Newspaper Page Text
Alan’s Business
Copyright, 1822. Western Newspaper Unlom
A nod or a shake of the head was
the Invariable rule with John Dor
sett In business? dealings. Just now
he had applied these, definite tactics
in a transaction of love.-
"You won’t consider It, Mr. Dor
sett V” almost plaintively interrogated
his visitor, Alan Barrett.
Again the shake of the head, and
the keen old merchant drew some pa
lters across the desk as If to Indicate
that the Incident w'as closed and that
he wished to get back to his own per
sonal business.
The younger man seemed dreadful
ly depressed and hopeless.
“Why can’t I have your daughter,
Mr. Dorsett?" he demanded.
“You will huve It out with me, will
you?” Inquired bluff, almost cruel
John Dorsett. “Well, I’ll tell you. My
daughter Blanche has been used to
luxury. What have you to offer?”
"I have a fairly good position, $lO,-
000 Invested In bonds and some Inher
itance prospects.”
"Bah!” railed the old tyrant. “Your
cash would just about cover the kind
of a wedding my Blanche must have.
As to the rest of it -waiting for dead
man’s shoes is a poor business. It’s
the man I’m looking at—no No. 5%
hat wearer for ray son-in-law 1 I don’t
care how poor he may he, for I have
plenty of money, and to spare, but
he’s got to have business sense. He’s
got to do something worth while,
which would show that with mature
years he would be a business success.”
“I am doing my full duty In the hum
ble position I occupy,” declared Alan
rather Indignantly.
"Then muke some opportunities out
side of It to show your mettle,” ad
vised the merchant.
There was an Interruption. Mr.
Dorsett picked up the telephone re
ceiver. Some urgent call summoned
him to another part of the building.
He made such haste that he neither
asked Alan to go nor stay. Alan sat
staring vaguely at a full page adver
tisement In a dally paper. It an
nounced that Dorsett & Co. would
present a 12 by 20-lneh American flag
free to each visitor of the next day;
that following was a patriot local
holiday. This was one of the catch
trade opportunities that hud built up
the great mercantile house.
Again the telephone. There was no
one to' reply. Alan hesitated. Then
he picked up the receiver.
“Dorsett A Co.? —yes. This is the
Eastern Central freight house. Car
of twenty thousand lings, shipped from
Springfield to you, derailed and burned
up last night. Have notified the ship
pers, Continental Flag Co.”
“Hello!” ejaculated Alan, “this
seems to be one of Mr. Dorsett's big
opportunities sidetracked l What will
he do now? Sa-ay!”
He called up Springfield and the
Continental Flag company. Could they
ship per express on quick order twen
ty thousand 12 by 20 American flags?
Thought not. Large order sold day
before and stock rather low. Would
look up stock and odd lots, however.
Then later. Yes, could make up the
order. Then ship to —and Alan gave
bis address.
Alan went straljflit hack to the office
of the prospective father-in-law.
“Why, Alan!”
He found Blunche at the office. She
seemed tearful, us If she had been
pleading with her hard-hearted father.
The latter scowled fearfully at Alan,
jabbing u telegram before him with a
"Well, young man,” he growled, "I
see you’re here again?” and then he
turned to speak to his manager whom
he had evidently Just sent for.
"See here, Barnes,” he said sharply,
exhibiting the telegram from Spring
field. "AH those flugs we ordered
burned up In a wreck. Get your men
out at once, no matter what the pay,
we must have the flags we advertised.
Dorsett A Co. never yet failed In a
promise to the people. They mustn’t
do It now.”
“I doubt If you can pick up five hun
dred In the whole market,” submitted
the manager.
“One word. Mr. Dorsett,” broke In
Alan —“perhaps I can help you out in
your dilemma.”
"You 1”
“Yea, sir, I have twenty thousand
12 by 20 flags for sale.”
"Whkt are you doing with twenty
thousand flags?” demanded the
amazed merchant.
“Why, I learned there was a short
age In the goods today and a large
demand tomorrow, so I—lnvested.”
“When did you learn it?” challenged
Mr. Dorsett, bristling up suspiciously.
"Through your telephone, an hour
since. You taught me the princi
ple of capturing opportunities—l have
tried to follow your advice. You can
have those twenty thousand flags. Mr.
