents, relatives
aud friends, and playing ball with
the home team, returned to Mul
berry, Fla., Sunday afternoon.
The ball players regretted to see
him go.
Announcement is made of the
approaching marriage of Miss Lo
duskye Brawner Parker aud l’rof.
Boy E. Floyd, of Bowling Green.
Ky. He and she were teachers in
the Kingsland, Camden county,
school the past scholastic year.
The editor acknowledges the re
ceipt of an invitation to attend
the graduating exercises of the
Savannah High School from Geo.
W. Heriot, Jr., who will be one of
the graduates. The exercises takes
place at the city auditorium this
evening, June23rd.
Mr. J. H. Browning is in Pear
son from Portland, Fla. Came to
visit his son, H. F. Browning, who
is quite ill from what is supposed
to be "blood poisoning.” His con
dition has been considered serious,
but it is now thought he has good
chance of recovery.
Mrs. J. B. White and son, Fred
Folks, accompanied by Mr. Oscar
Strickland, of Nahunta, spent Sun
day in Pearson. She returned
home Sunday afternoon accompa
nied by her daughter, Clara, and
son, Spencer, who have been visit
ing relatives and friends here for a
couple of weeks.
The Tribune regrets to learn of
the serious illness of Jesse M. Cor
bitt, son of Tax Receiver, H. W.
Corbitt, of the southwestern sec
tion of the county. His trouble
seems to be a complication growing
out of diseased kidneys. His ill
ness will prevent his father from
giving his personal attention to
the making up of the county tax
Mr. J. O. White, accompanied by
Elder N. G. Christopher, went to
Stokesvilie Sunday afternoon. He
is the District vice-president of the
first division, Smyrna Association
B. Y. P. Xand he went to ar
range plans for the re organization
Young People’s Union ’of the
Stokesvilie Baptist church. They
had, at one time a nourishing B.
Y. P. U. there.
Watermelon shipments from
Pearson began last Friday, when
some non-Assoeiation people load
ed a car of medium melons which
they sold for $125. Association
members loaded a car of fine melons
Saturday and two Monday —two of
these cars were average thirty
pounds. Many of the large melons
were rejected, the recent excessive
rain followed by extreme hot weath
er had spoiled their sale. Associa
tion members contiguous to Kirk
laud loaded melons Tuesday and
Elder X. G. Christopher filled
his regular third Sunday appoint
ments with the Pearson Baptist
church, preaching morning and
evening to large and attentive con
gregations. The text at the morn
ing service was the part of
the eleventh verse, first chapter of
Ist Peter. The evening theme was
the “Doctrine of Repentance.”
B. Y. P. U. Social.
The members of the Baptist
Y’oung People’s Union aud their
friends were delightfully entertain
ed at the home of Mr. ,T. O. White,
chairman of the social committee
of the Union.
On the spacious veranda, various
games and a couple of contests
were enjoyed by the young people
of the Senior Union, while the
Junior T’uion played games just
across the strett on the court house
square. Misses Doris Dickerson
and Eugenia Allen gave several
selections of music on the piano
during the evening.
The out of town guests present
at the social were Messrs. Clarence
Summerlin, of Albany; George
Julian aud Harry Darnell, of Tif
ton, and Dick Skxpper, of S. C.
At a late hour refreshments of
iced cream and wafers were served.
The social committee and Mrs.
White, were assisted in entertain
ing by Mesdames L. A. Hargreaves
and E. P. Morris.
B. Y. P. U. Program.
Group No. 2 in charge.
Subject The brotherhood of
Scripture lesson, Psalm 19 —
Mrs. J. S. Morris.
Introduction«r— Ferrell McNcal,
I. The brotherhood of man not
a principle of the old testament
world —C. M. James.
11. Greece aud ' Rome knew
nothing of love for other nations
N. E. Harrell.
111. The brotherhood of man
—a dpw testament doctrine —J. O.
IV. All men are brothers be
cause they share common suffer
ings and misfortunes —Eugenia
V. Brothers in common hopes
aud longings —Mrs. D.. Kirkland.
All men share a common des
tiny.—Bessie Moore.
VII. All men must be saved
in the same way —Effie Sutton.
VIII. Missions means helping
our brothers —L. D. Pearson.
The brotherhood of man —a new
testament doctrine. Do you know
about it? Come to the B. Y. P. U.
Sunday night and bear this inter
esting subject discussed.
Honorary Entertainment.
The younger set were delight
fully entertained at ths home of
Rev. and Mrs. T. M. Luke, last
Saturday evening i n honor of
Master Hoke Corbett, of Odessa,
Music and various games were
enjoyed throughout the evening—
the games being played in the
Refreshments of iced cream and
cake were served. Mrs. J. M.
Meeks assisted Rev. and Mrs.
Luke in entertaining.
Those present were Misses Mary
Love and Cora Kirkland, Mildred
Roberts, R. L. Meeks, Ruth
Webster, Beatrice and Loudelle
Sutton, Pafford, Mary and Frances
Luke, Masters Austin and Car
roll Lankfork, Leo and Otto Smith,
W. J Kirkland, Nearle Corbett,
Osmer Harrell, Rufus Cox, Howard
Adams, Joe Rrowu Williams and
Doysett Meeks.
Clayatt James has gone to Mi
ami. Fla., and will be gone for sev
eral months.
Miss Delia Meeks, who has been
quite ill for some time, is slowly
Mr. and Mrs. Alfred (). Town
send, of Brunswick, announce the
birth of a son June 16th. The
young gentleman has been named
William Alfred Townsend. The
mother is well known in Pearson
as Miss 11a Hnnter. .She has many
friends in this section.
Mr. 11. F. Browning, afflicted
with a serious case of blood poison
ing, was taken to a hospital at
Waycross Tuesday afternoon. He
is in a desperate condition and his
ehsnces for recovery very slight.
Dr. J. S. Morris returned Wed
nesday morning from the Baptist
hospital, Atlanta, where he had
gone for special treatment. Glad
to have him at home agone.
The Arnie News,
Miss Sallie Mancil spent Friday
night with Miss Lucy Spivy
Miss Lessie O’Steen was the
guest of her sister, Mrs. Dan Lott,
Misses Sallie Mancil and Lucy
Spivey were in town shopping Sat
urday morning.
Mr. J. T. Spivey of Berrien coun
ty is a guest of his nephew for a
few weeks.
Misses Lucy Spivey and Emma
McGovern took a joy ride to Pear
sou Sunday morning.
Mrs, Lizzie Barnes and daughter,
Mae, were the guests of her son,
Mr. Grover Mancil, Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Hesters
are spending a few 7 days with her
mother, Mrs. John McGovern.
Mr. and Mrs. Henry O’Brien
were the Monday afternoon guest
of Mr. aud Mrs. Henry Spivey.
Messrs. Peter and John McGov
ern were the guests of Messrs.
John and Owen Neugent Sunday.
We are sorry to learn of the ill
ness of Master Willie Douglass and
wish for him a speedy convales
Mrs. S. J. Fedrick and daught
er, Edna, spent Thursday with
Mrs. Win. Mancil and report hav
ing a nice time.
Miss Lucilla McDonald was in
Pearson Saturday and was all
smiles. Ha, ha, guess it was be
cause Mr. Gaines was also in town.
Miss Lucy Spivey w 7 as taken
sick Sunday afternoon at 1:30 and
it was reported she had an attack
of appendicitis, but she is convales
cent. Rex.
The Saiilla Park News.
llerschel Metis called on Miss
Ilene Bryant Sunday night and
had a jolly, good time.