Dorsett, at fifty dollars a thousand.”
“What I Double the market price?”
“That is the penalty of being caught
Mr. Dorsett waved his manager
from the room. Then he started to
leave himself.
“Young man,” he said to Alan,
“you’ve made a very good showing and
seem to know how to Improve an op
portunity when the occasion arises.
You may come up to the house to see
Blanche once In awhile.”
And wheu he had gone away Alan
embraced the blushing lovable oppor
tunity at his side. And before they
parted the wedding date was all but
Legal Advertisements.
Citation for Letters of Administration.
IKOROJA —Atkinson County.
Jt appearing that the estate of William
Miller, late of said county deceased is with
out representation, and that said estate is in
debted to 11. Ij. Lankford and other creditors,
tnd If. L. Lankford having applied indue
s.u rn of law for letters of Administration on
mid William Miller's estate. These are.
therefore, to cite all persons concerned, kind
red and creditors, to file
•my. otherw Ise fitters of Administration will
be granted to said 11. L. Lankford on said
William Miller’s estate on the first Monday
in July, 1922.
Witness my hand and official signature,
this the sth day of.) une, 1922.
J. Weslky Roberts, Ordinary.
Administrator’s Sale.
GEORG I A—Atkinson County.
finder and by virtue of an order from the
Court of Ordinary of Atkinson county, grant
ed on the sth day of June, 192*2. will be sold
before the court house door in said county, at
Pearson. Oa., between the lawful hours of
sale, on the first Tuesday In July next.
Eighty acres, more or less, of Ixjt of land No.
101, in the 7th Land District of Atkinson
county, being all the lands belonging to the
estate of Floience Crawford, late of said
county deceased. Sold for the payment of
debts. Terms, cash.
L. J. Crawford, Admr.
Atkinson County Tax Sales.
GEOUGI A—Atkinson ('ounty.
Will be sold before the Court House door
In said county and state, at Pearson. Georgia,
on the First Tuesday in July, 1922, between
the legal hours of sale. 50 acres, more or
less of lot of land No. 27 In the l«th land dis
trict of Atkinson county, Georgia, located
and being in the northwest corner of said lot
and being in the form of a square. Levied on
and to be sold as the property of R. J. Rob
erts to satisfy an execution issued by Thomas
Morris, Sr., tax collector for state, county and
school taxes for the year 1921. Owner notified
In writing, this the 2nd day of June, 1922.
Levy made by J. W. Morris special deputy
sheriff A. C.
Also at the same time and place One house
and lot in the city of Willacoochee, Atkinson
county, Georgia, bounded as follows: North
by Coffee’Avenue, east by land of A. I,.Smith
south by lands of If. Peterson, west by lands
of Will Lzoe. Levied on and to be gold as the
property of Faille Gaskins to satisfy an execu
tion Issued by Thomas Morris. Sr., lax col
lector for state, county and school taxes for
the year 1921. Owner notified in writing, this
the 2nd day of June. 1922. made by J.