Miss Annie May Thigpen spent
Tuesday with Miss Mattie Leav
ens, and they had a nice time.
llerschel Metts called to see
his best girl, Miss Loudell Sutton,
Sunday night, aud was made quite
The Sunday guests of Mrs. S. A.
Summerlin were Mrs. W. R. Vick
ers and children and Mrs. Bud
Guthrie and daughters.
Miss Mattie Lou Leavens was
the Monday morning guest of Miss
Ilene Bryant, and they confided
their secrets to each other.
How they paired off: Leastet
Mancil and Lillie Bell Dukes,
Warren Vickers and Mattie Leav
ens, George Davis and Lessie Leav
ens, Flem Taff and Riley Joyce.
How happy they did look; smiles
all over their faces.
The guests last Sunday afternoon
of Misses Lessie and Mattie Leav
ens were Misses Ilene Bryant,
Lilia Belie Dukes, Arlie Flanders
and Beulah Joyce; Messrs. Flora
Taff, Warren Vickers, George Davis
William Metts, Leaston Mancil,
Riley Joyce, Jessie Taff and Nor
man Thomas. They all had a
pleasant time. Dreamers.
The Live Oak News.
Mary Lee seemed to be much
pleased Sunday morning. Sure
she was, but why?
Weltbia Haskins w 7 as wreathed
in “smiles” Sunday, and all of us
saw the reason why.
Ira Corbitt looked as lonesome
as*a stray cat: Sunday Cheer up,
Ira, you should call again.
Wonder if Clyde Register is
rushing Jim Douglass out at New
Bethel, or Roy Fender. Say, Bob
bie, which one is it?
Bessie Meeks and sister, Fannie,
are visiting in the Live Oak section,
where they will meet many friends.
Glad to have them with us.
Don Burkhalter and two sisters
were guests at the home of Mr.
John Deane and, they say, they
sure did eat a few watermelons.
Mrs. P. E. Jackson was at church
Sunday morning. Eugene is work
ing near Savannah, but she said
she would see him in a few days.
Jessie Corbitt is recovering
slowly from inflammatory rbeuina
tism, with which he has been afflict
cd for several weeks. Hope he
will soon recover.
Chandler Wiikerson was the
guest of Walter Hall Sunday aud
oh, girls, Walter actually escorted
Candler to church. Now, that is
sure too bad and— girls aren’t you
Edna Register looked as happy
as a “Big Sunflower” last Sunday;
Kate didn’t look so well. The boys
must be around to keep these girls
in a good humor, and don’t you
forget it.
Mrs. Lizzie Barnes and sister,
Jessie Corbitt, and Mattie Barnes
were dinner guests of Weithia
Coral Ctp-#anifi.
It is told of a local physician,
who is given to snoring in his
sleep that his wife, exasperated,
called to him: "Henry, if you
would keep your mouth shut, you’d
not make so • much noise.” “So’d
you” growled Henry.
A young couple of the city were
discussing their respective advant
ages in seeking a life companion.
Said he, "The young ladies must
wait until they are chosen by the
young men.” "That’s true,” said
she, "but the young ladies have
the last word in making the
your eyes, call and see Dr. O. J.
Baggarly of Atlanta at McNeal
Drug Co., Pearson. He will make
a careful examination of your eyes
and fit you with proper glasses,
Thursday, June 29th. ONE DAY
"Uncle” Hilary Thompson, was
trudging along to his work, leading
his favorite McNeal mule. “What
von (ink ob dis* A whitp mans
ax me if I’se right hand or left
hand. lax him, what you ax me
such a non-sential ques’um?” “Ah.
well,” said the white man, “I never
sec ye work enough to find it out
for myself.”
Somethinghas happened in Pear
son. Daughter jerked mother out
of doors, broke her arm and beat
her and, then, swiped a full .grown
boy ami hied herself to other parts.
“Be sure your sins will find you
out.” She is now in jail.
“COMING one day only, Dr. O.
.1. Baggarly Optometrist of Atlan
ta, aud will be at McNeal Drug
Co., all day. If your glasses need
changing, don’t fail to see him
Thursday, June 29th.”
Haskins Sunday. Those girls were
on the look out for —well, don’t
all speak at ouce.
The revival meeting at Live
Oak church is progressing with in
terest and we all hope to he bene
fitted by it. Bro. Luke is engaged
in the work for others, so come on
everybody and join in the Kingdom
work. The Kra/.y Kat.
The Mt. Zion News.
Mrs. I). S. Wall is spending the
week with her brother, Mr. A. D.
Lloyd Brooker of New Smyrna,
Fla., is visiting his parents and
friends of this community.
Mr. and Mrs. Owen Mining were
guests at the home of Mr. C. E.
Griffis Sunday afternoon.
A large crowd of citizens from
the Mt. Zion community attended
church at Utah last Sunday.
Mesdames G. E. Griffis and F.
M. Cowart were (lie guests of Mrs.
Belle Cillis Monday afternoon.
Mattie Davis was bright and
smiling Sunday. Guess Mr. Thomp
son was near at hand —close around.
Leon and Lawrence Gil lis ac
companied Pansy and Lillie Gas
kins home from Utah Sunday
The young people of Mt. Zion
community has enjoyed swimming
in their favorite "wash hole” the
past week.
Johnnie Gillis was all smiles
Sunday. Guess it was because
Robert Cowart was her escort to
Utah church.
Coriune Griffis seemed to be
quite popular Sunday. She had
Dennis Woodard an d Seaborn
Delk as her beaux.
Mr. and Mrs. L. R. Wall and
Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Gillis were
guests at the home of Mr. D. A.
Brooker Sunday afternoon.
Archie Tanner and George Lott
accompanied Pansy and Lillie
Gaskins to Utah Sunday. Watch
out Leon, your tag is in danger.
Elayi Cowart and George Gillis
were to accompany Emmie Wall
and Miranda Cowart to Utah last
Sunday. The boys did not show
up. Wonder why?
The Mt. Zion Woman’s Mission
ary Society was held at the church
Thursday afternoon. The services
was led bv Mrs. B. F. Sutton and
closed by Corinne Griffis.
Mrs. C. E. Griffis and daughter,
Corinne, had fo r their guests
Saturday Mrs. Belle Brooker from
New Smyrna, Fla., Miss Anne Mae
Brooker. Messrs. Olin and Leon
Gillis. Wonder who entertained
those boys? Guess it must have
been Corinne and Annie Mae.
Pearson Banking Company
Possesses all the facilities for prompt
and careful handling of all business en
trusted to it, and offers the public every
reasonable banking accommodation.
Capital and Surplus, $55,000.00
H. P. SMITH, President.
J. O. WHITE, Vice-President
W. J. TYLER, Cashier.
L. D. PEARSON, Ass’t Cashier
B. T. ALLEN, Attorney.
The Willacoochee News.
Miss Lucille Corbitt has return
ed after a visit to friends at Brox
Mrs. T. J. Oxford arrived Mon
day for a visit to Mrs. W. M. Gas
Mr. and Mrs. M. F. Bennett were
visitors in Willacoochee Sunday
and Monday.
Miss Agnes Paulk is spending
some time with relatives and
friends in (>ci 1 la.
Miss Sarah Bradshaw of Way
cross is the guest this week of her
aunt, Mrs. Dennis Sears.
The revival services at the
Methodist church Sunday with
three additions to the church.
Mrs. Sam Goode, accompanied
by Miss Pauline Phillips, has re
turned to her home in Albany.
Mr. and Mrs. L. M. Findley, ac
companied by Mr. M. F. Bennett
motored over to Homervilie Sun
day for the day.
('ol. and Mrs. E. R. Smith spent a
few days in Ilazlehurst visiting
relatives and attending the funeral
of Mr. Frank Hinson.