W. Morris special deputy sheriff A. ('.
Also at the same time and place One town
lot and house in the city of Willacoochee,
Atkinson county. Georgia, bounded on the
north by .\. <’. L. right-of-way, east by alley,
on the south by coffee Avenue, west by lands
of G. F. MoOranie. Levie lon and to be sold
as the property of Edgar Carver to sat isfy an
execution Issued by Thou.a-; Morris, Sr., tax
collector for state, county and school taxes
for the year 1921. < >\vner notified In writing,
this the 2nd day of J une, 1922. Levy made by
J. W. Morris special deputy sheriff A. c.
Also at the same time and place 50 acres,
more or less, of lot of land No. 352 In the sth
land district of Atkinson county, Georgia,
situated in the northwest coiner of said lot
bounded north and west by original lot lines
east by lands of Aaron Melts, Hr., south by
lands of Raford Metis. Levied on and to bt
sold as the property of Henry Metis, Jr., to
satisfy an execution issued by Thomas Mor
ris. Sr., tax collector for state, county and
school taxes for the year 1921. (>wner notified
In writing, this 2nd day of J une, 1922. Levy
made by J. W. Morris special deputy sheriff
A. C.
Also at the same time and place 50 acres,
more or less, of lot of land No. 17 in the 6th
land district of Atkinson county, Georgia,
bounded north and east by original land lot
lines, south by an agreed Une and lands of
John Neugent, west by an agreed Une and
lands of John Neugent. Lev Med on and to be
sold as the property of B. L. Vickers to satisfy
an execution Issued by Thomas Morris, Hr.,
tax collector fur state, county and school
taxes for the year 1921. Owner notified in
writing, tills the 2nd day of June, 1922. Lew
made by J. W. Morris special deputy sheriff
A. C.
Also at the same time and place 167 acres,
more or less, of lot of land No. 66 in the 6th
land district of Atkinson county, Georgia,
bounded north by original land lot lines, cast
by an agreed line separating It from the old
Mark Bowen place, south by agreed Une and
lands of R. J. Taff, west by lands of John
l’aulk. Levied on and to be sold as the prop
erty of Henry McGovern to satisfy an execu
tion Issued by Thomas Morris, Hr., tax col
lector for state, county and school taxes for
the year 1921. Owner notified in writing this
the24th day of May, 1922. Levy made by J.
W. Morris special deputy sheriff A. C.
Also at the same time and place 245 acres,
more or less, of lot of land No. 20 in the 6th
land district of Atkinson county. Georgia,
bounded south, east and west by original
land lot lines, north by lands of John Paulk.
Levied on and to be sold as the property of
l/etltla Touchton to satisfy an execution issu
ed by Thomas Morris. Hr., tax collector for
state, county and school taxes for the year
1921. Owner notified in writing, this the 29th
day of May. 1922. Levy made by J. W. Morris
special deputy sheriff A. O.
Also at the same time and place 245 acres,
more or less of lot of land No. 438 in the 6th
land district of Atkinson county, Georgia,
being the north half of said lot. Levied on
and to be sold as the property of K. L. Meeks
to satisfy an execution Issued by Thomas
Morris, Hr., tax collector for state, county
and sehool taxes for the year 1921. Owner
notliled In writing, this the 2nd day of June.
1922. Levy made by J. W. Morris special
deputy sheriff A. C.
Also at the same time and place 245 acres
more or less, of lot of land No. 394 in the sth
land district of Atkinson county, Georgia,
the same being the south half of said lot.
levied on and to be sold as the property of D.
M. Paulk to satisfy an execution Issued by
Thomas Morris. Hr., tax collector lor state,
county and sehool taxes for the year 1921.
Owner notified in writing, this the Bth day of
June, 1922. Levy made by J. \Y. Morris,
special deputy HherifT A. C.
Also at the same time and place 30 acres,
more or less, of lot of land No. 7in the 7th
land district of Atkinson county Georgia,
bounded north by land of Gary White, east
by land of C. W. Williams, south by laud of
heirs of Dr. McDonald, west by land of John
Hears. Levied on and to be sold as the prop
erty of Dennis Burch to satisfy an execution
issued by Thomas Morris, Hr., tax collector
for state, county and school taxes for the year
1921. Owner notified in writing, this the 25th
day of May 1922. made by J. W. Morris
special deputy sheriff A. C.
Also at the same time and place 25 acres,
more or less, of lot of land No. 85 in the 7th
land district of Atkinson county, Georgia,
bounded north by run of branch, west by or
iginal land lot line, south and east by lands
of Oliver White. Levied on and to be sold as
the property of Oliver White to satisfy an
execution issued by Thomas Morris, Hr., tax
collector for state, county and school taxes
for the year 1921, Owner notified in writing,
this the 25th day of May, 1922. Levy made by
J. W. Morris special deputy sheriff A. C.
Also at the same time and place 20 acres,
more or less of lot of land No. 165 In the 10th
land district of Atkinson county, Georgia,
bounded as follows: North by lands of J. If.
Haskins, west by lands of A. if. Vickery
south by lands of R. I>. Haskins, east by lands
of Pearson Banking Co. Levied on and to be
sold as the property of A. H. Vickery to satis
fy an execution issued by Thomas Morris. Sr.,
tax collector for state, county and school
taxes for the year 1921. Owner notified in
writing, this the 23rd day of May. 1922. tew
made by J. W. Morris special deputy sheriff
Also at the same time and place 50 acres
more or less, of lot of land No. 41 in the 7th
land district of Atkinson county. Georgia,
bounded north by lands of C. W. Williams,
east by lands of A. F. Wilson, south and west
by lands of Win. Bennett. Levied on and to
be sold as the property of of Wru. Bennett to
satisfy an execution issued by Thomas Mor
ris, tax collector for state, county and school
taxes for the year 1921. Owner notified in
writing, this the 25th day of May, 1922. Levy
made by J. W. Morris, special deputy sheriff
A. C.
Also at the same time and place 122 and
one-half acres, more or less, of lot of land No.