Miss Ida Mae 'George left Tues
day night for Athens, to attend
th<‘ State B. Y. I\ 11. convention,
June 21 to 23, three days.
Rev. Moody Booth, ex pastor of
the Willacoochee Methodist church
hut now a resident of Arabi, spent
a few days here last week shaking
hands and having a good time gen
Mrs. It. W. Boyce and daughter,
Dollie, left Tuesday morning for
Savannah, where she will sail for
New York and thence to the old
home in Vermont. She will re
turn home about the first of
For Sale —< )ld newspapers; good
to put under your carpet, to chink
ui> an open house in cold weather,
or to wrap up sugar cured hams or
bacon. At Tribune office, 25c a 100.
The Axson News.
Corinne Griffis looked lonely
Sunday. Wonder why?
Vance and J. F. Courson are
visiting relatives and friends at
Birta and Cleo Keaton had Cole
man Wall for their escort to Utah
last Sunday.
Johnnie Gillis put on her sweet
est smile Sunday. Guess Robert
was somewhere around.
Aren’t you surprised to learn
that Elam Cowart was Miss Emmie
Wall’s company Sunday.
Quite a large crowd attended
the Conference at Utah Sunday,
and enjoyed themselves very much.
Jesse Williams escorted another
girl around Sunday. Look out,
Mrs. Fannie, your tag is in danger.
Clifford Wright, Elmer Mancil,
Jeff, Charlie and Coleman Wall
took a half day to drive one cow to
Say, bring all of your
And have them made well and good as new. Best
materials used in all work.
Up Stairs, PAFFORD BUILDING, third room to Left.
joe McDonald.
One Cent a Word.
Land Wanted. —Three to five
thousand acres of range land in a
body. Parties having such land
for sale will please send descrip
tion, plat and price to
B. T. Allen, Pearson, Ga.
Pure Porto Rico yam plants from
government inspected seed beds.
Special prices for shipment this
month. Prepaid mail 500 SI.OO,
1000 $1.75. Express 2000*250.,
5000 *6.00,10,000 SIO.OO. Summer
cabbage and Georgia Whitehead
col lards same price. Parker
Farms, 410 Piedmont Avc., Atlan
ta, Georgia.
Attention! —People of Pearson
and surreundingcommunity: I’ve
opened a Shoe Shop in Mrs. Minnie
Kirkland store and will do all
kinds of shoe repairing. Nothing
but the best materials used. Your
patronage will be appreciated.
Tom Boy McGovern,
Pearson, Georgia.
the dipping vat. Don’t take so
long next time.
Ora Corbitt has returned to her
home in Willacoochee after spend
ing several days with her sister,
Mrs- L. P. Murray.
Lloyd Brooker came home from
Florida last week to visit his
parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. D. Brook
er. All are glad to see him.
Mr. and Mrs. Gordon White and
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas White are
here from the “Swamp” visiting
relatives and friends. Everybody
glad to see them. A Friend.
Pearson and Base Ball.
There has been some attractive
games on the local diamond this
season, games where the scores
were reduced to minimum, but the
outlook is not so bright for the
This is a time when base ball
players, who are only amateurs,
have to hustle for a livelihood and
Pearson does not offer a situation
favorably to them. They have to
go away from home to seek em
ployment to their liking.
Thus when the season for this
amusement should be at its best
the boys are drifting away from
home and those left have not pull
ed themselves in shape to play ball.
The game with Nicbolls Thurs
day afternoon was a fairly good
game. With a score of 10 to 13 in
favor of Nicholls.
The boys blew up and the game
with Willacoochee Tuesday after
noon was too utterly too too. They
got rattled on the start and the
boys from up the road romped all
over them.
Ah. well, they are going to pull
themselves together and play some
good ball yet. See, if they don’t.
Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Brown, from
near Perry, Fla., were visitors to
her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. I’.
James, several days last week.