70 In the 7th land district of Atkinson county.
Georgia, lying and being in the form of a
square. levied on and to be sold as the
property of Mrs. U. C. Dukes to satisfy an exe
cution issued by Thomas Morris, Hr., tax col
lector for state, county and school taxes for
the year 1921. Owner notified in writing, this
the 29th day of May. 1922. Levy made by J. W.
Morris special deputy sheriff A. C.
Also at the same time and place 50 acres,
more or less, of lot of land No. 348 in the 6th
land district of Atkinson county, Georgia,
lying and being in the northeast corner of
said lot and being in the form of a square.
I. on and to be sold as tlie property of L.
I). Murray to satisfy an execution issued by
Thomas Morris. Hr., tax collector for state,
county and school taxes for the year 1921.
Owner notified in writing, this the 25th day
of May 1922. Levy made by J. W. Morris
special deputy sheriff A. C.
Also at the same time and place 245 acres,
more or less, of lot of land No. 72 lit the 7th
land district of Atkinson county, Georgia,
the same being the north half of said lot Levi
ed on and to be sold as the property of W. L.
Mancll to satisfy an execution issued by Thom
as Morris Sr., tax collector for stale, county
and school taxes for the year 1921. Owner
notified In writing, this the Bth day of June,
1922. Levy made by J. W. Morris special
deputy sheriff A. (’.
Also at the same time and place one house
and lot of i acre in the town of Willacoochee,
Atkinson county. Georgia, bounded as fol
lows: North by Coffee Ave., east and south
by lands of 11. Peterson, west by lands of Mrs.
Ella Simians. Levied on and to be sold as
the property of 11. Peterson to satisfy an exe
cution Issued by Thomas Morris, Sr., tax col
lector (or state, county and school taxes for
the year 1921. Owner notified in writing, this
the Bth day of June, 1922. Levy made by J.
W. Morris, special deputy sheriff A. (’.
Also at the same time and place 122 1-2
acres, more or less, of lot of land No. 158 in
the 7th land district of Atkinson county.
Georgia, lying and being in the southwest
corner of said lot and being in the form of a
fquare. Levied on and to be sold as the
property of J. W. Delk to satisfy an execution
issued by Thomas Morris, Sr., tax collector
for state, county and school taxes for the
year 1921. Owner notified in writing, this the
Bth day of June. 1922. J. W. Morris, special
deputy sheriff A. U.
Also at the same time and place 100 acres,
more or less, of lot of land No. 157 in the 7th
land district of Atkinson county, Georgia,
lying and being in the southwest corner of
said lot. Levied on and to be sold as the
property of .1. W. Delk. lor wife, to satisfy an
execution issued by Thomas Morris, Hr., tax
collector for state, county and school taxes
for the year 1921. Owner notified In writing,
this the Bth day of .June, 1922. Levy made by
J. W. Morris, special deputy sheriff A. C.
Also at the same time and place 30 acres,
more or less, of lot of land No. 168 In the 6th
Land district of Atkinson county. Georgia,
bounded north and west by lands of J. W.
Thompson, east by lands of Mrs. Annie Stew
art. south by lands of M. W. wheeler. Levied
on and to be Bold as the property ofJ. W.
Stewart, agent, to satisfy an execution Issued
by Thomas Morris, Sr., tax collector for state,
county ami school taxes for the year 1921.
Owner notified in writing, this the Bth day of
June. 1921. Levy made by J. W. Morris,
special deputy sheriff A. C.
Also at the same time and place 10 acres,
more or less, of lot of land No. 346 In the 6th
land district of A tkinson, County. Georgia,
beginning at the southeast corner of said lot.
thence running the east original land line
north 5 acres deep, more or less, thence west
2 acrc*s deep, more or less, thence south 5
acres deep, more or less, to the south original
land line. Thence east 2 acres deep, more or
less, to point of beginning. Levied on and to
be sold as the property of I>. M. Sutton to sat
isfy an execution Issued by Thomas Morris,
Hr., tax collector for state, county and school
taxes for the year 1921. Owner notified in
writing, this the 23rd day of May. 1922. Levy
made by J. W. Morris, special deputy sheriff
A. C.
Also at the same time and place 125 acres,
more or less, of lot of land No. 38 in the 7th
land district of Atkinson county, Georgia,
bounded north by lands of Mrs. J. IT. Wall,
south by lands of C. W. Deane, east by lands
of Georgia Land Owners Co., west by an.
agreed line and lands of J. P. Wall. Levied
on and to be sold as the property of W. O.
Wall to satisfy an execution issued by Thomas
Morris. Sr., tax collector for state, county and
school taxes for the year 1921. Owner notified
In writing, this the Sth day of June, 1922.
Levy made by J. W. Morris, special deputy
sheriff A. C.
Also at the same time and place 25 acres,
more or less, of lot of land No. 347 in the 6th
land district of Atkinson county. Georgia,
lying and being in the northwest corner of
said lot and being in the form of a square.
Levied on and to be sold as the property of
T. F. Spivey to satisfy an execution issued by
Thomas Morris. Sr., tax collector for state,
county and school taxes for the year 1921.
Owner notified in writing, this the Bth day of
June, 1922. Levy made by J. W. Morris,
special deputy sheriff A. C.
Also at the same time and place 50 acres,
more or less, of lot of land No. 119 in the 7th
land district of Atkinson county, Georgia,
lying and being in the southeast corner of
said lot and being in the form of a square.
Levied on and to be sold as the property of
J. M. Roberts to satisfy an execution issued
by Thomas Morris, Sr., tax collector for state
county and school taxes for the year 1921.
Owner notified in writing, this the Bth day of
June, 1922. Levy made by J. W. Morris,
special deputy sheriff A. C.
E. D. LEGGETT, Sheriff A. C.
Teacher’s Examination.
The regular State Examination
for Teachers will take place on
Friday and Saturday, August 4
and 5, 1922. The Reading Course
for those teachers who desire to
renew their certificates. It is as
Primary and General Elementary.
1. Manual for Georgia Teachers
—County Superintendent, free.
2. Kendall & Mirick’s How to
Teach the Fundamental Subjects
—Southern School Book Deposi
tory, 121 Auburn Ave., Atlanta,
Ga., Postpaid SI.BO.
3. Dressler’s School Hygiene-
Southern School Book Depository,
121 Auburn Ave., Atlanta, Ga.,
High School and Supervisory.
1. Manual for Georgia Teachers
—County Superintendent, free.
2. Rapeer's Consolidated Rural
School Southern Sehool Book
Depository, 121 Auburn Ave.. At
lanta, Ga., Postpaid $1.75.
3. Barker's Methods of Teach
ing in High Schools, Ginn A Co,.
Commerce Hall, Atlanta, Ga., Post
paid SI.BO.
For Vocational Teachers.
1. Manual for Georgia Teachers
County Superintendent, free.
2. Bulletin No. 1 Federal
Board for Vocational Education,
Washington, 1). C., free.
3. Vocational Education; David
Shedden —Southern School Book
Depository, 121 Auburn Ave.. At
lanta, Ga., Postpaid $1.70.
A six weeks course at any stand
ard summer school will automati
cally renew Professional or First-
Grade Certificates just as well as
the Reading Course test, provided
the teacher shows her certificate
from the summer school authori
ties that she has completed three
courses in education.
Very truly,
J. G. White,
County Sup't. of Schools.
Call For Mass Meeitng.
There will be a mass meeting of
t he Democrats of Atkinson county
at the Court House in Pearson on
Monday. July 3rd, 10 a. m.
The business of the meeting will
be to elect a new County Demo
cratie Executive Committee.
J ESSE M. Paffoko, Chairman.
Catarrhal Deafness Cannot Be Cured
by local applications, as they cannot
reach the diseased portion of the ear.
Catarrhal Deafness requires constitu
tional treatment. HALL'S CATARRH
MEDICINE is a constitutional remedy
Catarrhal Deafness is caused by an in
flamed condition of the mucous lining of
the Eustachian Tube. When this tube is
Inflamed you have a rumbling sound or
imperfect hearing, and when it is entire
ly closed Deafness is the result. Unless
the inflammation can be reduced, your
hearing may »be destroyed forever
through the blood on the mucous sur
faces of the system, thus reducing the in
flammation and restoring normal condi
Circulars free. All Druggists.
F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, Oh*o.
Cures Malaria, Chills and Fe
ver, Dengue or Bilious Fever.
It kills the germs.
Legal Advertisements.
Atkinson Sheriff Sale.
GEORG I A—Atkinson County.
Will be sold before the court house door in
said county, at Pearson, between the legal
hours of sale, on the first Tuesday in July,
Hixty five acres of Ix>t of Land number
Three Hundred and Ninety-Two. in the sth
land district• ol formerly Coffee now Atkinson
county. Georgia, and described as follows:
Beginning at a point on the east original
land line of said lot. 440 feet south of the
northeast corner of said lot and running
south 89 degrees west 1.659 feet to the eastern
edge of the Georgia and Florida Railway
right-of-way: thence south 44 deg. vyest along
the eastern edge of said right-of-way 831 feet
to Cypress branch: theuce south 40 deg. east
along said Cypress branch 2,467 feet to the
east original land lot tine of said lot; thence
north 1 deg. west along said east original
land lot line to point of beginning a distance I
of 2.760 feel. Levied on and to be sold as the
property of Mrs. Boyaee Neugent to satisfy
an execution issued from the superior court
of Atkinson county in favor of G. F. Me-
Cranie A Co. This the 7th day of June. 1922.
E. IX Lkggktt, Hheriff A. C.
Sale Under Deed to Secure Debt.
State of Georgia—County of Atkinson.
Under and by virtue of a deed to secure
debt executed by F~ 11. Brown on the first
day of March, 1920, and recorded In the office
of the Clerk of the Superior court, Atkinson
county. Georgia, on the 16th day of April. 1920.
in Deed Book 1. Pages 352-4. the undersigned
will sell for cash before the Court House door
In the city of Pearson. Atkinson county.
(Teorgia, on the first Tuesday in July. 1922.
between the legal hours of sale, the following
described property, to-wlt:
Forty (40) acres more or less of land lot No.
Eight (8> in the 7th District of Atkinson
county. Georgia, bounded on the North by
lands of J. D. Wall, on the east by lands of;
Isom MizelL on the south by lands of Georgia
Land Owners Company and on the west by
lands of Mrs. J. H. Wall.
Said property will be sold to satisfy the bal
ance due on a promissory note dated March
1. 1920, and secured by deed to secure debt
above described. The undersigned will exe
cute and deliver to purchaser deed to the
property above described.
This 31st day of May. 1922.
Ssssoms Land and Securities Company.
Mims’ Iron Tonic
The great Irish remedy relieves the
pain. It drives out Malaria, purifies the
Blood, and is useful in the treatment of
It gives good rest at night, good appe
tite and quiets the nerves.
It is good for young and old, and will
buildup those who are old and all run
Can be bought at the following places:
Axson. Georgia.
and F. E. McNEAL,
t Pearson, Georgia.
1 00 PER BOTTLE - MONEY back if
*P 1 •\JKJ no good results is obtained.
For further informatLn write us at the
home office, and we will be glad to mail
you a book of testimonials or a BOTTLE
The Home of the Great Irish Remedy,
In Stock and kor Sale
State Warrants, Justice Court Summonses,
Justice Court Executions, Bond for Title,
Attachment, Affidavit and Bond,
Justice Court Witness Subpoenas,
Garnishment, Affidavit and Bond.
Garnishment Summonses, Warranty Deeds
Claim Affidavit and Bond, Quit Claim Deeds,
Send orders to TRIBUNE, Pearson, Ga.
Low Interest. Quick Service.
Long Loans. No Renewals.
Made without delay at 52 to 7 Per
Cent. Interest.
Loans on Improved City Property at 6 Per Cent,
Come to see us L. A. HARGREAVES and H. L. LANKFORD,
Pafford Building, Pkarson, Geobgia
Firelightning,Tornado, Automobile, Etc
Tyler, Pearson & Winn,
We Represent Leading Companies, jt-